Ammar Alshukry – Allahs Beautiful Names #08 This Is How Allah Grants You Complete Protection
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Assa T the concealer. A Satya doesn't appear in the Quran. But it does appear in the Hadith of the prophets of Allah. They said live in Hadith report about Buddhahood Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam says, in Allah Hayyan city run, that Allah subhanho data is modest and a concealer, he loves modesty and concealment. And so if any one of you baits they should conceal themselves. So popularly, the attribution of yes that it is done, you know, people say yes at it, especially when a calamity happens, or when they're afraid of something, or when someone trips or something like that, whether it's a minor or major calamity, but sadly, it isn't one of the names of Allah subhanaw taala city,
it is the name of Allah. So a person says, Yes, it did. Funnily enough, I remember being in my village in Sudan once and somebody tripped or something like that. And I said, Yes, it did. And everybody started laughing at me. And they're like, oh, this funny American. He doesn't speak Arabic. Well, it's Yes, I did. And I tried to explain to them that no, it's not. Yes, actually. It's actually Allah's name is a city. But obviously, I wasn't going to win that argument because they were just going to look at me and say, you know, you don't know what you're talking about. But in any case, sitted means to conceal. And the meaning of ALLAH SubhanA dialer being a city, as it may
have dimensions is that he conceals the faults of His servants and he doesn't expose them publicly. He also loves that they conceal their own faults, and that they avoid that which would humiliate them. The fruits of this name, I think are obvious number one is to love Allah Subhana. Allah, knowing His mercy, knowing his forbearance, and that he knows what we do, and he doesn't expose us, ALLAH SubhanA data knows all of our shortcomings all of our mistakes and he hides them away from people. Even Josie said, if people are amazed by you, then they are only amazed how beautifully ALLAH SubhanA data has concealed your faults. The second fruit is to be shy from Allah subhanaw
taala. Knowing that Allah sees you should make one ashamed that Allah subhanaw taala conceals their faults. Again and again and again. And thirdly, that you adorn yourself with this characteristic, loving for your own sins, to be concealed, and also loving for the sins of your brothers and sisters to be concealed. Not wanting for them to be exposed, not wanting for them to spread in society. Allah Subhana Allah says it's sort of north in Lithuania, a boon and the sheer alpha to feel that the nominal Nomada when I didn't move in dunya will ask Allah, Allah Who Yeah, and the more interim Allah Allah, Allah Subhana Allah says those who love that immorality should be publicized should
spread amongst those who believes they will have a painful punishment in the dunya and the Hereafter. And Allah subhana data says ALLAH knows and you do not know this is a threat for everybody who does that whether it's through the vehicle of art or music or film, TV or social media, or through academia or through any other cultural catalysts such as fashion, they need to be very aware that they don't become a vehicle for it to spread for ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada promises them painful punishment in this world in the Hereafter, the province of Elijah said and he says all of my Omar forgiven material alpha, Elon, Bucha hero, so this is with regards to concealing your own
sense. So how did they didn't know what that word meant? They said, you know, sort of Allah who are the Mujahidin? Like, who are they? And he said, a person who commits a sin at night, and Allah subhanaw taala, conceals their fault. And then in the morning, they go out and they say, oh, so and so I did such and such last night, they uncover the cover of Allah. So this was a person whom ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada had concealed their sins, they committed a sin at night. And then in the next day, they go, and they brag about it to their friends on social media, or they bring those sins into the public sphere somewhere, those people are not forgiven. And people might think like, I don't want to
be fake, I want to be real by hiding your sins isn't being fake, hiding your sins is not hypocrisy, hiding your sins is Iman, it is what Allah Subhana Allah and His messenger would love for you to do, that you hide your sins, that you hide the sin of others, and that you don't investigate into the private lives of the Muslims. Because we're social creatures. At the end of the day, we're influenced by the actions of the people around us. And our environments play a crucial role in what we allow for ourselves. And so if I make my sins public, then I make it that much easier for someone else to do the same thing, I would have influenced them in a negative way in that moment, and I
would have become in that moment and instrument for the message of shaytaan instead of an instrument for the message of ALLAH SubhanA data into messenger. You know, I once had a very close friend of mine, and he told me, this is after years of spending time together, he said, and Hamdulillah I Finally Quit smoking. And I was surprised by the question that I was asking him, I said, when did you start?
I didn't realize that he had been smoking. You know, he was one of my closest friends throughout college and high school and you spend an incredible amount of time with people. And he hid the fact that he smoked really well. But what that allowed for him to do is to never let smoking become a part of his public identity. He never influenced anyone else. He never befriended people based on a shared vise it was so that in his own time, when ALLAH SubhanA data gave him the ability to conquer that sin he was able to let go seamlessly and as far as hiding the sins of others, the province of Elias and him says women settled on Muslim ancestor hula for dunya and akhira. That whoever conceals
the faults of a Muslim ALLAH SubhanA. Allah will conceal their faults, and there was a companion in maize, who committed adultery, and his story is mentioned behind him.
Muslim in the books of Synod, he was burdened by the weight of the sin that he committed when he committed adultery. And his friend has brought him total sort of loss of ally they set him to confess. So the progress of Elijah is and I'm tried to dismiss the idea because that's he doesn't want to implement the head. And so he says to him, perhaps you only kissed perhaps you only touch perhaps you only looked at the message No, no. jasola I committed adultery. And he confessed and then in the province, the lightest and I'm still turned away from him and then he confessed again, and the province little lightning said I'm still turned away from him and he confessed again. So in
four times the prophets of the lightest Saddam turns away from him, and then he still confesses four times the province cellulitis and then has him stoned. But he says something incredible to have said that man who brought him and that version what I'm sharing with you is reported by him American Water he says yeah, has said low cetera who be phobic or he said low status to who'd be at that, like kind of feeling like, if you had concealed him with your cloak, it would have been better for you, it would have been better for you to conceal him than to bring him to me for judgment. That shady I loves concealment that she did. I love concealment. And as far as not investigating into the
sins and the faults of others. The province of allied SNM said yeah, my shot I'm an arm and a belly Santa. Oh community of people who believe with their tongues, but the mind yet has not settled in their hearts. Do not seek out the our wrath of the Muslims don't seek out the faults of the Muslims. Don't seek out the faults of the Muslims. Because whoever seeks out the faults of the Muslims, Allah will seek out their faults and whoever Allah seeks out their faults. Allah subhanho data will expose them even if it's in the privacy of their home. And so not seeking out the faults of others not investigating into the private lives of others. That is not our culture. That is not our deen you
don't investigate what ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada has left and has concealed for somebody else. And that hadith is reported by Buddhahood. Then there's the popular question which is okay when am I allowed to expose somebody when can i So Imam and Noah he mentions six types of times in which is allowed to speak about somebody to speak about the faults of somebody to present the false if somebody Tabak by somebody, even the first type of Stovall and when a person has been oppressed, so I'm looking to seek the removal of oppression for myself. The second one is if I'm if I need assistance in changing munkar, I need help removing a transgression back to goodness, if that's their goal, then it
wouldn't be held on the third isn't seeking fatwa. I have a question and I need to go and ask that I need to share some details about somebody like famously hidden beneath by the wife of Abu Sufyan. She came to the province of all lightest, and she said my husband, Abu Sufyan is a stingy person. He doesn't give me money. Am I allowed to take from his money without him knowing? And the province little lady Saddam said yesterday, tomorrow? Yes, within reason. Now, obviously, I was with you and is one of the chiefs of Maccha. He's one of the chiefs of Quraysh. He wouldn't like for his wife him to be going around telling people that he's stingy. In fact, he would love to be known for his
generosity. But the point here is that hence the wife is allowed to come and ask and to share something that her husband wouldn't like about him, because she's seeking to know what is allowed for her. Right. So seeking Fatah so the fourth one is warning people of the harm of somebody, let's say for example, someone is a serial scammer. You know, they're always scamming people in different communities. They go from community community to scamming people. No, no, I need to warn people of that person. They need to avoid the harm of this person. Or number five, the fifth one is someone who's a facet, someone who's unknown transgressor, that person doesn't have that sanctity. So if I
say, for example, I met which I met, I hammered the one from this country, which I met from that country, I met the drug dealer. Oh, you can't call them a drug dealer. He's, you know, no, everybody knows he's a drug dealer. The guy's been selling drugs for 10 years. You can't say no, no, you can't backbite this person, this person is a transgressor. And they don't have that sanctity. If I mentioning that particular aspect, I can't sit there and back by him about every aspect of his life. But just that particular aspect, the last one is to identify someone who someone is known by name like an Amish or a song or I'm, for example, the blind person or the the deaf person, or the person
who's got an allergy to the person with a limp. Like these are some some famous names that even some of our scholars had. But even if it's a degrading nickname, as long as they're not offended by it, and if it becomes something that's a dominant characteristic, or becomes a dominant name that that person has, if it's something that number one doesn't offend them, because even if it offends them, even if it's the most famous name in the world, if it offends them, they're not allowed to be called that by you. But if they say, You know what, I don't mind that at all. That's kind of my nickname. I think it's cute. My grandmother called it to me when I was a kid, and I grew up with that nickname,
right? So if that's the case, then it becomes allowed for you to use it. If it becomes something that that's just their name. That's what people know them as the last thing that I mentioned with you before we close is even Ahmed was asked, Can you please tell me about the private conversation that will happen with Allah subhanaw taala on the day of judgment? And if it almost said yes, on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will bring a servant forward. And then they will be concealed. It will be just be Allah subhana wa Tada and this
servant they will be concealed from everybody else. And Allah subhana to add or say to them, Do you remember this sin? Do you remember this sin? Do you remember the sin? And the person will say yes, so Allah, they'll think that they've been destroyed. And Allah subhana data in that private conversation, Allah will say to them, I can seal those sins for you in the dunya and I am forgiving them for you now. That is a beautiful moment that happens on the Day of Judgment. Allah subhana died is a city that he loves for sins to be concealed, so much so that even on the Day of Judgment, people around won't even hear what those sins were. And so we ask ALLAH SubhanA data, one of the
directors of the province that Elijah Sydenham was he used to say in the morning, Aloha, Mr. Our RT, O Allah conceal my faults. We ask Allah a city to conceal our faults in the dunya and to conceal our faults on the day of judgment, and to forgive them on the day that we meet him. Love. I mean,