Adnan Rajeh – Important Messages for the Committed

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The importance of understanding and embracing negative consequences of actions and actions that cause harm is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to commit themselves to their commitments and be patient in their processes. The success of Muslim attempts on changing one's identity and values is also discussed, along with the importance of prioritizing one's time and embracing a "med strict" culture. The importance of being creative in explaining one's causes and not wasting time on negative emotions is emphasized, along with the need to be mindful of others' opinions and not give too much information. The transcript is a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize.
AI: Transcript ©
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on Oh

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hamdulillah he's from Alhamdulillah

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Alhamdulillah in a manual who wants to know when to study he wants to still feel who want to still settle when I will do biller him in Cerulean fusina Women say to Lena Mejia de la HuFa When did my main job lil Palantir g de la Hui wali yum Murshida

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wash her do hola Illa Illa Allah hula hula Cherie kala la noir hidden hidden sama the Lamia herberton Walla Walla Walla Mia Kula who one had watched her do and then Abby, Jana. What are we mana Mohamed and Abdullah? He will assume? Well, Sophie, you whom in Hawaii will Habib Allahumma salli wa Salam wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jemaine What about

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your origin jelly jelly Allahu freemarker mitten zeal Falola Can I mean Aleppo, naman, Polycom Hulu Baca, Yeti and honer and infest de fille de la kalila Mim and join me in whom whatever Allah deen of Allah MUMA who three foofy Okay, and when would you do you mean America and Arab Buka you Likkle corabi will mean mostly Hoon.

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Today I want to offer a few points to those who

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since the beginning of these events 40 Somewhat days ago, have decided or client came to certain conclusions, or have made certain decisions in their lives, when it comes to their commitment and their understanding of what it means to be a Muslim.

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And if what I say today only falls on one year, not even two of them, then there's some benefit in Sharla within that

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we continue to count the numbers

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15,000 People have been have been ruthlessly murdered

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people we have a strong connection with. Don't think the world realizes the deep roots and how deeply we feel connected to our Muslim brothers and sisters wherever they are.

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How much it hurts us, how we mourn them all, how we know those are related to them, or how we know them personally.

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I think that goes a little bit unnoticed within this world that we live in.

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When people die, whether it's in the Holy Land, or any part of the Muslim world, or as a Muslim, really almost anywhere on the globe, we feel a connection to human life when it is wasted, when it is taken without help, and when it's taken without righteousness without the truth, without honesty without justice.

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And if this is something that you now have clarity on, if you have figured out the importance of being committed for the long run,

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being committed,

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long term, understanding that the change that we seek, the change that we hope for the change that we want, does not happen instantaneously.

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Complex problems require complex solutions.

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And change does not happen overnight, it can happen in your heart overnight. But even the manifestation of that in your behavior will take time. And the change that you would like to see in your life will take time and focus, the change that we would like to see in the world around us will take time, he created the heavens and the earth in six days, not because he needed those six days yet it is because we did. Because time governs us and every aspect of our existence is based within time. And the only way for us to change the world is to be patient. And by patients I don't mean there are so sit and wait for things to happen. But to commit ourselves to the causes that we commit

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ourselves to, and then be patient in that process of commitment.

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And I am not going to continue to talk about needing to do that. Because if you haven't made that decision yet, then I'm sorry, you probably never will. Because of what has occurred. So far, what has occurred so far in this world, if it has not till this moment, put you in a position where you had to make a difficult choice.

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And turn things around for yourself that I'm sorry, nothing will. And I'm not going to continue to waste my time and trying to sell it to you.

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If wake Wake Up Calls are there for a reason. But when they happen if you refuse to a company refuse to wake up. And there's nothing anyone can do about that. So I'm going to leave that piece now. I'm going to move on from that piece forward. So if you feel left out, I'm sorry, I had nothing to tell you. What has occurred so far. And over the course of the last 45 days have enough realizations within them. There's enough realizations for everyone, each and every one of us within those 45 days for a lifetime of reflection and contemplation and have more than enough within them for you to make a difference within the way you want to live your life. And that's it. And at that point, we move

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on, we move on and we start talking about what it exhibits what exactly it is that we're going to be doing. And what those who have committed themselves are going to take upon themselves for the rest of their lives and how we're going to work on it together.

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But if you have not come to that conclusion yet, then may Allah subhanho wa Taala have mercy upon you. Because I don't know what else needs to occur, what needs to occur. Do you need to see the message also in Robles? Do you need to see the Kaaba in ruins? What exactly needs to happen? Honestly, if you understand our deen all it takes, it doesn't even take one life. It doesn't. It doesn't take

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one innocent life is before that is any act of oppression, no matter how small, any act of oppression is enough for the Muslim to continue to commit themselves to justice into the day they meet their Lord.

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Forget about 15,000 In the last 45 days or 500,000 in Syria or a million in Iraq or or just keep our are the are the founders and 1000s of lives in Afghanistan that we don't even we can't even count those lives or the lives all over the planet. Wherever every single person here comes from a background in a country where they have a numbers of people that died in innocent lives that were wasted, that I will fail to bring up here because I'm not I'm not educated enough on them.

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So here's some points I want to share with you for those who have made that decision.

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Number one is

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the attempts on the Muslim identity and the attempts on the language on the culture on the value system. The principles

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have been going on for a very, very long time. The Muslim world, whether you look at it religiously, culturally, racially, whether you look at it geographically even the attempts on erasing that identity has been going on for a very, very long time. The number of attempts are almost innumerable. I don't I can't even I can't even count them for you. Some of them were attempts that are put together by the major forces that are

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just on this planet, and yet just lamb continues to survive. And yes, the principles of Muslims continue to exist. And the reason these attempts occur, by the way, is that Muslims by nature, by nature, they stand for righteousness, they stand for justice, they chant, the change, they stand for anti corruption. And the world in general has never really wanted that status quo is better. A corrupt status quo works for those who continue to count the millions as they as they, as they fly into their accounts. People don't necessarily want to change things, or if they, if they're going to change, they want it to change on their accord has to be under their supervision has to be something

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they're okay with. And Muslims just don't think that way. This is the real problem, this is going to be our problem. The real erase of identity is that piece of your identity. You see, there's a lot of Muslims who just walk into massage and and pray and leave, they're happy with them, they're fine. Because they are, they're Toothless, and they have no edge to them, and they have no substance to them. They're happy with that. But a Muslim was gonna say that it's wrong. And that's injustice. And I know I'm not okay with that. And no, I will resist your attempts to change who I am and take away my identity and take away my principal and my value system. That's a different story. But let me

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tell you that title is attempts have been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years, and they have failed. And the reason they fail is because Muslims continue to adhere to their massage and they adhere to their families, they educate their youth, they can we continue to do this, no matter how dark it gets, and how difficult it is, we continue to do that. We continue to take care of our families and have children and educate them and bring them to MS and build muscles and and bring children with all of the flaws that come with that, by the way, with all of the flaws of the massage and and those who run it and those who are in charge of it, we continue to do it. In essence, the

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concept is still there. And that's important for us to point out for ourselves, if you're committed understand this is important and it exists and it will never stop. The time it stops

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is the time where all Muslims have given up on justice, they've given up on righteousness, they've given up on St. Pharma. And that's when that's when the countdown to piano begins. And most scholars, when they talk about George and George, their understanding of it is just confusion. This is a time where there's no justice anymore. And the human race gets fed up. And it just oppression. It just breeds anger, it breeds hatred. It breeds animosity. And it can get people to the point where they stopped thinking rationally. And some of the stuff you heard about occur is when Muslims stopped speaking for that, which is true, or truthful. That's when

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and as Muslims, this is this number one point is important. And the attempts will continue

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the attempts on your identity on your principles on your values, we'll continue to try and take those away, see if maybe we'll compromise a couple of them, see if maybe we'll give up on a few of them.

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And we don't.

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And no matter how many they kill of us, no matter how much your blood is spilled all across the world, we continue to care for our care for one another, to build our families to have children to educate them and to fill our massage. And we will continue to do that because that is the way back. That is the way back, our causes don't die. We don't let our cause die. Even if we're weak at a certain point that we can't seem to get our cause to the frontier. We can't seem to get it to the surface. But we continue to make sure that we does not die within the hearts of the people who carry it. So if you're committed no that piece, with all the flaws that we carry, all of the problems that

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you find in the massage and the people who are leading it in this, you can the Imams and the ALA man, the people and how they raise their child, there is still something there. We still adhere to these places. We fill them up, you bring our child we try and that and those attempts and that spirit is very, very important and it's very valuable to continue to harness and to continue to to encourage them to keep going.

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Number two

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your message for the world around you should be we will outlast you.

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We will outlast you because the grit and resilience that was taught to us by Mohammed sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam is real we watched him Allah your Salah to

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manifest and embody what resilience and grit was. We watched him we he didn't talk about it a lot. We there's not a lot of it, but we watch him do it. We watch him just be relentless. Never stop no matter what they did. What are they how hard they tried, no matter how many times they came and tried to get him to compromise even the slightest piece of his value system, no matter how much they asked him to slow down or to take a break or to give it just put a pause on it. He never did. And it's his resilience is it relentlessness and his grit that they just could not keep up with and he Oh lasted the molecule Salatu was Salam

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He did not have more numbers than them. He did not have more wealth than them. He did not have more.

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More arms or more status or more control or more connections or more networking abilities. No, he just had resilience and relentlessness and grit, and he outlasted them. And we will outlast you.

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We will outlast you. Paulo Coelho says that you're not defeated when you lose your defeat when you quit.

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As long as you keep on getting up, you haven't lost yet. It's when you decide that enough is enough. And you stay down. That's when you lose.

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And as Muslims we will outlast you, you will continue to speak for what we believe is correct. No matter what you do. No matter how many lives you take, or how much you threaten us, no matter how much you're willing to take away from us in justly, we will continue to speak what we believe is the truth. And we will live for that. And that won't change that because the more you dig, the more you'll find. The deeper you dig, the more you will find pelos a Philistine is the tip of the iceberg brothers or sisters. Philistine is just the tip of the HS was apparent is what is theobalds What's observable by people. It's an injustice that is just in your face. The more you dig, the more you'll

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find. The more you dig, the more in justices you will find and the more volatile you will you will find under the surface that needs to be dealt with. And as a Muslim you have you have your work cut out for you, and you have your work cut out for you.

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And that message has to be clear in your heart.

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That Pete that grit piece, just not the profit it is also something beautiful to have you think of humor Muhammad, we tend to notice Hadith in a different wording that's in non authentic but the authentic one is the following. And this is the story. Well, Tyler was being pressured by the people of Christ to friend the Prophet alayhi salam don't just stop.

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And I will tell you, I've always predicted him on the history.

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And finally, he was under so much pressure and they had threatened him so much that I will tell him himself lost a little bit of his his grit.

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When it came to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and told him you have nothing.

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You have to really clean your toilet comb and don't don't Oh, my my nephew don't ruin me and my fat and your family name and don't keep on doing something that there's no end to and like you have to you have to you have to negotiate open up we have to tie these discussions.

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So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam listening to the only person left that was still supporting him on the outside Bale, or stepped back and it was an important lesson for him. It has a lot to them because the only one who stands by you is Allah subhanho wa taala. If you depend on others, you're going to lose them and you're going to be very disappointed at the end. So a tear would run down his face on a histological study and he would say hola Hema Anna, aka Dara either leikam income and tiszta Illumina sham CV Sharla. He said Alia sauce and I am not capable of stop stopping what I'm doing, of sitting back of pausing of

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decreasing my amount, the amount of my commitment more than you have the ability to

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light a candle from the sun.

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What he meant by that Alia, Serratos me that that's not an option. It never was. It's never an option, to give it a break to give it to give it some think about the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, when when did he schedule his time off? Right? Where were his vacations? Where was his trips? Where did he go? And just, you know, chill and enjoy the beach? Or when did he do these things on his love to us? I'm sorry, I'm sorry to say, when did he do any of this stuff? When did the people that you know, actually do these things? Did they do these things did they did they live like that they live in a fort in a manner where they their focus was on the next time off, that's coming up, scheduling

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your your breaks, making sure that you can retire, the concept of retirement is to me bizarre, it never existed as your tire from what from what the target is, when you're dead. You retire from living, that's the only retirement that exists. Aside from that you have, you're here for a reason, you're gonna retire from serving that reason, you can say that I don't need to make more money. use that terminology. Because the terminology of retirement sounds really weird. It really does. I don't need more money, I can say that I'm coming to a point I don't need to make any more money I have enough to take care of myself and my family. So now I can focus on doing what I'm here to do. Now.

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No more distractions at all. I don't need to spend any time trying to make money I can just focus on doing what I am here to do and focus on the causes. We have to become creative with the way we express our causes. Jaquan we have to become creative in the way that we make sure that we take our causes from a local or a national platform to something beyond that. It doesn't happen with a half committed society, with people are only half committed only, only in their spare time. Only when they have time. Your time is owned by God Himself. All of your time is for him every night. The reason you go to work is because he told you to go go go make money and feed your kids.

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Don't sit in front of a message asking for handouts go make sure you take care of your family. So you go and do it. But there's no such thing as I need time to deal with this. You need time. Let me explain something to you. When someone comes to me and I don't see them for a while, give us an answer them. I say, Hey, where are you been? He tells me I'm busy. You know what he's telling me? Sorry, shear, you don't make the cuts. I have priority list. You ain't on it. You're not high enough what you do a tie enough. That's what they're saying. That's what you're saying. Look, your words and your actions to you may mean different things. I am here to translate them for you. When you say

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I can't find time, what you're saying is I don't prioritize anything to do with what you're talking about. It doesn't matter to me because what you care for, you will do what you prioritize you will do when 100% of the time if something is on your priority list, you will do it. And if it's not, it won't. So don't lie to yourself. Yeah, no, don't do don't. I don't have time you don't have time. That's all you have. That's all you got. And if you didn't learn you just didn't prioritize this specific problem. This specific issue isn't on your list. When you say that you feel better because at least now there's honesty. And when there's honesty, there's hope for maybe changing things it's

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not was not a part time gym membership. This is not something you do when you have the time for it. This is what you live for. And it is what you die for when needed. And there's anything less than that in defining what Islam is to you.

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is just wrong. It won't function but it's what they want. They want to quiet

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a quiet

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non confrontational okay with the status quo type of Muslim just happy to walk into a masjid do his parent leave? Happy that's what that's what the world wants. That's not what he did Allah His salat wa salam. That's not why he established these places. That's not what he does. Now. He titled The Quran it's not what he taught us to pray. None of it. There's way more to it than that. I call your call you heard I was talking to Allah honey. Welcome. Let's talk a little we have Fiddler Camilla fossa. mustafina Unistall federal law

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Hamdulillah he, also Allahu wa salam O Allah, Allah learn or be about early. He was so happy. Well, Manitoba Ania hija who will have

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a hottie then you have a female Oh, who am I you Nina. She yet you will have a G utility. You buddy huh?

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I do wouldn't tell TJ why Nina was a Latina. philological mocha DESA Kelemen your pile when the myself toilet tilde here to La Nina? Well sobre home

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when we saw about Autohome Mimosa Bora to whom?

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Do Russa Lana come Muslimeen na hiya phenol herb, la de F humble Kurama la the Akula who are insane on a charm and tickle are all doing in typical car mill or all the Mocha DESA you hate to be her nobility Barack Allah houfy Hello, Mr. Holohan. They encountered FM has Al Quran white and the Como Zoo Tony guna Lally fear in Tahoe when Mr. Li che in would you be able to ID him Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah but am I taking a Hoonah back then and Ayrton waterleaf perubahan min Wilma Aruba Aruba Minister Baghdad

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phylum yeah

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I know what you do now who now more Allah can be Baca in our Saba Tina I am about ina y la de Nino

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La Nina Allama faculty

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aka Ania ALG will fire them how the hill my volume one yes Bucha la Halle and Malama either la mia cola Manuel balibo behalf el healthcare quani the Lamia Parliament Manuel toilet be the hub when you see moto fina doctor to Rob will come in with limits in new seats

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will come in mobile limit in Nusa yet has been mobile and melotti Nokia for Alia learn until then mechanical attempts Sharla Alden here Malema to intermarry Sinha

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Babu ha Dana

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Malama Alima

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are contracted shahada Maha Salah whom Killa the he a yarmulke de Kado to him about oh assaulter Isla de TeeJet in me her ear and Nepali fatalities. Joby hieratic, he burns into year one then mobility allottee. Bonita Ali, how would you catch him into Tibetan? What are you he Ballina? Geneon and naroda in Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala Odin wa either, when ye Rahman Madonna media thought on Latina woman us Barbie Hello, I'm in New York to her. When I hire 10 Here fear Allah Allah subhanahu wa Tada Taylor Harada alimta

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And then a couple Metin Marzena Mirjana

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not only more Hawala TV TDD who we are Tina with the Hello Simon Lisa Nina over the Hello Simon T Amina halimun para hudl para la de la mia, bad. Yanni Allah your hammock, Kerala, the hustler new silica Isla de naughty Jabba, I'd measure that until the rochet and after the hustle, Tara Yamashita Hilic. Had data from Ebola Jota Allah and Allah Allah your way your home had to wait you will not be unforeseen for Allah He lay surfeys You're about to put the Mojave Lake

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pitting Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Jalla Naziha de la

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Mer you okay, hold on that Jana Bella the year for the annual Kidada Mira HuFa Bina who have been Allah and maybe there could facilitate either her the phylum under her the OMA or Masabi Allah to Allah that early Crossfield bill when Emory hospital Shakur was somebody that we're about to head Elisa, New Haven, we're about to hurdle keytab, higher farlam and then mo Tala buena ka La he must Dr. Anna elogger Lika sebelah my final point that I want to share with you don't haste in Allah subhanho wa Taala haste in yourself. Don't hurry him. Don't be preoccupied by why it is that he hasn't done what you think maybe should have happened and why these things are occurring. That is a

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waste of time and it's also borderline rude. It's not acceptable. We don't haste in Allah subhanho wa Taala we haste in ourselves. We don't ask why this has not happened and that has not occurred we ask Why have I not happened? Why have I not occurred? Why am I waiting? What am I waiting for? What exactly am I trying to what needs to occur in order for me to

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you don't turn to Allah? Am I stupid to him and tell you hello Jana Tavella Ma Te comm methadone, Latina Holloman publikum Masetto butser well.ra was Zulu zero area code of rasuluh. Well Latina uma who Mata and Oslo Allah He Allah in the nostril Allah here Corrib

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the prophets and those who were standing by them will come came to a moment the people are doing it right. The people who know they're doing it right because they're standing by a profit. They're not trying to figure it out as they go along. Like the majority of us know those who are with profits. We're doing it correctly, who are doing everything the way they should have done, it came to moments at McDonald's Rolla, when when will the victory of Allah actually occur? Say Allah in the Rasul Allah had prevented its close, Eastern Allah.

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Now, it's not a not a

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it's not my business. It's not my part. to hurry him. My part is to hurry myself. What am I not doing? What could I be doing different? And that making that decision and turning things around? Over the next few weeks? I'm going to talk about sort of the Landford Yes, total in total, and fell talks about the laws of success or laws of victory, if you will, in those early verse sutras in the Quran, it's not a long one, everything around it is overages. Amongst them, it's only 10 pages. And it gives the law just beautiful. I encourage you over the next week or so to read it yourself and see if you can figure out what I'm what I'm alluding to. And I'm going to share with you a certain

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verses from the surah every week and show you what Allah subhanaw taala believes to be the reasons for success and the reasons for failure, what he's pointing out subhanaw taala to us as what we need to do in order for us to find victory at some point in our future and what is holding us back and hopefully inshallah that will be for those who have chosen to commit themselves to a life where Allah subhanaw taala is the number one priority, where their deen is a close second where their community is right there within those two priorities themselves. And hopefully we'll find our way within that. I hope that was a benefit to you. While I'm waiting allah how am I gonna be Emily and

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I'll even call in Hola Hola, Mala yukata who use a luna Island de yeah you hola Dena Manuel Salado Ali. He recently moved to Lima Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohamed gomersal Lita Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim barbaric Allah Mohammed in one early Mohammed came out about McDonough Ibrahim Ibrahim Phil Allah La Nina in Naka Hamid Majeed. What are the Allahu Manny automatic Hola, as the telephone call? Well, oh man oh, man. Oh, well, what are the law who might as well as you He will Mahajan, meaning one early HIPAA up in a bar hitting on Sahaba to Hilger in Miami and Juanita in alimentaria home via son in a humid Nene one home get off medica or hamara he mean hola como fildena Muslim you know when

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Muslim not well, meaning me not even home when I'm watch Allahumma featheredge whom Allah Muhammad Amin when I fish guru but in Nakuru being WaterFire lon I mean, what if I voted him out and you know mean when Dima Dima Halina Philistine era Bella mean Allah Who Mappin Dima Allahu

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Allahu mergeable Kessler whom Allah Who Mistook our to whom Allah whom, to whom Allah whom metadata who will be him Allah whom meltable Tala KHUDOBIN him Allah who didn't

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We're obviously in FMS de de la cosa Otto Illeana phonology delicate EBL Bella means what? Donna Jimena, eco Edo de Nicola then Jamila autobuy Lena la humulene Jimmy he's going to be in tow but I know so hard for him to not be happy but no I just said and Maru mama daddy colic Allahumma dia Aziz, whatever Hola, Quwata illa biLlah la de la Riva rebored Allah in Allah Hi I'm Robin ideally well so anyway eat easily Baba. We don't have any fascia you will carry well belly. Yeah, it will come. Come to the karoun I think a Salah

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