Ahmed Hamed – 100 Key Advices from The Qur’an – P4

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The importance of practicing Islam to avoid negative consequences and avoid negative consequences is emphasized in the first segment of the transcript. The advice of Islam to be patient and show appreciation for one's actions is also discussed, along with the need to be strong and patient in order to be powerful and strong. The importance of practicing and giving people peace and security is also emphasized. The speakers stress the need to act as an advocate for others and to be mindful of one's actions to avoid negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While earlier he was hobby he Jemaine My beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, a lot of blur is is extremely kind and merciful that He has given us this opportunity to explore and learn the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala We ask Allah Subhana Allah to bless the iluminar Islamic Center for this beautiful platform to learn Deen daily which is actually benefiting 1000s of people's will hamdulillah my brothers and sisters let us carry on with our journey of 100 key advisors from the Quran.

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The advice

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comes from Surah two RF surah number seven is number 31 where Allah subhanho wa Taala says Bismillah R Rahman Rahim kulu was Shara boo Allah to Sri fu inna Hola, yo Hey Bill, Miss ravine, eat and drink, but do not be excessive. Indeed, he likes not those who commit access. Again, let's put ourselves into this tree as as an action plan perspective. Let's acquire the understanding my brothers and sisters that a lot of blazer, he is asking and he has provided so many things on the face of the earth when hamdulillah to eat and drink, but Allah is telling us that we need to acquire as an understanding, do not be in excess, you know be not excessive Subhan Allah first and foremost,

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we need to understand what is the definition of is rough, because everybody has their own capabilities and capacities in terms of spending. So, first acquire the understanding how much you can actually spend and what is is rough in your own lives. You know, consult the scholars who can guide you with wisdom and knowledge and help you out in terms of this understanding. We need to apply it in our lives application of you know, this factor which is very, very common and everyday we do it we eat everyday we drink every day and many times we go in excessiveness you know every day so Allah subhanaw taala number one he's giving us an a command to eat and drink but Allah is saying

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be not excessive. Don't go in extremes and why a lot of Blair is a he says indeed he likes not those who commit access my brothers and sisters, it is important to know that for us, the greatest factor is the herb of Allah is the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and a lot of but there is a saying in this perspective, that you should not do anything in excess. Allah does not love those who commit access. So we need to apply this in our lives advocated to others as well. Whenever we see an evil of such kind where a Seraph is done where excessiveness is done, we need to invite people and advise them counsel them help them understand that Allah or Buddha is or does not love those who do things

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in excess.

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Another advice comes from Surah

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Surah number seven is number 126 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says

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robina Africa Elena sobrang whatever pheno muslimeen Our Lord Paul upon us patients and let us die as Muslims in submission to you alone. acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that we also need to ask Allah to grant us patience. Patience just doesn't come like that. We need to ask Allah. ask Allah for granting you and me patience, for indeed he is the one who is the grantor without account. And we are we need to ask Allah Allah let us die as Muslims. Because what really matters, my brothers and sisters that we need to acquire this understanding what really matters is the end is the end my brothers and sisters, we might be living a very good righteous life. But at

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the end, if we do not die as Muslims as someone who's submitting ourselves to Allah subhanaw taala then What counts is the end Subhan Allah, apply it in our lives, my brothers and sisters every day, whenever we feel that we need, you know to be patient, ask Allah for patience, and we need to do good things. So

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We may die upon those which we do regularly. Right? So we need to apply it in our lives by asking Allah to grant us patience and to we need to continuously and consistently do things which are good, righteous and pious, so that we may die upon that which we, we do things as right Subhan Allah advocate people also, you know, sometimes people they don't really understand the formula of patience. It all begins from asking Allah to grant you and me patience. So advocate this beautiful advice from a love herbal ERISA directly mentioned in the Quran, a lot of Buddha is is is teaching us to ask him for patience and teaching us to ask this to our to help us die as Muslims. My brothers

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and sisters let us advocate this beautiful formula so that we may you know, die as Muslims and ask Allah to help all of us die as Muslims as someone who is who's submitting his will to a lot of binaries alone. Another advice comes from Surah two RF surah number seven iron number 199 where a lot of boiler is that he says who the last what motor below autofeed what are the I mean, Jaya Helene Xu forgivness speak for justice and avoid the ignorant once acquired the understanding my brothers and sisters that it is highly, highly important and recommended that you forgive people, you know, take take forgiveness over anger Subhanallah forgive people, give them benefit of doubt,

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understand this as a number one we need to acquire this beautiful piece of advice from the Quran. We need to show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant once. This is number one, number two, we need to apply it in our lives. Apply the the attitude of forgiving people and speaking for justice. You know, even if it's a very small minor issue, make sure that you stand up for justice, you speak for justice, and never get involved with the arrogant or ignorant ones. You know, a lot of is is teaching us a very powerful advice. Avoid the ignorant ones. Because when we get involved with ignorant once we actually, you know, lose the whole spirit of it advocated to others as well, to

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show forgiveness to speak for justice and to avoid the ignorant ones. When we advocate this insha Allah this will come in our lives as well and it is really really important. The next advice comes from Surah two RF surah number seven is number 200. where a lot of binaries I says, What in my young Veronica min ash shaytani nas, Nas, Nas who first Billa in who sent me on a limb and if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, and then seek refuge in Allah indeed he's hearing and knowing Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us to acquire this understanding whenever any thought comes in our mind we see our older Billahi min ash shaytaan regime, applied in our lines whenever there is an

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evil thought that comes in your mind, say I want to be loved. And whenever there is any wrong thought comes in your mind say I was a Billa advocate and teach our children, our family members, our own relatives and society to ask Allah to to go in the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala so that shaitan should not be able to deceive us should not be able to mislead us my brothers and sisters, Allah subhanaw taala made it clear in the Quran in hola como como bien shaitan is to you as an open enemy. So he is desperate to deviate us, we need to ensure that the only way that we can, you know, be prevented from Chetan is by seeking the refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala that's the

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only way so a lot of Malaysia is giving a peaceful advice, a very beautiful advice in the Quran that we need to acquire, apply and advocate it and that is to seek the refuge in Allah from shaitan because a lot of Buddha is a he is all hearing and knowing and we know that we are being attacked by shaitaan every now and then. So the greatest protection is the protection from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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The next advice comes from sootel and fall surah number eight and number 46

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But Allah subhanahu wa tada it is a fear Allahu wa sallahu wa Latinas are all for tough Shalu What does habari hokum was spirou in Allah Hama, sabihin and obey Allah and His messenger and do not dispute.

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That's it, you will lose courage and then your strength would depart and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient. My brothers and sisters, we need to acquire this understanding this beautiful piece of advice, where a lot of biller is is teaching us to obey Allah and His messenger and the way of Allah and His messenger is do not dispute with one another what will happen we will lose the courage and our strength, we will depart, we will become weak, we will become you know, those who would not have courage to stand firm against anyone, right? So as an oma, we need to ensure that we should not dispute with one another. Because as a result, we will lose courage and our strength will

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depart. And when is it possible for us to not dispute when we have patient and that's what Allah says and be patient. Because you know what, two people cannot live together without patients peacefully, this is for sure. The couple cannot live with each other peacefully without patients. The family cannot exist and coexist peacefully without patients. The society cannot coexist, you know, without patients peacefully, so the ingredient for us to not dispute and lose our courage and our you know, lose our strength is we need to be patient. And Allah says, Indeed, Allah is with the patient, in Allah ma Sabine, this is indeed in itself, the greatest blessing that you are having a

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law on your side, what better way would be one, this is the real application, that whenever we, we feel that we are, you know, tempted by shutdown and getting into dispute we need to show a patient's we need to ensure that our our cut, coverage should not be lost, we need to ensure that we should not become weak. And rather, we should add up strength after strength. And that's how we need to also advocate it to others as well. This piece of advice is so important for an MA to be together to be powerful, to be strong, that we need to ensure that we do not dispute we should not lose courage, and we should not lose our strength. Rather we should be patient, we might have difference of

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opinion. But then we need to hold on. We need to hold on to the patient. Indeed, a lot of his his widows who have patience. Another advice comes from suta Toba surah number nine is number 128. where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says lockjaw accom Rasulullah min on forsaken azeez una la Hema Annie I need to hurry Suna la combi me Nina ra Ooh, for Rahim, there has certainly come to you a messenger from among yourselves. grievious to him is what you suffer. He is concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful. We need to acquire this piece of advice my brothers and sisters that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent so powerfully and so beautifully, that he is

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someone who becomes grievious when we as an Omar Safa, Subhana Allah look at the love of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam for us. So he's, Allah says, grievous to him is what you suffer. He is concerned over you and how his profits listen to us. He is for him. He is to the believers kind and merciful. We need to apply this in our lives, my brothers and sisters, the love of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the obedience of Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe salam, the following of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is far more superior to us than anybody after Allah comes Rasulullah This is our priority in life. After Allah, no one comes but Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam

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because to us we know that he was so extremely attached with the oma so much concerned for the oma so much. You know praying for the oma Subhana Allah, we need to ensure that we apply it in our lives by practically applying the Sooners of the solar licensing in our lives. And we need to advocate this beautiful character of Prophet sallallahu wasallam we need to tell him you know, teach and preach people that you know what our messenger my brothers and sisters are

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Our messenger is such that he was so grievous, you know, when we suffer meaning he was so loving that whenever we he sees someone, some some member of the oma is defaulting is disobeying he would really become, you know, green Subhan Allah and he is so much concern to us. He was so merciful, he was so kind to us. We need to tell people out there, the whole of humanity is the oma of Rasulullah sallallahu I said, they need to know the man Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how merciful how kind was he towards every one of us.

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Another advice comes from Surah Tauba surah. Number nine is number 129. where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, For into a low fuckpole has to be Allahu La ilaha illa

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Allah He tawakkol wahoo or Buddha or chalazia but if you turn away, sufficient for me is a law that is no deity except Him on him I have relied and He is the Lord of decreed throne. acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was given this task of giving and delivering the message to the mankind He did everything possible he grieved over them he was concerned over them but ally saying if after that as well, if he also has an oma is returned back alive saying sufficient for me is Allah tell them all Muslim Islam. sufficient for me is Allah there is no di t except him on him. I have relied and He is the Lord of the great throne.

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So we need to acquire this understanding that you know, if we heed if we follow if we obey the suit of Allah, it's for our own benefit. And this comes as an application when we apply in our lives, the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we will be with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. Salaam inshallah in the highest levels of Jenna, witnessing the face of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if we turn back, It is we who will be harming ourselves, hurting ourselves and will be feeling forever Subhana Allah May Allah protect us all from that advocate this powerful advice from the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala is making it very clear to those who want to turn away from Allah from Rasool

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Allah, Allah is enough for us. A lot of blazer is enough for us there is no di t except Him. And we need to rely on Allah Subhana Allah Who is the rub Buddha actually him who is the Lord of the great throne, we need to advocate this powerful advice and that's how we move on in our lives.

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Another advice comes from Surah Yunus surah number 10 is number 25. where a lot of blazer, he says, Well La Jolla Doru Illa Dar es Salaam Wei de mania Sha de la sera muster cream and a law invites to the home of peace and guides whom He wills to a straight path. My brothers and sisters let us acquire this beautiful understanding from the Quran that Allah is inviting us to the home of peace. You know, one of the names of the agenda is it's the home of Dar es Salaam is the home of peace. It is the invitation directly for you in me from Allah. And Allah guides whom He wills my brothers and sisters apply it in our lives. Ask for it. When was the last time you and me asked? Oh Allah give me

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the highest levels of Jenna. Oh Allah give me the highest level of Jenna. Oh Allah give me the highest levels of Jana. When was the last time we asked for it? When was the last time we want to have the home of peace there are darussalam apply it in our lives by doing x which guides us to that way, the path of peace my brothers and sisters asked Allah and advocated to others as well. Look, the whole of humanity for you. Allah is calling all of us to the home of peace. Allah is calling us to the home of peace Daraa Salaam, indeed we need to apply an advocate this beautiful invitation of our rub of our of our Lord, to the whole of mankind. So that along with us, the everyone can get

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into the place of peace, the home of peace Daraa Salaam, may Allah subhanho wa Taala help you and me to be there in sha Allah. Let us accept the invitation from a lot of binaries, you know himself and Allah, we ask you to guide us to that path that pleases you. I mean Europe Allah mean.

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The next advice comes from Surah tool, use of surah number 12. I am number five, where Allah subhanahu attallah he says Allah Yamuna

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Yala Duk soo soo Yaga

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Allah is what Tikka for your key to laka Qaeda in shaitana, Lille in sunny, I do wamu been, he said yaku Bala Salaam, he said to us with our alayhis salam and he saw a dream, a vision, oh my son do not relate your vision to your brothers, or they will contrive against you a plan, they will make a conspiracy against you. Indeed shaitan to man is a manifest enemy. acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters, that jealousy exist, jealousy exists in the hearts of many people. So you need to be choosy, you need to pick people in a right way. And then share things with them. Because has said it will take away the you know, the the goodness from people Subhan Allah. So share good things

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with those only whom you trust, whom you think that will appreciate whom you think that you they will say about our culture, who feed those people who would ask Allah to give Baraka in your things, don't share, you know, and this is something which we need to acquire and apply it in our lives. We should not share anything and everything with everyone. We should apply this in our lives by sharing it with those who do not feel jealous about and we need to ensure that we ask Allah for the protection against all those evil and evil people who may jealous about you. So the piece of advice that comes from the Quran is do not share anything, everything with everyone. And and this is how we

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need to apply in our lives as well. Anytime we have good things we should not share with everyone. Rather, we should share him only with those whom you trust whom you think that they will think, or they will take it positively and they'll pray for you in Sharla advocate this powerful advice from the Quran where a lot of Isaiah is teaching us a lesson lesson that jealousy, envy, these things are real, these things exist in the hearts of the people and they destroy people Subhanallah so make sure that you protect yourself by not disclosing any and every good thing that you have with everyone out there rather, make sure that you disclose and share things which are good that you have

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with only those who are wise, who are well vicious in sha Allah.

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Another advice comes from sudo to use of sudo number 12 is number 23. where Allah subhanahu wa Donna he says, Allah ma the law in the hora be us and I must, must,

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must wire in hula you saw the moon. He said I seek refuge of Allah. Indeed he is my master was made good. My residents indeed wrongdoers will not succeed. Subhan Allah when fear our own wife Vinci tries to do wrong with use of La Salaam. This is what he said. On the law. He said I seek the refuge of Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed he is my master. A lot of malaria is giving and teaching a lesson my brothers and sisters that we need to acquire, that we need to ask a law's refuge whenever an evil act comes into our life. Subhan Allah, we need to protect and prevent ourselves from that by seeking the refuge of Allah subhanaw taala and we need to apply it in our lives practically, when we are

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tempted fascinated and and thrilled with with certain evils. We need to apply it in our lives by seeking refuge in Allah and trusting Allah as our master, that he is watching us when we do something evil, and the angels are recording, you know our deeds when we are doing that deed. So this is what Yusuf alayhi salam, you know, may Allah have peace on him. He did Subhan Allah as a practical demonstration, a learning lesson for us in our lives, advocate this beautiful farm formula to others as well seek refuge in Allah, when there is a there is a evil that comes in your way and we need to ensure that we trust Allah that He will. He's our master, he is the giver without account

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he will give us that which we might not even imagine when we do this action from our own side, then Allah will never allow the wrongdoers to succeed. This is the advocacy that we need to do my brothers and sisters when you trust a lover and you do good, Allah will give you success and Allah will defeat the wrong doers.

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The next advice comes

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From Sula to broad surah, number 13, and number 11, where Allah subhanahu wa taala. He says in Allaha, la yo yo ma B Omen, da yo yo ma B and forcing him, indeed, a loving not change the condition of a people until they change what is in within some within themselves, acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that we have to act. First, Allah will not change the condition of the people until they change themselves. So we need to acquire this, that the action has to come from us first, and apply it in our lives that we need to change. If we need to change if we really need to change, we need to do something we need to act, we need to take steps towards that change. And Allah

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will then help you, you know, because if you and me are only thinking to change and do not do anything to change our condition, it will never happen Subhana Allah so Allah is giving a very clear cut advice in the Quran that Allah does not change the condition, the position, the situation of a person, until they change until he himself change themselves, right? So if I want to change, I need to do something about it, and then ask a lot to help me. Right. So if, if you mean, work together, if you and me work for something that is good, only then then the help of Allah will come. You know, we can't sit back at rest and do nothing and expect the help of Allah, it doesn't happen like that.

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It doesn't work like that. Right? So we need to ensure that we work towards the change and allow it help us all advocate this powerful advice from the Quran, to the people out there that you know what, Allah will not change the condition the situation of people, until they change what is in within themselves. So if I want to really succeed, I need to pray, I need to work for that success. And Allah will help you know, all of us insha Allah.

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And then Allah Subhana Allah gives another advice from Surah

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Ibrahim surah. Number 14 is number

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seven, with a lot of binaries, he says that in shocker to a Z dynochem if you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favor Subhan Allah This is a beautiful advice that comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala where he is giving us to acquire this beautiful understanding. If you really want to grow in something that Allah has given you. Be grateful,

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thank Allah. And this requires an practical application. Number one you need to ensure you say Alhamdulillah for everything that Allah has given you, you know, we might not deserve things that Allah has given but Allah is extremely merciful, that He has given us so thank Allah thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for all the nerima that we have all the blessings that we have, and the beauty is, Allah will increase in that how much we don't know how much we don't know. So the the beautiful advice is, we need to thank Allah in order for us to increase our own favors granted by Allah we need to advocate it to others as well. This is a very important thing because a lot of people are

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ungrateful for what the towards a lot of binaries a lot of people they they have complains, they have, you know, things which are not really desirable by a Muslim SubhanAllah. So, they complain they are not happy, they are not content, and they keep on doing that. And Subhanallah when you when a person does that, Allah will decrease when a person who is ungrateful, even after so many favors, a person will already know will get a decrease in his favorites. Rather, we need to ensure that we thank Allah we are, we have to say Alhamdulillah for the bounties and the countless favors that Allah has done and the beauty would be one we will fulfill the commands of Allah to being being

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grateful and to inshallah, Allah will surely increase, you know, in our favorites, and it will have lot of Baraka Bismillah he to Allah.

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Another advice comes from Surah Al Hasan surah, number 15 I am number 99 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Why would Rebecca had to come in and worship your Lord until

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comes to you the certainty and that is depth acquired this understanding my brothers and sisters that eba have a lot of Iza it's not a seasonal thing, it needs to be done the moment we gain consciousness, the moment we gain maturity, until we die. And this is

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this requires practical application of doing a bad job of Allah subhanho wa Taala after understanding that, you know, our ibadah ends with the end that we have, and that is depth. So we need to apply this after acquiring this understanding by getting involved in the service to a lot of binaries, serve Allah and Allah will help you tremendously serve a lot of design worship Allah alone. And when you are active worshipper of love, and you become the active worshipper of Allah, subhanaw taala insha. Allah Allah will make also your end upon the Alibaba of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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moments Baca was mentioning that we need to pray that we need to die as Muslims to panela many of us you know or or perhaps all of us, we plan for our future. We plan for our marriage, we plan for our career, we plan our you know, our things in the future. Have we ever plan for death? How am I going to die? Vish for a death where we are in the sujood where we are having the the Kerbala the closeness with a las panatela plan for deathmatch. My brothers and sisters meaning we don't know certainly when we are going to die, but then we should, you know, engage ourselves in certain things. Most of the times that when that comes, it should come when while we are praying or while

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we're doing into a dhikr of Allah while we are doing something good, why we are saying something good, why we are doing something good Subhan Allah that is death planning my brothers and sisters, sisters, that we need to you know, plan somehow and a lot we need to advocate it to others as well that we cannot be seasonal worshippers we cannot be Ramadan Muslims, we cannot be Chahal, Muslims we cannot be Muslims only certain period or days or times, we need to ensure that we have to be an ibid a person who worship a lot of binaries from the beginning of his maturity until his last moments were our last words should be ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah This is the advocacy that we need

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to do and we need to ask Allah to help us having that kind of end. While we are worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala the next advice comes from Surah An am surah number 16 is number 119. where Allah Subhana Allah He says some inner Rebecca de la Vina ami Lu amilo su

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Abuja, harlot Abuja holla to su Mata boo min daddy daddy kawazu in Arabic Amina Madhya lava fu Rahim, a lot of blazer, he says, then individual law to those who have done wrong out of ignorance, and then repent after that and correct themselves indeed, your Lord thereafter is Forgiving and Merciful. We need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters, that Allah will forgive us for the things which we do in ignorance, in Jabalia in ignorance when we do something and then when we realize that what I have done was wrong, then Allah will insha Allah, forgive us a love And forgive us this is we need to acquire this understanding because Allah is extremely Forgiving and

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Merciful, applied in our lives. Whenever we do anything wrong, any evil act, any immoral thing, any sin that we commit, we need to immediately turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala for repentance. Because the moment we turn to Allah, we accept number one that I have done wrong to we are sincere in asking Allah to forgive with the Nia that we should not get back to that sin again. And we need to compensate by saying stuff or a law a lot of times so that Allah will forgive us and we should have that that consciousness of not going back to that sin which we have done. When we have this beautiful application of Toba in our lives. Allah will certainly forgiving Sharla advocated to

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others as well. You know a lot of people they get into guilt after committing the sin and they see no turning back. They see their

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There's no way that I can actually mend my ways. A lot of Malaysia is clearly telling that that he who does things out of ignorance, any sin any wrong and he comes back to Allah repents to Allah returns to Allah, Allah will forgive those people we need to advocate it so that the people can benefit from this beautiful piece of advice from the Quran.

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The last advice from the Quran in this session my brothers and sisters comes from Surah An arm surah number 16 Surah Surah Al Surah Surah number 16 ayah number 125 where Allah subhanho dialysis odogwu illa sabini Rebecca Bella hikmah one more Eva to la Santa watch, de Lune bility here, invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instructions and argue with them in a way that is best. We need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters, that the way of the first of all the command of Allah is we need to invite people to we need to invite people with wisdom and good teachings. And three, we need to ensure that our way must be the best applied in our lives. Apply by

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inviting people to your Lord with wisdom and good teachings and discuss with them, dialogue with them, argue with them in a way that is best. This is a practical application that we need to apply while we're doing Dawa. While we're inviting people to Islam, meet our own loved ones or being those who are strangers. Everyone is really in need of this peaceful advice from the Quran. And it is something which we need to apply in our lives advocated my brothers and sisters, this is something which we need to advocate it. This is our duty as a Muslim, to make sure that we fulfill the command of Allah, where he says oduro illa Sabina bakeable hikmah invite to the view of your Lord with

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wisdom and good teachings, and we need to engage and have dialogue with people, but our way should be the best, the most tolerant, the most peaceful, the most balanced way for the people so that they can actually understand the real beauty and the message from the Quran from Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to help us all and forgive us for our shortcomings in learning and in teaching your Colombia Allah we ask you to have mercy on us, to forgive us to grant us mercy to have, you know, a blessing in our lives. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us obedient slaves. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us he died as long as we live and

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give us tofi to c'est la ilaha illa Allah while we depart this world, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant you know, peace and security to every one of us. May Allah grant you all, every kind of goodness was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

100 Key Advices from The Qur’an – Part 4/7

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