Ali Albarghouthi – The Disease and the Cure #3 If everything is already decreed, why make dua

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the history of Islam, including the importance of finding the right person for a job and finding the right partner, as well as avoiding negative outcomes and finding proper evidence to confirm acceptance. The speakers emphasize the need for motivation and finding the right information and evidence to confirm acceptance and patterns in the world that match what one has learned. The historical significance of the "hamrock culture" and "hamrock culture economy" is also discussed, along with the historical significance of the "hamrock culture" and "hamrock culture economy." There is a need for further research to determine their impact on society.
AI: Transcript ©
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Illman herbal Alameen llama in Allah. Rekha Shoukry. Kalahasti Baddeck. My bad.

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So a couple of words in sha Allah before we get into today's portion and discussion.

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First of all commenting on what we discussed last time. Remember the etiquettes of dua that we've mentioned, right? The Times and the postures and the direction and both Ohara and all of this, and all of that, we said it is recommended,

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and they enhance our dua. Remember that?

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Now the question is, are all of these necessary to make dua? Or can you make dua without them?

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What is what's the answer?

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Are they necessary? Or can you make dua without them?

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You can make still dua without them, too, right? So the reason I wanted to bring this up so that we don't complicate do

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so that it becomes a burden that is these turned from recommendations into requirements, so that you're not going to make dua unless you have all of them or unless you have most of them meaning that you're lying in bed you remember something, something troubles you something scares you something sad and zoo, you say, but I don't have although I'll make it to our leader.

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No, no, please go ahead and make dua then right then, right. Now if you have the energy and you want to go and make dua and pray, I mean, make dua Mikado pray and then make dua, then yes, better and better. But if you're lazy, like most of us, right, and you don't want to move and you're ready in bed, but you want to make dua, then make that dua.

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So it's important to understand that they enhance but they're not always necessary. So if you lose some of them, or if sometimes you lose all of them, you're still close enough to Allah azza wa jal, and the doors of dua are still open that you could make dua

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The other question is the someone who was asked he said, If Allah azza wa jal with holes for our own benefit, remember we talked about that right? Allah withholds for our own benefit. He said, Well, I mean, if kind of thinking about it, if Allah azza wa jal grants rather than withhold

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does this not motivate us more? To ask more and to expect more and to be closer to Allah azza wa jal. So granting is more motivating than withholding. So why would hold? If motivation if giving you what are you exactly as for not only delights you but gives you the belief that Allah Azza did is very close, so why not give instead of withhold?

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And maybe perhaps the answer to this is like what we've said before, if Allah Zota knows,

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from you, that if he gave it to you, you would turn out to be a better person, then what would he do?

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He'd give it.

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But if he knew that, if he would give it to you, you would not turn out to be a better person or you would squander than gift or will not understand it, meaning in essence, you are not ready for it. What would he do?

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He wouldn't give it. So yes, like somebody a while ago, right? had asked, I want it to be x, y, z, a profession that pays a lot of money.

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But I couldn't. But why wouldn't Allah Zoda let me be that because if I were that person, I would have so much money that I'll be able to do a lot of good, serving the Dawa, and this and this and this with it.

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The answer could easily be how do you know that that's the case? You think now, that if you have that money, you'd be doing this and that with it. But how do you know that if Allah were to grant you that money, you would have still the same desire and intention and Iman and that that money would not change you.

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So of course, I mean, all of these things are related to how much we are attached to the dunya that we want it and then we make reasons to have it.

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But Allah azza wa jal has and knows the best of reasons. Right?

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Another question

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and it's related to the last one I think before we get into this

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is, if we before we making that dua, we consult we investigate. We praise the hara even right.

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Can I make a dua for that?

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wasn't in it for that thing in particular, I want this job, I want to marry this person, I want to go to this college, I want to be in that country, whatever it is for this particular thing Do I should I make up for it? Or do I leave some space open for doubt? Meaning if it's good for me than granted than if it's not for me, then don't

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we see, first of all, you're allowed to do both.

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The recommendation is the second

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there's a reason why you follow what I'm saying. Right? So can I ask you Allah, I want to marry so and so I want this job. I want this country I want to migrate here I want can I make that specific? Do I say of course you can. Of course you can. You want something? And you're asking Allah azza wa jal for it. Of course you can do this. Or you can say your Allah, if it's good, give it to me. And if it's not take it away from me, which is in essence, what you're saying in doing this.

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Why is it preferable to do the second rather than the first?

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It's not that Allah azza wa jal, right, doesn't know what is good for you. And he's not going to give it to you unless you ask and there's not going to protect you unless you ask, right? That's there. That's already there in the DUA. That's what we believe about him. Subhan Allah to Allah. But it is more so for us.

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It's for us. Because when you're making do ask for something,

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okay, you're already making it because you want it

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and you love it. And the more do you make, the more you get attached to it. I want this and I want this and I want this. And there is here a hidden side that you're not aware of, which is that thing may not be good for you, but you're growing in attachment, and in desperation, so you keep praying more and getting attached even more, not remembering that this thing may not be good for you and it may be better for Allah azza wa jal not to grant it. So when you make that dua, you are reminding yourself all the time, that this may not be good for me. So Allah may not give it for me, and I want the best so Allah azza wa jal should grant me the best, right? So even though you've done all the

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consultation, all the studies, all the research,

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it is ultimately up to you. You want to ask for it, ask for it, you don't want to ask for it. Except with that condition. You could do this, I would, I would recommend that you do the second so that there will be a degree of detachment and balance in your relationship with the thing that you're asking Allah for. Okay.

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Now, we continue.

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And here we have Naka yam Rahim Allah is going to stress a very important point

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that I hope that we will absorb it.

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So he says Rahim, Allah wa cathedra on managing to Ajay in case you following Him the Arabic will Kathira manage to do at eight and Dobbiaco Moon festa de Bella home, that's where we're at.

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It says we often find supplications that people have supplicated and they were answered that they made dua, and he got answered.

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And with this do they have joined? Like there is attached to that due out part of that, that they have

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lodato Sahibi

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the need and necessity and the desperation of the person who's supplicating meaning he is making that dua but also he has that need and desperation in him

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or Isabella who Allah He has Zildjian or his devotion to Allah xojo At the time when he's making that to our Hassan, Takada Magnin, who are a good deed that he has done previously. And for it, Allah rewards him by accepting that do I have his right

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outside of Okta, a Java or it happened that he made that dua at a time when the dua is answered.

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For Yahoo firewall, no one knows for ot Bedava two, so the DA gets answered for you, oh, no one. So a person who's just observing this thinks that the secret is in the phrasing of that dua. So he takes it independent of all the other factors that made it acceptable.

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And then he gives an example but you we understand what he's saying, right? So he's saying a person makes dua gets accepted.

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What a person looking at that, at that acceptance of that do. They look only at the phrase the words they don't realize that there are other factors that made that do acceptable, is not simply what was said.

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But what else

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necessity, like that person was praying out of necessity. So he's desperate. So is completely devoted to Allah azza wa jal or it coincided with a time where do I as accepted, so we got accepted because of that time. Or it's happened because the person who was making the previous to it, he has done something good in his life that Allah likes. So Allah who rewards him for it by accepting that dua. So you see the many factors that could be involved. So the person looking at it saying, oh, is just because of the words that he had used?

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Or another external factor? So he says, Well, how the committee this Damodara Toronto enough, yeah, this is like if you use medicine,

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and it's beneficial medicine and the time that you should use it in the way that you should use it. So somebody else thinks that that's medicine on its own without these other factors is enough to induce and bring healing.

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Okay, let me use his example. And because he says, why the mold, mold on you have a lot of ego, theobromine illness, this is a thing that a lot of people get wrong. Let me give you an example based on his example. So let's suppose that a person goes to the doctor, and the doctor gives him that medicine. He says, You take this medicine on an empty stomach, seven o'clock in the morning, without eating anything,

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and wait half an hour, and then eat. So the person the first day he goes, and he takes it exactly, as the doctor said, but also it happens that when he is taken at his wearing his blue shirt, facing south, right,

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drinking with his left hand,

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and he finds an amazing result.

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Then he thinks that all of these things contribute to the medicine, meaning, if I'm going to take it tomorrow, it's not enough to take it as the doctor recommended, but I need to be wearing what my blue shirt, I need to be facing south, I need to drink it with my left hand. And only then will it work. All of these factors combine in his head thinking that it is these, that he'll

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when he goes to the doctor, or does the doctor say, nonsense, none of these things matter. Right? It's only the things I recommended, but the color of your shirt, your direction when you're facing and what direction the hand, the kind of liquid doesn't really matter. What matters is that you follow my instructions. So in the DUA, you will get some external factors that matter and external factors that do not matter. How do you tell the difference?

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Allah as it it tells you what matters and what doesn't, right, what is effective and what doesn't what is not effective. So let me continue. So I can emphasize it with another example. So he says when we have a data for your EBT, or or in endocarp, he says possible then, that he'd be praying to Allah azza wa jal with earth with urgency, an earnest dua, and he happens to be next to a grave. So a person thinks if that die is accepted that the secret belongs to the grave that I got accepted, because I'm standing next to

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the grave. Right. Well, let me Alamanda Sera, Hallett Rory was a tilde G in Allah He allegedly Illallah he does not know or miss this the fact that the secret is, in being truthful, will Allah azza wa jal in your your request, and in the necessity that you feel and exhibited in your DUA, but he says but that dua if it were to happen in the houses of a house of Allah azza wa jal it will be better than next to a grave right. So, this is the thing that I said that if you understand it, you will understand something that 50% of Muslims don't understand.

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Right? So

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if on social media

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and social media is filled with what sensationalist, fraudulent claims and people, you hear that if you make that dua, your DUA is guaranteed to be accepted.

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And then somebody tells you his own story. Have you seen him? Yeah, how many times many times tells you his own story, I was good at doing this as this I made this dua at this particular time it got accepted. So write it down and repeat it at the same time.

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If you understand what I mean, okay, him to him, Allah has said you will tell him what you tell him. It's not what you said.

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That God had accepted, which is that they themselves made up because more often is a dua that they themselves made up and they also offer you guarantees.

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The mind boggling things are where did you bring the guarantee from

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If it worked for you once, how do you come up with a guarantee like this? Because if you're coding, Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam, you could say what he said, his dua will be accepted, but that you promise that you will get the same result. How do you know? Because I could repeat it by me not be sincere,

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not understand it. There will be things that stopped that derive from being accepted things that I'm doing, how do you promise that dog could be accepted. So in the books also,

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you will find that the chef so and so made a DUA, and they will list that dua. And every time he made that dua, his dog got accepted. And some people jump at that opportunity. Here we have here an acceptable or an accepted do. They write it down, they spread it, they share it.

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We say that that particular shade when he made that dua, and we let us believe it, and if the DUA is legitimate, there's nothing wrong in it.

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We say that person, God has to accept it, not necessarily because of only the phrases of the DUA themselves. But because he was close to Allah and he was sincere, and he needed something from him Subhanallah with the Isla, all these factors combined, and the broad and acceptance, you take that by itself without the other factors repeated 100 times you'll see nothing.

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So the factors are important. That's one second, a person asks, well, is it good? Or is it bad? Can I just take that Doc? Can I repeat it? You say, first of all, whether this is something that you see on social media, whether you read it in the books, first of all, examine the content of that dua, is it acceptable?

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If you're in doubt, don't use it. If it's acceptable, you could incorporate it into your own dua with the

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caution that never elevated above the dua of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam but no, because no one nothing that a person can make,

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can develop on their own can supersede the Tao of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. So don't make the dua of another human being a sunnah.

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Say it once in a while, if you wish. But the DUA that you repeat that you trust, that you believe will bring you results is the dua of Rasul Allah, Allah Salatu was Salam, because he attested that, if you do this, you will hear that from it, or you will get back from it, or it contains these things that make you too acceptable, right.

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So if you do that, go ahead. But make sure first that the content is appropriate. And now, think about all the times that you've heard, that Dr. gets accepted, that data is valuable, I give you assurances I give you this, and I give you that and judge it with that scale, that you now you've just learned

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that the best two out of this, they will have the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, that there are other factors that are involved, and it's not enough for you to have the phrase of a dua or the words of a dua without all the other requirements that make that dua acceptable.

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if what you think is a factor is a terrible thing.

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Just so what he's like what he mentioned next to a grave.

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So, if a person goes next to a grave,

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and they make do are in that spot, thinking that that spot is where do I get accepted? That is a Buddha,

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that is a Buddha and its causes or it could lead eventually based on the person's belief, even into shitcan Allah azza wa jal so you say, but I may do next to that grave and my dog got accepted.

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What do you say?

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You say, did it get accepted because of the dead person?

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No, it got accepted because you were not really that attentive, not that sincere when you're making dua at home.

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But you believe that here you're in a spot when Allah listens to you that believe, made you make us a very sincere DUA and Allah accepted it because of that.

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You see the difference. And you see when you learn, you become smart, and you know, what you could accept and what you could reject, and what works and what doesn't work. So if you receive anything on social media that offers you a guarantee guarantee this dollar will be accepted. I'd recommend don't even listen to it. Cuz no one could offer you that guarantee. And if a person is telling you a personal story, it is no more than a personal story. The best of dua is already recorded and the product already stated by the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. You simply need to take it

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And then enhance the causes of the acceptance of that dua, and then you will be accepted. So here he continues, Rahim Allah and he says,

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What do I will do to allow that? He says the supplications? And what word would you use for protection? Or it's like a weapon was said, I hope you thought I'd be here, that'd be head, the fact

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he says a weapon is also as important in a weapon is not just the piece of weapon that you have, but the person who's handling that weapon. So if the weapon is complete, or sharp, no flaws in it, and the hand that is holding it is strong, and there is nothing stopping it from creating an effect, then it can harm the enemy. But if one of these things are absent, then it produces no results. So if the DUA in itself is not right is not sound. Or a person did not pray with tongue and heart together, okay? Or if there is a reason for the acceptance of the door of reason for them not to be accepted, you're not going to see a result.

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Right? So he says, it's not enough just to say a DUA, just like it's not enough, I give you a sword that you don't know what to do with it. You're not going to be able to use it. So I do that even an inherited dua from the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam that you take it is complete is perfect. But you don't have what know what, how to handle it. It may not produce any result. Until it's what it's the weapon, or the DUA. It sound, it's valid. It's from the Sunnah, it's from the Quran. Also, the person who's handling it is strong.

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You're not sinful. Okay, you are supplicating with tongue and heart. You're devoted. You've done good deeds to enhance the acceptance of that dua. You've done your part. You stayed away from the haram. you repented asked Allah for forgiveness, removing the obstacles, he says, then the DUA gets accepted,

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but a strong hand on its own No, a weapon on its own No, until you have all of these factors combined. Alright.

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Then ignore claim, Rahim Allah,

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he moves on.

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And here he is going to address the relationship between DUA and Kedah.

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And that question comes up often.

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And it comes up even from a person who had been a Muslim for a while.

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Who simply you know just comes into their head if everything is destined than one make dua. And I want you to see how ignorant I am Rahim Allah answers it, right? And what's the evidence that he brings, and I want you in sha Allah, like everything in this book, I want you to be able to absorb it not simply for you to understand it.

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Because that's easy. I want you to absorb it in ways that you will be able to explain it. If somebody asks you that question, you know what to say you have the example ready, and you can share with them that example. So it's convincing. Okay. So he says, This is a famous question, which is if something is destined to happen, what do I supplicate or not? It has to happen.

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Okay, whether a person supplicates or not, and if it's not destined, it's not going to happen, whether I supplicate or not so what's the use? So he says, See how

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kind of knowledge conviction belief about something affects what you do. And actually the ties to action and to test Kiya, how you purify yourself, how you relate to Allah zodion How you rid yourself of sin, it's all connected, right? So he says, then a group thought, Well, that's true. The CIO has stopped making dua and they said there's no benefit in it.

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Can you imagine?

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Right? Like when that doubt entered their head and they said well, what is what's going to happen either way why make dua they say that's true they stopped making dua

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and some people actually believe that that is what religion is teaching them. See understand the travesty of non knowing of ignorance that you could stop making too

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hard that will hola Ema 40 JD him Waldo Allah Allah to him moto Naka doon he says and these people with their extreme ignorance

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and misguidance are contradictory for in Natalja Madhavi him YouTube with our tea that a superb Jamie LSB says because if they extend that argument, then they have to eradicate all means to all ends. So he says, then you will say to one of them, and I will just simply translate it

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being full.

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And not thirsty is mean sated with you know, food and drinks. If they are destined for you, and they must happen, they will happen whether you eat or not.

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And if they're not destined to happen, they're not destined to happen whether you eat or not. So why do you eat?

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Why do you drink? If it's already destined? Who's hungry? Now?

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You could relate. So if you're hungry now and you're thinking about when is this gonna finish, I can go and eat. That we tell you. If you're a person who is things for the MCAT, that I don't need to make dua, if Allah had written already, that you're going to be fooled, you're going to be fooled. Why do you go and eat? Why do you drink? That's his argument. If you're right, then it should be right here as well. And maybe you'd like kids. So you say if you like kids, and you're destined to have kids, you're gonna have kids, whether you marry or not. So why get married? Right? So you don't really need to marry the coworker, the Java says, like just an extend this argument on and on, is,

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does any intelligent person or a human being say this, he says, Even the animals and Haiwan will be him animals are not as intelligent as human beings. He says they have the fitrah that if you want something, you go after the means so that you would reach the end. So says animals are more intelligent and have more understanding them. These people are because they know what benefits them. So they go and eat and they go out and drink that's in their FITARA.

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And he says, Okay, what a curious about the home. It says I know some of them want to be smart.

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Because the first category is dumb enough, right? That you understand that doesn't work. So some of them want to be smart. He says, what do they say? He says at least a little bit do a bit to him in Derby to Aberdeen Ma. He says making dua is just an absolutely act of worship that Allah rewards you for, but it has no effect. When he asked you to make dua, why? Just for a burdah Make dua so Allah I can reward you, but it produces no effect at all.

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So he says for this person was acting smart, that wise guy, he thinks, you know, it's the same whether you make dua, or you not. Whether you speak or your heart is devoted in that dua or not. It produces no result. And it's attached to the result as much as silence is attached to it. So what he's saying is what is saying basically, Allah asked you to make it just for reward, but it brings no result.

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It says aha, aha, okay, so Mina, Allah, you have another third category of people who are even smarter or thinking they were smarter than that. He says, No, dua is simply a sign that Allah wants to accept that from you. So meaning if Allah leads you to make dua for something that is simply a sign that Allah wants to give it to you. Meaning like, or simply like, when you see clouds in the sky, right? And that they are black and there is wind, that is a sign that rain is gonna come. But you didn't cause them. Right? He didn't cause them so meaning make dua Yeah. But it's just a good sign. It brings no results, brings no change.

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And they said, so is

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obedience with rewards from Allah azza wa jal, so is sin with punishment. These are just simply signs they are there's no cause and effect here. So is if you want to break something, and it breaks, you didn't break it, it just happened at the same time.

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This is Al Qaeda, by the way.

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He managed to sneak some theta in. But you know why? Because it matters because it's based on this, that they stopped making dua

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based on the belief that it has no effect or purpose. So they stopped making dua. So he wants to do what he wants to dismantle that belief. So it doesn't bother you anymore. So he says, they say that when something breaks, it breaks, at that same time that you want to break it, it doesn't have break, because you want to break it, if something burns, it burns, at the same time that you want to burn it, it doesn't burn because you want to burn, meaning you have no influence over things. They just a correlation. They happen at the same time. There's no causation. So they deny all causation. And they say it's all correlation. And it's related to al Qaeda. And he says by that they've gone

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against the senses, the mind, meaning reason, the Sharia and the fitrah and all intelligent wise people who know otherwise he says no, there is another reason. Another category and that category is that Allah with the destined that the outcome of that dua will be accepted. He also does

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Then the DUA itself as a cause for it.

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As you know, as you know, as he destined, that you're going to be fooled because you ate, he didn't just destined that you're going to be full

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on its own, he destined that you will be fooled because of what? Eating and that you will have kids because of marriage. So the end came, but the means are necessary to produce that end, and he destined the outcome of dua because of the DUA that is included in it. Right? That's the summary of what he said. So, if something happens because of dua, he says, let me say hi Nucala II that we do, if something happens because of the you're not entitled to say there's no benefit in the DUA as if it's exactly like you cannot say there's no benefit in eating and drinking in producing the result. Then he emphasizes, there is nothing more beneficial than to

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in getting what you want. And that's why the Sahaba may Allah be pleased with them, the most knowledgeable among this ummah, about Allah zodion and His Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. They used to make a lot of dua, and they used to use to fulfill that condition. What kind of Oamaru if not Hatha be a stone so it'll be here Allah amagno, Hatha Bharat, the Allahu anhu, used to bring on Allah's victory or ask Allah for Allah is victory through this dua, and the DUA was the greatest soldier in his eyes. For Omar dua was the greatest soldier. Among the many soldiers that he had more than the physical soldiers, they actually do ours the greatest soldier, what can a ukwu The US

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Herbie less than 10 Sorona be Kathira when you know Matan Soluna, Mina, Santa, and he used to say to his companions, it says you're not given victory, because of your numbers. You're given victory from above.

00:32:00 --> 00:32:02

This is beautiful.

00:32:03 --> 00:32:06

You're not given victory, because of you.

00:32:07 --> 00:32:38

This, I want you to take it, right, right, and frame it, or write it so that you would remember that you're not given victory, or do you have not achieved because of you? You have achieved because of him meanness, Sama, from above, it descended, and it blessed you. But it's not because of you. So how are you going to bring it down? You ask Allah for it. Right? And what he's telling you, his his soldiers and his commanders,

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is important, because when they were facing the enemy, the enemy was 10 times the number of Muslims or even more. It's appalling unit Subhanallah, the imbalance, hundreds of 1000s facing 10s of 1000s. There is no way that they could win

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on their own. But where does the victory come from? How could those weak Muslims defeat these armies that are part of empires? How?

00:33:08 --> 00:33:10

Meena sama don't saloon, Amina sama.

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And then he also would say said, Rahim, Allah, it needed me to humble Aegir but we're lacking him Madhu for either told him to do it in Malaysia. But he says I don't worry about the answer of my dua. I worry about making it making the DUA. Because if you are guided to make dua, then the answer comes with it. And again, how beautiful that is.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:42

Right? Very beautiful. Because what do you what do you worry about? Like who you ask?

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And you still remain dissatisfied? Because you're waiting for the second portion of it? When Will Allah answer right?

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And then you're waiting and you're waiting and you're anxious, and you're waiting? How he flips this and tells you no, no, no, no, no, don't worry about the second part. The second part is already taken care of. The part that you actually would worry about is the part that you just did, which is the die itself. If think about it, how many people don't make dua

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think about Muslims versus non Muslims. How many people care about Allah has voted or believe in him to make dua, and then among Muslims, how many of us really make dua,

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a minority.

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So he says, Subhan, Allah, your worry, shouldn't be if and when Allah is going to accept that no, did Allah bless me and guide me to make that dua? Am I a fortunate person among those who are making dua to Allah as God says, Once you make it, breathe a sigh of relief? I have done it the most difficult thing was done. The rest is now Allah azza wa jal, you've given it to Allah on your own. You are carrying that burden. This is too heavy, right? When you're carrying something this too heavy, I can carry this. How many felt like that?

00:35:00 --> 00:35:06

Is to I can't carry this on my own is too heavy when you make dua What do you do? You Allah

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and off your shoulders I lost now you know now someone is helping you now someone is next to you. Now someone is guiding you because you have to believe all of this right? But not one

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not two not three keep making that dua keep making it keep making it keep making it because the more that you make it more likely that Allah will answer but most importantly you're always connected to him subhanho wa Taala then the next time you have learned how to make it and when to make it and have often and you have the practice so it's important to make the heart part of our actually your daily routine. Always ask Allah for something. Get used to it for the smallest things and we forget but it hamdulillah as soon as you remember make it here Allah this person on the road is bothering me Yeah, they just kind of move him aside or something like that. Instead of cursing him or

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insulting him. Yet Allah this me I heard this loud nausea alarming and a meat take it away.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:31

Simple things. Yeah, Allah today's food handler was good. But you know, we forgot to put some that in it remind us next time to put that thing, what feel connected all the time to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and that if you want his the need can be expressed i to him subhanaw taala and that you are blessed.

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As long as you're asking, as long as you're asking, you're actually are blessed. So he continues, there's a kind of a verse of poetry here. But basically what it says fundamentally Hema dua, the reader behind each other. He says, if Allah guided you inspired you to make dua, he wants to answer you, he wants to accept it from you, he wants to grant you. So, good news for you, if you are making dua because the you know what Allah azza wa jal wants from you. And He said to him, Allah, He says, Allah says it only SDG bla, come, ask me, and I will answer you pray to Me, and I will answer you what he does, like a bad knee, if you're my servant, as servants ask you about me tell them what he

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didn't say, tell them he says, I am near.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:23

Right? And I'll answer this application of this applicator. So

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he expressed His nearness directly subhanaw taala, meaning as soon as you ask, Allah is what is close.

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Right? And I'll tell you something, you get closer to Allah and he gets closer to you when you make dua.

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in ways that are invisible to you don't know. But you can sense it. Right? You feel it. When you're making dua, and you feel something in your heart.

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Or you sent that's the proximity of Allah subhanaw taala to you and you to him.

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And in the sujood, you feel it, like you're the closest to him, Subhan Allah to Allah in that spot when you're making dua. So if Allah had guided you and inspired you, he did that because he wants you to be close. Think about it, he wants you to be close. And if he wants you to be close, he wants to hear your voice.

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And if he wants to hear your voice, because consider the honor, right, Allah wants to hear from me.

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And then he wants something good for me. So the thing that you want from the dunya is kind of, let's call it the bait,

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the bait for you to come.

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And then Allah azza wa jal brings you in and then you see much more than what you are asking for right.

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he says also quotes the Prophet alayhi salatu salam by saying man, the Museo de La Jolla, la la he, the one who does not ask Allah Allah gets angry with him and we explain why that's the case. But he says it means that Allah loves it when he's being asked, and his pleasure is in asking him Subhan Allah to Allah and needing him. So if Allah is happy with you, all good isn't happiness and all misery and all misfortune is in the anger of Allah azza wa jal, right. And he brings here a, a quote from Kitab Ouzoud book of Zote from Imam Muhammad, and I'm just mentioning him mentioning it here just to make a quick comment about it.

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It says here, and Allahu La Ilaha illa Allah is not only to Bharat he says and Allah, there is no word the word no one worthy of worship except I would I am pleased I bless and there is no end to my blessing. And if I am angry I curse and my curse reaches the seventh child. Right? So this is something from what we're gonna be is a tabby Rahimullah and what we're gonna we're gonna be who was no

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On for reading and coding the people of the book.

00:40:04 --> 00:40:12

So okay, so this comes from them. That's from the books, people have the book, either Old Testament, New Testament, something like that. So

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it's useful Kana to bring it a times and ignore it encoded it here just to show you that when Allah blesses, there's no limit to his blessing. And if Allah is angry, and he curses, there is no, almost no end to it. But that does not mean that you should literally believe that if Allah is angry with the Father, He will curse the son and the son and the son until the seventh generation. Right? This is something from the people of the book, so no one carries the burden of their parents or the burden of their grandparents. Letter 002 Wizard Oakura. No one carries the burden of somebody else. So they just wanted you to understand this tradition, in its proper place in its proper context is

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coding the People of the Book, it's limited in its in its value, just take from it that if Allah blesses, definitely the blessing of the Father reaches the children and the grandchildren and maybe even more, but a a curse or Allah's Anger does not extend right like that.

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He then he says, Rahim Allah,

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that getting close to Allah subhanho wa Taala and pleasing Him and being kind to his creation, are of the greatest reasons that bring all the good in this life. And then the next and the opposite of what we mentioned displeasing Allah subhanho wa Taala and then hurting his creation, bring on the anger of Allah subhanho wa taala. So is mainly what is he wanting to say here? Things matter, and what you do matter, and they bring ends they bring results. So if you obey Allah azza wa jal, your obedience of Allah brings his pleasure. If you disobey Allah azza wa jal, your disobedience brings his anger you matter in what you do. Now, unlike the other beliefs that said, it doesn't matter, you

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know, heaven or *, what we do does not affect it. And he says here, Allah azza wa jal had made it so that the good of this life and the hereafter and the evil of this life and in the Hereafter is all based on what we do. Tara to Al Jazeera Allah shalltear Lulea al al that he will Musa be Allah Saba, meaning it's all cause and effect.

00:42:33 --> 00:43:05

Okay, it's all consequence, condition and consequence. So, whatever you do have good produces good in the dunya and in the earth era, and whatever you do have evil produces evil in the dunya and in the Ashura and here he is refuting an erroneous belief that it doesn't, right. So here we'll have the full Quran he has Edo Allah Elfi Modi. And he says this, a confirmation of that belief can be found in more than 1000 verses in the Quran.

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In more than 1000 verses of establishing cause and effect cause and effect cause and effect. So he says, For thought out the neurotic will hook Malka Barielle county will Amerasia re analyst Phil Munna acid. And we're not going to read all these errors because he caught a lot of eyes here. So I'm gonna let you read them. But I'm gonna condense what he wants to say. So when he says filem Matho anma Now we'll know who and who Cornella home Kuno now let's take the second one fella Mercer. funa intercom Nominum that's the second

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film as a foreigner when they made us angry. We avenged and destroyed them.

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When they made us angry, we did this what he wants to say is what? The second was built on the first. The second was because of the first right

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he says was Sadiq was sadaqa to facto idea Houma, Jezza and Bhima, cassava.

00:44:03 --> 00:44:31

Okay, the male Thief and the female thief, you cut their hands because of what they've done as a recumbents and a consequence of what they've done. So he says if you read the Quran, over and over and over Allah azza wa jal establishes a connection between the end result and the thing that causes it in more than one place. Right? And then he tells you in the Arabic language, Hebrew Allah brings it sometimes this way a ties with the lamb with Dalai lamb that causes

00:44:33 --> 00:44:47

Lamb of causation, okay? Or K of causation or or batocera be the bout of causation, and so on and so on and so on. All of these ideas that he's quoting, Rahimullah,

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He's establishing that cause and effect.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

The conclusion of it, he says will be Joomla in general, the Quran from beginning to end is clear.

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err, and establishing cause of good and evil. Okay? Well, I can well, cotija will Umbria, Alice Bob, there is cause and effect in cosmic matter physical matters and in Revelation And Allah's command, okay?

00:45:19 --> 00:45:25

Why he says, both of these things right, both of these things

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are connected.

00:45:28 --> 00:46:15

That is, as you see, right, as you see that in the world itself, there's a clear connection between cause and effect that even animals recognize non Muslims recognize, and Muslims themselves recognize when it doesn't come to religion. So no one was going to come and sit and say, I'm going to be rich without working. But everybody runs after the dunya realizing that if I don't work, I don't earn money. So everybody implanted on imprinted in their head, there's always a cause and effect. I can't buy the new phone if I don't have money, right? So I have to work. He's not simply going to sit in scuffle, it's going to appear in your lap. So in cosmic physical matters, cause and effect are very

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well established. Right, except among those who are very extreme and think that is just going to happen. But hardly anyone exists among that population today. It says exactly the same thing. Allah azza wa jal, who is the rub of the physical world he's also the one who revealed His commands in the Quran and Sunnah and his command in the Quran and Sunnah the parallel the physical world, meaning that if you want something to happen, you must do something for it to take place. You want Jana has a price. You want hellfire, do whatever if you feel like

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you want Allah Azza to be pleased with you, then you know the steps that you should take for Allah to be pleased with you. You want him to be displeased with you. Allah told you about what displeases Him. So everything gets produced and included in that the DUA and the outcome of that dua. That's his answer to the whole question of what is the relationship between art and what Allah had already destined? He says, Allah destiny is what he distance with its causes. So he does not Duston

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the outcome of that dua except with the DUA itself, and if you compromise the DUA, that thing will not happen, right.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:32

Now, so we said,

00:47:33 --> 00:47:50

well may attack you to other Kaduri says if you're simply going to rely on simply things being destined, your Tawakkol will be negligence and helplessness, meaning I'll do Tawakkol when our work that's helplessness and negligence, that's not the word calling.

00:47:51 --> 00:48:14

You just calling it to a call. Like you travel and you don't pack anything to eat or you don't take any money from you to to support yourself and you say I'll do what Quran Allah azza wa jal know you're commanded to consider the means and the means become part of your telecoil as well. So he says alpha t who could rule for T the truly a person of true understanding, he will Katara will Kadar

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your propel Kadar with Qadr push away further with Kadar, you don't say I'm sick, is destined. I'm not going to take a medicine. What do you do? You run to the doctor. Okay. You don't see somebody who's gonna walk off a cliff, you'll see if his destined he'll fall? If not, then you just observe.

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What do we what would people say? You killed him? By not helping your interference, your intervention saves him. So an intelligent person says no, my action is part of Kadar because if it isn't, I wouldn't be able to do it.

00:48:54 --> 00:49:08

Right? Because it's all decreed and permitted. You try? If it's not allowed, then it's going to bring no result or you wouldn't be able to do it. Then you know, it's not destined. But if there's room then you act

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otherwise, right if you really as he said, will have thought of the huddle Tara masala. If you're going to extend that you would quit your job.

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Because you can't intervene in anything. I have a problem technical problem helped me know if it's destined, it will be solved.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:33

He'll be fired. You will not be able to maintain a job right? Because all job is about assistance and solving problems.

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But you interfere why? Because you know that you want your interference to do so as a result. You have that it's imprinted here that's FITARA Same exact thing in religion. Don't let the shaytaan play with you. Right. So that's the answer to it. But the other but this is this is lead that what is hidden is hidden but what is in front of you is was what matters. And if Allah had given you the space to act, then you act Okay.

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So that's what he says. He says, a prayer a human being cannot live like that, because hunger and thirst and being cold and all the things that you are afraid of and harm you part of the khadar, and everybody goes on to fight these things and remove them. So that's part of kadar. So if there is a destined punishment, you go ahead with Toba. And with Eman which is part of Kadar to push away that.

00:50:29 --> 00:50:33

So or Buddha, Neva hit the Lord, or the rub of the two

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spheres or the two,

00:50:37 --> 00:51:19

the dunya and the earthhero. He's one and Hekmat two who are hidden his wisdom is the same here in there, religiously. And physically. It's the same wisdom and it's the same pattern and it's the same scale. So what you apply here applies there as well. Now, we're not gonna go back to Harbaugh, there is no contradiction between this and that, whether you've talked about, they do not invalidate each other. And that's a beneficial, by the way, way of looking at the world around you, because you will see resemblances between what Allah revealed and what he created. And what he created and what he revealed. Just open your eyes, you'll see Oh, as there is wisdom here there is wisdom there as there

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is a pattern here is the same pattern here. Same patterns. And that is how Allah Azza did would explain some things in the Quran through physical examples, that you will understand what things of the Hereafter things that are religious, right?

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So he says this for her the he must Allah mean Ashrafi Messiah, this is where this is one of the most important matters if somebody truly understands it, and it takes care of it appropriately. He says, Well, I can hear Carla here, I'm Ronnie behemoth at Musa to a fella Hutto, he says, but you still have to do two things for you to actually be actually happy to fulfill your happiness, you have to do two things. The first.

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And both of them are beautiful, by the way. First, he says that you understand that the details of good and evil and the causes of good and evil, okay? You should observe them in the world and understand them from the Quran. So he says, The first that he would know the details of the causes of good and evil and that he would have an insight and wisdom in that based on what he sees in the world. And what we had tried it himself and what he had heard about other nations

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meaning what is good and what is evil, he says you should develop an insight based on what he says based on what you observe in the world around you.

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What what is the path of good and what is the path of evil just based on your observation in the world around you. Then also based on your own experiment, your own history. I did this and it was bad. I did this it was good. Okay, so you have to develop a wisdom based on your own experience. So experience, observation of what is happening around you. And also what you've heard historically about what people have done.

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Present Past and personal experience. That's the insights he wants you to develop based on observation. Hello women and ferrymen P Dalek and what is most beneficial in that area in that arena to the boodle Quran contemplating the Quran, because sufficient to explain this in the most perfect of matters, because it has in it as babbled. Haiti was Cherie Jamia and Mufasa Latin MOBA una it has in it all the causes of good and evil detailed and explained all of them. Right from the Sunnah.

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Then the Sunnah for inertia Cleopatra Quran it's the twin of the Quran while he Allahu Thani. It is the second revelation meaning do the same with the Sunnah. Okay, well Masada either him or Iniesta hooked FRB Hema and the lady Hema he says if you dedicate yourself to both of them, they will suffice to so that you don't even need anything else. And they will show you good and evil and their causes as if you see it in front of you standing in front of you if you really believe. Right? Then he says and I'm going to come back to explain and he says Oh, Daddy, it's after that if you contemplate the news of nations and what happened to them, what am Allah He how Allah azza wa jal

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treated people who are pleasing to Him and treated people who are displeasing to Him. These are called the days of Allah as Odin, how he championed and how he destroyed, how he came to people's aid, how he fulfilled his promise a Yama Allah.

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If you observe all of this, you will find that it matches exactly what you have learned from the Quran and Sunnah.

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and you will find that in detail as Allah azza wa jal had told us and he had promised. And you see from his

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ideas in the universe around you, what tells you that the Quran is true, and that the messenger is true, and that Allah fulfills His promise. So he says at the end of that particular point for daddy who have see religious II at the time he is documenting is giving you examples of the details of the Met what Allah and His messenger had told you about, of the great causes and paths of good and evil. Follow me explain what that means, right kind of, you know, translations, you could be Lawson. So what he's saying he says, he says the Quran and Sunnah, if you just focus on them, they'll tell you the main causes of good and evil in this dunya. And in the effort, if you do this, you will be

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doomed. If you do this, you will be blessed. If you do this, you will go to Jannah if you do this, you will go to hellfire in general terms, and then in very particular terms, how to pray and when not to pray, how to make will do How to cleanse yourself what to eat, what not to eat. So every small evil, all the details of it, you're told

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what to do and what not to do. Included in it right? If you are just you will be blessed. If you will practice injustice, you will see the consequences of that injustice nations will fall because of it. The consequence of immorality is that you will find deficiency in rain deficiency in crops deficiency in, in, in wealth insecurity people hating each other. It's right there in the Quran.

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Right? It's better than reading the news. Because it's an analysis of what you read in the news. Like I divide. I divide the news if you're just reading newspapers, right, I divide the news into kind of two categories. Just news of what is happening.

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Somebody did this, they invaded this, they took this just news. There's something that you read also that is better than that, which is an analysis of it. Why

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not just simply that it's happened? Why is it happening?

00:57:18 --> 00:57:27

What's missing from the analysis is the analysis of the analysis. And the analysis of the analysis is the Quran and the Sunnah. The why is this happening?

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Love of the dunya Ah, now I see manifestations you understand what he's saying. Now I see these people love the dunya so much. Yeah, all these geopolitical conflicts and this person hates that person and this tribe and that tribe, liberals, conservatives, this and that east and west. Yes, but at the end of it, what

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disbelief causes blindness.

00:57:53 --> 00:57:58

This belief in Allah azza wa jal causes blindness. So they're blind, they think what they're doing is right.

00:57:59 --> 00:58:12

So Subhan Allah, if you want to understand it, read the Quran, the analysis of the analysis, read the Sunnah the analysis of the analysis. So he's telling you that the general path of good the general path of evil

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in in, you know, detail is in the Quran and the Sunnah, then if you take that, and you look at history, you look what happens around you globally. And you look also at your own life, you'll find it examples of what Allah is talking about. It will say, Oh, that's another Pharaoh. That's another cartoon. That's another Ebola hub. That's a falling nation. This is why it's falling. This is an ascending nation. This is why it's ascending. This is why there is all of these tests that we're going through. That's why there is shortages of this, this this this this isn't the Quran ambition.

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So he says if you really focus on it, it's sufficient. So if anyone who's studying or likes to study or is interested, history, politics, economics, all of these things, you're missing a lot if you don't understand the Quran and the Sunnah, because you don't understand the world yet. Okay, are you simply interested in the world right and how to fix it? The Quran and Sunnah tell you how. Okay, so move on from the daily occurrences of what is happening into the analysis of the analysis of the analysis, right. So he says, This is the first thing that you need to keep in mind. What is it that know that the path of good and evil in totality and in detail is in the Quran and the Sunnah, but

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also don't ignore observing the world around you to learn from it and also see the examples of what Allah was talking about.

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And he says will amaro Thani and this is something we probably begin but we will not finish today.

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He says well, Umbro 30 And you had a lot of NFC he either had to heal us well, he says the second thing that you

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Want to keep in mind

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is don't mislead yourself and Don't delude and deceive yourself when it comes to these things, the things that ruin a person. The things that bring Allah's forgiveness, Allah's warnings, Allah's promises Don't deceive yourself and mislead yourself.

01:00:20 --> 01:00:34

He says, What are the mean 100 or more this is one of the most important matters, he says. Because the servant knows that sin and negligence heedlessness meaning staying away from Allah azza wa jal

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is a harmful thing in the dunya and in the alcohol. I mean, you know, sin is bad, right?

01:00:42 --> 01:00:51

Well, I can do Khalid Tahuna wssu He says, but his self deceives him misleads him by relying on the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal

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or postponing repentance procrastinating I'll do it later. Or ballistic 40 be sunny Tara or sometimes just saying is tough for Allah with his tongue or doing some some good deeds and thinking that that is enough will be a limiter of meaning that knowledge Allah knows it already will be the Dougie will cut that meaning it's already destined we'll be looking today we'll about a bigger caliber you know some you know great people do this other people are doing it you know it's not only me

01:01:24 --> 01:01:25

and so on.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:29

And a lot of people you know, he's things that

01:01:30 --> 01:01:36

will cathedral mean and nasty Nessie Allah No, no Hello fella Martha makalah stuffer, Allah has Allah them water ha there

01:01:37 --> 01:01:43

is a lot of people think that whatever you do, if you just say stuff for Allah, it will just take the sin like that.

01:01:44 --> 01:01:49

As if what? It didn't happen stuff for Allah and it's gone and I'm back to normal.

01:01:50 --> 01:01:53

We'll call the Roger liminal. moonta Sabena Meenal, filthy.

01:01:54 --> 01:01:58

And he says, and once a person told me and he is a person who was studying.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:19

He says, I do what I do. And then I say subhanallah 100 times, and all of that will be forgiven. Subhan Allah who will be handy 100 times and that will be forgiven. Because the prophets Allah, Allah wa salam said, Whoever says in a day Subhan Allah he will be handy 100 times his sins will be forgiven, even if they are like the form of the sea.

01:02:21 --> 01:03:06

So what does he say? They say I heard that hadith. I know that hadith, I do what I do. Right? And the end of the day, what do I do? I just like clean it all by saying Subhan Allah will be handy. He just takes care of it. And then another says who is from the people of Mecca? It says, if one of us does whatever we he does, okay, father, Hadwin, I'ma fall, he will bathe, and he will circle the house, right? Seven times. And all of that will remove his sins. Right? It will move his sense. So you know what, you understand what they're saying, right? Annie? I'm fortunate enough to be living in Mecca. It says if one of us does whatever he does, we'll just you know, bathe, we shower, I go

01:03:06 --> 01:03:09

and make the last seven times that's it. I'm forgiven.

01:03:10 --> 01:03:16

And maybe some of us have that kind of idea. I'll do whatever I do. And then I'll go to camera

01:03:18 --> 01:03:48

that will forgive everything. Sorry. Or I'll go to hedge they will forgive everything. At the end of my life, maybe right after I've done whatever I wanted to do. He says he says how the movie lotto Neff sing, this is yourself misleading you and wisdom yourself deceiving you relying on that the forgiveness of Allah as noted is so vast that you need so little to earn it and you can you do is you can do whatever you do in return, and Allah azza wa jal will not hold you responsible for it.

01:03:49 --> 01:04:30

And he says, and another told me, okay, but Sahaja Nibi and the whole call he says the Prophet salatu salam did say and it's authentic to him and we'll translate it this when I servant commits a sin and He says, Yeah, Allah I committed a sin so forgive me Allah forgives him. Then after some time, he will say Allah committed another sin and he say yeah Allah I committed another sin Forgive me any forgives them. Then Allah says that it will say my servant knows that he has a Rob who forgive sins, I have forgiven my servant, let him do whatever he wants. So that person says so I have no doubt that I have horrible forgives all sins, so meaning what?

01:04:31 --> 01:04:36

Do whatever you want. i He will keep forgiving because I know that Allah will keep forgiving me

01:04:37 --> 01:04:40

and he says we'll have a bubble mean in sha Allah aka

01:04:41 --> 01:04:59

we know saucy mean Raja Iwata cada Allah. Okay. He says this person have relied on the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal, and that extreme hope and his forgiveness, that if you want to criticize him for the bad things that he has done, he says Allah's forgiveness is great. And he says some of them

01:05:00 --> 01:05:19

They are so ignorant, that they would even say something like, if you aren't going to come and meet the most generous, bring as many sins with you as possible. Right? Right. It doesn't matter. That's the justification because you're coming to the most generous. And he says,

01:05:20 --> 01:05:22

leaving sins.

01:05:24 --> 01:06:12

You know, trying to leave sin is an act on your behalf, that is equivalent to diminishing the forgiveness of Allah so that you are diminishing or belittling the forgiveness of Allah if you want to live since no, in fact, the more that you have, the more that Allah is willing to forgive. And he says some of what's even said in your DUA. Yeah, Allah a secret. I seek Your protection from being protected from sin, right. Mona Lisa, don't make me an infallible person. Like make me a fallible person and so on and so on. And he says some of these ignorant people rely on Destiny Well, I'm destined to do this then you know I'm not accountable. Others are. They rely on the fact that a man

01:06:12 --> 01:06:14

is what a man is what you believe.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:44

Doesn't matter what you do. Right. So even if you are the worst in your deeds, your iman is like the Eman of Gibreel and mica aid because your iman is fully man is what is here and that is in fact, an attitude that people have no that doesn't affect my email. No one can judge my email, I could do whatever you want to do. My email is intact and is perfect and no one dare speak about my Islam and about my Eman but we tell them that's the improper understanding of iman.

01:06:46 --> 01:07:20

Because the man is not just simply what you have in your heart is it and we talked about it before you said what is Iman, Eman is what you have on in the heart right because not only belief, but actions of the heart, loving Allah and fearing Allah and hoping from him and trusting him and relying on him. All this is Iman added to what you say with your tongue added to it also is what you do with your body. So if your body is deficient in Iman your iman is deficient, your tongue is deficient in EMR, your Eman is deficient you drink alcohol and your Eman is complete.

01:07:21 --> 01:08:08

You can add Zina and your Eman is complete. No the Prophet sallallahu sallam said otherwise right. And he said and some rely on loving and for Quran when mache for Salah, he knew you know, I love the pious. And I go to the graves and I you know ask and what have you and you know that is going to help me and some rely on his lineage and his forefathers. My father was good enough to take care of me on the last day. Right? He'll intercede, right? And somehow they think that it works like that in the hereafter. Like as he used to protect you here and come to your rescue, when he sees you in the hereafter he'll just do exactly the same thing if you have a father of that sort. And he says, No,

01:08:08 --> 01:08:12

it doesn't work like that. And so on and so on. And some you know,

01:08:15 --> 01:08:25

rely on the fact that Allah is totally so generous, why would he punish me? Allah does not care about these things. Allah does not care about this matter. And you hear it from some people when they say,

01:08:27 --> 01:08:30

Allah is so great, God is so great, he doesn't care about what you wear.

01:08:32 --> 01:08:34

God is so great to worry about, you know who you sleep with.

01:08:36 --> 01:09:16

He has better more greater things to do. God is not that small. And of course, that is deluding yourself and deceiving yourself. Because if you believe in the Quran, then you know that Allah cares. How do you know like, how do you did you get to know Allah so well that you get to tell us what he cares about and what he doesn't? Based on what knowledge other than your own assumption, and of what it turns out that Allah really cares about this, and that thing really matters. So we could easily say, Allah does not care about a liquid, whether you drink it or not, there are greater things that Allah could worry about. But that little liquid that intoxicate is a cause of all evil.

01:09:16 --> 01:09:58

Right? Or Allah does not care whether you know, you smoke a little bit marijuana, you're not really hurting anybody. You're at home, you're having fun with your friends. Allah doesn't care about that. How do you know that Allah doesn't care? Like did you have access to him? You know your friend. So you know your friend, you understand who he is and what he cares about? What is it? What did your knowledge about Allah as it had come from? Except your own desire for him to look like that? To be like that not to care about these things? What if you discover that Allah has voted in fact cares a lot about this thing? Without the combined new Kamala the avant tomura become confused by tominaga

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

city and that is

01:10:00 --> 01:10:18

What you thought about Allah azza wa jal, and that thought destroyed you, you and me became among the losers. That's what that disbelievers will be addressed with. On the Day of Judgment, you sought thoughts, something about Allah as origin, meaning you didn't think that he knows what you were doing. So they thought that they could escape punishment,

01:10:19 --> 01:10:20

but that destroy you.

01:10:21 --> 01:10:52

So, what do we know about Allah azza wa jal comes not from here, and not from here and not from here, but from up there. And only then do we know what Allah cares about and whatnot. So it will help him is going to, again, he's going to go ahead, and he's going to dismantle that thing. That Malala thought, meaning I could rely on these things, and I'll be forgiven. So he's going to tell you why that is not the case. And why and when you'd be forgiven, and he'll be taught, we'll be talking about this insha Allah

01:10:54 --> 01:11:11

next week. And the is that a person may rely on to say, well, Allah forgives all sins will understand well, that what does that mean? And when does Allah forgive all sins? Right? So let's stop here in sha Allah or benign Amin

01:11:12 --> 01:11:17

and see if you guys want to add something or you have a question in sha Allah, let me know.

01:11:24 --> 01:11:24

When Yeah.

01:11:32 --> 01:11:33

Strong Muslims.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:47

And they also believe in the power of God. So how do you reconcile, make the DUA

01:11:49 --> 01:11:55

and for whatever reason, with you for whatever reason you're making them throughout and the degree

01:11:57 --> 01:12:08

is it possible that you may or may not know that you do I have had an effect on that degree, even though it's still disagree. How

01:12:09 --> 01:12:15

is that possible? That the DUA did influence the decrease or that it

01:12:18 --> 01:12:22

had been accepted? Maybe the way the decree was done.

01:12:24 --> 01:12:30

It didn't happen the way it was tweaked? Is it Is there a possibility? Okay.

01:12:31 --> 01:12:32

Is that a possibility that

01:12:33 --> 01:12:45

the the degree happened, you make you believe in the DUA, and you love you also believe in the degree that it will happen? But is it possible that

01:12:50 --> 01:12:50

could it happen?

01:12:52 --> 01:13:26

No. So could it have an influence on changing that decree? Is that what you mean? Right? So let's think about the decree of Allah azza wa jal existing at two levels Kanika Allah azza wa jal, the cutter that Allah azza wa jal knows very well and it happens exactly as Allah azza wa jal wants it. And that includes everything. Everything, right, that never changes. And there's a decree of Allah azza wa jal that comes down, right? And the DA meets it

01:13:27 --> 01:13:30

and wrestles with it. And the DA changes it.

01:13:31 --> 01:13:39

So it doesn't happen gets lifted, gets removed, gets modified gets softened, right? So it changes it.

01:13:40 --> 01:13:45

But at the same time, we all know that all that outcome is known to Allah azza wa jal,

01:13:46 --> 01:14:15

right. So it's all decreed, right? So nothing is a surprise to Allah azza wa jal, nothing happens, you know, out of nowhere. So Allah azza wa jal, yes, you're doing something happens and illness and affliction, this and that and the decree comes from the sky that is going to descending it, Allah knows you're making that DUA and that die is going to meet it and that die is going to change it is going to change in in that way. So it's going to happen in that way. So it is influential in that. So in that sense, yes. So

01:14:16 --> 01:14:28

as some scholars have said, you know, like the dove a modern hotdog Radi Allahu Anhu he says yeah, Allah if you have written me among the miserable among you erase it and write to me among the fortunate.

01:14:29 --> 01:14:59

Right, if you have written me among the miserable, erase it and write me among the fortunate. He's not asking Allah xojo to change what he had already decreed. Because He Allah knows already where Omar is gonna go, that is not going to change. Even the dua of Omar is included in what Allah knows, but there is a degree in what in what the angels have written. Right, which can be erased or added to Allah knows what can be added to it and what can be erased right

01:15:00 --> 01:15:05

So that's how we understand it. So what gets erased now that Allah is that it changes his mind.

01:15:07 --> 01:15:26

No, but that Allah azza wa jal erases what been written but already Allah knows, because nothing happens can escape his knowledge. So the angels what they've had with the house that gets erased, and something else will be written in this place. So as far as the angel is concerned, yeah, that person has been erased from a miserable person into a good person. That's

01:15:28 --> 01:15:29


01:15:34 --> 01:15:37

it gives you 30 seconds to think about a question.

01:15:40 --> 01:15:43

Fairly chill, you don't have to show I know. Zack gonna love you for it and

01:15:46 --> 01:15:48

dad and Shawn. Go ahead.

01:15:49 --> 01:15:53

The external factors affect the acceptance

01:15:57 --> 01:15:58

good location.

01:16:00 --> 01:16:02

Location where you are.

01:16:08 --> 01:16:48

Okay, yes, yes, Zack Aloka. So it's a it's a good addition but a lot of focus as is the location, a factor into the acceptance of the DUA we say? Yes. Right. So the look at some locations are better than other locations. So have no claim himself. He said Just when we were reading it, he says, Well, if that dua were to be made in the house of Allah Zodac it would be more beloved to Allah. So the houses of Allah are the most beloved spots on this earth. So messed it outside the mustard mustard is better. So it's a more of a chance that Utah will be accepted in the houses of Allah azza wa jal and definitely when we're talking about Mecca, we're talking about Medina and these blessed places

01:16:48 --> 01:17:00

especially in the Haram you're talking about places would die is more likely to be expected accepted. So spots matter right? And it's also important to note that the grave is not a spot for

01:17:01 --> 01:17:11

right spots for visiting the sick but not a spot word that you would seek for dua, but definitely suck Allah here Mecca and Medina and the messages of Allah so did

01:17:16 --> 01:17:19

not come to La Jolla la Subhana Allah behenic A shadow Allah Allah elantas stuff

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