Bilal Assad – Character Series #04 Cultivating Empathy

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the meaning of "assurance" in Arabic, which refers to faith and belief in Islam. They stress the importance of being honest and not blaming oneself, as it can negatively impact one's community and personal health. The speaker also emphasizes the need to be patient and perseverance, and reminds students to be patient and not taunt themselves and others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome, welcome.

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Beautiful word in Arabic. And assalamu alaikum once

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You know the word Ahlan wassalan in Arabic,

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we the Arabs used to use it even

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before Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam came out. And,

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Islam loves

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to, you know, when when Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala brings to us new guidance,

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we find that it keeps the beautiful things

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that people people's customs used to share. And

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the word ahlann wasahallan doesn't just mean welcome.

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It means

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you are family

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or consider yourself family, and your presence with

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us is very easy, so be comfortable. Beautiful

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statement which Islam kept, and we say it

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to each other. And the reason why I

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opened it up with this is because we're

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talking about the beautiful verses in Surat Al

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Hujurat about the character of a Muslim,

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which is based on faith and belief in

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Allah. If you believe in Allah and you

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have faith in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, then

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you would love to take his guidance. And

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one of the amazing things Allah loves about

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us is character. For the prophet, peace be

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upon him, did say,

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As a matter of fact, I was sent

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in order to

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help to perfect

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the matters of good character. It means that

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some people, they had good character even if

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they were not Muslim, but there are two

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meanings to it. Number 1, they had good

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character, but there was still more

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in order to perfect it, and the prophet,

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peace be upon him, completed it for us.

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And the second meaning is that some people

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consider certain things to be good character, but

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they're not. So the other meaning is to

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also correct your understanding of certain aspects of

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good character, such are the messengers of Allah.

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The next verse that we're going to talk

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continuing Surat Al Hujarat, is

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3 words, which means, and do not

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one another.

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The word

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taunt is a little bit loose. It actually

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a more comprehensive meaning in Arabic.

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In English it's just taunt but in Arabic,

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is quite familiar to us from another surah,

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isn't it? Another surah that we remember is

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appears again in another surah. But this time

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Allah also mentions

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So we've got in Surah Hujurat

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and in another verse

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What is the difference?

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Lomaza means to

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put down,

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talk behind a person's back,

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backbite them,

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say stuff passively behind their backs,

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ruin their reputations in a very sneaky way,

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and then appear in front of the person

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as if you're their friend.

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Two faced person.

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In the other verse,

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it means woe to every and every

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The difference between the two is that is

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in your face,

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is behind your back.

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And we are forbidden from both things.

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You have to be the same face

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in a person's face and behind their back.

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I need to make a very important point.

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Some people, and I've heard this a lot,

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especially from younger people, they say, hey, I'll

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be bad to you in front of your

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face, and bad to you behind your back.

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No. No. No. No. That's not what it

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means. Remember, we are brothers and sisters, and

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the character of Islam has to shine even

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with non Muslims.

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Don't be bad to them behind their back,

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and don't be bad to them in front

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of their face. That's why Allah says don't

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do that. Because that's how you break communities.

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That's how you break families.

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Just because someone says, I'd say it to

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his face. No. No. No. That's bad character

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too. Why should you be so mean like

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That's not a society which Allah has

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advised us to grow in, and definitely a

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community cannot grow and be productive with love,

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care, and good relationships. In fact, think about

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our children. If we do that in front

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of them, then our children will do the

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same. And we start getting reports from school,

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and we start to become defensive.

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You know, as a teacher, I sometimes see

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where some parents can't handle hearing stuff about

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their children. You know why? Because psychologically,

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this is what I've learned and seen,

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they feel that the attack is on them.

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And that's like almost

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a self confession that you're guilty.

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Again, we don't wanna

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accuse or

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think wrong about our brothers and sisters or

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anybody like that, but you do see it,

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and sometimes we see it in ourselves. We

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have to be honest with ourselves. We have

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to be honest with ourselves.

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Woe to every person who is

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a taunting person to your face and taunting

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behind your back.

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Putting other people down.

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Lumaza has another meaning as well, which is

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subtle, and humazah as well. And that is

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when somebody makes symbols and signals.

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At the time of the prophet Muhammad, peace

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be upon him, that's what they did to

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him companions. The disbelievers of Mecca, it was

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one of their ways of canceling other people

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It was one of their ways of making

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other people

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look down on the companions and the prophet,

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peace be upon him, because they couldn't

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make them or convince other people that they're

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saying falsehood.

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They failed in that. And when a person

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can't put another person down intellectually,

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or through

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intelligent discussion, or through evidence,

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they start to resort to the cheap stuff.

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Call them names,

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taunt them,

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Say false things about them.

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Or mix the false and the truth together

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just to make the other person look bad.

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This is a terrible,

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terrible character, and we should never walk towards

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there because it's going to come back and

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bite us in the back.

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Allah says in the Quran, for example, in

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Surat Al Munafiqoon,

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that those believers

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who used to be taunted that way

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Because you see, when you're taunted like that

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with luamazah, it's so subtle that

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it's so hard to defend yourself. Have you

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ever seen, again, on social media, since everybody

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uses social media, some people, they taunt you

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with their comments,

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and they put you down. There's no real

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substance. There's no real,

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justification. It's just putting you down, and it

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really hurts. And it makes other people feel,

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I better,

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not, you know, stand with that person because

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he or she is, you know, they're getting

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the the floor wiped with them.

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And it affects other people just to take

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stances and not be able to stand up

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to defend them through this bullying tactics, through

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this abusive tactics.

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No. We have to stand up for each

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other. And you feel that you can't defend

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yourself. If you reply,

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then they'll say, oh, you're just the same.

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If you don't reply,

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people will say, oh, you know, I'm going

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to stand against this person as well.

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And you feel that

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you're alone.

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The solution to that is, you just gotta

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look past it.

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They used to come up to the Prophet

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Muhammad, peace be upon him. One time, the

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Prophet, peace be upon him, was giving out

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that was given to him to give out

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to the companions.

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As he was giving it out,

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men who were still new to Islam still

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had this character of lummazah,

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and behind the Prophet, peace be upon his

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back, they said, look at the Prophet,

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he's favouring

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some people more than others.

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A companion

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of the

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Prophet was

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righteous. He heard this, and he said, wallahi,

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I'm going to tell the Prophet

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about it. So he went, and the other

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people ran away. He said, You

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people are saying

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that You are favoring other people, and I

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cannot accept that.

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What is the Prophet

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going to do? Go after them. Do what?

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It's not going to benefit anything. So he

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just said a common statement, just one thing.

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He said,

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remembering his brother Moses

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Moses was taunted

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even greater than that.

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He remained patient

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and persevered and kept going.

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I will also be patient and persevering.

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If the Messenger

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had to deal with that,

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then don't worry.

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The best of creation,

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know that, insha'Allah,

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you're okay.

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Just continue to do the right thing, and

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make sure that you please Allah Subhana Wa

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As for the bully,

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well, people are going to soon know what

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they're really like, and I'll tell you something.

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As a teacher, I see students do that

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to each other,

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and sometimes

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I hear about

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long term friends.

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Overnight, they become almost like enemies,

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and I wonder what actually happened between them.

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They would have gone on their

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group chats at home,

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and someone would have said something about someone

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else, and suddenly a long term friendship

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is severed.

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And the first thing I realize about these

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long term friendships that are severed, you know

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what they do?

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Is that they start to talk about their

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flaws and their secrets that they knew about

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and they spread it.

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That's because the type of friend they had

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the type they used to talk about other

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You have 2 friends,

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and they're not good friends in the name

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of Allah. They're just friends because they have

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the same

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agendas or the same needs and wants.

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But if those two friends are used to

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talking about other people, slandering other people,

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putting down and taunting other people,

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then one day they're going to taunt you

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as well. In fact, they probably are doing

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that right now already.

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And that is why Allah

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tells us in the Qur'an,

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The closest of friends in this world on

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the day of judgment are going to be

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the most

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vicious enemies to each other.

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Except the friends

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who used to fear Allah. What does that

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mean? It means that friend,

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when he or she heard their other friend

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taunting someone else, they stopped them. They advised

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them. They said, look, they'll say to each

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other, we are friends based on the love

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of Allah, and if you're going to be

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my friend,

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that's what we're going to be friends upon.

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Those are true friends,

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not the ones who share dirty secrets about

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other people. Not the ones who share in

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taunting other people, just and in thinking, yeah,

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we are the true friends because we taunt

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other people together.

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That will come back to bite you in

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the back as well. Don't be among them.

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And that is another lesson that we learn

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from Allah

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beautifully and simply put with 3 words,

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Do not taunt

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I just want to make a final point,

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but I just realized as I'm reciting it.

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Allah does not say, do not taunt

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one another. I mean, that's what it means.

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But he said, Amfusakum,

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meaning yourselves,

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as if to say, When you taunt others,

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you are taunting yourself,

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and when you taunt others, you are ruining

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your own community, and you're part of that

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community, so you are destroying yourself in the

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Don't do that and drown yourselves. Amazing words

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from Allah, the creator of the heavens and

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the earth, and the one who created our

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hearts and our bodies and our minds and

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souls. Protect them and protect our community. Wassalaamu

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Alaikum Warahmatullahi.

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