Adnan Rajeh – Tafseer Surat AlKahf #16

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of the Middle East, including the rise of the Islamic Empire and its cultural culture. They stress the importance of following rules and avoiding mistakes, as well as education and finding one's values. They also touch on the importance of "vanitys" in relation to ":15" and the need for a new understanding of the language barrier to reflect reality. A brief advertisement for a hotel club is also mentioned, along with a longer conversation about a sexual encounter between two women.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we're pleased to be able to if you have a met any

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of the most, and the highest number 83.

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Today we start the final story of, of this euro, if you can, one of the most interesting and deep stories that exist in the Quran, I will have to give quite quite the introduction to it before we actually even start talking about it. But once we do, you will find so if you thought the symbolism and the story of Musa and how that meant something, if you felt if you listen to the symbolism there, I thought that was meaningful and there was depth, then when you read this, you're gonna find, find it even more interesting. Why because this is the final stage. And when we talk about to get from a thematic point of view, let's go back to the beginning, when we first started talking

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about sort of government, I told you, the theme of it is that it talks about the elements that you use to build community to build societies to start civilizations, what are the elements that you need, and how you're supposed to use them? The first element was the idea. You need the values, you need the compass, from a moral and ethical point of view, you have to know what you believe. And you have to know what you want and why it is that you're doing what you're doing, or else there's no point of doing anything. Why would we care if there's a society or not? If there's nothing to look for, you just just enjoy getting the quickest highs that you can and then just move on. But no, you

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need you need that set of values, that set of rules that those set of the conviction that perspective, what is it that you believe in? Why do you believe in what you believe in. And that is, the first story in sort of the government talks about how we've gotten is, it's an amazing, amazing story, because it shows you how only three individuals very, very young, were capable of changing a kingdom long term, even though they didn't do much. And they delivered for too long, they died in their teens. And few 100 years later, the whole kingdom had changed significantly to everyone believed in Allah subhanaw taala the idea, first of all, you need the idea. After you get the idea,

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you need the wealth, you need the financial strength. So the second story in the pseudo was the two men and the tortures have a gender thing, right? And then in the third story, and that talks about the not compromising your principles, because money will come along and try and get you to deviate away a bit from what you actually believe in. But you need it still. Nothing can say no society can stand without, without Without money, right? And the third one was about knowledge. And the importance of knowledge not being just theoretical, but also being practical. Right? And when you have all those three, which was what we learned from Musa COVID, Allah He said, Are you gonna sit

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them? When you when you finish studying, when you think about these three basic? Isn't that what you need? If you have any society on the planet, you give it a strong idea. And then you give it well, then you give it science or knowledge, this society will stand up, and it will move to the final phase, the peak the pinnacle of its civilization. Right? Right. The Prophet saw Sam didn't get to see his the full cycle of his own of his own effort to feast on Allah Azza wa sallam. After establishing very strongly the idea, the idea had been established. The Muslims knew what they stood for. They knew what they believed, and they know who they were, they knew why they were going to do

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what they're going to do. He left enough of them on Earth, so that this message could continue. Yes, a lot of people did, they did after right, I just tell it, that just proves my point, that there were many we didn't have the idea. The idea wasn't strong in them. So they fell off almost immediately when he passed away. But there were enough people who had the idea strongly in their hearts and their minds. They continued, right. But he wasn't there for the money. He wasn't there for the science and the knowledge, he wasn't there. So Alexa limb 340 years later, once the Islamic empire reached his peak, and it was covering three continents, and it was the biggest empire that

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the world had ever seen up to that point, right? Well, I'm talking about the Islamic empire and the beautiful days of the Golden Age, right? Well, what if What about before that, you see the Islamic empire, at its peak was the biggest, you know, the world had seen, but before the Islamic empire, there was another one that was the biggest, you know, the world had seen at the time, right? And the story that we're going to read today, me there is an example of a group of a society of a civilization that was capable of putting together the values, having the money, having the science, and then that translating into power, and then use it right and it's Bill Carney is the story of the

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economy. Now, when you go when you try to understand or look for, I guess, traces of carbonate, right? And to see, are there biblical or Old Testament versions of who he is? I believe the closest that we got because there's a lot of different opinions. Even if you study with the scholars say, the closest you'll come was probably Cyrus the Great you've ever heard of Cyrus, the great news known to be one of the early or the earliest

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commanders or leaders who did something for human rights, and he was doing that to be one of the one of the

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leaders who who saved the Jews from from persecution and there's a lot you can go study but and you'll find that a lot of similar there's a lot of parallels between Cyrus and between deal codename. There isn't a story regardless of the 90 of everything else related to what his story is, but you can if your interest

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You can go kind of look into that a bit if you want to.

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So I don't think it's Alexandria at all, because it was a pagan. So he was a mechanic. And that was pretty clear. However, Cyrus,

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there are statements that that claim that he didn't believe in Allah subhanho wa taala. And there are things and there are certain verses in the Old Testament that we'll kind of talk about that even though he was not a Hebrew

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name, however he was, he was a believer, and that is that you can, you'll find evidence of that, again, I'm not interested in going too much into the history or, you know, the comparative history. However, there is evidence of someone being a bit of a king, who was just a king, who was a more head and a king was spent or spent a lot of good. And they were going to end the story that we're going to read here,

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he's going to talk to three groups of people, right, you're gonna talk to three groups of people who lacked one of each group lacks something that this story talked about. So you can talk to a group of people who liked the idea that or devalues the justice the the system, you can talk to a group of people who liked the wealth didn't have the money, you can talk to people feel didn't have the science and have the knowledge. And then you're going to deal with a group of people who had the power and the science and the knowledge and everything and use it for children. And we're corrupt. So you're gonna see that for us from from an Islamic perspective, once offered, as a civilization as

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a society was offered, the idea of the Quran gives you the idea, the money and the knowledge, signs, the theoretical and the practical is something that you have to go and you have to actually obtain this society, we have to go get it ourselves. But once you put them all together with the proper perspective, with the proper idea, then a lot of fail can come from it. And it doesn't have to always be corrupt politics doesn't always have to be that there's that there will be wars and there'll be death, and there'll be blood. And there'll be corruption doesn't always have to be like that. And they'll come in as the example is a living example in the Quran that talks that shows us

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so here, here's an example of someone who cannot who actually did something, and he did it well, it was something that Allah subhanaw taala himself was was happy with, and something that Allah subhanaw taala commanded you. And he was in the Quran, and apparently in other books as well. So we're going to start reading the story. And as we go along, I'll kind of give more background as we move forward. So we start from Alien number 83. So the pages number 302. And so it

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will be laying him in a shape on your body.

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Bismillah Manuel Rahim.

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Well, yes, Luna and we'll call nain.

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Lou, I mean, who the call.

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And they ask you about the economy. So if you if you recall, going back to kind of the beginning of the sutra, there was a point where we talked about how the machine Akina of Quraysh went to the Jews. And they asked them give us something that we can pin Mohammed, sodomizing them down this, to say that he doesn't know what he's talking about, give us three things that we can ask him give us a few things. So they told them about the Seven Sleepers back in the day. And they told him to ask him about the man who walked the earth and or the man who ruled the earth walking from from from east to west. And they asked him about the soul. So we have to answer the question as to the carbon one and

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sort of the Alyssa Luna kind of rule. But both of them but two answers came in sort of the calf in the form of,

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of two stories that would basically put a sutra give a complete, or a holistic picture of a very important and instrumental sutra and the Islamic faith. Why because you have to remember something that Luca Surah, you read every you read it every week, there's really no other Surah that that's attached to it, maybe it is due to the fact you have a part of Salah to go to see read it after appears. But for there to be a surah that you're required to read on I see on a on a certain day of the week, this is the only one that we've got. And is it and the supplies LM uncertain. And you talked about the news that it brings in the light to the heart. Why? Because every week when we come

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together, and he's what to read before Joma is, and that is enough. So before we actually come together and talk, we remind ourselves, oh, this is how you build this society. This is our goal, but I have to have the idea we have to have, we have to make sure that we obtain the wealth, straight, straight non compromise ethically compromised manner, we have to have the knowledge, the proper knowledge, not the not the detached or disconnected or partially impaired knowledge. But actually the whole holistic and then the power that comes from all of that has to be used for healing and justice and goodness. And every time we read this, it's a reminder, this is this is the

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this is what we're supposed to be working for. This is what we're supposed to be trying to achieve. This is the natural. These are the natural steps in the natural development of what Allah subhanaw taala gave us in this book. And it's an important message for us before Jumaane then we come to the hotbar never listen to something that helps us achieve that. And that is the mentality that's the idea that's supposed to that we're supposed to take from alcohol in the relation ship with Joomla so waste anyway

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kind of coordinating the ask you about the will coordinate the one with the two horns. Alright, so what was it was it that he had two long braids of hair, or that he wore a helmet that had any two horns? We don't really know. But I think it's just like much miles behind. I think there's a lot of symbols gonna be a lot of symbolism in this in this story as well. You see, he had two things with him. Yeah, he had, you had the two elements of of moving forward a society societies would like one of two things, either it's very materialistic and doesn't have the spirituality, right, either has the right idea, but it doesn't have the authenticity. Either it's

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it's based, it's based on an idea, but it's lacking the the wealth and the and the knowledge. It has, it's gonna be something either it's the strength, but there's no justice or fairness in it. The coordination is the is the endless, endless paradigm of the Finet. Yet of the two of the two things that are needed for everything to stand, you always, it's always something missing. When you look, when you look at modern day societies, and we look at ourselves, there's always something missing, you're good at one thing, but then the other part that you're supposed to take care of is empty, or it's not there is not as strong. So they're not going to name the way I see it is that he's someone

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who carried both, which is very rare. In any in history, it's very rare for a society to stand the stand on ethical, spiritual values that are strong and clear, and that the push you to be better and to improve and to build and to have the materialistic and the possessions and the strength that will allow you to continue, it's very rare, we find one or one of the two. And what's interesting to me is that this story about the alternate talks about having both and we'll see that meaning meaning the paradigm of the two of the of the duels within the story, you will find you'll see it as you go along. And then when you look at how the Muslims stood up within 3040 years, you'll see something

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very similar. Yeah, this Islamic empire, the Islamic civilization that stood up for many, many years, for centuries, carry carry two things in its hands, that today, people don't think will ever ever work, meaning if you were to spend time with scientists, or you know, even historians, you'll find that there's a strong narrative that says that religion and science has never have never been able to coexist. It's always been a continuous fight. And they refer to a lot of the problems that the Christians had in the Catholic Church, and even even Yanni, the Orthodox Church and have had with science, however, when you when you look at it from a Islamic protected perspective, now, when

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you look at the Islamic civilization, it's a different thing. Now, they didn't call the slammer, they called the Arabs and the Persians because it's not religious anymore. And they get to talk about the scientific achievements that happen, but referring it to the Arabs and the Persians. Yeah, but what were they? What what what brought the Arabs and the Persians together? They've never liked each other, and they still don't like each other, and you probably never will. But what brought them together to begin with? What was that thing that brought them both it was the dean see in the Islamic in the peak of the Islamic civilization both came hand in hand, you would, I can, we can

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read, you will read and study about scholars of the mega mega mega Hanafy, who are at the same time astronomers and and physicians or scholars of the of salt and Phil chromatic, you are philosophers and unknown botanists or biologists. It was was to be honest, the word to ILM was never used ever, to someone who only new Islamic knowledge ever. You couldn't say the word on him. If you said the word item, then you were talking to someone who encompassed the Islamic religion, faith, religion, the knowledge of the Islamic faith, and he also had something else that he was on him about, like he was adamant something that was worldly knowledge. It was either algebra or biology or geology,

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something like that had to be something, if not many, if not, if not all of them, like we didn't have if he had his time, he had reached the best, the highest level of education within those sciences know within the measurements and the need the relative understanding that they had at the time. But if he only knew 50, then he was called

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for, right, if you only know how to use gold,

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if you only know what FCA was called the professor with very simple, then you wouldn't move tea that was shaking from where you think where she came from. We stood in front of someone who only knew Islamic stuff, no, nothing else. What do we call him? We can't call them an island or Imam I live in him I'm he's always associated with people who have brought the idea of taking the paradigm of the duels, he had two things, you have to have both the combination you have to know both if you don't know both, how are you going to? How are you going to apply what you know, to the world if you don't understand the world at all? How does that work? If you don't understand the basic physics of how

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this planet works, to understand how life and wildlife continues and how life operates on this planet, how are you going to? How does it work for you? There's too much missing if you're if you live inside the temple or inside the masjid, that how is it that you're going to offer anyone any help at all outside if you're not a part of their life to begin with?

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I am saying that the duels here and that's another reason that we talked about that like when we talked about most of them. And it's a big problem that we have today. You have this detachment, detachment

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And voila, it's like a disconnection and someone pulled the plug. And Islam exists only in certain realms in certain places. And then the common man or the person who was walking who's living life can't seem to make sense of what's being said and, and the the answers aren't fulfilling and in the way of life doesn't seem to be working for them. Why? Because those doors are, we're studying the faith and then talking about how how the modern version of is going to be. And I'm not talking about version as in changing, but how we're going to be practicing in this in the within the differences that exist today in comparison to back then to when the Prophet salallahu Salam came forward aren't

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a part of life. So how is it going? It's not going to work?

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Does that make sense? So the word Island even in the Islamic and even the Islamic history is only referring to someone who will do multiple things on Islam, Islamic knowledge was one of them. But obviously, it wasn't, it wasn't the only thing or it was you were given a different name. And we'll handed them over sort of, slowly, there's different things you can see. Now we have a view only now. But if you're gonna say the word ilm, scholar or email, then you were talking about someone who's well rounded, and all the different sets of knowledge.

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So I believe that's what they'll coordinate is kind of referring to, it's talking about two things is bringing two things together. It's bringing the

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strength and justice is bringing spirituality and possession is bringing religion and science it's bringing bringing it together the things that many people find difficulty bringing together they're good at getting one of them but the other one they struggle with. The alternate is the example of those of someone who was capable of doing it and then the audio that comes from it will tell them said flew on Yquem mill Ruzicka I'm going to recite upon you from his story, a particle a remembrance something to remember. So he's not gonna tell us his whole story, but you're gonna give us something from it. Something to think about. If you if you want to know something about him, let

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me tell you something about him. Because he committed with a Cassandra remember so we we start with the first with the first two items Java in my again nallah goofin, l Liwa. Teen homing Lishui in sada.

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said that

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these two ideas are the most important in this story. So if you miss them as you're going along, then close up. You've missed the whole thing and nothing's gonna make sense to you as you go along at all. So the first thing we're told indeed we have Ken, Phil, we have empowered him on Earth. We have given him placement we have strengthened his position at Timken means that you don't have to move anymore. And this is your makan. This is where you are. You don't have to go anywhere. Like if you're not going that someone can move you from your makan. And that's why these words are, this is where the word comes from. So my God has placed 10 gain meaning you don't have to leave your place

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anymore. No one can push you out, no one can overpower you and then move you from where you are. Because that is one of the biggest pains a human being can go through if you're thrown out of your country. So Tim Kaine means that you have enough power, you're in power, your strength, you're strong enough your position you don't you can't be moved. So McKenna who we are given him the empowerment and the strength on earth. Now is there something that is attached to this from meaning that word is it used elsewhere in the Quran? Many many times and in the knowing is what the newer when Allah subhanaw does as well as Allah who lives in a new mean Kumamoto, Saudi has indeed Allah

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subhanaw taala has has promised those of you who believe in Him and do the deeds that they were created to do that it's definitely been known for up to give them the stewardship of the earth whether you MacKinnon Netta home Dino right and then He will establish their, their religion for them, it will be it won't cannot be moved anymore, it will not be thrown out and that's something that I think the Muslims have got a the first dose of inshallah designee a second and a third as we move along in our history. Hopefully, we're not coming to the end yet. So at least inshallah then

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at least doing it to contribute to it and if it is McKinna Allah. So, we gave him the strength to empowered him here on the earth. Well, how did you do that? And what was it that made him empowered on Earth?

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The beautiful little phrase will tell you no, mean cliche, in several words, I know we gave him some about a mean means or a mean from what means but what everything mean cliche. Everything means for everything, what do you mean for everything everything, you say, what do you have on your mind, money, yet knowledge, their values under present, leadership, it was their followers, definitely justice on your present,

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equity, equality, all of it, but you know whom you could easily say in suburbia, there was a means for everything. And that is why even though he was given the empowerment and the strength, because he had means for everything.

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There is no other way for societies or civilizations to stand and to be able to own their own destiny and to dictate it unless they have means of everything, or means for everything and possible seven

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By the way, step up here is very important, don't you? You heard I think the word used in different in different contexts where they say, right taking, taking using the means where do you think they got that concept from? They got it from here very simply from from suit government, the concept of existence would you go, they'll call the name was empowered on earth, he was given the strength and he was able to position himself and and to walk the earth. No one stood in his way. Why I tell you now whom in Cooley shaitan suburb, he was given a means for everything. There was nothing missing in his in his.

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In his kingdom and his civilization. There's nothing, nothing, nothing that was missed missing. The values, the ethics, the money, the wealth, the strength,

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the proper values, the knowledge, the practical knowledge that everything was there. So you had a civilization. And it's funny when you look at

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the beginning of the surah. Just a couple of guys, three people. Three people the idea only three people talked about the world two guys. Talking about Musa Musa holder, maybe you shot two, three guys. And then when this story came, he's a part of a group.

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He's going to be a part it's not about on his own, he is leading an army. He is not he hasn't civilization, though. Now is come now. It's all it's ripened. And it's come to the point where the community is there where the civilization is there's no longer one or two people. So longer story of a couple of individuals who are doing certain things. That's usually how it starts. It starts with a few people. He started some of the hot so let me he was alone. Yeah, Khadija? No welcome, then I'm sorry. Oh, okay. Then it slowly kept on moving from one person to the other Biller, Paul Zubayr. Abdul Rahman.

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Roberto by the nick of time moving one person to the other, until it became what it became later. But it started with a couple of people who have an idea, they stuck to their idea to the point where they had some ability to do more than they, and they moved on to gaining a bit more wealth and getting a bit more knowledge holding on to they're holding on to their values and their and their list of, of ethics and, and principles. And then they were able to stand. And they were able to do it with it they had.

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It's only when you disable it. And if you look, if you look up, and Cyrus the Great and read a bit about him. It's very, it's a very interesting story, or the story that exists why because it talks about someone who did not enforce his own faith on others, like he would come to a to a group of people and they didn't believe in God, that was their problem. And he would you wouldn't, you wouldn't persecute them wouldn't kill them. There was no * happening at the time. It's very, it's a very interesting story. And you're looking at it from a because you don't find stories like that, that go back in history, you're these stories are historical, that go back that far, you know, 530

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BCE or something, then you're usually talking about the level of brutality is much, much higher, right? And then we're going to see the first encounter he's going to have, well, if he had me condition inseparable, then what are you going to ask him about? First of all, I then he followed, then he followed the means. Or then he followed the cause. But then he continued, you continue to follow more means you never stop. There's always room for improvement. If you're given the strength, if you're given the ID, and you've given the wealth, and we're given knowledge, you're given the status and the power, then now you have the ability to do higher, then you can, you can do higher at

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this point, that's about I said about any following followed the mean, you didn't sit around doing nothing, he followed the mean, wherever the mean, took him wherever he felt that this goodness could be done, wherever he felt that there was something that could be fixed, that there was a step up to be taken, meaning there was there was a proper, logical next step that needed to be taken. He took it, he went for it, but I said Baba, and the Quran uses the word celibate, again, which means mean, or it means I need the practical, the practical next step or something that is dictated through the logic of life. And you're looking at life from a rational point of view, what needs what do we need

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at this point, then facts about I said about you, you follow that, that cause and you and you get it, and you obtain it so that you can stand so you can continue doing what you're doing for Tobias Somerville? And he said, Let me continue. You continue to follow me. Alright, here's what you encounter. Now he's gonna start by going west, right? You're gonna go west, you're going to encounter the first group of people that this story talks about. So we read the story in Shaolin that we explained it had either Bella or Mel Reba Shem see where Jeddah.

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roofie I mean, I mean

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Well, why Jeddah in the OMA

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Yeah, then, Nene in

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two I Vbar.

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Two eyes veba in

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that definitely the fee him who SNA

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What MFSL zebu

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soon you do eat out of behavior you IV boohoo I then look

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what um men, men our amela for the

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fella who just

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any SNA

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Western APU hula hooping and Marina you straw was

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the only reason that he was capable of moving from one place to the other is what I say no who mean cliche. And the only reason he was given a mean for everything is that the way he lived was about I said, Baba, that he continued to sue to pursue the means to look for the reasons of strength, the reasons for empowerment, the reasons for strong positioning within this world, and he followed them and he got them. When we talk about religion, and the need, that we have the necessity, that we have to strengthen our status as Muslims. This is not something that that religion needs. No, this is having that strength is something that that religion does.

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I'm gonna repeat that, again. Because this is an important differentiation here. They're very different. Strengthening the the status of the Muslims or empowering the communities or empowering the Muslim ummah, is not something that Islam needs. No, this is something that religion does. Religion is the set of principles and ideas and values that no civilization can stand up without meaning there is no civilization on earth that stood up without a set of values. I'm not saying that they all had the Quran, but they had a set of values, some of these values were good, and some of them were not, for example, the civilization we are a part of right now we're living in now, the

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Western civilization, it's been standing up for years now. And it's getting stronger. Or maybe it's not at this point, I don't know anymore where it is in its in its cycle of life as a civilization. But regardless, it's still stood up on a number of values. Correct. If you if you take the time to study this civilization, you can track back those values. And you can find a number of set of rules that they build this based on that and because they had these rules, they were capable of doing what they did. Now, I'm not arguing those rules. This is not the point, I don't wanna say, Oh, they're good rules or bad rules. I'm not, that's not the thing. What I'm saying is what religions do is that

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they offer you the set of rules, and principles and ethics and morals and fundamentals that you are going to use in order for you to stand out, this is what you need, we can't do it. Without a set of rules, you can try and stand up without these set of rules, you can do it but you won't do it as well. It won't be full of failure, and it won't last as long. So anytime you hear you're given something way better. So it's not that Islam needs this. Islam does that. So if we're not where we are, if we're not there, that means we're not we haven't understood the faith properly yet, or we have failed to continuously understand it, or we stopped at some point comprehending what the fetus

00:28:30 --> 00:29:08

supposed to do for us. And we broke it down or reduced it to something much less than it ever was to begin with. Because if you did understand it, and practice it properly, the way Allah subhanaw taala sent it, then moving, taking these steps and moving to the point of what is something similar to what feel God's name is, is going to be the natural is the not natural movement is the natural progress of what happens. We don't need the Quran or have as a stand. But if we do have the Quran, and we shouldn't be standing up by now. And if we're not, then there's there's a there's a defect in the way that we're dealing with it. Does that make the same the difference? It's a very important

00:29:08 --> 00:29:41

difference here. There's something missing in the way we're dealing with this. If you're gonna sit well, you have this set of rules mean you have the values that you agree with. You agree on with everyone, meaning you know why you're here and what you're here to do and where you're going, it's all clear to you, then why what's wrong? Then what's wrong with your vectors? Why are they going in, you know, all the opposite directions? Why is it focused on one because you guys, it's there you should be agreeing to it? And then that kind of mistakes the question that we may be a revision of ourselves to revise the way we view it and to what extent we're willing to we're willing to commit

00:29:41 --> 00:29:59

to it and to sacrifice our time to sacrifice our our comfort in understanding the deen and holding on to it. So he goes either by law, he follows the sub, he follows the means he continues to follow the means to keep himself doing what it needs to be done. You continue to call it to follow the means he follows bylaws are not reverse champs he come

00:30:00 --> 00:30:33

to the to the plate to the end. So of course a lot of there's a lot of misunderstandings if you didn't come to where the sun the sun doesn't dip somewhere and then that's where it's we're setting in the west no meaning he came to the part of the Earth where they were into the west where there's nothing after him or it's just it's just water and he doesn't know if there's anything after that and that's called MongoDB shows where the sun sets and it keeps on going and there's really no earth there's no land after that it's not talking about this is you sometimes by young Muslims as well your client says that the sun it dips into no that's not what it means at all. You just you come to

00:30:33 --> 00:30:53

a point the earth probably back then and this is gonna use the old either somewhere in Western Europe, Spain or Western. You know what it is today Morocco or or Mauritania something where there is no land anymore we don't know because I really don't know where this is. But he came to mercury emissions as far as you can go West had data Ebola Melhuish jumps

00:30:55 --> 00:31:33

in and out Hermia he found that it was it was setting upon a place that was heavier meat, which is a muddy spring, I mean is a spring and and IMEA is muddy, muddy spring. Now what is that referring to? I mean, are muddy spring means that there's there's there's good, there's good soil that is good for for growing things. And there's water clean or heavy means that there's something that is that it's not it's not dry, nor flooded. It's I mean, I mean, this is this is good. This is land that you can that you can from either culture point of view, there's a lot of money here, there's a lot of there's a lot of wealth in this place. They're not poor, they're not hungry, we didn't have Wi Fi at

00:31:33 --> 00:31:41

me, I didn't Well, why did that in the home, and he found a group of people were living there in this very, very, I need the proper land for growth.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:45

What is their problem? Their problem is that there's

00:31:46 --> 00:32:23

their oppressors. They don't have what we would call today the law. They don't, they don't have law. And because they don't have the law, they continuously oppress each other. And they don't meaning they don't have the values. You don't have the set of ideas that will govern their society to make sure that there's going to be idle, that there's going to be justice or fairness. And because of that, even though they had the resources of wealth, and the maybe it didn't do them any good, meaning they were failing, and they'll coordinate when he arrived there, there was no resistance at all, is what he saw deletable the Iranian hanja land, that is muddy springs water, and it's good,

00:32:23 --> 00:32:58

it's good soil. And there's people but these people, they're not putting up what we what Allah subhanaw taala was what the country was given. He was given this choice at that point in mind to him and the turkey, the femurs. Now you can what are we going to do with people who are oppressors who oppress themselves and have no laws? What are you going to do to them? This is an important part of the sutra. Because sometimes you're powerful, and you come to people who are worthy of punishment. So what are you going to do? Are you going to punish them, drive them when and tuck their fee and prisoner? Are you going to find take away with them? That is just not just me that is that has

00:32:58 --> 00:33:01

goodness in it? Are you going to take away that is going to lead to goodness? Yes.

00:33:03 --> 00:33:38

Hold on. So they have your color. So what he said and this is the example of why the current index started to connect with someone who has had fairness and justice call it a man man. What am I right by the amendment column by cell phone or as people who tell me what I do eat out of behavior, you are the people who either I'm a nuclear, as for the one who oppresses i for those who continue to oppress, then we will punish them. And then when they turn back to their Lord, they will find a worse punishment that they found with me here. Well, I'm an MNO. I mean, I saw the hand and as for those who believe in our pious and do the deeds that are good, but who does and they will be given

00:33:38 --> 00:34:10

as a reward. ISNA, there is no as the best, or the easiest, or the thing, the best, the goodness, the best goodness that we can offer them, meaning we're coming to these we come to this group of people, they have the they have the wealth, but they don't have the values and they don't have the laws, we're going to enforce the law that will make that will make it all fair. Those who are oppressed will be punished, then they will be turned down, when they go back to their Lord, they will find worse punishment. And those who don't, those who do the job that they need to do those who you know, spend their time and spend their effort in something that has played then they will reward

00:34:10 --> 00:34:45

them. And they will be given will make sure that they are encouraged to do more, and there'll be given status, and there'll be given for the listener once an occluder who Amina usara, and then we will tell her that person say to that person from from our former nominee, that means from our understanding, or from our point of view, or from our status or from our perspective, ustilago the ease we will give them ease, we will be easy with them, we will help them we will support them, we will give them the best that we can and those who oppress will be punished. He will lay down the law. So let's give him the choice either to do this. So this is the reason that Colonnello Carnelian

00:34:45 --> 00:34:51

is the example that is important for us to understand. When you have that power. You're always given that choice, aren't you?

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

When you are that powerful, when when all the means of strength and power are given to you

00:35:00 --> 00:35:35

You have the values and you have the wealth and you have the, and you have the knowledge and you have the status, and it's all there. Now you have the ability to make a lot of choices, because you will come upon, you know, falling civilizations, I mean, the way I see it is so muddy spring spring, that isn't it's not it's not gushing water, it's almost symbolism to something that's kind of coming to its end, there are weak civilization, they're not, they're falling. See, when if, when civilization like that are falling, the only thing that helps really is just is the lock, the lock and content can sustain it. Good example, I think where we are right now, it's the law, right? It's

00:35:35 --> 00:36:07

not really the ethics, not the morals, not the values, it's not the common, the common cause that really forces the law, the law will keep everyone doing what they do. Even if the civilizations concepts and principles and and values are falling quickly. And you're crashing to the ground, the law will keep it up for as long as it can. So he came to a group of people, there's two, there's two ways to look at this story that you know, that offer a similar a similar way of understanding it may be different but a similar perspective. He was given the ability to do what, okay, you're falling, you don't have the values here there. But here's the look, the law will keep the land going. And it

00:36:07 --> 00:36:40

probably did, probably can continue, because there's really no one continuation to the story. They weren't it wasn't it wasn't poverty here, the problem wasn't that they had nothing. The second story, you'll see, it's a bit different, wasn't that they didn't have any wealth is that they didn't have justice. Right? The idea wasn't there. Isn't that the first story, if we hadn't got the idea, you have to have the values, once you compromise them, once you find ways to justify no longer following those values. Colors. Yeah, that's the first step of falling you've already fold. It's just a matter of time now.

00:36:41 --> 00:37:17

Right, the moment corruption enters any, any system policy is gonna fall, just wait back and get the popcorn and just wait, it's gonna fall as possible cannot pick up continue. Time is irrelevant, or relative. Sometimes it'll take longer than others, but it will fall because you've already, you've already messed with the core values of what there would allow them to stand up in the first place. And that's why what I think is worthy of us standing for all of us to do is that we revise the core value values of the dean, the reduced concepts that exists within Islam, the concepts that when presented to the Sahaba, to the Prophet, so they said back then actually changed the way they viewed

00:37:17 --> 00:37:21

things like Tonquin, like duckula, like you stuff up, like

00:37:24 --> 00:37:57

came to because sure, like these are these are concepts that were given words that were coined, these are phrases that didn't exist before, to what good, go open any addiction and look for the word, you'll find that this word was used by Arabs for Islam, when the same content No Look at me or Wakita someone someone who's going to take care of your matters and when you're not around, but to look good as a concept as it wasn't didn't have a meaning for the Haoran coined the phrase, it was a phrase that was used why because it was a concept that you need to explain, it doesn't have a synonym in the Arabic language, just don't explain to you what it means and how it's going to change

00:37:57 --> 00:38:28

the way you view things and how he's going to change the way you carry yourself in your life. And then it turned in something totally different. And stuff out a very strong concept it was turned into just you know, you're just gonna move and then that's that's the end of it, or you say during free, but it doesn't doesn't have a meaning anymore, doesn't carry something doesn't doesn't mean something to you, that doesn't allow you to view the world differently, or it's not a it's not a frame of mind or a mentality that will continue with you. And these and this is what happens when civilizations fall any civilization falls, what happens is, is that the great values that once

00:38:28 --> 00:39:03

guided on its feet are reduced. That's why they're reduced to rituals, or superficial or trivial celebrations that don't really mean anything anymore. So even now, if I say to you is just me stop doing what you're doing. That's all you listen to, and somebody's going to listen to it like it's just, you know, whatever you go with it duck into the meeting, duck, what was it? You know, it was a very, it's a very important concept that carried you to speak at hand. Aren't these concepts that Allah subhanaw taala gave us? What do they do? Are they just are they just any something you count on a mitzvah? Or was it or was it actually Guinee a frame of mind that changed how people saw the

00:39:03 --> 00:39:40

world and and saw their role within this world? Right. And I think a lot of that has been taken away the concept of Rama, what does that mean? compunction? I have so many other words that mean empathy and compassion. Rama is a very, it's a very specific word that exists in the Quran as well. It's very, it's a very specific word that's used. The Met had a different meaning before Islam came and then when the time came and gave it a meaning that was different that people have to learn to deal with it. And it became a part of my the way I practice and the way I lived. When you lose the values has the falls. Basically, you've taken out the pillars from under this civilization is going to

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fall. It's just a matter of time. The law will only do so much but you came to people in mentor I did witness talking about being President. Show me your values that you're that we're going to make you come to people don't have values, show me your values. What are you going to do? Their oppressors, where are you going? What are you going to do to them? No, we're going to we're going to be fair. We're going to put a system of law firm

00:40:00 --> 00:40:08

So that repair, I'm on vellum will be punished in a moment and whenever I'm gonna slide your hand they're gonna be treated in the best of ways. Simply you could have done the opposite. Look at stronger

00:40:10 --> 00:40:50

bodies of slightly stronger systems or civilizations that exist today. Do they treat everyone else in the same way? Or even remotely? Similar? Is there any justice in the way that the function is there? Not much, you could have easily just taken the Hyatts you would have come to the HMI I just taken all the all the resources that they had, I said to him and then kicked them out or killed them and justified it by the fact that they were oppressors anyway like they were they were garbage the way that the function was garbage is not they're not worth it easily, but no justice the first thing is that they've got a name established for us the strength of the idea that he had or not the idea

00:40:50 --> 00:41:15

the ideology that he carried or the values and the principles and the set of rules that he was given by Allah subhanaw taala that he understood and that is what why he stood up he came to people didn't have it and he treated treated them the way people who liked what he had and we got to see the what how he dealt with them having having those set of rules that's the first story for though coming is going to continue we read one after the other. So um, I said that I

00:41:18 --> 00:41:25

had either a warm melt barley I Shem see what Jeddah telco lower

00:41:35 --> 00:41:37

Paulo Milam Nigeria I

00:41:38 --> 00:41:41

mean Dooney sit all

00:41:52 --> 00:41:56

help Warner beam de hobo

00:42:02 --> 00:42:40

much faster but again, this pursuit, the pursuit of the means of continuously looking for what the next step is, he continues to follow them and takes him to the Far East, where mahalo multiply ships where the where the sun rises, we find that the sun rises amongst people lemenager Allah whom Indonesia etc. There is nothing sheltering them from it, meaning they are living probably in that, you know, Ground Zero type of life, people who didn't really have much, barely enough clothing to cover themselves, then they go home and do any assets. That means that they're not capable of the point where they really don't know how to even shelter themselves from the Sun that

00:42:41 --> 00:43:16

that is rising everyday. Very poor. The problem here is financial. The first one was ideological was based on values. Here are their poor kinetic kinetic means and he did for them when he did for the first group. He offered them what was missing. That's why we hopped on the malady Cobra, and indeed we know and we have encompassed everything that he possessed Toba, we had the we had the clear or profound knowledge we had encompassed with our knowledge, everything that he possessed everything that will come named possessed mean, he had, he had, he had something to offer he had in the possession, he had the materialistic ability to actually help them get that just like he did with

00:43:16 --> 00:43:35

the first group he did with this group. That's what connecticare means. It's, it's comparing what he did with the first group with a second group. This second group is probably not the law that they need. This group needs they need to eat, they need to find they need they need to, you know, to be given the basics, the basic needs of life to actually continue with themselves.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:58

So we offered it to them just like you offered when the first group needed the offer disprove what they need help on the manner they need Cobra and indeed we have encompassed with our with a deep knowledge, Cobra, with everything with every part of the knowledge, everything that he had been mad at that he what he had was just he said I'm so we knew what he had. And he offered from what he had. And he said in the second, the second story, so you look at it, and it's the same, it's the same

00:43:59 --> 00:44:36

sequence of what to do. Gaffer has talked about. Erica talked to us about the idea about the values with the principles about ethics about the rules, right? Fundamentals. The second story was about the wealth. Right? So the second group he encounters are people, the third group is going to impact culture. If you do the same sequence, right? It's gonna be knowledge, right? And then you're gonna find that in the first few words, in the story, there are people who know nothing, or barely know how to speak. There are people who, when it comes to their knowledge, they don't have knowledge, even though they have all the resources. They're not poor. They don't like numbers. They don't like

00:44:36 --> 00:44:56

money. Right? The final group is the most interesting, of course, and this is where the kind of the climax of the story comes. But they're a group that don't like no, they don't not go well. They don't like numbers. They don't like it just like there's just very ignorant. They didn't have the knowledge that was needed. So we're gonna move on to the next one. So um, I said that

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00

or had

00:45:01 --> 00:45:07

either by law or by Enos Dini word judge I mean Dooney Hema?

00:45:16 --> 00:45:22

Dooney Hema pol Mala do Duna Cohoon hola

00:45:31 --> 00:45:40

Babu Paulo Nene in Judah Judah musi do Nephin on

00:45:50 --> 00:45:52

a halogen Allah

00:45:54 --> 00:45:58

Allah bien and well being whom said the

00:46:08 --> 00:46:18

Athabasca bubble and you continue to seek and to pursue the means had either Bella Verbena said Dean until he came to a place between two mountains or between two large

00:46:19 --> 00:46:26

you could say dams as well. But there was a dean there was said is usually used for mountains. So he came to people living between two high

00:46:28 --> 00:47:05

high mountains Venus to Dini, I think there's, I think there's some symbolism we'll talk about in a second. Why did they even do any email he found between these mountains or the foothills of these mountains foeman a group, a group of people population layer can do and if Kahuna Cola, they have very little knowledge of even how to speak, I've grown up with it, or they don't understand what's what they're being told. Meaning, which is, which is the proper way of understanding desire, like I do, and for whom Nakoda, meaning they don't they barely understand what is being said to them. So they look around is speaking to them. He's explaining things to them. And they don't understand much

00:47:05 --> 00:47:27

their comprehension is very low. Meaning he found out he's talking to people were very, very simple. We don't seem to understand much, we haven't really educated themselves as much as not somebody that are interested in. So he is someone who is hanging out whom in coalition in suburb, who has been given the means for everything. And science and knowledge is something that he understands you see how that's all going to be very clear in the story as we go along with it. But they don't seem to understand anything.

00:47:28 --> 00:48:04

Like the language barrier or good being but I don't see like I feel so again, when you when you go on to read in certain in the city, you find that they say that you needed 28 different translators, I need to actually finally understand the language that these people and he spoke. I don't know, I find these if these stories are more, I guess, mythical than they are actually the point. When you look into the Koran or what the Quran uses in terms of, of the choices that the Quran makes when it talks about certain things and then leaves other things out. You see, go back to the beginning, as I talked about at the beginning of the story, whether the story is at the beginning, through alikhan

00:48:05 --> 00:48:10

men who Decra men tell you a few things about his story, right? So everything that this story tells us.

00:48:11 --> 00:48:20

Every word here is worthy. Because the story is huge. It's a long story. There's a lot to tell, but the Quran just chose certain things. So why would this be of any importance whatsoever?

00:48:21 --> 00:48:23

Right, like why would why would

00:48:24 --> 00:48:40

you lie or Kaduna, have Kahuna cola be of any importance? What is there for us at all to learn from easily that could have been left out and continued? And you will still understand the meaning right now your understanding of the story? How it has that part? offer you anything?

00:48:41 --> 00:48:56

Before we've done this, you've known the story for the story at one point or the other. Right? There's not the first time you've heard this story altogether. So what was when you when you knew that Life couldn't have gone? Oh, what did that mean to you? And so my question here, What did it offer you like in terms of depth of the story, or something you could learn from?

00:48:58 --> 00:49:00

Ignorance, sorry.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:01


00:49:03 --> 00:49:04

The violence of whom?

00:49:07 --> 00:49:09

But it's not he's not talking to you, dude. Oh, my God here.

00:49:10 --> 00:49:11

You understand?

00:49:12 --> 00:49:14

You're Bruce. You sure?

00:49:15 --> 00:49:16

Well, he's not talking

00:49:17 --> 00:49:34

to the people. Yeah. So my question is what what does the knowledge whatever What is What does us knowing that that they they couldn't understand what the economy is telling them? How does that what does it offer us and just in terms of the story, that that's the question that was

00:49:40 --> 00:49:41


00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

Okay, which is the point which is exactly what we're trying to say that they locked understanding that there was a lack of understanding there's a lack of knowledge. When there's a lack of of education basically, right. There are people who are going are not going to be able to take care of themselves, which is basically what the story is gonna we're gonna end up forgetting

00:50:00 --> 00:50:32

Finding out the story that they are that they don't, they don't like wealth, and they don't like either the numbers to actually take care of themselves. It's just it's just the because because they liked education, they weren't an educated group of people, they weren't capable of actually doing what they needed to do, meaning they became violent and they became. And they couldn't, they couldn't govern themselves and they couldn't take care of themselves, which is the point. So they have to go do an F Kahuna Kota has merit hearing the story, especially specifically, if you look at household to kind of kind of progresses and moves from talking about the three basic elements. And

00:50:32 --> 00:50:59

he came by three people, right? It's like us being told here, you've achieved imagine that you've finally achieved all three of the basics. And that lead Did you had the idea, the wealth and the knowledge and that led you to have in power. Now imagine coming by people who liked one of them, come by people who liked who liked the values or came by people who liked I need the wealth came by people who lacked the knowledge. Every time they'll come by them, you'll find that the the

00:51:02 --> 00:51:38

there's just in their narrative, meaning that they feel helpless. Or there's a there's a level of helplessness and there's something missing. There's something missing what they got, because there's something that's not there. And in this story, when he came in as a dean, right, the problem was the level of education to live understanding the level of comprehension like I do when I have to hone up on your thought and what they said is you're gonna coordinate. Apparently though, Kenny was known at the time he was someone who was not the name was heard of him. My name is Julia, when Georgia moves to do and I fill out so Gog and Magog, which are basically two tribes that our understanding is that

00:51:38 --> 00:51:57

they descend from yesterday had been new Allah He said, and that's the understanding, but they represent in the Quran, the chaos. They are present in the Quran because we take the the origin of the word in Arabic, yeah, George comes from Elijah, and Jewish comes from magenta. So it comes from the root word, Elijah is when there's a fire.

00:51:58 --> 00:52:33

I generally Hebrew, the Hebrew, so it's talking about something that burns will measure is when something is mixed together and it ruins it. And they don't know how to use the one that when he says something about Sofia being short, like she said something about her. I thought a lot cruelty Karima No, no, no, no Musa prima ballerina messenger to one another, when I'm gonna get to mean that if you had put it what you said, as a word that it was thrown into into the ocean would have ruined it, and turn it into something that's no longer viable or something no longer supports life. So Georgia, Georgia has even even the origins of the world the word have corruption in or have chaos or

00:52:33 --> 00:52:33


00:52:34 --> 00:53:10

destruction or have something, there's something there that talks about the harm in different ways. So these things in Georgia and Georgia, mostly doing nothing, they are corrupting the earth are they are they caused a lot of chaos or terror here on the earth and where we live, I had an idea I do not know how to Jen can we offer you a cottage cottage means touches the word that they use for taxes, or and and the origin of the word cottage is when we give you an allowance or we give you a we pay you something for doing this for us. Now, they didn't want to say pay you for it, because he was much stronger, and you had way more wealth than they did. So you don't want to tell him, I will pay

00:53:10 --> 00:53:20

you for it here. But I want to give Tugun or CodeGen. Here the meaning what they're looking for is that we become a part of your kingdom, and this becomes taxes. So

00:53:21 --> 00:53:59

we pay the tax with that danger Albanian well being in a homestead, and you put something between us, meaning you put a dam or a barrier that will that will keep them away from us. Now I'm gonna stop at that point of the story because it's nine o'clock. But next time we'll continue this. This is when we talk about it, you will find the explanation of what I talked about in the first two encounters more clear, meaning his responses to Carnegie, how he deals with them, what he says when they offer him that how he actually continues to work with them, and what he offers them at the end. It'll be it'll clarify for you the set of values that he had, the amount of wealth that he had, and

00:53:59 --> 00:54:20

the amount of knowledge that he had. Right? So if I take that home equally share it in Sebulba. We gave him the means everything still isn't clear. When you see the way he kind of answers the questions to this group of people that he's going to help you will find that he has all the elements that the surah has talked about. And you will see that the sequence of how it all moves forward. And so we'll continue that next time.

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