Adnan Rashid – Cape Town Radio 786

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The importance of educating others about Islam is highlighted, including the need for intentionality and bringing people to Islam in a unique way. The speakers stress the importance of promoting Islam online to attract younger people and empower them, as well as reaching out to individuals through various methods. The speakers emphasize the need for leaders to encourage young people to take leadership positions and use media and digital platforms to promote Islam. The conversation ends with a future debate between Christian leaders and the New Guinea government.
AI: Transcript ©
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and it is now time for this week's edition of Victrola. Today the broad topic that we will be addressing is where ever you go you take your Islam with you. This is how we impact our society and the world at large. And I'm very happy and very privileged to welcome to the studios of 786. We'll start at nine Rasheed, who joins us here in studio all the way from London. Assalamu Aleikum. We'll start at Dan, how are you? Thank you so much. I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine. Very happy to be here. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah? Was that your first time in Cape Town? Your first time in South Africa? Actually, in Cape Town? It's my third time in South Africa. I can't remember. I've been few times,

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but in Cape Town, the third time Yes. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. So, so was that you are known, of course for the for the Dawa work that you do? Even though you I mean, I was looking at some of your bio. You are a historian. You have a specialty in the history of Islamic civilization comparative religion, and Hadith literature. You are I love of poetry traveling antiquities, books and numerous hydromatic give us medics, yes, I'm showing my ignorance. But of course, it is way beyond the scope of our time. We have a very short time with you to go into all of those very, very interesting areas. I'm going to start off by asking you in terms of the downward work that you do, how would you

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define it? And

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yeah, how would you just put it?

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Thank you so much for having me to address your audiences. And I'm very honored to be with you today. Thank you so much. And thank you for the question. Tao, as I understand it, is calling non Muslims to Islam. Okay, it is basically our educational mechanism in Islam. How do we educate others about our faith? Islam is a missionary faith, if you like Islam, basically the faith that has to be taught to others as far as the Muslims are concerned, we have been commanded by our Creator, Allah, to take the message of Islam to those who do not have it, who do not understand it, who have never heard about it. So it is a specific duty which has been bestowed upon us by Allah subhanaw taala. In

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the Quran, there are multiple verses that command Muslims in general, to indulge in Dawa. For example, Allah says in the Quran, Allah will loan should on regime similar manner him Odori la Seville Arabic mill Hikmah, or mo Ezekiel Hassan wotja, Delhomme bility, Assam called to the way of your Lord, with wisdom with beautiful preaching. And if you have to indulge in dialogues and debates, then do it in the best manner possible. So this is a direct verse from the Quran, Allah is teaching us how to indulge in Dawa, how to invite people to your faith, how to get them to understand your faith, so that they don't misunderstand you. And misunderstandings usually breed.

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They breed hatred, they breed all sorts of problems, right? When people misunderstand, you can end up you know, hating you or disliking you, or being you know, away from you staying away from you. So Dawa is a mechanism to bring people closer to you, even if they don't accept Islam, the people will have a sympathetic view of Islam, they will understand your faith more, they will have more sympathy for you. So Dawa is basically

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survival for Muslim this life it is our life if we don't indulge in Tao, then we are actually effectively causing people to have misconceptions about us. So this is this is how I understand our it is an obligation. We have to take it to others, even the prophets life as a model.

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It is a beautiful model for us to follow and he spent his entire life calling people to Islam. Okay, his entire life as a man that he went through a lot of difficulties he suffered as a result of his message.

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And it wasn't easy for him his family suffered, He himself suffered, he was nearly killed at times, he was stoned. To the extent that His shoes were filled with blood. His entire body was bleeding. He was spat at he was insulted. He was humiliated in ways that people were shocked when they saw the way he was being treated. Even his own companions couldn't help him at times because they felt very, very weak during the early days of Islam. So why was the prophet going through all of this because he wanted the world to understand this faith, which wasn't from him, it came from a light came from the Creator. So thou is a very important obligation which

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We have collectively neglected unfortunately, the Muslim community around the world we have collectively neglected this obligation and the result is misconceptions, misunderstandings going around the world on media and otherwise. Yeah. So, so going on what you are saying was that Dawa is not something which is which would be reserved for scholars of Deen as such, it is incumbent on every single one of us to ensure that Islam for want of a better term lives on. Absolutely. And so that people, the masses in general,

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in particular, non Muslim masses, don't don't misunderstand you. Okay? So you don't have to be a scholar to indulge in Dawa. Allah never said in the Quran that you have to be qualified to a certain level to go and start calling people to Allah. Because this is the most basic thing. calling people to Allah to the Creator, to the maker of the heavens in the earth is the most basic thing one can do as a Muslim, right? So you don't have to be a scholar. You don't have to be a Molana or an A Lama or a Mufti or a chef, you don't have to be that because the prophets of Allah Salam in a report he stated Balaguer honey wala, deliver for me, even if it's a sentence, even if it's a verse. So this

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shows us that you don't have to be a scholar to deliver a sentence for the prophets, Allah salah, almost every single Muslim on the planet knows something basic from the Prophet, so just share it. Even saying, There is only one God that's Dawa. There is only one God who created the heavens in the earth. That's Tao. Muhammad is the Messenger of God. That's dower we all know this right? We don't have to be scholars to convey this. So that's why Dawa is like an individual obligation, in particular for those Muslims who live in predominantly non Muslim societies. So those Muslims who live in Muslim Societies, for them, this may be a collective obligation, if you like, but those who

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live with non Muslims, in non Muslim majority countries, for them, it is an individual obligation to convey the message of Islam in whatever capacity they may choose. So they may be working in, let's say, a bread factory. So you talk to your non non Muslim colleagues, if you are a taxi driver, let's say you speak speak to your customers. If you are a lawyer, you speak to your clients, right? You tell them about Islam, this is your ultimate duty as a Muslim, to convey the message of Islam to those who don't have it. This is not so that you can gain something from them. This is to give them something because we believe Islam is life. Islam changes life. Islam brings happiness to people in

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this world, and in the hereafter. So Islam is a symbol of success, not only in this world, but also in the hereafter. So when we die, we go to our Lord and we will be responding to all the all the questions will be asked about our life we spent in this in this world. So that's why we have to prepare ourselves. And conveying the message of Islam is basically being selfless, not selfish. If you keep Islam to yourself, if you are like an insular personality who just keeps yourself to yourself, you're individualistic, you're staying at home, you're keeping goodness to yourself, it's like you have a treasure, which which grows. Exactly, I mean, this is Islam is a treasure that grows

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when you when you when you when you share it, it doesn't decrease, okay? It's not like your golden silver and your money in the bank account. When you spend it, it decreases right? Not the commodity. Exactly. So as long as when you share it, it grows, right? So it's spread, your treasure is growing. So you can't keep it like a selfish person. That's why we have to share it with others to make this world a better place. So what is the benefit? If someone becomes a Muslim, ideally, I mean, ideally, a good Muslim should be truthful, honest.

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A person of integrity, right? Someone who doesn't cheat and lie, someone who doesn't harm others, okay? We cannot harm other people. We have to be law abiding citizens. We have to make this world a better place. We have to be tidy and clean, we cannot litter the streets. These are some virtues that come with Islam, some basic virtues. So if we are calling people to this, worshiping Allah Alon, one God who deserves to be worshipped and following his teachings that come to us in the Quran, then we are making this world a better place. So Dawa is basically multifaceted. It has many, many great outcomes. Yeah.

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We'll start can we then differentiate exactly, because we now we touched on the idea that it's not just sort of the domain of those that are scholars

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as religion it is incumbent on every single Muslim. So can we differentiate between sort of, and for lack of a better term sort of an active explicit type of Dawa or an implied Dawa, just by virtue of one's actions and how one engages with people. Dawa can be in different work it can be done in different ways. It comes in different forms. So there is settled our, and there is a open now, for example, there is passive Dow and is active Dow right. So it can be done in different ways. If you if you're not a good speaker, if you don't feel confident to talk to people about your faith, you don't have the knowledge or the confidence. If you think you have to be learned, then you can do

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subtle, passive Dawa by your behavior, smiling, smiling, if you're a Muslim, if you're a visible Muslim, just smile at people. Can I Can I ask on that point, then it was that I think part of that question would be how important with intentionality be. So that I'm actively promoting and so the idea Yes, of a smile, yes, and imparting and showing good manners, which is essential to being a good Muslim. Good. Yeah. So how important would intentionality be within the broadest Now it's very important is absolutely central to one's actions. As the Prophet said, All actions are based upon intentions. So if you are smiling at someone so that they feel attracted to Islam, or they feel

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attracted to your character, and ask you questions about your faith or your lifestyle, let's say right, if you smile at people with that intention, you are getting reward. Just by stretching few muscles on your face, you are getting reward from Allah subhanaw taala. And you know what the Prophet said this very clearly. Salatu Salam, the Prophet said Lattakia, nominal Maru vicia Walo and Bulka AHA haka. Be watching Dalek. Do not belittle any of your good deeds, don't belittle any of your good deeds, even smiling at your brother, even so this is specifically from the Prophet salallahu Salam smile is a form of Dawa, so you may change someone's day, there is someone who's

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going through troubles in life, someone who's not happy on that particular day, let's say, and you smile at them, or if someone throws back at you, if someone insults you, or someone says something unpleasant to you, and you smile in return, that will really affect people. We've had cases where people came to our lot, who are giving dower and they threw hate at them, or some unpleasant words at them. And they smiled. In response. Those people who were who were acting in this way, they completely changed the attitude change, they started to ask questions, they started, and in fact, we had examples where people accepted Islam just because of that smile. Okay, so intention is

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absolutely central to this, if your intention is correct, you action will be correct as well. Okay, it has to be correct. So two things constitute in Islam, a good action, what we call our masala, right? A good action in Islam has a very set definition. It constitutes good intention, followed by a good action. A good action is basically what the prophet prescribed, or what the Prophet did and following his example, we can have a good intention and do a bad action with a good intention. For example, we don't have Robin Hood's in Islam, right, who was robbing he was robbing the rich and feeding the poor, okay? We don't have that. Exactly, the intention is good, action is wrong. So both

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have to be right. So intention is very important in this so if you make an intention to do dower call people to Islam, by charity, by smiling, by being kind and generous by removing harmful things from the road, if if if you're walking on the road, and you see something harmful in the middle of the road, and you remove it with the intention of Dawa so that others can see that this Muslim, right is, is doing something good. So they will know that this is because of his faith or her faith. So they will be attracted to Islam. So that's a passive form of active Dawa is when you talk to people you actually feel confident enough to go and address people and invite them to Islam and

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goodness. So Dawa comes in many different ways, but intention is very important. You have to make intention and indulge in Dharma, whether it's passive or active, you have to find your, your remit as they say. So would you then say, Start based on what you're saying, and based at the majority of Muslims, we aren't. And oftentimes the idea of quoting, for example, from Quran and Hadith, it's slightly intimidating. Exactly if we wanted to scholar but but I'm thinking in terms of laypeople for the most part, would you then say that Dawa as a concept if we imbibe and embody it, then every action of ours becomes a way in which to propagate the beauty of Islam? Absolutely. Absolutely. 100%

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if you if you live down, if you sit down, if you eat down as they say, right, if it becomes

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As part of your you're living your life, okay? You will be doing it naturally right? As long as you have this intention when you living look when you when you live in a non Muslim society, which is predominantly non Muslim right? You have to as you use the word imbibed, you have to imbibe Dawa within your character, you really have to bring it in, you have to make it as lifestyle. Dawa has to become a lifestyle for you, you know you have to behavior, you have to behave yourself, you have to behave in a manner which is befitting of Islam or befitting a Muslim or being a good Muslim. So, when you behave like that, naturally, you will be attracting people to Islam and your character,

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right? People will ask questions, people remember you, we have example where people were kind and generous. And when they died, non Muslims came asking for them. Where is this person? What is this man? I mean, I can give you a very quick example, we might be going for a break very soon, right? But you know, Dawa can be done in beautiful ways without even realizing because it becomes your lifestyle. Because this is the way you are, okay? And you're doing down naturally by your actions by your behavior. Oprah Winfrey is one of the biggest shows in the US, right? Okay. And it's watched by millions of people. There was this actress who was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. And she she was

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asked about some of the most beautiful moments of her life. And she mentioned that she was going through divorce. And she ended up in Indonesia, or for a holiday and she wanted to break. And then she would walk on the beach every single day. And she would see this Muslim woman in hijab smiling at her he doesn't know her language. And they don't know they don't communicate by speaking to each other. But she smiles at her every single day. Right? And then she she felt she felt ill. And she didn't turn up on the beach on that day. And this woman came looking for her. She found her shivering in her bed. This is a very big actress. I forgot her name. But she was interviewed by

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Oprah Winfrey. And she's telling the story, that this is my view of Islam. This is my experience of Islam. She was telling Oprah Winfrey, so this woman came and she took me in her arms, she started to take care of me. She brought food for me. And I was lonely. I was alone. I was depressed, I was dying. No one was there to take care of me. This woman took care of me. Even though she didn't know me. She had no personal connection with me. But she came looking for me. And this was the woman who was would smile at me every single day when I would walk on the beach alone, right? So she said, this gave me hope in humanity. Right? This gave me hope in life, something like some something to

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this effect. She said, she said, This is my face of Islam. This is what I see in Islam. You see. So this woman, whoever she is, she's not I don't know who she this woman is. She's some villager in Indonesia not knowing what she's doing. But she has done a good deed. And that good deed caused Dawa to be done to millions of people in the US in the US watching that program through Oprah Winfrey. So possibly hundreds of millions of people want

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to receive Dawa? Absolutely. And it really sort of gives or demonstrate this whole idea around imbibing and embodying qualities associated with being a good person. And from the obviously the idea of being a donkey is absolutely absolutely well your whole life. So we'll start we need to go for a short break. There's a few points I want to pick up on. After that. Inshallah, in studio with me we have to start with a non Rashid, who is talking to us on the broader concept about Dawa, but on the topic wherever you go, you take your Islam with you. Please stay tuned to radio 786 on 100.4 FM. We'll be back just after the break.

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We are entering the final half of today's segment of the Crow law. Today we are very privileged to welcome who start at nine Rasheed in studio with us who, who hails all the way from the UK. And we are discussing the topic wherever you go, you take your Islam with you, before the break would start was expounding for us the whole concept of Dawa and how it is incumbent on every single Muslim to perform ought to do that well in one way or the other, whether it's in the passive way, whether it's in a very explicit active way by calling people to Islam, but it is incumbent, we were also talking about the idea of imbibing

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qualities associated with being a good Muslim and being a good person in order for us to once we imbibe it and how important intentionality is and calling people to Islam Sheikh was really started was relating to us a story about the lady and some one of our listeners was

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that have messaged us to say that the actress you were referring to was Elizabeth Gilbert. And her experience was with a Muslim woman. And that was a experience of Islam, her experience of Islam was not of violence, it was not a fanaticism, it was of beauty of empathy, of kindness, of somebody taking care of. And so again, harkening back to the idea of embodying these qualities, and so we oftentimes separate, you know, modesty, kindness, etc. But if we are actively that is all the time, then that means we incorporated. So I want to pick up on something else that will start alluded to earlier on, but I think it's, it's important that we they are there to maybe discuss this in a bit

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more detail. The fact that even as as people who in some way the other promote Islam, that living in different contexts, certainly would impact on the way in which we relay Islam in the ways in which we propagate Islam.

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So maybe just speaking to us a bit about that, you know, how different would it be in a context like Cape Town, as opposed to a, which is a Muslim minority space, as opposed to a space where it's the Muslim majority? So in a place like Cape Town, I think we need to reach out to the non Muslims from different walks of life. I know there are different economic conditions here, there are townships, okay. And then there are suburbs, well, to do suburbs, financially stable, people are financially prosperous, let's say, people who live in different areas, and they have different levels of education, then we have areas where people are financially struggling, and they live in,

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you know, dire poverty. Exactly, exactly. So there are other economic social issues. So we need to really assess the situations of different people in different places, and approach them accordingly. Okay. Dawa is not like, you know, one that can exactly one size fits all, you know, we have to really approach people with different styles, different languages, different methods, depending on the economic conditions, the education, education levels, and how they are living as a people. So we have to indulge in this sort of research. Look, we established businesses. And when we establish businesses, if you are if, if we are really serious about our businesses, we do research, right? How

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do we find our target audience? Let's say when we do marketing for our product, when we are selling something, right, how do we target our audience? We do research feasibility studies. Exactly, exactly. So we find ways to reach different people in different ways in different languages, right? So this is exactly what we have to do with our right we have so many skills and so many methods now we have mastered in in recent day and age. In this current day and age, we we can use all those sophisticated

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ideas and methods to fund that for Dawa. Why not why wouldn't we we're not changing Islam, what we're doing is we're using modern tools, modern ideas, to convey our faith, you can use social media, okay, you can reach out, you can reach out for the youth on platforms like you know, YouTube, tick, tock and Instagram, people are using it for all sorts of negative things, right, there's a lot of negative energy, there's a lot of waste of time, there's a lot of unnecessary content. And people are become zombies scrolling on on these apps, you know, Facebook, your zombie scrolling, and then you're looking at inconsequential content content that doesn't have any real impact. real value

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doesn't make this world a better place, if anything is causing more problems, right? So we can use these tools, these very powerful tools to reach people, right, everyone's carrying a smartphone nowadays, even in villages. If you go to Amazonia, let's say in Brazil, or in Peru, you will see people using smartphones now. So this is a very powerful method to employ to reach people. And no one's blocking us. No one's stopping I mean, gone are the days of this mainstream media channels where you you couldn't put your voice out there you know, you were vetted, you were really kind of sidelined or marginalized from the from the mainstream debate, right? But but now we have these

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tools at our disposal. Okay, we can use them powerfully, if effectively and intellectually intelligently and reach out all these people. And then on the ground, we can go on the ground, we can do some positive work, we can help people who are living in poverty, we can reach out to them to some charity, educate children, okay established programs of inviting people to listen to the message of Islam and at the same time, help them

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empower them, give them skills, give them medication, if people are suffering from drug abuse or something like that, have drug rehabilitation centers, you take them to those centers and talk to them about Islam and your faith and why you're helping them, you're helping them because you feel sympathy towards them, right? And when when it comes to rich people, highly educated people, you employ a different approach, you go out to them and tell them look, life is not all about life is not a game. It's not all about making money. It's not about having a swimming pool in your house and driving range rover. And this is not what life is about life is about making this world a better

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place. And you can do that better by worshipping your Lord Your Creator, right? It's not always about having extra money in your bank account. Because people live lives in different circumstances, for different ends, right? People have different goals, poor people, their goal is to put food on the table, right? Rich people, their goal is to make more money and get richer, right. So this is why we have to really assess the conditions and the situations of the people when we talk to them and we address them and use

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adequate models to convey the message of Islam with them. Instead of using one universal one size fits all kind of thing that doesn't work. That doesn't work. So we have to employ modern methodologies and modern ideas to convey the message of Islam effectively. Inshallah. Inshallah, it's absolutely true, because especially

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given the fact that there are so many variables, we have h f class here for ACF, gender, you have a whole range of nationality, ethnicity, all of these that need to be taken into consideration during doing when one is doing that work. And as we start pointed out now, though, social media platforms or many of the other platforms, or all the tools that we have at our disposal, it's often used indeed become intoxicated by those things. But but not more often than not, not in ways which which can be enriching for us, or add value to our lives.

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Because it's couched in such terms. But But How open are people into this idea, in your experience as a die? How open are people to using these sorts of platforms for example, Facebook Live, I'm just thinking of something like that, whereas live broadcasts can be exist somebody on the other side of the world from a mosque, how open are people in your experience? The good news is that there are organizations out there

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who basically who are employing these methods, right for example, one of the organizations I work with is called IRA is a UK based global Tao organization and Ira uses these modern platforms and tools to convey the message of Islam right. There is actually an online dour course as well, those people who want to learn how to do Dawa, they can actually go online and learn how to do our you know Dawa. Even though it may be simple for some people to convey Islam or you know, say one sentence to people, but, but what is obligatory?

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It also comes with, you know, how do we actually fulfill that obligation, if something is obligated or slid down, giving dollars obligation is an obligation is obligatory, whatever facilitates now also becomes obligatory, to learn how to pray. Let's, for example, let's use Salah as an example prayer, okay, for us to learn how to make wudu is also obligatory because wudu is is a prerequisite for Salah likewise, learning how to do the hour is a prerequisite prerequisite for us to do Tao effectively. So we have platforms online, where people can go and actually free of charge, learn how to do our there is one website we have, it is

00:28:55 --> 00:29:45, you have an entire dollar course there, which teaches you how to do that step by step effectively within five to 10 minutes. If you use this method, you can really impact people's minds about Islam, you can really make a very positive impact on them by using rational arguments, okay, using intellectual arguments to convince them about the power of Islam as as an intellectual force, okay. So IRA is an example. There are other examples I can use YouTubers, for example, there are many YouTubers, right who are using YouTube platform to convey the message of Islam on different levels. Some are doing very kind of grassroots, basic Dawa to people others are

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doing intellectual programs dealing with highly intellectual questions. For example, the issue of atheism, let's say, you know, reaching out to atheists on their level, then there are Christians around the world reaching out

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Are two Christians using the Bible to give dower to them and other ideas? So there are many, many young Muslims around the world now who are using these social media platforms Instagram, tick, you will I mean, tick tock. If you think about tick tock people, people think tick tock is all about promiscuity, it's all about music. It's all about bling bling is all about girls flashing their beauty or you know, things like that, right. But amazingly, now, if you go on Tik Tok, you will find videos with millions of hits millions. And these are the videos, people are watching people doing the hour. So it depends how you produce this content, but it has to be appealing to the youth, you

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can't do things in your basic, traditional way. You know, when I say traditional, I mean, let's say, you know, our traditional method of teaching Islam, it may not work on tick tock, it may be boring for that particular audience. So you really have to make it attractive, you have to add some bling bling to your content to attract people. And when they come to, to watch this video, they just get taken in, you know, they just watch the video and they get fascinated. So we can't we cannot we cannot possibly ignore these platforms. There is a bad use. And there's a good use. Yeah. Okay. So we need to focus on the good news, right? We need to ignore the bad because we can't control that,

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unfortunately. Right. But what we can control is how we use that platform. And we need to start using these very powerful platforms to convey the message of Islam. Right. And it works. It does wonders, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Okay, because of this, because there are millions of people who are watching these videos, these, you know, dialogues, discussions, debates, podcasts, okay, short, short video, like one minute long. And in one minute long video, you get blown away by a verse of the Quran. So in verse of the Quran with beautiful imagery, okay, so there is a verse, which is being read in the English language, and then in the background, you see

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something relevant, being played, and the person, you know, connects the dots. And then it really blows you away intellectually, right? So this is it's very important for us to take advantage of these platforms and indulging them that you have available. So gone are the days that the idea of somebody doing Dawa is a knock on the door, and somebody sitting in your lounge. Absolutely. And speaking about this, and you don't need to knock doors anymore, you need to knock the phones, right, everyone's this is this is the this is the door, you can enter into people's minds, right? You don't need to go into people's sitting rooms now have some morsels and pakoras, and tea and sit with them

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and have long chats with them, you just send content right inside the bedroom, in their phones, just like others are doing it just like you know, all these people doing all sorts of evil things online, you know, promoting drugs, evil music, you know, all sorts of things, people, people are actually entering people's bedrooms,

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through through these smartphones, who is stopping us from taking good content to people making them better people making this world a better place? Right? By doing our data? So we can do the same? Exactly. Yeah, exactly. That's why this whole phrase, or there's a topic that we are that we that we that we are talking about, wherever you go, you take, take your Islam with you, it encapsulate so much, because it exactly speaks to the idea of embodying being Muslim, and not associating being Muslim in different spaces. So now I'm at work, and now I need to be a different person. So these these qualities associated with being a DA if it was you all the time. And again, as as studies

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pointing out the idea around, whether you're on social media, whether you're on your phone, why not in use and access these platforms to add value. And so many would say then that

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it sounds like one wants to adapt Islam to a particular time. That's right. And it seems sometimes in a negative way, because Islam should in some way or the other, in, in some people's view. One should you know if you if you if you love Islam, you should just stick to this but it it's couched in very rigid terms, but that type of thinking doesn't appeal to the younger demographic. Absolutely. Look, your younger demographics are living in a different world. They're not living in your 19th century, 20th century, traditional Islamic you know, domain, they are now living in a virtual world, which is online, right? They don't live the lives we used to live, let's say 30 years

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ago, okay. The youngsters today, you really have to talk to them in a language they understand and they understand the language of social media and Okay, so

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Allah, our scholars, or intellectuals are preachers for, for that matter, we all need to wake up and understand that Islam, okay, needs to be now conveyed through modern means, okay? Yeah, when we do get people paying attention to Islam and our message, then they can come to the seminaries, they can come to the Daro looms and they can come to the institutions if they want to study more if they want to go on for longer if they want to advance on the knowledge. So, the first step is to convince them to pull them in, okay, let them realize that this is a good force, this is a very beautiful message, let them and you can only do that by using these means, okay? We cannot, we can no longer ignore

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these modern means of communication, mass media or social media, we have to indulge, it is not even an option for us to ignore these powerful means of communication anymore. Okay, we have to make movies. We have to, we need need to have media houses, media outlets that produce movies on Islamic topics. We need radio stations, we need newspapers, we need games. Our kids are hooked on computer games. Okay? How many millions of children youngsters around the world are playing games, computer games, and they're hooked. They're completely hooked, right? How do we replace? How do how do we propose an Islamic alternative with data elements involved in it produce games, animation, right? We

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need to really start thinking about these modern methods of conveying the message of Islam, so that we can so that we don't lose a generation, of course, otherwise, we're losing these people. Exactly. Somebody was relating to me the other day that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he always in some way or the other. He was always surrounded by young people. And you put them in decision making positions, not just for window dressing. And that's why I'm touching on this idea of younger people and doing that so that it reaches younger people. That's where Islam will continue living on absolutely being vibrant is the province doesn't give leadership to Osama bin Zayed he was 16 years

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old. And he was leading Sahaba like Omar and Abu Bakr. These are like nearly 60 years old. But he deliberately appointed him to make a point that young people need to be given leadership to boost their morale, to give them confidence, and elderly people, they need to realize that they don't have to be leaders all the time. They need to encourage the younger generation to take the lead so that they can become effective leaders for the future. So the prophets of salaam was a genius teacher, absolutely amazing. His policies are so powerful that, you know his followers, his companions within a century that took this message of Islam to the whole world, from Spain to China, okay, he had to

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be a genius, right? And he was a genius because Allah revealed the Quran upon him, Allah taught him what he knew. So Allah when it was aloneness, and that was that our time is unfortunately caught up with us so quickly. And I want you to briefly to briefly speak about this this upcoming debate, which will be held at UCT. Tomorrow.

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So perhaps in our final two, three minutes, maybe speak to us about the debate. So I'm having a very interesting debate with one of my Christian friends, his name is Rudolph Bashar off, he's from South Africa. And because I was visiting Cape Town, so this idea came up that why don't we have a dialogue, a friendly debate isn't it's not like a hostile exchange, because I don't believe in those. Right. So this is a friendly dialogue between myself and Rudolph. And we're going to be talking about a very interesting topic, which in my knowledge hasn't been discussed before, on this level, and the topic is the New Testament canon, manmade, or divine. Now, the details can be seen in

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the debate, you're most welcome to attend the debate. You can see what are we actually talking about? It's a technical topic is a very complicated question. It is about how the New Testament books the 27 books of the New Testament were accepted as scripture in the Christian world in the first 300 years of Christianity. That's the question we are going to be addressing, and it is going to be very, very interesting. So I invite everyone to attend the at UCT video later on online, it's going to be online inshallah. Inshallah, we'll start at Nan Rashid chakra and so much for joining us in studio today. My pleasure. Wish you a beautiful trip in Cape Town. Enjoy your stay. Welcome to

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Cape Town and yes, absolutely. And thank you for sharing your valuable insights with our listeners. Today. Alhamdulillah

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