Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures From The Quran – 13

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of showing love and enthusiasm when speaking to people is emphasized in Islam, including the use of the Bible as a guide and the success of Subhana Allah as a guide. The importance of showing enthusiasm and showing love when speaking to people is emphasized, along with the use of words like "has" and "hasn't" in their speech to remind people of the importance of showing love and enthusiasm. The conference call is not a call for debt collection, and participants are in a listen-only mode. The company provides financial statements and disclosures on their website, and the call is an attempt to collect a debt.
AI: Transcript ©
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Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah ashrafi ambia evil mursaleen Nabina Muhammad in Allah He of Allah subhanho wa Taala tasleem rubbish roughly so divisively Emery Weiland Melissa any of

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my brothers and sisters said Mr. Eddie Kamara to law, you're better cattle

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Please forgive me for being late today some kind of law Fridays are always extremely, extremely busy days. And with Juma and leading drama and then you know, going from one place to the other and tonight I also have a youth program. We're doing a youth program in Milton. We've been doing it every Friday night during the month of Ramadan. So there's a few things I need to prepare for that inshallah.

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So again, please excuse me for the delay. I absolutely can't stand being late and I know how I feel when I'm waiting for others. And I don't like others to feel that when I'm waiting when they're waiting on me. We're gonna go through sorta to calf Sharma who tada and we're going to go through it fairly quickly inshallah mainly because first of all, it's a song that we recite every single Friday.

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So we're already familiar with the song a little bit at least right we recite it and that's the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam also, because the the wording in the surah is fairly easy to understand it's you know, it's like stories three stories going through it and humbler four stories so we learn a few stories there and sort out to the calf and inshallah Thailand maybe after Ramadan, maybe we could go a little more in depth in this sort of considering it's a sweater that we recite every single Friday. Now why do we recite it every single Friday the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us whoever memorizes the first 10 verses of Surah tcaf will be protected from the gel

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from the fitna of the gel. Right? Why though? Now, when you look at the stories that are mentioned, as we'll see, shortly, you'll realize why or how, you know, it teaches us knowledge, it teaches us patience, it teaches us how to deal with money, etc, teaches us what's important in terms of, you know, the, the the fitten that are out there, the fitness that exist in society, and how we ourselves learn how to protect ourselves from it through this surah and so handler there's so many things in it, of course, it's not memorizing the whole surah it's the first 10 verses that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us about and that person will be protected from the

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Also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says whoever recites or took care of, or whoever sites are cut off on Friday, it will illuminate him with nor from one Friday until the next. So you will be illuminated as in you know, there'll be there'll be higher, there'll be Baraka, there'll be goodness that will happen for you and you will feel good, you will be happy and content. Even psychologically when you think of it you come on Friday, you recite to a lot of guys, you realize, you know what I recited it last week, I recited it this week, Alhamdulillah there will be new in my week and goodness for me in sha Allah hota Allah. And, you know, if we miss a week, psychologically,

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we feel Oh, you know what I missed out on a lot. And so we encourage ourselves to continue to recite every single Friday.

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Now, the main theme of this Surah Surah two calf is that Allah Subhana Allah will always protect or save us in our trials, whatever we're going to go through in life, Allah subhana wa Tana will protect us and save us throughout those trials. And so that's really interesting for us to to point out because that sums up the sutra. It sums up the sort of, that's what we've learned from suta to calf, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will protect us and be there for us whenever we need him. And at times that we don't need a loss of hanaway Tana as in times that we don't call upon him. I didn't I don't mean that we don't need a lot. We always need him. But times that we forget to call upon Allah

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subhanho wa Taala, which are usually times that we're not suffering, we're not going through hardships, we're not facing any difficulties. There's nothing, nothing really bad that's happening to us in our lives. But even at those moments, Allah subhanho wa Taala is looking after us. He's looking after us. And when we when we think of it's kind of a, you know, we don't realize it until we stop and we think, like right now, right here at 100 in LA, you know, we might feel comfortable, it's a month of Ramadan, you know, we're benefiting from from the last hour of this Friday, which please remind me to stop exactly at least five minutes on time before before the end, so that we

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have some time for a long time. You know, so we take advantage of that. But at the same time, so kinda we're sitting here we're, we're relaxed. We might not feel anything wrong inside.

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Us, maybe we have no diseases, we have no illnesses. Financially, we're okay. Our children are upon the deen Alhamdulillah. You know, everything in life might be perfect. Allah is still making sure that everything is okay for us. He's protecting us. And the times that we go through hardships, those are times that build us into stronger individuals. They make us stronger. Honestly speaking, some have Allah. And so it's important for us to understand that the trials we go through in life are not just simply trials that we know we can face and we know we're going to be able to get through No, they are things that build us and make us better and stronger believers in Allah

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subhanho wa Taala. We need those trials, we need the hardships. People ask the question sometimes, why does Allah make bad things happen to us? or Why will we be why will certain people be punished on the day of judgment and go to Johanna, that's not fair. People say that it's not fair. Okay. It's not fair for the people that did bad things. Then how is it fair for the people who spent their whole lives trying to do good things? How is it fair that they struggled and strove extremely hard to do good things in their life, and they get paradise yet the people who sinned and disbelieved and did things that were displeasing to Allah also get paradise? How is that fair? Right? It's not fair.

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And so what's fair is what Allah subhanho wa Taala prescribes what he writes what He commands upon us, that is fair, that is the best way for all of us to understand. And if we don't understand it, we still know that it's the best because it's a loss of our Creator who commented upon us. Okay. So so let's recap. Like I said, we're not going to go through too much detail from verse number one to verse number 31, we see the story of the people of the cave.

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You know, they went into the cave, they stayed there against prosecution.

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They spent 309 in lunar years, which equals to 300 years on our calendar, the solar calendar. So 309 years in the cave. But one thing that I wanted to point out with regards to the story, like I told you, we're not going to go through this, this slide on detail, because we're a little bit behind.

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One thing we learned from the story of the people of the cave, is that even though they stayed there for 300 years, or 309, lunar years, or that the haich D years, you could say right, the years that equal to the we know we're talking about lunar years, 100 luck. I don't need to explain it too much on Friday. So even though they spent 300 years there, what's important to notice is that most of the men that were there in the cave, were young, they were not the elderly, they were young. And when we look at the example of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. And when he was given revelation, the believers the first few Sahaba, then at the at the, at the initial stages, the initial phase of

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Islam, the Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a good number of the the, the the first to believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were young men and young women.

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As in they were not old in age. And I don't mean that they were children, but they were young, as in youthful, they still had energy. 20 3040 years old, still full of energy Alhamdulillah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, how old was he? 40. Right. those that believe then that followed the message that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came with, not all of them, but the majority of them were young. And that teaches us a really important message. You know, the other day I was talking about the masjid and a few things that take place in the masjid during the month of Ramadan and how we're going to move forward after Ramadan, etc. And this was in Milton. And I was

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saying how Subhanallah it's important for us to have the youth active in our mustard if we throw our youth out of the mustard, who's going to fill it after we're gone. Today a brother was mentioning that his father passed away a few days ago, three days ago, they buried him on Monday. And some have a lot of what's really important is he was asking me this question, what types of Southern Nigeria can I do for my father? I said he you know very well, he's Mashallah someone who's connected to the deen. He knows very well, the the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you can either do something considered a southern Nigeria or island that has beneficial knowledge that's

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beneficial, you leave that behind, or a pious child that makes to have for you. And I told him I said, you know, it's really important to understand is that our parents, when they mold us into who we are, and this is the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It doesn't happen for everyone. But for him, I was saying and he's someone who has children of his own. His father was elderly passed away and said, You

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You yourself are a type of sadaqa jariya that your parents left behind, you continue to do goodness. And you instill the values that your parents taught to you, in your children, or in other people's children in society in general, and you leave that behind when you pass away. And that legacy carries on the good deeds that you do carries on. And so Subhanallah You know, he felt really happy that hamdulillah I'm something good that my parents left behind, his father passed away and he feels good with himself, that he's now going to do more and become more active in sha Allah hota Hana in in being a better and stronger believer in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So during the time of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the initial phases of Islam, the Quran, those from amongst them that believed in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a messenger, they were young. And so it's important for us to grow, and to allow the youth to grow. You'll notice when you're giving down, when you're giving down while you're trying to encourage sometimes even Muslims, our own Muslim relatives who might be a little bit older than us, 7080 years old, you try to convince them Uncle, what are you doing? Auntie, what are you doing? This is not right. You know, this is something you've been doing your whole life, I would not like for you to die and continue to do

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this. You're going to you're going to return to Allah subhanho wa Taala very soon don't return to him like this.

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And they say, What do you know, this is our culture. This is how we are. And that's because they're elderly. And they've been doing that their whole life. They're used to that routine. But when someone is younger, like us, and everyone here is young, I don't see anyone that's elderly here, right? Someone who still when they hear when they understand, they tried to change themselves. They're not stubborn in those ways. They hear something that's good. This is a Heidi, this is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's a command of Allah subhanho wa Taala Alhamdulillah. They want to change, and they're willing to change for the better of their own self,

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for the betterment of their own self. Why? Because they want to please Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so it's important for us to focus on the younger generation always. And I don't mean children. Yes, children are important, no doubt. But I'm not only speaking about children, I'm talking about those that are 30 4050, even up to 60 years old.

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They're still young, still capable of having reason and understanding and having discussions where they're not set in their ways and say, What do you know? Right? And so it's important for us to try and understand that. So there's the fitna of, of religion, that that we see happening here in in the surah. We move on verses 27 to 28, the command from Allah subhanho wa Taala to recite the Quran and to patiently keep company with the believers. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala commands.

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Of course, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recite the Quran, from what has been revealed revealed to you and there is no changer of his words as in you can't change the world and what he revealed is the truth, recite it, learn it, understand it, and never will you find in other than Him, a refuge a place of safety, you will always find protection with Allah subhanho wa Taala a place to go. So handler today in the Juma clip, but what was I saying? Who was here for Juma for my football any of you here 123 That's it for five today What was I saying? A place of refuge, a place of safety, you come to the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala I was saying very simply, we have

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children in our community, youth, adults, etc. who are suffering from drug and substance abuses.

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Alcohol who are going through heartbreak, they may have had a boyfriend or girlfriend and there's you know, their heart is broken. Or they may have gotten divorced and they don't know what to do. And they come to the masjid and they simply sit down and cry. That's it. They just sit down and cry. They have nowhere to go. I know brothers Subhan Allah in this community in this mustard who come and who some handler when you speak to them about the dean their eyes literally flow and it's just just droplets falling, dropping, dropping, dropping of tears.

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And they wonder Subhanallah Why are the tears coming up? And they're asking questions about the deen, where is Allah? They want to learn they want to learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala who is Allah? Who is my Creator? Where did I come from? Who is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Why? Because they went through phases in their life, using drugs and alcohol and then going through rehab, some of them trying to even commit suicide from this Masjid, trying to commit suicide. They have locks on their windows panel at home, so they don't jump out the windows. They have police that come and check up on them. So Hannah law from this Masjid and Allah subhanho wa Taala shows

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Hear that there's a place of safety. What is the place of safety with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is the one that protects us a lot is the one that helps us. And when those who have gone through rehab, or are going through rehab and have you know, wean themselves off of drugs and no longer taking the alcohol and stop making the mistakes in life, they feel that emptiness inside of them, but they feel full of energy when they turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the only thing that they feel helping. And for those that are struggling and suffering, you will feel that emptiness inside of you I handle that even walked out of the mustard and there was a brother who was telling

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me, he says not even illegal drugs. He's taking medicine prescribed by the doctor and he feels the emptiness inside of him. Depression, anxiety, he feels it inside of him and he says the only time I feel content when I come to the masjid, when I'm sitting in I know I'm connecting with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Or when I sit at home and I open the Quran, and I recite from it, or I pray to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, or I do some good deeds, knowingly that I only did this for Allah subhana wa tada I feel purpose in my life. I feel as though I'm valuable when I do something of that sort. But when I don't do it, I feel empty. That's what he was saying. And he's not someone that

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took drugs that were illegal or anything, no, just what was prescribed to him by the doctor Subhana Allah. And these are lessons that we learned here in salt water calf.

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Versus number 32 to 59. The fitness of money. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in verse number 34

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and ectodomain Kemal and what as una thara. Allah Subhana Allah shows us the two people that are that have, you know, gardens, or pastures side by side, right? And they're doing business you could say, and he says, I'm in Canada. I have more wealth than you and I have better company. My friends are cool, right? I have that cool crowd. Just the other night in the masjid last night. This brother comes to me and he says my son, wild tarawih is going on. He's in the back and other children are bullying him in the masjid.

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In the masjid other children are bullying him and his son his son comes to me. He looks like he's about you know, 1314 years old, and he has cheated tears in his eyes. He's being bullied in the masjid. So Pamela I'm better than you. I have better friends than you. Haha, we're gonna pick on you Why? Maybe because you wear glasses. Or you're a little bit darker in skin tone. Why? Why should you pick on someone like that? And it's important for us to teach our children that in our action not in our words. Remember actions speak louder than words. A lot of the time we will tell our children don't be racist. Don't swear. Don't you know smoke it's bad for your health. If the same parent that

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saying that smoke cigarettes don't smoke son. It's not good for you. Don't smoke daughter. It's not good for you. Baba Why do you smoke? It's a bad habit. Make dua for me What? Nick dropped for me Baba, stop smoking, right? Or, you know, the parent says don't swear don't swear. And they're having an argument with their with their spouse at home. And they're just exchanging swear words, one worse than the other just back and forth. So Pamela, I give your child an example. Through your actions who you are

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yelling, screaming, swearing, cheating, cheating, Subhanallah racism as well. We tell our children don't be racist. And then you know, we're driving our car and I know in our culture is Oh, I'm gonna go to write this person's white and talk about the whites. And then you see someone who's black, you talk about the person who's black, so kind of like we're never content. And then you'll notice those that are a little bit lighter in skin tone. When summer comes, they rush to go and 10 they want to attend and hamdulillah they want to get a nice tan and become darker. Why you being racist against those that are black. If you want to attend, you want to become darker than those that are a little

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bit darker. They're talking about the whites. But when it's super hot and sunny, what are we doing covering ourselves? Oh, no, I'm already dark. I don't need to get darker. So kind of low. Why you criticizing others and talking about others. And in front of our children. We do this? We don't realize it. We don't speak you know about it. Or sorry. We tell our children not to do this. But in front of them without realizing it. We're actually speaking it, we're saying it or we're doing things that display racism, we show that we cheat we go to the store. Oh, you know what? They gave me extra change, Mashallah. And hamdulillah they give you your change, let's say you paid with a 20

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and they thought you paid with 100 and they gave you back 70 you know, let's say $78 or $80 $82. And you paid with a 20. But the person had a long day they're not paying attention and they give you back money, huh? Look at that. They don't know that they gave me extra change you put in your pocket. Your children see that our children see it.

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And they learn Oh, you know what, that's how I make money. The best way to make money is try to try to make more of the little that you have how by cheating

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and then we tell our children don't cheat, it's not good for you, and they see us doing that. So

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we need to be careful with how we do things. Actions speak louder than words. And this is what Allah subhana wa tada is teaching us throughout this surah we move on in sha Allah hutan verse 109 of soldato calf we're skipping a chunk we have to it's 826 verse number 109.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here

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Hello Can Alba hamidah then he can eema to be Lana fee then back Gabriella

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fabric can EMA to be what would you know be myth ni Hema dead. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here that if he was to convert, or we were to convert the entire sea, take the sea and change it into ink. And use the ink of the seed as in that much ink that's included in all of the C let's just say all the water on Earth, even if you want to say all the water on earth, and you want to use that as ink to write down all of the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he's given to us on Earth, it wouldn't be enough. It just wouldn't be enough. Imagine that. Every little thing we can write and describe as a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we will exhaust pen after pen after pen.

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Just in writing my notes of how to lie I remember last year went through a bunch of pens, a few pens, I think I went through three or four different pens from full capacity brand new pens, use them up completely just in writing my notes for the Tafseer just last year, and I'm about and this year, the same thing. I'm already on pin number two Subhan Allah, right and just writing through notes just so that I can remember. And that's simply skimming through the Quran. Literally, we're just touching the surface of some of the verses. Every single night we take let's say maybe 12 verses 1520 verses and we take one point from it and discuss it and move on. How many pens do we

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use, we've had a lot. I remember one of my professors in Malaysia, he I sat in his office one day, and he translated a book from one language to Malay to Malaysian language, Bahasa Melayu, he translated it and he opened his door, he says look, he opens his drawer and the drawer was half full of pens, all the exact same pen.

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But dozens of them, half of the drawer filled with pens, says this. This is what it takes. In order to get knowledge. This is what it takes. And all they do is translate. just translate.

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He was just translating one, you know from one language to another, the entire book, five, I think five volumes, five volumes, but they were thick, very thick. And he wrote them all by hand, and then edited them and then went over it again. And then edited three, four or five, I think he said seven times he went through edits before it went to the publishers to be published Subhan Allah. And this is one book

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translating not even writing down the signs of a loss of bandwidth and his greatness. The other day, I was telling the brothers the panel I have in mustard Bahama and I was telling them I have one white beard, beard hair. On this side of my beard. I have one hair for years, it's been there one hair, it's white. And I was talking about it for like 10 or 15 minutes. And I thought to myself after if I was to write everything that I said if I was to go to the recording because I haven't recorded and to write everything that I said about this one hair that's in my beard to kind of like look at the greatness of Allah subhana wa tada that he gives us signs when we look in the mirror and

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you see that white that one white hair, and you don't pluck it, you leave it there because you remember this hair is indicating to me that all of this hair could become white, or all of this hair might remain dark. Because a lot takes my life before I even get the chance to see white hair in my beard. That one white hair is that reminder that one hair. It's so insignificant someone might take it right now and pull it right out. And that's the end of it. But it has so much, you know, information and importance for us in that one hair. It reminds me of my life. It reminds me of my death. It reminds me of the time that I have to use before all the hair turns white. It reminds me

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that I might never ever see a second white hair in my beard ever again for the rest of my life. I might lose my life before that. It reminds me that I have hair on my beard

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The other day one of the famous juyo from around the world, I won't say his name, very famous, all of you know him. He sends me a message. He says, you know, Subhana Allah, I've been going through a difficult moment in his life. So it was, you know, a stressful matter that's happening with him in his Masjid. And he says, a part of my beard, the hair came out, he lost, the hair just fell out, and that's due to stress. Part of the hair came out he says, handle Allah bless me with a big beard. I can comb it in a way that covers up that part. And people don't know it. People don't know that the hair is missing. So hon Allah. Allah gave us the hair there. I remember a student who is a friend of

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mine from Toronto, he studied with me and Medina. You know, he was going through a difficult moment in his life and all the hair in his beard fell out everything, and all the hair on his arms and his legs was falling off

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due to stress, due to stress, and it was just falling off. And he's like, somehow I love my beard. I never shaved it in my life. And now look at this. Now I have no beard. I didn't even have to shave it. Allah removed it all. Oh, it was gone completely no hair whatsoever. Subhana Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us signs of his greatness and he tells us if we were to convert the entire seed into ink and begin to write the signs of Allah Subhana Allah His greatness, we would never even be able to we would run out of ink. we'd run out. In verse number 110 Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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a simple formula to meet Allah look at this he says well in

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an ambition Miss Newcombe you

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be fun neon melon melon on Neha, while you should eat me bad to be he had Allah Subhana Allah to Allah shows us here

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in verse number 110 assortative calf, how

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if we simply desire to meet a loss of Hannah water, Hannah Valley armelle annalen salejaw Allah you Shrek B arriba, de tierra, de a Haida do good deeds, and do not worship anyone except Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that will be your reward that will take you to gender. Even if you don't know more than five Hadees of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you don't know more than five Ayat of the Quran. Maybe you only memorize sudo to Islam and Surah Fatiha and that's it. And every single prayer you recycle water to the fatty and soda to floss, every rock of every prayer.

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But you live according to that and you do good deeds and you try your best to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam you will get Jenna you believe in Allah subhana wa Tada. You believe in his angels you believe in in the prophets and messengers, etc. You believe in the books. And you live a righteous life based on the little knowledge that you have that gets you two gentlemen Imagine that. And what is the reward for those who get to gender, the greatest reward is to see a loss of how Anahata had to finally get to see him. And what is the greatest punishment. Allah subhanaw taala does not mention the greatest punishment as being an actual physical punishment upon

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those in Jannah know, the greatest punishment

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is to never, ever, ever for eternity, to never, ever see a loss of how to hold on. That's the greatest punishment for those who will enter Jannah their punishment will be a psychological, you know, sort of a thought inside of them that we could never ever we were restricted from ever seen a loss of Hannah Montana who gave this to us, who allowed us to live in luxury in this life and in the Hereafter who gave them that punishment. And they will never ever see a loss of hanway talent and that is the most severe punishment. So the handle I think of it, it's amazing. It's it's, you know, it's it's a unique thing that Allah subhanho wa Taala places upon the human beings hey, yeah, we're

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gonna rush through this and Sharla sort of magium the 19th surah of the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala begins the surah verses one to nine, showing us how sacchetti Allah has sent him makes due to a loss of Hannah Montana for a son. And we covered these verses, didn't we? We covered the story of Zakaria in Surah, Allah and Ron so I'm not going to go over it. He shows us how's that carry me? For a son? And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells him that you will have the sun and his name is

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okay. Yeah.

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And the scholars say no one was ever named Yahya. Prior to this he was the first person to be given the name. Yeah, yeah. So it must have had nowhere to hide and names the son of Zakaria and it has Santa. Yeah, yeah. It has sent um

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we also mentioned how was Yeah, yeah. Allah has sent him

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taken from this from this life. How did he die?

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He was murdered. A prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala was murdered. And in the process his father's Acadia Allah has sent him was with him and he was also killed during that instance. And Subhana Allah it was over jealousy is jealousy he wanted to prove you know jealousy a little bit to prove the king at the time wanted to marry you know, he wanted to marry the the Queen sorry, you want the men who wanted to marry the Queen Subhana Allah he was told by the Queen if you bring me the head of Yeah, I will marry you and he did this. He went and he killed Yeah, Allah has sent him and brought the head back Subhana Allah look at that right the head back. Why? Because he was saying that it is

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not right for you to marry her because of your blood relationship. You can't it's like * you can't marry according to the total you can't marry her. And Subhanallah what's really interesting is

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how Yeah, Allah His Salaam in verses number 12 to 15 Allah subhanho wa Taala describes Yeah, Allah has sent him his characteristics. And he was someone who loved to read the telephone. He loved to read it, and he memorized it. And so he would judge and govern people using the telephone using the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they did not like this. And he was saying this marriage is not right. You can't marry her. And so Pamela, what they ended up doing was plotting to kill him. And they killed him. And they brought the head of Yeah, they have sent him to show that he was killed in verses number 10 and 11. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us shows us, which is a sign from Allah

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subhanho wa Taala. That zucchetti Allah has sent and received the glad tidings of Yeah. And his sign was that he will not be able to speak he asked for lots of bandwidth and give me a sign that this is going to happen. And he tells him You will not be able to speak for three nights and he couldn't speak for three nights he would just gesture, just gesture he couldn't speak Subhanallah and then he was able to speak after the three nights versus 16 to 37 discusses muddy it has set up.

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And the mother of ERISA Allah has set up right, Madame, Allah subhana wa tada shows us here she becomes pregnant. Now I'm just going to skim through it because we covered this and we will continue to cover these stories as we go on as well. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that she becomes pregnant. She was never in touch with a another men. She never got married, she never did anything legitimate. And hamdulillah this was the plan of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he was the one that made her pregnant. He made her pregnant. Why? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala or how I should say, people say, Oh, he made her pregnant. And they say such and I don't want to say them disgusting

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things about Allah subhanho wa Taala. They say you know that there was a relationship there, which never took place. And we should be careful with saying these things and attributing, you know, these sort of characteristics to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. He's free from it. And the Lord tells us, as we will see, through the verses that we're going to go through how Allah subhana wa Taala made us from nothing, if he made us from nothing, and he can resurrect us after death. Isn't it possible that Allah subhanho wa Taala can put life in Madame alayhis salam, as in a child in her womb, and have that child's growth without even having ever been married or with another men and hamdulillah?

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It's true, and it's a it's something that can happen. He says, couldn't fire Khun B and it will be it will happen. And so a loss of kind of what to her that makes her pregnant or allows her to become pregnant in verse number 23. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us the pains of childbirth. And she's wishing death. It's so difficult upon her she wishes to come out of that situation, even if it's with death. SubhanAllah and that's how difficult childbirth is. Sometimes as men, we don't realize the difficulty that our spouse or our mother faces as children. So Pamela that are here and we are all children. Our mother went through so much hardship for us. And the mothers that are here your

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mother's went through that as well. So as brothers and sisters, all of us alike, our mothers, not a single one of us came out of an egg. Not a single one of us woke up in a bed one day, all of a sudden there's proof. Oh, where did I come from? We fell out of the sky. No, we didn't hatch out of an egg.

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We came from our mothers, every single one of us. And they went through hardship to deliver a Subhan. Allah, to the extent that sometimes they wish death. And they remember Subhana Allah, I remember asking, you know, my wife to ask her sisters, what does it feel like when you give birth? Like, what are the pains like, explain the pain to me, as a man, I can't, I can't imagine it. I want to know, explain the pains. And I remember my wife asked a few people and then she would tell me She's like, you know, a lot of people say it's just like death. Like, it comes to a point in time where you wish this to be over. Even if your life is over. It's so painful sometimes. panela and

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there's no other way. I remember one sister, she says it's like, it's like being shot by a bullet. And even though I've never been shot like a bullet, I'm pretty sure that being shot like a bullet is better than going through the pains of delivering a child to Panama. Imagine how difficult it is. And Allah subhanho wa Taala provides for money Amanda has sent him as we see here.

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He said, He has sent him when he's born, he cries. And this is a sign that indicates to money um, Allah has sent him Don't grieve. Don't be sad. Don't worry, you're not alone. Allah will protect you. You delivered this child without ever being married. Don't worry about what people say about you. And that's a lesson for us. People will always criticize what we do. You could be the leader in your community, or you can be someone who nobody knows and someone will still criticize you. And this always happens the other night, some panela his brother, he messaged me, after taraweeh when I got home, it was Wednesday night. I was putting the garbage out. I remember and he messaged me, I

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was standing in my garage with the garage door open. I was putting the garbage out and he messaged me. And he says, You know what, Chef, don't worry about it. What the brother was saying after Tada, we had the mustard. You know, everyone just likes to criticize and give their own opinion. I said, Yeah, does that fit in? Don't worry. It's fine. I actually sent them a voice message. I said, Listen, I have a policy that I live by. And I tried to implement this. And sometimes it gets tough, but you need to remind yourself and I will share it with you. Always do what you do for the sake of pleasing the law. And we know that we live by it, no doubt. But sometimes things become so difficult

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that we give in and yesterday we covered the verse of how Allah subhanho wa Taala the two verses how Allah subhanho wa Taala says to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you were to give in to the pressures of the Quran, the Missouri Kuhn and what they were saying about you, if you were to give in and disobey Allah subhana wa tada a severe punishment would come to you, we know that we have to do what we do for the sake of pleasing Allah. But sometimes it becomes hard. And so what I told the brother was, I always tried to do what I do, to please Allah subhana wa Tada. And understand I was telling him now understand that when you do what you do, to please Allah,

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you will not only please Allah, but there will be people that are pleased with you as well. And those that are not pleased with you. It's because they're not pleased with what Allah subhanho wa Taala likes, as well see that

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they're not pleased with you, and you're doing what I was pleased with. That means they're not pleased with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Or maybe you made a mistake in something, we're all normal. We're all human, right? We make mistakes. But remember, the person who does something to please the people,

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you please the people, and some people will not be pleased with you, they will still be upset with you, you will never please everyone. It's impossible to please every single human being. But at the same time, Allah is displeased with you. So why would you want to be doing that in the first place. So never do what you do to please the people, because there will always be people that are pleased and people that are displeased. But Allah will also be displeased with you. Because you're not doing it for his sake. You're doing it for the people. But when you do what you do to please Allah, you will have people that are pleased with you. And naturally, there will always be people that are

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displeased with you. So don't worry about that. Do what you do for the sake of pleasing Allah, and those that come and criticize you take it and learn from it, take it and learn from it. You remember about a year ago, I mentioned there was a brother after the Juma hook, but that told me I was too sarcastic. says you need to tone down the sarcasm a little bit. I related it to those that joined us in the Friday halaqa in the evening, such as knockaloe hyden. You know what? Maybe he's absolutely right. I am someone who likes to use sarcasm sometimes. I don't do it intentionally just comes out. Right? And so I mentioned something the other night in the masjid. And the same brother came to me

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he's like you remember I spoke to you about being sarcastic?

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system handla was that you? He says yeah, he goes you're doing it tonight again.

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You will do what you do for the sake of pleasing the people and they will still come and criticize you. But if you do what you do for the sake of pleasing Allah and your intentions are pure your actions are right and what you're doing is correct. Even if someone is upset with you and handed in law, take the good leave the bat, learn from it and move on. Don't let it get to you. Hey, we need to move on shout Allahu Allah. So verses number 16 to 37 we said discuss money um, Allah has sent him and Allah subhanho wa Taala provided for her dates. He tells her but your hand lean on this tree

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and shake it. Now imagine a woman who just you know delivered a child you expect her to shake a date tree. A date tree is solid stuck to the ground, how you going to shake it? Allah subhanho wa Taala allows her to just lean on it and so hamdullah the dates fall for her. And they come right in front of her and scientists today doctors What do they say one of the best things that a breastfeeding mother can eat dates. So Pamela, we get that from the time of money. It has set up a lot provided for her dates. It has all the nutrients all of the minerals and the vitamins and everything that a breastfeeding mother needs in the dates Subhan Allah and Allah gave it to the mother or the mother

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of Isa. Allah has sent him as it has sent him in verse number 33 he speaks

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in verse number 3435 37 hamdulillah that goes on we'll move on to verses number 41 to 48 that is the dialogue of Ibrahim Allah has sent him with his father. And you can read through it and see Subhanallah how, you know, beautiful Ibrahim Allah has sent him speaks to his father, how respectful he is. And his father is someone who doesn't believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala solely, he is the idol maker. He makes idols, he carves them, people bring stones to him and he makes an idol out of it, he carves it and gives it back to them. And Ibrahim under his pseudonym speaks to his father so beautifully. But his father, look at how he speaks back to his son.

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And the lesson in it for us is even when the people you're speaking to they could be your loved ones, even your parents, never be rude in your dialogue with your with those who are you with those who you are calling to Allah subhanho wa Taala never be rude always try to be nice. Always try to make them understand. Yesterday we took the verse or lsvt big double hikmah while mercury vital has an

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ability he called people invite them using wisdom speak to them nicely in a beautiful tone as we will see right now in sort of Baja, as masala Hassan does, we will move on in sha Allah to Allah use wisdom in your speech and never tried to debate with people and insult them and use bad language etc. and insult what they do and what they believe. Verses 66 to 70.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that some people are amazed. I just spoke about this a few minutes ago. Some people are amazed when they hear or they disbelieve, they say how are we going to live after we die? You're telling me that God is going to resurrect us and there will be a day of judgment and there will be a paradise and a * What are you talking about doesn't make sense. And a lot tells us in these verses verses 66 to 70. You think a lot can't do that. He brought us from nothing from nothing. We were just a droplet. We were a droplet of liquid from nothing. In fact, we weren't even a droplet we were a minute particle of that droplets that you can only see underneath a

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Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala brought us from that from nothing

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to life.

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And we have life now. We are alive right now. How is it that I'm alive right now? Who gives me this life? Someone can say I'll take your heart out and you might still live because you're connected to a machine. Right? So your blood still pumps etc. And you might see someone whose body is alive, who's on life support.

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But they're no longer alive. The soul is taken from them. The body is being kept alive but the soul is already gone.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala controls life. No one can give life and no one can take life. And if I ask you now point to your soul, I asked you this last year point to your soul. Where's your soul? You don't know where your soul is. Ask you Where's your life point to your life. You don't know where your life is. Because someone might still have life in their body because life is going on through the machine. The heart is pumping. The brain still works. It recognizes however some handle that there's no life in the body as in the soul is gone. So there's no life in you. So there's three elements there. There's the body, there's the life and there's a soul and Allah subhanho wa Taala

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controls all of those elements that we

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That we have verse 96, of sorta mme Allah subhanho wa Taala. Places love in the hearts for people.

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He places love in the hearts of the people. For those who are righteous. Now we're not reading through the verses because we only have five minutes left. But in verse, verse number 96, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us and you'll notice this, people who are righteous people who are pious, you'll see that naturally, we are inclined towards them, we go to them, we love to be around them. There's something about them, we don't know what it is. But Allah subhanho wa Taala puts love in our hearts for those people. And so hello, one person who I love to use as an example. I was just with him, you know, a couple of weeks ago, and I was with him a few months back as well in January,

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Mufti, his very own bank. So hello, when I'm with him, there's something about him. And he's not the only one. But I like to use this example because I've posted about it twice. Without him noticing. I took pictures of him and posted it twice. And he knows about it because I tagged him on it as well. And I sent I sent him my post to let him know, call us I said this about you. Now, you know, if there's a problem, let me know. Right? So I sent it to him. And so kinda like he's a person who when I see him doing something, you just naturally love him for the sake of Allah. Just something about him Subhana Allah, you just love to see him. You love to be with him. You love to learn from him.

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You love how he helps you, he serves you he doesn't wait to be served. He doesn't wait for someone to pick up his plate and put it in the garbage after he's done eating. No, he does it himself. And so kinda like you would love to do that for him. But he doesn't let you know I need to do it. I'm the same as you. And because he does those things. And we were taught to do that by our teachers. You develop this love for that person. A love puts love in our hearts for the people who are righteous and pious, Hey, move on to verses number one to eight of soda. baja soda is the 20th surah of the Quran.

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And we learn here in the first eight verses how Allah subhanho wa Taala sent the Quran as a reminder for us, he sent it as a reminder, not as something that is, you know, not as something that would come in distress or cause distress, I should say, he did not send the poor and to create havoc, to create a mess upon society. No, he sent the Quran so that we remind ourselves of what well there were books before there were messengers before they called us to what they called us to the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's what the Quran came for as well, to remind us of Allah subhanho wa Taala, verses 11 to 16 musala he sent them he receives the revelation at the fire in the

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sacred valley of boo. As Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in these verses K, the sacred valley of what he's called towards the fire, he sees a fire he says, Oh, this is gonna be my guide. He's looking for his way he doesn't know how to get back to Egypt. So he says, Okay, if I follow this fire, maybe there's someone there who can guide me so he goes to the fire, and there's no one there at the fire except Allah subhana wa tada starts to communicate with him. And that's where he receives the Holy Scripture. That's our and then we see in verses number 17, to 35. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows the signs of Musa alayhis salam, how he throws his staff down to the ground, and it

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becomes a snake and it's not a simple snake that's just on the ground. And Allah tells him to grab it. No, no, it's not that simple, straight, and snake. He tells him to throw to the ground, something that he loves.

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Just like you have your phone.

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Right, this is my phone. I say it's my phone. It's not your phone. It's not a phone, it's my phone. It doesn't matter if it's an iPhone, or a Samsung. It's my phone. Right? And someone asks you what is that it's my phone. Because I love it, I cherish it. It's so important to me. And I use the phone because I know Subhana Allah, one of our studios, he used this example recently, and he says everyone loves their phones these days. And he used the example of the phone as well. So I'm just reiterating what he said. He says you ask someone, a child in particular who has a let's say an iPad, you have an iPad? No do anyone any child you have an iPad, if I asked you to look see response

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that proved it right there. You love your iPad. If I asked you to take your iPad and throw it down on the ground, take the case off and throw it on the ground. Will you do it?

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You will do it.

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If I asked you to take the case off of your iPad, and throw it on the ground, will you do it? No. Why not?

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It'll break and you won't be able to use it. Why? Because you love your iPad, right? Yeah, of course. See. So Pamela that proves the point. We'd love it. musala is lm is asked to throw something that he loves. It's his stuff. He says I saw Yeah, this is mine. He's a shepherd. He keeps saying he uses it. It's important for him. That's beneficial. He needs to use that stuff.

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To us, we look at it as a stick.

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It's not just a stick to him, it's his cell phone. It's where he does his work. He uses it to communicate, he uses it to you know, to walk etc. He draws with it. So it does everything. It is the most sophisticated phone that you can possibly think of, to musante his setup at the time. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells him throw it to the ground. It's like telling the child throw your iPad to the ground. No, no, I'm not gonna do that. He tells him to throw it to the ground. He throws it to the ground immediately. He trusts Allah subhana wa Tada. Okay, I love this. I need it. I use it. Okay, fine. throws it to the ground. What does Allah subhanho wa Taala do? changes it into a snake.

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Hey, yeah.

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It's not just a snake on the ground. It's a snake that's ready to attack. It's ready to fight. It's ready. It's active. And what does the law say pick it up. What does most I do immediately goes down, picks it up. No hesitation. Why trust, he trusts Allah subhanho wa Taala. We need to develop this trust. Trust that what I have that I love, I will lose you will lose your iPad, I am telling you now, you will lose your iPad. Even if you protect it for the next 20 years. In 20 years, you will never want to play with your iPad. Because there might be an AI

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something else. Right? There will be something else ask your dad 20 years ago, was there an iPad? No. Can we even imagine have an iPad? Nope. 20 years ago, what did we use a Palm Pilot, I still have my Palm Pilot.

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Anyone here remember Palm Pilot?

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Would anyone have any use for that Palm Pilot today, the most that a Palm Pilot could do is you could you could see a calendar on it. So kind of that's it. That's all they could do really insane phone numbers and he can't even make a phone call nothing. So So kind of like 20 years from now you probably will not even like the iPad anymore. In fact, a year from now when there's a new iPad, you probably won't want this one anymore. So we asked Allah Subhana Allah to make you love your iPad and we asked a lot to kind of was added to make your father have enough money to buy all the things that you love and need in your life. We will stop there in sha Allah, Allah will continue tomorrow,

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because it's the last few minutes of Friday please use this time to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. One last

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thing or two last things brother doe would another brother from this community as a honey brother, I mentioned him earlier his father passed away on Monday. Please remember him and he requested this from me after July today. Also one of our youth Where is he? Right there. This is his Southern call box that he has at home and he's asking for all of us to please give sadaqa he's encouraging us to give sadaqa and what he does is he counts how much sadaqa he manages to give when the box is full and he puts it into a box in the masjid that hamdulillah so it's going towards something good please put some silica in it so he can get rewards of our sadaqa as well and then he will give that

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settlement on our behalf to the sadaqa box in the mustard Alhamdulillah so the boxes here please do so I've already done that. I begin Please begin yourselves as well, which is Hello Phantom Salam cinema Vatican NTV. Adios.

Ramadan Tafseer Night 13

June 17, 2016

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