Adnan Rashid – Hadith Rejection Part 1

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The discussion covers historical and characteristics of the western philosophy, including cultural views, political views, and the "we" of the western world. The Hades and printing of the book of Islam are emphasized, along with the importance of accepting the "any other way" approach to the topic. popular culture is also discussed, including legends like Subhan conversions and the "theological" movement. The printing of the book of Islam is emphasized, along with the use of " eyehadow" to avoid confusion and the history of the book of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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celerra Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah mopod rubella Samira Li ministry Tanga, rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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Dena Armando facil Mika wala to Toby rocoto wa t shavon. In Nola Kumar Duma been makalah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on a condition that he was not alfalfa or Rashi gene, Alma, Gene and body are come upon Allah salatu salam, respected brothers and sisters.

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It is a privilege for me to serve the deen of Allah subhanaw taala to the best of my ability. And I have been invited to address a very important topic today

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that the topic is

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Heidi's rejection

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where and who?

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Or why, where, when, and who. So, it is a modern phenomenon

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in its current form,

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but it has existed, the precedent was established long ago.

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Let me explain first what this objection is. Am I speaking in English although usually this class is rhodora English

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is in English. So everyone who's attending right now understands English, English is better because it goes out goes out to a wider audience inshallah Tada. So I'll stick to English for now, if I need to explain something, and I'll do, I'll try my best to do so. So before I continue with the topic, I would like to apologize for the delay, my father had given me a task.

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So I was busy fulfilling that task. And I was perfectly aware of this responsibility as well that I had to come and deliver this lecture. But my father's task takes precedence over anything else in my life. This is the way I see it. The rights of parents, you know, they take precedence over anything else in life. So this is why I was delayed because I had no other choice, unfortunately, but I'm here now.

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the topic is very important one because this phenomenon called inquiry Hudis.

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Or in Carl Hades, in the Arabic language, or Heidi's rejection, or rejecting Hadees has emerged

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in the Muslim world, generally, and specifically in Pakistan, more so than anywhere else. Because this is where it was. It was born in the recent times.

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In God or Hades or rejecting Hades. whatever form it may come in,

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started by primarily the first

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sectarian group in Islam. Who knows what the first sectarian group in Islam is,

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in the history of Islam, the first sectarian

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digression, or a group that separated itself from the Muslim main body?

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You said she are

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okay, cottage I saw the Hawaii cottage. Anyone else?

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Okay, anyone else?

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Okay. Yes, the sisters are correct. The coverage or the first sectarian group in the history of Islam. And this is what the allama has stated. People like Imam Shara study in his book called middle one and how

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he has documented the history of the coverage and how they came about. And the topic today is not to discuss the Hawaii but to highlight this point that they were the first ones to break away from the main body of Muslims. So first, there was Islam.

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What we call the normative Islam, or Islam as it was delivered by the prophet sallallahu sallam, to his companions,

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and then came

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going away from that path. People who broke away from the main body of Muslims, who were the main body of Muslims at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Prophet and his companions. They were the people who took knowledge directly from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And this is the core of Islam. This is where you need to understand how to follow pure Islam. If you want to follow pure Islam, the core of pure Islam is the Prophet

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And the people who learn directly from him, you go to anyone else for Islam, or to learn your Islam to understand you Islam, you will go astray, you will

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fall in error guaranteed.

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And anyone who studies the history of Islam,

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which I happen to have done to the best of my ability, I'm a student of history. I've come to realize that any one who breaks away from the way of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, ended up in Bilaal in misguidance. Because that was the main body of the Muslims, in the early days of Islam, they are the ones who received the Quran, understood it directly from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and delivered delivered it in a perfectly pure form to their followers. Anyone who breaks away from them,

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or finds a fault in them, or tries to make make excuses to put them in bad light has simply gone astray.

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And it is a challenge. You may find individuals here when they're going astray, even among the companions of the professor, but the main body of the companions who numbered over 100,000,

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over 100,000 people, men and women, they stuck together to preserve the Koran and the prophetic tradition, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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And in history,

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anyone who sticks to the followers of prophets prospered, they never went astray. And anyone who broke away from them, simply,

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you know,

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found themselves in error. Very quick example. I had a recent debate in the US

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nearly 10 days ago, or almost two weeks ago, I was in America in the in the USA, Atlanta, I had a debate with a Christian scholar there, on the issue of salvation by the cross, do we need the cross for salvation as the Christians claim? The Christian belief is that Jesus Christ easily Salam was crucified, he died on the cross, to liberate humanity to He died for our sins, and he lifted the curse of the law.

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Now was this idea, this doctrine, or this aqeedah? Was it preached by East la sala, did Isa preach this? Now, when you open the Bible, even in its current form, which is altered, it is an

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even the New Testament. Forget about the Old Testament, that's a completely different story. Even the New Testament, the Gospels and the writings of other authors,

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even in the current form, when we read the words of Isa Salaam, or the words attributed to him, or the Hadees of Isa salam, if you want to put it that way,

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there is nothing in the words of eSATA salam, where he might have said that I was sent to be crucified on the cross, so that I can expiate for your sins, or I can ransom I can present myself as a ransom for your sins.

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Or I can be a redemption for you.

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Oh, I will be a source of your salvation by dying on the cross.

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The question is, who preached that idea? Is the question who preached that idea? If he saw this alarm didn't do that, if he didn't come up with this idea, redemption by the cross, or salvation by the cross, just believe in the cross, and you will have salvation.

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You will have salvation.

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You don't have to do any good, good works.

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Who taught that idea? Anyone?

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If he saw Islam didn't teach that idea. Where did the Christians get it from?

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they call him St. Paul. Right, Paul? Another man who never met inside a salon?

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Yes. All we're all of them were all.

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Yes, yes, the details are far too much for us to go into. Again. We were going to turn this lecture into a history lecture on the history of Paul. But Paul was the man who came up with this idea

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Paul, who never met a Salah Salaam never met Jesus.

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And then after he saw a Salaam disappeared, he was lifted up, as we are told, in the Quran. And even in the in the Old Testament, there is a prophecy about the Messiah, the Messiah, or the mercy being saved. In the book of Psalms, Chapter 91. The entire chapter is talking about the Messiah being saved, he will not be hurt, he will not be killed, he will simply the angels will lift him Allahu Akbar. It's in the Old Testament. It's a prophecy. The Quran confirms that in the middle, we have this religion called Christianity. And this religion is not based upon the teachings of Islam. Rather, it is based upon the doctrines Paul preached to the followers of a Salah Salaam later on,

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Paul came up with this idea that he said Islam died for our sins. And we don't have to follow the Jewish law anymore. We are free from the law, the Jews, they live was the law, the Mosaic Law following the Torah.

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And this idea to them was important. How can someone come along

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and say that

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we don't have to follow the law and easily Islam is thought to have taught in the Gospel of Matthew, that law must be followed, a man came to him asking him that

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how do I get eternal life? How do I get success? fala

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milone Quran tells us the successful are the believers. similar question was put to a Salah Salam how do we succeed? How do we get eternal life six success in the hereafter easily Salaam said follow the commandments? In other words, follow the law of musala salam, right.

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And the list goes on and on. And then there are more details. He said I also do that already do that. Then Islam said okay, sell your property and dedicate your life to align His messenger that is Allah Salaam. And he said, that's very difficult for me to do and he turns he walks away. So he said Islam taught the importance of law. Paul comes along and he goes, he said, Islam has died on the cross. And that sacrifice was for you to be freed from the law. So you don't have to follow the law anymore. Just believe in the use of sacrifice. Just believe that a sir Islam died for your sins on the cross, you will have salvation.

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Now, the companions of ACLs Salam had a problem with Paul. Because of this.

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And even in the Bible, in the New Testament, in the book of Acts, we are given incidents where the direct companions as high as harbor Rasool Yani the companions on a Salah Salaam is hawara Yun is his supporters. Those who spent time with him, learned from him.

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And we're teaching his message to the Jewish people in Jerusalem. One of them was James James, who became the leader of the, the the followers, followers of Isa Salaam in Jerusalem. When he saw a Salaam disappeared, he left behind companions, right or wrong. Yes, his companions didn't go away. They stayed there. So they were teaching the Jewish people in Jerusalem. And they continued to go to the Kaaba, what was the Kaaba,

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merciful acts of the Temple of Solomon, right, the Temple of Solomon, which was destroyed in 70 ce II by Titus, the Roman general.

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But at this time, he saw Islam disappeared, his companions continued worship. So they had a problem with Paul. So they lectured Paul, and they went against Paul. And they rebuked for Paul for allegedly preaching against the law. And then when Paul came in front of them, James told Paul to go and worship in the temple and sacrifice in the temple, so that people can see that they are lying about you that you are preaching against the law, but Paul was, in fact preaching against the law. But Paul, like a hypocrite, went to the temple and sacrificed and did the rituals. So he deceives people against what he actually believed

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to either save his life or for some other end. Right? So the point is, most Christians today,

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if not all, actually follow Paul at the expense of following easily Salam? Why, because the left the way of the Sahaba of Eastern Islam and they followed another man who came after Eastern Islam, and he said, I have the true message of Islam. I have a revelation now. And I had this vision of Israel Islam on the road to Damascus, and he told me all these things and now things have changed. Everything he said Islam taught is gone. So Han Allah false prophet,

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False Prophet, just like midazolam Ahmed qadiani came, and he said, I have this revelation. And he was asked, What is the angel called? And he said, TG

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if Angel was called tg, right, he was asked, What's the name of the

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right? So even from the stories, you know, this is Jim This is strange, right? So, he came up with these theories that I'm also a prophet. Okay, I didn't bring a new Sharia Obama prophet. And then people started to follow Him, because they left the way of the Sahaba What did the Sahaba do to false prophets?

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before them, why, why did the Sahaba if there was room for another prophet after Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam the Sahaba would have said Okay, hold on a second. Yeah, of course there is room in Islam for other prophets, like the Guardian is argue. They argue right there is room for a profit. That's why Mr. bulama qadiani his prophethood is valid. If that was the case, why did the Sahaba go out and go through so much trouble in suppressing the movement of masala Alka dab? As for the unseen and whoever other people came along and claimed to be false prophets of Tara Taka view al Qaeda? Why is he called mortara Taka v Al Khattab? Why? Because a liar

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so this haba their way is very important. Anyone who broke away from the way from the tradition simply when history and this will happen to the coverage the first group in Islam or broke away from the will of the Sahaba and they started to condemn the Sahaba they made takfeer of Maja and they made the fear of alumina with olive and they said these people are misguided and we are guided and they had excessive Aqua

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the taco was excessive

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to an extent way Abdullah bin abasolo one he went to their

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the camp and you know when you go close to a beehive What do you hear?

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buzzing you know the buzzing sound

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buzzing sound like when your mobile phone vibrates. Hmm. That sound when you go close to the beehive.

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Abdullah bin Abbas he said when I went to the camp of the hawala I heard this buzzing sound and what was that sounds them reading the Quran. Them reading the Quran but their understanding the Quran was so

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accurate in their eyes that they started to tell Oliveira Mittal is the man who was promised Jana, by the Messenger of Allah Islam that your understanding of the Quran is wrong.

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Ali would deliver what was on the member in Kufa and the coverage would stand up and they would say your understanding is wrong.

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You have misunderstood the Quran, Allahu Akbar. And these people never met the Prophet most of them would not have not once a hobby was found among them.

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So we have youngsters like that today, Mashallah. They come to Islam to three months read one or two pamphlets of books here. And they start to implement Sharia on every single person who comes along. Yeah, they start to look down upon the family, the Auntie's the uncle, the

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children, right.

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Don't stop the fire. Oh, Ma, malga Islam, we, you know, this attitude was there. So coverage came up with these theories. And they started to come up with new theology, new ways of interpreting the son of the professor. So they were the first ones to reject the Hadith of the Prophet or some of the some of the problems are sort of, or to cast doubt on, because they came up with these ideas.

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Like there's a decent body

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that a woman came with, to eyeshadow de la Juana.

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And she came up with this idea about fasting and confira are fasting. And she came up with this erroneous idea that do we not have to make up for our, you know, for example, during menstrual cycles, you know, making up for faster, and I showed you a little on how she asked her a huria Auntie huria anti, are you one of the coverage there were no known as huria Harada was a place in Iraq where the coverage came from. So they had already emerged with the new theology and they broke away from the way of the Sahaba. They thought they know better, right? Then came the martyrs era. This is the early history of the rejection of Hades where this idea came from Mattila

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Hassan bursary, the term Mattila comes from a statement has an bacilli who was one of the greatest tambourine made in this regard or, you know, novel moment novel cafe. They are hanging in the middle.

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They stand somewhere in the middle, they status is undecisive

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Hassan basri when he heard this, he said a puzzle, they have gone away, they have left the main body. Because this belief cannot be substantiated in the in the light of the some of the progress of asylum, that there are people hanging in the middle as well, right? This is a Catholic concept, the limbo, the concept of limbo, right? So we don't believe in that we believe people who commit major sins are believers, but they are sinners. And if they repent, Allah will accept the repentance and if they don't repent, they will pay for it in jahannam, and then they will be eventually taken out, they will not remain in hellfire. How do we know this? From the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam from the Sunnah. So what are people who use their rationality over the Sunnah of the prophet of Islam? Where did this with this movement come from? When Greek works were translated into the Arabic language in the ninth century CE, O, the second century Hijri.

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Some of the Greek works written by Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, and other thinkers, they were translated into the Arabic language, and then as to tilian logic, which is based upon skepticism that you Everything is guilty, until until proven otherwise, everything is guilty, you have to question everything, right? So, and these people came to be known as rationalists. So they use their rationality to judge every single ayah of the Quran or the Hadith of the Quran. And that's why a lot of them went astray. A lot of it, a lot of them went astray. So what is this experience teach us that rationality is limited.

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It is very limited.

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Your uncle, what we call uncle

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is not over knuckle knuckle is the text of the Quran and the Sunnah, right? Uncle is under the knuckle because knuckle is the revelation of Allah subhanaw taala. A lot of older Koran, right? So Allah knows best He is the Creator of the heavens in the universe. He tells us in the Quran, that he is the one who created but there are some article odd wydawca Imran Khan, for innama Yoku Khan, for yakun Okay, this is Allah subhanaw taala. He is the one who created the universe, the heavens and the earth. So he is supremely wise, supremely wise, he is ultimate ultimately wise. Right? We all of us put together all the humans on the planet and other species beyond if they do exist, cannot

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possibly outdo Allah wisdom Can we?

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If you can then produce you evidence. Allah has created the heavens and the earth. What have you done?

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Allah tells you in the Quran oh man can engine you get together? You cannot produce a fly. Yes.

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obligate McKibben even asked a

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jar Manasa

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you can create flying jets. Right? But self sustaining machi your fuel Gabrielle da ha

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makhija a fly. Right? It has its own system.

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You cannot you cannot create a fly.

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And then Allah says if it takes away something from you, either the mosquitoes which Lavie die, do most of obviously Lhasa

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when when a fly comes and sits on your food, I was called out to it's taken something from the food right? You cannot bring it back.

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Monkeys are going to come with it.

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challenger makiko Martha you can Rican plan. You cannot bring the bring back that food but if it takes so Allah subhanaw taala is teaching you lessons kitten kitten a bustle? how little you are.

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You have a tumor Allah will challenge you stand in front of Allah. Allah subhanaw taala laniakea laniakea Why me? Why this Why that? Who are you?

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What's, what's your status in comparison to Allah subhanaw taala and what he has created

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from the day you are born till the day you are you die, you rely on Allah's mercy. If Allah took away mercy from your mother's heart, you wouldn't even survive. Imagine if your mother didn't clean you five days. When you were a baby, when you were in your nappies, when you were urinating and you were you're dedicating and leaving that mess. Imagine you know, have you seen animals allow animals. When animals give birth, the baby gets up and starts walking a goat. Have you seen God little goat? a goat sprayed for the milk

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Go straight for the milk as if it has pre pre programmed knowledge that that's where you need to go. You want to survive. As soon as you come out, you go for milk, human babies, he leaves them on the bed, you put the mother next to them, they don't know what to do.

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They don't know what to do, they don't know where to go, they will die. If the mother doesn't lift Allah subhanaw taala is invalid input that mercy in your mother's heart.

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So, the point is that rationality, human rationality, human, human, human, intellect, human knowledge, human life, human ability is all limited. It's all limited by your conditioning, your circumstances.

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And your environment. Do you agree?

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People who have lived in Pakistan all the life you don't think like Korea, do you? Do you think like gory?

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And if you bring gray hair to live where they don't think like you, because they have different circumstances, different conditioning, different ability to understand different things in different ways. Yes.

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So, this is why

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human rationality is conditioned,

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it is influenced.

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So it cannot be used as an objective anchor to govern your lives. Because when human rationality is conditioned, it will do things in a very subjective way. For example, all humans know alcohol is bad is bad. Yes, it is bad. How do we know it's bad?

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Not not because you get drunk and you fall around? No, no, no. What it does to this is it.

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Most violence in the West is directly linked to alcohol consumption. Luxury became a commodity internet crimes, we can build a Barbie dunia a poor after many of the poorest demello calm Caracas avanos upon stuck there busy Gonzaga weekend. baratas wrap up and they kill each other. Right? So this is how life is there. And everyone knows alcohol is bad. But why is it not banned? If it's bad, because everyone is conditioned to think it's okay. It's a necessity of life. It goes.

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And the people who are making laws

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are never going to ban alcohol, even though they know is bad. Why? Because human life or sorry human intellect is conditioned by circumstances

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and circumstances of what in the West? Everyone is drinking. So drinking is part of the culture. How can we how can we actually ban it? Even though it's so evil is so bad.

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So human intellect is actually conditioned. So we cannot use human intellect which is limited? Yes, no doubt Allah has given us enough intellect to know the right and wrong Yes, Allah has given us enough intellect to understand Islam and Allah commandments. But Allah has not given us enough intellect to outdo or veto our last commandments.

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Because Allah has wisdom is ultimate. Allah tells you do not touch intoxicants. Do not touch intoxicants. Whether it is wine, whether it is terrorists, cocaine, heroin, whatever it is, it destroys you.

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Haram is one thing but then Allah goes further fudge Danny boo. Do not go close to it.

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Yeah, are you Hello, Dina armano in namale hamro one maizuru while Tsavo while as llamo register minimalis a pond fujitani boo,

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boo La La come to flee honegger, Kampala chotto if you want success, do not go close to these things. Touching is don't go close.

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So this is a lot of wisdom. A lot of wisdom is telling us don't do these things. And human intellect says Oh, john, so john shall never shall never oh and then what see what happened in societies.

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So this is why we cannot use human intellect rationality to outdo Alice commandments are the son of the processor so he Celia aka knuckle katabi not the other way around. Your knuckle is not you know, based upon actual yes to understand knuckle you need no doubt. Right But you need uncle is quicker than Achilles Saleem

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occur which is in submission to Allah subhanaw taala you know your limits. And despite knowing your limits you use your intellect with which has been given to Allah subhanaw taala

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to you in a limited amount so that you can have enough ankle to understand what he has sent down and act upon it. And that's why you will be judged based upon your outcome how you used it. So rational is the Mattila was the first people who came up with these ideas that they started to reject the some of the progress of the salon and started to come up with new ideas. You know, one guy that you know, self

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self serving interpretations of the Quran so Matera they came up with these ideas and they started to come up with ideas like Quran is created Koran is created.

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Koran Joe mock Luca.

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And then some all of our tortured some of these Matata the rationalists. In the early history of Islam, they influenced pallava some of the forefathers of bonobos, they became a tequila

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starting from mamoun.

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Then you can listen to it afterwards. And

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then first moto cymbala, sorry, maamoun, then moto Sim, then

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was sick. And then Almodovar kill who repented. Three conifa of bonobos were influenced by a mortality scholar called Hamad bin Abu Dawood,

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who had convinced this qualifier that the Quran is created, and this is a doctrine you have to pump out and you have to force the allama to accept this doctrine, otherwise the oma will be destroyed in the view. Right? So Allah were tortured. Some of them tortured to death.

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A mama had been humbled was tortured.

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Mr Romani for died before that, the fitna. mamajuana for amatola died in 150 Hijri. And this was before the fitna erupted to scale when Mr. Mohammed humble was tortured. So this is what happened. Mr. Muhammad was forced, in fact, martyrs in Bella, he asked Mr. Muhammad to be brought out of prison because he was imprisoned. And then in front of the halifa he was beaten. Mr. Muhammad, he was a very thin man, a very, very weak man physically, but spiritually he outweighed the basket Empire. You know, the Romans, martyrs in Bilbao. You know Martin cymbala go and study his history. Romans were paying him tax.

00:32:32 --> 00:32:34

Anybody were basketry but machete

00:32:35 --> 00:32:40

caromed Jesse burry pocket was paying them tax to keep them

00:32:41 --> 00:32:43

you know, you throw them article, Texas, they're there.

00:32:45 --> 00:32:53

But everything will Congo right. Hammer chakra kazama Koroma chakra, ambigious, yada yada. We do

00:32:54 --> 00:33:05

like other people back in the day, Muslims used to receive GVR now we are paying via our Pakistani but every child who is born in Pakistan is in debt.

00:33:06 --> 00:33:19

Right. So the point is, the Romans are so powerful that and borrower boss think about vanilla boss who are receiving taxes from Romans and watches and below was the most powerful man in the world. Without a doubt.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:34

He was the most powerful man the richest and the most powerful man in the world. mata cymbala, the Khalifa boss and Mr. Mohammed was brought in front of him. He said, Why don't you accept the doctrine of * Quran?

00:33:35 --> 00:33:52

He said what you mean Give me something from the Quran or the Sunnah of the Prophet, and I will accept it. If you do not have something clear from the Quran or the Sunnah. I cannot accept it. Then he was lashed. He was beaten. In fact, when people were executed in front of him to terrorize him.

00:33:53 --> 00:34:12

And there is an incident I will have somebody that we refer to lolly in his book, party doubt or a z. But he he narrates an incident that Mr. Mohamad wants to men were executed in front of him to terrorize him. And he turns to the man sitting next to him and asks him what was the opinion of Mr. McAfee about wiping over Sox?

00:34:14 --> 00:34:16

Can you think they think about it? Yeah.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:27

Someone is has been executed in one way you've been? You've been told that you will be next. You will be next. Okay. What was the opinion your mom Shafi on Sox?

00:34:28 --> 00:34:41

His. So that's caller emiliana. Without who was watching the man who influenced this call afar. So look at this man. He has no fear in him. He has no fear in him because they believe in the Quran.

00:34:42 --> 00:34:58

In the levina call Robin Allah from Moscow, como todos de la la Mala Mala Allahu wa sallahu wa mysuru Belgian natella Chico doon. This is what they believed in that those who say allies my rub and then they are firm on that.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:39

Then angels come upon them and tell them Do not fear. Do not grieve because Allah has promised you agenda and He will give it to you. So, the rationalist came up and they cause a lot of fitna and the peat and the alama. People like your mama are humble and mohabbatein. They stood against them, intellectually challenged them intellectually to prove their case from the sun of the forest or Sonam or leave it, and then they were defeated. After the Moto Zilla, the fifth turnoff in Cairo, Hades did not emerge in the Muslim civilization throughout the history of Muslim civilization. It was suppressed throughout the sacrifices of the allama in the second century history.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:50

And the hard work against the Mattila, their writings, the books, the arguments, the debates, the you know, speeches and the teaching sessions did the job.

00:35:52 --> 00:35:54

The people of the tradition became well established.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:41

And this is a side point, I would like to mention very quickly, that the scholars of Islam, the traditional the traditional is, the tradition is because they were the people of tradition, we call them traditionalist in the English language. But in the Arabic language, they were called Mohatta seen, the scholars of Hades, the scholars of tradition, they were not against progress, progress, they were not against science. They were not against Muslims becoming strong and powerful. But that was militarily or technologically or financially or, in any other way. They were against blind skepticism of Aristotle. They were against Aristotelian logic that eventually leads to copper if it

00:36:41 --> 00:36:42

is not controlled.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:58

So they were not against science, or Greek science, or Indian science for that matter. They were against specifically Aristotelian logic, which was based upon extreme skepticism which leads to belief disbelief, sorry.

00:37:00 --> 00:37:05

So after the suppression of the stripping off and Carl Hades in the second century,

00:37:07 --> 00:37:47

what comes now, in the 19th century, the fitna arises again in the Indian subcontinent, out of all places, the Indian subcontinent, but it's this comparison here cattle or sheep or coral India in the Arabic language. This is where the fitna arose again, and the scholars have pointed out a number of individuals who started the fitna. Number one, the name that comes to mind or the top of the list is Sayed Ahmed Khan, who was very prominent in

00:37:48 --> 00:38:34

initiating the independence movement. Also, he was the first person to come up with the idea that we need a separate homeland for the Muslims in India, because he could see that Muslims are very inferior in administrative skills, Muslims because they didn't want to the Muslims basically bore the brunt of the wrath of the British Empire. After the 1857 War of Independence, or Tara's tower, the jungle Azadi Jacqui Tosca Sara malba Sara is Zamasu mano parguera hanaki What jungle you have a Hindu and a Shahrukh eg Hindus started the rebellion in a place called Meerut,

00:38:35 --> 00:38:44

a Hindu contingent of soldiers. They started the conflict with the British soldiers and they killed few British soldiers.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:50

And the person who started the movement or this rebellion was called Mangal Pandey.

00:38:51 --> 00:39:18

He started the movement and he was a Hindu Brahmin. He was very disturbed by the cartridges which were introduced into the British Army by the British officers. Those cartridges were made out of cow fat or pig fat. Pig fat is born for the Muslims and cow fat is a barn for the Hindus. So Hindus and Muslims are both disturbed by this new invention of this new introduction into the into the military arsenal of

00:39:19 --> 00:39:58

the British Empire. And some of the soldiers rebelled and rebellion grew in an intensity and then before it could be controlled it reached many other places in the Indian subcontinent including Delhi. The last Mughal Emperor in Delhi Bahadur Shah was besieged by these rebellious soldiers trained by the British Empire. They were native soldiers, but they were trained by the British. Right so they had these military skills, which even the British feared because they are the ones who trained them, right. So they went and they besieged the

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59


00:40:00 --> 00:40:42

The palace of the king, and the king was forced to support them. So he had to put his name in rebellion. And then a lot of other lot of other Muslims got involved as well as they called it, you know, Jihad ifisa with Allah, though I believe it was not grtc it was facade feasability la la, it was facade. It was it was because it was completely out of control. There were no leaders. And this is why some of the scholars at the time they opposed it people like say, in the 07, Delaware Valley, who was in Delhi was one of the greatest scholars living at that time. He discouraged the Muslims from taking part in this rebellion, because it is not jihad. Jihad doesn't mean killing innocent

00:40:43 --> 00:40:51

men, women and children. It doesn't mean that some of these rebels, they actually lined British prisoners they had caught.

00:40:53 --> 00:41:33

They had caught these British personnel within Delhi and in the outskirts of Delhi. Among them were women and children and men, they lined them up and in front of the king of Delhi bother geographer they shot them dead. The King tried to dissuade them into the tree, the king tried to to stop the murder, the massacre, but they didn't listen to him. So they were shot dead. And a lot of the Muslim scholars are highly disturbed by this development. And they said this is not us. We don't represent this. So that's why some of the scholars actually went against other scholars, they said no, this is Muslims should lead it and they should turn it into a job movement. If it's not one.

00:41:35 --> 00:41:51

It was an unfortunate event, it was a catastrophe on a grand scale Muslims suffered daily as a result, Muslims are directly accused by the British Empire and people who were running the administration deliberately

00:41:52 --> 00:41:56

deprived Muslims of important posts,

00:41:57 --> 00:42:36

important educational opportunities and even giving them any place in any important you know, field in the society. So, the Hindus took full advantage of that situation. So they were able to take all the important pause. So Sufism, Khan and people like him, the intellectuals were looking at this situation is in the if the British left today, the Muslims will be completely destroyed because of the inability to run a state under Hindus, if Hindus if the British left a democracy, and what is democracy?

00:42:37 --> 00:42:38

majority terian ism

00:42:40 --> 00:42:56

right. The majority 51% imposes its rule on 49% minority. Yeah, murder Frankie nichia much para Xia fosh kiyohara Chandana is a colada hagarty jumhooree at otaku Mata,

00:42:57 --> 00:43:01

Jasmine Bondarenko, Nakata, tolani, kurta.

00:43:02 --> 00:43:40

This is what Paul said about democracy. He knew if the British left today, and they left democracy behind, he will be completely outnumbered. And we will lose all the power we currently have. That's why society makhan came up with this idea of a new homeland. But he was unfortunately, very impressed by the British Empire and his technological advancement. And its military strength and its material strength and its economic strength. And society, Mr. Khan was taken to Britain on a trip where he was given titles and a lot of respect and a lot of honor, because he was one of those people who

00:43:41 --> 00:43:50

argued for the British to to remain the rulers of India. He was in favor of the British rule.

00:43:51 --> 00:43:57

Not that he wanted it as an ideal situation. Of course, we know so say, so say the economist and say man, I don't blame him for

00:43:59 --> 00:44:24

what he did in terms of establishing the Aligarh college, which he established to educate the Muslims enough so that they can come up and take some important fields in in the system. This is what he wanted to do. He was a very sincere man with Muslims. As far as the Muslims are concerned, he was very sincere, but he made major mistakes. When it comes to theology. He was too impressed by

00:44:25 --> 00:44:59

the British literature. And unfortunately, he was one of those people because of his influence, or him being influenced by British literature at the time, he kind of started to reject certain established principles of Islam. For example, He rejected the reality of mergesort. Right miracles. So Theodor makhan, rejected miracles, the miracles don't exist. So for him or to him, every miracle in the Quran had to be explained naturalistically. So he began

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00

Human nature

00:45:02 --> 00:45:11

and we'll do we call it a tree or in English he was a naturalist. So he started to explain every miracle like for example musala Islam and he split the sea it was moto jazz or

00:45:13 --> 00:45:42

right or you know other things he started there is a very powerful book I all I really strongly recommend this and will do is called i&i per visit okay by Dr. Mann kailani matale einai purveys yet it goes through all these things and talks about where this this rejection actually started. Okay, it's a very extensive history of this rejection and some of the best books on encountered Heidi's

00:45:44 --> 00:46:09

reputations on in current these responses from the allama on in Carl Heidi's or rejection of her these are written in the audio language Believe it or not, because the fitna arose here in the old language, the fitna arose in the auto language. So it had to be handled in the new language, you will hardly find anything good anything extensive in the Arabic language or the Persian language on in choral Hadees.

00:46:10 --> 00:46:12

So the best works on in Cairo, Hades.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:30

its reputation are to be found in the audio language. And inshallah in due course, I can mention some very quickly. So Cena McCann was the first one to come up with this idea that we have to now he started to justify the theory of evolution. Right. So he became a naturalist.

00:46:32 --> 00:47:00

But the first one to openly come out and say that we reject Hades. We don't accept Hades, at all, at all, was a man called Abdullah Chalabi. Right? There is a man called Abdullah cullowhee who came up with this idea. And there's a hadith or Rasulullah saw Salaam that there will come a time when people will be leaning on cushions. Yeah.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:25

They will be leaning on cushions. And they will be saying I do not accept the song of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, the Quran is enough for us the sort of loss of sort of foothold. And some of the scholars in India in the subcontinent at the time and Abdullah chakra Allah we literally would give lectures leaning on a cushion. And he would be saying to people, I don't accept these Quran is enough for us.

00:47:26 --> 00:47:49

And some of them are pointed out that this is the fulfillment of the Hardy Soros or lost or stolen his prophecy, there will be people leading on questions and they will be saying I don't accept these anomalies in the Quran alone is enough for us, which is absurd, which is absurd parts of Quran cannot be comprehended without Sunnah the son of the province of Islam explaining those parts.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:56

I had a very long, interesting discussion in London speaker's corner, Hyde Park with the Hadith projector

00:47:58 --> 00:48:09

and it was like over an hour of discussion with him. And I asked him three simple questions. How do you do this? How do you do that? How do you pray? How do you make also Why do you make so I asked him?

00:48:10 --> 00:48:17

Do you have a wife? Yes, I do. Why when you have intimacy with her, do you do you make so after that? And

00:48:18 --> 00:48:28

he said I do wonder why the Quran doesn't clarify that. Quran in one verses for tassilo and the other worse in the other verse the Quran says for baharu

00:48:29 --> 00:48:34

when Quran talks about guzzle, it says for Busey Lu for baharu

00:48:36 --> 00:48:38

for Tata domains wash

00:48:39 --> 00:48:49

I asked him what what if we if we put these aside which explains what it means wash means have a have a wash have a bath, right? for major impurity?

00:48:50 --> 00:49:00

Right? So explain to me what does actually mean in the Quran? Wash What? Wash your face, wash your arms, wash your privates, wash What?

00:49:02 --> 00:49:04

for power means purify, purify, what?

00:49:05 --> 00:49:13

So if we don't have the sooner we cannot explain, you know, explain some of these terms in the Quran. We are completely left without guidance.

00:49:14 --> 00:49:23

That's why that's one of the professor's explains the Quran the Quran is the word of Allah, the Sunnah, the Hadith is revelation

00:49:24 --> 00:49:28

explaining the Quran explaining the Quran.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:35

So, Abdullah Chalabi was the first person who came out and he

00:49:36 --> 00:49:59

openly rejected Hadees. Then came another man called Aslam, jayaraj Puri, who also rejected at least influenced by czochralski. And then came another man called valamar ways. And then people he went to the next he went to a next level of rejection, rejecting these he started to interpret the Quran from his own mind and we have

00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

people doing that today. There is some person called Khalid. What's his name?

00:50:07 --> 00:50:16

There's one in Karachi. Mama check. Sorry, not sure Khalid Mohammed checks up. Mama cesab is very eloquent and do wha

00:50:17 --> 00:50:26

right and he knows the Quran well, and he uses that to misguide people. Mon gadot Quran Gita

00:50:27 --> 00:50:29

the free tertiary or Tavi?

00:50:30 --> 00:50:31

If you

00:50:33 --> 00:50:39

free yourself from the Sunnah of the professor solo then what are you left with? You're left with your own interpretation

00:50:41 --> 00:51:00

if the Prophet doesn't explain the Quran, then who does? Who does? Mama checks up Java Java demos on the sub for waste of uranium I'm not gonna go to the on a budget today be buddy buddy scholars I buddy buddy Allah my buddy buddy I am I on which order they harm in Coca Cola.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:02


00:51:07 --> 00:51:09

Wash Abdulaziz naked ob Dickey

00:51:10 --> 00:51:12

torrified Nigeria kaname say

00:51:13 --> 00:51:17

Rahmatullah lolly to Konami unified natural

00:51:19 --> 00:51:23

or ignem optic editor she must say on a

00:51:24 --> 00:51:27

jewel Lucknow que la Mancha bhulaiyaa ks kajabi kya

00:51:29 --> 00:51:44

kya to a sub ne koshish Girona, Java to Java Java samila yet on a caucus comm was Nakia Js codecasa jawab does only Bakshi as he took bazian to Woojin sakarya gasca

00:51:47 --> 00:51:53

Joe is Cooper up mopey rubbish curry torana Kaka Delica shahzada Orca.

00:51:56 --> 00:52:02

But then he gets share clinica de la Yaga July maturity. Con Delica Shahzad ARCA

00:52:04 --> 00:52:38

Amaya Banaras Banaras Banaras conjola Corona Corona liquid bath ki k daily Keisha, she has other Cimarron Keiji abdulazeez amatola keyaki nasura mom Italian deli Mary He was educated in Delhi his language is very strong is a sloop is his methodology the way he presented his arguments was very strong and this guy he's he's no he's not he's not he's a nobody in comparison to to sharp disease. So how can we even do a comparison? So our job is on the yellow belt a Japanese manga Tavella Bashkortostan, or

00:52:39 --> 00:53:23

we have other examples in the past of Allah who had memorized pre Islamic poetry who had memorized big, big chunky volumes of Hadees and they had overturned every single word of Hadees. And I'll come to address them point very quickly. So these are some people these individuals who have come to reject Hadees Okay, it started from societa Muskaan. Then it went into this man called de Lucha kilala V, and then Islam, geroge Puri, and then purveys, Willem purveys came, and he rejected Hades in totality. And people who followed him were called purveys ease, because it was a third car, and they were called pervasive and then came later on people who did not reject Halles openly and in

00:53:23 --> 00:53:49

thought in totality, they realized that if you are these, if you reject these in totality, you separate yourself from the main body of the oma Muslims become very, very vigilant about you. About Naga magisk, Amanda Bukhari Muslim Timothy so no doubt in the site subdued, it's all a lie. If someone comes along and says, All these six books you have collected, or your scholars are like they are, they are a bunch of lies,

00:53:50 --> 00:53:52

he will immediately become,

00:53:53 --> 00:53:54

you know,

00:53:55 --> 00:54:12

he will become very surprised, you will think so panela this is very abnormal, what this person is saying. It's a person who says I knew. So now what we have is a new phenomenon today. People who reject Hades in a subtle way, they do it subtly. But a jerk

00:54:13 --> 00:54:54

smoothly to the reject Hades in a way that you don't realize they actually rejecting Hades and who are people like that people like Java dama Gandhi's up, who is actually had this rejected, but he comes across as if he accepts these, but he has a different understanding of it. No, he rejects her these. These rejection comes in different forms and shapes. One form is complete rejection outrightly, harmonious command tanea. We don't accept these. That's one type. The other type is we accept some and others we do not accept because they're the ones that fit into our mind or the one the ones that agree with our conception of normality. We accepted the ones that do not fit into our

00:54:54 --> 00:54:59

intellectual framework. There is a problem with them. For example,

00:55:00 --> 00:55:45

The age of I shall have your lawan ha, I shall have Yolanda Ha. She was married to the prophets, Allah Salam at a very young age at nine. And it doesn't actually fit into the minds. They don't accept their minds don't accept it, because they have been conditioned by the modern age. Right? What's happening in the societies today? They have been conditioned by that today. If you heard someone got married, you're nine years old. You'll be shocked. Right? Do we agree? You'd be shocked? Hold on a second. No salty, but you synagogue here today. But our eggs or fowl, Pele? Exactly a century ago, in the year 1918. That wouldn't be a big problem. Even in the West, even in the West,

00:55:45 --> 00:55:55

where these ideas came from initially. Don't believe me? Don't believe me? What was the age of consent in Britain? For his latest 1880s

00:55:57 --> 00:55:58

was the age of consent.

00:56:01 --> 00:56:08

What I mean by age of consent is marriageable age legally by law. What was the marriageable age in Britain?

00:56:12 --> 00:56:18

As late as the year 1880 I'm talking about the year 1880 a Toronto a cetak.

00:56:19 --> 00:56:23

Nicole Kuma, Kathy bertanya. Me

00:56:26 --> 00:56:29

10 who said 10 Okay, who else?

00:56:31 --> 00:56:32


00:56:33 --> 00:56:34

Sol Sol.

00:56:36 --> 00:57:19

According to Who am I making these things up? Am I coming up with these ideas that, you know, William Blackstone's commentaries on the English law. William Blackstone was an 18th century judge who wrote commentaries on the English law in four volumes, published in the 18th century 1760s. And then further additions were printed as late as the early 19th century. And then his commentaries were published again in the 1860s. With new additions into the law, and that law as long as the 1860s stood that the marriageable age for a girl is seven.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:22


00:57:23 --> 00:58:07

It was not recommended by universe if someone got married to a 17 year old, a girl. He wasn't doing anything illegal. According to the English law 10 was fine 12 was perfectly perfectly okay. No problem. You can get married to a 12 you are berasategui mochizuki schaghticoke Yaga. Pakistan may forget England. Forget about England in Pakistan. Pura Han nanoscale Purdue a hum lager Vega, Pura Honda. If someone walks in with a 12 years old wife. I'm not saying that you should do it. Don't get me wrong. Yeah, I'm just I'm presenting a scenario. You know, a situation imagine a hypothetical situation. In Pakistan in Islamabad in this house. someone walks in one of your sons or one of your

00:58:07 --> 00:58:10

cousin's walks in with a 12 years old wife.

00:58:12 --> 00:58:12


00:58:14 --> 00:58:22

Yaga leukopenia. Moscow marathon, shall I say some of them? Huh? Bay sharam Bay hyah

00:58:24 --> 00:58:26

Jaya Hill, right xylem

00:58:28 --> 00:59:06

or the boreal forest of a bolita right. Do you agree with me or do you? Am I exaggerating? Right kooky societies have changed, values have changed. We have been influenced. We have been conditioned. This generation which is sitting in front of me right now they cannot even imagine comprehend something like that. But a century ago, these things are perfectly normal. Anyone could walk in with a 10 years old as a wife. No problem better Joshua Bo Kanako Baraka, Mashallah, singing and dancing like this. We have examples, historical examples

00:59:08 --> 00:59:55

for why do you need historic examples when the law allows it in the country in England, in Britain, right. So these people are conditioned. So that's why what are the causes of these rejection of modern are these rejection? Now I come to the causes. I mentioned few individuals, old and new. Started in the subcontinent is a new phenomenon altogether. It happened 1200 years ago. It was taught then it was confronted, it was buried forever. And then it reemerged in India in the subcontinent in the 19th century. Right. Some Muslim intellectuals, no doubt they were intellectuals. But being an intellectual doesn't mean that you are a scholar of Islam. You have

00:59:55 --> 00:59:59

actually studied the tradition of Islam, the transmission of Hadees

01:00:00 --> 01:00:09

It doesn't mean that. So, what are the qualities of these projectors? What are the qualities?

01:00:11 --> 01:00:12

qualities number one

01:00:13 --> 01:00:17

they will be heavily influenced by Western thought

01:00:19 --> 01:00:32

or colonial thought they will be mentally colonized, right? They make Western political, moral philosophical system

01:00:33 --> 01:00:34

a judge

01:00:35 --> 01:00:40

over Islam Do you understand barrio shades?

01:00:44 --> 01:00:44


01:00:47 --> 01:00:52

So my I don't need them by the way, but when I put them on, I see different

01:00:53 --> 01:00:56

something changes, something changes.

01:00:57 --> 01:00:59

Now if I color them green,

01:01:00 --> 01:01:03

if I color them green, when I put them on, what am I gonna see?

01:01:05 --> 01:01:06

Green right.

01:01:07 --> 01:01:08

In some places,

01:01:11 --> 01:01:17

goats bacteria, they're not used to eating you know eating yellow grass.

01:01:18 --> 01:01:20

So, they put green shades on there.

01:01:23 --> 01:01:27

So that the graph looks green from the other side.

01:01:30 --> 01:02:02

So, when you put on shades of a culture of a philosophical system of a political system on your eyes, and you see through those shades to look at another system, which speaks for itself on its own terms, then you will see a distorted picture of that system. Do you agree? When you don't allow a system to speak for itself or to work within its own framework, then you will always get a distorted system.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:08

So when you mix channel chart with

01:02:09 --> 01:02:14

with many fruit chart main channel chart with the

01:02:15 --> 01:02:15


01:02:17 --> 01:02:20

hmm through trifle something sweet and mix it up.

01:02:23 --> 01:02:24


01:02:25 --> 01:02:36

yamamura kadaga Ratan Tata salmon Kurdish man. hora hago. Krishna portugu. Veronica, right. Krishna VISTA hoga. Right, there will be a reaction.

01:02:38 --> 01:03:22

You will have food poisoning you will get problems right? Likewise, when you mix Islam with cover with missile mimics Islam with non Islamic ideologies. Right, you will get a mishmash. And then you will have food poisoning, right or something I would leave Islam to speak for itself on its own terms and leave the western philosophical political system to speak for itself on its own terms. If it works for the Westerners, we wish them well, who wish them well. But for the Muslims, if you really want to be Muslim, then understand Islam on its own terms. Right. So what happened was some of these intellectuals in the 19th century, they put on Western shades to study the culture, the

01:03:22 --> 01:03:30

civilization and the tradition of Islam. And they ended up with these distortions, some of the things in Hades did not fit into the western mindset or the western

01:03:32 --> 01:04:11

thinking which was continuously evolving. By the way Western philosophical system or Western thinking or Western thought has still not stopped evolving, it is still evolving, there is no limit to changing it. Okay, it has been evolving for the last 1000 years Western philosophers keep coming with new theories with new ideas and they are applied again and again in the societies and the societies are still experimenting, right? And what we are witnessing right now is an outcome of the Enlightenment thinking, the Age of Enlightenment, which which happened in the 18th century, when Western philosophers came to rise or came to prominence and they started to present their theories,

01:04:11 --> 01:04:18

social theories, or political theories, economic theories, political theories in the form of for example, john Locke,

01:04:20 --> 01:04:31

economic theories, people like Adam Smith, right. Social law or what do you call it? theories on population? We have Thomas Paine. Sorry, not Thomas Paine.

01:04:32 --> 01:04:57

Thomas Malthus. Yes, absolutely. So these philosophers came up with these theories. And the dominant philosophy that governs Western societies is called utilitarianism, which in other words can be translated as consequentialism consequentialism means if, if, if actions do not have bad consequences, then you can actually do them. You know, the ends justify

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

the means right?

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

Okay, so

01:05:03 --> 01:05:04

this is how the system goes.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:18

I don't want to turn this into a lecture on Western philosophy coming back to the hideous rejections of the Hades rejection. One quality you will find in these people who reject these is they are heavily influenced by colonial thought.

01:05:20 --> 01:05:22

Okay is tamari sauce

01:05:23 --> 01:05:25

colonial masters left

01:05:27 --> 01:05:52

their bodies but never left their minds. They're still colonized mentally that's one thing. Second thing second quality in them is john ignorance of the Islamic tradition. Most of these are these rejecters people like mama che even including Java Muslim these are respectfully sit them down and question them about Elmore Riyal

01:05:53 --> 01:06:09

there are rewire Okay, you're fine you know these sciences within the science of Hades and discuss deep topics with them as to why you rejected these for example, what are your basis? Why do you cast doubts?

01:06:11 --> 01:06:40

Right. And you will find them to be very ignorant on basic things on the science of Hades. Another quality in them is they are heavily influenced by the works of orientalist. mostashari. Kane. mostashari King, right? Musashi Keane are people who wrote started writing in the 19th century mainly from they were Germans, they were Dutch, they were English, they were French. They started to study Islam, the history of Islam, and they had their own

01:06:41 --> 01:06:46

lens, looking at Islam. And because they use the lens,

01:06:47 --> 01:06:56

which was still evolving, when the lens is continuously changing, what will it show you are gorgeous Mega parbhani Dahlia, Navara Yaga dansko

01:06:57 --> 01:07:30

archaeon Cassie Gucci ranganna. Right? They will, they will, they won't, they won't be stabilized. You won't be able to see clearly what you're looking at. So actor lens evolve aura, and then the using that lens to understand and study Islam. So people like Ignace gold Dyer, Theodore Knoll deck, people like Springer people like William Moore, who was an oriental is writing in India. Okay, so one of the necessities was to actually suppress Islamic movement in India as well, because

01:07:31 --> 01:07:42

one of the causes of the Indian mutiny 1857 was that the British officers, some of them became even if evangelical Christians

01:07:43 --> 01:08:28

and they started to spread Christianity through the power of the Empire. Okay, so they started to bring in missionaries to India, to preach Christianity to Muslims. And in this, there were disturbances, right. Muslim scholars challenged some of these missionaries to cite one incident in 1854. There was a debate that took place in Agra and about awkward about is also known as ogra and an Indian city between a German missionary a German evangelist named fandor and Maulana Rahmatullah Cyrano de Rahmatullah. Cyrano de was not mainly aware of Christian theology.

01:08:29 --> 01:09:16

But there was another man called was he Han was Iran had studied medicine in Britain. He had come to Britain, he studied medicine in Britain. And when he studied medicine out of interest, he started to read works on Christianity, published in Britain at that time, and because of the growing rationalist movement in Britain, or in Europe, generally speaking, due to the Enlightenment period, a lot of philosophers, historians, theologians, they started to attack Christianity. Because atheism grew in the 18th century in Europe, Trinity didn't make sense. They had realized the Bible is all altered, it's a corrupted word, attributed to God. Right. So a lot of these things came out and V

01:09:16 --> 01:09:34

Han was able to read these books and learn some very powerful arguments which fondre was not aware of fondre was very well known learned in the Quran, and the Hadith, just like we have j Smith today. Do you know Jay Smith is have debated him many times in the park, right?

01:09:36 --> 01:09:59

Yeah, J Smith. He knows more about the Quran and the Sunnah than he knows about Christianity, because that's what that's all he does that he will quote verses on top of verses from the Koran. Right. But when it when it comes to Christianity, the Bible is not very well aware of Christian theology. Christian scholarship, was econ at studied Christian scholars. He came back he is

01:10:00 --> 01:10:10

supervised molana kerana we molana kerana we debated founder founder was completely destroyed in that debate. And William mewar was present in that very debate.

01:10:11 --> 01:10:35

And newer than wrote books against Islam to do damage control. You know, he wrote a biography of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salam in four volumes. Then he wrote a history of the caelius of Islam, and he wrote a history of the Mamelukes and the list goes on. So these orientalist writing works. And by the way, the mirror was very closed to subsea damas con. Zilla makonnen was a good friend with him.

01:10:37 --> 01:10:47

So all of these works influenced some of these people, these intellectuals and because they had little knowledge of Islamic tradition, the science of Hades was very

01:10:48 --> 01:11:17

underdeveloped. Anyway, in India, there were people in India, whom you can count on your one hand who mastered the science of Hades, and unfortunately, they didn't know the English language to be able to confront some of these orientalist ideas. There were people like Subhan Allah so he had no zeros and delahey Rama, Rama had this in Delhi. There were people like DevOps Dickerson Khan, a great squatter of Hades. There are people like

01:11:19 --> 01:11:42

Cher Hossein Moxon, alonza Yamani, a Gemini scholar, who was teaching in Bhopal, who was invited to Bhopal by Nawab Sadiq Khan to come and lecture on Hadees in India, and then he produced two students, who wrote very powerful commentaries on two important books of Hadees Sana Buddhahood and Fernando teramachi. Without

01:11:44 --> 01:11:56

the commentary on it was written by shamsul Huck, or the my buddy, who was a direct student of Chef ofin, Ben Marshall and Lanza and Sahil Yamani. And the other student was

01:11:57 --> 01:12:26

March Madness, Mubarak Puri, who wrote this commentary on teramachi titled to Fatah was he, these scholars were there but there were very few people who could speak English and confront the works of orientalist. So the orientalist were mainly read by so called intellectuals. And these intellectuals when they read the works orientalist, they thought they assumed it's got a job hoity sakta to get out of jail and a child but gotta be kitakata Right.

01:12:27 --> 01:12:44

Right. Whatever Qatar berthoud Qatar very powerful arguments me Salvador Richard Dawkins, Kiki dhaba God Delusion TK, yo Nana Machado. anata University Miyata, English koneko literal in any English at a commodity Mundo Guevara Shaka Takata Marika, Dawkins, Nikita Papa, right? Your dog is up because our oh

01:12:45 --> 01:12:48

boy mole with a job this okay. Right?

01:12:52 --> 01:12:55

Are there are people who have dismantled Dawkins

01:12:56 --> 01:13:02

even to even to a sentence, right? There are people who have written books, Christians and Muslims.

01:13:04 --> 01:13:12

And they're not necessarily always Okay, our brother handles all this has written a book called The Divine reality.

01:13:13 --> 01:13:53

dismantling a lot of atheist ideas, theistic ideas in the light of science, philosophy and all of the things right. So just because you are giant on a topic, and you read a book on that topic from the opposing side, and because you don't know the answers, because you haven't studied doesn't mean there are no answers. The answers are there, you just not you just don't know them. You have no idea. So, a lot of orientalist have influenced these these reactors. So, what are the causes as to why they are these rejecters? What are the causes? I have talked about the qualities the qualities you will find in them gehele

01:13:54 --> 01:14:05

Okay, they are influenced by colonial thought. Right. And they are influenced by orientalist. But what are the causes? In some cases?

01:14:07 --> 01:14:48

They know they're wrong. In some cases, they know they're wrong. And how do you know that? How do you know that they know that they are wrong. Because when you challenge them to a debate, they will never come to a debate. They don't want to debate they will run away from you. They will run with with the with the tail in between the legs, they will run they will never come and face you because they don't they have too much to lose. They have too much to lose if they come if you make them look like idiots. In a debate finished. The followers will realize that this person or you know the beautiful talking and eloquence is simply sophistry is rhetoric there is no substance to it. Right.

01:14:48 --> 01:14:50

So they

01:14:51 --> 01:14:59

they know they're wrong but to earn money to make money. They will come out and say controversial things. Our job no magrabi Dunia maturana

01:15:00 --> 01:15:05

The easiest way to do it is to criticize Islam. Islam Guevara ganache horrible.

01:15:06 --> 01:15:32

Jambi, Pakistan, maybe urine. If you want to be famous you want to be, you know, put on pedestal. Let's say something stupid about Islam canastota choto come up with something new and you will become famous immediately. Controversy sells. Some people are pure controversialist. They just like attention, money or fame. And that's the problem. And other causes, again,

01:15:36 --> 01:15:45

the lack of knowledge, why they haven't started. They haven't studied Islam. And that's why they are the way they are. And they think they're right.

01:15:47 --> 01:15:57

Another cause was that came to mind earlier, that they are being funded. They are being supported by forces that want to promote

01:15:58 --> 01:16:17

what we call bedini in the society, or lack of religion, or they want to confuse people, the masses about religion about Islam so that people stay away from religion. Right. And a lot of these people, these are these rejecters they are very popular among people who don't want to practice Islam.

01:16:18 --> 01:16:28

They don't want to practice Islam, they just want to make excuses. hijaab neighbor Naga zombies avec la Javelin binotto, Juan de sonica do you know, Java demos? Gandhi has said it.

01:16:31 --> 01:16:36

Right. So a job many, there is no need to have a job. Right? It's like that.

01:16:39 --> 01:17:04

And if you want to deal in rebar, or if you they make everything halaal for you. Because, you see, when you take Heidi's out of the picture, your life becomes very easy to them. Right? You don't have to abstain from you know, a lot of things, a lot of limits that Islam puts you are freed. Right you become like a Christian believe in the cross and you have salvation. Right?

01:17:06 --> 01:17:19

So you don't have to do your mas. You don't have to do all these things * because you're up near right. And then they misinterpret the Quran. They do all kinds of stupid interpretations on the Quran, and because of that, they are misguided. So

01:17:21 --> 01:18:10

this was a brief summary of the future of ngaro hobbies in the subcontinent. And in another setting inshallah we can possibly discuss in length some of the arguments and the rebuttals, right, today was an introduction to the history of ngaro Hadees in the subcontinent primarily. And I hope I have done justice to the topic and in the future in another setting. inshallah, as I stated, we will deal with the arguments one by one, what arguments they bring up. And, you know, for example, the age of Russia was one of the things I mean, when things do not fit into the frame of mind. They start to reject them, they just wash your hands away, without giving any reasons. Now I asked them a question

01:18:10 --> 01:18:26

that if Buhari has reasons to believe that the prophets Allah Salam said something definitely without a doubt, what basis do you have today to reject it? For example, there are reports in Sol Bukhari, there are three people between Yvonne Bukhari and the Messenger of Allah.

01:18:27 --> 01:18:28

Three people,

01:18:29 --> 01:18:50

Buhari narrates from his teacher, Maki ignobly, Ebrahim Maki blavia, Abraham's, the red switch teacher is easy to be obeyed. He didn't obey obey the rails from his teacher salamati laqua and integration the processor salon. So which one is alive in the chain? Tell us why do we need to reject these reports. Then there are reported four narratives of the law the use of

01:18:51 --> 01:19:20

thought Buhari, and then he was taught by Malik bananas, malignant Anna's from NASA and NASA from Abdullah bin Omar and the Prophet for people in the chain between Bukhari and Rasulullah. Salam which one was which one is a liar. All of them are public figures, teaching publicly what they had heard from their teachers. And those teachers had thought publicly, they were known figures in public to 1000s of people. And the list goes on up to the promise of colossal and why do we need to reject? This is why they don't come for a debate.

01:19:21 --> 01:19:26

They have erroneous reasons to reject these, some of them.

01:19:28 --> 01:19:59

Yes, inshallah. I'm going to come to q&a in a minute, inshallah I'm finishing right now. So a lot of these questions come up, for example, about the use of eyeshadow, Yolanda that she was married to the province also when he was when she was nine and the profit of 63. Today currently in the modern age, because we have been influenced by liberal secular thought. It is aborted to us right. Back in the day, even when the Europeans were struggling with liberalism and secularism. It wasn't a problem for them. It wasn't a problem for them. No, no, no, it was legally allowed. It was legally allowed.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:11

Before he jumped to the seventh century to condemn the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam, can we start with the 19th century? And tell all the English people that all your ancestors were a bunch of pedophiles?

01:20:12 --> 01:20:15

Yes, because he was legally allowed

01:20:16 --> 01:20:35

all the judges all the lawyers, all the people who practice that law are a bunch of pedophiles before we go on to a purse and and then go to the 18th century and then go to the 17th and and the 16th and the 15th and then you see the 15th century you have King Henry the Eighth getting married to his wife at 12

01:20:36 --> 01:20:45

right and the list goes on there are so many the canon law the Catholic canon law, what was the age of consent, what was the marriageable age 1010.

01:20:47 --> 01:21:04

So, all of these things, these people who reject these okay had these claim cargado john Xu J. This is the logic. The logic is Elise can cargo Johnny Jamaica is very different connected now. We don't see territory just because of just because someone doesn't like it.

01:21:05 --> 01:21:24

So, inshallah, in the future, we will discuss these things in detail and look at some of the arguments. Stop now. Thank you so much for being patient and listening. And hopefully you have benefited. And if you have, please keep us in your prayers and ask Allah to accept our efforts. Welcome to Dhawan and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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