Ahmad Saleem – 112 Jumuah Khutba

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The importance of education in schools is discussed, including the need for education in learning centers to avoid "over-optimistic" culture. The importance of learning in the context of religion is emphasized, as well as the importance of learning centers and mental health workshops in educating children on the importance of religion. The importance of learning and sharing knowledge is emphasized, and the need for people to be true to their beliefs is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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ENOUGH hamdulillah from Idaho and Idaho when I started federal when I was a biller human thoroughly unforeseen, our I mean say Dr. Medina, Medina de la HuFa medulla, one minute little fella de Allah.

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Why shadow Allah ilaha illallah who had the whole actually Cara wa shadow Ana Mohammed Abu rasuluh bad. We'll see come on FCB Taqwa Allah.

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Allah huzzah Daffy Kitab Hill Karim.

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Allah him in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Johan living in

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LA how Pulu Colin said EDA useless hola como la como Villa comes back on. Why don't you tell our Rasulullah who forgot the 5000 now Lima from my bags.

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Indeed all Praise to Allah subhanho wa taala, who is the one who prepares us for the journey into this world. And he is the one who gives us the tofield to live through this world. And he is the one that decides with his own will

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when we will depart this world.

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Before coming here, our budget

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was struck with a very sad reality and a calamity. A 19 year old

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will suddenly have our msgid who would never miss a fetcher or an Asia or for other sakes, any Salah in the masjid. 19 year olds born and raised in Canada in Milton.

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He happened to

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go to sleep four days ago. And in the dream, he sees that there's a lot of people that are sleeping. And he's trying to find the spot because it's a cold night.

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So he finds a small space and he walks up and he sees none other than Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam get up and look at him and tell him rough air Don't worry.

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Come and sleep right next to me for you shall find warmth in sha Allah.

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The child gets up with excitement. And he goes and tells the dream to the Imam myself a few other people and the Father. The next morning the father goes to wake him up.

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And he doesn't wake up.

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Allah subhanaw taala took his soul away. 19 year old, nothing completely healthy goes to university.

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But his story he has a very important lesson for all of us.

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That Allah subhana wa Tada

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he will give you and me an opportunity in this life to make an impact in our children's lives, their therapy, as well as the impact on the therapy of other kids.

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There the reason why this kid was so connected to the mosque and the center, which was still very similar to the center, they're still in the infancy stage. They're trying to figure things out, build another thing, NEW PROJECT, Add another this and that they're still figuring it out.

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But he happened to be from those and benefiting from the learning that was taking place within that masjid and that community.

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And that learning had such an impact.

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That many times many parents might drag their children to a madrasa or an education center and Allah does not give them that tofield

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So the lesson in his life may Allah grant him a high status and the Beshara that Allah has given about him. The lesson for us is that our job is to provide resources and facilities and amenities so that this learning can take place.

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It's not your job.

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robbing my job to make sure that they actually, you know, they will they follow it, Allahu Allah.

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But our job is that we don't leave this earth, except for the next generation we have left behind a way for them to hold on

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to their religion.

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You see, many times you'll see the word tarbiyah being thrown away just like that to be to be to be up. But if you were to ask any individual using this word therapy, what does it mean?

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What does it entail? How many types of therapy ideas are there? So the only Tobia that we're concerned about

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oftentimes in our western lifestyle, no matter how much connected we are with the masjid, the Western mindset, the only therapy we're concerned about is adobea al Bohemia, right, making sure that the child is healthy making sure that he has the proper nutrients. Did you eat this? Did you eat this? Did you drink that? Did you drink that? Are you healthy? Do you have you know a doctor and then that'd be a latterly intellectual growth. So we send them to school, we charter a plan. We figure out how we're going to get our kid to this university or that university. If he makes it to Georgia Tech, masha Allah, we get so excited about it top 10 universities in America, we get to brag

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about that. We're all focused on what that'd be i Luckily

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it's Bohemia. The Infernal desires the animalistic desires that plus our alchemy.

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But that's not how the MBR were concerned about.

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Before even their children came into this earth,

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Ibrahim Ali Salam, he says, What?

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What do you do Binney? Why bernia?

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That Allah protect me and my son, and Naboo, the snom protect them from being a mushriks.

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His son is not here yet. Oh, Allah, my children, my progeny, protect them from what a novel Islam that we may not they may not worship? What a snom? That'd be a laugh, buddy. Yeah. It's the tarbiyah of Aqeedah. The Creed, the question questions that we have that you that have today are all?

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If not, I would say 90% of them. They boil down to the questions related to belief in Allah subhana wa. How can you do?

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Many of you are witnesses have that, you know, some of you have contacted me, even while I was in Canada, haven't spoken to, at least more than four families reached out to me when I've spoken to their kids, and all the questions that they're having everything to do with therapy and academia. Now, I want you to go back and just understand this. Many of us we are first generation, we grew up portions of our lives in another country. And we came here, right, the next set. So when we grew up in that country, there were a whole bunch of data vias that were taking place as part and parcel of that society that we didn't even realize. So there was the therapy of actually that that was taking

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place because the entire society was built on an Islamic leader. So the question of why Allah was not even there. There was also that'd be Imani, there was a man that was constantly being instilled in every single one of us.

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Right, there was there was the therapy of academia EMA, Imani Rouhani, there was the therapy of our spirit, our room and connection with Allah and the strength of that connection. That was part and parcel of what the society we grew up in. I remember that I was a small I was probably 11 or 12, maybe 13. And I have a younger sister. And obviously as a as a boy, I had a little bit more power. So we got into an argument, and I hit my sister, my neighbor, my my dad's friend across, he saw that he came and he gave me one.

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He's like, How dare you lay your hand on a woman.

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Men do not hit when I was 12. But that society allowed any of that deviances to be corrected. So there was a built in system that many of us came from.

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Our children don't have them.

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The next generation doesn't have that.

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Unless you connect them to the center over here, and we have some place somewhere where they can grow their emaan they can grow their room, they can grow and learn the struggle of going in the path of Allah subhanaw taala those struggles. They're not going to learn because their world is what school

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We'll come back friends go out and play, let's go grab some meals, off we go. Life's good.

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I pray five times.

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And that is why it's so important for us to be able to understand these things. And more importantly, to be able to understand that without without proper tarbiyah,

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right, we're so focused on that idea of of Apple, which is also Tallinn. Right, which is this dunya Italia name, we're so focused on that. I am absolutely not saying that, you know, World Education is not necessarily we should be masters of both. Many, many of our scholars of the past, there were a polymax. Ie they mastered Shediac. Then they mastered a science and another science. They were masters of multiple sciences, including Shediac.

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And within Syria, they were masters of different sciences within Syria.

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So from that perspective, I wanted to talk about this because as a teacher, as an educator within the community in the Western world, I see a massive gap.

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I see this gap when I am witness when I see an older person walking in the masjid. I grew up in a society where I was taught and many of you were taught to get up and give space to the older gentleman or a woman.

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Today when the train when I was coming in the morning, right? You're holding on to the train that old lady comes, no man around has this Sophia to let this older lady hold on to that bar. So she doesn't fall.

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We grew up on that therapy and we walk away and say no, you grab it, okay, I'm young, I can stand.

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That tarbiyah

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only takes place either through society, where everybody around the society is following a modus operandi that is in line with Islam. And then the child visa vie Osmose learns all of these things. Or we need a space where they can actually learn two things. A community like this, where they're playing, and they learn these add up. But these adults are alone are not enough. You need education. Where are they going to learn that? Where are they going to learn? What is actually there? Where are they going to learn about Allah? subhanaw taala?

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When a child has question, where are they? Who are they going to go to?

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And that's why places where education is necessary. Sorry, that's why places like Western world or the Western Hemisphere in general, or Europe, we need places that are specialists in education, not only dunya, but deen and skill sets, life skill sets, all of these things are necessary part of our upbringing of the Muslim ummah, in this land. Now I put forward in front of you something that might be very shocking to many.

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within America and Canada,

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one of when I was like 21 years old, I happen to enter in

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a lawyer's office, he happens to be a Jewish lawyer. And I saw a whole bunch of Hebrew that was written on his wall. And I remember asking him, he was like, you know, why do you have all of these Hebrew written? And how do you actually speak Hebrew because you grew up here.

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And he said that I come from a particular section of Toronto, where all of these, you know, high end Jews live. And the key that we have over there is none of our kids go to public schools until they master the Hebrew language.

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I'm like, where do you mask? Like, that's great. I want to I want Arabic, where do we go for that? How do you do that? He says it takes place in three places.

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We do not allow our kids to go to daycares.

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Rather, an old Jewish man or a woman, retired, goes and learns takes a six months course on how to handle kids. And then in his retirement, they pass on those values in basements, where there is two to five ratios. So for every two adults, there are five children.

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And this service is offered for free.

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That's number one. Our houses are the first learning centers,

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your common community, the neighborhood, you have to start establishing that. The second part, the second part, he said, after we do this, we have something which is called Keven NuMe which means a fresh start.

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It's a one year gap program that has been designed for kids who didn't get that

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had exposure and now they have gone grocery went to public school and their Aqeedah, according to their world has been altered. And how do we rectify that.

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And there is 124 page document that enlists an entire one year program. And they call it a gap year. So as a Jewish father or mother, as much as it's important for them to become a lawyer or a doctor or dentist to these high positions, they forced their child after high school to take this gap year, they even call it a gap year.

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And the child learns for eight months to be in their learning centers, they have around 37 of sub centers across the United States.

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With boarding,

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they go there, they stay there. There's an environment that is created for them.

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And after eight months, they go to an entire tour including Philistine, and they teach them Arabic language, as part of the curriculum.

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So they can relate to the narrative and reshape the narrative that needs to be reshaped.

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See, without learning centers, nobody is making headway in their religion in this country. And that is an essential part that we need to understand

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that massages will only be filled with Mussolini. If you have learning centers that are preparing those people to come in these muscles. Otherwise, our end is going to be like those churches that are so Dynamis the recent Muslim organization bought it is gigantic, I don't know 30 acres 35 acre giant church in Detroit miftah Institute, seven auditoriums that their peak they use 20,000 people that used to worship in that church, nobodies

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because when then it's not about just service. It's not about just coming in frame.

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It's about educating the next generation. It's about educating the current generation parents for them to realize the importance

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of basic Islamic education which starts with Aqeedah and how to worship Allah subhanaw taala, these three basics, these two basics, and obviously the connection with Allah. So I could not emphasize the importance. And when I was reached or approached, I had to cancel some of my things. And I said this

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project and initiative is definitely there are others that like like that. I mean, if you want, you should definitely go and look into something called Ioh K in Los Angeles. I don't know if anybody's aware of that Institute of knowledge, started just like this small Masjid but then eventually turned into an institute in that Institute at any given time, you have 800 to 900 people on a weekday learning slam.

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And it's inclusive Center, which means and that's the model here. That's the biggest attraction for me from when they were spoke to me that everyone's included. It doesn't matter what you believe in, as long as you say, Allah, Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, you're welcome to this masjid.

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And that's the same model we have in Artemis.

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And the education caters to the needs of the entire community.

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Somebody can attend a course on this, and somebody can attend a course on that. And they're all welcome, because that's the mainstream Sunni Islam. And we agree to all of that.

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So when they told me about this Learning Center, I called them and I said, I will try to make arrangements. So because this, for me, is the most important thing that a community can embark on. We may not see the results of this in our lifetime, I repeat, you may not see the benefit.

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But 50 years down the road, when people come back and look, the vision that was set by the community over here to be able to understand that more than a basketball court, we need a learning center.

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I haven't even seen the plans. By the way. I was just so excited about the idea. I was like, Yeah, I'm coming. And I'll wait for that tonight. So from the religious perspective, I just wanted to make it clear for everyone that Allah subhanaw taala when he sent when he gets permission to Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to go to mustard, Baba. And he went when promises experiment to measure the number we there is a course that I'm going to be teaching in December. It's called the prophetic date. And in that course, we labyrinth that the first

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three to four years of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his life must show the number we was the Learning Center.

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Before it was the Masjid. They would pray in that they would wrestle in that they would eat they would congregate they wouldn't

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have special meetings. But above all of that, the primary focus was Serbia, and all of the Hadees that you see where Rasul Allah is saying, What about people like that? What about people like that? What's wrong with people when they do this when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is sitting, and he is taking a straw and drawing for HUD, the HUD and he draws different lines. He's using the land as the Blackboard whiteboard today. But he didn't have that he used the earth and he says, this is inside and he drew a box and he said, This is inside, we'll have a man who understands his desires. And as he's going through his journey, he is confined in a box. His life, cuts him off from

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his desires. That image that Rasul Allah drew all of that those are Hadees, took place in the first three to four years were mastered the Naboo. He was the prime source of inspiration, where O'Meara the Allah, one, he had business, and he had his neighbor, and they would take what turns, they would be like, No, one day, it's your turn to go come back to me and my husband told me what I missed.

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Next day, oh, my God, Allah, who would go in his neighbor would take care of his affairs, learning was so important for them at that time, then you go back in history, and you see that Muslims were the first to build institutions, the first university in the world, the oldest university in the world, the first medical school in the world, the first mental health hospital in the world, all of them were built by Muslims.

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They were all built by Muslims.

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Do you look up the lecture that I gave on on disabilities, you know, Muslims and children and people dealing with disabilities, in that we enumerated amount of hospitals, like we had these places where people could go, nobody knew what was happening with them.

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And they were wellness centers for people that were suffering from depression long before depression became a cool thing to talk about.

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Everyone one every now and then it's like a mental health workshop. Right? Long before that Muslims were the first ones. But it all started from learning and learning centers. And I leave you with this. I'm not gonna tell you the answer. But I want you to, as as an exercise, go and pick up the Quran. And read the first five verses that Allah subhanaw taala reveal to us and find out how many times Allah subhanaw taala in the first introduction that he does to mankind with his Kalam his Quran. How many times has he mentioned their ailment? How many times has he mentioned reading and column you will find that the entire concept over there is what? knowledge knowledge, knowledge,

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read read and column.

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And in that sequence,

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you have to seek knowledge. And that is why you find that the set of Posada in the past knew that there was a hadith, they knew that there was a hadith or the person right? They were traveled far and wide to get to that person.

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I mean, there's a hadith of you know, there's this hobby who found out that there's a hadith that and Nima similar to there's a hadith that somebody is narrating about prophets of salaam I have not heard this Hadees so you travel the journey of good 2530 days. When he arrived over there, he saw that this person was involved in actions that are not befitting of a person who narrates studies.

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So he came back

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and he said Subhanallah you didn't ask him? He said Kay. For people who see Columbia Kalami rasool Allah, how can I actually trust him with the kalam of Allah when he is deceiving his customers?

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You had in my mind the karate Allah one you notice that the ROM he had for their element Hadees that a person came to him? A colleague came to him and he said, Yeah, Malik. Oh Malik, can you teach me some Hadees Imam Malik turned to him and he said, Subhan Allah, you don't even know the other of seeking knowledge. Meinhard is Eleni and Hadith and we're gonna call him Why is he asking me about the use of Rasulullah and I'm standing that's against the other of talking about the hadith of Rasul Allah while you're walking in Stan.

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Then he ordered and he said, Bring, whip and let's whip this guy. So he learns Adam, so he says, Oh, my God, I am the judge. He said unto Allah, you should actually begin with you. You should be the first one with if that's the colony that does not know the adult and worse What about the rest?

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So learning centers are not places that are just primarily for dunya knowledge. People learn skills over their world knowledge, RTE, the Sharia, but more importantly, a dump 50% of what children will learn in a masjid is Adam. If you ever go to a Quran school, and the Quran school does not have other as part of their curriculum, take your kids out of that school.

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Because they're not learning because it's not just a book, it's the kalam of Allah. And if the teacher over there while he's listening to the Quran is on the phone. That's not the Quran school you want to send your kids to. Because the person where I live, the person who's teaching, he does not have the the veneration of salaam of Allah How're the kids going? Venner. So these are others that are necessary. In sha Allah tonight, we will all be gathered for this, I will talk a little bit more about it in sha Allah and other aspects of it. But I do hope that all of you do come out and share the excitement that I bring to the table. And literally, I got up at two o'clock in the

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morning to come here. Because I'm like, I can't miss this. This is like, in my eyes, this is the biggest step for this community or n in the south like because there are no big learning centers in the in this region, like all the seven states that you guys have. And for my vision, what I see is if we're able to create this as a place where people from all these five or six states across flocking here to learn, we have a one year program two year programs. I mean, we need to start thinking and get excited about it. It's not your job to figure out how because if you got the right vision, as one of my teachers, he said, You know, when you want to get to 10, but you can only see

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till three, walk to three and hope and believe in Allah that Allah will show you after when you reach 345 and six.

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And in the process of you going through four, five and six, you may not survive, but Allah will bring people who will take your vision from 6789 and 10. Because of the sincere intention you held when you started took the step of number one.

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So we ask Allah, that everybody that is involved in this that Allah grants us true, sincere intentions for this project, and our eyes are not on the eyes of anybody's wealth but on the wealth of Allah subhanaw taala if Allah's Will is there, this project will come in reality before you and I would even leave this earth and if Allah's Will is there and his help is there and that is directly related to our sincerity, then we will even see the fruits of this insha Allah in our lifetime Aquila holy ha that was started hola hola hola como Lisa in in the semi infested with over in the horn off all right

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Hello hamdulillah salat wa salam ala Mallanna via bada. And then we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us the ability to truly love the message of Quran we asked Allah subhanaw taala to teammates Quran, the light of our hearts and he makes Quran the news through which we make our decisions in our lives. We asked Allah subhanaw taala that through the light of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala eliminates all ailments in our hearts and grants us the tofi of doing true is the heart and Dawa for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala We ask Allah subhana wa Tada tea connects us to the love of Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he makes us from those people who are gathered on the

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Throne of Allah underneath the shade of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala from those who are connected to the misogyny, and we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to protect the youth of this ummah, and the youth of this masjid and their demands and the demands of the generations to come in I O with a piano. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala that he unites our hearts and makes us one Oma. And we become the source of inspiration for the rest of the nations through the unity and love and muhabba that we display for one another. When we see our brothers in the masjid, knowing that we may have disagreements with them, we smile at them for the sake of Allah. And we become from those who

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cleanse our hearts from any ailments towards anybody. And we forgive every single person who has harmed us knowingly or unknowingly. So that we can be from those whom Allah says, Allah who you are sinning and Allah loves the ones who do exam our ego beyond what Allah has called us to do. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala on this last Thursday or Friday that he sends that we send salutations on Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad Ali, he was laughing He was telling him this even because he

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wrong and we ask Allah subhana wa Tada that he places Baraka in this community and our night tonight insha Allah together and in the end we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect all of us from any fear and motherhood. I mean, how am I buttoned up who probably had suffered hola hola hola como recited in Muslim infested roofer in the whole world for optimal Salah in Surah tattenhall and in fascia on carry on body

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