Ammar Alshukry – The Etiquette of Friday

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The upcoming football game is discussed, including the return of the drummer's clothing and the return of the drummer's appearance. The importance of dressing well and avoiding distractions during prayer and the weekend seasons is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to be ahead of the day to avoid missing important events and avoid distractions.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah number two who when standing in holiness, the funeral on Earth, we live in shallowly unforeseen. Our women say Dr. Medina, Mejia had the halo further medulla one minute little further ha ha shadow Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola, chica. Y shadow Anam Hamedan abd Hora Soto salatu Abdul Salam. How

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about Allah? Allah Allah azza wa jal fakie Toby's carry by their own bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Yeah, you Halladay in Allah Hapa toccata. Whether it's a law unto Muslim moon, Okada to Allah, Johanna suta, or Bakula the Halacha community nursing Wahida wahala caminhadas o Jaha wallbeds Semi homemade EDI link if you don't when he says what duckula has led you to Luna be he will not have in Allah Ghana had a camera Kiba

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Tada you have the Dean on a taco Lucha Kulu Cohen's d that used to be a helicopter, Fiddler mama Yatta Allah Allah so Allah who forgot the first hose and I'll be my bad, all praises due to Allah we seek His guidance and his forgiveness and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves and the whispering of our desires, whom Allah guides no one can misguide. And whom he allows to be misled, no one can guide and I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah alone, having no partners and that will have met some of Allah who I didn't send them is a slave and His messenger and his perfect worship. Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, Oh you who believe fear

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Allah is He deserves to be feared and do not die except in a state of Islam. And Allah says, Oh, mankind, Fear your Lord who created you from a single soul and produce from that soul it's made and made from their combination many men and women so Fear your Lord whom you ask each other by and by the ties of kinship, Verily Allah is Ever Watchful over you.

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And Allah says, Oh, you who believe fear Allah and say that which is correct, he will correct for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His messenger that they are indeed victorious,

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as to proceed,

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the day of Friday

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is called the day of Juma because of its nature of Gemma. It's collecting, it's gathering.

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And if you reflect on this day, you'll see that the prayers gathered that people, the five daily prayers gathered the Muslims of a particular block or street have neighbor or neighborhood. The Friday Prayer gathers Muslims of a number of neighborhoods in areas that need prayer twice a year gathers Muslims of an entire city possibly, or a larger collection, and of course, had yearly gathers the Muslims of the world. And I wanted to

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highlight a number of points today in this football on the etiquettes of drummer and they may be things that we've heard many times before.

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the challenge with knowledge is never to simply know a lot of things, but it is always that we implement as much of what we know. And we forget and so Allah subhana wa Tada says with a gift in the Quran for meaning remind, so reminding benefits the believers and so Chawla share quickly seven points. The first point is that Friday is the best day of the year. Friday's the best day of the week. Rather, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says in the hadith of quality, he says Hallo young and polite HMC Yama Juma that the best day that the sunrise is over is Juma. He says fee Hooda Adam Wolfie he was killed Jana Wolfie aqui jemena Mama takamasa Illa Yamuna Juma the prophets of Allah as

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Adam said, It is the day in which Adam was created. And it was the day when Adam was entered into paradise. And it was the day where Adam was expelled from paradise and the Day of Judgment will not be established except on a Friday and the prophets of Allah Allah who is setting them he said not nusseibeh, Kunal aluminio milk Yama that we are the first and the last on the Day of Judgment. Be at the Internet and now oh two and nomoto keytab I mean Commelina shahada yo mama lady Florida I didn't even factor for fee for her and Allah for now. Sudan Afia Tiburon Alia who do other na na sala de vida and so the province of Elijah and send them said that we are the first and the last on the Day

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of Judgment. There were the last to arrive in this world. And we're the first on the day of judgment. And he says that this day, this day of Friday was the day that the Omen before we're seeking and we were the ones who are guided to it. And so everybody else's holidays on the weekend follows us. The Jews are on Saturday and the Christians are the day after on Sunday. And so this day of Friday is the day that Allah subhanaw taala gave access to to the home of Muhammad Sallallahu to send them it is they have such honor such greatness, such prestige that Allah Subhana Allah gave it to us at from the etiquettes of Friday. Number two, is that a person be happy on Friday, and that a

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person dresses well? Allah Subhana Allah says yeah, Benny Adam Hello, Xena Tahquamenon the Quran a masjid Allah

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says oh Children of Adam, adorn yourself in every place of prayer. And this day.

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We are in an incredible fortunate position many of us during the past two years that as much of our economy and our work has shifted to home, where a person has the luxury to come on the day of Friday being dressed up, that a person can adorn themselves that a person can beautify themselves when they're coming to the masjid on Friday. And so taking advantage of that Rasulullah sallallahu de Sydenham says in the hadith of Sandman and fantasy that's reported by the Makati. He says laughter will alert you to normal Juma Wayzata Hello Mustafa. I'm in.

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A man does not based on the date of Friday, that you beat yourself on Friday

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and purifies themselves as best as they can. And that they comb their hair. Oh, yeah, I'm assuming levy Beatty, and that a person places a person wears perfume adorn themselves with perfume from my college philosopher Cobain's name for my Usami Mr. Gucci Bella. And then that person when they enter into the masjid lifer Kobe's name, you don't separate between two people have the etiquettes of Fridays that you don't squeeze yourself into a place we're not experiencing that much now. But some people even if they see a gap in the first row, they'll step over people's shoulders and the promise of the lightest and I'm prohibited us from doing that guy and he does Haiti and Tahiti. He mentioned

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it's the province of the lightest and and would sit wherever he found a spot. He wouldn't force a spot to be created. He wouldn't separate between individuals and he wouldn't step over people's shoulders. And that was sort of loss of license. So my answer to that to the man in law who Filipina who Medina holiday in a dramatic okra, and then that person is quiet. While the Imam is speaking.

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They are undistracted as best as they can, except that their sins are forgiven between one drummer and another. And number three,

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and the Sahaba of the law in whom they had garments that they would only wear for Joomla. They had garments that they would only wear for Joomla. And I've seen villages where people are incredibly poor, and they don't have many garments. But even then, when they come to select their Joomla, everybody will dress their best as best as they can. They have a piece that they set aside for the day of Friday. And that's a beautiful habit that a person can establish. The third is to come early, to come early. The Hadith that we're all familiar with that the prophets of Allah days that said that whoever comes in the first hour for them, I'll call my Baba dinner that that person who comes

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in the first hour of Friday, it's as if they have offered

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in sacrifice an entire camel, how much is a camel worth? It's in the 1000s of dollars.

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Who of us is going to do any 1000s of dollars today. But if a person comes early, and this is of the this is something that students can take advantage of, especially in the winter break, when they don't have a lot of commitments that a person come as early as they can for a drummer. And that becomes the equivalent they have they might have. There might be times in your life where you have time but you don't have money. And so Allah subhanaw taala always facilitates for us ways that a person can contribute and a person can compete even without financial currency in Seoul. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam says whoever comes for Friday in the first hour, it's as if they offered a

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camel. And whoever comes in the second hour, it's as if they offered a cow, what's the cow worth? That's also in the 1000s, low 1000s. But it's also in the 1000s.

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And whoever comes in the third hours is if they've offered a sheep, and we know that from the alternate, that's a couple $100 around $400 $500, more or less. And then whoever comes in the fourth hour, it's as if they offered a chicken and whoever comes in the fifth hour it says if they offered an egg. And so what are the hours that the province of allied is in the midst talking about you take the time of sunrise and then you take the time of Joomla and you divide it into five hours. And that is five slots and that's the hours that are sort of lost a little light s&m is talking about so a person if a person was to just come and sit early for whatever it is that they have and maybe they

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could have Allah subhanaw taala they get this incredible reward coming early.

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Number four, that when a person does come what do they do that they focus on prayer they can and reading of the Quran was a habit of the law and when we pray 10 Rock is 16 Rock as 17 Rock is all before drummer, they would sit and they would pray in units of two and two and two until the huddly gets up and gives the husband and then even after you pray drummer that you pray for rock eyes if you're praying in the message and if you go home that you pray to what can a person recite of the Quran it's recommended, of course that a person recite sort of guff as reported by an Hakim that Rasul Allah Allah they send them segmental cover, so thank God for Yomi. Juma Allah Allahu Allahu

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Allah, Allah who may not know my banal Giamatti, that whoever recites sort of guff on Fridays will have a light illuminated for them, what is between the two dramas and so anytime a person on a Friday and Friday starts on Thursday, Marvel live time so from Thursday, Marvel live to Friday at Mobley of time, that's the only drama that a person reads sort of the gaffer what they're able to have sort of the guff. Also number five sending a lot of cinema patola light is the province of Elijah send them says in the Hadith this report about everyday he says in the mean of blood a yummy Komiyama Juma fuck through either Yamuna Salah TV in

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nosological Mandala tonight Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam says that the best of your days is Friday. So increasing your salah upon me because your Salah is presented to me and the Sahaba of the law in whom they said Yasuda Allah is our Salah presented to you, even after you've passed away, and the Rasulullah sallallahu de Sydenham said in Mullah Tabatha data Hello, I'm I've said an MBR.

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That Allah subhana data has prohibited the Earth from consuming the bodies of the prophets. And so the Salah is presented to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam when Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam says, you make a lot of Salah and upon me like how much is Allah? Is it 100? Is it 10? Is it three is it 1000? Like how much is a lot? And so the scholars mentioned that the minimum for a thought is 10. So if a person sends 1010 10 Salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or more Insha Allah, Allah then they will be of those who have sent a lot of salam ala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a six etiquette is to

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be quiet. When the hadith is speaking, the Prophet sallallahu SNM says Malema said husafell Kudla, that whoever touches a pebble during Joomla, then they have committed vain speech. And we're prohibited from vain Speech and Drama. And so many times we're just so used to our phones, that a person comes in, they sit down and they just start typing aimlessly. Or, you know, I've sat next to people who are buying stocks during Juma like, it's not just children, we're all unfortunately addicted to our phones. And so a great habit for a person to do is to you know, leave their phone in the car and so I'll let you will be able to we'll all be able to survive for 15 minutes. Hopefully

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inshallah Tada or turning it off and putting it into airplane mode, not distracting yourself, keeping in your pocket for short, but not distracting yourself with anything for that period of time. The Prophet sallallahu said and

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prohibited us from that. And he said that whoever touches a pebble, simply a pebble then they have committed vain speech. Don't even say Salam aleikum when you're entering upon the Hadith and don't respond to any set arms and don't tell anybody to be quiet so much. So the prophets of Allah is no, you've rebut us from that. So if someone's speaking that you don't even tell them to be quiet, you make no gestures to anybody, you just stay as still and as silent as possible. The whole thing by itself has this incredible sanctity, the only person that you're allowed to speak to of course, during the hutzpah is the huddly themselves, that you address the heartbeat. And number seven, the

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last of them is, of course, the great period of the Prophet sallallahu. Sydenham said that there is an hour on Friday,

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that no Muslim

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coincides with it, except that they are given what they have asked for. And the Prophet saw the lioness and then didn't tell us what that hour was. And so anytime that the Shelia tells us of the great value of something and doesn't tell us when where, what, then we know that we're being encouraged to seek it out as best as we can at all times. And so we know that there is a great name of Allah, that if he is requested by then he responds, but we're not told what that name of Allah is. So you seek out all of the names of Allah or No, we were told that there's a night of power Nayla to cover we're not told so we seek out all of the nights of the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

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Similarly, there's an hour on Friday, what hour is it? We're not told. And so we seek out there in Charlotte, it should be a day of your although the scholars mentioned a number of positions that they consider to be stronger than others and of them is the last hour on Friday of them is when the hot leave is giving the football or when he sits down in between the two holes. But in any case, let this day be a day of incredible do we ask Allah Subhana Allah to accept from us and I say what you have heard and I seek ALLAH SubhanA diatas forgiveness for myself and for you.

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hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while it was like visiting Seaman cathedra. For those of you who are just joining we spoke briefly about the virtues or some of the etiquettes of the day of Jamal Salafi giovane. I mentioned quickly seven, I'll just recap them here. Number one is that it's the best day of the of the week. Number two, that it's a day where we're encouraged to dress well as best as we can to be to adorn perfume for the men. Number three is to come early. Number four is to focus on prayer they can and Quran while we're here. Number five is the sense that I'm upon the prophets of Allah do send them because the prophets Allah sent them commanded us to increase our

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sending of cinema him Friday. Number six is to be silent and engage the hutzpah without distracting yourself and number seven is to make dua throughout this day because there is an hour in which your is accepted. So we ask ALLAH SubhanA data to accept from us our actions and to accept from us our saw

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Law and to make us of those who hear the speech and follow the best of it. Aloha, my name is Erica Jana Makabe Hammond Korean Rommel whenever the becoming a narrow Makabe Hi McCollum, Aloha Martina fusina Taqwa Cantus Edelman's A ka Antonio hom Hola, Aloha maximum dynamic sciatica magically behaving in our vein Mr. Sciatic women tried to come out to the Laguna Beach and attack Amelia Kinema Tahoe you know we highly animosity but dunya Montana long maybe a smile you know upside you know go out in the market and out of your home or come out of bernisa Lyra, Aloha Mishri Madonna and model did obviously mean what her maternal mortality Muslim in Allah Houma will fix overnight and

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follow along with Gerald via antenna to him a little bit. It really did start to hit me a little bit. It was still a lie that said I'm having multiple men lots of lots going on.

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