Adnan Rajeh – Issues of Marriage #11

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of hadiths in various topics, including marriage, religion, and money. They emphasize the importance of understanding one's own values and finding one's own happiness in life. The speaker also emphasizes the value of finding one's own companion and finding one's own happiness in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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So that's hadith most of that's different. That,

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that can be seen as a weak hadith

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in general,

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depending on who the tabi'i is. But the

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says so he points out a specific person

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or he says there's a he says that

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it was a person amongst the prophet alaihis

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salam alayhi who told me this, but I

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just don't remember who, then there's a different

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way of of looking at that. Hadith, depending

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on the tabiyeh,

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it is seen as either authentic or reasonable

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versus waif, but, that that's just like a

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little nugget from Musa al Hadith.

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It's not not a, you know, this hadith

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has a reasonable standardization because it's other Hadith

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has Shoah head for it, meaning there are

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other examples for it. Within the issue of

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marriage, this is still what I'm talking about

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for the next maybe week or 2, then

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I'll cover a few more hadith on this

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issue, on this topic.

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This man said, Qalam,

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I heard him one day saying,

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taban lizhahabiwulfilba.

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Basically, gold and silver.

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There's context here that is missing that this

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man did not pick up. He just heard

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the prophet walking away saying, No, gold and

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silver. Gold and silver this and gold and

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silver that.

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I went and Umar Khattab was with us,

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the 2 of us walked. This man from

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the among the Prophet alaihis on Sahaba.

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So our own khatab would ask you, he

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followed up to Prophet 'alaihi wa sallatu wa

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sallam, Jair Rasulullah, you said, you know, you

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cursed dahabu filba.

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What do you mean? Like, we don't you

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you never you don't usually do this. So

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why why are you saying that?

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And he walked

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He said,

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he was frustrated with something someone was saying.

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Something to do with a bit of a

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materialistic approach. He was frustrated with some degree

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of materialism that he was witnessing.

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So it bothered him. So he said something

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something So and so, vaha Abu Fabbah.

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And then the guy who was hearing an

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Nawal Khattab, they they just heard him say

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this on the way out. They didn't actually

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witness the context. They ran after him alayhis

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sala. There's a lot of things to learn

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from this hadith. I'm not gonna waste you

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too much of your time. They ran after

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him and said, You Rasoolallah, we heard you

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say this curse word that doesn't like you're

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saying so and so that Abu Fardah, what's

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the problem? So he didn't actually explain to

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them He

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just said these three things.

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So it's not lisaanun dhakir,

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wakalbunshakir, no, lisaanun dhakir.

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So in Arabic when you put fatahrulmusub

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on a word, there has to be some

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reasoning for it. And most of the time

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it's either like a harpusheba bifirk in the

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in the in the comes before it or

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there's a fiyal and it's some of urbihi

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for it to make sense. So in this

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well, Allah understands how the scholars have understood

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this and this is what you take from

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the context of what's being said. The prophet

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alaihi sallahu alaihi wasallam is actually saying

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like what you should ask for, what you

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should be happy with, what you should be

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hoping Allah gives you is

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a tongue that is embraced and engaged in

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the remembrance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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A heart that is satisfied, that is grateful

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to what Allah will get.

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a wife that will help you get into

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akhirah. And that's all you need.

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He was upset with the materialistic approach people

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were showing. This is back at his time,

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alayhis salatu wa sallam, when people know nothing.

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People know

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People had nothing. I can't imagine how you

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could be upset with any materialistic approach at

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that time. There was What material existed? Like

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people barely had shoes, people didn't have bathrooms,

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there was no running water, electricity wasn't even

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talked about. This is not even he was

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upset with people focused on the Abu Fibbah,

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walking away saying, What if Allah subhanahu wa'ala

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grants you

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a tongue that

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has the privilege of remembering him?

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And a heart that has a privilege of

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understanding his blessing so is grateful and you

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have a spouse that helps you make it

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to aqirah then what do you want?

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Wealth and money and material? Yeah.

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That's how we thought alaihis salatu wa sallam.

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It shows you what he valued really. I

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love this hadith because it just shows you

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what he really valued. This is the value.

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This is what matters in life. Are you

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someone who's blessed with the ability to know

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God to the degree that allows you to

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remember him? So your tongue can do dhikr.

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Yes. Do you understand faith in a way

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that allows your heart to be in gratitude

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for what you have? Yes. Do you have

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someone a companion on the on the way

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that will take you closer to Allah not

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farther away? Yes. Then you are very rich.

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Then you are the richest of the rich.

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This is the you're the wealthiest person alive.

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understand why

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you're correct, alayhis salawat. Alright? I understand makes

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sense now that he said that. It's like

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it's like what we

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Something to think about. Having a companion,

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that will help you make it to to

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to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is more valuable

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than probably anything you'll ever have

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in this world. So so if you have

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one, be very happy. And if you don't,

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look for one, so you can be very

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like the rest of us here.

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