Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Al-Jumuah #04 Surrender to Allahs Plan to Find Peace
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Allah is so powerful he doesn't have to become visible in how he exerts his power. Latif only Maya Shah, he is subtle in how he does things delicate in how he is dusting nearly unnoticed and how he does things, you know, in some things is very obvious and some things is very delicate and invisible. And that's actually one of the great manifestations of the might of Allah Azza wa
salaam article
below salatu salam more I also did that while he was married and my barracks are older bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, who said the holy law EMF is somehow it will manifest or the molecule could do sin Aziz al Hakim.
Rubbish actually somebody will say the emery Luna Roxanne will certainly have Coco coli. I mean your brother I mean, once again everyone somebody congratulate Allah ricotta. We're going to start talking about the name as Malik of Allah. So Allah is uniquely described himself in the Surah on the opening IO with four names of Malika for those that are Caesar Hakeem many places in the Quran, Allah mentions two of his names together, like as usual Hakeem Afolayan Rahim, things like that, right? So this surah is unique because the opening has four names together. So that is a special feature of the surah. So the first of those names is a medic, it's used rarely in the Quran. It's
not as common as you might think. But let's talk about a little bit of where the word medic comes from. So the word men neck are the verb Malacca actually has to do with making something hard like you know, when you make the dough and the bread, and the dough becomes tougher, that's actually some leak of the bread.
From it also comes the idea of the Milaca of shrimp. Something is the foundation of a building, or something that you build on top of medical clinic is the middle of the road, meaning the most firm part of the road called Immokalee. That button Maluku the feet of an animal that it's centered stands firm on there, also called the milk of it, meaning all of it has to do with firmness, toughness, stability, that sort of thing. These are the meanings in it when you have control over something that's called Malacca handshake, or you know command over something as a Malacca medica. And if so, who to have control over yourself is more liquid knifes if you're able to control your
emotions, or if you're able to control your behavior. So these are the word keeps having to do with Kingdom or actually the control and power and stability. These are the recurring themes inside of the word milk, then comes the idea of when you hold something firm in your hand that you have milk over it. So it's something firmly you're grasping something firmly so it's actually interestingly also used when a man is very possessive over his wife than they actually say mother because it doesn't mean he owned the woman actually means is very possessive over a very dominating or controlling over her etc. Now, how is this used for Allah in the Quran? First of all in the Fatiha
we have two readings Matthew Medina and Medicube. Within right so Malik and Malik are two different words. So let me help you understand them in easy language. Malik means owner. So I'm the Malik of this laptop, the Malik of this laptop. But I am definitely not the Maalik of this laptop, that would be a little bit dramatic of me because I am the owner of this laptop, but I'm definitely not the Sovereign King ruler of this laptop. Okay, so you can own a car, you can own a pen, you can own a shirt, but you can't declare yourself the Sovereign King of your T shirt. It's it doesn't make sense. So, the the idea of Kingdom is vast. The word Mundek is used for vast territory, that you can
be the king of an island, you became the king of a country king of an empire etc. Right? In America we use the king very loosely this is the this is the king of pizza. And as the king of you know tires, the tire can come to the tire King for your special discount etc. So these these words can use loosely but the idea of Kingdom is actually a vast empire of some sense. Interestingly, a phrase in the Quran combines both of these concepts. Malika bulc, Kalinda, Houma Malik al molk, right, which is two different concepts. It actually means the owner of kingdom so the word for ownership is milk, milk, so it would be manly can milk or medical milk. So when will be the owner of ownership or
the king of kingdom. But Allah fuse the two phrases together. He said Malika milk which means the owner of kingdom. So let's understand the difference between owner and King a little bit deeper. When I own something, like if I own this machine, that I'm engaged
When I'm taking care of it, I have more direct access to it. But if I'm the king of a nation, do I have control over everyone living under my nation? No, because all generally I have authority, but I don't have direct reach to everything that's under my kingdom. I have to have advisors, governors who have to have their own soldiers or their departments and those departments have lieutenants, and so on and so forth. right until you get to, for example, the government is at the top you have the president or something right. And the old days you have a king, and at the bottom, you have somebody working at the post office. But the post office worker works for a department which answers to a
department which answers to the department and eventually goes up all the way to the ultimate authority, you understand. But in that little department, he acts like he's the king and the post office guy. Right and, but the idea is that he's the Melek doesn't do direct engagement with a Malick does. The mallet does direct engagement. Allah takes both of those names and fuses them together when he says Malakal molk another name of Allah is Malik in the Quran. Fi McCarthy said kin ENDA Malik and Moqtada Malik means the one who will always stay the king it says some so far so the one who will remain King forever because kingdoms was what comes in your mind when you come when you
think of Kingdom somebody inherited the kingdom or somebody you served or took or kingdom by force. That's how you get kingdom and eventually that King whoever took it is going to get old and he's going to either have a brother or a son or a younger son versus an older son some drama is going to happen right and kingdom is going to get passed on the king cannot hold on to the kingdom forever. Allah's name is also Malik which means the Forever King the Forever King that's one of Allah's names okay then the The interesting thing about the word Malik when it comes on its own I will manic it's both times associated with two times associated with that liquid dose the next name that's coming
I'll medical produces here, and Milliken kudos will also come in soon to hasher Okay, so I'll medical producer salami widow Haman right there. And of course there's also the phrase, Fattah Al Allah who will medical hack, which means how high Allah is the ultimately deserving King, the King who is the King who deserves to be the king, also, because when you think of kingship, you always sometimes think of a person who doesn't deserve it.
Right? They don't they truly deserve to be the king. They're the useless prince that became the king, or these people, they took over power, and they unjustifiably took over the kingdom and therefore they became the king but they're not the rightful king. You know, so many movies you haven't seen because your Islamic are about fights against the ungrateful, unjustified King, and the rightful King comes and wants to claim his you know, make his claim on the throne and there's a whatever drama happens, right? So the idea of medical health is the rightful king. And Allah mentions over and over again in the Quran. LaHood Mulk. He owns all kingdom. He owns all kingdoms.
Very interesting concept. Allah Himself is the king. But then he says he owns all kingdom. What's the difference between these two? One is about Allah himself. He's the king. The other is every king that ever existed, is actually owned by Allah he owns all kingdom. Like he owns he decides when they live in when they die. Here they are thinking they decide when someone lives and someone dies. But actually Allah is deciding whether they live and whether they die, which is why Allah says the whole MOLKO Allah will ye where you meet the whole work. You know, like in SOTL Hadid le Homolka sama Watty. When you're here you meet, he owns the kingdom of the skies in the earth. He gives life and
He gives that you're distracting them. They're looking at you. There. There's so many people looked at you right now. It's like, I wanted to look at you. This that's what happens.
I keep I keep an eye on you people. Okay, anyway.
Do this a long time. See, I have no problem with awkward moments. I've missed soccer. Soccer happens was one time I was giving a football this guy got a phone call first row. Okay, if you're going to pick up your phone, at least be in the back row. He's in the first row. And you know, some people when they get a call long distance call. They think it's still 1975 where they have to talk extra loud. Because you're going across the ocean. It's a whatsapp call dude. Everybody gets the same message. Like it's not a different. Hello? Is everything okay? Yeah. How long ago and it was good. Yeah. Over Over and out. It's not a walkie talkie man.
So the guy starts doing this and I was like in the middle of a hub. I was like,
I just stopped my hobo.
I was like, this is a really interesting conversation. Let me just finish.
So he took a full 90 seconds finished his comments, I was like his uncle. Okay, he goes, Yeah, it was okay. It was okay.
So a medic actually has to do with rule, ownership and control. Let's talk about these three concepts rule ownership and control. Is it possible that you can have rule without ownership? For example, the government you live under has rule. But does it have ownership of your property? It doesn't, right. So there's some level of your own ownership, even though somebody else has the rule, you have.
The flip can happen, you can have ownership, but you don't have what rule, you have ownership over your car. But you don't have the rule over it to drive however you want. Okay, you can you can even you can have ownership over your house. But there are rules in your neighborhood, and you cannot modify it however you want. You cannot make whatever changes you want. There are regulations in place, you have ownership, but you don't have rule. So those two things can exist separately. You can also have rule without control. The government in a country can have rule but his crime still happen. Yeah, so they have rule but they don't have control. Okay, forget crime. Even in a
government, the president, there's a vice president, as a chancellor, there's whatever other roles, does the President the higher level authority? Does he necessarily control the behaviors of everybody in his own office? No, no, in fact, forget government, even in a business, if many of you run a business, you are the owner of the business. So you have the rule. And your own employees are not under your control, like the moment you look away, things are happening. And even when you're looking, they're looking straight at you and doing the wrong thing. You're like,
Why did I hire you? You know, so So anyway, so you can have owners, you can have rule without control, you can also have ownership without control, a man can own a horse, for example, and the horse is not under his control. Right? It's not under your control. And, in fact, one of the most interesting examples of ownership, supposing ownership is our body. Right? If you if you think of one thing that you have complete autonomy over it's your own body, but I don't have control over, you know, things like my cholesterol, or, you know, my heart rate, or, you know, I can't control those things, the way that I would like to, I cannot control aging, the way I would like to, it's
not under my control. You know, my if you're, if your eyesight is getting weaker, you can't control that, you know, you can control your energy. So you don't even actually have we have some level of ownership over our bodies, but we actually don't really have control. So, there when Allah describes himself as ultimately, Al Malik, he's taking all three things at once. He's taking rule, he's taking ownership, and he's taking control, which in the real sense, nobody else can have. You can't have all three, yourself. It's impossible. And that's why he's al Malik the ultimate he's not just a king, he's the ultimate King. Now, the other interesting thing in another IRA in Atlanta, Milan,
Allah did something really remarkable when it comes to Kingdom or ownership.
Allah separated it from dignity. He says two things, Malcolm and Tasha, were Tenzin unwelcoming Tasha, what resume and Tasha wa to the lumen Tasha, he separated those two concepts. In other words, Allah says, You we tell Allah we ask, we declare to Allah, you give kingdom to whoever you want, and you take it away from whoever you want. And you honor whoever you want, and you humiliate whoever you want. You know what that means? Sometimes Allah will take kingdom away from someone, but they still have honor.
Sometimes Allah will give kingdom to someone but they have humiliation. separate concepts. In this world, we think whoever has Kingdom has honor, and whoever has no kingdom has been humiliated. But Allah says No, those are that's a separate thing that he gives and takes away and honor and humiliation are separate things that he gives them takes away. So for example, Ibraheem Alehissalaam has no kingdom, but he's honored. And the mood has a lot of kingdom, but he's humiliated. You understand frown has a lot of kingdom, but he's humiliated. And Musa alayhis salam has no kingdom but he's, he's honored so he can give and take as he wants. And then he can give both to someone he
can give honor and kingdom like the older they set up. So the minor they said we can give both to them. Or he can take both away from them like a UBI. These are you know, you can be humiliated by his family and even tested in that way or use of how they set up. He's been humiliated by people being falsely accused to be thrown in jail, and then he can give both back to him. He didn't give them he gives his reputation back
Lucky give Kingdom time, authority Tam, both of those came back to him. So this is up to Allah azza wa jal. And when we think of Allah as a medic, some of these things have to be kept in mind. But I want to dig into Malik as medic some more more than even some of the other names. So when you think of the concept of Kingdom, what are some thoughts that come in your mind? First of all, is its vastness. You know, a kingdom is only a kingdom, that's one square kilometer. It's not really a kingdom. But how large is the Empire? How big is the kingdom like the, you know, the British Empire for example, at some time, you know, or did the Spaniards when they expanded at some point, right,
the Roman Empire before them, the Egyptians the great Egyptian empire, you think of their vastness, like even Allah mentions this vat concept of vastness of Kingdom when the pharaohs spoken the Quran. Francaise, Elisa Lee will call Misra. Do I not alone own the Kingdom of Egypt? Well, how the hill and how rotated even takhti? Don't these rivers flow under my feet?
So what's he referring to the vastness of the kingdom now we're doing to speak of Allah with the word King. So when we think of Allah as kingdom, one thing we should think about is the vastness of Allah as kingdom, the size, the expanse of Allah's kingdom, you know, when you when I walk into when I fly into Germany, I have to show my passport to be able to enter this kingdom.
Give me whatever name governance, sovereign nation, right? But I have to I have to, I have to now observe the laws that apply here, the driving rules that apply here, if I go to England where everything is wrong, that I have to drive
on the wrong side and the car, you know, everything's wrong. But I have to do that because that's what's right there. Okay. So, the idea is, when you walk in, you are under the rule, the territorial rule of that case. And then there are signs right like there are, you know, the manifestations of its might police military, the monuments, the castles, the military arsenal. So Allah azza wa jal says that people that like to show off their power like the like Americans like to show off their power with you know, the flag and the eagle and a machine gun or whatever that's their that's their thing. That's their symbols of power right military might write a militant nation. Well, you know,
Allah describes num rude for example, who like to show off his power right alumna in under the Hydra Ibrahim fer Bayonetta, hula hoop, did you see the one who debated against Ibrahim or they said I'm only because Allah had given him kingdom, he wants to show off how powerful he is. He's going to kill someone, whoever he wants, he's going to let somebody live. Right demonstration of His might. By the way, interestingly, the most powerful sustained powerful nations don't like to show off their my,
the nations that are truly powerful, that have to show it people recognize it anyway.
But they don't have to do it, you know, the nations that are unstable politically, you know what they have to do, they have to keep reminding their people who's in charge.
So they have to keep putting a picture of their king or the ruler in every place. So hey, don't don't forget, as your King and King before you go to the bathroom, just say hi to the king and then go to the bathroom.
You know, so they have to do that. Because there's no recognition of that power, it has to be forced on the people. But when a kingdom is stable, when the kingdom is stable, you don't have to have flags in your face all the time. You don't have to have the reminder of who the king or the authority is. You don't have to do that. Because it's already the manifestation of its power is actually the how smooth the kingdom is running almost as though government in political science, the government that is the most invisible is the most powerful. You know that and the government, that's the most visible, meaning you have to bring the armies out in the tanks out on the street, and you
have to have soldiers going down the street that shows you how weak that government has become because they cannot control their nation. You understand? If you think about it from those perspectives, we're on the one hand, Allah's Kingdom is very obvious. The entire universe is Allah's kingdom. But Allah not enforcing his rule in the most visible way, you know, a va had well Walton, which was taught to us in sort of hadith is actually one of the ways you can think about the manifestation of Allah's power. Allah is so powerful, he doesn't have to become visible and how he exerts his power. Latif only Maya Shah, he is subtle in how he does things delicate in how he does
things nearly unnoticed and how he does things. You know, in some things is very obvious and some things is very delicate and invisible. And that's actually one of the great manifestations of the might of Allah Azzam.
Here's what's coming up in the next episode and this deeper look of Surah Al Jamar
What does Allah say is an ayah in the Quran, history is an ayah the mountain is an ayah this
Sky is an eye on the animal is an eye on my body is an eye on what's going on inside my chest as an IRA.
All lived experience is a set of what I bought and each one of them becomes valuable because they are i Art of the king. So he there are two kinds of eyelets in the Quran, there are Ayat all around us and they are Ayat of his revelation. But they both go they are valuable because they are Ayat of the king. Just like the king of the the cup of the king and the Sunnah.