Adnan Rajeh – Tafseer Surat AlKahf #15

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding the concept of "naught" and the need for personal development and growth opportunities for children. They acknowledge the importance of providing personal growth opportunities for children and emphasize the need for diversity in the workplace.
AI: Transcript ©
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Your domain. So today in sha Allah, we can we conclude the story of Musa will Abdul Salam.

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Now the interesting part about the story is that there is no commentary because what lambda Salah says is the commentary. So every story we read, there were a number of IATA commented on the story itself, whether the first story is

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the story of the people of the game, or the story of the two men in the orchards, which had around two and a half pages of commentary, but this story, it doesn't have commentary, because the what the Abdullah Saleh other actually answers Musa Musa which is the commentary. So he comments on what happened like with the story happened, and then he took on himself to comment on it, which is very interesting, because the whole point of this part of the sutra or the story

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specifically, is talking about the third element of building a society or civilization or a community or even an individual which has knowledge and it looks at knowledge from, from the concept that knowledge comes is based on to the junction of two oceans of the theory and the practice of understanding that there are ideals, there are principles, there are fundamentals, right. And then there is a practice of these fundamentals and these principles are there two different things are not the same. Possessing the theory does not mean that you know how to practice them on in reality, the very, and this is one of the biggest problems we have as an ummah today, you know, there are

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many things we can talk about as an OMA, that we have to fix, this is probably number two or three, it's up there with a really, really important things. Why? Because we have a lot of theory, and we have probably the richest library amongst all faiths and all religions. The number of books that have been written in Islamic literature is amazing is you can't even count all of them, like forget about being able to read all of it, you can't even count it. And yet, we have a

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there's a poverty when it comes to practice, when it comes to teaching things that actually help people on the ground. Why? Because Because those who speak of the lid of the literature, who those who speak have the knowledge aren't on the ground, practicing it, observing the the implications of it, observing the impact that it has. So this gap there is this void between the theory and the practice that is that is causing us to suffer immensely, especially amongst our Jonnie, I'm not gonna say I'm I always say everything is especially amongst our youth, by the way, everything, everything, everything, no matter what is it that we talk about, I can easily end it by saying,

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especially amongst our youth, everything is especially amongst us why? Because whether it's good or bad, it's multiplied many, many folds. Anything that amongst youth, but it's in our lives as well, meaning you understand how Salah is, but you're What about your practice of Salah mean, you're going to break it down, you can say this is what you have to do. This is what you have to say. And this is how you have to say and these are the number of times you need to say blah, blah, blah, but then what about the actual practice? Is the practice doing is doing for you what it did for Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam or is it doing for you what it did for the sahaba? Is it doing for you what it did

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for people in the first generation of Islam? or second or third or fourth? Is it and if it's not then what's the point of it? If it's not if it's if the knowledge of Islam that you have is not doing for you practically what it did for the Muslims in the first number of centuries, then what's the point of having it and that is the gap that I'm talking about? It is the gap that the students talking about which is the theory and the practice Musa thought he was the most knowledgeable person on the on the planet but Musa had spent up to that moment all his life just preaching the theory with somebody even under the oppression of Iran he had never actually started practice he didn't

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start building a civilization with blue Islam he didn't try that yet. So when he said no no, I have the most knowledgeable awesome hounds I don't know go meet this guy. This guy knows more than you because this guy may not you may not have as much theory as you have. But he has the practical he has enough practice and enough realistic knowledge that you will benefit from him if you spend even a simple amount of time with him so immediately most studies that I've got up and he and he went to this man to learn from him. Now most of them do just like all of us and the beauty of the story is just the story is so multi layered, and it's just so deep. I feel like I feel very cheap even you

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know finishing it today. I feel like we shouldn't spend a bit more time because you know what actually happens with most artists I'm gonna call it needs to be studied in all the dimensions passing from all angles. mosaicism is going to observe this guy do things that are unspeakable. We cannot speak they're horrible horrible things and he is yet told by Allah subhanaw taala go learn from this guy go learn from us good okay now Rama Tim in India. He has a lot of mercy in him while him now whom Illidan and money as a model do two things. Not only without mercy is destruction, knowledge that mercy mercy there's nothing there's no good to come from it at all. That's why those

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two things are in the Quran many many times when he puts Nobody puts mercy together and he tells most it sound this guy has both

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So most Americans are eager to learn. So it tells them teach me. Now this man is so knowledgeable and we get to see all this knowledge and even just reading the first few, it tells him No, no, you can come with me, but you will not be able to be patient with me, let us tell

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you what he does, but then he gives most of the excuse, he tells them so and it's okay that you're not going to be able to be patient with me because you don't encompass the whole picture. And that's the whole point. Meaning the whole story, you know, comes down or is summarized

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to that one when I like a little madam to hit me a cobra, how do you show perseverance and patience? How do you stick to something that you don't understand fully? You can't and you will not. If you don't understand anything fully, you can stick to it. And that's what we've learned from Jose's. I mean, it's impossible, he's going to be able to deal with what he's going to see on Earth, in life, even as a prophet, if he doesn't understand the whole story if the picture is not clear to him. And that and that goes for a lot of us as Muslims, if you understand clearly, if today, you're coming to this messy and you're listening to me speak, and you have false expectations of what Islam is going

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to do for you or what the world's going to look like, then you don't have the full picture and I'm sorry, when you go into practice on the ground, you're going to be shaken your whole faith your foundation that the the foundation of your faith is going to be shocked really hard to a point I don't know if you'll hold on to it if you don't have the full picture and this will happen to Musa Musa it's all talk for a long time. Right now he showed perseverance and Allah subhanaw told him

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guided Musa with his encounter with Frauen however, he was not going to be guided in clarity with his encounter with many Sol years later on. When he's when he's building this civilization with Benny it's always gonna be a whole different story. He's not going to be the guided word for it. You have to kind of play a you have to play your cards. See what see what you get. You're going to have to roll the dice every time to get a different reaction. You have to find ways to deal with it with Ronnie told him go tell him this, y'all. I'm scared. Okay, don't be scared. I'm with you. Y'all need someone to help me. Here's how to and yada, what do I do now? Throw your stick, you know, what do I

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do? I'm sitting in front of the seat. So every time there was something going on, he asked Allah telling me what do I do now I have no idea what to do your guide me. So he was guided now what's going to come next, know what's going to come next. I gave you the guidance, I'm gonna give you the law. And now you have to take care of it yourself. He needed this course. It was only a few hours. But he needed this course he needed to learn. So he goes with him.

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And he's expecting to learn certain things. So we'll cover vandalizes the property of very, very, very good people. He kills a child. And then he builds a wall in the in a village where people refuse to even give them a sip of water. He got to see great people being harmed, good people, hardworking, good hearts. You got to see them get harmed. He got to see a child innocent child lose its life. And then he got to see horrible people benefit. He got to see horrible people get something that they didn't deserve. Right. Now that is confusing. That is very, very confusing. We're still confused with that stuff today. When we see good people losing their wealth, losing

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their homes losing their lives. We struggle with that. Why did that happen yet? Sometimes we ask the question why? You don't like it when you see a child die or sick or in pain? You ask the question why right and your side your heart? Maybe you don't say it out loud. But you say the side when you see bad people become more wealthy, come wealthier, become stronger, gets rewarded, in a sense, isn't that what happened to these people? What's going to happen to them is they're gonna get a wall that is wants to fall down a wall that is falling down, rebuilt again, he's gonna look perfect.

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For free not gonna pay anything. They don't even know who did it. Why? Why would that happen? Musalla Instagram was at that point, it was a junction of two oceans as that's the symbol, the symbolism here the junction of the two oceans when the theory and practice come together. That's why what happens then what does Musa told is going to happen when when, when he comes to the junction of two oceans, something dead will find life life will be granted. When you can put theory and practice together, you will grant life you will grant life to yourself. You'll grant life to communities, you'll get life to everything. Then we'll say Sam had to understand this it was very hard. Was he at

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fault for objecting every time? No, of course not. He had to object had this happened again, you would have objected again. No brother reminded me of the Hadith of the Prophet. So I said to him said No Maybe Allah have mercy on Musa Have you been a bit more patient now he's not saying that Moses was at fault. He was like a bit more patient we would have seen a few more examples we'd have learned a bit more right but these three are more than enough. These three have all everything you need to know good people being harmed.

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Pain of the innocence right pain of the innocent and then bad people prevailing How do you understand this? How do you deal with it?

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Because when you study Islam and when you study the Quran, theoretically what does it tell you? It tells you a Latina I'm gonna I'm gonna find a hat

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with no Makina Nila home Dino we're going to give them strength on this earth we're going to strengthen their Deen when asked him what to do with the pain and and the final word will be for them. You read about home saw that help home who didn't home new help home load everyone was destroyed differently. Destruction, immediate consequences and and punishment from Allah subhanaw taala

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To read the Quran, these are the basic laws, and then you come to the reality and nothing. None of that is happening.

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So if you don't have the complete picture, if the whole picture is in front of you, then you're going to you're going to suffer with this you're going to find difficulty. And most of the cinemas got me into Okay, let me let me show you how it's gonna work go with this man. So he thinks this man is very knowledgeable. Well, that's what he knows he's knowledgeable. But then he does these things that don't make any sense. The final encounter we talked about last time, he builds the first two were evil and moves out east didn't understand so we objected. First time he vandalized his people's property. They were very nice to them. They said please come for free. We'll let you go on our ship

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as he goes and he breaks the ship. And he puts a you know

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it's a hole in the ship. And then they walk up to challenge emerge as a child and we'll say it

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a nuclear you have done the worst thing that could be ever be done. What are you worried? Why what I thought you weren't like they're supposed to be more knowledgeable and more merciful than me. What are you doing this the third time he goes any piously builds a wall for people who were so garbage that they broke the norm of the land which is just when you ask for water or food they give it to you and not one person in this whole village we're talking about a community a population that has lost all their ideals and lost all their all their inner feelings all their their moral compass is completely completely destroyed. And yet he He rewards them simultaneously. I mean, at this time,

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he's not mad. He's like, yes, yes, I can understand your logic. Where's your logic? Why Why didn't you ask him? Explain to me why didn't you ask but also it would eat at least told him about the theological manual being this is this is where we were. Now I was asked I believe Paulo item that lambda Salah here

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is one of Allah subhanaw taala is Jude meaning he is one of Allah subhanaw taala his creations that are what is life meaning the destiny is not he's not a person. No one I don't believe that. We'll see it we'll call it an Orlando saga being judged your milk gamma like us? Why? Because he killed the child.

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He killed the child are you allowed to kill to kill a child? If you see in your your dream that Allah is telling you, this charge is going to be horrible. So you're allowed to go with that stand in a court of law is that acceptable? He vandalize people's property and say but I knew what I was doing. No. So my understanding was that he had this habit.

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And he was given from Allah subhanaw taala knowledge is that he is the symbol the symbol of Allah subhanaw taala has worked in this universe. And he was personified for most artists and I'm to learn from this my understanding of them. And I'm not alone with that. I mean, that's why there's a lot of myths around this man. If you're if you go and read even cathedrals see it, and where this man was first quoted or spoken of, you will find pages upon pages. I mean, it's about 80 years and of myths regarding that this person is still alive, that he fought with the Lakota name that he was on either that he comes for, you know, during certain times of the year and you can see him and talk to him

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and all these myths surrounding this this you know, this mystic figure that have no basis whatsoever there's no there's no narrations and authenticity, there's nothing of the sort. Why because it's a very what he's doing something that is out of the normal that we can't do that we shouldn't do. So my understanding of it that he personifies a certain part of God, Allah subhanaw taala is hand on Earth basically something somebody we don't see we will never see is not a part of our you're not a regular person like us or else if he were let's say he was a regular guy then was that I said I'm not only would he and he would he would ask Allah subhanaw taala that this person needs to be

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by the law of the land for things he did he would have to be punished when he wasn't because I don't think it was a matter of meeting another person was more understand how the practicum is gonna work. This is the this is the lab for you. Yes, you study this theoretically. Now you're here's a lab you understand how this is going to work within life.

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So when he said his when he had his final objection, gotta hide that field? Albania, Albania. Okay, this is the end of our companionship, we're going to go our separate ways from now. But so in a Bilka, I'm going to tell you on a builder, which we'll I'm going to give you the figurative explanation that will means explaining to you something that literally doesn't make sense, but it has a figurative meaning that maybe you can't see. Or maybe it takes a bit of a thought or have a clinician. That's what we means. And we use that fact of seeing a lot of use that for a lot of different things in Islam, where they're literal with the word the way it's worded. It doesn't

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doesn't work you need to do you have to understand you have to read between the lines or understand the figurative meaning of what's being said. So here so in a bill going between I'm going to give you the explanation mallam desktop or allihies sobre about the things that you didn't have patience about, I'm gonna explain to you and

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he begins talking to Mousavi Sam. So after he tells most of the first story, because you're the first story, he tells them Yeah, you see this ship? It was owned by Mr. Keane by a bunch of people like nothing else but this ship that's all they had to leave. And you see ruling the land was a an oppressive king. And he went came around the ships and he looked for ships that were flawless or that were in good shape, and he would just take them as tack

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If you wouldn't pay people for it, or if you paid them, they would pay him something that they didn't wasn't enough and they couldn't buy another ship with it. And they wouldn't basically lose their livelihood. So I put a hole in it, they'll fix the hole, it won't sink. But when the king's people come and walk down into the, into the lower deck, they'll find it full of water and they're fixing says, Oh, this is a garbage ship. So we'll leave it alone, and they won't lose their ship. The moment moves on he said, I'm heard that he's fine. Like, oh, that case, he's

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a good friend of this awesome. But

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he was fooled by what he saw. And that happens to us as well. That doesn't mean that every time something bad happens, someone good that there's this obvious, you know, twist of events happening later. But what it means is that you don't know the whole picture. You don't have to know the whole picture, you just have to know that you don't know the whole picture. This is this is the concept that we're going to learn here.

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We're not we can't always understand why something bad happened to a good person. Sometimes you may consider that good person yourself. Sometimes you may consider it somewhere in your family, someone you knew you knew this person very, very pious, always doing the right thing. And yet nothing's working. Nothing's happening for this person, or bad things are happening one after the other. And you ask yourself, Well, why is this happening? It doesn't make any sense.

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Hop on the melody you Cobra, you have to you have to know the whole, you have to know the whole picture, you have to encompass the whole story. If even if you can't, then knowing that there is a part of the story that you don't know about should be should suffice to be enough for you. If you understand that there's a part of this story that is beyond your ability to find out you may find out one day in the future, meaning this may come to you and they have to see it. And maybe not. Now my question is this. What about Temasek? He was the you know, the people on the boat? Did they find out?

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Did they know? We don't know. We have no idea they may have they may have not maybe they may have recognized that this? Because they probably when they walk down and they find that the guy vandalized the boat. They're like, well, Allah He Yeah. And yeah.

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You do good things, and you get bad people who do this stuff to you. And they're fighting amongst themselves. And then you know what, all these people people? Yeah, shit. Well, lay people today, they have no, they have no Zima you know what we say? whenever, whenever someone double crosses us on the simplest way that we've done. And we think that we've done the biggest thing in the world. So we've talked about how horrible people's morals have become, and just, and they're probably fixing that ship downstairs, you know, drenched in water, talking about what light is the last time we let someone come in here for free? Will I never again, look at this, they may have found out that they

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were saved that day. They may have not. But they also don't have the whole story.

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Do they need to have the whole story to show perseverance?

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This is another question cuz you have to go go look at this whole thing. Did they need to have the whole story to say and hamdulillah

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and continue to be just as good as they always been? Don't be a good person, you know, conditionally go into a conditionally conditionally, you're gonna, you're gonna fail quickly. It's only a matter of time. If you do hire because people treat you well. When you do hire, then that's gonna end soon, I'll give you the good news is gonna end very soon, because you're gonna do you know, 1015 times in a row. And every time you do it, someone's going to stab you in the back. And Allah subhanaw taala? Because he wants to know, are you doing it for him? Are you doing it for them, if you're doing it for the people, that it won't last too long. If you're doing it for him, it'll last a lifetime,

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because he never changes Subhanallah without a he is who he is, he will always be cutting with you, He will always be generous to you, He will always love you, and then he will reward you, you will know Him. So there's no reason for you to stop being a good person. But if you're doing it for people, well, people fluctuate, sometimes they're good, sometimes they are not.

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So they don't need to know exactly what was waiting for them. They may find out they may not. But they still needed to be good people, they had to continue. I understand the point. This is a very, very important point of this story. Because these incidents, these events,

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they tell us they give you can draw so many parallels of these events to our own lives. Like so many things like this happen to us every day, you do something good. And then immediately after that the consequences are just you look around you and you have that urge shape on is saying they're saying it, say it, just say it say it that every time you do hire someone that Muslims are all like this, that people aren't worth it to say it because when you say it, it's like you took it a drop of urine and you put it within the bucket of milk that you have and now it's garbage you have to throw it out because you ruined it with the word you just waiting for it. And the only reason that you're going

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to do is because the theory is one thing for you and the practice something different it that is that is a good case scenario. Or worst case scenario, someone loses their faith completely.

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Someone stops being a Muslim altogether because of how what's happening because bad things are happening to them. Because I take out the if my theory is correct, then love the solid here is not actually human. Then this just happened naturally. This hole in the ship happened no one did it. So who are they going to blame them?

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There's all we've got in life is this ship. We are good, hardworking, honest people. We don't steal we don't lie. We don't harm anyone. And then a hole in my ship.

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What have I done to deserve this? Like I said, No, there's no one who did it just happened by mistake. They can they can pinpoint someone who was apart, it wasn't the fault of the person who was there who was you know, driving the ship or no one did it. Now what now who would you blame? Ship on is happier when that happens? Because now he can direct your blame in a different direction. Now you can say, Oh, the cannon goes upwards? Yes, say it, that blame it. See, it said why and object to him? Tell him why you Why are you doing this to me, I don't deserve say it. And then if you're if you're lucky, and if you're good if you have the whole picture, or if you accept that you don't have

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the whole picture, and that there is a holistic picture that exists. If you believe in that understand that, then he will say anything Hamdulillah you continue

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saying the importance of the story, the story is extremely important, extremely, extremely, extremely important. Because it's a big difference between because we're sending the message, everything is going well. To a certain extent you're sitting here in the masjid listening is all right, it's easy to worship Allah subhanaw taala federal when things are all right, can you do it when things aren't? When things are going south for you can you still do it with the same level of commitment to the same level of love, with acceptance with, with hope, or what happens then? Because that is that is the practical, is you can this is the practical, this is the reality of life. It

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fluctuates up and down so much you can't get you can't control it, don't try my advice to you ask people who are older than me and you ask them, you can't control it. This is just how life is it just goes up and down. And it's never good all the time. It's never bad all the time. either. You never really get exactly what you want the way you wanted it as much as you want. That never happens like that. It's just how life is you said what you stopped trying, you stopped believing you stop committing you stop, you lose your your your ethical code, your code of conduct changes, what happens, nothing happens, nothing happens because you understand you read this data, and the

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knowledge that you have is completing to a point where you understand that the practice the reality is different than what the theory is.

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Theoretically, the Quran tells you a lot of things that you can benefit from, but if you're not on the ground, that's why when you want to teach kids or your teacher, your family, you have to you have to have to see you.

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If your kids don't see you in the future, it's not worth you know, I can't teach them anything talking to telling them you would be like this. And even what I'm telling you right now just not gonna You have to see it. You have to see someone who had lost something, when he was a good person, have CLE deals with it when you do that is a lesson you'll never forget. You see your father sitting down after he lost a lot of money or he got fired from his job. And he sits there and he says it hamdulillah and he gets up the next day he goes find a job he does something and it makes something was life doesn't give up. You learn, you learn to be strong. You're you that is a lesson worth a

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million words. It's you can't say it's worth it. Because words don't get it can never be equal to actually living it and seeing it. And that's the difference between the theory and the practice. It was easier for us to tell I can tell you the stories of the prophets that advice and and sacrifice and his and how away from this dunya he was and how generous he was. But that's all talk. What about us? What about our practice our practice is different. We listen to the stories our hearts are mellow, there we go.

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We stare at our bank account and we're happy or we worry or whatever it is that we're going to do. It's very different. Why because the theory is one thing the practice is the other. So that was the first explanation of law so we're gonna read the next two

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because he can explain the other two incidents and talk about them for a few minutes in Sharla and I'm ready to start from a number 81 Milan wants to calf so the calf number the number of the soldiers 18 If you have a regular government that he must have done the number the page number is 302 Now we're starting from Alien number 80

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will be led him in a shooting on your body

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

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me name

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for washing

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your hair for whom?

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To follow

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I knew the dealer whom I

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mean who Zakah.

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mean who's a cat

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then as far as the child goes, this is what the saying. forgotten about? Well, meaning and his parents were good, meaning they weren't mostly mean. So here we're talking about a higher level of piety of piety. We're talking about people who had Iman not

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Islam meaning a higher level of belief and faith in Allah subhanaw taala, which makes this story even more difficult to accept.

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So the kids parents were really, really good people, very, very pious people, people have high level of faith.

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And in the last decade,

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there's nothing that hurts more probably 90 within your life than losing a child. Nothing. And only people who have lost children understand, I talk about it. I've not I've not lost a child. Remember the last ask Allah subhanaw taala. None of you go through that say, I mean, Charlie, and I sell them all our children, but those who have lost know what it means. And the meaning is, there's nothing there's no pain that comes close to it. It's a pain that stays with you to the day that you die today that you die as well.

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And when you see things like that happen, and we sit in, and unfortunately, we live in a time where we see it more often than we would like to, and we see it happening to people who are good people who are Mormon, who have more faith than we do. And then you wonder why that happened. You wonder how would you deal with it? How did it happen to you? Right?

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Because that's very, very difficult to deal with. What's what hikma could possibly exist in good people who had proper email, they didn't need any of these lessons at all the there were already practical people who understood the deen both in Theory and Practice, and they lose a child.

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So he gives them an example of a hikma for Sheena, or your hippo whom elbow here and then we'll go from we got we were scared

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that he would tire them, you'll hit the Homer, he would tire them and he would make them suffer to Rhiannon by oppressing them or COFRA and by disbelieving in God. So this kid was going to grow up to be someone who was oppressive, was going to mistreat his parents was going to take away their wealth or he's going to treat them horribly these good people and he was going to also lose his faith in Allah subhana wa Tada. And imagine that, you know, the suffering that the parents are going to go through when they see their child grow up to be that. Does that mean every child who dies? Dies youngest is someone who would have become any mini example of Hitler? No, obviously not. But again,

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another example, an example of me how you don't know the whole picture. You don't know the whole picture? Yes, this is sufferings, pain. It's agony. No one hopes it for anyone. But there's more to this than you can see. And there's the example of when Mussolini said I'm heard that

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you probably pause for a moment. I wish I didn't say anything that never came to you than it is obviously I continue he just thought I didn't know and we wanted to do was a huge deal to whom out a boomer for their lord to substitute give them an alternative your dealer home and give them an alternative. Hallo minha Curtin. Welcome about off Mahara minha Catan to have more purity in his heart. Meaning when he grows, he would be a better better person, welcome about Rama and to have more mercy to be closer to his parents and when it comes to Rama is from the same concept of him or Rama, meaning would be closer to them in mercy, Allah subhanho wa, because they're young, they

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probably have another child and this shall we better. Just kill the child, of course. See, that's that's the whole point,

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is pleased to make sure that that is a clear message from today, that in no way is ever, ever harming a child acceptable. But like I said, Love the salah here is not a person. He's the personification of Bucha. He's just a symbol of what of what destiny looks like, or what the fluctuations of life is like. And these things happen, and children die. They do during that day. It is something new. No, it's not No. Will it stop today? No, it won't stop today, either. There's nothing we can do to actually stop it, we can try but probably won't stop it completely. My question is, how do you deal with it? How do you understand it? Because without a clear understanding of

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this, the theory of the deme meaning may not offer you that clarity, you'll stand in front of this example, you have no idea what to say. If you if you work in hospitals, you'll see it almost every day. You'll see children pass away and it hurts, you'll never stop hurting. But you can you understand. And again, the explanation is not that Oh, every children child who dies is no no. There's many, many different things a low item with him. But the question is the concept is, you don't have the full story. You you accept the fact that you don't have the full story. Do you accept that back? Are you capable of remembering that fact as you go through life that you don't have the

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full story that should be enough for you then Allah subhanaw taala does have the full story and he has the full knowledge as well. So maybe leave it maybe you can never see the first story I said the people that Mr. Kean maybe could have found out maybe maybe they could have found out what actually happened.

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But here impossible. Here the champ parents will never know why. We'll never know why. Allow Ireland. I'm going to tell you a story quickly. A very, very quick story. This won't take too much time. It's important. Just to give you an example of something. There's a man called Malika Bundeena

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nomadic woman de nada was a horrible, horrible person. This first he thought

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throw themselves at like, there was nothing there was not one sin that I was not the master of I didn't do it I was the I was the king of the of the of committing to sin i Oh, I've all the stealing, or you know, adultery, drinking whatever you name it, I did it. I didn't do it once or twice, I was the guy to go to. And I had such a bad reputation that people would avoid me. They tried to move me out of my house many, many times. One day you walked out of the the bar and you so drunk, he falls beside a garbage bin. And he's laying there beside the garbage. He saw a man walking with his three year old daughter, and she's skipping dancing and singing. And he just saw that, you

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know, just saw this snapshot and he liked it. You know how it is when you're coming close to 30, you start hoping for something more. So he's like, I would love to have that like a daughter to have someone you know who loves me like that. And it felt towards me the way she feels towards your dad. So he said, The next morning I said, Okay, I'm gonna clean up, get married and have a kid. So he cleans up, he stops. He says, I stopped doing everything that I used to do, not one person would give me let me marry, I left the town to another town and my reputation followed me and then people will tell do not give this person do not let this person get married. And I couldn't do it. Like I

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literally could not get married. Until I came to my mind. There was still there was still, you know, slavery had not ended fully. So I saw us lately. So how about if I buy you out of slavery, and then return you marry me? She's like, all right.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:44

Simple as that he he gave them a he bought out of slavery. He gave her freedom. And then they got married. And Allah subhanaw taala gave him a girl just like he wanted. And he called her a faulty man. He loved her to death. And he said, I used to feel bad about myself because I went back to drinking and doing bad stuff. I used to feel buddies, come drunk, sit with my daughter, and I smelled and I wasn't. And she was she loved me anyway. And I just felt really bad about myself. I always told myself I should be better, I should try to be better. May never did. She was four or five years old. And he was still doing all the bad things and, and one day, she walks out of the

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door and she's trampled by a couple of horses and she dies right then in there. He loses his mind. Just quickly, kind of summarize it, you lose his mind. And I'm tonight I'm gonna drink like no one else. I'm gonna break every record. He goes into the body. He's on drinking till he passes out. And then he sees a dream. What he sees in the dream is the following. He said, I saw myself standing on your milk piano alone. I look around. There's no one. And they look behind me and I see the biggest snake you can ever imagine. headed towards specifically me this mouth open. So I run. Of course the you know, dream is your default hon you will comes out not the not the macho, you the vulnerable,

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you is in there. So he's running, he's scared. He's running in every direction. And then he sees somebody can see like a ghost in the horizons or runs towards him. It's the old man standing there and you ask them, please help me please help me tell them I don't I can't help you. I don't know the words. I don't know what they can do for you. Go this way. So he runs this way he finds Janam. So he runs back again, no, I this is not a good place to go run that run that always runs that way. And there's things behind him still. As he runs, he sees a small hill. You can see the figures on the hill. So it runs up the hill. As he comes closer. He sees children. The closer he comes, the more

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children he sees. He's close enough. He can see his own daughter. He can see Fatima he forgets about the snake he loses mind. You know, he just died and he's been crying for the last 14 hours. So it runs up to Falcon a takes us to hugger remembers, they remember that there's a snake behind him. You looked at the snake is right there. Two, three meters coming right towards him. It doesn't know what to do. He panics. And he says In fact, they put your hand up and the snake goes back.

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And he's shaking holding his daughter. And he asked her what is this? What happened? So she told him? You see the old man?

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You see the snake? Yeah. That was all your bad deeds. See the old man? Yeah, those are good deeds. You made them so weak, that they couldn't help you anymore. And you made your body is so strong. They almost killed you. And had Allah not taken me from you. They would have eaten you in there'll be no there'll be no no way back. This is your last chance and he wakes up and the dream is over. So it gets up. Now he was given a dream last chance many of us doesn't happen to all of us, by the way. Yeah, he was a very lucky individual. He got that. Not everyone gets that. No, don't go get drunk and wait for it and it's not gonna happen.

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That's pretty specific to this guy's upbringing. Whatever happened in his life, we don't know what happened to him is like so he gets up he goes he takes a shower. And he decides when to go pray it goes to the house he wants to go wants to straighten up. So it looks messy doesn't he never prayed before. So he comes he's in Buffalo. He lives in Buffalo. So it looks from St. Louis. He happens to come to the masjid of hustle and bustle he himself so he stands in for your time so he does want to pray you standing awkward probably not facing the right way up putting his hands and he's probably not doing it right. I have no idea and then Imam has been bustling was reciting the is doing the the

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salah performing the seller leading the salah. he recites for him as he's standing there. So and if Hadid LM ye Eden Lavina Manu and Tasha woohoo Nicola has a time not come for those who believe to further their hearts to find closeness and for sure to the to the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala and the descendants of the Quran so in the middle of the Salah, he starts screaming out yes, now me all the time is coming for sure not supposed to do that in prayer. He's screaming out and they finished prayer and I said, Who's the guy who's screaming bringing me the prison so he comes he doesn't know to pray. And he says don't talk to him. I'm lesson

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I'm Monica Medina, I'm 25 years later was one of the is one of the ruler of the Hadith. And he's one of the people who relate Hadith today. And he's one of the great students of Imam Hassan basally. They turn things around completely, you know, is a person of totally different character and totally different behavior. And he lost a child. Now, again, this every child who died, that's why he died. No, no, we don't know. Can you accept the fact that you don't know this? You don't know why that there's more to that there's a bigger picture.

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Understanding that right? Can you understand maybe that sometimes, you know, a part of it is your fault as well, when children dying in die because of oppression or war, that maybe we have a role to play there to maybe a part of that is on us. Maybe for him, a part of that was on him, his daughter Dinah's on him. And maybe that's what straightened him out that he was the reason he understood that so he changed because that guilt was too heavy for him to carry. Maybe we need to understand that as well. Maybe, instead of looking for someone to blame, we look at ourselves and see what we could have done to prevent this, or how we could have contributed to this better, or how we could have

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been a part of this just like Musa did. He freaked out on COVID. Because why would you do something like that? That's not something that you do. But the point wasn't that for him to prevent it was for most ASM to finally understand that this is how sometimes things happen.

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That this child would have grown up and ruined his parents, like literally ruin their lives, would oppress them physically and financially, mentally. And he would have lost his faith, though. They couldn't say, well, our son is a good Muslim, they would lose everything. Isn't that the nightmare of every parent? Does every Parents Night, wake up gasping that my son, the healer, that many of My children go astray and leave the path. They even don't even think about the oppression part because most human parents are okay with that. How long does take we want you take everything just be good. Just be good. Don't, don't, don't break the

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law break the tradition. What we're doing don't don't change. So the name mirror was that was going to happen falling out of mercy. You want to give him something better.

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And this kid, how do you grown up? Where would you have went?

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Where are you going now?

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See the difference?

00:37:09 --> 00:37:10

Now you're like, oh, okay, I'm fine.

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You can never be fine, when that happens, but you understand that there's more to the story than you and then you know, that's the second or the third way we say the third story. And of course, the conclusion of this whole thing. Well, I'm elegido fucka Anneli hula mania team at Phil Medina.

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Working at data who can Zula whom

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what can I boom, Foley her

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go while you're still at Jackson's Houma,

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robic with

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we do Malin tests

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and regarding the wall that you didn't like me building

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what amania teammate evil Medina was owned by two poor orphans.

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Kids still under the age of

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13, or 14, they didn't have the ability to

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manage their own money yet legally or even mentally.

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And under this wall was a treasure with a lot of money. Right? So imagine a chest full of gold, right under that wall, all it took was someone to push that wall over. And then the money would be there. Because you could see the treasure and these kids would be millionaires.

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But had that happened, then probably what would have happened based on the characteristics or the nature of this village? Right based on the nature of this population, what was going to probably most likely happen to that there'll be a ripped off right there would take school they might have all their money, they would have nothing may basically take it away from these kids.

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What kind of whom are slightly in between parentheses this, this makes him and he had a father a good father. Not good in terms of you know, he was kind know in terms that he was someone who did his job. He was he was a pious man of man of Allah subhanaw taala who did his job who who spread the message, who was a good person who taught them properly, who raised them well who did everything he could. And then he passed away.

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Right leaving behind them children. That happens as well.

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Right, where a man we can see someone, you remember someone who was such a good person, such a great, great person in every way they possibly leave people leave orphans and they leave and and you wonder why that happened? And you wonder how have you stayed around? How would have been better, would have been much better. But you don't know you don't know the rest of the story. Because you think you don't know the rest of any story. You just know the version that you see. There are so many different pathways and alternatives here in so many dimensions to everything that happens. You don't we can't, we cannot encompass the whole knowledge. You can't do this the beauty of what

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Abdullah told Moses, he's telling us as well, you can't commit to something you don't understand fully. But you can commit to something if you understand that you don't understand that fully. You can commit to it if you don't understand that, oh, you can never you can never understand this thing completely. But if you believe in Allah subhanaw taala if you trust them, if the practice the theory that you have the knowledge that you have offered you this holistic understanding of life, you'll be able to deal with it. Even something as horrible as the three stories that we looked at these two orphan kids, no father, but he was a good man. And because he was a good man, Allah subhanaw taala

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had mercy on his children. You want Allah subhanaw taala have mercy on your area. Make sure you do your job, do what you were created to be slightly saw that means that you're doing what you were created to do that will follow means doesn't mean good. Good is a really it's a ripoff translation of Salah phi that means that you're doing what Allah subhanaw taala created you to do, he gave you a job he gave you a purpose to fulfill you fulfilled it. I saw that. That means you just like when you buy a lamp, if it's working as a lamp is called Salah have it doesn't work as a lamp is just decoration. It doesn't work doesn't work. It may be an exaggeration, but it's not a lamp. You and I

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are human beings we have a purpose to fulfill you can do many other things. But that doesn't mean you're Sol you're only someone who needs to fulfill the purpose Allah subhanaw taala created you've developed will you do other stuff? Yeah, you maybe you made money maybe people liked you. But you're now slowly

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slowly ah, you

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know, I think that word is shouldn't be translated. I think it should be explained and they just that's the word. The word sorry. I'm a little slightly ahead height they did l saw the height and understand it from the Islamic nomenclature in Islamic terminology that it has failed. I don't know Buka and your Lord wanted a Yamaha should DOMA for them to mature to reach full maturity.

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Weights definitely jackin Zoho man for them to extract their treasure. I met a member of Bic as an act of mercy from their Lord.

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to Musa exam heard that, and now he felt ridiculous. Musa acnm felt Oh, wow. I really messed up today, didn't I? Yeah, you told me not to say anything. You told me I didn't understand it. And now I feel like I don't I feel so silly objecting to anything that you did. Now it makes perfect sense to me. Now I understand. When people lose, when people fail when people fall when they're when they suffer when there's pain. When things don't make sense to me when I look at it. I know that there's a part of the picture that I don't understand that there's hikma somewhere, that there's a lesson to learn that there's improvement to be made, that something can be done.

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After after what's happened not before it, I don't hold on to what happened before and I get lost. In the end, they regret or get lost in the what if part of my life I build on what I've got. And I know that there's so many dimensions I don't understand of what just happened right now. So I accept it and they move on. Isn't that the practice is doesn't that summarize the practice of what Islam is supposed to be those who come and try to practice Islam, and they have a one way or the understanding in a very, very specific way it is what it is, there's how it has to be. And then you hold everyone to that standard. They hold everyone they hold themselves, and probably probably not

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themselves, but they hold everyone around them to the standard that children, all community they give Fidella that hold people to standards that aren't practical, that don't work, that couldn't be understood differently. And you're really understanding this understanding the text and the dean in a compartmentalized way. And everything is in small blocks, disconnected from the bigger picture. When you do that you ruined it. You ruined the dean, when you're fed to us based on your literal simplistic note that we no understanding of what you're looking at, then you produce a way of life that is unrealistic that people cannot follow that will not work that will fail. However, if you're

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on the ground, working with people, if you're there, if you were watching it, if you were experiencing it, then your understanding would have changed. You're gonna show fairly low it was probably one of the best examples for that in our in our history, because it's important. This is an important point. I want you to take this home with you. Not just the concept of seeing things you understand but also understanding the deen in a very you have to do it in a holistic way. You have to understand that revisions are needed. Revisions are always needed. Now Michelle, he wrote his myth hub. Where do you live at the beginning of his life who knows where he lived at the beginning

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of his life. It was

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Mufti of Mecca, right? He lived in Mecca, and he was 1516. He was getting fat when McKinney Rhoda Mills had called miserable Kadeem called the old meth hub. Right? It's called the old myth hub. Why? Because there was a nomad hub. Why was there a nomad hub? Did somewhere else, right? No, he moved. He moved. He went to Egypt. Now he was living in this country, or some people didn't call Hera. Oh, it's a whole different. It's a whole different demo. It's a whole different ballgame. They're different people, different backgrounds, different culture. You're talking about those who built the pyramids, you're talking about people who have multiple languages, we'll have a civilization that

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hits 1000s and 1000s of years into history. Now, it was a whole different ballgame. He had to say we looked at what he what he had produced, right from his understanding like oh, this is not working. Say put it aside and he wrote a note with him. So when you study when you study is a secondary tertiary book, you will find Rafi or remember no, they will say Cardini cada de de cada Kadima, Debbie said this, the GED did he said that? Because Imam Shafi was an example of a practical person he was living the life of people. His understanding was holistic was capable of bringing forth opinions and rulings and ideas that weren't for people. And that is the point. And this is what

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we're missing. Here's what we're missing. We've disconnected the Dean from from from the street. I'm sorry, we've just gotten disconnected from the street from schools, from universities, from workplaces, from homes from homes. Oh, is it disconnected from home, it's not in homes. It's nowhere to be found in a home. It's here, but not at home. Not at home. Men and women, spouses don't talk about it. They don't read Quran together, they don't pray together, you don't speak of a song together, you listen to a dance together. They don't teach their kids these things together. They don't don't practice Islam together. As a family. It's been sucked out of homes, but really well,

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why because the TV is there, and TV doesn't have stuff like that on it. So we just participate in whatever we do. We participate in anything, it would be nice to principle even playing it would be fine. But not even that it's done has been done so disconnected from the reality of people's lives. And until we return it to reality, no, and then go through all the tribulations that Musa went through, because you're gonna bring it with this idealistic view that once we bring Islam into reality, it's gonna be flowers and rainbows. It's going to be just a beautiful, sunny day with you know, ponies and everything's gonna be awesome. No, it's going to be just what you sinusitis on

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story, you're gonna be hit with so many realities are difficult to deal with. But if you understand it properly, you can deal with it. And you can modify and adjust and you can move on. And you can produce something that is worth it, which is the whole point of learning sort of cough, were supposed to bring a community that's strong, there's that whole point of sort of building civilizations, starting with the idea moving to the wealth moving to the moving to power at the end, or moving, you know, to what status or power is going to turn out to me. So it's a very complex issue in how we're going to build it. Yeah, knowledge is, is you know, the, as the cornerstone, and

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it's what we're missing, we don't miss wealth, we have the ideas, at least I think we do, I think I think is a disconnection of the theory and the practice. And that's what happened these young men grew up and then they decided okay, this wall is useless here in the middle of the landless, get rid of it, and they found the money and they lived wealthy, and the and probably the older generation, the garbage generation that didn't even give food died off. And now a new population came, right people who are boohoo masala, good. So a new generation came and changed things and make things make things better. Sometimes we need that sometimes you need to, you need to focus on the new, sometimes

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the old is just is repairable, you can't repair it. Sometimes it just not. But you can fix it, you can do it, we can work on the younger ones, you can find a difference there, you can change, you can change this whole, you know,

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this, this whole stage can be changed if a new generation is brought forth with a different way of looking at things in a different spirit and and if you're not a part of that generation, fine, but don't stand in their way. Don't be an obstacle, and you make sure you do something for them. He said after that to end this whole story. Very, very important part. He said well my file to one Emery which is why I told you below ILM is not I did not do it is not based on my choice. It wasn't my decision wasn't my decision. It wasn't my decision.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:00

No, it's not.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:04

How I look.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:24

Yeah, so Allah subhanaw taala had shown him all of this. He's been doing this for years, probably. Right. And he's a he's a he's one of the you know, he's a personification of Allah subhanaw taala is a creations that do his job or do his do his perform his will. So he's someone who has seen a lot so he knows a lot. He understands how the world works. Is it the first time you've covered has done something like this?

00:49:26 --> 00:49:56

This is the first time no probably you've been doing this for a very long time. So he understands how the world works and assigns why Allah subhanaw taala does things what the outcome is and what the reason behind things so he has knowledge. So it's not we're learning from him as someone who seek knowledge we're taking from him a part of knowledge that you need in order for the practice to work is a different thing. We're not saying that this person is has seek knowledge in his life. And now we're going to learn from you know, this person who possesses knowledge that you need in order for your practice to work. So go learn it from him, because you don't have it. Because I used to and

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didn't have that part of knowledge. It's not saying that will help it is better than Musa Musa it's always better

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And obviously why because he's from Brazil it's from the five major prophets the stronghold prophets of Allah subhanaw taala so he's better than nothing I probably all everyone but this man still had new more things that he did so we learned from because he possessed it probably even called it isn't even yeah it being ranked because he's getting a creation that is not held accountable to begin with best the knowledge that we learned from from from reading this and that most is that I've learned from listening to it and observing it because you and I just went through the

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mistakes I went through the actual incident he saw it happen and then learn to deal with it later. And that hurts and that was hard right but he learned he walked away much more mature as a person he had he had seen how things work when I fell to Annemarie no thing that I did this because I wanted to it's not my son my commander was not making it he told me this you understand? But now you do.

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Now you finally do that. That is the explanation. That is what Miralem display or what you did not have the ability to show perseverance towards my display here so why just start here in desktop there are four so it's very simple 00 to one webinar to deal as yet until manner when you add a letter to a word you add a meaning to the word so when you add that and testify it brings forward fickle makes the word a bit heavier to see why because Musa incident before he heard the explanation it was a very heavy situation. Musa Saddam was dying inside, he was feeling very, very upset. He was very very angry Vandelay vandalizing people's property killing a child and then rewarding people who

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didn't didn't deserve it. Musa was frustrated. He was very frustrated. So testator, Allah Usambara with the tachymeter to kind of explain the the extra feeling of frustration of difficulty. At the end when Musa had all of this explained to him was it was relieved, was always sitting around me wow, this is this makes perfect sense. So Tesla, you take out the turtle that becomes easier. And that's how the Quran works. And we'll see examples doesn't mean example coming also in the end of the next story, it has exact same concept and explain inshallah one more time in case it didn't make sense.

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Our problem is, is largely today I focused on the different dimensions of this story, because there's more than one dimension here. One

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is Lachman LM have to come hand in hand. Rahman and him have to be together. Do you it was when we first read what Hubbard did, we didn't see that. When we heard the story about him, I became clear. All three had Rama, Rama, a bit more than once. It all happened. Maybe he's getting more merciful towards you, the second child to come. Right? So knowledge without mercy is only is only destruction. It's only harm. And that's why today. That's why today with all the science that we have, without without Rama, I'm not sure. I'm not sure it's worth having. I'm not sure we're better off today having all this, I'm not sure, maybe we are I don't know, because there's no rhyme or

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because we were using it for the wrong reasons. We had the technology to feed everyone on the planet, but we don't use it. We spend a good 6065 70% of all, you know worldwide budgets to build weapons that will destroy everyone that will kill everything, everything, we continue to consume our environment as if we have another planet to go live on. As if you know, once this is done with this planet, we can just move on to another one that will be better than this one.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:50

Maybe I'm not sure we are, maybe we are. But the concept of having having knowledge without without mercy in it. That's the first thing. Second part of this, you cannot commit. You cannot commit to an idea that you do not fully understand you cannot do it, you have to fully understand full understanding does not mean that you can that you can explain every detail. What it means is that you understand that there's more to the picture than then you can then you can see I may give you one more example of that just to make things clear.

00:53:52 --> 00:53:59

There's no quote in philosophy that says the best explanation doesn't always need an explanation. Never heard that.

00:54:00 --> 00:54:33

Okay, what that means, if you and this goes to the to the argument of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Why is it that Allah says we believe that Allah Subhanallah create the universe? Why don't we believe that some artificial intelligence did it? Why not Allah subhanaw taala why why are we saying Allah when we say something else? Why are we saying specifically him? And when we do say Allah subhana wa Tada and we say that he is beyond explanation is beyond time they tell you oh, you know, you're just offering an answer that has no answer. You explain to me where it Allah subhanaw taala come from explain to me who made him or explained to me who caused the cause? Right? That's what we get. Is

00:54:33 --> 00:54:52

that a valid explanation? No, because the best answer the best explanation doesn't always need explanation. Example If you and I got onto it. We were the first people to go to the moon. You went to the moon first two people went to the moon never no one else before us. You got there. We found a lot of machinery on the moon. A lot of machinery but it's not stamped by anyone. Just a lot of machinery. What would we say?

00:54:53 --> 00:54:57

Wouldn't be safe for us to say that artificial that certain extraterrestrial intelligence put it there.

00:54:58 --> 00:55:00

Isn't that the best

00:55:00 --> 00:55:09

The answer is not the best of luck, you will tell me who they are. What did they look like? How tall were they? What were their names? Where they come from? You don't know. But does that make that explanation less good?

00:55:11 --> 00:55:31

Those questions not being able to answer them. Does that make that explanation less good? No, that's still the best explanation that an extraterrestrial intelligence put it there. Even though you can answer details, it doesn't mean that that isolation isn't good anymore. You're saying the difference here, the best explanation doesn't always get an explanation. And in this in the context of the story, the same thing

00:55:32 --> 00:55:59

there are, there's an explanation, you may not know it, but knowing that there's an explanation is all you really need. That's all you need. Possessing that understanding that sometimes that you cannot understand everything that you cannot be certain about everything. And that's all you really need to know, even if you can understand Musa SNM was given examples. Once you heard them, okay, how are you fine, okay, now, I don't need I don't need you to explain every good happens from now on. As long as I want example, Wi Fi examples were enough for most and they should be enough for us as well. That's number two, number three.

00:56:01 --> 00:56:39

Until Until the two oceans the juncture the two oceans come back again and the gap is filled the void is you know, it's taken away. And Theory and Practice come back together as Muslim doesn't OMA, we will continue to suffer the way we suffer and, and the suffering will just get worse, until we're capable of understanding Islam holistically, so that the theory and the practice are in synchrony. And people who understand Islam can practice Islam properly. Those who understand Salah actually perform Salah and enjoying those who can read the Quran actually understand and find the Quran to move them. Until that happens, nothing's going to change. And this is where most artists didn't have

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the proper knowledge. And he got to go and he took his faith, he walked down into the earth walked into reality. And he was he was hit by three by only just three realities that hurt him just three pieces of of day to day activities that really hurt him. And because it showed that he didn't understand yet, and but he did after this, after this mosaic, some changed in the you'll see even you study a story, you'll find that this is a very big moment in his life that you he comes back to baseline with a whole different approach of things, is even his tone of voice. And we'll talk about that maybe in a different city.

00:57:11 --> 00:57:49

Third, think about the three examples. Or fourth, think about the good people who are harmed, think about the pain of the innocent, and think about those who are who are cruel and rewarded. Understand that there's more to that story than you, you know, that you don't always know what's going on, you don't always know what's going to happen next. Accepting that as a big part of being a Muslim, being able to build on that being able to move on being able to continue to be the Muslim that you were supposed to be supposed to be is actually the the personification of this of this knowledge, you're taking that knowledge and turning it into reality by being able to deal being able to deal with the

00:57:49 --> 00:58:23

realities of life that don't make sense to you, then that literally hit you in the face as senseless. But there's always something more for us understand. Those are the four basic ideas that I think I think you should walk away from sort of, there's way more to be honest stories. I could talk about it for another for easily another month. But I just need you to take to take these four realities from it, just think about it because they make a big difference. They do make the change things dramatically. And as Muslims today, we have to go from understanding things in a very disconnected detached manner than deciding things holistically for us that when we when we talk

00:58:23 --> 00:58:57

about fifth, when we talk about DACA we actually we can we can practice them. And then we're presenting rulings over 10% present things, ways of life that work for people that actually help them to offer them the relief that they need that offer them the ability to do what they want to do and to prevail as Muslims in their lives. And if we don't offer that, then we're just we're sitting in our Jonnie, we're sitting on top of a mountain preaching to people things and then going inside, inside our houses regardless and neglecting the fact that people are suffering with what they have. The only reason the prophets that Allah Allah He was loved the way he was loved by so heavily

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because he lived their lives. He lived like them. He was just as he didn't have as much he was just as poor financially as they were, he was living in the same type of houses that they were and he was working like them he was a part of their day to day lives and they saw him act and they saw him deal with difficulty he saw him they saw him deal with life they saw him deal with with with with fatigue and exhaustion, they saw him work every single day is I wake up every day with a smile and treat his people around him properly and keep on hoping and keep on working towards a goal. They saw that and they understood what Islam wasn't able to deal with it. But it's still until that comes back. We're

00:59:25 --> 00:59:53

not gonna get anything done. I mean, we have to start actually doing it going out there you have to take you have to take that on yourself for your youth, for the youth of this community and for the youth within your life. And if you don't know how to go and stick to someone who knows and learn from them if you feel like well I don't know what to do it's too like I wasn't taught it properly but go find out go learn I need but one of the biggest parts of follow up and longtime was resumed shift. You go and you just you glue yourself musical group itself. So the chef, he would be doing things you'd get up at six o'clock in the morning five o'clock go pray, but then do this and go do

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this. We just walked behind him. Just help them out and just live his day with him. And he was fine with it. And we learned a lot he learned doing that wait you

01:00:00 --> 01:00:28

You learned from that way more than you did sitting in the delis and listening to stuff and this has to be brought back the concept of mentorship Isn't this what happened for color comm it was meant to look like with me watch, don't say anything. I'll tell you at the end just watch it learn and you watched me learn and you understood things and moves I still never forget these lessons ever ever in his life and they lived with him to the day he died and they're supposed to do the same thing for us, of course, with many differences because none of us are other and we won't be going with him. He's not gonna walk out. I hope that made sense. Next week, inshallah we'll continue after Aisha, it

01:00:28 --> 01:00:31

will start the most interesting the most interesting story

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