Ahmad Saleem – Prophetic Home 02 The Entrance

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the challenges faced by people in their homes due to the pandemic, lack of time for their children, and the lack of time for their parents. They stress the importance of connecting to a certain purpose and the physicality of entering houses. The speakers also discuss the use of devices to prevent distraction and the importance of shaping culture with light. They emphasize the importance of understanding the image and making informed decisions based on it. The speakers also mention the importance of finding out who is watching and participating in classes.
AI: Transcript ©
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I said I'm already kumara medulla who have a character who has been lowered hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah yo bad. Rubbish Raisa. threeways silly embryofetal of the Tamil assignee of a holy Robina isn't it? Manya Karim? Jazak Allah Hi everyone, we're just gonna have some time for a quick second for people to join in in sha Allah.

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And to adjust the height, it seems to be a little bit high

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justice little bit

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better while they can sit down when implemented Lucha cattle such as why how are you I hope you're doing well insha Allah

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Welcome back. Welcome, welcome, welcome once again, in sha Allah, today we are going to be discussing the prophetic home part to the entrance of the house of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wasallam the evening night either. If you are logging in, please, I would just I highly recommend everyone that is logging in, please do let me know where you're listening to us from it gives us a perspective and you know, if we're talking about some example or something, it gives me an opportunity to you know, be able to explain that.

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So again, those of you that are joining in so I want to come we're just gonna give some few minutes for people to log in.

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The idea of today is we're going to be discussing the prophetic home. We did last week, a session where we talked about the five sciences that are important for a person who is seeking knowledge in specific who's seeking knowledge and Syrah for him to be able to understand what are some of the five sciences that the person needs to understand pertaining to zero so if you have missed on that, then I would definitely ask you to join back. The other thing is if you could kindly do share this with your friends and family before we start I give you that time, it just click literally takes share and you can share it on your friends and families, WhatsApp groups or whatever groups that you

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have so you're able to actually share the head that would be really amazing inshallah it's going to be a 4045 minute session and based on q&a is very common Salam Rahmatullah. Santi how are you? I hope you're doing well insha Allah. So we begin, we will begin in another minute. So we'll allow a few more individuals in sha Allah to log in and hopefully they can,

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they can start benefiting and for those of you that are joining in please do let us know where you're coming in from Aisha JazakAllah hair who are logging in from Melbourne that is amazing. As I told you last time, by the way, I'm, I am having the latte as we speak. And the latte isn't the same type of cups that are given in Melbourne. So that's a point for you. Sure. Hola.

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Okay, Bismillah Alright, so we begin today, our today's session in sha Allah is going to be on the prophetic home part two, and as we mentioned that this is the show or this is a program that we are trying to, to do our best to be able to see or to imagine the house of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam and more importantly, as we mentioned last time, the house of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam or the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his house or the home was built on two things. It was built on Manny and Madani it was built on a structure, a physical structure, a wall, a door, a door at the back of Blackboard, it had physicality. It has it had existence in this world. But it also had Miami it had Miami it had

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meanings, it had values, it had intentions that were important for for the person to when when prophets allah sallallahu sallam was living in that house, it was important for people to have those meanings. So we begin our presentation today in sha Allah Who to Allah will keep it small for now. And if you guys can't see, then you can let me know in sha Allah, Allah. So the prophetic home is a small presentation. But more importantly, today's presentation is focusing on

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we've already done the math, or is it taking us? Oh, does not skipping so I have to go back. I am sorry. For this. I'm still trying to figure this thing out. Play in slideshow? Yes, yes. Yes. Sorry about that for one second. Play in slideshow and screen. screenshare? Yes. When no. Yes, this There we go. All right. I think we are good to go over here. Smilla. Okay, so the prophetic home.

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The question I want to begin with with and I want to ask everyone over here. What are some of the challenges that we face in our houses today? Like I just want people to be able to comment over here. Before we get into the discussion. Like I want to know, right, each one of us that are logging in or those people that are going to watch this later on. What are some of the challenges that we

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we face in our houses, like, let's talk about that, you know, we know you know, I know we all have children, we do have challenges in our homes we are, we're probably safe. And we're cocooned because those challenges only remain with me and with you. But there is no household that is out there that can claim that they are perfect. There's no household that can come. So what ours come and say, Hey, you don't come and see my house, I am the role model house, I'm the perfect house, I have got no challenges. If you really think about it, each one of us, we have challenges in our houses, and what I would like to know from all of you, and please do comment, which is that what are some of the

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challenges that we're facing in our household? Like, let's think about it, realistically, there are challenges that you and I all face. Now, one of the first challenges that we're facing is time, like we are so occupied. To be honest, each one of us were so occupied with this in our lives. And, and it is ironic that many of us don't have time for one another.

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It is a sad reality. But it is a reality that exists, that people do not have time for their own families, people do not have time for their own children, people don't have time for their own parents. And what's really interesting is in Houston, and in Texas, when they lost their electricity, when you know, when they had a rolling blackout, and they had an electricity crisis, it became too cold, the load was too much.

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A lot of people they actually said they didn't mind that because it allowed more time for them to spend with family. I was looking at one of the posts of one of the scholars and he mentioned that you know, like he had a candlelight. And he said this was probably the first time where the whole family was forced to sit around huddled together, put some blankets on to keep themselves warm, and talk because you didn't have a TV, you didn't have internet, you didn't have phone you didn't have you did not have a laptop, you did not have any of these other things that are distractions for your life in my life. So time is a commodity that you and I and every single one of us, because of the

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always connectedness we are struggling with. The next one is children, right being able to communicate with the children being able to understand variances in terms of either their ages or in terms of their intellectual abilities, or their assimilations are this simulations and D assimilation is not the simulation, the simulation from the society, all of these challenges that apparent faces, whether you're a new immigrant or whether you are a person from a previous generation and your children think you're relevant. All of these things were facing challenges. The other thing is facing challenges with our families. Right, we are facing challenges to our families.

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So what do we do in such circumstances? Those are the questions we're going to ask Insha Allah, when Allah subhana wa Tada.

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He, so Musa Ali Salam, I begin with the story of Musa Ali Sam, and this is a really powerful story for you and me right? The most the story of Musa Ali Salaam is so powerful because Allah subhanho wa Taala he prepares Musa Ali salaam Astana to carry Nipsey that you have been prepared for my cause the cause of Allah subhanaw taala and Musa alayhis salam is going back so he's going back to Meridian, from Meridian back to Egypt, he's going back to Egypt. And over there as he's going back, he comes across Allah subhanaw taala speaking to him, that whole scene takes place, obviously not physically meeting Allah subhanaw taala and then all of this happens.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala tells Musa they said I'm in huddle and I listen to him, that when he is going and he's taking by no straw in from his taking any sort of ill from ground and He's establishing

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a place for the Bani Israel to live Allah subhanaw taala gives a command. What does he say? Allah Subhana Allah says, whoa, hey, Nikita Musa, what is he? We sent a Wahid Musa it said, and his and his brother, I think, let me make this bigger.

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Is this better for you? The people that are online? Is this better for you to read than the smaller one?

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If you can just let me know if this is better, because I'm looking at the screen and this seems very small, so I think this might be much better. Well hanging out. So we sent a way. Ila Musa to Musa alayhis salam, WA he and his brother, what if he and his brother, what did we send away? What was the way that was sent to them? That you may establish or you may may, you may establish Liko mikuma. That command is for both you know this there's one calm but the command is now going to Musa and Harun Ali Salaam. That's why Allah subhanaw taala is saying they call me coma. The miserable use and word gi Lu Bu use calm

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The biller that you should make or the translation overseas started turning these houses into places of worship. But the actual translation if you were to look at it is what do you make? Will you take home your houses Tabletten, you will make your houses into active law. Now cabler

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if you were to look up in the tufts yearbooks for this particular idea, there are more. So for authenticated, acquired and there might be some other acquires that might, when I say the word acquired, like opinions,

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the three that I wanted to I want to focus on today, as opposed to the ones that you know, out of the four or five. So the three meanings of the bladder or lemma they have mentioned, is either *, we will come Tabler, you turn your houses into mosques. And this is the opinion of some of the scholars and they say that, hey, the reason the Prophet sallallahu Sallam The reason Allah subhanaw taala commanded Musa Ali salaam, that you turn your houses into Qibla was because the people other than the OMA of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam they were not allowed to pray anywhere except in the places of worship. That's why Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says,

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we'll do a little I'll do Masuda that the this earth, this earth, this this land, the whole, the earth that you and I live on, it has been made for Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his OMA masjid and it has been made a place where you and I can pray anywhere in this world. If you look at other places, other religions, the Jews and the Christians, they cannot pray anywhere. They can't just you know, establish Salah anywhere they want it has to be in a specified location. So which means that you turn your houses into a masjid and that's one meaning.

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The other meaning is you turn your houses should face Qibla. So when you step out of your house Alchemilla anywhere is your COBOL where is your front going to face it should face the table. So when you come out of your houses, you should be facing tabler or while Jaggu terkemuka blatten that your houses should should face one another, which means you should build a connected and cohesive community around yourself. So each house is not not like one house is facing this way. And other houses facing this way. And nobody knows what's happening in their lives. And nobody knows know your houses. When you exit your house, you should face the house of your neighbor, you know, so this way

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you can you build a bond you understand the needs of your neighbor across.

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So these are the three things that profit the Allameh the movers around they have said there's understeer for its meaning, but it's not relevant to our meaning over here. Now, what if you were to look at it? What's what's common in all of these things? Number one, the meaning that Allah subhanaw taala wants to instill that when we talk about our houses, and our houses being tabler or when a society when Islamic society is being established When a house is being established, that house needs to have purpose. So if the house does not have a purpose, the house is not serving the cause. That becomes really challenging, you could be attached to a greater purpose. So it doesn't mean that

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every house needs to develop their own charities and their own philanthropy. You know, efforts it just basically means that they have to be connected to some purpose or some cause. So the houses are purposeful when we go to a masjid the purpose is that we connect ourselves to Allah subhanaw taala. So the houses must be connected to some sort of a purpose, the Allama They've also said, yeah, it should be no lever to listen, that the language that would be spoken in the house that is of tabler that is befitting of a masjid as befitting of us facing the tibula if our houses were to be a pillar, then what is befitting if you think about it, what is the type of language people use in

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Haram? They don't swear. They don't scream. They don't shout, you know, they don't scold. Well, hopefully they don't, some some might do. Most people don't.

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So if we think about it, pure language that is very, very important. You know, pure language the language should be very pure in the house. The house should be clean. The mess should is meant to be clean. They blur it wherever we all face our Kybella today is pure and a clean place. It's clean. It's nuleaf it's not disgusting when somebody enters in that house. There is no haram. There is no obvious blatant haram that is taking place within the house. So the household should be free of that.

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It's peaceful. When you find that there is there is some turmoil in your life. People find tranquility they find peace in where in home they find peace and tranquility in were in msgid. So when people would enter when people enter your house or when you enter your home

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Your home should be a space where it should be a space or it should be an area where you find peace and tranquility. And more importantly, you know, we will tell them that you know, the houses face one another, those houses, they eventually end up creating something which is greater which is a society. So those houses end up creating something which is a society which builds a community around so I II, imagine a community that is built around the cleanliness, there is no haram in that community, not in their house, neither within the community, everybody in that community has a purpose, they are attached to some some form of for greater purpose, the language that is spoken

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within the house, obviously, when you are facing one another, when you come outside, you are going to be having those conversations and you're bringing the culture of your house, the pure culture of your house back into the society and the houses that you face one another pure language. And lastly, everyone should the people when we go to a masjid, when we go to haram, we find what we find happiness, we find peace, tranquility and happiness. Those are the feelings a person should feel when Allah subhanaw taala says turn your houses into Qibla for Musa alayhis salam. Those should be some of the aspirations or inspirations that you and I should have that you know we should we should

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fulfill these in our houses. I ask Allah subhanaw taala that he first makes my house and your houses at a form of a fibula that when we enter these houses that our houses are filled with cleanliness, they're filled with purposeful nests, they're filled with pure language, peacefulness. Tranquility societies are built around our houses. And there's our utmost utmost happiness, and absolutely no haram or blatant haram that has been taken.

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before I get into that, any questions about what I have discussed right now, I would like to do that because I don't want this to be a one way conversation. So I would love to hear I know there are some people over here, those of you that have missed out as we were mentioning, if you are logging in, please do let us know where you're coming in from that would be

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a house should be like a mosque. Yeah, for sure. It should be like a mosque. But keep in mind, it's a house. So a mosque also has some other restrictions and constraints that you know, you know, there are things you do in a house that you don't do in a mosque, but the rule the spirit should be that it should be like a table and those should be one like that should be an aspiration right in terms of not the Madani in terms of not designing our houses in like into a mosque, but in the meaning of a man

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in a metaphoric sense in sha Allah, alright, anyone else have any questions? If not, then I will proceed in sha Allah to the next item

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any questions related to that? Doesn't look like it.

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If there are no questions, then we begin.

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Right then prophets of Allah, how do you sell them? So that's first part now let's talk about entrance.

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Okay, entrance so entrance of the house is something really interesting. And one of the whenever we talk to whenever the lemma or whenever the scholar they talk about

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entrance of a house, they always bring up the story of Ibrahim Ali Salam Ismail Ali Salam. So it happens to be that Ibrahim alayhi salam leaves is married I said I'm and hacia it said I'm in Makkah and obviously time goes by is my Salam grows up and he marries. From your home he marries from the tribe of Judah home.

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A woman from that tribe. And once on one of these days Rasulullah sallallahu ala you said sorry, Ismail Ali said I'm he is out. He's not in the house. And there is a Nebby or there is there is a person an old man. It's Ibraheem Alehissalaam he arrives, he comes to Makkah he starts asking around for a smile at Sam's house and somebody tells him that his house is in that corner. Ibrahim Ali Salam goes and he knocks at the door.

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And a woman opens the door.

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Ibrahim Ali said I'm asked the woman

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is this the house of Ismail she says yes, this is the house of his Marine. And then she says How is your life?

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So she responds back? No fee, a sua Hal we are in the worst condition. It has been an extremely difficult life. And she starts complaining to Ibrahim I think Sam without knowing who this person is.

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Without knowing who this person is starts complaining about the state that

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Her houses and so at that point, Ibrahim it said

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he says when it's marine comes back tell him that Ibrahim Ibrahim i They said I'm your father was here and tell him a message pass on a message from me. So obviously she's very intrigued so what is the message and she says the message is Lee you have a year October tell Bobby He oh a euro euro October tava Biggie and another narration it says euro yen or aka big so multiple directions that you might change your entrance.

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And that's really interesting. Because with this one sentence or orlimar they have drawn so many lessons

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it's very likely Sam comes back we'll come back to the lessons it's my ID Salam comes back when Smiley's Salam is back at that particular moment, guess what happens?

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It's my liaison comes back and he senses something. So he asks who was there that came today? Mankind and then I feel Patreon as the narration mentions, so he asks somebody came right what happened? Who was there? I know someone came like who was that person? Somebody came right the obviously she recognizes that you know somebody came so he says in another narration he says lemme Jaya Ismail Ernesto Che and that one is very nice and I'm came back he felt something and as a shaman so for call her a comment I had he even asks the question to his wife did somebody come?

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So guess somebody came and she responds back and he says kind of somebody came that person was kinda he was tall a seam but gel these are all the CIFA that you know he had you know not not no curly hair, flat hair. He was a seam he was not very tall, not very short. No Ronnie, he was very very angelic in its presence. So all these examples when she gives them right away she recognizes it's my Allison I'm recognized as a sister was Ibrahim Ali Salam and then it's my it has been my call. What did he tell me? What did he leave? Or did he leave a message for me? Is the woman the wife of his mind? I said um, she responds back she says, I like she left he left a message for you, you will lay

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Yin activated RBG that you may change the entrance of your house. So at that particular time is my alias that I'm tells that woman he said had a fear arc this is this is the separation between you and me. This was a message from my father that I should replace you then many years go by and Ibrahim ihrm comes back and then he's the same story happens and he says a bit after but of Arabic keep the entrance of your house with this. So many messages. So many books have been written explaining these the heck my behind these. So first things first entrance. What is the value of establishing a house? The How do you establish a house you establish as a house. Before you even

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have a physical structure you have the nucleus which is the husband and wife and we in the way we seek our husbands or the way we seek our wives has to be in accordance to the Sunnah and the Shetty of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which means that our ultimate Valley como Salam wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh albaraka to who we are on Nisa, we are on Nisa. I think that's her name the room Musa de Aileen, Masha Allah, Masha, Allah, very interesting name. I first I'm coming across that so she says.

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So the OMA they have said that Atiba or your entrance of the house begins from your first step when you and I decide to choose a husband and wife. Our discussion today is not about how to choose your husband and wife. There's a lot of lectures out there online, you can go and check them out. This is not the purpose. The purpose is that your decision of how your culture of your house is going to be is going to be based on the fact how you selected your husband, how you selected your wife. If that selection was correct, then it's going to be a lot easier for you to build the ideal structure, the ideal culture that you want, that replicates the life of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, but if that

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decision had passed, and you had made a mistake, then obviously you've got some work ahead, but that is still fixable. Then what happens next?

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The entrance of our home let's talk about that a little bit. Okay, so what does a good entrance look like?

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Aside from the fact that you have the right partner to begin with, because that's the starting point that is the nucleus where everything's going to grow to grow from let us evaluate some good entrances What is it good interesting you know when you enter measure the number we when you enter Canada when you enter haram when you when I enter for example another somebody's house right what does a good entrance look like? Right a it's clean be it's organized I mean like you know, with kids around myself like I'm horrible at that like keeping my entrance organized like no I can't do that. And again, that's not an excuse but that's the reality that I'm in I mean, we do fix it up when

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somebody is coming but an entrance of our house should always be perfect it should be a place where somebody enters and he smells oh my god this is a very homely very accepting very welcoming place I want to I want to be here I want to come back to this same thing when we enter you know I always remember this like the massages in in the Middle East when you enter they always smell good right because there's a person who's appointed you know, you don't his job is mobile, like MOBA his job is just to do before he just goes around with that, that that you know, before or MIB Hara they call it and then he puts like a colon and they put some wooden and it goes around and in Ramadan before is

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like an essence like who so many people, but the masjid is gonna smell amazing. So an entrance of your house, it should smell good.

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But core buchu cool. I don't know who's writing that. But Sure. Organized, it should be organized. Right? Oftentimes our massages, entrance, our chaos, everything is everywhere. Right? Smells good. It should smell good. Think about it. It should smell good. Our entrances should smell good. And more importantly, when somebody would enter, they should feel that they're being welcomed at home.

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What else should our entrances have? Okay, what else needs to happen? So that's the physicality of the entrance. But when you enter the house, when I enter the house, how should we feel? Okay, remember this happening? So Prophet salallahu Salam, or this is a Sahabi he's mentioning he says that llama can tell yo Elisa Rafi here rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam el Medina, Allah Amin, Colucci. When Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered Medina

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everything radiated and emanated with the number of prophets of Allah who are using them for Allah Malka, and I own a levy Mata fee. And the day that came when Prophet sallallahu Sallam left this earth of Lama minha Kulu che, there was a darkness that we could feel everywhere. This was the Nora of Prophet sallallahu sallam. When he entered it was mentioned that when he would enter the houses of bunu selama. So there was there was a small village towards measured kibble attain area, when he would enter that area. The animals would feel the joy and they could feel and sense that the presence of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when he would enter a place, his hand his state was

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such that everybody inside would feel happy, joyful, that you're back. So the question that I have for myself

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is what happens when we enter the house? What happens when me for example, me as a father, when I enter the house, what happens? Right, oftentimes, and this is so sad because of this constant connectivity devices. Many times I park and I'm on a conversation with somebody at work and I'm trying to end the conversation and sometimes I'm into that conversation. 2025 minutes park in the driveway, and I end that conversation and I end with that I enter with that state.

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Whereas Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he would enter the house, when Nabi SallAllahu Sallam would enter the house, he would take time, he would pause he would do miswak he would prep himself, and many times because we are all so connected, and we hardly get a chance to disconnect from the realities of our work. When we are coming to that to our homes. We hardly are prepared. I mean, I was listening to somebody called Brendon Burchard. He wrote a book called

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Habits of high performers or high performing habits or something like that.

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I think it's here I have is what

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the book is called when seconds. Yeah, right here.

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This is a this is the book. It's called High Performance habits, right by Brendon Burchard. Now, in this, he mentioned something really interesting, right? He says that he uses these devices to his advantage. So what happens is, he has created an alarm. So if he arrives at home at eight o'clock, the alarm is going to ring off or set off at 755.

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And it gives him a reminder that you're about to enter home.

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You need to start detoxifying, disconnecting from your work. So he intentionally has placed alarms. And you know, one of I was listening to one of the podcasts. And in that podcast like Rachel Hollis, one of another author, she says that for me, it was really interesting to see that I when I spent time with Brendon Burchard, I have never seen somebody more intentional in my life than Brendon. So he has, he uses these alarms that we have in our phones, to his advantage to renew his intentions.

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So again, as much as we are challenged with these devices, when we enter the house, what is our state? If you think about it, are people happy to see us? Are people sad? Do they get excited that you're back? Are they saying SubhanAllah? This guy's back? Like, when is he going to leave us right? Like, oh, we hope or when you when, and now because of the pandemic many of us are suffering because, you know, like, you know, your home all day, right? You know, a lot of you are just home all day, every single day, and your wives are like, or, you know, if you're if you're a partner, or your wife is working in your home, it's like, you know, what are you gonna go to work like, so I can

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go back to my life, right? And this is the reality that we're facing. Right? It's so, so sad. But are people happy to see you in the house? When you enter? And that's also part of your entrance that what is your entrance like, but how do people feel when you enter? Because you're part of that house? That is a very important discussion to have.

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Then the next part prophets of Allah, how do you send him his house had very little artificial light.

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As a matter of fact, I was trying to do some research, I could not get the exact amount of oil lights or candle lights or some sort of analytical oil lamp that he had, I was not about to I was not about to I was not able to find out what is the exact number. But the assumption is it was very, very little light at night. So much. So if you think about it, that they would say that when it would be a nighttime Rasulullah saw and they would be working on something. So they had just enough light that they were able to stick something. And if they would drop a needle or they would drop something they would call upon Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and when he would turn his face that

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the nor that was emanating from his face would light up the nor that was emanating from his face, that nor would light up the space that they were trying to get something from and that would become their source of

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you know, being able to see things. So if you think about it, that is something really interesting, like Subhan Allah, that Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, his face would emanate some newer, but more importantly, they didn't have enough light to be able to see things on the ground when things would fall. And that is something for us to think and ponder upon. Now, many of us

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in our homes, we have a whole different variety of lights. We've got green lights, we've got white lights, we've got a whole bunch of lights, we've got the land that that light right there up right over there. You've got you know, variety of lights, we have tons of lights in our houses.

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Now Rasul Allah is house did not have a lot of flight.

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But it provided light to so many houses in the world.

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Whereas our houses, they're filled with light at night.

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But at the same time, there's still darkness in our houses, were not able to provide light to anyone, let alone our own selves. And that is the whole point of us discussing the house of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, right the prophetic home that

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you and I must understand, that Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not

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have a life that was so

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luxurious and so emphatic and so extravagant. Rather, he chose to live a simple life. But he worked hard to implement the law. He worked hard to instill light in his heart with

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became the source of emanating and radiating the rest of the world with his his effort with the NOR and the Eman and, and hedaya that Allah had given and the guidance that Allah had given the Quran that he brought the message that he had the not what am I and take what I need, how are all of that became a source of light for us. But in his own house, there was no light. It was a dark house, but it was filled with light. And our houses are filled with light, but they're filled with darkness. And that, for me was a very

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interesting point to think about.

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The next part that I wanted to mention

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over here, if you guys are alive online, I would love to get some thumbs up, or some sort of check back because I feel very weird doing this talking to a camera for 35 minutes. And, and then you know, I don't hear anything. So for me, it's like it's so weird. Like, I just like if I don't see people talking or commenting, I'll be like, are they even getting it? Like, are you even getting what I'm talking about? Are you understanding? Or is it just not making sense? Because if it's not making sense, you will tell me now we go back to slides and we fix this and we get you to understand, but if you're not getting it, if you aren't getting it please please give me a thumbs up

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over here. So it gives me a resident you know, I'm able to see that you know, there is some life out there you guys are living I'm living and we have some light Inshallah, okay, that that Zach Allah here that really helps, helps helps over here, this person who can't hear anything else except the thumbs up and things that are happening over there. Okay.

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Okay, awesome. Next part. Are you guys excited about this one? Because now we're getting into the crux of the matter. The crux of the matter. We are about to get into the layout of the house of Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Who's excited for that? Because if you are not excited, then you better get excited.

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The coffee has finished.

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Brothers and sisters, the coffee has finished. We are at the end of the coffee. All right, ready for this? The layout of the house before I get into the layout of the house. I wanted each one of us to be able to understand the image by likoma Salam Rahmatullah. Wa alaykum wa salam Rahmatullah

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Pais on.

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Oh, Faisal. Okay. All right, here we go. I am going to be showing this today in sha Allah.

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All right, I asked Allah subhanaw taala that I'm able to explain this to the best of my ability and I'm able to stay away from any mistakes that I make over here. All right, so the NCFR of Judah the wall, this was the picture of how the house of Nabi SallAllahu it he was not the house sorry, Mr. The neighbor, we was, this is how much of the number we used to be at the time of Prophet sallallahu sallam, this is a 3d creation, approximate after reading tons of books, tons of books, it's not done by me, it is done by that one of the Imams of much of the novel way and basically I will be explaining this now, before we talk about it, are you able to see so this one this I needed to be

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very interactive because I cannot hear so I will be explaining stuff, you will be able to see my mouse I will be explaining the stuff. And just if you can just go yes, yeah, and you know, just just being able to tell me that this is happening. Okay, so this is the fibula.

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And most of you can see the fibula. Now, in the old days, the Qibla used to be over here. So imagine this arrow that is right here, this arrow was facing downwards, so it is facing downwards and the arrow was down or back back back. The arrow was down here. Okay. So this is where the tabler or this is where vital mark this is. Now where it is pointing right now this side of the arrow, this is pointing towards the car but exact opposite. That is why what you see over here is you have a single row of trees, palm trees, these are these are called SAP This is Saphan none. On top. This was basically the dried tree leaves of the Nakhla or the palm tree or the kajioka draft. And these are

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basically dead trunks of the tree that the Sahaba they would dig up and they would you know make sure that you know 1/3 Or a good section of that 1/4 of it is underneath the ground. And the rest of it would be on the ground and above the ground and they would line them up and they would fill that and they would cover those sections. Now this section over here. If you see this section is actually longer,

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much bigger if you think about it over

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Hear from this section, you can see that this section has almost almost two houses, whereas this section hardly covers one house. The reason for that was this was the main section, and Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam used to face the Qibla. And it's so hard because my arrow doesn't move the other direction. But hopefully, you see this entrance and this door. This is where the Murghab of Nabi sallallahu alayhi salam used to be before the Qibla changed. So a lot of the Sahaba they created an extra layer over here, this was two rows, or almost three rows that were covered, the rest of it was uncovered. Now the expectation was that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you see

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the gap over here, this gap, this was the entrance. So this is where prophets and Allahu alayhi salam would enter the masjid and he would come and he would come down over here and lead salah, and this would be the main hub. Now what happened was during the way when the way it was revealed, the blog are changed. So now the tabler is over here and this is the main hub.

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So things have changed. Now this is the main hub of Nabi SallAllahu wasallam. So this is the main hub. Now what happened was they had to open another door over here. So now that Rob had to go, the entrance of domestic the number we became from this door right here, and then this door right here, there's a door over here, you're not able to see there's the door you see that space, there's a door right here, so people would enter from that door. And there's another door right here that door also remained. So before the first house at the entrance of Washington, it used to be the house of soda. Now because the tip law changed, the first house became the house of eyeshadow, the Allahu anha and

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this is where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam these pillars that you see pillar one, pillar two pillar three pillar 405. There's a pillar six right here, and there's a seventh pillar that seventh pillar is Sadia Tai Isha or the pillar of Aisha because that was the pillar that was facing that would that would like Rasul Allah would come out of the Hydra there was there was a signer that like, there is an SDF over here, whether whether the masjid had a wall or where Rasul Allah was able to enter directly into the Masjid. That's not That's irrelevant to the discussion over here. But anyhow, Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam would come out of the house of Aisha Radi Allahu Allah and

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whether he walked in this alley, which you can see in this image, there was a small alley, that persona allah sallallahu sallam was able to walk and then he was able to enter from this place, or whether there was no alley and the door would just, you know, open directly into the machinery, Allahu Allah. We don't have exact information of how that happened. Next. So these are all the houses of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, you have the houses of Sahaba some of the Sahaba that would be attached to the masjid or some of the close to habas we know the exact location of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and where his house was. We also know the house of Rama Radi Allahu Allah which is not

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mentioned over here. It is one of the houses over here one of the three houses over here. It was mentioned that it was this house this was the house of Marathi Allahu Allah and then the remainings have us now if you were to see I want you to notice that you know, the rest of the houses have Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the remaining of the house most of the houses of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam as wives except the house of soda, the house of Hafsa the house of selama and Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu Ultramarine and who and when he marine except the houses of these three the rest of the houses of the NABI SallAllahu. Salem's wives did not have a courtyard. They did not have a courtyard, so it

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was just a room. So my Mona she just had a room on Habiba. She just had a room Joy area of the Allahu anha he she only had a room Sofia been created and Bob didn't even know she only had a room. As for soda. Radi Allahu anha isolated Allahu anha they had a room and they also had a fina, or a courtyard or a terrace. That was a very essential part of the life of obviously Isla de La Jolla. But it also indicated the importance of that wastes particular wife and also indicated who came there first. So if you look about an eyesight of your loved one How was already there Sofia venturi comes later down you know later Later much later. So obviously the houses are based on that. Now

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Zainab Radi Allahu Anhu obviously she gave up her bigger house and she wanted to Aisha Radi Allahu anha. So she you know, she did she chose a smaller house and I think she gave up one of one of her houses either to have so I don't remember the story. Exactly. That's not

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The point of this session now but also allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would usually sit over here. Now imagine all the Hadees that you've ever seen where Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam enters the Masjid. So he enters the masjid. And he sits by the House of Aisha Radi Allahu anha. So there's a pillar right here that you're not able to see, that was the pillar whereas I shall not allow and how would be now a really interesting part very, very important for all of us to understand. Why do you think I shall do Allah and ha narrated 2250 Naira, a hadith or something like that.

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You know, just I recently did this, but I seem to be I seem to have lost my, my count. I'll just quickly pick it up right now. One second, I'll tell you exactly how many projects I recently did that.

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So I shall do Allah one had to do to determine

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where to go, where to go. She had how many

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breakfast and the result, most of them. I don't know where it went.

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Anyhow, she has around 2000 ahaadeeth or 2300. These are something like that maybe somebody?

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Why did she do it? So one of the reasons she was able to narrate those Hadees because she would be sitting right at this entrance. She would be right at the entrance and Rasul Allah would be teaching sitting right underneath this shaded area. And so all those have us would be sitting in circles right over here with Nabi SallAllahu sallam. So she was able to hear all the conversations that were taking place. So she would be out in the courtyard, and she would be able to hear the conversations that were taking place. And that was one of the reasons why she was able to narrate all those had this.

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Okay, now, this also tells you some other information that you know the wall was two and a half meters or eight feet, roughly eight feet, is it eight feet? Yeah, I think it feet two and a half meters tall. That was the wall. Now let's get into the house of Nabi SallAllahu sallam.

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Alright, so this was

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a possible model, this has been recreated, obviously, in 3d. Obviously, the Brixton look exactly like that. And they did not you know, the land didn't look exactly like that. But this is for us to be able to imagine the house of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wasallam. So this was the house of Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam.

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This was a curtain

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that you see over here. This was a curtain that was made of Souf. It was made of

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wool. This was a door that was made of worship, there is an other recreation of this house, which also has an entrance, which also has an exit from this entrance. Again, based on multiple narrations with this particular drawing suggests that there was only one mean exit. There is also drawings that suggests that there's different entrances so that you know, if Rasulullah was sitting with the men over here, there would be an entrance from the back or the other wives would be able to enter from the back in any case, whether it had one entrance, this is the rough estimation of the house of Nabi SallAllahu sallam. This was called the fina. This is where the fibula is. So this is where the Qibla

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was facing. And inshallah in our next session, in our next session that we'll be doing next week, we'll be going into the further details of the exact dimensions of this house. How tall was it? How long was it? What was it covered with how tall were these SAF interval or the tree leaves, how long how big was the courtyard for Nabi SallAllahu sallam, and the progression of the house of Prophet sallallahu sallam. But again, today's topic was about entrance and if you look at it, that you know, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says something really, you know, his house, depending on where he was. There's not much there. A lot of us might think there was a lot of you know, there was

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an entrance he had a very big grand entrance he had this you know, palace in the end reminds you that story, right?

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of you know, this is how Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived and then you know,

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another bassy King

00:49:33 --> 00:49:45

next class is going to be the same time Saturday 730 And Job law. Next class is Saturday at 730. So what happened was a person was caught

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and I think it was Khalifa Matt moon. So basically what happened was he was caught and he was brought into the presence of it found that one, so they had built palaces. And what happened was one door opened in second door open and the third door

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opened in a fourth door open and a fifth door open and six door open and seven you know door after door after door after door after door after door after door. So there were so many doors that this person a prisoner who was brought to this Khalifa.

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He said, I said I want to lay out a sword Allah, like you don't like you know pointing he's like, you know, you're like harder to get to than even Prophet sallallahu sallam, right? Like, what do you Who do you think you are? You're Rasul Allah that you've cocooned yourself with, like so many doors, again. So that's a story that was mentioned. But if you think about it, that Nabi SallAllahu, I even said to him, this was this house, this little house, and the dimensions of it insha, Allah will cover in the next class. This is where the whole world was conquered. That's a point that you and I need to take away. He does not have a bedroom. It does not have a closet, does not have a separate

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00:50:58 --> 00:51:28

Because the focus was never the clothes. The focus was never the bedroom. The focus was never the walk in closet as you might have the kitchen, the focus was always the greater things that Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam had to accomplish in 21 years, many of us you know, we've been alive longer than 21 years, many of us has have been alive longer than 21 years after we have become 14.

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Many of us many of us have been alive more than 20 years after our age of 18. Right. And the question that you and I need to ask ourselves is what have we accomplished? We have a lot more resources in our hands and our disposals than profits on the law, why you sell them?

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I think what we miss is that spark, what we miss is that passion, what we miss is that drive that is required for you and I to accomplish things that we need to do in our lives. So anyhow, insha Allah in our next episode, we will be covering rest of the portion will go into a little bit of detail. I'll do some history, if you if you guys have some interest. If you know, in the prophetic home, I just you know, maybe maybe dwell a little bit more in the next episode, although some plan but what I could do is I can show you the progression of how this house turned into the folder that we have today. I think that would be something really interesting because it's not related to the prophetic

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home, but it is technically related because we are covering the robot. So it would be really interesting to be able to see how the house of Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam evolved, where in what portion was Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam buried? Where exactly was he buried? Where did I go back to the Allahu unconverted Amato, the Allahu uncom. How did Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu live in that house? Where did she live? Where did she

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you know, what happened when all everything was covered? So all of these things, and then what happened after her death? How did this turn into the roller that we see? All of that, I think would be a really interesting conversation, maybe a little bit off topic related to prophetic home, but this would be the evolution of the house of Nabi SallAllahu sallam. And again, it will give you guys a perspective and more love. See, the idea of all of the these conversations, as I mentioned before, is that we're talking about Chima and we're talking about things that touch the life of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, so you and I can see those visually, and being able to, to see,

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you know, being able to see and feel what it feels like for the Sahaba to be there. For his anchor asks a question, he says, I have come across many, many images of the house of Prophets, Allah Salam, I wouldn't say they're incorrect, there are different interpretations of how they because there's no visualization. So all of this, this is for me probably the most authentic because this is directly from the Imam of Masjid the number we who has actually gone in, done the measurements himself and come back and given us, you know, well, this is not a public document. So you know, I was able to get it. But again, he was able to provide exact descriptions of this and I think that

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would be something really interesting. Now, if you guys have any questions related to what we have covered today, I would be here for another

00:54:28 --> 00:55:00

minute or two. I know there is a delay. So I'll give you guys a minute delay if the questions are coming. There seems to be a minute delay before comments arrive so I don't know why. But like after I finish something it takes a while for all of you. You know to hear about it. But if you guys have any questions related to what we have covered today are you want me to go back to any slides? I would love to do that. Otherwise we will reconnect insha Allah next week at 730 is going to be on zoo If yes, please.

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is supposed to link next time? No, it's not going to be on Zoom. It is going to be directly. It is going to be sadef Isley How are you doing hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah this is not going to be on Zoom, Serbia. This is going to be on Facebook alone. We are not planning to go on Zoom.

00:55:22 --> 00:55:30

We had not planned for it. We could do it on Zoom, but it's just better that we do it on Facebook and then you know we can have those questions and answers directly like that.

00:55:32 --> 00:56:17

Okay, so it seems like there seems to be no questions that means it's clear cut for everyone does aka Allah Hi everyone for being here. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless our homes may Allah subhanho wa Taala fill our homes with the infinite love and mercy. Insolent of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam and may Allah subhanaw taala fill our homes with the mercy of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, the registration link don't get sent to the email. So should you just find the event here? Yep, I think you just find the event over here or you can put it in your calendar. We will be going live Saturday on 7:30pm Canadian time 7:30pm Canadian time. If you have registered, I will ask the admin. If they are

00:56:17 --> 00:56:28

watching if there's anybody from alHuda that is watching then I think it's just a reminder as a reminder, if we could send out a reminder to people for the class and that would be something really interesting. Not interesting, but effective.

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Inshallah botica lofi everyone I will see you all next Saturday and excited because we got six more weeks and Ramadan is just around the corner. May Allah give us life. So we can live till this Ramadan AsSalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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