Ramadan Month of Blessings

Ali Albarghouthi


Channel: Ali Albarghouthi

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The upcoming month of dashboards is a blessing for Muslims, as it is the critical time for achieving the message of Islam. Improvements in behavior and behavior are essential during that time, and fasting and embracing the idea of God are key drivers. Visits to achieve calming minds are also essential, and people should avoid unnecessary harm and be mindful of their actions. The month is a Christian month, and people are encouraged to accept the reminder and receive a gift for those who do so.

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In Alhamdulillah Hina Ahmed who wants to you know who want to start funeral one oh the Will he mean surely and fusina will say to Marlena Mejia the healer who Fela model Allah wa may you live in a hottie Ella wash hadoo Allah ilaha illallah wa the hula Cherie kala wash How do I know Mohamed and who are solo sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam I'm about to do for in Hyrule Hadith Nikita wala heeta Allah wa here on the head, the head you Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Masha Raul OMO Remo to her Morocco llamada teen Vida Wakulla be the iteam Walla Walla Walla Allah tin Finn now

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I'm bad.

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The arrival of the month of Ramadan

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is a joyous occasion

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for all Muslims.

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And of course it can be joyous for social reasons and because of childhood memories and because of plans, aware you're going to go who you're going to see and what you will eat.

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But the Muslim should feel happy

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upon the arrival of the month of Ramadan primarily because

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of what Allah whatever Allah has zoton had in store in that month for all of us

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to feel joyful, hopeful

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that he Subhana who wants to Allah will offer us in that month opportunities that do not exist outside of it.

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This is going to be the best month of the year and it's always the case that Ramadan is the best month of the year.

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And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ali he was seldom with introduce Muslims to the arrival of that month

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where he would say a Telkom shahada Ramadan Asha Hora Mobarak, the month of Ramadan is upon you, and it is a blessed month.

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So here he is announcing Alayhi Salatu was Salam that you are going to receive much baraka from Allah subhanho wa Taala in that month, meaning the gates of Baraka are gonna open, which is not always available outside of it.

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So a Muslim who is about to be embraced by that month has to understand that this is not something ordinary. This is not a casual encounter. But this is an encounter that could take you or propel you all the way to the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal to heaven.

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An encounter that can protect you from hellfire and encounter that can change your entire life. And it all depends on how much you want from it and how present you are in that month. Versus someone who's is who's absent. present In body was absent in spirit or absent in both body and spirit.

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The month of Ramadan is upon you is a blessed month that Allah had ordained it's fast upon you. He said Daddy is Salatu was Salam. to Delphi verbal Jana Otto la Kofi Webb will show him

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where to send selfie Shayateen fee leader to a Euro min l fisherman huruma Euro has occurred when he says in that night in fact, in another Hadith it says upon the first or in the first night of Ramadan. You know when you hear the needs of the Hilo, the crescent and few hours separate you between an ordinary time and the time that is Ramadan. The first minute and the first hour of Ramadan. He said today is Salatu was Salam. As soon as it is the first night of Ramadan, all the gates of heaven will be opened and none will be left closed and all the gates of hellfire will be closed, none will be left open.

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So there is this extreme Rama from ALLAH SubhanA wa to Allah that descends upon his creation in the month of Ramadan, meaning you are being invited. You're being cold on here. Do you want to enter Jannah The only thing that stands between you and Jenna between you and heaven is your effort. Because the door is open

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and the door opening which is physical an opening an actual physical opening of the gates. That's an invitation for whomever understands what an invitation is open door come in. If you just

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wish to come in. And the doors of hellfire or its gates are all closed because it is made difficult for the believers for the pious to enter hellfire. So to enter it is more difficult in Ramadan. So if you just ponder this announcement from the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, you understand what awaits all of us.

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And he said, and he is Salatu was Salam that in it, there is a night that is better than 1000 month. If you are deprived of the blessing of that night, then you are truly deprived. If you miss out on it, if you don't strive if you don't try to get a portion of that Rama, a portion of that forgiveness, you've lost a lot in that month. So he's preparing them and through them, he's preparing us and he is Salatu was Salam to say? Do you understand what lies ahead and what Allah could give you?

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So this month is a month of Muhammad whoever a cat will hate him in Allahu xojo.

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A lot of blessings descend upon this earth in that month.

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And not only upon this earth but upon your heart and in it.

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Imagine and ask yourself, why is it that Allah azza wa jal of all the months in the year he chose the month of Ramadan for the revelation of

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the Quran?

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Show Ramadan Allah, the Uzi, the fecal Quran, there is nothing greater and better that descends from above to this earth than the guidance

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of the Quran.

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It's better than rain, it's better than the sun.

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Because that's the life of the heart.

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And when you read in the Hadith, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam told us that it's not just only the Quran, but so hopefully Ibrahim

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and Torah NLNG will and as a war all of them were revealed in the month of Ramadan.

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So you understand how much of a blessing this month is that the books of Allah as the primary the big books of Allah came to this earth, carrying with it light and guidance and forgiveness, all of them happened in Ramadan. So the Quran descended upon the heart of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam in Ramadan, and the Quran should then descend upon our hearts in the month of Ramadan. It should touch it.

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We should be engaged with the Quran, as with as was the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam in that month. So now the gates of Baraka are open.

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And what do you get when the gates of Baraka open?

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He said the multiplication of deeds and the forgiveness of sins.

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The forgiveness of sins, he said, Alayhi Salatu was Salam and Samarra, Madonna Iman and YT Serba move your Allahumma to put them in them be who acquired them and karma Ramadan Iman and YT Serba Wolfie Rolla Houma to cut the momentum if you fast Ramadan with a man in anticipation of divine reward, then Allah will forgive you your past sins. And if you pray a pm during Ramadan with iman and an anticipation of divine reward, Allah forgives you your past sins, meaning you could have a clean slate, a white book of record by the end of Ramadan

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if you fast it if you intend to fast it if you strive, if you wish from Allah azza wa jal to change your heart and change your life. A lot of us find it difficult and it is difficult to change our lives.

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We have habits that are stubborn. We have circumstances that work against us, not for us, we have temptations, then destabilize our faith. destabilize how we think a lot of things work against us, not for us. Yet you can achieve through the month of Ramadan what is unachievable outside of that month because you have next to you the support of Allah subhanho wa Taala so he says if you want to be forgiven, you want to be a new man or a new woman after the month of Ramadan you want to achieve a different life. This month is yours. And no one could look at their lives and say I'm happy with it.

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And if you look at your life and you say you are happy with it, then you're a foolish person.

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You will always should say on look at what could have been with Allah azza wa jal what you should fix with regards to your relationship with him and be dissatisfied because it is that dissatisfaction that propels you to heaven.

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So if you want to be a better person, the prophets on a Salatu was Salam said In another Hadith would he lie if he Otakar Amina nadie Weatherly, Kofi couldn't

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Do woman who Allah, He says Allah azza wa jal will free people from hellfire in that month, every day and every night.

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That's the first day could be your day and the second day could be your day and the third day could be your day and your plan in your head will not leave with Allah's help and permission the month of Ramadan unless I am forgiven and freed from hellfire. Here is your opportunity. Do you want to be freed from hellfire? The month of Ramadan is gonna come and offer you that opportunity. And if you want anything and I mean anything from Allah azza wa jal as long as it is pleasing to Him and beneficial to you. You want anything from Allah subhanho wa Taala Why would you miss out on dua in Ramadan is he said to Allah is Salatu was Salam were equally Muslim in fee that our to Musa Jaya but

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what Alec if he could leave them off equal Lea women what ala our individually.

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He said it is Salatu was Salam that every Muslim will have an accepted prayer in that month. In one narration it says every day and every night when narration it says every day in one narration says when he breaks hers fast.

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Multiple times where you can ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for everything and have your DUA be accepted

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the blessings of the dunya but but that's not necessarily the blessings of the era.

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And you can keep asking and there is no limit to how much you can ask from Allah subhanho wa taala. And if it's an accepted to perhaps one of those days and one of those nights you say something that saves you and pleases you and brings you happiness, after which there would be no sadness or fear that can give you Jana or curio of that illness or bring you that thing that was always elusive. Subhanallah the month of Ramadan is a month of blessings, month of acceptance of the arts and then you say to yourself, what is it that I want from Allah azza wa jal and what is it that I want from my life?

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Of the blessings of the month of Ramadan he said on a Salatu was Salam the multiplication of good deeds?

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Because he said in the Hadith that Allah azza wa jal said Kulu Amelie beneath the mullah hull has to be actually am 30 Her Elissa AMI at the other affine Illa song for Inaho li wa Zb he yet to the Kosha what the whole water Amma hoomin Edgerly

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Rasul Allah is Allah Azza wa Sydenham said that Allah has Odin said he says all the deeds of the outfit's son of Adam are his.

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The deed is multiplied 10 times to 700 times except for fasting.

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It is for me and I will reward it he leaves his desire and his food for my sake.

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That everything else that you do all the other deeds that you do Salah vicar

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sadaqa all these

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are subject to that multiplication of 10 or 700 or more.

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It's it's only the fast that escapes all of this, Allah does not reward it according to that. But he had taken it upon himself to get that reward and you understand the immensity of that reward.

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How much that Allah zodion will give in a hadith if you want to understand it. Someone came to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And he said, Courtney be Ahmed Ahmed Luis is a prophet of Allah tells me about something to do. Call it a Laker song for in the hula mystery Allah he says fast. There's nothing like it. He asked again, he repeated the same answer a third time he repeated the same answer, telling me something to do. He says fast there's nothing like it, telling me something to do fast. There is nothing like it, telling me something to do fast there is nothing like it. And if you want something

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that will stay something that will last something that will help something that will change will truly transform you. Inside and Out is as fast there's nothing like it. And the only thing that stands between you and heaven if you are fasting for Allah sake is death.

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He said are you Salatu was Salam ala Hadith Columban sama yo woman yep DailyVee what? Allah He Furman the halogen now he says if you fast the day seeking through it, Allah's pleasure Allah's face and you die you enter Jannah

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so imagine Allah as though did here is giving you 29 and 30 days where if you are present in them and if you are fasting, and that is where Allah azza wa jal and if you die, you go to heaven.

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Consider the blessing and consider the Rama that you are under Allah's protection and under Allah's eye, because Allah sees

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if you are striving if you are trying if you are pushing sees your struggle, sees what you're wishing for, knows your state

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Eat and wants to pull you to him SubhanaHu wa Tada. So if you die while doing this, you will enter heaven.

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And in that month

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you are also. And that's what helps in the transformation that we talked about. You're also protected by Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Again, as soon as the month descends,

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you enter into this phase of protection.

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A different state of being it's supposed to be a different state of being things are happening around you, that you do not see. But Allah tells you so that you understand the magnitude of the change.

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When the gates of heaven open, that's a magnificent occurrence that takes place you don't see it. But imagine if the moon and the sun are reordered in the universe, how everybody will take note of that. The gates of heaven opening and the gates of hellfire closing art is bigger than all of that. And what takes place also to help you is that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, he said, will soon see that he Shayateen he says the devils will be chained and that means that they will be weaker in the month of Ramadan, they will move slower, they will whisper less. And the greater your fast isn't the better your fast is the weaker that you will make your Shayateen but of course, if

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you are a rebellion person, in the month of Ramadan, your your Shayateen your devils could be as free as always. You chain them with your fast. So if you are fasting, and that brings you closer to Allah azza wa jal and your devils are chained and the whispers are faint, then you understand that you could reach places that you could not reach before and change habits that you could not change before and adopt good habits that were difficult before. Now this is an opportunity for you to be a better person to enter Jannah beside from hellfire to be forgiven, to really change on the inside not only on the outside

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and it's this fast that gives you that protection. He said Allah is Salatu was Salam wa salam will do now I want you to kind of visually remember this imagine it now but visually remember this when the month of Ramadan, he says I'll see him would you know?

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Fast fasting is protection.

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And he says it in the other Hadith, good unity had equal mineral quota. It says like the armor that someone wears when they fight, you know, the armor that they used to wear when they fight and today they have something similar to that to protect them from bullets.

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You put that on to protect you. And you didn't have that before. But when you enter that month, you put this Divine Armor on meaning this is provided by Allah azza wa jal and now you have divine protection

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given to you from Allah Azhar did and now you can fight you shaytaan and now you can fight your temptation and your knifes and now you can do more so Allah protects you weakens your enemy and says Come to me. And in fact Subhana Allah, the first day and night of Ramadan Allah Zota Lisa, the prophets Allah was in them said that they will be a caller. Somebody who calls and says, Hola, yeah, barely yell Haley Akabane

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we are barely a Shari oxer he says oh seeker of righteousness, come rush and seeker of evil stop.

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So we want to heat that call, even before the month arrives.

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If we are seekers of evil, big or small, whatever it is that exists in our lives and there is always something in our lives that is evil that we need to leave no one is perfect.

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So before the month of Ramadan comes you say to yourself when the month comes in fact before it comes from stopping this it has to stop

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I can't combat Allah xojo Fight Allah the Almighty oppose Allah the Almighty on the sacred month I will stop because I can take his anger in a special time like this. Imagine somebody going to Mecca and Medina and sinning on purpose in those places. You will be opposing Allah as Odin and fighting him so in the month of Ramadan comes out to be terrified if something bad is done. So you see I'll stop Yeah, barely a shot of the Oxford if you're doing something evil stop.

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To the extent that he had a Salatu was Salam one see if somebody who fight fights with you, you say in the mirror and saw him in the moron sign. One wants to debate you insult you curse you do any of these things to you. It says you don't reply in the month of Ramadan. Your reply is I'm a fasting person. I'm a fan.

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fasting and fasting and fasting and um can be engaged in this. This is special.

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So if we're doing something wrong we stop and if we're doing something right or we want to do something right you unleash your potential and you ask Allah azza wa jal for assistance. So you run towards Allah azza wa jal so that Allah will run towards you a whole lot probably heard our stuff EULA Lee welcome First off

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Hamdan cathedra on the Yerba Nova rockin fee who also leave us a limo Allah Rasool e Mohammed. While early he was so happy he was seldom

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we probably have heard many reminders about the month of Ramadan and many, too many a hadith and because it's

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a repeated occasion, we may think that we have all the information we need to have and we know everything and we have done everything. So we take it lightly, and we end up missing that month because it doesn't repeat.

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And maybe our hearts are not in a place that even if we were to hear a reminder about Ramadan, they're not in a place to accept and to absorb. It's too busy with the dunya too busy with its own problems too busy with its own plans. Basically busy occupied. So there is no space for that reminder. The beautiful thing about the month of Ramadan is whether you are at heart ready or not. Allah pulls you through your body into the month of Ramadan.

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And through the practice itself, your heart is changed. And you notice that you feel that there is something different in the air.

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The practice itself at least if it is done right physically, not even addressing the heart but done right physically transforms you.

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You feel better.

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You feel less inclined to sin.

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Better about the Quran better about righteous practice better about yourself. And I want you to remember that feeling as you start the month and during the month. Because if you feel proximity nearness to Allah azza wa jal even if you haven't anticipated even if you haven't planned even if your heart today is not where it's supposed to be, but if you feel it in that month, understand that Allah has asserted is pulling you

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and then Allah is blessing you and Allah is changing you. So accept this as a gift from him. Subhanahu wata Anna and then rushed to him in gratitude for what He has given you.

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So it doesn't matter how we receive it today and I hope and I ask Allah azza wa jal whether it's this or other reminders, that Allah will open our hearts all together so that we really appreciate Ramadan and do better in it that we've done in the past few years.

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But it doesn't really matter. Just really remember that Allah azza wa jal will offer you this opportunity in the Quran will offer it at a time when you are making dua and you will feel your heart awake or listening to the Quran and you feel your heart being pulled to Allah. You feel this religious sentiment, this religious soft heart and when you feel that ask Allah azza wa jal for more of it and turned with an intention to Allah azote and saying, you know, I've wasted my life and all of us have and I know I've done many terrible things and all of us without exception have but yeah Allah your repentance can forgive me and he or Allah your mercy can engulf me and accept me. So I

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asked you to transform me and take me to you and make me a new person whom you are pleased with. So that if I die now or die tomorrow, my destination will be heaven. So you ask Allah azza wa jal for it and no one turns to Allah azza wa jal with sincerity and be turned away. So we asked him subhanho wa Taala or hamara, Jaime and Malik and Malik Yarraman we are a homemakers of among those who anticipate the month of Ramadan, with plans and with dedication makers of those who perform during this month what they couldn't in the past months will make us era Bill Alameen among those whose dua is accepted and whose sins are forgiven, and whose repentance is granted and who are freed from

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hellfire was your herbal Allah mean to make us of those who

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Fast and do pm and Ramadan Iman and Whitey Saba makers of those who regionally that will cover and accept from us on that day our worship and that night our worship era Bill al Amin your Allah we ask you that you soften our hearts for us so that they accept your reminders your Allah soften our hearts for us so that they accept your reminders your Allah soften our hearts for us so that they will we accept your reminders. And we ask You that You forgive us and forgive our spouses and children and forgive the Omar Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam whereas your herbal Allah mean that you would come to the aid of the oppressed Muslims on the face of this earth? Well if you're a bull I

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mean that you would defend them against the injustice that they are facing. Whereas your bill Allah mean that you would feed them and clothe them and give them water. We ask You that You protect them from disease we ask you that you would accept their death as my as the killed as martyrs and that you would take care of their injured take care of the orphans and take care of the widows here are hamara Haneen Allah Hama, Jana min min Sama, WA Kamara, Madonna Iman and YT Saba Allahumma Jana min Mundaka fee for Egypt the horrible al Amin, Allah Masha Allah me Manuel Kofi him in a neuron Allahumma Jalla Nafi hito button rasool

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Allah Hamid is open Fe I'm alongside him with a cup Bella Alohomora Catalina puluh been our herbal EMA and your herbal Allah mean Allah hamara Catalina Ko lubaina Omelet herbal Imani Ara hamara hai mean Alohomora Hamanaka Glenna Hulu bunna Bill Amon he will be a hook big will be hubiera Zuleika Alayhi Salatu was Salam ala Holman Saadian mustafina fee RoZeta our philosophy and OB la de sham USA UDB Nadine Muslimeen Allahumma Surah whom Allah man Ida whom Allah Amata Kabul dua whom Allah Who Montserrado whom Allah who met Him whom was him era but Allah Amin Allahumma Antara Bahama Antara boom or a boon mustafina Han Solo homea hamara Haneen Aloha Malika I do we him for in the home now

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you are just sunnah Allah homophobia vagina who was it if he left our shikaka You know homework for universal home era but I mean yeah how you you're a human will be automatic and still leave us little inertia and couldn't weather Turkey now either and fusina Total Fattah I think Miss