Mohammad Elshinawy – Best of Stories – Study of Surat Yusuf 22

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of Alay bills in the military and the importance of learning the tactics and skills needed to achieve success in various situations. They stress the importance of learning the tactics and skills needed to achieve success in a situation, and explore the use of La "salaam in a non- Muslim system. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding confusion and disrespecting people, and stress the need to show human experiences of actions and moments of distress to avoid embarrassment. They also discuss the use of negative language and the importance of testing behavior and staying true to one's beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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He also have a drain, we continue with the story of use of Alayhis Salam, the best of stories and we are at the point now where use of Ali Salam had asked them if I find the King's Cup, if I find the king's goblet inside of one of your bags, then what is the punishment, you tell me what the punishment should be. And so they said, whoever is bad you find the cup in if any of us, then they themselves become it's compensation, the compensation for stealing an item of someone is that you become that item you become taken into slavery. Some say in their lodge was for a year that you have to serve the person that you stole from for a year, but the point is, you become their slave

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in exchange for what you stole of their property.

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So here in these first verses for but the abbey or at him, Avila we, Efe so he began with their bags before his brother's bag, the brother that he wanted to keep back with him. His full brother, whose story is called Benjamin, okay. Of course, the very wise he didn't go straight for his brothers bag. He began with their bags first and he pulled it out of his brother's bag. Allah says Cavalli kaki Denali use of thus we devise the plan in this way we would devise the plan for use of you know, Kadena from Cade k does the word in the Quran for plot right to plan in a way that disadvantages others.

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And so that's usually

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in principle a bad thing to do.

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But plotting against those who deserve it is justice. That is why Allah subhanho wa Taala

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never mentioned that he plots except in reciprocation in return for those who plot right because it was justice. In that case, it was praiseworthy not in and of itself or the plotting involved because what is plotting, plotting is basically doing something in a subtle fashion, in this discreet way, right delivering a certain end to a certain person, not end like demise with just a goal that you get to buy not necessarily deception, but just seek secret to discreet planning. And so that is this phrase unless it is just this in the home yucky doing okay, then we'll actually do Qaeda, they plot so I plot ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, Where am Curonian Corolla and they put a scheme and Allah

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scheme Subhana wa Tada. Even though the word scheme just attributing that to Allah by itself, it comes off wrong, doesn't it? Because in principle, it would be wrong. But because it was against the plotters, it was perfect justice. And it too, is befitting of a you know, a

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reparation a punishment, a consequence for their crime. In any case, so Allah says can barely can kidnap the use of this is how we made a plot for you. So this is how we enabled him

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to get the upper hand to disadvantage them, to force them to let go of their brother. And then he said, and I can Alia Who the * who feed in Maliki lasagna, sha Allah, and he would not have been able to

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detain his brother under the Kings law, as we said, the Kings law would have been that you get beaten and you have to repay, but in their law, when he referred it to their law while knowing their law. This enabled him to retain detain his brother,

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Benjamin, so worth not for Allah azza wa jal setting up that plan for him he would not have been able to do it. And then he says, not a fauda Raja team and Nisha, it was through that knowledge that we gave him that we raised him, we enabled him we empowered him, it was not him being the king, because even if you're the king, then you then retain that men in an unjust fashion or what appears to be unjust fashion. That would not raise you it wasn't the power. It was the strategy. It was the knowledge that Allah gave him That's why it says not far that it Menasha we raise in degrees whomever we wish, will folk Olivia l mineralium. And above every possessor of knowledge is someone

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who is more knowledgeable.

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You know, Abdullah had not best about the Allahu Taala and who one time stated something and a person you know, marveling at his knowledge said to the end of that verse, he said,

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or philosophically, the element Allium above every possessor of knowledge is someone with more knowledge, meaning we never thought that the you know, someone could be a greater scholar than so and so. But here you are clearly more knowledgeable than him. And so when I best got upset about the Hola, Juan, and he said, What an awful thing you said, meaning don't just apply this to human beings. This idea does not mean that there's always going to be someone more knowledgeable on Earth. This is even beyond that. This means that every person of knowledge there is

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someone that knows more than them all the way up to Allah subhanho wa Taala himself, all the way up to Allah Himself.

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So Allah who raised him with knowledge and he plotted to secure his brother from the,

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from the harm he was incurring and experiencing at the hand of his brothers.

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And that is why some scholars spoke about a lesson in this verse, that learning the tactics, learning the tools, learning, the skills that would neutralize oppressors that would deliver us to end that our beloved to Allah and his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is praise worthy, and a means of elevation in the rank of Allah subhanho wa Taala of no fighting Rahim Allah Himself said this, okay. And then the methodical plan of use of the knowledge Allah granted him it's not clear whether this was like an explicit directive from Allah, like puts the cup in the bag, say this to them there. Was it explicitly revealed to use a valet Salam or was it simply, Allah inspired him

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with unique intelligence and you know, being an apt thinker.

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It's all from Allah subhanho wa taala. The very subtle difference between the two, whether this was something that he felt was his own choice that I'm going to use this tactic and Allah inspired him with the creativity and cleverness, or was it something that was not up to him at all, and it was spelled out instructions, but either way, it was still just as pure, it was rightly guided and was just as pure, every step of the way. Use of Ali salaam utilize this tactic in a way that was headed towards a good end, which is protecting Benjamin that's one. Number two, he didn't frighten his brother, because that also would have been a little bit problematic. You're not supposed to frighten

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people it is actually haram to admit fear upon the heart of a Muslim in particular people in general, you should not cause them to fear your harm. And so he met with his brother first the night before. In the earlier verses, we heard this he took his brother off to the side. So they had a conversation right, he opened up to him about things and very likely open up to him what his plan for the next day as well and how he was going to keep him.

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Also, the third factor is use of Alehissalaam did not accuse the brothers of stealing whatsoever.

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You know, it was the announcer who said in that homeless area cone, you are you have stolen, he didn't say even the announcer didn't say you stole the King's Cup. All he said was you are thieves. And then in another sentence, he said the goblet the King's Cup is missing. And so those both those statements are true, like meaning either the, you know, even if use of La salaam would have said to the announcer

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say the following You have stolen it still wouldn't be a lie. Because you know one way scholars would say it's okay. The announcer thought they actually stole that was on his own, that he assumed that there they still didn't know what use of asylums plan. But even if you survive, they Salam said just say the following Use of knows his own plan, he still wouldn't be lying either.

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Because the brothers did still they still use it from his brother. And so the announcement didn't say you stole the cup. He said you are thieves. And they are thieves. They still use the valet system from his father I'm sorry, not his brother. And then the second thing is that when he got to the actual cup, he said Neff pedal. So Al Malik, we don't we cannot find we are missing the King's Cup. And that is true. The King's Cup at face value. That statement is true. It is missing. It is not stolen, it is missing.

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Also use of our SLM he avoided this honesty

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in the next verses that we will speak about in a second when he says I cannot take other than the one whom the goblet was found with.

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He didn't say the one who stole the goblet who stole the cup.

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And and it also would have been wrong of him to apprehend any other brother and surrender Benjamin to them. Yeah, he couldn't, because that would be an act of injustice as well. So it's him saying I cannot take anyone else at face value. It's true because they think he still, but the use of valet salon was saying I can't take anyone else because this is the one that needs rescuing. So even that statement was true as I invite him on a lot. It lists out all of these moments when a severe use of the Zodiac The man of truth was truthful all throughout this plan this method of this this genius method or this divinely inspired method, you know use of could not take his brother this verses in

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the Kings law feeding in Malik in the Kings law. The Kings Dean dean here means system because at the end of the system, system of life, system of law, all of that right. So that's why it was called DNA Melek

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The Dean of the kingdom in the law of the king. So the law of the King Yusuf alayhi, Salam was forced to abide by and this kingdom, as you know, was a non Muslim kingdom.

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But the use of La salaam assumed the position in that non Muslim system

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for the greater good, because sometimes you just have to engage your realities.

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Sometimes you have no choice, but to put the superior law on hold, so that you don't slip into a worse state altogether. Because, you know, we believe Allah's guidance and His laws are most superior, most likely guided most wise, but between a laws law which is best, and between law lessness people just being rebels on society and people's welfare and safety and everything. The table gets flipped on, no one wants that in society.

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And that is why Subhan Allah, the laws didn't come down to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam until he was in Medina. Because unless there is the values in place, to foster, you know, the abidance by these laws, and then the authority in place when he accepted as a leader, both of those, by the way,

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the one that circumstances were in place, that all of their laws come down, and that's why it's a long discussion, of course, but this verse is proof. As even a Tamia Rahim, Allah says, On the permissibility, to participate in political systems, that do not rule by Islamic law or purely by Islamic law, either to secure a greater benefit, or to mitigate a greater harm, that could not be mitigated or cannot be secured harms and benefits any other way. It's just, we have to deal with reality, until a better alternative, a better reality

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is available. And it maintained me a whole lot quotes and digestion as well, you know, in the Joshy, that the king then I guess, of Abyssinia, Ethiopia, who accepted the Muslims who were being persecuted as,

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you know, refugees in his lands in his kingdom. He was a Christian king that secretly became Muslim, secretly became Muslim means what he didn't apply Islam under his jurisdiction, even though he was the authority per se, because he was the authority but he didn't exactly have the authority

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to apply the laws without everything getting flipped upside down on him, which would have been a greater harm. And so keeping things as is and trying to do the best you can with what you have,

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is a primary objective of this Sharia of the deen of Allah azza wa jal that deals with the real world not a utopia that deals with the changing variables of the world, you know, maximize benefit, minimize harm whenever you can, as best you can, so long as you're in the place and qualified on how to apply that principle. Okay, so that's an important rule. Just want to reflect that.

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Before we move on to the next verse, So then the next verse

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Carlo in yesterday fissara Kokkola, human copy, they said, if he has stolen

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then a brother before him, a brother of his has stolen before Him meaning it's no surprise his brother was a thief, too. They're referring to use of to use if they're referring to while speaking they said yeah, if he stole, I guess, kind of makes sense because his brother was a thief as well. Allah azza wa jal says, you know, for several half NFC haolam, you have the * the use of kept it to himself, kept the reaction to that horrible statement to himself.

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What did he What was the reaction? Most scholars say that what did he keep to himself? It is the words the very next words in that verse, which are

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called anthem Sharon McKenna, he said, No, you are in a worse situation although I don't want that they'll say foon and Allah knows best about what you're saying.

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So what abuse of keep to himself and not reveal to them let you derail at home didn't reveal it to them the fact that he wanted to say you are the monsters right you are far worse than what you're accusing your brother of. And Allah knows the truth he is fully aware of what about what you're alleging alleging regarding your brother who still

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is just this verse like everything about it is just

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it makes you angry. If you want to put yourself in use while they said I'm shoes. So like a few verses earlier when they wanted their brother. They said oh our Father You know, obviously Minor Arcana send our our brother with us. Yeah, now

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They're seeing his brother where you guys are not all brothers now, his brother has stolen they subdivided the Brotherhood right there, his brother has stolen and then even if his brother has stolen since when our like righteousness and unrighteousness you know integrity and you know corruption wickedness Are these like DNA traits that get passed down in this is the concept of basically to like racism comes from so bigotry and tribalism and all this stuff comes from collective guilt, collective shame, you know, stereotypes, all of that, right? They're saying if he still first of all, you guys are all brothers, and then they said his brother, they separated

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themselves. Then they said, he has stolen so what if his brother has stolen? What does it have to do with this one stealing?

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And then they said use of her stolen when they're the thieves. They're the ones who stole use of himself from his dad.

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And so it is infuriating to imagine that I'm used to valets and they're saying this to my face. You know, some scholars mentioned stories about like just some accusation, unfounded accusation of abuse of bodies, and I'm stealing or some say that he stole one of the idols that one of his grandfather's obviously not from the line of Ibrahim Ali said, I'm not Abraham is happier Corbusier from you know, his mother's. That's right, maternal grandfather's

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that he stole an idol of his grandfather and broke it, which would be a righteous lead, of course. And they would know that, you know, the point is, the accusation was completely baseless, completely baseless. So that's the first part. The second part I want to say that you need to think about this. You know, I read for Sister Rania was Nina a beautiful, beautiful reflection on this. You know, Allah azza wa jal. Why did he tell us? That use of it Salam kept it inside of him? Why did Allah azza wa jal tell us about the volcano inside of Yusuf Ali Salam at that moment? Right? He kept it within him and didn't reveal it to them the fact that he wanted to say, You are the you know, the

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evil ones, you are in a far worse position. And whatever you're accusing other people of you are far guiltier Why did Allah tell us that subhanho wa taala.

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The use of our Islam forgives at the end of the story. And we all know the story. And that's why I'm choosing to use this angle, or this style of digging deeper in light of the greater context of the story that we all know. Why did he do that? Subhan Allah Tala because we need to see the humaneness of the prophets, you know, and not just the prophets we need to not shy away from pretending all the time from you know, quitting our our pretentious claims of invincibility.

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Put simply, we just got to show our vulnerability sometimes that actually helps people. You know, when you see at the Prophet of Allah who forgave, in the end, it was difficult on Him to forgive, they boiled his blood, that is what makes the forgiveness so powerful. When you find someone you know that as she puts it, like takes off the mask takes off the cream takes off, you know, all of the the facade and just meet you like a human being shows you their scars proves to you I'm they're human, that is how we can benefit from each other's stories. That is when the stories can save. You know, she, as she puts it also very beautifully. The metaphor she gives, that's the message in the

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bottle. You want to connect with people and these, you know, the message that goes into a bottle and floats away and it lands in the perfect hands by Allah's, you know, his planning and His grace. Sometimes our US showing our vulnerabilities, just letting them slip, letting them you know, allowing people to have a peek at our weaknesses, our moments of distress, don't shy away, that actually could be far more beneficial than you setting up this really high expectation to others, that neither you are living nor can they attain. And so that is the importance of the humaneness and the human experience that we should not shy away from.

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As she says, show me your scars for by them you are human. And then when he wanted to do that, right he wanted to explode and said You are worse in position. He said what what Allahu Allah movie metastatic phone and Allah is fully aware of that what you're describing those words you're talking about. Allah knows their reality knows how much of a lie they are knows how much you are guilty of them more than anybody else. That is a lesson on how to be forbearing when your blood is boiling, by remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he saw them in enraged, and he said, I know a statement where he does say it, Allah Who dispel what he's feeling or

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whether we live in a ship on a regime.

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Uh, so being forbearing requires you to mention Allah's Name to purge corner, you know, strap up Shavon in that gather in that equation. Because when you remember ALLAH, you remember that your opportunity will not be lost, I don't have to react right now, my opportunity remains so long as Allah Who knows the full details, who knows the truth remains subhanho wa taala.

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And so he was able to like hide this very natural expression, very expected expression. You know, when these desperate people who need me right now they shouldn't be apologizing on behalf of their brother for their collective sake, these desperate people and these repeat offenders, they uttered another lie about him to his face, in the middle of all of that use of Ali salaam, what self control he had, I mean, these are the prophets of Allah. That's what we want to learn from them, right? He had the self control of a prophet. And he just kept silent, he was able to give them the best response, which was silence.

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And so the heroics of being able to keep a secret and getting the last laugh even and overlooking a rite of your ascent perennially, for the sake of reconciling hearts to be able, because, you know, if you'll react sometimes when your blood is boiling, after you react, you've given up the opportunity to say, okay, I forgive you, because they're gonna be like you forgive me, well, I don't forgive you for what you did in the reaction. And so you just need to hold yourself down through remembering Allah, the opportunity won't go for the sake of that reconciliation of hearts at a later time. You don't have to forgive right now. But leave room advocates saw him out there, right? Leave

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room for reconciliation for fixing things later. Because you know, when the word comes out, it doesn't come back in. People are not alike. Allah subhana wa Tada who forgive as easily and we've said this many times.

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You know, you think about like even the permissibility to lie in Islam, to reconcile between two brothers, right? That's the Islamic definition of white lies, not the cultural misappropriation of the termite lives. Why? Because even the truth, the Frank truth

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isn't always the best. Sometimes the easiest thing to do, just say it straight, don't speak through your teeth, you know, just but you know, the Sahaba would or their or their loved one he used to say

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about some people we meet some people know Kashia Rafi when she here in a lesson. If you had the SIOP. They say we smile in some people's faces, or in a colloquial way, noccalula Talanoa hearts despise these people.

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another one of the seller,

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someone said to him, I don't sugarcoat anything for anyone.

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So he said to him, you took the easy route, the easy route of not caring about keeping people together, but awful to overlook, and to withhold and this self control that we're learning from you. So they said I'm here. This is the clap of the Obama this is this is a clap of the greatest people the character of the greatest people ever.

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And so, the verses continue and I'm going to accelerate much in these next two three verses. Carla Johan lazise. They said, Oh, noble prince, oh, dear King, or noble prince in the law, whoever and che Han can be wrong. For who the Halina McKenna he has a father. That is a very old man. So take one of us in his place in anarcho communism, we're singing and we see that you are the doers of good we see that you're a great man.

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So yeah, you had it is an important lesson. Oh, noble man, oh, noble prince or noble minister, oh, noble King.

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Don't ever shy away from giving people their due respect. And do here do how much is due to them? The amount that they expect so long as it's not haram? The amount they expect too long. It's not haram. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was writing a message to her directly as he wrote he said, from Hama the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Isla Hirak Laulima rule to Heraclius the great of Rome. This is not you, recognizing you know, someone who is great according to our value system, he was not a person of hate, right? But he was seen as great he was seen as the utmost leader, he was seen as

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the head and the ruler and the commander of his people. So you give people that there is no reason for you to be abrasive and act like I don't need to recognize your authority and you need to hear that every time I open my mouth before we talk about anything else. This is very foreign to us, you know people that are hostile towards Islam.

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actively hostile towards Islam, we can ignore them altogether. And

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that would be the exception to the rule and we're addressing them. But sometimes you feel like people

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conflate kindness and respect with an endorsement of the other person's beliefs. And that should never be the case. That should never be the case. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam used to honor the the head of the hypocrites because he was honored in Medina.

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To learn obedience alone, he would call him I will hold up, you know, that was just cleaning houses like his epithet, his title of respect, and so many others, so many so many examples of this. And then they said to him, you know, he has an elderly father, you know, just let them go take one of us in his place, not this young one, it's gonna break is that talking with anyone else in Iraq, I mean, and we're seeing, we see you, to be of those who are most excellent in conduct, people have a son, you're definitely among them. That statement in and welcome them or Sydney in many scholars caught the fact that it was said, when he was in prison, interpret our dreams for us or use of, we see that

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you are of the mezzanine. And here it is, again, at the height of his power. Please be nice to us and just let the brother go and take us instead, we see that you are at the mercy, the same statement. And that's a beautiful tie. Our scholars call our attention to that use of Alehissalaam was unfazed by his conditions, his character did not change. You know, the concept of money changes people

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believe that the law the law needs to say that money doesn't always change people. It reveals people sometimes it does change us, because we do get weaker. But it's it shows you that you are not as strong as you think or shows others that you are not as strong as you think because you were so corrupted by money and otherwise, use of a Salem he was doing his Dawa inside and outside he was upon his, his ethical principles inside the prison and at the height of his power. No difference he was of the Martini. And so ask yourself

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how principled you are, how consistent you are with the fluctuations of life. You know, I'm What about the hola Juan who has a beautiful statement, it is an Arabic expression that makes no sense in English when literally translated. But it essentially means that riches and poverty are

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two writing animals that I don't care which of the two I am put on, so long as they deliver me to Allah subhanho wa Taala they are mounts they are, you know, situations that I have to write whatever's under me is under me. I got to keep it moving. And so poverty is an opportunity for patience and contentment, you know, riches and opportunity for self restraint and charity. There's no difference. In terms of my principles, of course, nobody wants to feel suffering. Nobody, you know, hates to feel comfortable. That's not what's meant, but what's meant in a way that erodes or bleeds into or diminishes from your principles, your principles that Allah will ask you about and

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hold you to. And so he said, the first we already covered now the law I seek refuge with Allah God forbid. And that whether that we take anyone that we arrest anyone except the one in whose possession we found

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our property our mats out.

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In either Lavalle moon, we would be wrongdoers. If we did that it's true. He will be wrongdoers, you will appear wrong towards take someone who didn't steal. But since he didn't steal, he's still truthful for saying I'd be a wrongdoer because I'd be a wrongdoer to leave Benjamin with you any longer.

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And so the next verse says felon mistake so men who holla sooner Jiya when they lost hope in Him, meaning the spirit of negotiating with him. Hello sooner Jiya they escaped like they stepped aside to confer with each other to consult each other privately and IGN means when Jeff private conversation

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or like a bureau home the eldest among them, he said Don't you know that your father took a vow a pledge from you before God in front of God that you'd bring the young Benjamin back and in the past you failed you know your your value promised to protect with use of as well and you failed with regards to use of land Abraham, I will not leave this land had Diagon Alley up until my father permits me or God decides for me for he is the best of deciders and they did something excellent here. They perform shooter. They got together and they consulted with one another and what's the best course of action? And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said matter, shall we call

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Manila who do Isla Rocha DM Rahim know people ever consult sincerely consult one another look for their blind spots, not just you

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You know, formalities and acting like you're humble and listen, you actually look for the best mode of action, the best practices in the current situation. No one does that, except that they will be guided to the most

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appropriate of decisions. And this was an appropriate decision to stay with their brother to stay back in Egypt to know that we didn't just toss him and leave. We didn't just you know, by our freedom with his so he detained himself in Egypt so that their their father would know that this was not us. This was not us.

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And then he gave them very clear instructions he said it'll Giro Isla de can go back to your father for oluwo and say yeah, burner. Oh, our Father in Nobunaga. Sarah, your son has stolen but still look your son not our brother your son before it was our brother and now you know it's his brother use have had stolen and now it's your son had stolen

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so when they needed him he was their brother and now that we're talking about stealing, he's your son.

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Double standards, those standards and on one level or another we all need to be cognizant of them.

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And they said when Moshe hit dinner in Lebanon alumna and we only testify to that which we know we did with the evidence came out of his bag and we couldn't say anything that we couldn't prove that we didn't know llama could nullify behalf Ilene and we could not have prevented the unseen. Like we don't know any secret evidence. That's how some scholars said this phrase. Other scholars said Well, I'm not gonna lie we have a lien meaning we did not we were not aware of the unseen meaning before we got to Egypt. We didn't know it was gonna happen. You can't possibly hold this against us.

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And we'll be Rahim Allah with this. I'll close he said when Masha hit dinner, Illa de mer alumna. We only testified to that which we had knowledge about. We couldn't testify to anything else. He says that this verse is of the proofs that we cite as Maliki's is a great Maliki scholar. That testimony requires knowledge and knowledge only? In other words, what?

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To testify for something do you have to see it with your own eyes?

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To testify for something do you have to orally

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testify for it? He said no. This verse reminds us that in Islamic law, however, it can be acquired right?

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Testimony, however, knowledge can be transmitted, even if it's wrong blind man but he was able to give reasonable testimony provable testimony, and likewise a mute person if he's still able to transmit knowledge, right, he can write it down for us or something. So he says, however, it is acquired, such as a blind man

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who saw or a mute person he says, so long as his gestures are intelligible, whether it's writing or sign language, is gestures are intelligible.

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This verse tells us that so long as there's knowledge testimonies allowed in Islamic law, and by the way, it means the opposite as well. Right? It means that if you negates knowledge, you negate testimony, you cannot testify for something without knowledge, like the in the case of rumors and how many rumors exist nowadays with the hype or circulation of information in the News Feed age, so may Allah azza wa jal teach us from his book and I'll see you guys in sha Allah this week, because this was class from last week. I was a makeup day. I'll see you this week in sha Allah Tala with the remainder of the story. The brothers heading back to their father now to speak about the latest

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dilemma that us Yeah, fullbody Salam has to brace with his old aging heart, like a squatter Sudan. We'll leave it there. So panic along with each other Leila and Mr. photocatalytic Saramonic Martoma

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