Ahmed Hamed – 100 Key Advices from The Qur’an – P5

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speakers in these segments provide advice on dealing with people who are not respectful of their parents. They stress the importance of practice patience, advocating for a strong message, and not wasting time on others. The speakers also emphasize the need to ensure rights are protected and to control one's anger. It is important to practice patience and exercise patience to attain knowledge and success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum. warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was hobby Marine, my brothers and sisters Welcome again to our Learn Deen daily program titled 100 key advisors from the Quran will hamdulillah we praise and thank Allah subhanahu wa taala for giving this opportunity yet again in order to explore the key advices from the Quran. Let us begin our journey in sha Allah. The the advise comes from Surah to Bani Israel or pseudo pseudo Israel surah number 17 ayah number 23 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim wakaba or a buka Allah taboo in India will bill Worley Dini Sana and your Lord has decreed

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that you worship none except Him and two parents good treatment. Again my brothers and sisters let us put this perspective of three A's as an action plan acquire this knowledge my brothers and sisters the greatest thing for a believer the greatest act for the believer is to worship a lot of brothers is without any associate or partner. And then a lot of brother is he says what Bill Worley Dini Sana and two parents do good, the best treatment so important we need to understand and acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that after a loss of Hannah who were to Allah and His messenger comes our parents for due respect and honor. Apply this in our lives. When was the last

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time that you made your self best in terms of treatment to your parents, my brothers and sisters beat even you know, you know massaging their feet, kissing their you know forehead and and ensuring that their comfort their you know, treatment is done in the best possible way. So when you speak speak with them the best way when you deal with them in anything deal with them in the best way when you reply them reply them in the best way when you give them give them give them the best of the gifts when you you know treat them in in all ways in all stages in all you know aspects give them the best inshallah and that is what a lot of Buddha he uses the word will bill Worley Dini, what is

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Santa, best treatment who deserves the most on the face of the earth my brothers and sisters is your parents Subhana love we need to act upon it and apply it you know, even if you go you know with them in the car, open the door for them when was the last time that you know just went inside the car and they had to open the door. Even if that is the case, open the door you know as as as a form of respect and honor and give them that best repute in sha Allah advocated to others as well. When you see when you witness children do not respect their parents advise them that it is the the commander of a lot of binaries. Who said well bill Wally Dini Asana or bill Worley dainius Anna what Bill

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Worley Dini Asana, advocate and preach to them, teach it to them that the best one to deserve our good treatment and the best way is our parents. Insha Allah next advice comes from Surah when he thrives on number 17 ayah number 26 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says what are t Valle kotoba hakuho well Myskina Wabi Sabi wala to buzzer double zero and give the right relatives, his right and also the poor and the traveler and do not spend wastefully. So there are a bunch of advisors comes in one single IR where which we have to acquire the understanding that a lot of Buddha is commanding and instructing us to give the relative is right to the poor is right and to the traveler is right.

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And he said do not spend wastefully we need to apply this in our lives, my brothers and sisters, that we need to fulfill the rights towards the creation towards the people in order for ourselves to be able to be obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala understand that

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the rights of the creation is of high importance in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. Again, apply this in your life and advocate, teach it and preach it to people that you know what the right that the relative has, it has to be given the

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The poor also needs to be fulfilled. Whatever our capacities allow, and the traveler don't undermine the help that you could do to a traveler who is sincere and genuine need help them so that they may ease you know their travel inshallah, and we need to ensure that we should advocate also that we should not spend wastefully we need to be conscious in spending my brothers and sisters because on the Day of Judgment, we will be questioned about that which we spend.

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Another advice comes from Surah B'nai Israel surah number 17 ayah number 31, that Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, want to know Allah daquan harshita m LA, narrow, narrow zopo Houma iya come and do not kill your children for fear of poverty, we provide for them and for you, we need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters because a lot of us we do not you know, a go for children and we do kind of family planning, it is actually family restricting, as panela we need to ensure that we have regained this understanding that it is a law who provides it is a law who provides us and our children. So we should avoid and prevent from this practice. Apply it in our lives in a

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practical sense, having that trust and believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala that it is he who is a Razak It is he who is a rub, it is he who is a Wahab It is he who is my Lord, my cherisher my sustainer my provider, and it is he who will provide for my children as well advocated to the people out there who wants to limit their families for no reason, for no reason it is not allowed for us to to restrict our families and you know, our generations without any genuine reason, if there is any medical if there is any genuine reason, yes, you may prolong it but then to stop it, it is not allowed. Except with few exceptions, my brothers and sisters so we need to advocate it so that we

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can, you know, build up the oma of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam, raised the righteous generations insha Allah be is the new law he to Allah. Another advice comes from Surah Surah Al surah. Number 17 is number 32 where Allah subhanahu wa taala he says while ah Takara buzina in no Ghana, Felicia town wasa sebelah, and do not approach unlawful sexual *. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way we need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters, that the moment we adopt a ways that could lead us to haram those ways are also Haram. And we need to apply it in our lives, that we should not take those ways and paths and steps towards

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that which is evil, which is immoral, which is indecent and not permissible. We need to ensure that we practice patience in this regard and ensure that we make our protection and seek the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We also need to ensure my brothers and sisters, that we need to advocate this powerful advice from the Quran, where a lot of Buddha he says and do not approach unlawful sexual *. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way we need to tell people out there where there is so much of morality, you know, in decency, and and wrong that's going on. We need to ensure that we advocated we in a very moderate in a very nice and kind way. We need to

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advise counsel and help people understand that this indeed is a great sin, and every one of us must protect ourselves from getting into it. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us among those who protect our souls who protect our chastity and modesty be isn't a law he Tyler

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another advice comes from Surah Bani Israel in Surah. Number 17 is number 35 where a lot of diseases were all full Kayla is killed Tim was the new bill spore seal muster team, Danica Hiram wha arsinoe Wheeler and give full measure when you measure and weigh with an even balance that is best to wait

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The best in result, my brothers and sisters, we need to acquire this understanding that we when we deal with anything, whether it is business or you know, transactions or anything, we need to ensure that we give full measure and weigh it with an even balance, that is the best standard practice of the believers Subhanallah this we need to apply practically in our lives. And this shows how our behavior our character, in terms of justice is we should always ensure that everyone's rights are protected, beat a measure, when you actually give to anyone, we need to ensure that it should be an even balanced way, you know, and this is something which is not trivial, it's not small. So panela

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if there is a injustice or unfairness that is done or anyone is dealt with, we will be you know, answerable to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we will be questioned deeply on this regard as well. So we need to ensure that we apply it we need to advocate it my brothers and sisters you know, even if it's a shopkeeper or anyone who is a relative in terms of a business or transactions or you know, do property distribution of anything, we need to ensure that we give full measure when you measure inshallah, and we need to ensure we invite people's attention to the importance that a lot of binaries are has raised in the Quran as a command where he says and give full measure when you

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measure and weigh with an even balance that is the best and the best in result when we do and deal people with justice and fairness. Allah will help us to grow and to you know, take it and to the progressive level be in the law, he tala

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another advice comes from Surah Surah Al surah, number 17 ayah number 36, where Allah subhana wa Taala says, while our takumar lay silica be here, and do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge Subhana Allah, this, we need to acquire an understanding my brothers and sisters, that we should not be speaking on everything, some hand a lot, a lot of but there is a he gives a beautiful piece of advice in the Quran. He says, and do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge meaning if you don't have a knowledge on something, you should not speak you should better you know be silent on things, which we don't know many times and this requires our application practice to

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restrict your tongue Subhan Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, He who in ensure that their tongue is is protected, I guarantee Jenna for that person. So we need to ensure that we, you know, control our anger, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us that control, where we don't speak on any and everything you know, and we need to ensure that we speak with consciousness. Think before you speak, as the English thing goes, think like a man of action and act like a man of thought. Make sure that before you do anything you think first before you say anything, think first so my brothers and sisters are beautiful, you know, advice from the Quran, with that we need to

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apply advocated to others as well. Let the people understand that they cannot there is nothing called as free Lee speaking, there is nothing such as freely speaking, we are questionable about what we speak and in particular on those things, which we have no knowledge. So we need to advocate this beautiful piece of advice from the Quran, to the people out there that we need to ensure that we restrict ourselves from speaking and on any and everything insha Allah Bismillah he to Allah. Another beautiful advice comes from suitableness el sutra number 17 ayah number 37. With a lot of Buddha, he says, well, Tom, she fell out of the house, Mara, ha while Tom she fell out of the Mara

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ha and do not walk upon the earth, you know, arrogantly or exultantly? Subhanallah we need to acquire this understanding that Allah loves humility. Allah loves kindness, softness, Allah does not like those who are arrogant and especially when you know, you see people when they have money, wealth, you know position a you know that he becomes a boss or she becomes you know, a boss and they walk on

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with arrogance Subhana Allah, we need to ensure that all pride belongs to Allah azza wa jal alone, we do not have any right to be arrogant, Subhana Allah, you know, we need to apply this in our lives, my brothers and sisters, that mean we walk, we walk with humbleness, we walk with softness, we walk a nice waves panela and we need to ensure that our behavior, our attitude, our expressions, our way our character must be, you know, soft as well. Must be humble as well. And we should not be proud of anything Subhana Allah, the more we are humbled, the more Allah will grow us in the in dunya. And in an era we need to advocate this beautiful piece of advice to, you know, people out

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there my brothers and sisters, especially to those people who become arrogant because of their Veldt position or anything that they have. Their arrogance will lead them to now to be, you know, Jeff jahannam and we need to ensure that we help them we advise them we counsel them, we teach and preach to them, that you know what Allah does not like those who are arrogant, and Allah wants us to walk on earth in a humble in a kind manner.

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Another advice comes from Surah Nisa, l surah. Number 17 ayah. Number 82. where Allah subhanahu wa taala he gives a beautiful piece of advice. He says when who knows the luminol qurani Maha chiffon warahmatullah momineen voila jazzy dissolve Amina illa cassara. And we sent down of the Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers, except in loss. We need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters, that the glorious Koran is a healing is a chifa is a cure for us. And it is a mercy for us to handle Allah. So it has the solutions for the problems that have the humanity. And whenever we feel sad when we feel happy,

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whenever we feel anything, we want a solution for the problems of our lives. We need to get back to the Quran, read the Quran and it will help you guide you in a way that is so beautiful. And Allah will shower Mercy on us because this is indeed the book of mercy Subhana Allah for the believers, we need to apply it in our lives by practically doing this. Whenever we want a solution go back to the Quran, whatever social, economic, you know, whatever problems that we have psychological, you know, family problem, any problem every problem, go back to the Quran and inshallah you will find a solution, you will find a cure, you will find mercy Subhana Allah is Allah made it as a Shiva as a

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Rama for us as a cure and as a mercy for us and advocated advocated teach this beautiful piece of advice from the Quran, to the people, to your family members, to your relatives, and to everyone the whole of humanity, that the glorious Koran is indeed a healing and a mercy for those who believe in it, and a lot of galerija he clearly states it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss. Those who deny those who refuse those who reject those who reject those who do not believe in it. It will not do anything good to them. But for us as the believers in it, Allah will give cure to us. Allah will shower mercy to us through this book, my brothers and sisters, let us stick to the Quran.

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Have a daily portion of the Quran to be read, recited, memorized, reflected, pondered, preached and practice this book. This will guide us to the ways that is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal

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another piece of advice comes from Surah Alka have surah number 18 ayah number 13 where a lot of galerija he says in the home feitian Manu Mira by him was it in our home Huda? Indeed they were youth who believed in their Lord and we increased them in guidance. We need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that the best ibadah is the a battle of the youth. youth who believe in their Lord Allah will increase them in guidance Subhana Allah, this we need to acquire as an understanding as a man

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said that the most potential phase of our lives is the face of the youth. And we need to apply in this right youth, my brothers and sisters, by the belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. When there are so many attractions, you know, so many, you know, temptations out there, when you and me as a youth, when we grow with the man in our hearts, in our lives, Allah in our, you know,

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you know minds and lives and keeping the traditions of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, when we move on in the world, where we see so many things around us but we stick to the belief in Allah subhanaw taala trusting his help, his guidance, His mercy, his Rama on us, Allah will say, Allah says he will increase the you know, as in our guidance as well. When we believe in Allah, Allah will increase us in guidance. So we need to ensure that we believe in Allah with certainty, with with consciousness, Subhana Allah and we need to advocate this beautiful formula to others as well so that people can also you know, take this beautiful piece of advice, you know, mentioned in the

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Quran, my brothers and sisters, indeed, this is something which is required for every one of us to succeed in our lives.

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Have a strong and firm belief in Allah subhanaw taala and look how Allah will help you to be firm on your guidance insha Allah, so acquire this beautiful understanding applied and advocated to others as well.

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Another advice comes from Surah Kahf surah number 18 ayah number 60 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Quran, what is Allah musala li Fatah Who? La abre who had a blue mage my brain out um dia Hoku hakuba a lot of binaries that he records and mentioned when Moses said to his servant, I will not see or traveling, I will not stop traveling until I reached the junction of the two seas or continue for a long period Subhanallah what we learn as an advisor is traveling for knowledge and zeal for knowledge is immensely important. Musa alayhis salam was prepared to travel a great distance for knowledge. Scholars have mentioned that might have traveled on both land and sea in

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order to meet his or Allah He Salam. He showed great enthusiasm and zeal in search of knowledge Subhan Allah the advice my brothers and sisters that we gain from it is students of knowledge should be prepared to travel to seek knowledge and endure all the hardships associated with travel. Today there are plenty of resources available online to panela. But there is a special connection to knowledge attained when it is sought in the real world with teachers live and teach the sooner Subhanallah this we need to acquire apply and preach to others my brothers and sisters so that you know we become the people who actually practice and strive for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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when we do and make an effort to seek the knowledge of a lot of brianza Allah will make a path easy for us for dunya will occur in this world. And here after

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another beautiful advice that comes from Surah Alka have surah number 18 ayah number 62 where Allah subhana wa Taala he says for them was a coronally Fatah who are Tina vada en la Casa Latina Mune safaree na na sobre su when they had had passed beyond it said to his boy, bring us our morning meal. We have certainly suffered in this journey, our our journey, much fatigue and tiredness. SubhanAllah what we need to ensure this is enduring hardships during the time of seeking knowledge is is important. The journey was not easy. And Musa alayhis salam, along with a servant endured much hardships seeking knowledge Mashallah a student of knowledge my brothers and sisters may face many

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hardships and challenges while seeking knowledge. But this should not stop him or her from pursuing knowledge. We need to apply this in our lives by practically you know, you know, travel and move around to search and seek knowledge we need to advocate it to people as well.

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In order for them to be empowered with the wisdom with the knowledge that we actually gain while we go out and move out and and seek it from those people have knowledge and wisdom.

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And the beautiful advice comes from Surah Kahf surah number 18 is number 66 where Allah Subhana Hua Tyler, he says, All Allahu Moosa berocca Allah to eliminate mimma limbed Russia. Moses said to him, May I follow you on the condition that you teach me from what you have been taught of sound judgment? My brothers and sisters we need to acquire apply and and, you know,

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advocate this beautiful piece of advice that comes from this I have the Quran is showing humility. You know, although Musa alayhis salam was higher in rank than his rally salon, he showed humility and spoke courteously with hydrolase Rahman as he wanted to learn from him some knowledge which he did not know. So the students of knowledge should not belittle anyone, no matter how much they know, this journey of learning is a never ending journey. SubhanAllah we are all students have a unique knowledge Subhanallah we need to ensure that we practice this advocated to others as well. Another beautiful advice comes from Surah Surah capsul number 18 is number 69. where a lot of diseases Allah

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cetera g dooney insha Allah who saw Beren wala arsia laka Umrah Moses said you will find me if Allah wills patient and I will not dis obey you in any order. My brothers and sisters also we need to understand that complying with the teachers, reasonable requests is directly essential in terms of getting knowledge. Musashi salon compiled with strict conditions set by Heather la salon, even though he was a prophet of Allah, the Messenger of Allah Subhana Allah, so the students of knowledge should comply with the teachers instructions, as long as they are reasonable. This we need to acquire, apply and advocated to others as well. My brothers and sisters, when we actually ensure

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that our learning discipline is in place, we learn so many things, you know, that will help us and benefit us. Big time. Another piece of advice comes from Surah capsula number 18 ayah number 73. where Allah subhanaw taala is is Allah Allah to our feduni bema seat wala to me, mean Amira, Moses said do not blame me for what I forgot, and I do not cover me in my matter with difficulty Subhanallah we need to exercise patience my brothers and sisters who their IRA Salaam did, things would seemingly to Musa alayhis salam contravened the the laws of Allah and as a prophet of Allah, he could not help but speak out. When reminded of the agreement he made that he would not speak out,

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he patiently submitted to hydrolase lambs request, my brothers and sisters, students of knowledge should also exercise patience, if you don't understand something they should preserve and seek more clarity. So how to learn the Quran is filled with oceans of wisdom and inspirations and these advisors actually help us to grow in our lives in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Therefore, we need to therefore we need to you know, ensure that we acquire, apply and advocate these beautiful teachings of Islam.

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The final piece of advice comes from Surah Alka have surah number 18 is number 110. where a lot of binaries I says Furman Karna, Yoda juliaca, Robbie folia, ml, Milan saleha, voila, you should be Reba that Europe be a Haida. So whoever would hope for the meeting with this with his Lord, let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord, anyone. My brothers and sisters, we need to acquire upline advocate this powerful teaching this beautiful advice from the Quran that we

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feel and we should have this mindset of the greatest success. The greatest achievement would be that when we insha Allah meet our Lord in the highest level of Jannah you

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genital for those who are either in the company of Muhammad Sallallahu on Islam, that is the greatest achievement, and you and me must have this dream, this vision in our lives, this should be the motto of our lives. This should be the wish that we always must have and must live and must die with, to meet our Lord, Allah subhanho wa Taala. And a lot of Buddha he mentioned clearly, wherever would hope for the meeting with his Lord, what we need to do, let him do righteous work. We need to do good things, good beads will help us in sha Allah to gain the mercy of a lot of binaries. As a result, we will be able to meet a lot of binaries. And we need to ensure that we associate none with

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we acquire this powerful understanding, when we apply it practically in our lives, by getting involved by getting involved in righteous acts in and become pious and righteous, you know, we when we advocate this powerful, beautiful, you know, piece of advice to others as well, that if you really want to meet Allah your Lord, you need to do righteous work, and we should never ever associate partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we do these things, my brothers and sisters in sha Allah, we can hope they can wish we can, you know, for seed to meeting Allah subhanho wa Taala I don't know, you don't know when our time is up, we always be needed. This

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reminded my brothers and sisters, we always need a reminder that this powerful question that you should ask I should ask myself that if I am departing this world now. Am I prepared to meet a law rumbler is if I'm prepared. Alhamdulillah if I'm not, I need to ensure that I do these righteous works. So that insha Allah when I depart, this world, Allah will be pleased with me so that I can insha Allah meet my Lord, in the highest levels of Jenna, in the company of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, we ask Allah subhanaw taala that to grant us, all of us the highest levels of Jannah give us the opportunity to meet you, yo Allah, we ask you, to help us to do all these righteous

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deeds. Forgive us for our sins, our shortcomings, our mistakes, so that we may repent to you truly Arab. We ask a lot of Blaser to give ease and peace in our lives where our hero Davina and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

100 Key Advices from The Qur’an – Part 5/7

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