Adnan Rajeh – umbleness #01

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of having proper knowledge and expertise in response to advice given by a Muslim or Bukhari. They stress that the responsibility of being asked for advice is a responsibility that needs to be taken care of by the person being asked. The speaker also warns that the person seeking advice should be led by someone trustworthy and show envy or hatred towards them.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we're still in the, in the series

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of collection about,

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that Imam Shah Waliullah Di Hilawi has collected,

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in famous Indian scholar who lived around 300

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years ago. And every single hadith is very

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and what but,

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he collected it in his collections but he

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doesn't actually mention from where is his source,

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from a Muslim or Bukhari or ibn Majd

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so I tried to find any from which

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of the 6 or 9 collections of a

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and so in this hadith,

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Ibn Nasr narrated the Prophet SAW Allahu Alaihi

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Wasallam said, Al Mustashar al Mu'taman, the one

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who is consulted or

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is being asked for advice

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is Mu'taman, is entrusted.

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Like this is a trust and a responsibility

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that when someone comes to you and asks

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you for advice or ask you for consultation

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this is a responsibility how

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you're gonna reply and how you're gonna react

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to that

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person asking for advice Because

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the person asking for advice may put themselves

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in a vulnerable position because they're asking they

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they think that you are, you know, more

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knowledgeable, have, you know, know, more experience and

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expertise. And so they're asking you for advice.

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And now you are interested. How are you

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how will you respond?

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So if you have the proper knowledge, you

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have the proper experience and the proper expertise

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where and you're able to serve that person,

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and understand their situation and help them,

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to to to what will be in their

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best interest, then, you should do so and

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it's part of, you know, fulfilling that amena.

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But if you don't have the knowledge or

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expertise or, you know, skills that, to to

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help that person then you should just say

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I don't know or direct them to someone

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or send them to someone who does who

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is who will be able to help them.

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So that's where you are interested because you

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have a few options. And the dangerous, you

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the dangerous

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path is when someone

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answers or gives an answer

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based on ignorance, like their answer or their

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advice is based on ignorance and it's not,

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it actually will harm the person seeking advice

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And that's where it's really dangerous. And here

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this is where Shaytan and the nafs and

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the ego comes in and, you know, because

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no one wants to seem ignorant or that

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they're not knowledgeable

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so they want to answer you know and

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give a quick answer but but Allah in

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this hadith

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the Prophet

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makes it very clear that you are accountable

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for giving advice. When you give someone advice,

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you are accountable. It's not like, oh, I'll

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give this guy advice and that's it. I'll

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pass a mawtiani. No. You are accountable for,

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you know, the the quality and and and

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and your how you how you delivered it

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and the and the and the attitude and

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the tone, like, everything the entire package.

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And then one more thing is that the

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person seeking advice should also seek advice from,

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like, the person who is, you know, trustworthy,

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who's knowledgeable,

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is Yani,

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who who who wants Yani, show envy or

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or hatred

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towards that person. So, also, there's so there's

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responsibility from both sides, but the the big

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responsibility is on the person being asked because,

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Yani, they they they could either harm or

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benefit that, the the seeker of that consultation.

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And then and so based on that trust,

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they should, Yani, take the right the correct

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approach and and and and do what is

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in the best interest of the person seeking

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advice for Allahu'Anam.

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