Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As Sadi #02

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The history and importance of Islam is highlighted, including its use in religion, politics, and culture, as well as its use in media coverage and negative language. The importance of verifying the truth in media outlets and the potential consequences of false accusations are also discussed. The story of the prophets and the use of the Bible as a reference to Jesus are also discussed, along with the history of the world and the word "will" to describe events. The video of a man emphasizes not being afraid of people who refuse to believe in Jesus, and a brief advertisement for a YouTube video is also mentioned.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yo lion barakato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen but after about two months have been doing a lot of learning mean Asha to Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah. Allah. Allah Allah Allah. Allah here in Washington in the Vienna Muhammad Abdul Horus almost have an amine. Allah masala was selling Mubarak era articledo sadaqa Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi as you may know, my back. So this is the second day in the reading on the commentary of the famous book of Tafseer. The Cyril Karim Rahman vtct Colombian manaan morphemes Do you notice that the receipt of a Saudi by the Imam and the author and the scholar and the romantic blue NASA Saudi, who died in the year 1376 of

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the Hydra, Rahim Allah Tala Mateen was here. And we are currently on the Tafseer of Surah three Javea verse number 27

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While Eddie he was happy to hear Jemaine Allah. Allah Himself Ilana when he says you know what he Well, Idina will Hallerin.

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Also Nicola Rahima. Holman Lo Fi to see your call if you lie to Allah, but I will do bIllahi min ash shaytani Raji Bismillah, Allahu Allah, he was in LA HeMan. Kusama wa t.

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Y O Matic almost too young man eating yourself will remember to tune to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. On the Day when the hour begins. On that day, the followers of falsehood will be will be the loot will be the losers. What are our

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Jadzia Kulu

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to the

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key Tabby, hallelujah over to Arizona man, Toon Town who he will see every community on its knees, every community will be called to his book, and it will be said,

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today you will be required for what you used to do.

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Heather keytab guna young lady you can be held in common ancestors your home,

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tongue down Malou. This book of this book of ours will testify against you truthfully, for we used to put on record all that you did.

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For me, letting

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me know slaley Had he failed the boom field at the Lika who wouldn't be in?

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And for those who believed and did what just did, the Lord will admit them to his mercy. This is the clearest triumph. Well, I'm levena CAFO to Flm taken it to confess stick bottle to

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As for those who disbelieved it will be set to them. We're not We're not My revelations recited to you. But you showed arrogance and where we could do people

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well, either in our the law he helped

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to arrive Fe high

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manage the Mossad who in

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one in

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movie Mr. Yu ting

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when it was said to you very The Promise of Allah is true and there is no doubt about the hour you said, we do not know what the hour is we think we think it is just a matter of conjecture. But we are not entirely we are not entirely certain.

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Whether the law says to me, Lu Han copying him can be he yesterday as you

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the evil consequences of what they have done will become apparent to them. And the very punished the very thing. Punishment they used to ridicule, ridicule, overtake them,

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overwhelm them.

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Walk the young woman, command se to

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knew all

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while I'm at work woman

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while I'm at work woman now, no collusion now CD in,

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it will be sent to them. Today we will forget you as you forgot that, as you forgot that you would ever meet this Day of yours. Your abode will be the fire and you will have no helpers.

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Then you can be in the hospital. I Atilla he who's

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coming to dunya failure. Omala failure NUMA Raju, and I mean how you started who?

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This is because you made a mockery of Allah's revelation. And you were deceived by the life of this world. So on that day, they will not be brought forth from the fire, nor will they be allowed to make amends.

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Well, he, he'll hamdullah be Surma, where it will build out, build up Billa. And

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so Praise be to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the Earth, Lord of the world's

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weather we'll keep at

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office at World War One as he is all a hockey team belongs all supremacy in heavens and on earth. And He is the Almighty most wise.

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He Allah subhanaw taala tells us of the vastness of his of his domain, and that he alone controls your all times and that on the day when the hour begins, or an all in all creatures are gathered on the Day of Resurrection, the followers of falsehood will be the losers, those who came up with false arguments in attempt in an attempt to refute the truth. Thereby, their deeds are invalid because they are based on falsehood. Thus, they will become invalid on the Day of Resurrection, the day on which all facts will become clearer and all false arguments will avail them will avail them nothing and they will, they will miss out on the reward and will receive a painful punishment. Then Allah

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subhanaw taala describes the intensity of the Day of Resurrection, and how terrifying it will be so as to warn people of it and so that they may prepare for it. You will see on that day, every community on its knees in fear and panic awaiting the judgment of the Most Gracious sovereign seer of the majority of the scholars waterseal Allah subhanaw taala in the Surah towards the very end of the solar now the last passage of the surah we take the name of the surah from this verse or Javea and that is that Allah azza wa jal says that on your one CR Yama, the people mankind as the stand and they wait for the counting to begin, we have in the Sunnah, different types of descriptions as

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to what takes place before the counting begins. How the people will be, will be drowned in their own sweat, how the people will be waiting for the judgment of Allah subhanho data in fear and panic. And from the descriptions that we have is this verse what are called mutton Javea. Every single nation will be on its knees in fear and panic as the author said, Rahim Allah Tada. They will be on their knees waiting for that moment that Allah azza wa jal will come and he will pass judgment upon them. So it will be a day a day of fear and then a day of terror of the day when the people will be extremely frightened, except for those that Allah azza wa jal makes them secure on that day, and

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that is only the believers, because the angels will be with them throughout that process and telling them that there is no fear upon you, for you, there is no fear. So for everyone else, this is will be this will be the state that they will be every man meaning every nation of every prophet that came, will be on its knees out of fear.

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Every community will be called to his book, that is to the law of its prophet who came to them from Allah did did they comply with it, and thus attain reward and salvation or did they neglect it and US incur loss, the nation of Musa will be called to the law of Musa the nation the nation of Asa will be called likewise in the in the metal Allahu alayhi wa sallam will be called likewise, each nation will be called to the law that it was enjoined to follow. This is one of the possible meanings of this verse is undoubtedly sound and valid in and of itself.

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This is the first position among scholars with Sirhan Lakita buena young equality can be hacked. This is the book that every single community will be called towards meaning each prophet Patricia, all of those areas they agreed and united upon the issue of though hate worshipping Allah alone. But every prophet had his own laws. Every Prophet came with his own Sharia in terms of the rulings that they were told the halal and haram. So each OMA will be called forth and told, did you follow this book? That's one to see that this is the book that's referring to the book of the dunya. The revelation of the dunya. That's one position north of an hour mentioned the other position which is

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that referring to the record of deeds, or maybe that what is meant by the words, as you can

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Unity we will be called to his book is that every community will be called to the record of his deeds, and what was what was written down of his actions, both good and evil, and each person will be required for what he himself has done, as Allah subhanaw taala says, Whoever does righteous deeds is to his own benefit, and whoever does evil deeds is to his own detriment, meaning the other tafseer that when Allah azza wa jal calls people to the book, the book is your book of deeds, your record of deeds, Allah is going to judge you based upon what you did. And both of those positions both of those explanations of Tafseer are correct and valid, because your deeds, Allah will judge

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you upon your deeds, those deeds are based upon what the prophets bought in terms of Revelation. How do we know something's permissible in Islam not permissible, based on Revelation? So Allah azza wa jal will call you towards that book, did you uphold the revelation that Allah sent down? And then as a result of the deeds that you did that record of deeds? Does it conform to that revelation? Or does it go against the revelation, or maybe that both meanings are intended, this is indicated by the words, the book of hours will testify against you truthfully, that is, this book of ours that we sent down to you will judge between you on the basis of truth, which is just just for for we used to

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put on foods to put on record, or that you did is refers to the book of deeds. As we mentioned yesterday, the author had matara his methodology and didn't see it, and it's a methodology that you will find among some of the scholars of the Sierra and it's a good methodology is always reconciled when you have two positions amongst scholars of different fields. And both of them it's possible that both of them are correct, then don't dismiss one, don't just say, No, that one's wrong, or this one stronger? No, both of them are correct, because both meanings, the verse speaks about both meanings. So when you can do that, this is what the author always does. He goes for the most general

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meaning of the verse and the reconciles between the positions of the early scholars of Tafseer. And Allah explains how he will deal with the two parties as he says, As for those who believed and did righteous deeds, that is, they held sound beliefs and confirm their faith with righteous deeds, both obligatory and recommended, the Lord will admit them to His Mercy, the location of which is paradise, with all the will or with all that contains of eternal delights in life of ease. This declares triumph. That is clear triumph, salvation, gain and success which if a person attains it, he has attained all that is good and warded off all that is bad, but Allah subhanaw taala says what

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is the greatest and clearest of success and triumph Janna even in the dunya if you find it difficult to there's not, you don't get the blessings that other people get you don't get the success that the people may have. That's not true success. true success is this success that Allah azza wa jal mentioned, those who will be entered into Jannah those that will receive Allah's reward in Jana Vladika, who will Fosun will be in that is the clear success, the success of the Acura not the success of the dunya. And as for those who disbelieved in Allah, it will be said to them, by way of rebuke and chastisement. Were not My revelations recited to you, which showed you that that which

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was in your best interest and forbade you that which was harmful to you. This was a great blessing that reached you, if you had if you had wanted to attain it, but you were too arrogant to accept it. And you turned away from it and disbelieve that it does you committed the greatest offense and worst crime. So today you will be required for what you used to do. They will they will also be rebuked by the word when it was said to you very The Promise of Allah is true. And there is no doubt about the hour you said. You said denying it. We do not know what the hour is. We think it is just a matter of conjecture. But we are not eternally certain. This is how they were in this world. This is how they

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were in this world and will be at the time of resurrection, they will continue to deny and reject the words of those who told them about it. We were to look throughout the Quran, the statements of the disbelievers when they rejected the call of the prophets, you'll often see that they had two or three major issues that caused them to reject their prophets. The first is the issue of hate, they couldn't understand why they should worship Allah subhanaw taala alone. And they would often say that our forefathers, our ancestors used to follow the gods they used to worship more than one God. That was the first issue that they had issue of the hate they couldn't accept. The second issue that

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they couldn't accept is this one that's mentioned here. And that is the AP Euro, that there's going to be a resurrection. Allah azza wa jal mentions in many cases in the Quran, that they say that when we're bones and were turned to dust in our graves with Allah then resurrect us bring us again to life. So they had a problem with the resurrection, they couldn't believe that Allah could bring people back to life once they had died. And the third issue that they had, was with the prophets that Allah sent, because the prophets were not the most powerful of their people, or the richest of their people. So they used to say, if Allah was going to choose a prophet or a messenger, why not

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send down an angel? And if he was going to choose it from the humans, then why not choose the most wealthy or the most powerful or the most noble? Why choose just someone else from the community? And so these three things you will often find in the Quran that there

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repeat it so have Allah azza wa jal says, one of the major reasons why these people disbelieved why Allah is going to punish them is they wouldn't believe in the era. And if Allah said, Believe in the accurate, I was coming up, I was coming. They would say, we don't know what that means. What's the accurate What's this day of judgment that you speak about, so they would have a big issue is believing in resurrection. And that's why the Quran and the Sunnah especially, often focuses on those two, those two pillars of faith, mankind Umino Billahi, while Yeoman aka whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, because those were the two big issues that they had, didn't believe in Allah

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Alone, didn't believe in resurrection. So the proper form is to often say this, if you believe in Allah, you believe in the last day, then do this, or don't do that, or stay away from this or do that evil consequences of what they have done, will become apparent to them, that is on a day of resurrection, that punishment, the punishment for their deeds will become clear to them. And, and and the very thing punishment they used to ridicule will overwhelm them, that is before them. In other words, the punishment that they used to ridicule and mock in this world will befall them, it will be said to them, today we will forget you that is we will leave you in the punishment as you

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forgot, that you would ever meet this Day of yours, for the required fits the nature of the deeds. And this is also something common that is mentioned in a number of places in the Quran. And that is that Allah azza wa jal will say to the people of the fine that day, just as you were heedless, you forgot, though he'd revelation, you will heed this of Islam in the dunya than today you will also be forgotten, as Allah Azza mentioned in the verses that we already covered in surah Taha that they will be resurrected blind, and Allah azza wa jal, they will say to Allah, Oh Allah we used to see in the dunya Why Are we blind today, meaning in the akhira. And Allah says, Because you are blind to

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our revelation. So today we will also be blind towards you mean that we will neglect you. And that is the worst type of punishment and humiliation just to be disregarded, to be ignored, or even to be looked at, not even to be to be noticed. That's from the worst types of punishment that they will suffer on that day. Your abode will be the fire, that is, is your destination and your fate, and you will have no helpers to protect you from the punishment of Allah and ward off his wrath from you. That which will be for you of punishment is because you made a mockery of Allah's revelation, even though they should, they should have been motivated. They should have motivated you to strive hard

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and try your best and you should have received them with joy. And you are deceived by the life of this world with all its adornments pleasures and desires. So you are at ease with it and strove for it. And you fail to strive for the eternal realm. So on that day, there will not be brought forth from the fire, nor will nor will they be allowed to make an attempt to make amends. They will not be given any respite and they will not be sent back to this world so that they can do righteous deeds. So Praise be to Allah, as befits His Majesty and immense power, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the Earth, Lord of the world, that is to him be praised for his Lordship and care for all creatures,

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as he created them and cares for them, and bestows blessings upon them, both visible and hidden. To Him belongs all supremacy in the heavens and on earth. That is, To Him belong, majesty, greatness and glory. This is praising Allah for his perfect attribute, his love and honor and supremacy that reflects the greatness and majesty worship is based on two foundations, love of Allah and humility towards towards him, both of which stem from knowledge of the, of the praiseworthy attributes majesty and supremacy of Allah, and He is the Almighty, who subdues all things most wise, who does all that is appropriate. So whatever he prescribes, is for a wise reason, and in order to achieve

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beneficial interest, and whatever he creates his for purpose

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is the end of the commentary of Surah Surah, two jatiya our praise and thanks are for Allah and may the press and May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family and his family and his companions abundantly until the Day of Judgment. We're not coming to the 46th chapter of the Quran, which is sort of to lay off and then it's the final sort of the how I mean the final Surah that begins with him, and it is a murky Surah according to the majority of the scholars of their season, and some of them set by each map by consensus. It is known famously by this name Al Kahf. And it is a name that is found amongst the tabular in the scholars

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such as Zoe and others, that they refer to the surah as a half or, as we said, her meme and Lakoff as is often the case in these high memes was that they would put the name the words her meme at the beginning, and then the name of the surah. This surah Allah of the word cough is the plural of the word in Arabic And heck is a large sand dune. So large sand you see if you go to certain parts of the

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A desert especially this area that Allah azza wa jal is going to mention because a half is the area where the people have who are the Sadam lived the nation of ad, they lived in a place between Yemen and what is today modern day Saudi Arabia, the area that is often referred to today as the Empty Quarter. It's like a big, immense amount of desert. If you go to those places, sometimes you see major dunes that like mountains in terms of how big they are, that in Arabic is called the heck off is the plural dunes. And so these people, the people who the least anam the nation of Earth, they used to live around the area. And so Allah azza wa jal in the nations that Allah mentions in the

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Quran, sometimes he refers to them by their prophets. Sometimes he refers to them by their names, the names of the nations, and sometimes he refers to them by the location where they lived, as we mentioned previously, Surah hedger hedger is where the people of the mood the people of Saudi Hadees that's where they live. So Allah azza wa jal sometimes refers to them by their name, sometimes refers to them by their location in this surah Allah will mention the people of good Ali Salaam and he will refer to them by the location that they live. The an animal speak about this in more detail Inshallah, when we come on to these verses, and the surah consists of 35 verses

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Bismillah Hiroshima and yodel he, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Hi, I'm Jaime 10, zero keytab law in an ice hockey team. The revelation of the book is from Allah, the Almighty, the most wise man caught up on us

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help to you

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some, while letting you know CAFO

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we have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them except for true purpose and for an appointed term. But those who disbelieve pay no heed to the warning that is given to them.

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This is praise and veneration from Allah subhanaw taala for his book highlighting is dignity and increase implicitly telling people to seek guidance by its light, focus on pondering its verses and extract his treasures. Having referred to the revelation of His book that can contains commands and prohibitions, Allah now mentioned this his creation of the heavens in the earth, thus combining the creation and the command very this is the creation and the command. This is like the verses in which Allah subhanaw taala says, is Allah Who created seven heavens and of the earth that like there have a decree, he his decree descends throughout them, and He sends us down, he sends down the angels

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with his revelation by His Command to whomever among his slaves. He was saying, proclaim that there is no god but I so fear me, it created the heavens and the earth for a true purpose. Autorama data says if you look at these two verses at the beginning of sortal, half, Allah mentions revelation first and zero Kitab the revelation of the Quran and then in verse three McCullough Christian, Marathi will out then he mentioned the creation of the heavens and the earth. And this is something which is very common in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal often joins between these two greater signs of Allah, the signs of Revelation, the signs of Allah's creation, but always in the Quran more or less

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every single time, which one comes first revelation of creation.

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So always, Revelation, Allah always begins with Revelation. And then he mentions creation to show you to its importance, because many people can appreciate creation, even non Muslims people that don't mean even so people can appreciate the creation of Allah subhanaw taala you can appreciate nature in the universe and so on. But only the believers because of the revelation that Allah gave to them and the signs of Allah azza wa jal that Allah mentioned, do they truly contemplate and appreciate the creation of Allah subhanaw taala in the sense that it brings them closer to Allah increases them in Eman there are signs of the heat of Allah subhanaw taala and his names and

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attributes his majesty and his supremacy. And so Allah azza wa jal often joins between the two and there are many examples and we will see Inshallah, when we come to Surah Turkman. towards the very end of the Quran, surah Allah, Allah azza wa jal often mentions revelation and creation. And Revelation is always mentioned first and then creation. Second

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is Allah subhanaw taala, who created those who are accountable and he created the dwellings and made to be made to be of service to them, all that is in the heavens and on earth. Then he sent his messengers to them, and sent down to them his books, he sent his commands and prohibitions to them, and told them that this realm is a realm of striving and a place for those who strive to pass through.

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is not a place of settlement that people will never leave. Rather they will move

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Have on from it to the place of settlement and eternal and eternal abode. And they will find their award for their deeds. And, and they did. Their deeds that they did in this room in this room waiting for them in for in that room does Allah establishes proof that points to that realm and gives people a taste of reward and punishment in this world, so as to motivate them to seek what they love and flee from what they fear. Therefore, he says, Here, we have not created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them except for true purpose. That is, we have not created them without purpose or in vain, rather, is so that people will come to know the greatness of the

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creator of the creator thereof, and find evidence of his perfect attributes, and so that they, so that they may come to know that the one who created both realms, despite the vastness is able to recreate people after their death in order to recreate them, and that their creation and life is limited for an appointed term. Having told us of that, and he is the most truthful of speakers, and thus established proof, proof and enlightened the way Allah now tells us that despite that, some people insist on turning away from the truth and turning away from the call of the messengers, as he says, for those who disbelieve, but those who disbelieve, pay no heed to the warning that is given

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to them. As for those who believe, when they came to know the truth, they responded to the commands of the Lord accepted the truth and submitted with humility and veneration, thus they attain all that is good, and all that evil was walled off from them

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will lie to

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me Mather hot epolamine and Li M know whom she did goofy semi,

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II Tony B kita.

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L. O as our

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mean, tunes audio key in, say, tell me about those on whom you call besides Allah show me that show me what they have created on the earth? Or do they have any share in the heavens? Bring me proof from a book revealed before this or some remnant of knowledge if you are telling the truth.

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Well, I'm an alpha looming many women do. Haemon yesterday, Ebola? Who is the Matthew?

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Matthew two. So it's more who is more straight and one who calls upon who calls upon besides Allah, those who will not answer him until the day of resurrection and are oblivious to score. Why either horse urine, Sue canula, whom

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can be a bad thing calf ed in when humankind gathered on the Day of Resurrection, they will become the enemies and will reject their worship of them. say to these people say to these people who associate rival idols and rivals in worship with Allah, which have no power to bring benefit or cause harm, or to cause death, give life or resurrect, say to them highlighting the helplessness of their idols and pointing out that they do not deserve anything of worship? Tell me about those on whom you call besides Allah, show me what they have created on the earth? Or do they have any share in the heavens? Have they created any of the heavenly bodies? Or any of the creatures on earth? Have

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they created mountains? Have they caused rivers to flow? Have they scattered animals throughout the earth? Have they cause trees to grow? Did they help in the creation of any of these things? They have done none of these things, by their own admission, let alone the admission of anyone else. This offers definitive rational evidence that the worship of anyone of anyone or anything other than Allah is invalid. Allah subhanaw taala begins his Surah by mentioning these two points, as we said,

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Revelation creation, then Allah azza wa jal is now going to challenge those who worship other than Allah subhanaw taala. They have gods besides Allah, on both of these points, and Allah begins with creation. Allah azza wa jal says that all of this that you see the heavens and the earth and everything that it contains Allah subhanaw taala created it. If the gods that you worship besides Allah, our true gods, then tell me which part of the heavens and the earth did they create? Which share? What share do they have? Did they create this part of the earth, that part of the heavens show me which part point to it? What do they create besides Allah azza wa jal, the heavens, the

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earth, the mountains, the humans, all of these creations of Allah subhanaw taala Which one did they create? If they are true gods and lords besides Allah subhanaw taala so Allah azza wa jal begins first by challenging them about creation. And then in the next verses Allah azza wa jal will speak about Revelation and challenge them concerning that as well. Moreover, there is no textual evidence. Bring me proof from a book revealed before this, namely a book that promotes the association of others with Allah

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some remnant of knowledge inherited from the messenger that enjoying that enjoys that million don't you can't just make this up you can just come and say yeah my God did this and did that no you have to bring proof either bring revelation like the Quran similar to the Quran that also shows that your gods created besides Allah azza wa jal or bring some remnant of knowledge meaning some land long lasting knowledge that has come from the prophets and messengers that you can trace back and say not the Brahim said, No Musa said or ISA said, and this is what they this is what you can use as evidence. So you can't just make it up. We have the Quran, the book of Allah bring something similar

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to show that your gods also created besides Allah and as we know most of those religions, especially in the time of the Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi, wa salam, the origin so they didn't have any books didn't have any, any type of revelation that they could refer to in terms of these issues. It is well known that they are incapable of bringing any evidence to that effect from any of the messengers. In fact, we are confident and certain that all the messengers promoted for affirmation of the oneness of the Lord, and they forbade associating others with him. This is the greatest knowledge that is narrated from them. Allah subhanaw taala says, Indeed, we sent to every nation a

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messenger saying worship Allah alone and chant for Scott. Every messenger says people worship Allah, you have no God. But He does is known that the argument that the polytheists give for their association of partners with Allah is not based on proof or evidence. Rather, they rely on false notions, Ill founded opinions and corrupt reasonings.

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What indicates that their argument is invalid is studying their stories, finding out about their knowledge and deeds, and examining the situation of those who spent their lifetimes worshipping false gods? Did it benefit them at all, in this world or in the Hereafter? Hence, Allah subhanaw taala says, Who is more astray than one who calls upon besides Allah, those who will not answer him until the Day of Resurrection, that is for the duration of his stay on Earth, and they do not benefit him, even an Adam's wait

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and are oblivious to his call for they do not hear or respond to any call? This is how they are in this world. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will reject their association of them with Allah, Allah subhanaw. Taala says who is worse, who is more strange than the one who calls upon that which can't hear, can't respond. They call upon them as gods besides Allah, making glass supplicating asking for things, asking, seeking blessings, and so on. And they can't hear you and they can't respond Eli, Yeoman piano until the Day of Judgment, they're dead, or they don't exist in the first place, or they just stones or rocks or whatever they are. They can't hear you. They can't respond to

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you to the day of judgment on the Day of Judgment, what will they do? They will either be thrown into the fire, if they call to worship of themselves, they will be thrown into the fire. Or they're going to absolve themselves and say we didn't say that, like your East are the CERAM and others that will worship besides the law, they'll say no, as Allah mentioned in the Quran, we didn't say, worship us the angels, Allah will ask them do you command people to worship you they will say No, Allah may never tell people to worship us. So either they will absolve themselves of them, or if they did, quote that seem worshipped and they also will be punished by Allah and thrown into the

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fire. When humankind have gathered on the Day of Resurrection, they will become their enemies, they will curse one another and disavow one another. And they the false god will reject the worship of them, they will reject the worship of them because they will say you know, we never asked anyone to worship us, oh Allah as reside Eastern I mentioned him and his mother Meriam they will say we didn't call anyone to worship us besides Allah The angels will say the same. One of those people that will worship that didn't want to be worshipped the sun, the moon, and these are creations of Allah, they never called for their worship. And if someone did or something did, then they will also be cast

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into the fire because they are also going to be from those who are punished by Allah azza wa jal

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well either to delay him. tuna, tuna, call levena Kapha rolly happy LEM

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Cephalon room movie in

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we're not clear revelations are recited to them. Those who disbelieve say of the truth when it comes to them. This is obviously magic.

00:34:06 --> 00:34:42

I'm yaku and after all, boil any thoroughly to who Tim Lee coonelly Mina law he che who are Allah movie man to feel boo and FE Kapha be Shahidan benei why Benina Wahoo will awful Rahim. What do they say he has fabricated it himself say O Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. If I did fabricate it, then there is nothing you can do to shield me from the punishment of Allah. He knows best what you are against him sufficient Is he as a witness between me and you? And he is the most forgiving most merciful

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will American to be the I'm you know Rosalie.

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The man you follow will be will be come in who?

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like yo

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learner the urine will be in, say, oh Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam I'm not the first of the messengers and I do not know. And I do not know what will happen to me or to you. I only follow what is revealed to me and I'm clear one

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will without a

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gun I mean,

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he woke I thought it would be he was Shahida.

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Or Ill was Shahida Shah he

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straw Eli, leaf, man I was stuck bow to him in law had a deal call him avoiding, say what do you think of what do you think? If the Quran is really from Allah, but you reject it? What if a witness from among the children of Israel has testified in his favor and has believed was you remain arrogant? Verily, Allah does not guide people who are given to wrongdoing.

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That is when Our Clear revelations are recited to the disbelievers in such a way that they cannot doubt them, that does not benefit them rather proof is, is established against them thereby. And they say by way of fabrication of the truth of the truth when it comes to them. This is obviously magic. That is is clearly undoubtedly, and undoubtedly magic. This is a kind of turning the facts upside down. But no one can be fooled by that except those who are weak in reasoning. Otherwise, the difference between the tooth that was brought by the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And magic is greater than the distance between heaven and earth. So Allah azza wa jal does not challenge them

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about the second thing. So the first issue was religion, large region said to them, if someone else created any parts of the heaven, earth, show me and bring your evidence, and these gods that you call upon besides Allah, they can hear you, and they can respond to you now allows you to speaking about Revelation, this is the second thing that they didn't accept. So Allah is really saying that when we recite to them the clear verses of the Quran, the clear verses that are given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what do they do? They reject it, how do they reject it? They can't bring something similar. They can't argue against it. So what will they do? They will just make

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false stables they will criticize it, they will say it's magic, they will see he's crazy. They will say he's a poet, so they will attack but with no substance.

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How can the truth which is As sublime as the stars and whose light and whose light surpasses that of the sun, and it's supported by evidence in the universe and in their own selves, and is affirmed and accepted by people of insight amateur thinking, be compared with falsehood, such as magic, which only comes from misguided wrongdoers who are evil at heart and evil in their deeds? So it's appropriate for them and suits their condition?

00:37:49 --> 00:38:25

Or do they say he has prefabricated it himself? That is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has fabricated this Quran, and is not from Allah say, O Muhammad Sallallahu ALA and send them to them. If I fabricate it, then Allah has power over me and he has knowledge of your plan, and what you say about it, so why has he not punished me for fabricating, as you claim for fabricating it as you claim? The large origin says here that if they see then that they don't accept the Quran, they have to give a reason for the Quran, they have to justify whether the Quran come from, if it's not from Allah from whom. So either they will say that it's from the prophets of Allah RTCM himself that he

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made it up. And if he did, then there is an implicit challenge in that to say to them, they bring something similar to the Quran, he is a human like you he is a man like you. So bring something similar if he can do it, you do it. And he was illiterate, so low it was Selim didn't have the resources that they had was unknown, to be a poet before Islam didn't or wasn't known for his poetry, or is his eloquence in that way. And so bring something similar to the Quran. And if it's from him, then where did he get it from? I think he took it from someone else. Who did you take it from? Where did it come from? So this is the challenge that Allah azza wa jal gives to them. And if

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it was to be falsely fabricated, because they believed that Allah subhanaw taala is so powerful if someone was going to come and falsely fabricate and ascribe something to Allah, don't you think that Allah would punish them? But do you think that Allah azza wa jal would send down upon him some punishment? If he was lying about Allah? subhanaw taala? Is there anything you can do to shield me from the punishment of Allah?

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If it be his will to harm me or to have mercy on me? Sufficient Is he as a witness between me and you, if I was making it up, he would have seized me by my right hand and punished me with a punishment that would be seen by all because this is the worst type of fabrication. If I were really attributing it falsely to him, then Allah cause them to repent despite what they have done, of stubbornly rejecting the truth and disputing it and he is the most forgiving, most merciful, that is, So repent to Him and give up what you are doing. He will forgive you your sins, have mercy on you, guide you to all that is good and reward you immensely. Say, Well, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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I'm not the most I'm not the first of the messengers that is not the first messenger to come to you such that you should find my mission strange and find my call odd. There have been, there have been previous messages and prophets, Whose call was like mine. So why do you object to my message and that's also something which was approved to the truthfulness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that even though the Quraysh didn't believe in prophets and messengers, they weren't familiar with this concept because they were polytheists. But they lived amongst them and around them Jews and Christians. Many of the tribes of Arabia had people who had accepted Christianity and Judaism.

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They were they were common amongst Arabs, so they used to mix with them, travel to them, do business with them, in their families, they used to have people that are converted to Christianity, for example. So they had people even in Mecca, in Mecca itself in the story of the first revelation, when the prophets of Allah while he was selling goes to Khadija or the Allahu Allah, Who does she take him to? What aka why what aka what was what are known for he was a scholar of the gospel, a man who studied the scriptures of the Jews and the Christians. So even in Makkah, you had people like this. So Allah azza wa jal is saying that this isn't the first prophet that was sent, many prophets

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came before. So just because you owe Quraysh, unfamiliar with the concept as the people around you, the Jews and the Christians, they believe in all of the prophets and messengers, obviously, with the exception of the last couple, depending on which religion there is, but they believe, from the time of Adam and Eve, nor even Ibrahim believing Musa Woodstream, all of these prophets of Allah Azza wa salatu salam. So it's not something which is unique, or something which is irregular, or something which has never been heard of before. And so the orange couldn't even dismiss it from this issue, either, because they knew that this was something which the other religions also accepted.

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And I do not know what will happen to me or to you, that is I'm only human, I have no control over anything for it is Allah subhanho wa taala, who is in control of me and you and he will decide between me and you. I am not bringing anything of my own record. And I am clear warner. If you accept my message and respond to my call, that is your good fortune in this world and the Hereafter, but if you reject my message, then you then your reckoning will be with Allah. I've warned you and whoever is given a priority warning is left with no excuse.

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So what do you think? If the Quran is really from Allah, but you reject it? What if a witness from among the children of Israel has testified in its favor and has believed whilst you remain arrogant, that is told me if this Quran is from Allah, and those who are guided among the People of the Book testify to its truth?

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For they have knowledge of the truth by which they know that it is true, so they believe in it and are guided and thus it's proven that what the prophets brought was all in harmony. And the followers are people of dignity whilst you are ignorant ones are too arrogant to follow it. Can this be anything but the greatest wrongdoing and worse disbelief? Verily, Allah does not guide people who are given to wrongdoing. Part of wrongdoing is being too arrogant to follow the truth after it comes within reach. In this verse, Allah subhanaw taala verse number 10 says What if it is from Allah, and people from Benny Surah eel, they accept Islam they believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam so they witnesses they say, Yes, we were Jews or Christians before. And what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was brought is similar to what Musashi salaam brought to his people. And he Saudis, number two his people. What if one of them was a witness? And as we said at the beginning, the surah is a mucky Surah but some of the scholars said no, it's Madani and they said it's Madani because of this verse, because some of the scholars in the tradition of this verse they said that this man of Benny Surat, in that's a witness was the companion our beloved musandam about the Allah Wang blood and said, I'm accepted Islam in Medina. So that's why they say it's a Madani

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surah he was from the rabbi's of the Jews from the scholars. And when he came in, he sat with the prophets of Allah where he was suddenly asked him a number of questions. He realized that this he spoke from Revelation. So he accepted Islam. And he became from the major companions to the extent of the prophets of Allah while he was salam promised in paradise the Companions used to say, we used to see Abdullah and said I'm walking in Medina, and we used to know that he's a man of Jannah. Because the Prophet said and promised in paradise, what the Allah and so some of the scholars said is referring to him and therefore, the different over whether the surah is McKeel Madani Bri the way

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it's possible that Allah azza wa jal is prophesizing telling us something that will happen, that they will point to accom when Allah azza wa jal will guide some of Benissa either the Jews and the Christians to Islam, and they will attest to the truthfulness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam and Allah azza wa jal, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praised such people. He said that as when you turn 18 three types of people will be given double the reward and from those three, one who believes in his prophet and then he believes in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning he followed Isa. He followed Musa he was on that religion when he heard of Islam, he

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accepted Islam, and so Allah will double his reward for believing in both of them

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M N O Connor

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Ely. What is Nemea? Do the first, Luna

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Cody, those who disbelieve say of those who believe

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in the Quran were a good thing. They would have not they would not have believed in it before us, since they have not let themselves be guided by they will continue to say this is an ancient fabrication. Well, I mean I'm he moves

00:45:41 --> 00:46:28

mmm Ooh, man. Well kita I'm also do aqualisa And now I'll be your new your letting you know what I'm all about sure on even washing moistening before it came the book of Musa which was revealed as a guide and the mercy. This book which is in the Arabic language confirms it, warning those who do wrong and bringing clattering to those who do good. That is those who stubbornly stubbornly stubbornly disbelieved in the truth and rejected its core said, if the Quran were a good thing, they would not have believed in it before us there is the believers would not have been being asked to it. Rather, you would have been the first to embrace it. This is pure nonsense. What evidence is

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there, that the sign of something being the truth is that the rejected should attain it before the believers? Are they more pure at heart or more perfect in reasoning? Or is there is guidance under their control? This is from the arrogance. They're saying, the disbelievers to the believers that if this was the truth, you wouldn't have beaten us to it, we would have believed before you. This is what they used to say, as a good journal and others used to say to the Muslims, that if this was true, then Allah would have chosen one of us to be His Prophet and Messenger not Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam this is what they're saying here also that if it was true, we would have been the

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first people to accept it. No, you why, because we're richer than you were nobler than you were more powerful than you. This this is what they used to consider. So Allah azza wa jal is rebutting or refuting this claim of this.

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Rather, with these words, they were trying to console themselves like one who fails to attain something so he begins to criticize it. Hence, Allah says, since they haven't, they have not left them, since they have not let themselves be guided by it, they will continue to say this is an ancient fabrication. That is the reason why they said that about it, because they were not guided by this Quran and they missed out on the greatest blessing. They criticized it by saying that it was a lie, when you're undoubtedly true when it is undoubtedly true, and is in accordance with the previous books, especially the most perfect, and most of them, and best of them after the Quran,

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namely the Torah, which Allah sent down to Musa as a as a as a guide and an a mercy. That is, the children of Israel follow that and were guided by it, and thus a bought them good in this world and hereafter, this book, namely the Quran, which is in the Arabic language, so that is easy to approach and understand confirms it that is a confirms the previous books and testifies in their favors in their favor by being in harmony with them, wanting those who do wrong, that is who wronged themselves by indulging in disbelief, immorality and sin, if they persist in the wrongdoing. It warns them of a grave punishment, but it gives bad time to those who do good worshipping the creator

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and being kind to others have a great reward in this world and the hereafter mentioned these that it warns against enemies for which it gives Glad Tidings

00:48:41 --> 00:48:57

in levena, orlu Rabona long master car move home for nightly him wala whom Yeah, then who Moon Valley those who say our Lord is a law then remains steadfast will have no fear, nor will they grieve.

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00:49:00 --> 00:49:05

it girls have an engine natty Holly Dean Effie just

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be American men who there will be the inhabitants of paradise, they will abide there in forever as a reward for what they used to do. There is those who acknowledge the law testify to his oneness and or concern are constant in their obedience to Him, then remain steadfast all their lives will have no fear of any turmoil that lies ahead of them, nor will they grieve over whatever they leave behind. They will be the inhabitants of paradise that is, they will be its people who abide there and who will never want to leave it or desire anything else. They will abide them forever as a reward for what they used to do, or of believing in Allah which require them to do the righteous

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deeds in which they remain steadfast.

00:49:49 --> 00:49:50

Well was saying

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BYD the siRNA harmala, two ohm Mukuru Hello Obi two guru

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Her ham Lu with your Soylu, Tunisia or had

00:50:07 --> 00:50:29

either been our should who are buying a senator call or b I was hearing all out of BLD or new and Ashkelon. Yeah Metallica, Letty untied a yo Allah Wiley the yo and man I saw Neha when I saw the

00:50:30 --> 00:51:00

total ba who also let me feed Audrey Yachty in to the to La Casa in a minute I'm assuming we have enjoined upon min kindness, this parents with hardship his with hardship His Mother Bears him and with hardship she brings him forth and his bearing and weaning takes 30 months. Then when he reaches his prime and enrich at the age of 40 He says, Oh my lord, inspire me to be constantly grateful for you.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:16

blessing that you for Your blessing for your blessings that you have bestowed upon me my parents and do righteous deeds with which you will be pleased and established righteousness among my offspring for me, rarely I repent to you and verily I'm one of those who submit to to Allah and Islam

00:51:19 --> 00:52:07

you can live in another hola you can levena Taco Bell one accent um, I mean, when I told you I was one, the team fee I was having done, what does he can do. Such are the ones from whom we will accept the righteous, the righteous deeds, and overlook their bad deeds, they will be among the inhabitants of paradise, a true promise that has been given to them because of this kindness towards his slaves and his appreciation towards towards parents, Allah subhanaw taala and joins and instructs children to treat their parents kindly, while speaking to them gently and nicely spending on them and other ways of showing kindness. Loss of parameter in this passage now will speak about parents and their

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rights and Allah azza wa jal will give the example of two types of children with regards to their parents. The first of them are those who are dutiful to their parents who honor them, respect them, obey them. And the second are those who dishonor them, disrespect them disobey them, and Allah azza wa jal will mentioned both here. And the fact that Allah subhanaw taala goes into detail here concerning this issue shows to us it's important that we already know from a number of verses in the Quran because the issue of honoring parents, Honoring Your Parents and obeying them and respecting them is something which is repeated in a number of places in the Quran. And so Allah subhanaw taala

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Anna, from the rights of the people after the rights of Allah azza wa jal when it comes to the rights of creation, there is no greater, more important right than the rights of the parents, as is mentioned, are also not only in the Quran and the Sunnah. They said, O Messenger of Allah, what is the greatest of deeds, he said, to offer your Salah at the correct time, meaning to fulfill the rights of Allah. They said, what next? He said, Don't worry then to be good to your parents. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will say to those people who traveled to him, they will leave behind their families, they will leave behind their wealth, they will leave behind their parents and

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they would come to make a jihad with him, or they would migrate towards him. He would say to them, What about your parents do they agreed to they give you permission? And he said no message of ALLAH some of them said no. So he said, Go back and strive for them instead. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Hadith praised the man voice of corny Rahim Allah to Allah from the tambourine lived in the time of the prophets of Allah where it was, Selim accepted Islam lived in Yemen, but never came to Medina. So he's not a companion. And so when he spoke, the prophet of Sodom spoke about always according to the Companions, he said, This is a man that if you were to

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make dua, Allah would accept his dua. So if one of you meet him, then ask him to seek forgiveness for you that Allah shows us forgiveness upon you. And one of the reasons why Allah azza wa jal blessed him with him in that way, in the hadith is mentioned is because he had an elderly mother that he couldn't leave. So he spent his time serving her, looking after her honoring her, as opposed to leaving her by herself, and traveling, coming to Medina even though the station of companionship, being also hobby, meeting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, everyone knows its virtue and its status and his reward. But he sacrificed because you knew that he had a responsibility. So Allah

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azza wa jal gave him something else in its place. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam praised him. So this passage is a passage that speaks about the importance of being dutiful towards one parents. And then he points out the reason for that by mentioning what the mother has to go through of hardship because of a child such as hardship during pregnancy, then the hardship of birth, which is very painful, then the hardship of breastfeeding and looking after the child at that time, the things mentioned do not last for a short time, one or two hours rather, they go on for a long time, 30 months being seen less than nine months or so, in there.

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And the remainder of that time is for breastfeeding. This refers to what is usually the case, this verse, along with the verse, mothers may breastfeed their children for two whole years, is quoted as evidence that the minimum length of pregnancy is six months. Because if the if the period of breastfeeding, which is two years, is subtracted from 30 months, that what is left is six months for pregnancy, lots of panel data when he mentions why why one should honor their parents, it is enough what is mentioned in this verse, and that is at the time and the effort and the difficulty of being pregnant with a child for the mother, then giving birth to that child, then breastfeeding that child

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looking after that child until it reaches an age, when he can start to manage its own affairs, that in itself, is enough of a reason to spend a lifetime of service towards one's parents. And the larger dimensions here that at the very least, is going to be around 30 months. If someone is pregnant for six months, which is usually the minimum term of pregnancy. And then for the next two years, they're going to be looking after that child. And if they're pregnant for nine months, then they're still going to be looking after that child for at least another 1820 months. So two, three years go by where that Mother has nothing else, she leaves her house, she stays at home, day night,

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sick, healthy, whatever the circumstances are, she has to look after that child, and she sacrifices for that child for 2345 years of her life go by, and maybe she has after that one child or another child or another one. So she spends a good deal of her age, her life looking after those young children until they reach a good age. And so Allah azza wa jal says that is enough of a reason for you to respect and honor your parents.

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Then when he reaches his prime, that is the pinnacle of his youth and intellect and reaches the age of 40 years. He says, Oh my lord, inspire me that is a guide me and help me to be constantly to be constantly grateful for your blood for your blessing that you have bestowed upon me and my parents that have spiritual blessings and worldly blessings. Gratitude means using those blessings in obedience to the one who bestowed them and and granted them and responding to his blessings by acknowledging and admitting one's inability to give proper thanks and striving to praise Allah for them. A blessing to the parents is a blessing to the children and descendants, because they, because

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they will inevitably be get, they will inevitably get some of them and some of their effects, especially the blessings of religious commitment, because the righteousness of the parents that is based on knowledge and this is one of the main reasons for the righteousness of their children. Go look at this person, this child now who understands the role of their parents, Allah azza wa jal says when they reach their prime, meaning they're old enough, now they reach maturity, and then they reach the age of 14, which is considered to be the age of wisdom. When many of the prophets Allah azza wa jal will send them to the people at the age of 40. When they reach the age, they tend to

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Allah and they thank on Monday prism, not only for the blessings that He bestowed upon them, but on their parents that came before because they know that for many of us, we were born as Muslims, is because Allah azza wa jal guided our parents to Islam and maybe their parents and who knows how many generations so Allah azza wa jal gave us an amazing blessing, that we didn't have to search for the truth. We don't have to go and find Islam from a different culture or religion, or it's going to be difficult for us to accept Islam. Allah made that journey easy for us. We were born upon that Allah and we understood its importance, that is from the greatest blessings of Allah that You know, only

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bestowed upon me and you put our parents before so the righteousness of the parents often leads to the righteousness of the children. And that is why Allah azza wa jal mentioned this child to recognize is this blessing of Allah from the greatest blessings of Allah subhana wa Tada. That's an incentive for parents to be righteous by chance that Allah azza wa jal will guide their children and it's an incentive for children to be righteous, and to thank Allah azza wa jal for the righteousness of their parents and from the realm of Allah azza wa jal and the blessing as we will come to Inshallah, when we come to Surah, to Torah and those sources when Allah speaks about the blessings

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of Jannah is that Allah will reunite parents with their children in Jannah, even though they may have different levels of actions and deeds, because there is also from the honors that Allah azza wa jal gives and bestows upon parents and children who follow one another in righteousness and Iman, and to do righteous deeds with which you will be pleased by helping me to do the type of deed that meets all the prerequisites of being sound and write, and it's free of anything that may spoil it, such as the deed that Allah is pleased with and accepts and for which he gives reward, and establish righteousness among my offspring for me, as he prayed for himself to be righteous. He also prayed

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for his offspring to be righteous, asking Allah to rectify their condition. He stated that the benefit of the children, the children righteousness comes back to their parents, because he said, an established righteous righteousness among my offspring for me, barely will make dua not only for your parents, but then your offspring as well. Because you want this to continue this legacy. Your parents inshallah will righteous people, your grandparents, righteous people. So you also want to be righteous, but you want your children and your grandchildren

01:00:00 --> 01:00:34

To be righteous. So in this drought Allah azza wa jal mentions the parents and he mentions descendants, so that he continues and if you look at the derisory Brahim Ali CERAM that Allah mentions in the Quran, one of the major themes in the derisory Brahim is derived for his offspring derived for his offspring, how much did he make derive for his children and his descendants. And Allah accepted that every single prophet that came after him, including our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that from the descendants of Ibrahim Ali salaam, Allah has the power and the ability subhanaw taala, to accept your DUA. So when you make dua, that your children are righteous,

01:00:34 --> 01:01:14

the pious, the people of Salah people have Iman, Allah azza wa jal has the power to grant that not only for your children, or your grandchildren and for many generations to come. Verily, I repent to you from sins and acts of disobedience and I come back to obedience to you. And very I am one of those who submit to Allah in Islam. Such there is those who are described here are the ones from whom we will accept their righteous deeds, which are acts of obedience, because because they also do do other kinds of deeds, and overlook their bad deeds, in general terms, they will be among the inhabitants of paradise so they will attain goodness and what they seek and evil and what they

01:01:14 --> 01:01:25

dislike will be removed from them a true promise that has been given to them. That is, this promise that we have made to them is a true promise from the one who is truest in speech who does not break his promise.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:30

Well, Larry coil anyone either you ofin

01:01:34 --> 01:01:48

Nene and Raja were accorded Hala guru Corbelli Well, whom is delissa nila Hawaii like I mean, in the law he helped

01:01:49 --> 01:01:50

via Kulu Luma.

01:01:52 --> 01:01:52


01:01:54 --> 01:02:12

to your own wildly in some say to the parents fee on you both? Are you telling me that I will be brought forth from the grave even though many generations have passed away before me? They seek Allah's help and say, Well Do you have faith for the Promise of Allah is true, but he says this is nothing but tales of ancient

01:02:15 --> 01:02:26

Ken Levine how Kali moocow Luffy Omean call the caller to call burning him in June.

01:02:28 --> 01:02:42

In gun horse ed in such other ones for whom the punishment becomes inevitable, as happened in nations, of jinn and men who came before them for r&d, they're all losers,

01:02:44 --> 01:02:45

while equally,

01:02:46 --> 01:02:46

Roger to

01:02:48 --> 01:03:03

you, while you were fear, whom are mad at whom were whom nine lampoon for all they will be ranked according to their deeds so that Allah may pay them in full for their deeds and no one will be wronged.

01:03:05 --> 01:03:40

Having mentioned the situation of the Righteous One who honors his parents, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah Now mentions now tells us the situation of the one who is disobedient to his parents, and that is the worst of situations. So this is the second group of people who dishonor their parents they disobey their parents, and Allah azza wa jal will mentioned the most extreme extreme example of disobedience and disrespect and that is those who turn away from the religion of their parents and Islam. Their parents call them to Allah call them to Eman hold them to believe, and they turn away. And so if you have a family of children upon Iman, they Muslims thank Allah azza wa jal is from the greatest

01:03:40 --> 01:03:57

blessings of Allah subhanaw taala, especially in this time that we live in today, where we can't take it for granted. The us or our children or our descendants necessarily, are upon Islam. So an amazing blessing from Allah subhanaw taala because there are many who will turn away as Allah azza wa jal women to now in these verses.

01:03:59 --> 01:04:19

This is a great act of kindness and the best thing that the parents can do for their child to call him to that which leads to eternal happiness and bliss. But he responds in the worst manner and says, fee on you both. That is, may you perish you and what you have brought. Then he explains why he thinks that they're unlikely rejecting this idea.

01:04:20 --> 01:04:53

Are you telling me that I will be brought forth from the grave on the Day of Resurrection, even though many generations have passed away before me, that is, many generations have passed away? I've passed away who had disbelievers following the path of disbelief, and they were the leaders for every stubborn ignorant disbeliever and so, this is what he how he responds to child responds by disbelieving but turning away from Allah subhanaw taala. And so that is from the greatest of all the greatest type of dishonor towards one's parents when they call them to Allah azza wa jal and this is something which we see in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal told us as we mentioned previously, in the

01:04:53 --> 01:05:00

Tafseer, of Surah Hood, in the story of Noah, he said, I am not a son disbeliefs turns away from Allah

01:05:00 --> 01:05:36

also panel data of Prophet of Allah and His Son as a disbeliever. And so it's something which happened and that's why from the derisory Ibrahim Ali CERAM as we mentioned that Allah has mentioned in surah, Bukhara that he will often make dua for his descendants is that he would say what have been our jungler Muslimeen electroforming dudleya Tina, Mata Muslim Atala, O Allah, make us believers in you Muslims to and from our progeny, our offspring, a nation of Muslims. So you make dua to Allah azza wa jal that Allah keeps your family upon Islam. They namely his parents seek Allah's help in dealing with him. And they say to him, Well Do you have faith? That is,

01:05:38 --> 01:06:10

that is, they do their utmost in trying hard to guide him to the extent that in their kin in their keenness for him to be guided, they seek the help of Allah, like one who's drowning, asking for him in desperation, trying to convince their son and feeling sad for him, trying to explain the truth team. Hence, they say for the Promise of Allah is true, then they, then they present whatever evidence they can team for their son only increases in stubbornness, aversion, arrogance towards the truth and speaking ill of it, but he says, this is nothing but tales of the ancients.

01:06:11 --> 01:06:49

That is, is nothing only something that is is only something that has that was transmitted from the books of the earlier generations is not from Allah, and Allah did not reveal it to his messengers, Allah radio Sydenham, everyone knows that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was unlettered and could neither read nor write and did not learn from anyone. So where did he learn it from? How could people produce something like this Quran even if they came together to do so. Such are the ones that is the ones who are in blame, who are in this blameworthy state for whom the punishment becomes inevitable, that is deserved punishment, as happened to nations of jinn, and men who came before

01:06:49 --> 01:07:31

them, who follow the path of disbelief and rejection. So these people will be included with them, and will disappear in them it's for N D, they are all losers. loss means losing one's capable losing one's capital, for if a man loses his capital is more apt, that he should lose the profits they're in there on. They have lost faith and did not attain any bliss, nor were they saved from the punishment of *. For all that is for both good and evil people that will be ranked according to their deeds, that is for each one according to the level of good or evil. The ranks in the hereafter will be according to their deeds. Hence Allah says, so that Allah may pay them in full in full for

01:07:31 --> 01:07:37

their deeds, and no one will be wronged by having anything added to their deeds or anything subtracted from their deeds from their good deeds.

01:07:39 --> 01:07:51

Why oh man, you are all doing nothing, I guess online and the habit for you but you can see hayati como dunya was stemmed out to be fairly old man

01:07:53 --> 01:08:36

who fell in Yuma, Arizona, and who need him Toontastic Bureau and I feel a BB ye happy Wahby makan to death sukoon on the day when those who disbelieved abroad before the fire will be said to them, you had your share of good things in in the life of the previous world, and you had your fill of pleasure. Today you will be recompense with a humiliating punishment because you behaved arrogantly on earth without justification. And because you acted rebelliously you Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the state of the disbelievers when they are brought before the fire and rebuked and chastised will be said to them. You had your share of good deeds in the life of the previous world.

01:08:36 --> 01:09:12

When you felt God you're sure you had your share of good things in the life of the previous world. When you felt content with the world were deceived by his pleasures and were pleased with its desires. It's good, it's good thing distracted you from striving for your hereafter and you're enjoying the in the manner of grazing animals. That was your share, and you have no share of the hereafter. loss of habitat I mentioned that the people or the fire when they're being punished on your will to Yama. Allah will say to them that you took your blessings your reward, you took it in the dunya your comfort, your ease your rest, you took it in the dunya so in this day, meaning the

01:09:12 --> 01:09:49

Day of Judgment, there will be no comfort and rest for you. And that's something which you find in the Quran and the Sunnah, if you want to rest in the dunya you're going to enjoy yourself, you're going to follow your desires and so on, then on your monthly Yama you will be made to work and you will be punished for that rest that you had, if it's an exclusion of the commands of Allah subhanaw taala but as for the believers that you were caught in the dunya, trying to achieve the reward of Allah azza wa jal, the they spent their life dedicated to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. They go through they show patience, they strive they put forward for fourth one of their best efforts so

01:09:49 --> 01:09:59

that they may rest in the Accra, and that's what Allah azza wa jal often when he describes the people of Ghana in Ghana, he describes them as a reclining on couches resting in a state of comfort, because they're hot.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:14

Work was in the dunya. So Allah will give them rest in the akhira. And as for those who rest in the dunya, they don't obey Allah. They don't do any of the obligations of Allah, they will be made to work in the drop in the form of the punishment of the fire may Allah say was from that

01:10:15 --> 01:10:51

day you will be recompensed to the humiliating punishment, that is a severe punishment that will humiliate you and expose you to shame because you used to say, of Allah that which was not true for us to attribute to Allah and to his decree, the path of misguidance that you are following, but you are lying when you said that, and because you acted rebelliously and were too arrogant to obey Allah. Thus they combined speaking with a falsehood acting upon falsehood, telling lies against Allah by attributing the Forster team, casting aspersions upon the truth and being too arrogant to follow it. So they will be given the most of your most of you of punishment. Punishment. Well, of

01:10:51 --> 01:10:52

course, hiding is

01:10:54 --> 01:11:07

a woman who build off your car they're hurting, no ruining veiny they won't mean Holvey he alert our Buddhu in a long

01:11:08 --> 01:11:11

time we'll do a lot

01:11:13 --> 01:11:41

of work while equal neither Abayomi now the remember the brother of it, namely, who'd made me who would when he wanted his people in the land of off and indeed there came wounded before them and after him saying, Do not worship any but Allah Verily, I fear for you the punishment of a momentous day, or to turn fake and early Hatena Tina Bhima

01:11:46 --> 01:11:56

Tamina saw decree in they said have you come to law us away from our God, bring us that with which you are threatening us if you are telling the truth.

01:11:57 --> 01:11:59

or Allah in

01:12:01 --> 01:12:04

the law he was better and you're welcome

01:12:06 --> 01:12:06

to be here

01:12:10 --> 01:12:14

Coleman that you had to he said

01:12:16 --> 01:12:28

said have you he said knowledge of he said knowledge of when it will come is only with Allah I only convey to you the message with which I have been sent. But I see that you are ignorant people

01:12:30 --> 01:12:37

but I'm out I will who I yield on step will be that when we do a team call Who are you

01:12:39 --> 01:13:03

gonna bail who am a star general tune be? Re V. Boone early, when they saw the punishment as a cloud approaching the various they said, This is a cloud bring us rain, who said nay rather it is that which that which you sought to hasten when bearing a wind bearing a painful punishment.

01:13:04 --> 01:13:16

To them miracle che in the MDR on behalf Bacuna or masa can gather Licona Jersey will come and

01:13:18 --> 01:13:28

it will destroy you. It will destroy everything by the command of its Lord and they became such that there was nothing left to be seen except their empty dwellings. Thus We requite the evildoers

01:13:29 --> 01:13:32

what are called the American movie

01:13:34 --> 01:13:37

makan confy. What you

01:13:40 --> 01:13:42

saw long term

01:13:44 --> 01:13:45

whom, for

01:13:48 --> 01:13:49

whom some room what

01:13:55 --> 01:13:56

she was

01:13:57 --> 01:13:58

either to

01:13:59 --> 01:14:02

Shea in his head or maybe

01:14:04 --> 01:14:10

he will have all been him, or her copying him can be he just

01:14:11 --> 01:14:50

gave them power and prosperity to an extent to which we did not give it to you or college. And we gave them hearing sight and intellect. But neither the hearing nor their sight nor their intellect was of any avail to them, for they used to reject the sight of Allah and the very thing punished the very thing punishment they used to ridicule overwhelm them. Remember, that is by way of praise the brother of the ad named hood and he said, who was one of the noble messengers whom Allah subhanaw taala blessed by making them callers to his religion who guided people towards Him when He wanted His people, namely it in the land of off, that is in their dwellings in the dwellings that are known

01:14:50 --> 01:14:59

as off word which refers to an area where there is a great deal of sand in the land of Yemen. Aha, the brother of artists who died in solitude

01:15:00 --> 01:15:42

Rahman is referring to refer to as the brother, as he often is in the Quran, because he's from the same nation. So he's a brother to them, by way of nation or brother in their faith, or in their religion, pro brother in terms of him being from the same tribe from the same nation, and the land that they lived in his office, we said in place in Yemen, and the prophets of the prophets hood, or the nations of Earth and the Moon and Midian to the nations of these three prophets who'd Saleh and shrine, or even salatu salam or Arabs. They were Arab nations. And so the people of whom were Arabs. So when the people of goodwill destroyed, as we mentioned before, then they went and they are the

01:15:42 --> 01:16:17

people that survived from them, the remnants of them, they went and they settled in the land of Vermouth. And so these people were Arabs, Arab tribes, so they lived in Yemen. So Allah subhanaw taala mentions the story here, once again, the people of Earth, but this time in terms of the punishment that Allah azza wa jal would send upon them when they rejected the message of who they sent them. And indeed, they came home before him and after him. So he was not the first among them, and was no different from them. He said to them, Do not worship any but Allah Verily, I fear for you the punishment of a momentous day. Thus he instructed them to worship Allah, which includes all good

01:16:17 --> 01:16:56

words and praiseworthy deeds. And he forbade them to ascribe partners to Allah, don't make others equal to Him, and He wanted them and he wanted them if they did not obey him of the severe punishment, but this call was to no avail in their case, they said, Have you come to lower us away from our gods, that is, you have no other aim. And there is no truth in what you say, you are envying us for what we have. So for what we have of gods and you want to turn us away from them, bring us that with which you are threatening us, if you are telling the truth, that is the utmost ignorance and stubbornness, he said, knowledge of when it will come is only with Allah, for is He in

01:16:56 --> 01:17:37

Whose Hand hand is control of all things, and is he who will bring bring you the punishment of if he so, wills are only convey to you the message with which I have been sent, that is, my only responsibility is to convey the message clearly. But I see that you are ignorant people, therefore, you do not, do not. Therefore you did what you You did what you did, of showing extreme Audacity. So Allah sent against them the severe punishment, namely the wind that destroy them utterly. And he says, when they saw the punishment as a cloud approaching the various there is a period like a cloud that came towards the valleys that would provide water with which they would irrigate their land and

01:17:37 --> 01:17:39

drink from their wells and streams.

01:17:40 --> 01:18:15

They said optimistically, this is a this is a cloud bring us rain that is declared will give us rain. What is the punishment of the people of ADD? The people of ADD, we're told by their profit that they will be destroyed by WHO THE * IS salatu salam, Allah sent upon them a drought and famine lasted a number of days. And so because they weren't extreme thirst, and they were extreme, and who daddy Sam told them that after this drought and famine, you're going to be destroyed. So they had the drought and famine and then they saw clouds, dark clouds coming, they mistook them, they saw those clouds, they thought they will rain clouds, so they began to rejoice. And they began

01:18:15 --> 01:18:33

to ridicule hood. And they said, Who do you promised us punishment? But look, the winds here shows that you're a liar, shows that you will false. And so Allah azza wa jal mentions, we'll mention her now. He will say no, those block wind clouds were not clouds that filled were filled with rain, but rather they were clouds are filled with punishment.

01:18:34 --> 01:19:11

Who said they were there is that which you sought to Hasting there is, this is what you have brought upon yourselves when you said, bring us that with which you are threatening us. If you are telling the truth. When bearing a punishment, a painful punishment, it will destroy everything that it passes over because of its intensity and destructive power, Allah sent against them for seven nights and eight days in succession, so that you would have seen the people lying lifeless, as if they were the trunks of fallen palm trees, by the command of its Lord, that is by his leave and his and his war, and they became such that there was nothing left to be seen except their empty dwellings. That

01:19:11 --> 01:19:44

is their flocks, their wealth, and they themselves were destroyed. Thus we were quite the evildoers because of their sin and wrongdoing. So when they came in, they rejoiced and said, this is the this is the rain clouds that are coming Allah azza wa jal said notice the punishment that would come and they had a severe wind a larger dimensions in Surah Al haka. That wind lasted for seven days and eight nights, it continued to destroy them destroy them until there was nothing left as Allah mentions here, except their dwellings, all you could see is the buildings but as for the people, one of them were dead, Allah destroyed all of them except for the believers. And that is when the hadith

01:19:44 --> 01:19:59

of eyeshadow the Allahu anha, the Prophet sallallahu arte was sending me for strong wind came or dark clouds approached, she said that the prophets of Allah who he will send them will become upset you will become agitated. So she said, O Messenger of Allah, people see rain clouds, they're happy. You see them you become agita.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:34

it, he said, Oh, aren't you sure they were nations before us that were destroyed by clouds like this? Until Allah azza wa jal revealed in the Quran that this OMA wouldn't be destroyed in such a way. And then the prophets of Allah where it was salam knew that they wouldn't be destroyed in that way. But it shows also the level of contemplation that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had in the Quran, because how often do you see those things that bring Rama from Allah, mercy, that can also at the same time, bring punishment, rain is a mercy from Allah, but too much rain and the floods and it destroys the wind, the breeze, it's nice, something which is a mercy, but too strong,

01:20:35 --> 01:21:09

becomes a tornado or hurricane it destroys. So Allah subhanaw taala can use blessings for some people and make them into forms of punishment, the fire, something which is nice, it's good has many, many benefits, but the fire can also destroy and consume. And so Allah azza wa jal can use what was the blessing for one people use that as a punishment for other people. And this is one of the prophets of Allah, where it was salam understood, although Allah subhanaw taala had bestowed great blessings upon them, they did not give things to him or remember him. Hence, he says, we're giving them power and prosperity to an extent to which we did not give to you Oh, Koresh, that is we

01:21:09 --> 01:21:20

gave them power and prosperity in the land. So they were helping themselves taste good things and enjoying its pleasures, we made their lives long enough for anyone who might reflect and pay heed to do so.

01:21:21 --> 01:21:59

And for anyone who might be guided to follow guidance, you know, in other words, we give our power and prosperity more than we have given to you or Quraysh. So do not think that what We have bestowed upon you has never been given to anyone else, or that it will protect you from the punishment of Allah at all. Whether others were given more power and prosperity than you, but their wealth, sons and troops did not avail them before Allah in the slightest. And we gave them hearing sight and intellect there is there was no shortcoming in their hearing, sight or intellect, such that it could be said that they neglected the truth out of ignorance and were unable to learn about it. There was

01:21:59 --> 01:22:31

nothing wrong with their reasoning, but guidance but guidance is in is in the hands of Allah. But neither their hearing nor their sight nor their intellect was of any avail to them at all. That is because they used to reject the sounds of Allah that appointed his oneness and indicated that he alone is to be worshipped. And the very thing punishment they used to read a cure overwhelm them, there is there before, from the day before them, the punishment that they denied would happen, and they really killed the messengers who warn them of it.

01:22:32 --> 01:22:35

What are they? Like nema? How old

01:22:37 --> 01:22:56

was the last NL de la la whom y'all do? Indeed, we destroy the cities that were around you or Koresh having given them a variety of signs to the meat so they might turn back from their evil ways. Further Hola, na Surah Hoon, Naveen Taha,

01:22:58 --> 01:23:43

Guney Yoruba and Ali Baba bedroom Balu unknown whether he gave makan after rune widen was was no help forthcoming to them, from those whom they took as gods besides Allah, so that they met to them so that they might bring them closer team name, they will last from them. Such was the outcome of their lie in fabrication and fabrication they used to invent He Allah subhanaw taala wounds the polytheist Arabs and others by mentioning the destruction of the disbelieving nations who had lived around them around their land. In fact, many of the them had lived in the Arabian Peninsula itself, such as add the mood and others. So this is a warning to Quraysh Croatia being told that you're not

01:23:43 --> 01:24:16

the first group of people to be sent a message into from the Arabs, nor are you from the first of those people to be destroyed if you reject the prophets and messengers of Allah. And that's why the author says that around the Arabian Peninsula, there are prophets and messengers, the mood meridian, the wall in the Arabian Peninsula, but even beyond that, the prophets that was sent to a sham to places like Jerusalem. It's not very far from the Arabs out just to go and travel there and do trade in a sham they used to go to those places and buy and sell so they knew that's the land of prophets Hashem many of the prophets of Allah will send. So they were aware and familiar of these prophets of

01:24:16 --> 01:24:58

Allah subhanaw taala. Allah subhanho wa Taala sent various signs to them of different types, so that they might turn back from their evil ways that is, so that they might give up their ways of disbelief and rejection, but because they did not believe Allah sees them with vehement grip of one who is almighty, omnipotent, and their and their gods upon whom they called, besides, Allah did not help them in the slightest. Hence, Allah says here, why there was no hope forthcoming to them from those whom they took as gods besides Allah, so that they might bring them closer to him, and because they hoped that they would benefit them. Nay, they were lost from them.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:14

So that so they did not respond to them or protect them, such as the outcome of their lie in the fabrication they used to invent, by way of wishful thinking, as they claim that they were following the truth and that their deeds would benefit them. But they came to not

01:25:16 --> 01:25:17

what is sort of

01:25:19 --> 01:25:20

ELA unique NFL?

01:25:21 --> 01:25:23

Gene istemi?

01:25:24 --> 01:25:35

NFL mmm, how about we'll call Lu? C two for them? Yeah, we're low in Omaha

01:25:37 --> 01:25:38

the Queen

01:25:40 --> 01:25:51

and remember when we sent a group of gin to you to listen to the Quran, when they were close enough to hear they said to one another, listen attentively, and when the resuscitation was over, they went back to the people to warn them

01:25:53 --> 01:25:54

Paulo Coleman

01:25:56 --> 01:26:00

in Semyon kita when

01:26:01 --> 01:26:26

the moves moves are the economy mapping a yeah the most of the economy Madain D D will help the why Isla Tory eating was that the they said Oh Are people very we have heard recitation from a book that has been revealed after Musa confirming that which came before it guiding to the truth and to a straight path

01:26:31 --> 01:26:31


01:26:34 --> 01:26:38

Ijebu Allah He were I mean be he'll feel lucky

01:26:40 --> 01:26:41

to be

01:26:43 --> 01:26:53

in either been early or people respond to the one who's calling to Allah and believe in Him, so that Allah may forgive you of some of your sins and protect you from a painful punishment.

01:26:55 --> 01:26:56


01:26:58 --> 01:27:05

law in Fela isa be more Jason fill up the valets at a homing Guney Lee

01:27:08 --> 01:27:49

Caffee Ebola in Mubi in and whoever does not respond to one who is calling to Allah can never escape can never escape Allah's punishment on Earth, and besides him, he has no protectors. Such people are clearly misguided. Allah subhanaw taala sent his messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to all of creation, both humans and jinn. And he had to convey to all to all the message of his prophethood. As for humans, he was able to call them and warn them as the jinn, Allah sent them to him by his mind. He sent to him a group of jinn to listen to the Quran, when they were close enough to hear, to hear it, they said to one another, listen attentively, that is their urge one another,

01:27:49 --> 01:28:24

one another to listen attentively. And when the recitation was over, and they had understood it, and it had had an impact on them, they went back to their people to warn them, of sincerity towards them, and so as to establish the proof, the proof of Allah against them, Allah made them help to His Messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam, and spreading his car, among the jinn. And this has mentioned this incident of the prophets of Allah while he was salam reading the Quran and the jinn, overhearing him and then taking Eman and going back to their people and telling them about the Quran. It's mentioned in a number of narration such as the missionary being Mr. Audible, the Allahu

01:28:24 --> 01:28:59

Allah and and others. And even though those narrations don't necessarily speak about this particular passage, we know from the Sunnah, that the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam would read Quran and the jinn would come especially at the beginning, when he was first given the message of Islam. Because in before the prophets of Allah while he was sending the jinn, as Allah mentions would go to the Ordo to the heavens, and they would steal from the news of the heavens. So when Allah subhanaw taala decided to send the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the stars would shoot shooting stars would come and they would attack those devils so they couldn't take from the news of the heavens. So when

01:28:59 --> 01:29:32

the devil's the agenda came up amongst themselves, they said that something must have happened in order for this to take place. This is concerning the devils the sheltering, and so not necessarily the jinn, the shell team, and so they went and they dispersed across the earth until they came across the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hearing or listening to the Quran. As for the jinn, this particular incident is mentioned in the statement or even was ordered unoriginal when Mr. Order of the Allah one that the prophets of Allah Allah was sent and brought him to a place and he told him to wait there even mystery. And then he went sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he spoke to the

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jinn and he gave them, he gave them Dawei call them to Islam. And so that's one of the incidents that takes place and even today, if you were to go to Mecca, there's a masjid in Mecca called Masjid Origen. Anyone that's been to Makkah Nubian, Oman, those Yarrow trips they'll take you around Mecca and show you the different sites. One of the places that you will pass by is Mr. Dolgin semester today. But it said that that was the place where the prophets of Allah while he was sending one of the pieces anyway, that he went and he gave the

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out to the gin so Allah azza wa jal is mentioning here how these gin because amongst the gin, there are believers and unbelievers, there's good gin and there's badging just like in humans. So Allah azza wa jal is mentioning here, the story of this gem that believed in Allah subhanaw taala. And they went back to the people telling them also to believe. They said, Oh, are people vary, we have heard reciting from a book that has been revealed after Musa because the book of Musa was the basis for the gospel, and it was their main reference for the children of Israel with regard to religious, religious rulings. As for the gospel, it complemented and completed the book of Musa and trained a

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few rulings confirming that which came before it, namely, the book that we have mentioned, confirms that which came before guiding to the truth that is leading to what is sound and correct in terms of teachings, and stories, and to a straight path that is, leads to Allah into his paradise based on knowledge of Allah, and of his religious rulings and rulings that have to do with require or in the Hereafter. Having praised the Quran and highlighted its sublime status. They then called the Federal chin to believe in saying, all our people respond to the one who's calling to Allah, that is the one who is not calling to anybody's Lord, He is not calling you for some ulterior motive, or on the

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basis of his own whims, and desires. Rather, he is calling you to your Lord so that he may reward you and remove from you our evils and harms. Hence they said,

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so that Allah me forgive you some of your sins and protect you from a painful punishment. For if he protects you from the painful punishment. There can be nothing after that, but bliss. This is a word of those who

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those who respond the one who is calling to Allah, and whoever does not respond to the one who's calling to Allah can never escape Allah's punishment on earth, for Allah has power over all things, so no one can escape him or overcome him. And besides him, he has no protectors. Such people are clearly misguided, and what misguidance can be greater than that of one whom the messengers call and the warning reaches him on the basis of clear set of clear signs and abundant proof that he turns away and is too arrogant to pay heed

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our Amuro and law Hannity for the customer, you will bow and M er Yeah, behold T in recorded in

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Yoshi and monta Bella in who Isla cliche.

01:32:30 --> 01:32:39

Cody, do they not see that Allah Who created the heavens and the earth, and was not worried by their creation

01:32:40 --> 01:33:08

is able to bring the dead to life? Well, he has power over all things. This offers evidence that Allah subhanaw taala is able to bring them back to life after death by referring to something that is greater than that, namely the fact that it is He Who created the heavens and the earth, despite their greatness and vastness and the precision of their creation without that leading to him feeling tired as a result of creating them. So how could he be incapable of bringing you back to life after death? When he has power over all things?

01:33:09 --> 01:33:39

Why oh, man, you're letting go for a little while and really, sir, have been held on by Bina on FF o collider by Bhima can Tune Tech foo on on the day when those who disbelieved or brought before the fire, it will be set to them. Is this not? Is this not the truth? They will say yes, indiebio Lord, He will say tastes then the punishment for having disbelieved

01:33:40 --> 01:33:46

was baited come out so about one last me me no rules will you I'm at a star jeweler whom

01:33:48 --> 01:33:59

star jeweler whom gotten me on my own and man, you are doing that me and Beth to satin

01:34:00 --> 01:34:03

Balau for hallelujah lukou

01:34:04 --> 01:34:48

first year to June. So be patient, as the messengers have strong resolve or patient and do not seek to hasten the punishment, the punishment for them. On the Day when they see the punishment of which they will want. It will be as if they had not remained in this world for longer than an hour than an hour of a day. This Quran insufficient is sufficient reminder will any then be doomed by the rebellious and wicked people who Allah subhanaw taala tells us of the terrible situation of the disbelievers when they will be brought to the fire that they will that they disbelieved and they will be rebuked, and it will be said to them. Is this not the truth? Here is before you. You can see

01:34:48 --> 01:35:00

it with your own eyes, they will say yes indeed by our Lord. They will acknowledge the sins and their lies, namely, their denial of the punishment will become apparent. He will say taste and the punishment for having disbelief that

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As an eternal everlasting punishment, as your disbelief was a constant and well enriched characteristic of yours. One of the benefits of this verse is that the people of the fire or the disbelievers on the Day of Judgment, will believe. So those people who rejected the Yerba and the resurrection on the Day of Judgment, they will accept it as a resurrection. Those people who denied the files Allah mentions here, Allah will say, Isn't this true? They will say yes, they will believe they will accept, but at that point, it is too late to believe and to accept, to say and as Allah azza wa jal mentioned also in the Quran, that they will say, Oh Allah. Now we believe now we accept

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now we will worship you. And Allah will say it's too late now to take Eman after you live in the dunya in a life of disbelief, and so Allah azza wa jal, as he mentioned here, that they will be made to teach the punishment meaning that they will be thrown into the fire. And Allah subhanho wa Taala instructs his messenger Salallahu Alaihe salam to be patient in putting up with the harm of the disbelievers who oppose Him, and to keep calling them to Allah, emulating the patience of the messengers of firm resolve and leaders of humankind, men of high ambition who whose patience was immense and whose faith was perfect, for they are most deserving of being taken as examples to

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follow in their footsteps and be guided by their beacon Marzotto commands the prophets of Allah where it was sent him to show the same level of resolve and patience as the messengers of firm resolve and patients before him. And they are who know Ibrahim Musa and Risa are the human salatu salam and with our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that makes five. These are the prophets of resolve. Where do we take this from? From the hadith of Shiva, on the Day of Judgment when the people will go to the different prophets to intercede? These are the prophets that they go to with an extra one, because the first one that they go to the six in total in that hadith, the first one

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they go to is Adam, then no. Then Ibrahim Musa Issa and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but Adam isn't included in them. Because Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran in surah, Baja Willem legit love was mad, and he didn't have a strong resolve. Why? Because Adam and his time there's no disbelievers. All of his children are Muslims. There's only a man there's no disbelief him his children. They were created upon Eman so they're upon Iman. So you don't have to fight with the disbelievers they will not opponents to him. So he had only believers that his time. But after the time of Noah, those five prophets, they were the most severe in terms of having to fight

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oppression and fight against the nations and the harm that they were trying to cause to them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam obey the command of his Lord and was patient as no prophet before him had ever been his opponents united against him, and all strove hard to divert him from calling people to Allah, doing their utmost to oppose him and fight him. But he persisted in obeying the command of Allah and never worried of striving against the enemies of Allah, bearing with patients, whatever harm he faced until Allah grant him victory in inland and cause his his ready to prevail over all others, and his own metric to prevail over all other nations. May the blessings and

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peace of Allah be upon him

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and do not seek taste and the punishment for them, that is the disbelievers who seek to hasten the punishment for themselves. For that stems from ignorance and foolishness on their part,

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do not let their ignorance discourage you, and do not let what you see of them seeking to hasten the punishment lead you to pray to Allah against them, tasting for them, for everything that is coming is imminent. And when it comes, it will be as if they had not remained in this world for longer than an hour of a day. So they're not be upset by the little enjoyment that they have. They have in this world, when they will, when they will end up facing a terrible punishment, this mighty Quran, in which we have explained the message perfectly is enough for you. And it's an insufficient, insufficient provision for you during your journey to the hereafter, while good provision is that

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will help you to reach the realm of joy and protect you from the painful punishment is the best provision that Allah has granted to people and the greatest blessing that he has bestowed upon them, or any, or any event be doomed to punishment by the rebellious and wicked people, that is those in whom there is nothing good. For they refuse to obey their Lord, and they did not accept the truth that the messengers brought to them. Allah warned them and left them with no excuse, but they persisted in their rejection and disbelief. We ask Allah to protect us. This the End of the commentary of Surah to path or praise and thanks are for Allah immediate blessings and peace of

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lobby upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family and his companions abundantly until the day of judgment. So with that the conclusion of sortal half we come to the end of also today's lesson BarakAllahu Li was sort of the horn and maybe you know Muhammad or other early he also begins your marine cinematic when he went to LA he'll work

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