Ahsan Hanif – Importance Of Tawheed

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes Surah Imran's sermon on the creation of the beast and the signs of his creation, emphasizing the importance of not reciting the word Jesus in every language and reciting "we" and "we" elements of Islam. The title contains lessons on the importance of remembering the Lord's and the need for people to be a believer in Islam to ensure everyone is on the same page. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning to be a believer to ensure everyone is on the same page.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica rahmatullahi wa barakato Smilla he will hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah Ali he was talking to the woman why Allah was the limit the Sleeman Kathira Amma bad.

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In today's throwaway prayer we are reciting from surah Allah Imran concluding Surah Imran in our recitation. And this final passage of the surah is an amazing passage. I would urge each and every single one of you when you go home today or tomorrow to take just a few minutes to go through those last few verses of Surah Al Imran and what they mean the translation and if you can get the seal and what is connected by any man will be happy in his sunnah and authority of our mother Aisha Radi Allahu anha that she said that the prophets of Allah while he was sending them one night, he said to me, Oh, are you shall tonight don't disturb me, the me to worship my lord. She replied, a messenger

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of Allah, I love that which you love. So the prophets on Allahu Allah he was sending began to pray. And Arusha describes his prayer. And so he preys on Allah, Allah, He will send him and as he's reciting in his salah, she says he begins to cry. And he cries throughout his recitation. And then he goes into record and he continues to cry. And he goes into sujood and he continues to cry, and cry so much that the ground that he is prostrating upon, becomes moist with his tears, Salah Artie will send him

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and then continues the whole night in that way, until it's needed the time for fragile. So beloved worthy Allah one comes to alert him to call him out to come and eat the salah. And he sees the state that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in that he spent the whole night in Salah crying. So he said, O Messenger of Allah, do you do this? When Allah azza wa jal is forgiven, forgiven for you your sins past and future? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Hakuna Abdun shakoora should not be grateful and thankful slave to Allah subhana wa Tada. Verses this evening or this night well revealed upon me. Way don't Lehman Raha Willem method, the Baraha go to the one who

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recites these verses, and he doesn't reflect over them. And he began to recite this final passage of Surah earlier Imran, in a few 100% Marathi will bhakti Rafi lady will know how

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Al Bab indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of the light and the day, there are signs for people of understanding. A Levine Al Quran Allah Yama, WA Kuru that were alleged to be him. Those who remember the Lord Allah, once they stand and whilst they sit, and as they lie upon their sides, they remember Allah azza wa jal in all of those different states were difficult on if he held the Samoa at will. And they ponder and reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth. And that leads them to make a dua Robina Maha doctor had about Isla, Oh Allah, you didn't create any of this ingest in mockery in play. None of this except that it is a

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serious issue. Subhana Cafferty Nerida but now so Glory be to Allah, save us from the punishment of the fire, and the verses continue until the end of the surah. This is an amazing passage of the Quran because it contains many lessons. But what I want to bring to your attention just for a minute or two, is one of the two hours that Allah azza wa jal mentions here that the believers make as they remember ALLAH, as they reflect upon the signs of Allah azza wa jal in his universe in his creation, and also the signs that they find within the Quran within his revelation. There are signs in creation, there are signs and revelation, they ponder over both of those signs the believers, and as

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they remember ALLAH and that remembrance of Allah, and that remembrance of the power of Allah His Majesty and supremacy, it makes them make dua to Allah azza wa jal and a sense of humility and humbleness and that sense of need and poverty, they turn to Allah azza wa jal from the two hours that they make is that they acknowledge one of the greatest blessings of Allah subhana wa Tada blessing the me and you and many of us we take for granted too often. Rob burner in Nana's.

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Eman an army noburo become for our mana. They say Oh our Lord, we heard the caller calling towards Eman telling us to believe telling us to accept a man telling us to believe in the heathen Ilaha illa Allah. So we believed of Allah. We accepted the caller's message, the call according to the vast majority of the scholars of difficile, it was the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and some of them said the caller is the Quran. And both of them are very similar in meaning. The Quran, the Sunnah, calls you to remember what is the most important thing? What is the most precious thing? The only reason why you're enjoying the month of Ramadan in the way that you're

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enjoying it, spending its days in fasting you

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Tonight in prayer, it's days in DUA and recitation of the Quran, it's evenings and other forms and acts of worship is because you responded to that call. It is that call that will allow inshallah Huhtala me a new and all who make that call and believe in it to enter into Jana and yarmulke Yama no one will enter into Janna unless they believe firmly from their heart in that statement of la ilaha illAllah. That is the precious nature of believing in Allah subhanaw taala and accepting the towhid of Allah azza wa jal, if you want Jana, and you want to enter into Jana, the most important thing that you can do for yourselves and for your families, is to ensure that you understand this

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concept of Tawheed, that you make sure that you are as far from ship as possible in all of its different forms, major and minor. Because too much ignorance exists within our communities, within our cultures within our backgrounds, where people intentionally or intentionally, they fall into different acts of shitcan cover. And we don't say that those people are necessarily outside of the fold of Islam, but they're in a dangerous situation for doing something which is a form of Act, an act of sheer Quran act of cover. And we have many examples. I don't need to go through those examples within many of our home countries, many of our communities even here in the UK, the issue

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of telehealth is so important for us to understand and it's something that we neglect. Ibrahim Ali salatu salam in the Quran, he makes a number of doors. And Allah azza wa jal mentions to us in the story of Ibrahim the demands that he makes, because he's the hands are amazing. They tell you the priority and the focus that the believers should have. And one of the priorities and focuses of Ibrahim Ali Salaam is Darius is often that he makes plans for his children, for his offspring for his progeny. And one of the drives that he makes for them is that he wants them to be from the believers. He asks Allah azza wa jal to make them from those people that pray from those people that

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establishes religion, for those people that will accept Islam and be a panto heat. And that's why Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the story of Yaqoob. And when he's on his deathbed, he says to his children, who are you going to worship when I die? After me when I leave? Who will you worship? This is his final advice, or one of his final pieces of advice to his children. It's not something that we often ask our children. It's not something that we often spend time drilling into our children, this issue of Tawheed we take it for granted. We were born Muslims who will die Muslims, we've accepted Islam so we'll die as Muslims to something that we think that will happen. But the prophet

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told us that Allahu Allah will send them that especially towards the end of time, that there will be a time when a person awakes as a believer. And by the evening there are disbeliever or a night there'll be a believer and by the morning that are disbeliever, may Allah azza wa jal keep us safe from that. So one of the most important things that you can work upon in this month of Ramadan, and outside of this month of Ramadan as you connect yourself to Allah azza wa jal to the Quran and to the Sunnah, and to these amazing acts of worship for yourself, and then for your family and your children is to understand and and fully comprehend this aspect of the heat. And there are many

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different lessons many different resources that are available. But this is something which I just wanted you to pay attention to. Because it's often something that we neglect, we focus on many different things, and sometimes from the traps of shaitan is that he makes us neglect and forget what is the most important and fundamental thing may Allah azza wa jal give us life upon Eman and death upon Iman BarakAllahu li Walakum wa salam, maybe the Muhammad Ali he will be here

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