Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As SaDi #10 Surah Al-Waqi’Ah

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of "tank" in Arabic language, which is the position of the majority of the knew Islam. They explain the use of "tank" in the Arabic language, which is the position of the majority of the knew Islam. They also discuss the use of "tank" in the Arabic language, which is the position of the majority of the knew Islam. The speaker also touches on happiness and how it can be achieved through actions and behaviors. They mention a study on the topic and its significance in shaping society.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica. Hola yo barakato

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen On October 2013. What are we doing a lot a lot he mean, we should do Allah, Allah Illallah who the whole la sharika

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hearing we should do another b&m Muhammad Abdul who are pseudo Mustafa Amin Allahumma salli wa salam O Matic and artdeco sadaqa. Muhammad Anwar the early he was r&b a drummer in a band. So today's the 10th day in the reading on the commentary of this book of the CFTC rule, Karim Rahman, etc. The Colombian Memnon morphemes are known as the deceit of Assadi by the chef from the Romani brewmaster Assadi, who died in the year 1376 of the hijra, Rahim Mahalo, tada Brahma teen Vasya and in today's lesson, inshallah Tada we will be covering the 56th chapter of the Quran Surah tulawaka. And this name Anwar Korea is a name that you will find in the books have received early books have seen the

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books of the Sunnah, and in the narrations of the companions, and there is a mucky Surah according to some of those relations of the companions, such as even our best and even Zubayr are the language Marine. And some of the positive seals said that it is by consensus, which is thought to be a bit healthier. And when we say or when you look into the books of the seal, and it comes to this issue of defining what is a mature Madani Surah there are two kinds of methodologies amongst the scholars have to see of the first of them is those scholars that just mentioned, whether it's a mucky, Surah or Madani Surah they're just stated it's mature, it's Madani, and then you have the other

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methodology, which is those who claim that it is by agreement or by consensus, it is McKee or Madani, even though as we said yesterday, and before that, that claim of seeing that there is consensus on this issue, the mucky sorrows in the medina Surahs is a difficult one, because of the many different reasons concerning differences of opinion especially in some of the verses in many of the sources of the Quran. And that's why there are a whole chapters dedicated to this in the books of the sciences of the Quran, like a suit is lit on. So this is a topic that is like ripe for discussion. And that's because the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam didn't necessarily specify this

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in a hadith, nor did the Companions explicitly mentioned it within their own narration, even though they knew as even Mr. Andrade Allah, Juan said, there is not a verse of the Quran except that I know where it was revealed and when it was revealed, but it wasn't necessarily something which they, which they taught the people in that sense. So you have some of the scholars normally when we say that this is Matt, you're going to look at the scholars of dfcu such as Toby before, and we've been out a year after him the likes of show Kenny, Josie, these are the scholars of tafsir are the environmental law who usually make this claim either way, but as we said yesterday, one of the

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things that it does show you if there is a difference of opinion, at the very least a statement that it is each man or this consensus or this agreement shows that it is a position of the majority if not the vast majority and Allah azza wa jal knows best and this surah consists of 96 verses and rely on a bill Alaminos salatu salam ala Rasulillah he was early he was IVIG mine Allama Fila nourish if you know anybody you know whether it helped any Colin masani follow him on law fetus here calling Allah Tala bother

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him initiate on your origin. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

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in the Name of Allah, the Most gracious the most merciful.

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either walk it

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when the inevitable comes to pass. Leisurely work it can Eva no one will deny

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Horfield auto raffia it will bring some low enriched others up either Jetty Raja on the Earth is shaken violently what was set in zhiban OBUS in the mountains combo fucka and

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I'm Beth

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in turn

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just scattered dust working as well

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and you are sorted into three kinds

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What else have we mean and tema else have we main mana

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then there will be those on the right how blessed we'll be those on the right

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what else have we mesh Emma tema else have mesh Emma

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and there will be those on the left how Richard will be those on the left

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was via Gunas vehicle

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and the former US are the former in the foremost or the foremost

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he can remove rubble stone

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is they will be brought near to the to Allah.

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Fijian Nehring in gardens of delight. So lesson, one, a multitude of those of old

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will call you know,

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theory in and a few from those of later nations that have later times here Allah tells us about the inevitable event that will definitely come to pass is the resurrection, which no one will deny. That is there is no one. There is no doubt about it, because there's rational and textual evidence for it. And divine wisdom dictates it. So one of the names of the Day of Judgment, one of the names that we find in the Quran is a lock and unlock that literally means something that's going to take place. And it's translated here as being something which is inevitable because it is obviously inevitable by the Promise of Allah subhanaw taala. So and what they are is from the names of the owl from the

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names of the Day of Judgment. And so therefore from the very outset, you can see that this is a Surah that's going to speak about your one piano. And this is one of those songs that speaks about the day of judgment and the many things that will take place on that day. It will bring some low and raise others up. That is it will bring some people to the lowest of the low and raise others to the most sublime of degrees. So the Day of Judgment is a day in which Allah azza wa jal will honor some people. So they will be raised up high in their status in the gardens of Jannah. And they will lower the people and humiliate them so that they will be punished in the in the depths of the fire. Just

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as in the dunya. The Prophet told us on Allah Allah He was certain that Allah azza wa jal raises with the Quran people and he lowers other people with the Quran meaning those who read the Quran hold on to the Quran, that people of the Quran Allah raises them through the Quran because of the connection to it and those who abandoned the Quran and they neglect the Quran and the heedless of the Quran, the lowered humiliated because of their abandonment, abandonment of the book of Allah subhanaw taala. So those were honored in the dunya through the teachings of the Quran, learning of the Quran, Allah will honor them with higher ranks in Jannah. As mentioned in the Hadith where the

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prophet said, Son, Allahu Allah, He will send them that it will be sent to the person who memorize the Quran read and for every verse, you can ascend the level in Jannah. So he reads and reads the reason to the end of that which he has memorized. And so the one was memorize the Quran, those 6300 verses is memorize the book of Allah subhanaw taala for every verse, There is a a rank of gender to be raised in. And so Allah azza wa jal is honored those people who hold on to the Quran and they learn the Quran and they spend their lives dedicated to the Quran. When the Earth is shaken violently, there is when it moves in, it's thrown into turmoil, and the mountains crumble and turn

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to scattered scattered dust and the earth is left with no mountains or landmarks. And he will leave the Earth as a smooth leveled plane in which you will see no depression or elevation. This was mentioned numerous times in the Quran, there are normal pm and the earth will become flat. There will be no peaks, no troughs, no high points, no low points, but the earth will be like a flat land that the people will then be resurrected upon. And so there are no mountains that people can climb and seek shelter. There is no lofty places where those who are rich and more powerful can have a higher status than those who don't have that same wealth and power and status, the earth will be

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flat and all of it will be a place of standing because Allah azza wa jal will make the oceans and the seas burn ablaze, meaning that they will run dry and then Allah azza wa jal will make the earth flat. Meaning even though the ocean bed is far deeper, than the land that we stand upon, Allah will make the whole thing flat. So that the people will stand on that day, as Allah commands and you and you are people are sorted into three kinds of that is, it will be divided into three categories according to these and according to your deeds good and bad, then Allah explains further about situation with those three categories, then there will be those on the right helpless will be those

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on the right is indicative of their high status and favorable situation, then there will be those on the left, left, how wretched will be those on the left, this is indicative of the terrible state they will be in. And the foremost or the foremost is they who will be brought near to Allah. They're the foremost to do good in this world will be the first to enter paradise in the hereafter. Those who are like this will be close to Allah and guardians of the light, the most sublime status

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lofty dwellings with no dwellings above them, Allah Azza dimensions three groups here for the people of all the three groups that will stand on the Day of Judgment. In other verses, Allah azza wa jal only mentioned two groups, for the confit agenda for the Confiserie the party in power as a party in the fire. And obviously there's no contradiction between the two. Because here we have the people of the paradise being separated into further subcategories they are subcategorized into a further two and so therefore, there's no contradiction between the two Allah Israel speaks generally in one verse about the people that have judgment that people have genuine the people at the fire. And in

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this verse, Allah azza wa jal goes into more detail that the people have gender themselves will be further divided. So they will be people of the right mean that they receive their record of deeds in their right hand. And then there are the people that are the Serbia Pune, Serbia upon the foremost of the foremost and Allah azza wa jal repeats it twice to show because all of the people have joined now foremost, the in Jana, that's an indication of their, of their of their supremacy and on the favor that Allah Israel has given to them. But Allah subhanaw taala says these will be the foremost of the foremost meaning they will be well ahead of those people that are on the right that will go

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into Jannah. Also, those who are mentioned here will be multitude of of those of old, there isn't many from earlier generations of this OMA and older nation and other nations, and a few from those of later times. This indicative of the superiority of the early generations of this ummah, always later generations in general terms, because the numbers of those who were close to Allah are greater among the earlier generations than among the later generations. Here Allah azza wa jal says concerning the sub, you're gonna serve your country, Allah azza wa jal begins by mentioning the three categories that people have the right people have the left, then the foremost and then Allah

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wanna speak about the reward of the foremost Allah describes them. And he says, that they will many from those who came before few from those who come later. And as far as have to see different as to what that means. And we have two major positions. The first of them is that what it means is that the majority of those people will be from the earlier nations. So the majority from the old mean that they will be the majority from the earlier nations meaning before the OMA of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and few will be from this nation that will be from the Serbia, Serbia upon why, because of the many, many prophets that passed before us, many, many prophets that came

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before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so from the time of Adam, all the way to the time of ESRD salatu salam, anyone that believed in Allah worshipped Allah alone, believed in their prophets, and they were amongst themselves because they make up the majority because that is the most the majority of the time of the earth and then we the OMA because we're the last Ummah, we are the few This is the position or some of the scholars have received. And if I'm not mistaken, I think there's a position that was adopted by urban cathedral, Rahim Allah Tada other position that is chosen here by the author before him by the likes of the mammoth poverty, and by the teacher of our teacher,

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Mohammed elimination, pretty much Allah is that know these two statements from the old and from those who came later, includes previous generations. And this Oma? So Allah azza wa jal says that from those who came before, the earlier the generation to the time of the prophets, the more of those people that are from the sabya con just as in this OMA, the closer the people are to the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the more likely they're going to be from the Serbia con, which makes sense, because from this OMA who are most likely to be from the Serbia con, the Companions, the tabular in the early Imams of Islam, they're more likely to be from the majority

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because of their period of time and the email that they had at the top of that time periods. And from the late two generations, there are fewer meaning in every nation as the time continues and goes on and on and on, then it is less likely that you will find those from the sub your own because of the distance between them, and between their profits and because of the many fitness and trials and tribulations that come upon them, how distance they become. So that is a deposition and that is also a good position. And there's a position there for that the authors chose and that is because we have a hadith in which the prophets of Allah where it was sent him spoke about how this ummah, the

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Ummah, the prophets of Allah while he was sending will make up a great quantity of gender, they will make up a great quantity of gender, to the extent that he said that you will be half of the people of gender. So if they are half of the people of gender, then it stands to chance and Allah knows best that a good number of them will be from the Serbia. Serbia concert is based on those generations. The other scholars said no it's a general thing previous nations and this nation, the earlier the generation the more likely they be to be from the foremost and the latest generation than they will be for the people of gender perform the people of the right hand and Allah knows

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best. I last who wrote in Luna there will be seated on well crafted couches. With Turkey in LA Mota accordingly in reclining reclining on them facing one another. Those who are close to Allah are the elite

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Among humankind, it will be seated on well crafted couches, that is couches that are inlaid with gold and silver, pearls and jewels and other adornments and no one knows except Allah subhanaw taala reclining on them that is on those couches sitting at ease and comfortable, comfortably, steady and firm facing one another because of their purity of heart and good manners and the harmony among them. And these are all the rewards of the Serbian owner Serbia con Allah wa mentioned each group and their rewards or for the people of the left hand their punishment Yato for ILA him with

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Mahalo, do own immortal seven boys will circulate among them. Be Aqua view, body coworker sim Mehreen with cups and jugs and glasses food from a flowing spring of one

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law you sat down on

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the foon which will not cause any headache or intoxication. Well, thank you yeah team mean,

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the whole year to June, along with foods of their choice, Wallah may

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yester who own and meet a burden that they that they may desire that is there will circulate among the people of paradise, serving them and meeting their needs young boys who are exceedingly handsome and elegant, as if they are pros carefully guarded, that is consumed and not exposed to anything that could change them. They are created to live forever, never growing older, never going older or changing, they will circulate among them with vessels of drinks. With cups the word transmitted here as cups refers to a vessel that has no handle and jugs the word the word translated here as jugs refers to a vessel that does have a handle with cups. He says that the word translated as cup

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meaning the word COAB, which is in Arabic to Porter of the word QUB. And Kuben Arabic language is something that doesn't have a handle like a goblet. So it's something which you hold from its stem as opposed to holding from his handle. And so Allah azza wa jal mentions all three in the Quran, he mentioned the case, which is a cup like a handle with a cup. You mentioned, Coop, or acquired as mentioned here, which is like a goblet doesn't have a handle and he mentioned earlier, which are like jugs, and Allah azza wa jal mentions them all, in the plural, to show how much they will be given to drink, how much and how often they will be served. Because if you say once you get a single

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drink, a single cup is known over and over again, as much as they desire, there will always be opened from them. Why? Because the people of Jannah that wish they drink will not harm them, doesn't intoxicate them, it doesn't make them sick. It doesn't, you can never have enough you can drink and drink and eat and eat and it will never make you sick or ill or have any other type of effects that are and praiseworthy, and also because the people of Jana as the Prophet told us of Allah while he was send them said, liable noon will lie to her watan, they don't need to relieve themselves. So you don't need to go to the bathroom, Allah azza wa jal has taken that away from them because that is

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also from the impurities that we have to deal with in the dunya there are no impurities in Jana, the prophets of Allah Allah, Allah was centimeters in a for one of them, if they have become satiated, and for that they will burn up and the or the aroma that will come from their mouth is like the sweetest of musk, and then that will be enough to digest their food and they can eat again. So Allah azza wa jal will remove from them that which is from the impurities of the dunya. So these people can enjoy themselves over and over and over again, never having to worry about any of those issues that we as humans in this dunya have to worry about. And glasses from a flowing spring of wine,

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there is of delicious wine that will not cause any, any side effects to the one who drinks it. And look at how Allah Azza describes the drink that they get me marrying him. It's like a spring that's flowing. So there's no limit to it. It's not like a bottle or two or three finishes. Okay, you have to confine some more. No, it's an ever growing spring, over and over again there is quantity it is without without limit. And so therefore the quantity is massive, they can keep drinking from dislike a stream, there was room before them that they take from us and when they please, which will not cause any headache, or cause their heads to turn, as the wine of this world does to the one who

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drinks or intoxication that is they will not lose their minds or power of rational thinking. As as happens in the case of earthly wind. The point is that everything in paradise of Delights that have earthly counterparts, will have no negative side effects are or as Allah says elsewhere, in which they are rivers of water forever fresh rivers of milk, of which the taste never changes, rivers of wine, delightful to those who drink it, and rivers of Tawny, pure and clear. Here Allah mentioned the wine of paradise and states that it has none of the negative side effects that are found in this world along with fruits of their choice, that is, wherever they choose and find appealing and

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whatever their souls desire. have all kinds of delicious fruits. They will cry they

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acquire in the most perfect manner, whatever they choose, or whichever food they desire, Allah subhanaw taala will give it to them, and they can eat from it and they can enjoy it to the extent that even if one of them wants to sow their own seeds, they want to plant their own plants. And they want to do that that is something which Allah azza wa jal also gives them the ability to do as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the one who wants to plant in Jannah, Allah will give to them fertile fields, they're sowing, and the shooting up of the plant and it becoming ripe for harvest will be like a blink of an eye. So you don't have to wait for months and months or seasons

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and larvae to do it, but they love they just have a love of panting and that shows from the benefits of the hadith is that that which the people loved in the dunya, that is permissible and it's good, like eating and drinking, like carrying fields and so on Allah, Allah will give them better, but similar rewards in the dunya and akhira. Allah will give them similar things, but to a much better extent and in a more perfect and complete manner. A man a Bedouin, he heard this hadith that someone can plant in Jannah. So this man must be from the Assad because only they like to plant seeds. And so the prophets of salaam said this is something which Allah will facilitate for people, if that's

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something which they which they want. And we have birds that they may desire that is of every type of birds, and any type of meat they want grilled or cooked in in another way. And you will find in some of the narrations that the that it is said that the people of Jannah if they desire meat of birds, they will call to a bird and the bird will come to them. Because the birds flying in the sky, they will call to it because they want to eat it. And it will be it will come and it will present itself to them so they don't have to go and hunt and it is something which Allah azza wa jal will make easy for them. Just as we mentioned yesterday that there's zero Surah Rahman, that has the

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people of Jannah Reclining upon their couches, the fruit of the trees will hang low. So as the reclining they can pluck from its fruit and eat it will hold on.

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And they will be fair companions with big beautiful eyes can really low low in Mac,

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as if they are pearls carefully guarded jazz

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Malone, as a reward for what they used to do. That is they will have fair companion with big beautiful eyes holding and the word whole refers to a beautiful woman whose eyes are aligned with curl. And word in refers to huge and beautiful eyes. Beautiful eyes in the female is one of the greatest characteristics of beauty, as if they are pearls carefully guarded. That is as if they are pure, elegant white pearls conceals from people's gaze and from the wind and sun, the color of which is one of the most beautiful of colors, and in which there is no defect at all. This is how the whole nine are. They have no defects at all. And in fact, they are perfect in their attributes and

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beautiful in their description. No matter how you look at them, you will not find anything but what is pleasing to the onlooker. That bliss which is prepared for them is a reward for what they used to do. Just as their deeds were good. Allah has made their reward good and he will grant them triumph in bliss.

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LA is maroon Fe level one what theme? They are not here. They're in any event talk or sinful speech.

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But only the salutation peace, peace, there is in the gardens of delight. They will not hear any idle talk. In that place, there will be nothing that is of no benefit and no words that are sinful. And that is the difference between the two Lagu is vain talk vain means something that has no benefit in it. So the people of Jannah don't speak about those things which don't concern them or which there is no benefit, because that is something which is disliked even in the dunya and it can lead to sin. No Do they speak of sin nor did they say anything that is displeasing to Allah azza wa jal for there is no sin, or no haram in Jannah. The only the salutation peace, peace, that is the

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only here good words, for that is the abode of the good and there will be nothing in it but everything that is good. This is indicative of the good manners of the people of paradise, where they addressed one another and that it will be the best and most pleasing of speech that is most free of idle and sinful talk. We ask Allah for His grace

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What else have we yummy Nima else have with me in those on the right how blessed we'll be those on the right. V C during Bu there will be a myth thrown less luxuries. We'll call him.

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Double load and banana trees laden with fruit. What? What will leave meme do food and shade long extended while I'm

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in school

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and flowing water. Well, thank you Hatton, Kathy,

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and fruit, fruit in abundance. La Makoto it you know,

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never seizing and never restricted

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waffle regime model for and raised couches, reclining their own with their spouses, then Allah speaks of the bliss of those on the right, those on the right how blessed will be those on the right. That is how great their status and how high they're standing, there will be a miss thornless low trees, that is all thorns and harmful branches will have been removed from them and replaced with good fruits. One of the qualities of the low tree is that it gives crocheted and others in office comfort and the low tree is something which is as you can see mentioned a number of times in the Quran and in the sun in different contexts from them is what we mentioned in solar to najem that

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the prophets of salaam went to the low tree in the heavens Sidra Tilghman data and it is the furthest point that the creation can go to and from them is the crease of Jana from the trees of Genoa with the trees of acidum. And from what is mentioned in the Sunnah is that it is recommended when we wash the deceased that there is some seed of that is placed within the water on the washing because of the properties that it has of cleansing. So you often find cedar is mentioned because it was considered to be a beneficial tree but the cedar tree has thorns and some of those thorns can be very big and sharp. So Allah azza wa jal will remove as we said, the harmful aspects that we would

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find in the dunya from some of these things, such as wine and these low trees and other things and then you want give it as reward in Jannah and banana trees lated with fruit, the banana tree is well known is a tree that produces delicious fruits and this is the Tafseer of the majority of the scholars of Tafseer. The word that is mentioned here in this verse will pull him on board, but the majority said that it is the banana tree

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and following water and flowing water, there is abundant water coming from springs mean during meandering,

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meandering, meandering meandering rivers and gushing water and fruit in abundance, never ceasing and never restricted. There is not like the fruit of this world, which sees from time to time and may be restricted, that is difficult to acquire for those who want them. Rather the fruits of Paradise will be constantly available and close at hand. So that person may easily take them whether he is standing, sitting or lying down and raise couches, that is raised up off the ground, these couches will be made of silk, gold pearls and such things as known as no one knows except Allah

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we shall indeed have created them their spouses, a new and perfect

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Carry out or as you have made them, and shall have made them virgins are all then add Taraba loving and of equal age. The US happy me again, for those on the right through let me know welling

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a multitude of those of old, what do let

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me know Meenal theory in a multitude from those of later times, we shall indeed have created them the spouse is a new imperfect that is, we shall have created as wives of the people of paradise in a form other than their earthly form, perfect and not subject to death, and shall have made them versions that is both young and old.

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This general word includes both the holder reign and the woman who lived in this world, the description of being virgins will be constant and that will be their state at all times, just as they remain loving and equal have an equal age. At all times for the people of Ghana or the men of Ghana. They continue to be with their wives that they will with in the dunya and that is mentioned in more than one narration that the people that were married in the dunya they both die upon Eman then they will be in gender together also as husband and wife. But Allah azza wa jal will also give to the men something which is extra and that is the whole green.

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The word translator here as loving refers to the woman who is affectionate and tries to endear herself to her husband with nice words, beautiful appearance, soft talk, beauty and love. When she speaks she intends the listener who wishes that her words will never end, especially when she sings President tunes in a delightful voice and her husband looks at her good manners and gentle characteristics. His heart is filled with joy and happiness. When she moves from one place to another. That place is filled with her beauty, beautiful fragrance and light that includes

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the dish. Okay, coquettish behavior when engaging in * one of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaks about what the believers will see Allah subhanaw taala when Allah azza wa jal will invert unveiling

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subhanaw taala and they will look upon his face to people of Jannah. And then the Hadith continues that they will return back to their families and the families will say that you've only increased in beauty now that you've returned, and they will look at their families and they will see you to have only increased in beauty. And that is something which is ongoing. As we said, the beauty of Jana never diminishes. Because the beauty of the dunya does diminish, no matter how beautiful something is, if it's something that you see day in and day out. For years and years and decades, sooner or later, it just becomes normal, not as beautiful anymore. And also beauty doesn't last especially

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human beauty. Because as people get older, as people advancing age, the beauty also starts to diminish. But the beauty of gender never diminishes, neither in its people nor than its blessings. And so the only increase in beauty, so even when they think that they can be nothing more beautiful, Allah azza wa jal will increase them in further beauty of equal age. The age in question is 33, which is the prime age, the end of youth and that has mentioned also in the Sunnah, that Allah azza wa jal will create people in the manner of their father, when they enter into Jannah. They will be like their father Adam, Mary salatu salam in terms of his height, and in terms of his bone, and they

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will have the age of 33, which is the age of prime strength in terms of youth, wives will be loving and of equal age, living in harmony and getting along with one another, content and pleasing to others, not grieving, nor causing grief, rather, they will bring, they will bring joy to the heart and be a delight to the eyes. For those on the right that is they are prepared for them. A multitude of those have old and a multitude from those of later times. There is this category of those on the right will be a large number from the earlier generations and a large number from the later generations and also from that which Allah azza wa jal will exclude from Jana is ill feelings. So

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jealousy, envy, arrogance, greed, anything which is a bad feeling or a bad emotion, it will be excluded from Jannah so the people of Jannah not jealous of one another. No one looks at someone else's blessings and says oh, he has more than me. If only I had what he had. There was none of that agenda everyone is pleased with that which Allah azza wa jal has given an even in one family. So for example, what is mentioned here, the holder in and the wives and so on, there's no jealousy or avarice between them or any type of enmity.

00:32:18 --> 00:32:22

What else have we seen Malema else have Oshima

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and those on the left How wretched will be those on the left? Feeds.

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They will be in the midst of scorching wind and scalding water while we leave me moon in the shade of black smoke, lie buried you kidding? Either cool, no horse, no wholesome in home care no Gabriella Lika Moto, often, very before that they lived a life of luxury.

00:32:58 --> 00:33:00

What can you do to Runa

00:33:01 --> 00:33:08

the loving and persisted in the gravest sin. What can we ago Luna either meets

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to Robin Why of all men in Lambuth.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:23

They used to say what when we have died and have turned into dust and bones, will we really be raised up

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own way to learn and our forefathers to was meant by those on the left are the inhabitants of the fire. The people are bad these law describes their punishment that Allah described their punishment they deserve and tells us that they will be in the midst of scorching wind, which is hellishly hot wind that will take their souls and make them extremely distressed. A scalding water that is hot water that will cut their bowels in the shade of black smoke. That is flames mixed with smoke, neither cool nor wholesome. Well you will often see in the Quran and the Sunnah, that the general categories of blessings that the people of Jannah receive. So we have in the categories of the

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blessings like food, and drink and clothing and shelter and these are the categories of blessings that they receive. Allah azza wa jal mentions the same categories of punishment for the people of the fire. They're also going to be given food, they're also going to be given drink, they're also going to be clothed, also going to be given shade and shelter. That is all going to be fire and punishment. That's the difference. So they will have the same categories. Allah will give to them the same categories they want food, they'll be given food, they won't drink, they'll be given drink, they weren't clothing will be given to them, but all of it will be punishment and torment all of it

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will be blazing Fire. What is meant is that there will be distressed anguish, grief and suffering in which there is nothing good because negation of a thing is an affirmation of his opposite. Then Allah mentioned that these that brought them to this requires barely before that they live the life of luxury. That is, they were distracted by their worldly life. They strove for it, enjoyed it and rebelled in it. So they are

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Hope for long life kept them from doing good deeds. This life of luxury is what Allah condemns them for they lived meaning the non believers a life of luxury in the dunya even if they weren't rich, if they didn't have the comforts of the dunya, or the luxury of the dinner, they still lived a life of luxury. As the famous Imam Abdullah Mubarak Rahim, Allah Tada said, Abdullah Mubarak was one of the richest scholars of Islam ever to live a very wealthy man, but an imam of Islam also, he was once walking and he was very wealthy. And so he came across a man who said to him, and he was a non believer, he said to him, that in your Quran, you say that we live the life of luxury in the dunya.

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And you people you don't have any luxury look at me and look at you. You're the rich one. I'm the *. He said what he means is relatively speaking in relation to the Acura, your life is a luxury compared to what's waiting in Africa. And our life is miserable compared to what is waiting for us in Africa. So that was when he says that they lived a life of luxury. There's not necessarily the luxury in the way that we understand it, but that they follow their desires. They did what they wanted. They didn't obey Allah's commands, does luxury also in terms of the way that they live and the way that they conducted themselves and persisted in the gravest sin that is, they used to commit

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major sins and not repent from them or regret them. Rather, they persisted in that which angered their Lord. Then they came to him with many burdens of Unforgiven sins, and they used to deny the resurrection. So they would say thinking unlikely what when we have died and have turned into dust and bones will will really be raised up and our forefathers to that is how can we be resurrected after we have died and our bodies have disintegrated and we have turned into dust and bones? That's impossible. Will we really be raised up in our forefathers to Allah said in response to them and refuting them all in whirling you know well, theory in SEO Mohamed Salah Salem, Verily those of old

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and those of later times, I imagine more on email me or to me Marilou will be gathered on a predetermined day. That is SEO Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, Allah will resurrect all of humankind, both early and late generations and He will gather them on a predetermined predetermined date that Allah has decreed for his slaves after all creatures die is Allah's Will to require them for the deeds that they did in the realm of accountability.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:36

In a year, you have bought your Luna limo can the Boo don't. Then you are misguided deniers. The Aggie Luna

00:37:40 --> 00:37:49

home will surely eat from the tree of the comb, family. Oh and I mean Hellboy two on filling your berries with it.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:54

For Sheree, buena La Mina hammy

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and drinking scalding water on top of it.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:01

Fascia at Buena Shoal, rebel.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:04

Drinking like thirsty Camus

00:38:06 --> 00:38:43

no Zulu homea woman the in this will be the welcome on the Day of Judgment, then you are misguided liars who have gone astray from the path of guidance and follow the path of misguidance and have denied the messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam and what he brought of truth and prompt and of promises and warnings were surely from the tree of the comb, which is the ugliest and violence of trees with the foul stench and the most hideous, apparent appearance. Filling your bellies with it will force them to eat from it, despite being so repugnant is extreme hunger that will burn in their bellies. As a result of which they will almost die. This is something that you find in regionals in the Quran

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and the Sunnah, that the people have the fire, even though they know that what they're going to be given to eat and drink is further punishment and torment. They can't avoid it. They can't reject it or refuse it because of the extreme hunger and thirst that they're facing. And that's what we'll mention here that they drink like thirsty camels is scalding water, it's burning them. It's burning the intestines is burning the insight, but they won't be able to stop because of the extreme amount of thirst that they're that they're experiencing. So that will be one of the ways that Allah causes the punishment to endure and to continue, that they know that it's punishment, we will repeat it

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over and over again because that process or that that process that will take place of extreme thirst and then drinking from that water will never end is food which is all that they will have to ward off their hunger is food that does not provide any nourishment or switch hunger. As for their drink, it will be the worst of drink. On top of that food. They will drink scalding water that will boil in their bellies. They will drink it like thirsty camels that are suffering the most intense thirst or are sick, afflicted with the disease that causes Thursday as never quenched by drinking water. This food and drink will be there welcome on the Day of Judgment is the welcome that they have sent ahead

00:39:56 --> 00:40:00

for themselves and given a precedence over that which they

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With which Allah will welcome his close friends. Then Allah mentions rational proof for the resurrection

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national Hala gonna come follow Allah to saw Deikun is We Who created you? Why then do you not believe believe that we can raise you from the dead in this passage now Allah subhanaw taala will after mentioning your multi Yama and the resurrection, you will mentioned signs in the Krishna show Allah Azza ability subhanaw taala to resurrect, and Allah Azza wa mentioned a number of these signs. That is, it is we who brought you into being after you are nothing worth mentioning, without becoming weary or tired in the process is not the one who is is not the one who is able to do that also able to give life to the dead. Indeed, he's able to do all things. This is a rebuke to them for

00:40:46 --> 00:40:51

not believing in the resurrection, when they are able to see that which is greater and more significant than

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to two

00:40:57 --> 00:41:18

Have you thought about the * that you emit, and Tohoku Now who am national Holic Who is it you create a human being from it? Or are we the Creator? National * been cool comun Animoto national Bhima spooky in

00:41:19 --> 00:41:22

is We Who have ordained death among you in our decree cannot escape.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:28

Isla and Obed de la la como

00:41:29 --> 00:41:41

she come thema down near Moon for replace you with with others like you. And after death on the day of resurrection we will recreate you in a manner unknown to you.

00:41:42 --> 00:42:24

What are called the I name Tumen Nash Gula Lola Kuru you're well aware of the first creation, why then do you not pay heed? That is, have you thought about the beginning of your creation from the * that you emit? Are you the creators of that *? And what grows from it? Or is it Allah subhanaw taala the Creator who creates in in you the desire and genders, male and female, and guys, each of them to each other, and creates love, compassion and mercy between the spouses, which are the means of procreation. Therefore, Allah subhanaw taala points out that the creation is evidence for the second creation. And therefore Allah subhanaw taala points out that the first creation is

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evidence for the second creation, it says you are well aware of the first creation, why then do you not pay heed and realize that the one who is able to initiate your creation is also able to recreate you fly a

00:42:36 --> 00:42:40

default route to learn? Have you thought about the sea do so?

00:42:41 --> 00:42:51

To Tesla owner who knows czar Young? Is it you who caused them to grow or is it we who make them grow low inertia?

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00:42:56 --> 00:43:06

Tom terrific who don't, if we saw wilt, we could cause them to crumble, then you would be left wondering and laminating in.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:51

In Ramune, we are ruined by the National metal moon. In fact, we are destitute. This is a reminder of his slaves to his is a reminder of his blessings to slaves, calling them thereby to believe in His Oneness, worship Him and turn to him as he has blessed them with that which He has made available to them, of the seeds that they sow in order to grow crops and fruit. From those seeds come staple foods, provision and fruits which are essential to their needs, and well being there are blessings that they cannot count, let alone give sufficient things for them. Therefore he reminds them of his blessings and ask them to affirm them. It is Is it you who caused them to grow? Or is it

00:43:51 --> 00:44:31

we who make them grow? That is? Is it you who bring them forth as plants from the ground? Is it you who caused them to grow? Is it you who bring forth the crops, the ears of corn and the fruits and caused them to grow until they are ripe and ready for harvest? Or is it Allah Who alone does all that and bestows these blessings upon you, the most that you do is to and plow the soil and throw the seed into it, that you have no knowledge of what will happen after that. And you have no ability to do more than that. Moreover, Allah points out to them that the seed is exposed to danger. We're not for his keeping it safe for them in order to meet their needs and give them some joy for a

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limited time. Answer is Allah subhanaw taala wills that those can't grow that those seeds flourish, for larger will than the conditions wouldn't be right there would be drought there would be famine, they wouldn't be enough rain earth wouldn't be good enough. Or even if they were to come out and they were to sprout Allah azza wa jal incense upon them a plague of locusts or some other type of disease and you can't benefit from them. So many things could happen to those plants that Allah azza wa jal if he wished he could or willed it could happen to its who is it that makes it grow?

00:45:00 --> 00:45:23

unmixed turn, wipe and allows you to harvest and benefit from it. And he says, If we saw wilt, we could cause them. There is the crops and foods to come crumble, that is to shrivel and die. That's bringing no benefit and no provision, then you would be left as a result of his crumbling, crumbling, after all the effort you had put into it, and all the money you spent on wandering, a limiting that is feeling regret and sorrow for what had befallen you,

00:45:24 --> 00:45:53

which took away your joy and happiness and you would say, We are ruined. That is, we have suffered a setback and been stricken by a calamity that has destroyed us, then you would acknowledge the extent of the calamity that had befallen you, and you would say, in fact, we are destitute. So praise Allah subhanaw taala for having preserved your crops for you, cause them to survive and made them reach a maturity and for not sending upon them a blight that would deprive you of their good their benefit and goodness.

00:45:54 --> 00:45:55

I thought I told

00:45:57 --> 00:46:02

a lady Tasha Prabhu don't have you thought about the water that you drink?

00:46:05 --> 00:46:16

To move most naem national musi to own it you bring it down from the clouds or is it we who sent it down low inertia?

00:46:18 --> 00:46:59

Who Judge fellow school too soon. If we so will, we could make it salty and bitter. Why then do you not give things have you mentioned the blessings of food that He bestows upon his slaves? Allah subhanaw taala now mentioned the blessings of water that He bestows upon them from which they drink, were not for Allah making easily available to them, they would not they would have no way to obtain it. For it is He Who sends it down from the clouds, Allah subhanaw taala sent it down from from an from eight come rivers and flow on this flow on the surface of the earth and underground and produce gushing springs and streams on the scholars of Tafseer by the name of Ibnu Arafa. He said that Allah

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azza wa jal mentions the food first the crops that you use for your food for your staple foods. And then after Allah azza wa jal mentions the water that comes from the sky. And he says, and that's because Allah knows best but because the food that is mentioned first, when you plow the fields, you sold the fields you do all that work, the farmers put in a great deal of effort. So someone could say yes, Allah azza wa jal helps, but people also do a great deal of work in terms of planning those fields making sure that they're attended to making sure that the harvest is taken. But then Allah azza wa jal mentions rain. No one has any part in except Allah subhanaw taala. So even if you can

00:47:34 --> 00:47:42

make that excuse for the food, Allah Azza dimensions a sign that no one else has anything to do with except him subhanaw taala and that is during the distance from the sky,

00:47:44 --> 00:47:46

I thought are a Tumen.

00:47:49 --> 00:48:23

Part of the blessing is that he makes it fresh and palatable. If he so willed, He could make it salty and bitter and pleasant to drink and have no benefit. Why then do you not give thanks to Allah subhanaw taala for the blessings that He has bestowed upon you and know that water is from the greatest blessings of Allah subhanaw taala were created from water we need water to survive. And so that is something which is from the greatest blessings of Allah subhanaw taala and those people that don't find water or clean water or they don't have access to it, they know it's they know it's worth and they know it's preciousness and that is why the Prophet said said Allah Allah He was cinnamon,

00:48:23 --> 00:48:35

the companions were wasting water when they make him although he said even if you're by a running River, don't waste the water. Even if you have a river that's running in front of you don't waste the water because there is from the greatest blessings of Allah subhanaw taala

00:48:36 --> 00:48:37

fri at

00:48:39 --> 00:48:43

it too soon. Have you thought about the fire that you can do?

00:48:46 --> 00:48:46


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00:48:55 --> 00:49:07

in national Moonship on do you cause a tree which provides the firewood to grow? Or do we do too? Or do we national Jaiden dead killed rotting

00:49:08 --> 00:49:23

mobile we we have made a reminder and a benefit for desert dwellers and wayfarers. First step bear this smear of big loving, so glory. So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.

00:49:25 --> 00:50:00

This is a blessing that is one of the essentials that that people cannot do without people need it for many things. So Allah subhanaw taala asked him to affirm the blessing of fire which he created from trees for people are not able to make the trees grow, rather is Allah subhanaw taala who makes the green trees grow, then the word is used for fire there has lit according to people's need. Then when they no longer need it, they extinguish it. We have made it a reminder to people of the blessings of the Lord and a reminder of the fire of people of *, which Allah has prepared for those who disobey Him and

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And he has made it a warning to motivate people to aspire to to aspire to Paradise, it is a reminder because Allah subhanaw taala, that same fire that we benefit from we use to warm ourselves we use as a guide. In certain places use the font, the light that comes from the fire to guide you use the fire to warm yourself up to cook with many benefits of the fire, that same fire, even in the dunya can be a punishment, even in the dunya it can destroy and it can cause a great deal of harm and the prophets of Allah rd will send them in the Hadith, that the fire of the dunya is one of the 70 parts of the fire of the akhirah meaning that it is simply times the most ferocious fire in the dunya is

00:50:38 --> 00:50:42

only one of 70 of that which Allah azza wa jal was prepared in the final loss he was from that

00:50:43 --> 00:51:20

and a benefit for desert dwellers and wayfarers. Allah Singh was outweigh fares for mentioned because they benefit from from it more than others. Perhaps the reason for that is that this world is all a place of travel. From the time a person is born, he is traveling towards the law is Lord. So Allah has made has made fire a benefit for wayfarers and travelers in this world and reminded to them of the hereafter. Having highlighted the blessings that require people to praise Allah for them, give thanks to Him and worship him. He instructs them to glorify and praise Him. So Glorify thy Lord, the Most Great that has glorify our Lord, the Most Great who has the most perfect names

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and attributes and is immensely kind and generous. Praise Him in your heart and with your words and actions, for he is deserving of that he deserves to be thanked and not shown in gratitude to be remembered and not forgotten to be obeyed. And not so bad.

00:51:36 --> 00:51:39

Bela Lugosi movie my work here in

00:51:41 --> 00:51:48

various whereby the positions of the stars were in who called Samuel Lo, tal Nemo now,

00:51:49 --> 00:51:54

and rarely is indeed a mighty oath if only you knew in the hula

00:51:56 --> 00:52:14

Kareem there is indeed a noble and bounteous Quran V keytab. In the moon in a well in a book well preserved ly ms su l MOPA. Her rune which no one can touch except the purified

00:52:16 --> 00:52:24

the middle of below I mean, a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds FRB had al Hadith

00:52:26 --> 00:52:26

muda how

00:52:27 --> 00:52:45

do you then take this discourse the Quran lightly, what Elijah Luna is come and come to caribou and instead of thinking Allah for the provision He bestows you disbelieve and showing gratitude, he Allah subhanaw taala swears by the stars and their positions, that is where they sit.

00:52:46 --> 00:53:28

And what Allah brings about of events at those times that are indicative of his might pride and oneness. Then he shows how great is the matter by which he swore this oath, as he says, and very is indeed a mighty oath, if only if you only knew this oath is only mighty because in the stars and their movement across the sky, and their setting, there are innumerable signs. The fact that, that the fact that is tested by the oath is the authenticity of the Quran for is undoubtedly true, is also noble. That is a contains much good and abundant knowledge for all that is good and all knowledge is only learned and derived from the book of Allah. In a well in a book well preserved,

00:53:28 --> 00:54:06

that is conceived from the eyes of the people. This well preserved book is a low homophobe. In other words, this Quran is written in a local, my fourth, held in high esteem by Allah and by the angels among those on high. It may be that what is meant by the well preserved book is the book that is in the hands of the angels whom Allah sends down with his revelation. And that what is meant is that he protected it from the devils who had power to change it, or to add anything to it or to or take anything away from it, or to eavesdrop on it, or the author have no data in this first wiki tab in McLuhan in a book well preserved, he mentions two positions of the scholars have received the first

00:54:06 --> 00:54:43

of them is the position of the majority, that the well preserved book is The allow for the Preserved Tablet, and that is the the well known Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Allah azza wa jal commanded the pen to inscribe everything that is the Preserved Tablet, everything is taken in there, and everything is found within from that which Allah azza wa jal has decreed until the end of time. The second position that he mentioned that he may be the revelation that the angels bring down to the Prophet and how Allah has preserved it. That is also the position of some of the scholars of disease such as even reclaim Rahim Allah Tada. And both of those positions are correct

00:54:43 --> 00:54:53

Allah azza wa jal preserve all knowledge in the lower manifold, and allows you to preserve the revelation when the angels are bringing it down to the various prophets and messengers,

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which no one could touch except the purified there is no one can touch the Quran except the noble Angels whom Allah

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Panatela has purified and made free of faults and sins, if no one touches it, but the purified and the evil people and devils cannot touch it. This verse indicates and implies that it's not possible for anyone to touch the Quran except one who is in a state of purity as a as is mentioned in the Hadith, and it was said that this verse is a statement that implies of prohibition. In other words, no one should touch the Quran except one who is in a state of purity. This verse no one touches except the purified meaning the angels, the angels are pure beings that Allah azza wa jal has created the touch the revelation of Allah, the Ohana my fourth, because they are pure in the way

00:55:35 --> 00:56:08

that Allah azza wa jal has created that author then says that if that is the case in the heavens, that likewise upon the earth revelation of Allah, meaning if you have the full Arabic Quran, what we call the most half the Arabic Quran, no one should touch that except in a state of purity, meaning the state of will do and that is the position of the majority of the scholars because of the Morrison generation that is found that the Prophet said it's not allowed, he was telling me that long letter that he wrote, I might have been husband's father. And he said to him, Allah Yeah, Mr. Quran Allah, only those in the state of purity should should touch the Quran. And even though there

00:56:08 --> 00:56:29

is some weakness in that narration, the vast majority of the scholars accepted it as a ruling. And so therefore the position on the majority is that if you want to touch the Quran, you must be in a state of widow with a few exceptions, but generally speaking, you must be in a state of widow before you touch the Quran. And if you only state a widow, then it's not from the honor and the respect that we give to the book of Allah azza wa jal, that is touched without

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a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds. There is this Quran which is described in the sublime terms is a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds who takes care of his slaves by bestowing His blessings, both spiritual and worldly. One of the most important aspects of his caring for his slaves is His revelation of this Quran, which guides to that which is in the best interest of people in both realms, that Allah bestowed mercy there thereby upon his slaves for which they cannot give sufficient things. This require them to adhere to it, and proclaim it and to call people to it and convey convey it to them. The revelation on the Quran was the greatest from the greatest blessings

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of Allah subhanaw taala Had Allah willed, He could have said to people, you have to worship me but then given them no guidance, not told them the path to him, not told them how to worship, not give him anything and let them find their own way. And that would have been extremely difficult how many people would have found if they were just left to their own devices, the way that Allah was most pleased with the from the greatest blessings of Allah is that he sent prophets and messengers that he gave revelation that he gave the Quran that tells us the manner in which to worship Allah what is pleasing to Allah, what is displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala one of the most important aspects of

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his caring for his slaves is His revelation of this Quran, which guides to that which is in the best interest of people in both realms, that Allah bestow mercy thereby upon his slaves for which they cannot give things. This requires them to adhere to it and proclaim it and to call people to it and convey it to them. Hence, Allah says, do you then take this discourse the Quran lightly, that is do you take this great book and was reminded lightly in other words, do you compromise and try to miss misinterpret it for fear of people in their criticism and trap words, this is not befitting and is not appropriate, rather, it was appropriate is to compromise and take lightly the words of someone

00:58:18 --> 00:58:56

whom you do not trust. As for the Holy Quran, is the truth which no one opposes, but he will be defeated and no one promotes it, but he will prevail over others is something concerning which there should be no compromise and which should be not which which should not be hidden. Rather, it should be announced and proclaimed to people and instead of thanking Allah for the provision He bestows. you disbelieve in showing gratitude that is in response to Allah's blessings upon you of bestowing provision. you disbelieve and show in gratitude for the blessings of Allah and say, we have got we got rain by virtue of such and such a star and we attribute the blessing to a source other than the

00:58:56 --> 00:59:10

one who bestowed it and granted it to you. Why do you not give Thanks to ALLAH for his blessings, as Allah set down the Quran to you to increase you in Grace and Bounty whereas rejection and ingratitude lead to remove our blessings and affliction of punishment?

00:59:11 --> 00:59:14

Fellow Allah either by law YT

00:59:15 --> 00:59:20

and why do you not intervene when the soul of the dying person reaches the throat while

00:59:22 --> 00:59:22


00:59:24 --> 00:59:48

on whilst you're looking on? Why National Alcohol abou II lay him in? Key Killa to Belsey rune when we are nearer to him than you, but you do not see fellow hola Incan to Moya Ahmadi Nene, so why do you not if you think you will be required total Gerona

00:59:51 --> 00:59:59

saw the thing bring back that soul if you are telling the truth, that is why do you not intervene when the departing soul reaches the throat? It

01:00:00 --> 01:00:25

You are looking at the dying person when he is in this in that state, the last part that is saying based on these previous verses about the many signs of Allah azza wa jal, that if you reject them, and you don't attribute them to Allah and you say that it's because of us were able to do this we it is our strength, our intelligence, our wisdom, and our agenda gives them a challenge, than if you're that powerful and you have that type of ability, then why don't you stop death? When death comes to you, why don't you ward it off?

01:00:26 --> 01:00:57

In fact, we are closer to him by our knowledge, and our angels are closer to him, but you do not see. So why do you why So, why do you not if you think you will not be required, that is why do you not if you claim that you will not be resurrected and will not be brought to account or required restore that sorted to his body, if you are telling the truth, but you admit that you are unable to restore it to its place? In that case, either you should accept the truth that has been brought to you by Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam or you should be stubborn and thus your fate and bad end will be known

01:00:59 --> 01:00:59


01:01:00 --> 01:01:07

it again, I mean al Mukalla Rabin then if he is one of the foremost who are brought near to Allah

01:01:09 --> 01:01:10

fellow who are you

01:01:14 --> 01:01:19

for him there will be rest fragrance and a garden of bliss well I'm

01:01:20 --> 01:01:36

gonna mean us happy yummy and if he is one of those on the right first like I mean us has been yummy and will be set to him peace be upon you for you are one for you're one of those on the right.

01:01:40 --> 01:01:53

Well, I'm good. I mean, I didn't move VB nutball orally in but if he is one of those, if he's one of the miscarried deniers, finals

01:01:56 --> 01:02:36

then you will be welcomed with scalding water, what also leads to jacking and he will burn in *, in law who helped polyarchy in very this is absolute truth. First, blush, this smell of bacon loving. So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most Great at the beginning of the surah Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the situation of three groups, the foremost who are brought near to Allah, those on the right and the Miska disbelievers and how they will be in the hereafter. Here at the end of the surah. He describes how they will be at the time of death. Then if he named me the dying person is one of the foremost who are brought near to Allah. These are the ones who did

01:02:36 --> 01:03:12

obligatory recommended actions and refrain from COVID and disliked actions and avoided an unnecessary indulgence in permissible actions, meaning that they did that which Allah obligated and then they did more than the no avail. And they stayed away from the Haram and also those that they thought were disliked acts by Allah azza wa jal Arrowfield that it will lead them to the Haram and the evil left some of that which was halal and permissible, are afraid that he may lead them and distract him from the worship of Allah subhanaw taala This is how they became from the macabre been meaning their whole life revolved around Allah's pleasure Allah has, Allah has happiness what Allah

01:03:12 --> 01:03:48

azza wa jal loves. And so this is what they do and everything that they want to achieve, as mentioned the Hadith, that the owl could see that Allah azza wa jal said that there is nothing more beloved to me, that you can do that the obligatory deeds, and a person will continue to do the optional deeds, until I become is hearing and his sight and his feet and his hands meaning that everything he does is for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. For him, there will be rest that is repose, reassurance, happiness, joy in the light of the heart. And so, fragrance the word translate here as fragrance is a word which includes physical pleasures, such as all kinds of fruit, drink,

01:03:48 --> 01:03:57

and so on. It was also said that this word refers to a particular scent, and a garden of bliss, that comprises both breast and fragrance

01:03:58 --> 01:04:35

in which there is that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it ever crossed the mind of men. So these glad tidings are given to the foremost at the time of death, which make their souls almost sore with happiness and joy. This is like the passage in which Allah says, very those who say, our Lord is Allah, then remain steadfast to them. To them, the angels will come down at a time of death, saying, Fear not no grief, but received the glad tidings of Paradise which you will promise we have been your close friends in this in the life of this world and will remain the end will be so in the hereafter. There you will have all that your soul desires and there you will have

01:04:35 --> 01:04:57

all that you asked for recompense from one who is off to forgiving, Most Merciful. If he is one of those on the right. They are the ones who did obligatory duties and refrain from that which was prohibited, even if they fell short in some duties that did not undermine their faith and belief in Allah's oneness. It will be set to one of them, please be appointed for you are one of those on the right. It will be set to

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

Tao you are safe

01:05:00 --> 01:05:36

from troubles, problems and punishment, because you are one of those on the right, who are kept safe, safe from sins they incur do but if he is one of the misguided deniers, that is those who reject the truth and went astray from right guidance, then he will be welcomed with golden water and he will burn in *, that is their walkabout. The day when they come to their Lord will be burning in *, which will compensate them and reach their hearts. If they seek help due to severe thirst, they will be given water like boiling jugs of oil that was called the faces. What a dreadful drink and what a miserable resting

01:05:37 --> 01:06:15

barely this thing that Allah subhanaw taala mentions about the require of His slaves, for their deeds both good and bad, and the details thereof is absolute truth, concerning which there can be no doubt, therefore is established truth that will inevitably come to pass. Allah has present live presented his slaves with definitive evidence to that effect, to the extent that to the extent that for people of understanding is as if they can taste it and see it therefore they praise Allah subhanaw taala for singling them out for his for this great blessings. Hence, Allah subhanaw taala says, So glorify the Name of the Lord the Most Great, so glory so Glory be to Allah the Almighty

01:06:15 --> 01:06:45

Lord and exalted be He far above what the wrongdoers and denier say Praise be to Allah the Lord of War of the Worlds but good and much good and blessed. Praise is the end of the country of social welfare. Our praise and thanks for Allah be the bride and May the blessings of peace of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family and his companions abundantly to the Day of Judgment. When we come to the end of the term, zero Surah tilapia and the end of today's lesson BarakAllahu pecan was going to be the Muhammad Ali he will be a drain cinematical.

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