Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Hajj Episode 5

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and use of the Prophet sallavi's teachings during the time of Islam. The importance of stoning in the Arabic language is emphasized, along with the history of the court system and the use of stone at houses and wreaths. The speakers also discuss the importance of shaving and trimming hair, as well as the use of animals for sacrifice. The discussion then shifts to hunch fraud and animal sacrifice, with the importance of following orders and following scripture's teachings.
AI: Transcript ©
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you can now purchase directly from our site www.att.co Uk smilla Rahmanir Rahim, Shangri La horrible alameen wa sallahu wa salam o Bara Carlos de de la jolla Marin are an early he was talking to human Santa Ana subida. He wanted to meet Dean seldom at the Sleeman kathira amudha.

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Yesterday we covered some of the aspects concerning the description of the hedge of the profits on a lot while he was selling them. And in particular concerning the actions that are performed after the devout offer, after the standing and out of us so whether they pertain to Missouri fire and the night that one spends in Missouri for all the actions pertaining after this in terms of the days of the 11th 12th and 13th of the hedger or even after this concerning the awful weather under federal law.

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The author of a Mahalo to Allah He then begins another sub chapter within the book of Hajj, and he calls it farstone philomela Jamal, a chapter of stoning. And that's because some of the issues that are pertaining to this chapter now deals specifically with this issue of stoning even though we've mentioned some of the rulings concerning this issue before as well. I know that some in some of your additions that you have, you don't have this chapter heading. And that's because sometimes there are different editions of the same book. And they have slight discrepancies and slight variations. So I may have a chapter heading in my book, but you don't have it in your book. And sometimes it's also

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because the authors that came after the scholars that came after the author of the book, Ibrahim, mahalo, Tyler, when they were adding, for example, their own notes to his work. While they were explaining his work, some of them added chapter headings just to make things easier for the person that's reading this studying this book. So that may be another reason why some of you may not have this chapter heading as well. So this is fossil fuel Romulan Jima, the chapter of stoning, or gimana, in the Arabic language obviously refers to the pillars in the Arabic language. gmar comes from the word jamara. And jamara. In Arabic language, its root meaning means to gather, it means to

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gather. And so the scholars said that these pillars are known as the JAMA rot, because it is at this point that everyone gathers in one place to stone, these three pillars. And so therefore, these, these, this area is known as the jamara. Another reason why it's called Jamaat is because all of the pebbles gather in this place. So the pebbles that a person throws, gathers within the basis of these three pillars. And so the scholars of Islam have said that it is, for this reason called the jamara. The jamara are three, as we mentioned before, you have the small, the medium and the large. And as we said before, it's not an issue of size. So the small ones, not small, and the medium ones not

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slightly bigger than the larger ones, the largest. They're just called these names. In fact, in reality, they are exactly the same size. They are exactly the same size, in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and for many, many hundreds of years later on, until approximately maybe 100 150 years ago,

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the Jamaat didn't even have a basin, it was just an area that people would go and stone. And it was only after this time, that the basins were placed there to make it easy for people to go and to stone. So historically, there was nothing there was just an area known as the jamara, that people knew that it was the Jamaat and we would go and they would stone, and they wouldn't have the basin that we have, or the modern type of design that we have of the Jamaat, they wouldn't have this. One of the other things that has changed as we said there are three German art, the smallest one is the one that is closest to masjidul safe. Masuda is the masjid in Mena, about which the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said over 70 prophets prayed within this ministry. And this hadith shows that it wasn't hard. It wasn't only in Islam, meaning in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but even prophets came before this, who made Hajj and there are specific heidy that speak for example about Musa alayhis salaam and the fact that he made Hajj in India Saudi his Sanam was Yunus one of them that they also made Hajj and obviously Ibrahim alayhis salam form of pilgrimage. And in this hadith the Prophet Solomon said over 70 prophets prayed within this Masjid, and there is another Hadith about which this balance of different over its authenticity, in which it is said that

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there wasn't a single prophet for after Ibrahim, except that he came and made Hajj. But as I said that some scholars said that that is weak but the point is, that many of the prophets of Islam

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They performed Hajj. So the smallest pillar is the one closest to the direction of masjidul life, and the largest pillar known as the jamara. Baba. That's the pillar that is closest to the direction of Mecca. jamara Baba. And this is also one of the differences historically that we don't have today. gemorah palapa was by a mountain, it was covered on one side by a mountain. And there was only one way that you could come and stone. So now when you go to the pillars, you can go from any of the four directions of the pillar, right? All four directions are open to you. This was the case for the small and the medium pillars. For the large pillar. This wasn't the case, half of it was

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blocked off by a mountain. So there was only one way that you could come and stone otherwise you'd be blocked by a mountain and this was the case for many hundreds of years until I think maybe about 100 150 years ago. They demolish that mountain when people are coming in large numbers just to make it easy for people to go and to stone Mashallah. This is something which we'll pick up later, or Jamila Tanaka is also one of the places where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, took the first pledges of allegiance from the people of Medina. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to migrate, there were two pledges of allegiance to be ours, that were given to him from the

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people of Medina. And they are known as br two la Cava and Ola and Sania the first coach of Alibaba. And the second pledge of Alibaba, and the Kodak Baba, because this is the place where the pledge was given by the jamara. And so even the pagan Arabs, when they would make their form of hunch, the profits on the long run equals send them would come and visit the different delegations of people of Arab tribes, and he would present Islam to them. And then he would ask them that if they accepted Islam, that they defend the Muslims, that they allow the Muslims to come to their land and live there, as give them asylum. And so some of them agreed some of them disagreed and there is a long

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Sierra story in this but the point being, that when finally the people of Medina accepted, this is where they gave their pledge of allegiance they I was given by the general law. That was the first year and then the second year, more of them came over 70 a number and they gave another Pledge of Allegiance also by Alibaba, also by Alibaba, and then the left as well. The three pillars, as is mentioned by the scholars of Islam, the three pillars go back to the time of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, and this these are the three points at which shavon Emily's came to Ibrahim alayhis salaam to try to dissuade him from slaughtering his son is married. So when a large soldier gave him the order that

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he had to go and slaughter his son, this Marine, obviously his family lived in Makkah, right, that's where he left him. And so he came to his marine and he said, that I have seen in the Iraq Hillman army and the Baca, fondo mother, Tara, as Allah says, In the Quran, I saw a dream that I have to go and say hello to you, what do you think of this? And we know that the dreams of the prophets are revelation as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, so he replied the abbot defragment. Tomorrow, strategy, Dhoni insha, Allah whom in a Serbian or my father do as you have been ordered, you will find by the will of Allah I am from amongst the patient. And so Ibrahim Alayhi Salam he took his son

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is married towards Mina. And that is where he believes came to him at three different points, to try to dissuade him from slaughtering his son. And in order to repel shavon in order to repel Iblees Ibrahim alayhis salam threw pebbles at him, and then he ran away. And so those three points that he came on are the three points where we have the jamara, the small, the medium, and the large, the jumble of terracotta. And then obviously, we know the story that when Ibrahim was about to slaughter his son, Allah exchanged him for a ram and that's why we sacrifice also in or during the Hajj.

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So there are a number of a hadith in this chapter. The first is a number 638 Ronnie blockbusting with Osama bin Laden whom Allah lamesa Lena we use on Allahu alayhi wa salam ala

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germana Tanaka, raha Buhari and the authority of Abdullah bin Arbus and Osama bin Zayed may Allah be pleased with them all. The both of them said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would continue to make the Tobia until he stone the jungle of terracotta and this is collapsing on Buhari. This is an issue which we spoke about yesterday in a great deal of length as well. And that is that we said at the beginning of Hajj, you must make the Toby Ella Baker lamella bake. And then at what point do you stop that Tobia and start to be or have read? Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, the normal to be or have read that we make. And we said that the spider said that when you stone the large pillar

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on the 10th on the morning of the 10th you stop the Tobia and you start making the bureau eat and so the only issue of difference

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have opinions what do you do the day before the day of arafah? Is that also a day of tilby or a day of beer. And yesterday we mentioned the hadith of nsabp Malik rhodiola. One that the companions would do both, they would make sometimes its appeal, and some of them would make the Tobia so both are allowed from the 10th after you stone the big pillar, the jumla Tanaka when the tilby finishes and the year of read, they begin

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the next Hadid 639 one abdillah with the Masuda mobiola one and 100 l betamethasone. He will mean an yemini orama Germanotta v 70 hassayampa Paul hazama como la jolla Tara Lee Surah Baqarah Mutasa canale on the throat of Abdullah bin Massoud and rhodiola. One, when he came to the jumbo Tanaka and he placed the Kaaba on his left, and he placed Minar on his right, and he stone it with seven pebbles. And he said, this is the place that it was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam surah baqarah and this is an Buhari and Muslim. So as we said, historically, there was a mountain that blocked off a part of the large pillar jumla to LA Baba. And so there was only one way

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to approach that jamara and that was to place the caliber on your left meaning Mecca direction of Mecca on your left. So when you come from mazeltov, and you're coming towards Minar, then you have the Jamaat in front of you, right as you do normally when you go and you stone, you approach everyone approaches the Gemini in one direction. So with genre tilaka, the only way that you could stone it was if you like from the face that is closer to Mina, you couldn't go around, and you couldn't Place your back towards Mecca. But rather you had to have your back towards Mina. Okay. And so this is what is seen in this Hadith, that the caribou omaka was in that direction. Mina,

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obviously, where it's come from is in this direction, and they would stone this way, and you couldn't go around because there was a mountain which was blocking it off. And then obviously, as we said, about 100 150 years ago, they demolish that mountain to make it an open area so that people can approach the gemba from four sides, which is what we do today. However, historically It was like this and this was the place at this jamara that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sort of tobacco

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600 641 jabian not the Allahu anhu Paul Rama Rasulullah sallallahu He will send them a generator Yeoman.

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Radek for either Salah to chumps or Allah who Muslim and the authority of God Allah one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stone the pillar on the day of read after Doha. And then after that, once the sun had passed by its zenith collected by Mr. Muslim. This Hadith is an important Hadith because it speaks about the timing for the stonings, whether on the 10th of every day or the following days, the days of the ship, and there are a number of issues here number one is the starting time and number two is the finishing time, what is the starting time and what is the finishing time for the stoning on these days. So you have in total a maximum of four days. That is

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the 10th which is the delivery. We use don't only the jumbo tilapia but the large pillar, and then you have the 11th 12th and 13th the days of the Shrek, will you stone all three pillars. According to this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stone, the genre tilaka on the day of the large pillar, after the hard time, Doha is once the sun has risen, like past sunrise, so the sun is high up in the sky. This is the high time and this is normally when people pray solar to do as well. And so once that the sun had reached that extent, that is when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam began to stone. The scholars as we mentioned, I mentioned yesterday different over the

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starting time of stoning on the day of eat. And that's because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed for women and the elderly and the weekend children to leave Muslim early during the night. So do they go immediately and stone or do they also have to wait until the sun rises and then stone and we mentioned yesterday from the hadith of um, Santa Marta, the Allahu Allah, the wife of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that she would leave was Delhi for during the night she would go and she would stone she would stone in the night before for sure. And then she will just carry on and do the other rites of Hajj for that day, which shows clearly that it is allowed for them to

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stone before federal. So the timing for the stoning of of the large pillar on the day of eight starts before fudger during the night for those people that are allowed to leave early. And we said the people that like to leave earlier, for example, women, children, the elderly, the weak, the sick, and those people accompanying them as well, as well as those people who are

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Serving the pilgrims. As was mentioned yesterday, the hadith of Ibis, rhodiola granduncle of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that he would leave early as well, so that he could go and get the water that he would need for the pilgrims. So for them they can stone during the night. For everyone else who spends the night in was deli fat and leaves was belly for after for john. For them the time of stoning begins after the sunrises after sunrise. That is that time for strolling. When does the stoning finish? for them? The sun is and there is better and safer to do it before the sun sets on the 10th of the hedger before most of the time before the sun sets. That's the time for the

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stoning. Okay, on the next three days, the 11th, the 12th and the 13th. And this is also going to be mentioned in a number of Hadith are coming up as well. The time for the starting of the stoning is after the sun passes our zone is not a lot of time zone is just before or when the sun is at its highest point in the sky It reaches its zenith. And so this time is a time which is prohibited to play in the profits on a lower it will sell in prohibited prayer from physical until the sun rises. And at Zenith zone. And after awesome until the sunsets these are the prohibited times for Salah. And so the time of Zenith is a time in which Salah is not allowed. But once the point reached the

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reach to some reaches that point, the time for Rami begins you can go and stone. And so just before loaner normally is like 510 15 minutes before the war, that is the time for starting of stoning. And that timing continues for the 11th 12th and 13th. Now we're talking about the days of the ship, it continues until

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until sunset. So you have that time for more or less just before the or until sunset Muslim time to stone on these three days, the 11th, the 12th and the 13th of the hijab. Now there's a couple of issues here. One of the issues is stoning during the night, stoning after sunset, whether on the 10th, whether on the 11th, within the 12th You don't have to sunset after mclubbe comes in you stone during the night. Now one of the reasons may be for example, that it's very, very busy, very congested. And so someone wants to go and stomp but they have they're afraid of going into congestion. And so they just wait, they wait for Muslims to finish and then they go and stone or

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they may be for example, that a person is in Makkah because they have to go and do Co Op and sorry. And because it takes such a long time to go off and sorry. And then such a long time because of the traffic getting back to Mina, that by the time they go back, they It is time for Muslim. So Muslims already set in and it's nighttime. So what happens is it allowed to stone during this time, the scholars have said yes, that it is allowed to stone during the night, but it should be avoided as much as possible because the sun and the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam are clearly done during daylight hours, the professor named Dylan stone, not even once during the night.

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However, it is allowed, it is allowed to stone during the night if there isn't any need to do so. But otherwise it should be something which is

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you something you stay away from something which is avoided. Another issue which comes in as well as on the 11th 12th and 13th. We said that the starting time is from seven until Monday. Can you stone before zool can you stone before so what in the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Islam, classical scholars, the methods and so on? It wasn't allowed. The majority of scholars said no, because there are some clear Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stoned after zoa. And generally in the in the chapter of Hajj, there is a golden rule and that is taken from the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam who's the one name and a seeker can take your rites of Hajj

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from me. So what we do must be in accordance to the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performed his Hajj. And so he only stone after the zool only after zool some of the scholars said yes you can stone before xover what you have in more recent times, is that a number of scholars Saudi Arabia and other than Saudi Arabia have said that you can stone before as well because of the amount of people that aren't because of the congestion because of the amount of people there are you can stone before especially normally on the 12th what happens on the 12th is that people want to leave early. So Mina as we said a maximum of four days the 10th 11th 12th and 13th but there is also

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a minimum of three days you can leave on the 12th so if you stone on the 12th and you leave minute before McRib, you don't have to do the settings. You can just go to Makkah and you can do your toe off and do whatever else you want and leave. You don't have to stone on the 13th that is optional. And that's something which Allah speaks about in the Quran was ALLAH hafiz

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Mamadou that fermented jalopy. Yamini fella is merrily woman to ahora fella is Mary Healy Manitoba. And remember Allah during the appointed days meaning the days of the sheikh, and also ever wishes to hasten, then after two days, then there is no sin upon him. And whoever wants to delay until the third day, then there is no sin upon him either for those who have piety, so the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim was to stay for all three days, he stayed until the 13th. However, if a person wishes to leave early, it is allowed for them to do so as long as they leave before Muslim time.

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So on the trunk normally, because everyone most people want to leave, you find that it becomes very congested and runs out of time, because everyone wants to stone, go back to their tents, pick up their bags, wait for the coach and try to get out of Mena as quickly as possible, so that they're not there for mclubbe time because otherwise they have to stay for a month and it becomes very, very congested, very, very busy. And so the scholars have said, and I think and Alon was best, but to the best of my recollection, even the senior scholars, the Kabbalah, mine, Saudi Arabia have given the fatwa in recent years that it's allowed for people to stone just before the hour as well, just to

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ease up that congestion as well. However, again, personally, I'm of the opinion that it's better to be on the safe side, because the majority of the scholars don't agree with this opinion. And so if a person is on the safe side, they wait for a while and then they stone then inshallah that is better. And Allah knows best and again, even during those nights 11 1213 you can stone during the night as well. If you need to an Allah subhanaw taala knows best. Let's have you 641 ronneby Rama rhodiola Juan Houma, Ando kanayama Janata, dunya bisabolol, Hassan yachting you kabiru Allah is equally hasakah

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useful for your home for

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your family, your day, or your co Matabeleland tomorrow. Mustafa Mercado de chemin for you soon Oh,

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my God. Yo como Pavillon sama, yummy generativity, la Burman botany la de when are you referring to her house on my own sorry for your own health care Dora Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, ala Fado, raha Buhari, and the former chief Abdullah bin Amaro de la one humare woodstone, the small jammer of the small pillar with seven pebbles and he will make the beer with every single pebble, then he would proceed and he will stop and he would face the camera and he will make the dryer raising his hands and he will stand for a long time, then he would go to the middle pillar. And he would go towards the left after stoning. And then he would again face to Kamala and make to our

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raising his hands for a long time. And then he would go to the gemba tilaka. And he would go from the valley. And he would not stop after the general Calatrava but he would carry on and he would say this is how I saw the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam stoning collection in a Buhari. This is basically our beloved our motto, the Allahumma, performing these actions as an attribute adding them back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And as we mentioned before, in our previous chapters, I think maybe in cm Ohara, we said that one of the ways that we know the actions of the Prophet son alone, while he was still them is by the companions doing them themselves, then

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attributing it back to the promise of soul. This is also a Heidi. So the Hadith generally is, the sayings of the prophet SAW Selim his actions and what are you approved of prefer companion does something physically and then he says, This is what the prophet seldom did, or told me to do, or I saw him do it like this, then it takes the same ruling as the Hadith, because the the companion is not saying that this is my opinion, is attributing it back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is what had been our motto the Allahumma does in terms of the stoning, he would go and he would stone, the small pillar seven times with each pebble, he would stone it, and he would

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say a lot, but by throwing each pebble. Now the pebble as we know, and we mentioned in a previous Hadith, as we said, is the size of a chick pea, roughly, it is the size of a chick pea, and it is something which is taken as natural stone. So not cement, not tarmac, not anything that's manufactured, but rather something which is natural stone, natural rock, and he would throw that into the gym, or it must fall within the base. So Mr. Wood stone seven pebbles, with each pebble, he would say, Allahu Akbar. Then after the stoning, he would go and walk ahead, he was face to Qibla, meaning the direction of Makkah, and he would raise his hand, and he would make a very long dua. And

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so this is one of the positions one of the places where the art is accepted by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would make a draw. So a person makes a long drive for whatever it is that they need for the dunya, the Akira, and so on and so forth. And then he would go on to the middle pillar and do the same again, stone it with seven pebbles with

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Each one he would say Allahu Akbar, then again, he would walk ahead. And again, he would raise his hands facing the Qibla. And again, he would make a very long block. And then finally, he would go to the third pillar gemorah tilaka. And it says he would go from the valley side, meaning because there was a mountain that there was only one way that he could approach it, he would go and he would stone, and then he would just walk off making no drama. So there are three pillars. And there are two types of drama in between each of those pillars. So the drama is made twice on the third one, there is no drama, but rather the person just walks off and that's right on the 10th of the ledger,

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when you only stone the large pillar that is known to her. So for the general clapper, but there is no there is only for the small pillar and the medium pillar, and this is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu and he will send them as I'm delivering on what are the Allahu anhu mentioned here?

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Let's have you 640 210 marotti Allahumma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon Allah Mohammed Mahalia in Palawan mocassin in Arizona law, Paula for 37 mocha serene Mustafa Connelly on the photo to Abdullah bin Amaro de la grande Houma that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah have mercy upon those people who shaved their heads. They said, O Messenger of Allah, and those who trim almost the prophets of Salaam on the third time said, and those who trim courtesan and Bukhari and Muslim. This is a abridged version of the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made the wire for those people who either in Umrah or Hajj they shave their heads. And what we mean

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by shave their heads is they use a blade, this is what is known as help in the Arabic language that you use a blade, not just a number zero or number one on a machine, it must be a blade, this is what is considered how in Arabic language. And so for those people who do this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made draft for them. And he said, Oh Allah have mercy upon them. So the companion said, Oh ALLAH and those who trim so again for a second time the prophet SAW, Selim said, Oh, Allah have mercy upon those who shave that promise and jamala and those who trim and again, the prompts are seldom said, for those who shave and then for those who trim. So they have three more virtues

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over those who trim those who shave have three more virtues over those who trim. And so it is the Sunnah, and what is more better and beloved, is that a person shaves their head. However, it's also allowed to trim if a person wishes to do so but it is less in reward. And for shaving and trimming for both of them for the men, then it is that they shave or trim their hair equally. So it's not just like a crew cut or like you shave off the head leaf off the head or you just have like a short back and sides is equal. So whether it's shaving or whether it's trimming, it is done equally, and that is what is mentioned as the sum of the profits on the long run, he will sell

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the next 100 643 one amberson or the Allahumma nbia Sun Allahu alayhi wa sallam upon the Salah nissa

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nissa toxie on the altar of the libre bersama the Allahu anhu mother the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no shaving for the women, they only trim their hair collected by a Buddha would with a chain of narration that is authentic. So obviously for the women, they don't shave their heads, but rather they trim their hair. And the way that they trim their hair is that they gather their head together from the ends, and then they trim a finger digit length. So your finger is made up of three digits, the trim of one digit length from the ends of their hair. And so they don't have to cut it equally. They don't have to cut it from the top. So for example is braided or

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for example is plotted. They just take it from the end, and then they cut off one finger one digits length from the end of the hair.

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The next hat is 644 111 answer the Allahumma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam over coffee and water for john lewis aluna. Who for Colorado national public

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or for an army called Urmila heritage from asuna. Yama is an M Shi input Dima Akira Illa Allah if Allah How much would taco Nani and the authority of Abdullah and I'm gonna answer the Allahumma that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was making his 100 to whatever his farewell Hajj and the people came to him. And they began to ask so a man said or messenger of Allah I didn't realize that I shaved before I sacrificed and the prophets of Salaam said sacrifice and there is no harm. And another one came and he said O Messenger of Allah I didn't realize that I sacrificed before I stoned. And the prophets of Salaam said do so and there is no problem. And so they would come and

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they would say and they would ask him about those things, which either they did before something else or they delayed until something else and the prophet or send them would say do so and there is no harm.

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This is an Buhari and Muslim. This Hadith as we said the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that on that day of read, there are four things to do and the prophets of Salaam did them in a specific order. Number one is you stone, the number two, he sacrificed the number three, he shaved his head, then number four, he made the dough off in the semi, this was the order that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam followed, the issue is here, do we need to stick to this order? Or no? Can we change the order? So for example, can we make bauerfeind? Sorry, first, then come and stone? Or can we, for example, shave our heads, then go and sacrifice? Can we change the order? Or

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is it a set order, according to the professor Salim, in this hadith of Abdullah bin Ahmad, the Allahumma people were coming and seeing a messenger of Allah we didn't realize. And so some of them would say, we didn't realize, and we, instead of stoning, we went and we sacrificed or we didn't realize and instead of shaving our heads, we went and sacrificed. So we did something in a different order. And for each one, irrespective of what the issue was the profits on a low while he was selling them would say, do so and there is no harm. do so. And there is no harm. So the scholars have agreed on two issues and different over the third. Number one, the scholars have agreed that

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the Sunnah, and it is better to follow the order of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the way that he did it, meaning that you stone first, when you shave, when you Sorry, you sacrifice, then you shave, and then you perform that often. Sorry, that's the first issue that they agreed upon. The second issue that they agreed upon was that if you change the, because you forgot, or because you didn't know what the order was, because you were ignorant of the order, then that is allowed. There is no harm in doing that as well. As mentioned in this hadith. The third issue is where the difference of opinion is, and that is, can you change the order intentionally? So the second issue

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was you do it out of ignorance or forgetfulness? Or you forgot, and you did it? Or you did it unintentionally, or you did it out of ignorance? But if you did it intentionally, you know, the order that you still changed it? Is that allowed or not? The majority of the scholars of Islam, they say yes, it is allowed, based upon this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. However, some of the scholars said no, it is not allowed. Because in this Heidi's the wording is very particular. And that is lamb ashore, or messenger of Allah. I didn't realize and I did this. So they said that this wording shows that if you forget, or you don't know, or you're ignorant, it's okay.

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But if you do know, and you did realize, and you didn't forget and you weren't ignorant, then it's not okay. That you should have followed the order. So this is the difference of opinion. However, the stronger opinion and Allah knows best is that it is allowed to change the order intentionally as well. And this is what this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam shows and there is another Hadith, which will take the final edits that we'll take today.

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And that is the Hadeeth of 645. One will miss one evening, Maha Maha Brahma rhodiola one and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Nana Abdullah and Mrs. hubba hubba daddy kawakubo hari and Mr. Ebony Muhammad Rama rhodiola one that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam sacrificed. Then he shaved his head, and he ordered his companions to do so as reflected in Buhari. So in this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we said before, he followed a specific order. And he told us companions that were around him to do so as well. However, there were 100,000 people making hunch, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so not all of them follow this order. And that's

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what the previous Hadith is showing that people change the order. They did things in a different order. And then when asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that it is okay. And there is no harm. It is okay. And there is no harm. Another issue here that will conclude on the final issue that we'll mention today is when it comes to the sacrifice. As we said, there are three types of hunch fraud, Iran and Terminator for Pilon and tomato you need to sacrifice an animal that is part of the rights of hedge fund, not for your front. So for Iran and tomato for those two types of hedge, there is a sacrifice and the sacrifice in the Arabic language is known as heavy. And this

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sacrifice is the one that the pilgrim makes. It is different to the wood here. The wood here is the sacrifice that you make for eight. When you celebrate eat. The people making the house don't have any. There is no need for them, and they don't celebrate it and they don't sacrifice for it. They sacrifice for Hajj. So when they sacrifice for lunch, they don't need to do to one 401 for their family for you. They only sacrifice once because it's not reported that the professor seldom did both. He only did the one for Hajj. As for those people who aren't making Hajj They are the ones who sacrifice for it. Okay, so that's just like a very fine point.

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But it's so that people don't get confused at all in Arabic different types of sacrifice. And so the prophet SAW Selim sacrificed for Hajj, but it has the same rulings because he ate from it, some of it he gave to to other people and some he gave to the poor. So it has the same rulings as the eat sacrifice in that regard. And Alonso's best was sort of lost I'm going to

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the waffle, he found out begins on the 10th begins on the 10th, which is the day of read, and it lasts all the way to the end of the ledger. So you have the rest of the month to do it. The son of the prophet SAW Selim is to do it on the 10th on the day of read, or officially, she's 11 1213. However, if for example, you can't do it in that time, or you need to delay it because you're staying in Makkah anyway. For whatever reason, or maybe for example, the sister is on her cycle, and then she comes clean. It is allowed to delay until the end of the month. And Alonso's best

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