Alaa Elsayed – The Life Of The Messenger Episode 10

Alaa Elsayed
AI: Summary © The history and impact of Islam on modern day society are discussed, including the persecution of Muslims and their negative impact on society, as well as the importance of humanizing one's language and finding a way to be valued. The speaker emphasizes the need to be prepared for upcoming events and the importance of learning from past experiences and finding a way to be valued. The segment also touches on the punishment of a lead to a loser and the use of a woman as a tool.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam and welcome back to the seer of Prophet Mohammed Salah Sallam learn from the past to build bridges for a better future inshallah and learn that we're going through right now in Sharla is nothing comparing to the Sahaba de la Animas main, please keep in mind that the environment that they had, and the persecution early was from everyone was safe to very few. Indeed, Woojin Allah, even the lemons the heck was actually in a very dark mode. Anyone that becomes a Muslim among the honorable society, he would go and threaten him, that his wealth

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will be spoiled, his honor will be dragged down the mud, and his reputation would also be spoiled. If he wasn't among the Arab society, it will go up to him and punishing himself or make sure that the master of that slave would be punished by his own master. Imagine yourself actually enough to living in these days living in these circumstances, this harsh environment. And now compare yourself now to be able to say la ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, the comfort of your own home, nice air conditioned, no one knocking on your door, no one dragging you. No one is killing your parents in front of you, or anything else, taking away your worldly position, no matter how big or small.

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Now also, please understand that we will keep this it's not just about the brothers, you will see also the you're not forgotten. You will see so many yamaga, the first martyr of Islam, this is a woman, not just any woman, this is a free woman, a weak woman. And of course, they had disregard total disregard for any gender, race, no matter how old they are, no matter how young they are, children and women alike. Now going back in history, you will find out that even the uncle of birth maternal Family Law, he was not a Muslim. He used to actually wrap people around and in a straw mats and burn him. Imagine yourself

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imagine yourself Could you be in that environment and be able to say that either hate Lola is very difficult even though Islam gives you the right because of the Sharia the golden Sharia is to protect yourself even to see that and you will see this what happened to our modern Yasser Ronaldo. But before we go there, have you heard of slavery? Rumi?

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Did you hear habashi Did you hear sir man and faricy where they're coming from? They came from all over the world to look for the truth of Islam only to find persecution right there. And then it was a test trophy, but swaybar O'Meara de la moda, he used to be taken out and being punished till the scholar said that he actually lost conscious and he doesn't even know what to say or what to do. Imagine. So hey Rumi.

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Even the one that actually had so much wealth after that by the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala he gave it all up as you will see later on in the zero insha Allah other than swaybar Rumi, we talked about Valera de la moda by uttering simply hadn't had. And that's the reason that he were persecuted just to hold on to the word I hadn't had. Only one God, Abu Bakr, Siddiq Raja llamada when he walked by he bought him for another black slave. But because he said I hadn't had it made him a much more worldly position, much more valuable in the sight of obaku So do you imagine you've been seeing La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala so never feel your affinity

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because alone Sopranos Alice's will enter me alone inshallah you are superior, not inferior. So keep that out of your mind inshallah. So, when we talk about our modern Yes, today other than others have already honors me. Now here is the stage.

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A modern yester sees his own father being persecuted, being punished till he actually dies. And now he looks at his mother. Again, as we mentioned, an old frail woman being punished by whom none other than Abuja, allow him and allow him so imagine how you feel hopeless, helpless.

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Now you see your mother being killed, but in the most upsetting way possible. There's a spear that goes in her private part.

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And she dies right in front of you. Now these people that killed your own father and killed your mother before your eyes come up to you and say, if you do not say anything bad about Islam, or anything about that about Prophet Mohammed Salah or you say something good about our own gods, we will kill you too. So a young man had to make a decision. Firstly, and of course he didn't want to do it. He said something bad about Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem. They let him go.

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But after that he felt so bad and guilty. He went back crying to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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and Isabella jasola. I only said it because the force

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Me too,

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but will love you I love you. So Prophet Mohammed Salim estimate very simple question what was in your heart? So I'm going to ask you the same question ahead of time. What's in your heart? How was your Eman of unity? How is the battery? How is your belief? Do you really have to be a hypocrite? Or can you really stand? Does anyone force you to say that there is no God? Does anyone force you not to pray? Does anyone force you to not wear the hijab? Is it illegal here? Do you think law or law II? Now? Our modern natural dilemma was asked by Prophet Mohammed Salim what was in your heart? He says, Well, I believe in Allah, Islam, and I love your messenger. Allah says, Allah is what's in

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your heart and he recited the ayah those 11 Nakamura, how common among those who are aboard or forced to say something, but their heart is that comforted or at ease that Islam and Eman is stronghold within? And he said What can I do for if they come back? Go back, go back. Say what go back to saying what you have to say to save your life. As we mentioned before Syria is saving your life is certainly one of them. Among the the beautiful stories I want to share with you what I might have done yesterday, when Prophet Mohammed Salam was walking and saw them like this. He says sobre la ss, for in America magenta, have patience and persevere or the tribe of Yes, indeed your eternal

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abode his agenda? Could you imagine being given the glad tidings while you're walking on the face of the earth, that you were going to heaven? How much would you pay for that?

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That's why the scholar says we will never be able to attain that, how about your language main, it is impossible for us to be able to come up to them, but we can certainly walk in the footsteps. We can follow them in order for us to be with them in general inshallah, and that should be your goal at the end of the day. And that is the best generation according to a prophet Mohammed slmc. masala Dawson, those who follow the footsteps will reach them in sha Allah you know who said that statement? The turban the followers of the companions to actually cry used to say that they beat us on racehorse that we're following with the crippled mules. So, as long as we follow the footsteps,

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we will meet an agenda Charla so let us have that our intention, a man called Africa. He also became a Muslim, and he was punished. But what we used to do with him, we used to actually take him unclose him leave him naked in the desert under the heat of the sun. So he actually goes when he had the villa, he loses his mental state of mind. And he becomes so delusional that they don't know what to do. He doesn't know what he's saying. And so on. This is among the some of them hubbub, Villanova.

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According to one of the opinions of scholars that he was the one most or persevered the most. No one was punished more than above Oprah de la moda.

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He used to be

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the one that actually deals with fire he deals with with steel and so on. a blacksmith for lack of a better translation. His master was a woman and his master will actually have the melted

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iron Believe it or not poured poured on him. Just in case you think I can't do that you've been through difficulties. You know what man you know that work there. Don't let you come to Juma sister they will not give you the job unless you take off the hijab. They won't give you whatever it takes or the promotion lets you shave the beard or you come to them with a Christmas party or you take your wife looking extremely

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we'll keep it a family show inshallah and all that stuff. When you drink with them. You eat with them you mingle and dance and you know problems. Is that the only thing actually you're going to do and hopefully in order for you to get the promotion and not knowing for sure that the sustenance comes from Allah azza wa jal, if you're a new contributor will be aware is the oneness of the Lordship and the oneness of God. Would you actually wear it? Where is your heart, man? Is it linked to olanzapine Oceana, or is it a deposit as well? Yes, the house. The Census scholar says you have to do it. But your heart is cut off from that as well linked only to Allah Subhana Allah, Allah

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wa Taala can know for sure that he didn't say nearby Prophet Mohammed says Allah is know for sure that whatever missed you will not supposed to you've written whatever you got was not supposed to have missed you. We don't

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have our brothers and sisters the pins are lifted then the ink is dried or Akita is the only valuable thing we have. If we lose it, we have nothing. So hold on a second. Okay, let's go back to the llamada as a matter of fact, after what you heard, they used to take him out in the desert eat please hot coals under his back.

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And after this, it would leave holes. I don't mean St. Mark. It would leave holes in his back.

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And you know what puts it out

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there the

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fact of his back was put out the fire.

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It just a reminder again, what happens, but he came to talk

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Prophet Mohammed Salah after what he's done probably Allah tala Maldives is Elijah droolin Allah to sponsor Ghana will not ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to give us victory. Will you not ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to alleviate the hardship that we're going through? Prophet Mohammed Salim Believe it or not get angry. Yes you heard correctly, he can angry because this is a hobby jellied is not anyone else. He says to him, well La Jolla hubub laqad kanopy Omen publikum Obi Allah hubub nations before you a man would be brought forth. You should have been mana shield, he would be solid in half,

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two parts would fall apart.

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And he says, Well, you must shut me let me do now. He says Allah subhanaw taala will give him a test. He says he will take the steel comb, and his skin would fall off.

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And he says that will not take him or deter him from seeing that Allah or Buddha to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala kinako komentar strategy loon is but you're in haste, you're in a rush for what victory? So ask yourself again, I know when you look at the your your TV screen and you look at your brothers and sisters being killed and being persecuted and the injustice in the world and the unfairness and inequality and all of that I understand how you feel like you know, we don't blame you of how you feel your human being you have the right to be upset. But you're asked to control that because you judge according to your actions, not your emotions.

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Now look back in time and find out the Prophet Mohammed Salaam told them that you and Hashem haste. So when you look back and say metta masala, don't you have that in the back of your mind? I feel for your learning my brother, I'm in the same pain. But we have to learn from the past. That's why I'm telling you. This is the best school because it's the School of Prophet Mohammed Salah, the best of creation, he mentioned that they were the best generation, and then the best and then the best. So we have to learn from them. So when you see all these things, all these oppressions we learn not just to answer the question, but look at the reason what has been asked, and why. And who's asking,

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and that's why I asked you not to make a decision, or give an answer for the simple question that you asked. We are taught that you asked when you hear the question asked to confirm, but look who is asking and why he's asking. So when Prophet Mohammed Salam taught us in this episode, when a kebab otra de la moda is allotted hula Allah to sponsor Lana, will you not ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to give us victory? Will you ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to alleviate the hardship that we're going through? Prophet Mohammed salah and believe it or not get angry? Yes, you heard correctly, he can angry because this is a hobby Jolene is not anyone else. He says to him, what law

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hubub law kind of human publicans publikum Obi Allah hubbub, nations before you a man would be brought forth. You should have been mana shield. He would be solid in half,

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two parts would fall apart. And he says, Well, you must shut me let me do now. He says Allah subhanaw taala will give him a test. He says he will take the steel comb, and his skin would fall off.

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And he says that will not take him or deter him from seeing that Allah or Buddha to worship Allah subhanaw taala it was we're lucky enough on komentar strategy loon is but you are in haste you are in a rush for what victory? So ask yourself again, okay. I know when you look at the, your your GTV screen and you look at your brothers and sisters being killed and being persecuted, and the injustice in the world and the unfairness and inequality and all of that I understand how you feel like we don't blame you of how you feel your human being you have the right to be upset. But you're asked to control that because you judge according to your actions, not your emotions.

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Now look back in time and find out the Prophet Muhammad Salam told him that you are in haste. So when you look back and see method and also law, don't you have that in the back of your mind? I feel for you allowing my brother, I'm in the same pain. But we have to learn from the past. That's why I'm telling you. This is the best school because it's the School of Prophet Mohammed Salah, the rest of creation. He mentioned that they were the best generation and then the best and then the best. So we have to learn from them. So when you see all these things, all these oppressions, all injustice, inequality, you have to ask yourself a question meta natural law when is the victory and you only

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have to go no further than the Quran. When Allah subhanho wa Taala says in masala curry Indeed, the victory of Allah subhana wa Taala is soon but the time

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is not up. And it's not the comparison of the time us. Allah subhanaw taala is a different nothing like on to our minds what we think. So when Allah subhanaw taala says corrib we have to believe that but we have to point the finger at ourselves as we mentioned before that allows apologizes Acacia wave Hello and welcome in Loma Linda Howe meaning how do you stay away from me? How do you stay away from my remembrance? How do you stay away from my, my obedience? How do you stay away from my worship, because if they appear upon you the lead, they will not worry about any resolutions. They will not worry about the ancestry that will cousins we they will not worry about honoring anything

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else. This will last what I told us over 1400 years ago, he hadn't been munadi anybody else listening? Later Sherry.

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So we learned from Prophet Mohammed Solomon, he said that,

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of course high blood not took it. But we learned from it.

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So again, continue on with the prosecution. There was a Sahabi zero. She became a Muslim. You know what happened to her? She lost her eyesight.

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So you've heard at heart. We've had a tough efe. You've been hit so hard that you can't see anymore? Is that right? That he

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couldn't be that bad. But she lost her eyesight.

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She lost her eyesight.

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But you know what they said? So this is the punishment of a lead to a loser. They made mockery of her they made fun of her says love Allah. He is only a test by Allah. What insha Allah, but in Indeed Allah Subhana Allah if you will, he will bring my vision back to me.

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And in the morning, that's exactly what Allah subhanaw taala did. He give her I vision back, her eyesight back. You know what they said? The Mohammed. He says this is the magic of Mohammed, Allah He sought asylum. And there's so many others jetty at the moment, even though it was not the God of Roman tub. But he volunteered to to do what to Punisher, Allah but he was not a Muslim yet. So Pamela but we learned something. I wouldn't have Barbara de la Tada. Something that we have to heed to. This message is for everyone including this personally of Allah. He used to punish this woman. And what he did, he says, well, la he I do not want to stop. But only because I am getting tired. I

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can't hit you anymore.

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You know a woman stood up to me being punished. It is by the Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is making you tired, Omar. Men Theobroma men grown men fear DOMA by a woman with a strength of the faith only. She's What's her weapon? La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah it changes people's lives. So does it change your life? You always have to heat to that at the end of your life. Every time you hear this, don't you get goosebumps? Don't you think that we're so far away, we can take the heat anymore.

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Anyway, I'm gonna hop over the llamada he says Well, I stopped hitting you because I'm too tired. I can't hit you anymore. It is what Allah subhanaw taala is doing to your mark. That's the strength. So panulirus II and among them, there are so many stories, but what happened is I will Dr. de la he is the one that bought all of the ones that I just mentioned you he bought them all. And you let them go for the sake of Allah will bucha so do calendula in his honor.

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Loss of Hannah Tyler mentioned for under to come Nan de la la la inland asheboro I have forewarn you vote now, this is a flaming fire

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and the one that will reach it is Ashkar you know a scar is opposite of side meaning close to that punishment of Allah not away from the mercy of Allah shocky as far you know what that is?

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Imagine is the one that punished blah, blah, blah. It's one that the master is what's your number one car and led you to Malawi as a woman heading in Tuesday 11 00 Pm

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in honor of honor over christelijke the one that he says is worth saving let you know that he will stay away from it from the Hellfire who, of course, he's the first one the old agenda after Of course, the best after prophets and messengers. And I mean, there's so many stories to share with you, but inshallah we'll finish this episode with the honorable because

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that allows you to stay away from hellfire. He's the one that spent as well for whom for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah, not for anything else. And he says when I sell fireball Allah subhanaw taala is in that lab, for sure he will be pleased for sure he will be pleased that even his father actually

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gave him a hard time because why would you pay money for people that will not help you? You should have taken the ones that are strong, strong that would be able to help you but it didn't do it for that. I didn't do it to for people to come and help me. I need to help myself. with that. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to help ourselves by helping us hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam O Allah wa sahbihi wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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