Adnan Rajeh – Surah Summaries – Surat Abasa (80)

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The importance of understanding the code of conduct in Islam is emphasized, along with the need for strong understanding of Islam. The speaker discusses the history and importance of Prophet Alayhi's actions, as well as the need for gratitude and deep feeling in gratitude towards individuals. The importance of respecting culture of Islam is emphasized, along with the need for gratitude and avoiding harms in Islam. The speaker offers resources for learning and resources for learning about subhanaw taala.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Rahim hamdulillah Helmand Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasoolillah and the you know have you been Mohamed Anwar early he are so heavy hmm so bad. Today insha Allah you will talk about surah Taha it's the third Surah within the first group of sutras and the cluster of his ummah. Because I'm summarize everything in the Quran, most of the sutras and just anma Yanni, the vast majority are mucky sewers, and most of them are actually early Macuser was and only maybe one or two that are Madani, we'll talk about them once we come to when when it's their turn. But the vast majority are McCue stores, and mostly are in the early mucky period. And the first group of sodas

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which we talked about, we kind of talked about the theme, the theme is are what are the pillars of religion? And I don't mean, what the pillars of Islam or the pillars are, in order for you to have a religion, what do you need to know there, there are certain things that need to exist in order for you to be able to carry a faith of any sort, and the three sources and never when Nazjatar and others basically cover those three pillars, and they're very mean in sight. They're very insightful, because it's something for us to think about in terms of do we lose track of these things because you get so

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you dive so deep into the deal, and you get so encompassed by all of the different acts, actions and acts of worship, you kind of forget that really, you need three basic understanding concepts, to be clear to you, number one, and number two tells us what Allah subhanaw taala is narratives. You need to know what the One who created wants exactly what the story is, what their opinion is, and what Allah subhanaw taala hopes for us to do, kind of that break that break that basic breakdown so nicely, it gives us the tool and the obstacle all in one, it gives us the idea what we're supposed to do and what was going to cause us not to be able to do our job, which is enough's, as soon as the

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ad went into talks about that there's some degree of depth yesterday. And then the third pillar is what is the code of conduct? I mean, how are we how are we supposed to behave? And that's what sort of ABA talks about. So the ABA gives us the code of conduct of a Muslim law, how we're supposed to behave in an extremely interesting manner, probably one of the most interesting sources in the Quran. And I know I say these things like this a lot, but I truly mean it. One of the most interesting stories in the Quran is sort of Amazon by far, and it's a murky Surah obviously one of the early MKi sutras

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subhanho wa Taala is well it's one of two sources in the Quran that's name is a verb, all the other songs in the Quran the names are nouns, acceptable statements and opposite even feel stigmatized some ways of under being understood that's different but obviously is the very clear one it's a name was sold as a verb. And it's referring to something the prophets of Allah Allah you it was like Musa Lim did

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obviously means to frown.

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Aba, whatever li frowned and turned away.

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The story is known to you you know this story, the prophet Alia Salatu was Salam is standing speaking to some of the leaders of Quraysh he's investing his time he's trying to get some of the influential people of Qureshi and listen to himself Allah Azza wa sallam, he's trying to make progress with that he's performing Dawa with those who don't really want the deen but he's, you know, he's going out of his way to try and convince them. And then a man by the name of Abdullah had been Omi Maktoum or the Allah and one of the Sahaba comes from afar. Now this man is blind, he does not see. So he calls upon the Prophet LASR to attend because he was told that the Prophet Alia Sado

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Salam is in this direction. And you know, he can hear you can hear people speaking so he knows the Prophet, he is also somewhere at the end of this road. So he started to call on the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. Now, remind, I'll remind you again, what is the theme of this one, the code the code of conduct, the Code of Conduct of Muslims.

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The Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam hears it when only Maktoum so it turns over, he sees him coming towards him, probably aside from knows what needs to happen, it's going to happen, he knows what's going to happen was going to happen is going to have to leave the person he's speaking to, and go and address Abdullah ibn only Mattoon and see what he wants. Why because in the deen, we are obligated to serve those that deserve the Muslims first and serve their needs and meet their needs and make sure that we're taking care of whatever they want, before we actually go and speak to those who don't want it altogether. Both are very important, whether it's service of the Muslim community

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or outreach to those who don't actually believe. But the prime value side also knows that he has to go and speak to the person who was calling upon him. And he was making progress with this leader. He was actually getting somewhere with them. He will this person was listening. So the prophet Ali Assad was on for a split second round.

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I wish I I wish I wish he didn't come right now because I could have I could have got this done. But now I'm gonna have to talk to him. So he froze for a second they turned to the gentleman and told him I need that I have to leave we'll continue this later. That's all he did. Audience thought was to them, and then he addressed Jonnie Ebola.

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If anyone has any doubt that the Quran is from Allah subhanho wa Taala today they weren't

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possible. It's impossible that a human being would make up a Quran

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And then put the surah in impossible. There is no way that you that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would make something up where it says Abba what well, and

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when are you the recolor? Allah Who is that girl photographer who's because I'm an easterner but in Telugu, so the woman is well I'm and Jack is our Hawaii Yaksha and Diane Rotella her color Ravalli salatu salam for

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something that he didn't a split second, where he just he just just frown for a moment. And he turned to the other person ended the conversation and then went to Abdullah bin Maktoum and spoke to him and they had a full conversation and he answered all his questions. Allah subhanaw taala would reveal a surah pointing out that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam did something here's my question to you. Did Abdullah ibn Al Maktoum know the Prophet alayhi salatu salam frowned.

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Did he know that he found he didn't he found out from the sutra so I'm Allah Maktoum didn't even know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually frowned. How would he know he's blind? He can't see him. He didn't know the Prophet Alia says I'm turned away. Allah Subhanallah saying you frowned and you turn but you shouldn't have. You shouldn't have frowned and you shouldn't have turned back to the gentleman speak to him, you should have gone immediately to the person who's calling upon you.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was literally put forward everything for the Dawa. So far, he has given up everything that he has, he has lost loved ones, he has lost status, he has lost homes, he has lost he is struggling Ali Asad was on every front. And then Allah subhanaw taala comes and points out something that he did.

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That the person that was done to didn't even know about now, let me let me take you another step forward.

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There's a difference when I asked you to do a job, and then you don't do it fully. Or I asked you to do a job, but you decide you want to do it, do a more difficult job, meaning you actually want to go out of your way and do something more more difficult. The problem is salatu salam when he when he found for that second turn,

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he wanted to do the job that was more difficult, which is speaking to the person who didn't want to listen at all. That's more how I do. It's way easier to speak to an audience that wants to listen to me. It's much more difficult for me to speak to an audience that is not interested in what I have to say or think that what I'm saying is wrong. It's very, very hard. It's very nerve racking and it's very uncomfortable to address an audience that is not interested in anything that you have to say the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was choosing to do the more difficult job to speak to the leader of one of the leaders of Quraysh instead of Abdullah haibun Only Maktoum who actually wanted to listen

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to him. So Allah Allah wa salam, so we will just choosing to do the more noble thing meaning in his heart, he just wanted to do the the task that was more noble and more difficult.

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The Quran will come and say no, you are wrong.

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You frowned and you turned away and you shouldn't have done that and I will am on the blind man came to you. You shouldn't have done that. When I would recall Allah we are exactly what you know what you know, maybe the person is blind person will have more of an impact when you what you say to them means they'll they'll purify better, oh, yes, that girl, they'll learn more, but then I would think it'd be benefited by what you have to say more than the person that you're going after. I'm not mistaken and the person who doesn't want you at all for telehealth or Sunday, you're trying you're confronting them trying to do it while I'm in jail. Okay, yes, I'm the person who's coming asking

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for you all the way up and they have reverence of Allah in their heart and Daniel della, you're actually being distracted for a moment. No, no, that's not okay. This this this story is one of those stories that I just I can't wrap my head around. I cannot I for the life of me for years. I can't I just can't do it. It's just beyond me to understand how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took these verses and heard them. Don't you think that when you really brought these imagine to imagine the Prophet alayhi salatu salam when Gibreel comes with this surah alright, I'm imagining the end of that day the prime value swordsmen performing Dow all day long. And then this this

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incident happens where a person calls upon him I'll see you later and he goes back to that person. And then when did you really comes in the evening? Yellow, yellow Mohammed we're going to recite our oath of Allah him in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim All right, I must say whatever Allah

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and why are you the Rika Allah Who is that guy can almost feel the Prophet Alia

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can this is this just something I should Can I just read this sort of for myself? Maybe maybe just I learned the lesson I understood Okay, that's no this is going to be for uninstall your multi Alma and people 1400 years later will sit and they will talk about this incident. They'll talk about this incident it's impossible he made this upset Allah hasten it's impossible. No one's ego would allow that no one no matter how humble you are, your ego would not allow you to actually work out something like this, this type of issue. Is this a mistake? Can you even call this a mistake? What can you what do you call this? The person that he found that didn't even see him?

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Don't wouldn't be at least I'll

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obligatory for the person who was dealt with to feel bad in order for the sort of the cover and correct the behavior. Jonnie Maktoum felt bad for a moment that he was being neglected, then maybe the sewer would come and say, Yes, you shouldn't have neglected him. But I believe but only McDonough had no idea. He didn't see the problem how he doesn't see.

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You're not allowed. Just take this. Just take this phrase from me and think about it for a moment. Because the suit obviously talks about the code of conduct this is this is our code of conduct is how we behave this hour. This is the this is the standard we're held to this is the standard he was held to Salalah Holly you it was obvious. You're not allowed to frown in the face of someone who can't even see it for a noble reason, for a noble reason, for reason, of which you are trying to work harder for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. I want to do something harder, more difficult. So you've not even you're not allowed to frown in the face of someone who can't even see it. If you

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can see it, the Prophet alayhi salam would have done it correct, but he can't have seen so the the moment frown is not going to harm Abdullah Maktoum No, you don't do it, but you're up we can see it doesn't matter. But Jeremiah was trying to do the most difficult job it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. What was the right thing to do here the right thing to do he was to leave what you were doing and go to the person who called you without the phone so don't frown. So don't frown SallAllahu it you it was like you said now you understand that this is the standard he's been held to. This is the standard he had to live by some Allah Allah Samuel Salam I can't understand it. I

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can we don't have we don't have the ability to do this. We don't have the ability to do any of this we can we can maligns impossible. He's been it's going to turn into Quran he's going to hear Jibreel recite upon him read after me I must say whatever Allah and Allah and Allah, Allah Allah, Allah. Well, now you recolor Allah Who exactly can you defend himself said Allah Allah wa salam and say no, right? No, you have to listen to this. You have to say okay, what never again? Never again. But what did you do ya Rasulullah Habibi, Allah. What did you do?

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What you you reacted? You reacted as any noble human being in that split second would have reacted.

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Any normal human being in that moment would have reacted that way because they want to do the more difficult job they want to do the better power. So for a second there, he just

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wish you didn't come right now. Well, Abdullah Hibino McTell isn't a Muslim, but you can come later.

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You can send him back, come later, I'll talk to you in the evening. Come back. I'll see you at the masjid later. I have I have something to do? No, he didn't do that. Otherwise, I mean, that he could have done that. I would have done that. So Allah, Allah was like, Musallam, I would have said, Okay, Abdullah, I'll see you. I'll see you later, Miguel. But I have a question. Yeah, I'll see you. I'm Muslim. I have I have something to do right now. He didn't do that sort of life. And he went to him and he addressed his issue. But just for a second there. He just felt that maybe maybe if it just didn't happen now he could have finished doing this. And they told the person I'll talk to you

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later. No, no, that's not the priority. That's not how it's done. That's not perfection. That's not, that's not the perfection of the code. That's not how you that's not the conduct that you were sent with sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And it's Quran recited until Yokoyama and this standard where you cannot frown in the face of someone who can't even see it for a noble reason. You can't do that. That's, that's that's the standard that we live by. Can we live by that? Well, I we can't, quite honestly, it's almost impossible. I don't think we have the ability. But that's what he was held to sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and honestly and clearly, this is what we are held to this is the same.

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This is the standard that we're going to be held to as well.

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So Allah Allah, Allah, this is the story. This is the story of the Quran, where he's understand it's not like the story came somewhere in the middle of a surah, where at the end of it, it was named by it. It was named, he frowned in English. Ibiza. If you translate it the name of the sutra is He frowned, not the frown. No, he frowned. So Allah Allah, Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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but because of his ego, because he didn't have any ego earlier. So because he knew that his only purpose was to serve Allah subhanho wa taala. He accepted, he had no problem. And he learned the new stuff. And he went to Abdullah even only mctimoney was saying either let the arterburn EV he'll be the one who Allah subhanaw taala Yeah, and he pointed out something I didn't do the right way because of any would look, I knew I was doing what I'm doing. Every time you saw him he would forget about the fact of the Quran is respecting people with disabilities, and pointing out that they need to be taken care of the moment that they asked for it. You can put that aside for a second as but

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just the fact that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was held to this mistake. Can you call this a mistake? You think the Prophet Alia saw doesn't even remember that happened during the day?

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Is it something that you remember? Is it is it a reaction that you would recall at the end of the day or maybe two days later that someone called you when you hide a facial expression of fate just just a momentary facial expression and then fix it? Who remember no one remembers this but Allah subhanaw taala sees it jelajah he's seeing it he's watching he observes it supine and without any pointing it out. No, that's not the right way to do it.

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The right way to do it was that you didn't frown. But he didn't see me out of it. That doesn't matter. But he doesn't see you then it doesn't that you can just do it. No, this has nothing to do with the person whether they can see you or not. It has to do with what's right and what's wrong and how behavior needs to be. You just don't do it. But I needed to know you don't tell him anything. You don't tell a lie. You go immediately to the person who's calling upon you. Yeah, rasool Allah will cause me going into that person, some Allah, Allah, Allah. And that is the that is the standard. That is our Code of Conduct. If you want to, as a Muslim, know what your * to you're

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held to that live with this. May this be the way you behave for the until you meet Allah subhanho wa Taala because this is the code of conduct that we carry.

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He continues to paint with data and the surah in the heart of kilo, what you have what you offer your Rasulullah is a reminder and this is an extreme degree of edit that you find in the Quran. Reminder is not teaching it's not telling people something they don't know it's reminding them by Manisha Dakota and those who would like to be reminded by it or Welcome to be reminded by it. And those who don't and then they don't. And Allah subhanaw taala elevates the the description of this of this reminder for you. Sophie McHale run that in Morocco, in Morocco, Herat in the ad set out in Kira Amin Bella

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that this this dhikr that you have

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in elevated sleeps that are purified and noble in the hands of melodica, Sephora who are also noble and have high status, meaning Allah subhanaw taala not only does it elevate the status of the of the slates that this ticket is written on, but it also elevates the status of those who carry it.

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Then the vs hotel in Santa Clara and Oxford in a moment why this is all there. When he che in Halacha, whom in nopparat, in Holika, who are Dora who don't necessarily like a Silva who don't double up on Dharma who don't either, and shower

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with urine inside Omaka what it means is the human being how this is similar to property like a rocket that I talked about that and sort of in the form of draw, I mean he made this person be punished May the human being be punished mark for how little this the human being is grateful and thankful for what we give them and that's what go for means go for. Go for an AMA is for you not to be grateful for a blessing. And the reason that we use it as the opposite of iman is because when you just when you're not grateful for the ultimate blessing, which is life itself, when you decide that you're not going to be thankful for life itself, and you don't acknowledge that Allah gave you

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life that is go for that disbelief in God altogether. But really cover is just that lack of ability of being grateful and showing gratitude and being thankful for data in Selma ACOTA How ungrateful the human being is, I mean, are you shaitan Calaca What did we create him from when not to 14 Calaca over Katara created from something so small, a sperm that is not even seen with the with the naked eye taka and then he was given dimensions and he was given a destiny he was given? Yeah, I need a future.

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Then sad last Sora and after that he was given the different paths to take the the path of eat was eased for the human being to choose the right answer instead of the wrong and then the human being will die and then we'll be in their grave and then when Allah subhanaw taala decreased the human being will be resurrected again.

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Jaco Lima Amara

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llama in Arabic means something that hasn't happened yet. NAMA Jacobi, Amana, the human being has yet has yet to accomplish what he has been commanded to do.

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So going back and kind of putting it together this paragraph in Surah diversa indeed it is just a reminder, this is a reminder Do not miss treat the reminder that you have the Dean this reminder is very elevated is meant for it no matter how rotten we are at Sephora Tinky ramen is very it's very elevated, very respected. Under no circumstances are you allowed to disrespect the thicker that you carry? You can you can only bring down your own ego, you can go to people and and show them humility and humbleness. But you cannot disrespect the vicar itself. The elements of the deen the Quran has to be held in high, it has to be elevated and respected by the person who carries it. And by the

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person who is spreading it to others. You can you can humble yourself, that's fine. That's my job I'm supposed to be you're not supposed to have an ego if you're teaching the dean, you shouldn't be it should be easy for you to come to somebody and offer them but you should not ever disrespect the vicar, the dean there in the knowledge that you carry with you. That being said, that being said,

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at the beginning of the surah Allah subhanaw taala just pointed out, just pointed out that the person was asking for it, you offer it to them regardless of who they are, I must say whatever, just a minute ago, just a minute ago he was he was pointing out the code of conduct for us. So yes, you need to respect the LM that you have. But that doesn't mean that suddenly you become someone difficult to speak to. Doesn't mean suddenly that you're someone who was rude and disrespectful to those who ask questions who require guidance or require aid of any sorts. You

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It's funny how quickly our minds will accept that the NFC is very quick to accept anything that gives it status and gives it strengthens it. Yes, respect and people should speak with me just a moment ago just five verses before he was saying I must say whatever. You don't frown you don't frown But he can't see me you don't frown But he didn't know about it doesn't matter he'll know about it now you'll hear it in the Quran. A bit only Maktoum heard heard about the frown in the Quran. He didn't know about it. How did you? How would How would you know who was going to tell him? No one saw the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam at all. No one saw him only Allah in the Quran until

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yo milky Yama.

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And the human being mattock surah. How ungrateful the human being is, as everything has been given to the human being created from nothing offered a path offer the life

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and still yet to accomplish what he was commanded to do what was he commanded to do? Sugar.

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The problem was, How ungrateful the human being is, what the human being was asked to do. What the human was required to do was to be grateful. A part of the code of conduct that we carry is gratitude is genuine and real gratitude, to feel that what Allah subhanaw taala has offered us is beyond anything that we could we can ever we can ever pay him back for. There's nothing that we can do that will ever meet the grace and the magnitude of what Allah subhanaw taala has offered us that's has to be the understanding within our minds. That's about the deen but then you take every other blessing that is given to you in your life, everything everything that you have everything

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that Allah subhanaw taala has put on your plate in your life. Do you feel grateful towards it? You feel that you are literally swimming in an ocean of Allah subhanaw taala as blessings upon you or is your if folks is focused and fixated on that little piece of on that part of the glass that doesn't have what you want and it's not so a hotel in Santa Monica, may the human being be punished how little the human being can show gratitude, even though everything is set up for the human being look, you came from nothing from Nova you are created from something that is basically not even what is it worth really,

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really not a big ordeal how we come to this life is it needs it's a very you look at it's a very messy way the way that we that we're born and the way that we come to this world. There's nothing greater but Allah subhanaw taala is granting you this this opportunity and the ability and to cognitively know the difference between what is right and what is wrong.

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And then on the Day of Resurrection, you will come back and be held accountable. Callum, Jaco Lima Amara, the human being as yet has yet to accomplish what he was commanded to do. And the end the command was just can you be grateful? Take the two stories and sort of habits and put them in front of your eyes. I must say whatever and you're not allowed to frown even if the person you frown that can't see you. Even if they didn't even see it even if it even if they're never going to know about it. Even if it wasn't meant to hurt them. Even if you did it for a noble reason you were doing it because you wanted to perform that whether it was more difficult even if you do it that way. No, you

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don't that's not okay you don't do it. And you need to continuously be grateful to the day you meet Allah subhanaw taala for everything that you have for everything that you're offered, you have to show gratitude and deep inside feel that you are you are blessed

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stories similar to this or or OMA your milk em are recalled at hand doon become your milk, Emma, we are the ones that are praising. We always we always have a reason to praise Allah subhanaw taala we always have a reason no matter how difficult life is, we always have a reason to say it. hamdulillah it just comes out just comes out naturally. There's always a reason to say Hamdulillah you could be in the most the worst moment of your life. And I asked how you're doing you'll say it Hamdulillah you Oh, there's always a reason.

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And the known story when you're Ottawa lost in one day, a limb and a child. And one day they they chopped off his leg and his son died. And he was asked Jani How did you How are you dealing with this? Call it la Homolka

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Rolla I always to you, I had four children, you took one, you'll have three, you'll have more than what you took, like, I had four limbs, you took one, I have three now three, you left more than what you took, like, there's always a reason to be grateful. There's always a reason to be grateful. that's those are the two kind of pillars of conduct in Islam. Someone who holds themselves to a standard of ethics in treating other people where you refuse at any cost, at any cost for any reason to be disrespectful or harmful to another human being, regardless of what the reason is, regardless of why you're doing it. Regardless of how subtle and and almost unnoticeable. It was it's just not

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doable. It's just not the case. We have a sutra that can we that tells us something the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we seldom did will recite to your milky ama so we learned this lesson.

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We could have learned this lesson in many other ways. But we're going to learn this lesson by the Prophet alayhi salatu salam having been told that you you frowned.

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Round, just just for a moment. So you understand the

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The depth of his characters from Allah Allah send them because I can't get I guess can't let go of this.

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I found your job for 10 years now. I have put everything I've got my life, my time my money, I've lost everything I love. I've lost my reputation. I've lost my home. I spend every moment of every day calling to your to your road I have let make one mistake. I found he didn't even see me. I didn't even do it because I didn't like him. I just I just I wanted to do something for your sake that was more important because because if this guy accepts Islam, the person from Quraysh we don't need to do his urine have been done all this misery we can just we can just establish Islam right now right here in Mecca.

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Right? That could have been something he said otherwise, why? Why? Why? Why put this in the Quran for people to read about something that no one knew that I ever did. I'll just make stuff out right now I'll do Tober right now, no Abba to Allah. When he came when he recited Salah how to send them to the Sahaba and explained, some Allah Allah CIBJO seldom, there is no doubt that this Quran is from Allah subhanaw taala it's impossible, impossible, Allah He that someone would do this to their own ego impossible. But that's the code of conduct that we carry. You don't do it. No form of harm, regardless of the reason, regardless of the cause, no matter how small it is, No is the answer. No.

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I don't understand how Muslims go around harming other people after they read source Abba to Allah. I just don't understand. I don't understand what you're gonna say to Allah subhanaw taala yomo pm when he when you come and you've harmed others and he says, I busted What did you not read that? You don't read what I told your prophets and allies and you're not see how I documented that one thing that he did until you milk them and you came here and you harmed others and you feel like it's somehow Okay. Number one, number two is gratitude. Jakob Lima and when he continues subhanaw taala on the concept of gratitude for the onboarding insert me he and suburb unelma or sub Bentham Masha

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takana, shotguns Bezzina the her have been worrying about when was a tuna when

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he talks about subhanaw taala as a human being not look at the food that we offer them that we pour the water from the sky in abundance and and clear and the earth is literally cleaved for the food that you eat to come up from it.

00:27:21 --> 00:27:57

And then in it, you'll find grain and you'll find fruits and you'll find olives and you'll find palm trees and you'll find grass and you'll find gardens, all this why all of this material Allah Komali Anamika just for you just so you can enjoy. This is for you. This was put here so that you can have so that you have what you need just a moment ago and certainly as Yachty also said metallicum body anatomy calm but there he was telling us, you know, I humbled you by saying I should do how can i Mr. Obinna, you're humble, but know that I love you and that I that I care for you. And as soon as tilava says a different cause the same verse but a completely different purpose. The purpose here is

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Be thankful. Be grateful, be grateful for what just for that concept, regardless of how much you're eating, and how much you're offered, just by the concept that Allah subhanaw taala made all of this so that you can enjoy it, so that you can have a good life so that you don't have to go and waste all of your time trying to just make a living, it's all set up for you. I will send the water from the sky and from the earth. Everything that you need will come eat. When you anatomy come in and feed all that you love human beings and livestock feed them all and be grateful.

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You can eat concludes the sort of subhanaw taala thank you that Your saw the deafening the deafening sound, the deafening shout, when it comes the day that it comes to my piano. And it gives us this paints this picture is horrific picture Yoma your female role model. I mean, if he were me, he would be he was he but he robinia on that day that human being will run will run away from his brother and his mother and his father and his wife and his children. They're running away. Luckily Mary min homeodomain Shut up. Every human being on that day has a matter that they are preoccupied by. They have too much to deal with that day. They don't. They're just too busy. There's too much that they

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have to think about. There's too many things that they didn't do, or too many things that they didn't do that they shouldn't have done. And now they have to think about all of it and they don't want to waste time speaking to others who may ask them for a favor. So they run. They run. Isn't it interesting? This person who is running, he's running from a brother, a father, a mother, children, a wife

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with a very, very blessed human being in his life. This human being had two parents, a spouse, children and siblings. This person was very blessed, extremely blessed. He had a full family on had everything. Those who are older, yeah disposable able to actually have children. This was a big this is a big deal if you can if you can achieve that much in your life then yeah, you're pretty lucky. But you're Milka because this person

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was not grateful. did not use what Allah subhanaw taala gave them properly you'll be running, running away, running, not wanting to. You'll see families your milk Yama come holding on to each other. By the way, there will be families like that holding on to one another, no milk within the calamities of what's occurring, people holding on together because they worshiped Allah together and they were a family of gratitude. But those who weren't those who took everything for granted and we're thankful for what they were offering you'll milk down everyone's running in when in different direction. Would you when you're at Mozilla bar HCA to establish your what would you do in your mini

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Denali Volbella. Tahoe have Katara hula eikelboom will refer to a Java on that day, you'll find faces that are bright, that are laughing that are happy that no one's coming is great. And other faces that are gray that are tired, that look like they're very, very worried and on that date will echo Homolka for rotten fedora and he uses the word start Java Java is an ethical problem. Gopher isn't a theological problem, or an issue of gratitude. And for sure the issue of ethics. He talked about the code of conduct and ingratitude. Those are the two things that define us as Muslims, if you just if you're too confused about how you're supposed to be as a Muslim is two things that first

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go to, well, I remember that story, and then gratitude and the ones that weren't covered up, they weren't grateful and fungerar did not have a good code of conduct. And that's how this sort of kind of works together. And I hope you find you found to be helpful before we go for Salah just a reminder in Charlotte Jonnie Baraka, Luffy can we I I encourage people to bring their children I think it's very important I love having children in this place. I'd love to see young faces it's really what makes me happy and but just please be aware of your children around you so that the volunteers can actually function outside keep your children close by keep them under your

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supervision if you if you can't do that, and they're too young I still think I need the photo for mothers who can't come stay home because they're big, they have no one to babysit and they can they can still follow at least at tarawih hotline but otherwise just help the volunteers along with with keeping the children under control so that they don't harm themselves and that they don't disrupt people's prayer. There's like one below Hallo Subhan Allah will be handed a shadow Allah Allah into Sophia to willikers. Salah asked them how many early he was on

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