Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The 10 Nullifiers of Islam – Shirk

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the use of " NAWAPA" in the context of Islam, highlighting the importance of respecting one's parents and not being disrespected or trying to be "monster" in Islam. The transcript also touches on various crimes and injuries related to Islam, including murder, suicide, and false accusations, and discusses shifts in culture, such as major political parties and the use of drugs to kill people. The transcript emphasizes the importance of shaping people to make them feel the right way and not letting people go overboard in their fears.
AI: Transcript ©
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Nah man Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa kefir was Salawat Allah He was set ama who Allah in the beginning Mustafa was early he was hobby Jemaine Amma Babu fan the halal Koran, Karim Allah he will hate and who the WHO THE Rasulullah He is Allah who I knew he was sending them will show them a more marked effect to her what could definitely be the Wakulla be Dalton Gualala Wakulla Galera Tim Finn now coming to the second class of our Nullifiers Allah slammed in the water of Islam.

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After the introduction, and the last class, begin with the beginning of the book as to shift began Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Then he went on to say know that they know awkward of Allah slam our are 10

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So like all of the Marvel Islam, the issue love the Bismillah a lot of Kalam has been said about the best manner and the best manner is Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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When I go into get deep into that, the dramatic importance of and and so forth so on. Surfaces say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa salam used to begin his eating with Bismillah used to begin with going into the house with Bismillah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so Bismillah no matter what the ethnic background of the Muslim is, he has to know it. The Smilla Allah azza wa jal began the Quran every step of the Quran Bismillah with the exception of Surah Toba, the Nibi of

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Islam sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whenever he was sending a letter to people during his time he will begin his letter with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, an authentic hadith that shows the importance of the Bismillah he says some of Allahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam sit through my bein at UNE Jain whoa rod Benny Adam, and you're cooler ahead aku mother Hannah, Athol boohoo Bismillah.

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The thing that will prevent the shayateen from the jinn from seeing the hour of the son of Adam or the daughter of Adam when you take your clothes off, what prevents the Xiaoping from being able to see your nakedness is when you say Bismillah so this rely when is important in the life of the Muslim so the chef begins with Bismillah as most women who write books are going to start with Bismillah you say you should know that the Nuwakot of Al Islam are 10 this word Nuwakot is the

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plural for the word Naka so for those of you who are studying Arabic in Arabic language is important. The more Arabic you get under your belt inshallah hopefully the more you comprehend in London stand there religion. So he said that the new market of Islam the new market is the plural of the word Narberth which is the small file in the is smooth fine. Anytime you have a small file for the federal food it is small fine. Sajid dotted. All of those is fine.

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Anytime you have the smooth fine and it doesn't have an option is always going to be the plural of for why ale like this. Not that no aka hateth Hawai TIFF, share it show it had Sahil Sawa Hills always going to be so then the market of Islam when the walker the when you have those things the move say that those things that will destroy

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your Islam so we have them the walker the booboo things that destroy your will do the Newmarket have a solid things that you do in a prayer you don't do them your salon will be destroyed? The Nowalk of an homage you don't go the Arafat, then you don't have a homage than the waka de umbra, the Nawab of the hijab, many things that people can do, and doing those things or not doing other things, no opposite those things of destruction, those things that will destroy the thing that is in question

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the issue that is on the table. Concerning this word NAWAPA. Then this idea of the word meaning destruction that comes in the Quran many times and many of them of the past use this concept of a Nawab that to talk about destroying al Islam so shaken Islam had been Abdul Wahab is not the first one from that Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran, Allah to Kulu Keleti laka Hustla and embody kirtan and katha. Don't be like that lady who souls and she knits something like a sweater, from big

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End to End takes three months, four months. Don't be like the lady who knits something. And then after finishing it, she knuckled the tie. She broke it and destroyed it. And his aid is telling people don't make shit with Allah. Because if you make chick will Allah is going to destroy those things that you're doing. This is telling you be careful about being those people be of the people who you're doing the deeds, but you may be doing certain things, and you may not be doing other

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things as a result of that. You are fast and Ramadan you're thorough. We all have that jihad of hygiene, O'Meara is out the window, because you may be making schicke because you may be disobedient to your parents because you may owe people money because you're an individual who's showing off so many issues. So the point is that I is using that word. Don't be like the lady who destroys her deeds and and efforts. Allah mentioned another ayat of the Quran and Medina and cadoola Abdullah

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human body me fatty. Well, yes, Tarun Amma Aman Allah who be a nuisance, while you see do nothing of Hula, hula ha see rule. Those people who they break in they destroy the things that Allah commanded for them to be put together and they make mischief in the earth. These are the ones who are the losers. So Allah azza wa jal has ordered us to bring a lot of things together. For an example your family times, so the one who helps to break the family tie, he's making this nut He's destroying it.

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This is applicable to the unity of the Muslims, the people who use the religion no other than the religion to divide themselves and the Muslims and to divide the Muslims unnecessarily because of these mother hip because of these Gemma it is different groups because of these different slogans an idea called law has been be validating for the home everybody's happy with what they have. Don't be of the people who help to destroy the unity of the Muslims, you in the community. Don't be a

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disruptive force in the community. So Allah azza wa jal has mentioned, those people who break and ripped asunder the things that Eliza Jen has commanded to be brought together. That's the meaning of NAWAPA. And

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as relates to the book, The walk the walk it of Ellis lamb than the walker, those things that destroy Ellis lamb, some of the scholars of the suddath use this word and they use this concept. And from them is or not even alcopop Robbie Alon. He said in that famous statement of his everybody heard it before, in my tool,

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or Islam or within Ottawa, either Nisha, I feel Islam manlam Yarmouth and Jaya Helia he said Wehrli the institutions of Islam, the monuments of Islam, those things that are known as being peculiar to the Muslims, like the masjid like the other than, like hygiene Umrah like the Kaaba, like the prophets, messages SallAllahu it was sent him all of those things that Muslim, non Muslims, no Muslims buy these things. And I said, these things are going to be destroyed and he used that word.

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Not that they're going to be destroyed. Institution one after another when people grew up in Al Islam and he didn't know at J Lea. The wisdom behind that is that Omar was talking about his condition and the Companions may Allah be pleased with them. And the condition of the people who came after that. The Companions knew what it was to live in a J V and the ship of Jamia and the volume of Jamia. So when they heard the Tao of the prophets of Allah he was selling in the new of Al

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Islam and the towhee that he was bringing, and the life that he was bringing, they understood the importance of the names and the attributes of Allah. And they got joy out of praying behind the Nibi listening to the kingdom of Allah subhanho wa taala. They were committed when they heard the affairs when Allah commanded or prohibited, they had no second thoughts about practicing those things. They want another level. So he said, Allah, may Allah be pleased with him. Islam is going to be destroyed

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bit by bit. When people grow up in Al Islam and they didn't know Ajay did so now the person he really doesn't know jack here. Like Omar in a new JVM, may Allah be pleased them so that person today he sells his Islam for miserable price. He gets a job and they tell him you can't work. You can't work if you expect to pray or go to Joomla. He says okay, I'm not gonna pray, I'm not gonna go to Joomla

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I'm not going to pray. I'm not gonna go to Joomla I'm not going to wear hijab. I'm not going to hold on to my religion. So the point here is unlike to use this word before Islam will be destroyed. And he used that word not now our pit of El Islam up

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law if not biased as well.

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And what was collected by many of the aroma who gathered those books of the Sunnah the assault of a sunnah Ibaka and jewelry people like that. Those scholars like Abdullah had been admitted no handle he has a book called keytab Asuna establishing what are the Sunnah and Hadith people who say they fear what they believe in as it relates to issues of al Qaeda. And the message of the Prophet brought someone line who said, he said that Abdullah nonbiased may Allah be pleased with him said

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I'll cuddle lavabo at Tauheed for men why, Allah subhanahu wata Isla well I am in Qatar

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but here in order to walk carletti Lamb for Assam and

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where men were held Allah subhanahu wa taala what can the bubble cutter Nakada ATO heat. He said that the cutter and believing in Elkader is what Islam is all about. Submitted whether you understand you don't understand how did Allah create everything and sign in decree everything was going to happen before and it is not your business. Just believe in it. So the other is the Navami. Ellison. So anyone who makes Allah one and he believes in the color, then this is an order to both

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God and the Quran in surah Al Baqarah that Allah Tala has mentioned and after I had to concede, and then he went on to mention Abdullah bin bass, anyone who makes Tawheed of Allah and disbelieves in the cover, he destroys his toe heat. So che in Islam, I met him up to a hob and bring in this Nawab of Ellison. He has the self who preceded him in doing that, talking about the Nuwakot and mentioning these Nuwakot. He went on to say that you should know that the Walker of Ellis lamb Ellis lamb we

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mentioned many times the meaning of Ellis lambs, and Ellis lamb has three components to you to listen to slam the lie head to toe heat. And the slam is for a person to submit to Allah with Tauheed not what we find many of the Muslims doing today, saying that ilaha illallah but they're making Schick left, right and center. That's not a slang.

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Innovation is not a slam. That's something else. At least slam is a slam. Innovation is a new things that are put into religion. And the Prophet said this religion is free from everything that is invented and introduced in it so it's not a slam. How can making should with Eliza jnb Ellis lead. So Al Islam is how can we be Muslims, and the way we comprehend what Islam is is wrong. Whereas the Nasir of Allah for a community like that, might as well as a mindset, as we might say, anyone who

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doesn't perform Hajj and he has the ability and he doesn't let him die as a Jew, a Christian, a toe he is more important than an highchairs no hydrogel Tauheed so the people who insist on making Schicht with Allah and they reject the kingdom of Tawheed but a bass just said for men why it Allah to Allah, anyone who makes Allah one Tawheed and not only that, not only that he believes in the other for here and over to wolf paw, it is the handhold that never breaks it though he can even

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though he

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so anyone who doesn't embrace the ticket and then die is a Judeo Christian, let's land and list Islam and lead it so he submitted with towhee winning PR the whole time and obeying what he said and what he told you to do. Where's Islam of the person who doesn't play

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with that Islam? He's a Muslim and he doesn't pray

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and that's a lot of people. A lot of people some people don't pray at all. Some people don't pray half of their prayers some people just up and down it's like a game of dice chance maybe you pray they won't pray today. Was that Islam? No, he died no out of application of LS land. Better why the name a person knowing as part of my Islam, one of the real intricate parts of this religion is respecting my parents, but I don't have that respect. But I'm a Muslim, you're a Muslim, but your

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Islam is dice. So it is submitted with Rohit and it is doing what we've been told to do. And lastly, Al Bara two minutes shake Williams sugar cane, you must free yourself from the machine. You must free yourself from Schick and Alicia King. That means not worshiping how they worship. That means not participating in their holidays, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, happy birthday, all of that. None of that blowing out candles, all of that stuff New Year's

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If all of that, and it also means and it also means not believing in any of the things that they believe in, unless it's been supported by our religion so, LS land is an institution and Islam is a foundation then a walk into Villa slam. Those things that would destroy nullify you Islam, just adds will do can be nullified. So a lot can be nullified. The Hijab can be nullified. You're not wearing hijab Prophet Muhammad says something Allah What are you saying they're gonna come a time when the

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woman will be Cassie I ARIA there'll be dressed but they won't be dressed.

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They will be dressed but they won't be dressed their heads they have on top of their heads like the humps of camels the way they make their hair under the hijab. She has hijab on but you can see everything just has some clothes on top of it, but you see all of the contours, so it's no awkward. So the point is, if you have the Nuwakot, nullifies of all those things, then yes, a person's Islam can be nullified. His Islam can be nullified. And that's a refutation against the deviant group

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that's going to come up. Last week we talked about the dangers of tech fear, be careful of being like the people go overboard in the tech fear who are affected with the mentality of the CO adage the other antithesis of that. The other opposite of that are the Moto G. Who say as long as you say La ilaha illAllah. You can do anything in the world. And you still are Muslim. And you're on the level of Eman like Jabril and MCDA. Eel Salawat Allah, he was so dumb. I mean, he might, if you take

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the Quran, and you do the things that you can't even mention them, they're imaginable and you desecrate and disrespect the Quran, they say, your Islam is protected. Your Islam is protected. Because when you make sense and mistakes, you still on a high level of Eman? No, that's not the case. You Islam is not protected. You Islam can be destroyed by many things. The Sheikh went on to say, the Nawab of Al Islam or 1010. And that's not the case. He didn't mean 10 wanting to make and

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hustle, wanting to

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make a specific number. You didn't mean 10 Like that. I told you before this issue of the Nuwakot the tick fear is a hukum shattering. This is a ruling. Someone is a non Muslim, that comes from the religion. So when you approach it and you embark upon it, don't embark upon it and you're not qualified. Don't talk about it. And you'll give him rulings about tech fear based upon being angry with the person who you're talking about. You're overly emotional, he did something that you find

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atrocious and tasteless, like the man who saw the other man doing a bad thing. And he advised his brother and he said hey you You better stop doing that will law he? Allah won't put you in the Jannah and Allah will forgive you.

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And he spoke because what he was doing he was shocked. How can you do that? In the Masjid? You robbed the masjid you set the masjid on fire. You did that? You kill someone and brought the dead body and laughing the messages bathroom. So the person finds out something someone did. And his emotions say man, you are out of this religion for doing that. No, it's a hokum shattering and based upon that we find many scholars in many sciences dealing with as I mentioned to you, and those

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books, like I just mentioned the book of Imam Abdullah Abu aadmi. They've been humbled Kitab Asuna pseudo Sunni, Shia Asuna they have in those books about apostate in in in tech fear and the books of Al Hadith. Those books of Hadith Bukhari Muslim and Imam Al Bukhari has a chapter inside of Buhari called bad is the tablet and mobile during the chatter of anyone who will pass states they are given a chance to make Toba you have to give them a chance to make Toba.

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They apostate. Come come the ruler says you know what you did? Why did you do that? And they're given an opportunity. And Emmanuel Bukhari he brings a number of a Hadith from the authentic sunnah in which his fifth comes from that show in issue of apostate and to kill and read that it's in the books of Hadith, all of them. And in the books of fifth all of them. You have the chapter of Redux. In this the point and the books of and fit a 20 there is a chapter talking about the outcome of the

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person will pass states and the scholars said that the

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A Wocket of Al Islam some of them said 100 They give different reasons some of them say 100 Some say 400, not 10 There are many. Another way we know that then the waka devil Islam are more than 10 Is that the sheikh himself himself in the book as we go on, he's going to mention that these are the main 10 the most dangerous 10 The most dangerous ones, the ones that most people fall in to another way we know that the Nevada devil Islam or more than 10 is if we look at the Nevada devil. Well, do

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you have a low right now? Because you just pray and we'll go.

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So can you get up and pray Sunnah prayers? Yes. If you didn't do one of the 678 things that destroy your will vote. So some scholars said that the nawada Dubos six some says seven some say eight. So you have a boo right now, as long as you don't go to the toilet, and you use the toilet from the front or the back or you pass when urinate, defecate or pass when if any of those happen from the Nuwakot number one from the Nowalk It is many are maybe comes out of you * or the other

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transparent fluid that comes out before man has relationships. If that doesn't come out, you okay if it does phenomenal Walker developed slam. If you don't go to sleep, I mean you're out really out laying down out you go to sleep no after the valid snap, you lose your intellect because you went crazy. Because you drink Hummer, you touch your private part with desires Shaohua if you touch your private party level door it breaks your window. If you did it with shadow if you did it accidentally

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inadvertently no problem. Number six, if you eat camels me now who do you use camels me? scholar says six some says seven some say eight that says eight. Now how is it that I will do is a part of Islam a small part of Islam? And we'll do is a sport small part of Islam and it has only eight Nuwakot What about the whole religion of Islam? And it only has 10? No It has more than 10 but these 10 are the most dangerous ones that he mentions. These 10 are the 10 that the scholars have each man

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know if beloved concerning them. Joomla tele sha Allah these 10 are the tinder if you look at the unloved Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam these are the 10 that our relatives have fallen into and the people that we know these 10 These are the 10 that Scheffel Islam Mohammed Abdullah have had to deal with and the environment that he was in when he brought the Tao of a toe he back to negitive.

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Okay, so he went on Rahim Allahu taala. And he mentioned what is the first north of the Muslim he said the first one is and should be a bad city now he to Allah called alone time and hola la yes following you should actually be where you're from Medina Vanik remain your chef will call Allah Who knew Who made you shouldn't be lying. But haram Allahu alayhi wa Jana wa who now will not avoid the minimum and saw women who admitted they rely he can then get back with Ginny I will cover

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the first lautet from the know opposite of Ellis lamb is for a person to make a shift in his worship along with Allah subhanahu wata Allah. Allah mentioned in the Quran in surah Nisa, verily, Allah does not forgive that you make Schick with him, and he forgives any and everything lesser than that. And another it said, Who ever who ever no matter who he is, no matter who he is the father of no matter who he is the mother of no matter who he's the son of anyone who make shifts with Allah azza

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wa jal, Allah has made haram upon him a Jana and his resting place is going to be the hellfire and the volley the the body mean they will have no helpers the body mean here means the machinery King people make shit because of the item of the Quran initial la buena Laveen making shit because a great volume so that people make shit they're the body most of the body normal have the oppressors will have any helpers against Allah Who subhanahu wa taala. He went on to mention an example of this

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shidduch is the person who slaughters for other than Allah, like the one who slaughtered for jinn or he slaughters for person in the grave. And this is the first not that that he brings a shift. The reason why the man bring shift first whiny from the NAWAPA slam is because his shift is the worst sin that people can commit.

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against Allah azza wa jal, it is the Akbar Al Qaeda has been established in the Quran and the Sunnah. It is the one sin that if you do it, you won't be forgiven. As a matter of fact, if you do all of the sins in the world other than ship, whatever your mind can imagine, and you do it multiple times, Allah will forgive you for that in sha Allah, you under the Mercy of Allah. But if you just do shit Can you die when you meet Allah making shift you in trouble? You go to the Hellfire forever.

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It's the greatest sin so he brought it first. Allah mentioned in the Quran when he described the believers when Levine Elijah de Runa, mountain lion lion Aster. When I get to Luna Neff select the hara Mala who enable her. Those people who don't call on other than Allah, they don't make shit with other than Allah. And after that they don't murder people. They don't murder anyone who doesn't deserve to be murdered. So the biggest sin as should be left the second biggest sin, murder.

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Unjust murder. I'm loving this route. May Allah be pleased with him. He said that the prophets on the line he was sending was approached by a man, the man say yada so Allah, what is the greatest sin in Islam? He told the mass of Allahu alayhi wa sallam, we entered the oval Allah He made them

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that you make for Allah, a partner and equal and Allah is the one that created you. That's the biggest sin. That's the biggest sin. The man said and then what's the greatest sin after that? He said untuck to what a dick. MacArthur telling you after a month that you will kill your child at a fee is going to eat with you. So you make an abortion. You get an abortion.

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You do an abortion. That's the biggest sin after shouldn't Murder. Murder. So murder has different levels. murdering your mother and your father. The worst Murder. Murder in the Nebby is the worst murder. He says some Allahu alayhi wa sallam in a shed the nasty adab in your milk Qiyamah Raju Catalan maybe and maybe the person who will get the worst punishment yomo Qian is a man who killed the profit or profit killed 10

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So murdering someone intentionally is not like murdering him accidentally. So here he mentioned it should because the biggest sin is the biggest sins the one that people have to avoid as it relates to shitcan quality. There are three types of Ship Canal Islam, Yun Kasim and Szybko era ferocity exam there are three types of ships so know this. The first type of ship is what the ship has talked about the ship that is Akbar. If you commit the Chinook, you go outside of the fold of Allah SNAM if

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you die doing this ship, you're gonna go to the Hellfire you're gonna stay in the Hellfire you don't come out of the Hellfire where all the foul people go.

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A shift at birth, the major one no forgiveness. And we have a number of I like the idea that the chef brought a bad deal levena extra food and fussy Hemlock Natoma Rahmatullahi in Allaha yuck through the Nuba Jimmy, I say to them handmade Oh my servants don't give up hope from the Wrath of Allah when you make mistakes. Allah will forgive me in every sin. The only sin He doesn't forgive is a ship Bellagio gel. So a shake at bar major ship goes out of the religion. There are many, many,

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many examples of major shifts, that shaped brought only one slaughter and for other than Allah right now today, there are Muslims who slaughter for the old era who are alive or the old era who are dead. They slaughter for other than Allah. He slaughters in the name of the ship, in the name of Ali, and the name of a Shehab to coddle J. Lani. He may slaughter for Jin slaughter for someone in the greed irrelevant. Gen someone in the greed Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam he slaughters and

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he says in the name of the newbie this is for the newbie you go outside of the religion and that's because that's because an individual's slaughter it is only for law called inner Salafi when no Sookie woman yeah yeah well my mother in law here our beloved me tell them yeah my my Salat and my sacrifice is only for love my life and my death. To Him belongs to praise he has no shriek. So to make sure and it should be corny is making someone or something equal to Allah as shady or che

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Sharika to make partners with Allah to put people with Allah and Allah is me. This is something that is haram something that person people

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shouldn't do the non Muslims who worship the graves. They're going to say yo mo piano when faced with the punishment toda la he and Kunta Luffy Boliden Mubin IGNOU so we can be robbed Bilad I mean, they're gonna say Tila he was ALLAH he we were a straight when we made you people equal with Allah that's a ship new so we comparable anime we made you equal with Allah. So It's haram you're gonna get in trouble. Man say my shot Allah was shipped to Yara sulla you it is as Allah wants and as you

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want as well. Prophet Muhammad said to that man Dyneema Allah He made them call mashallah Why have you made me a partner along with Allah don't say my shot Allah and what I want, say it was as Allah want it by himself. So Allah negated anyone being equal to Him, let me cover one I had no one is like quantum laser chemistry he shaped nothing is like *, Tana muda who Semyon Do you know anyone who is similar to Allah.

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So this is the first noclip the big knock the second type of Szybko before that, as I told you, a shurkin. US can agbada 20 has a lot a lot a lot.

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They usually circle around or they're contained within four things, and they are a lot. They shift that people make the shift to UK but go outside the religion. First thing is people make shift in their dua ship could Dawa they make dua to other than Allah, that Shikou Akbar

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will call her up boom or the Rooney a steady biblical, and millennia stick be Runa and Ibaadat isa yet Haruna Johanna Dhaka ad and your Lord said to me said to you call on me alone, and I will answer your prayer your DUA. Anyone who doesn't make dua to me, I'm going to put them in the Hellfire with those who are lowly in debates. So a dua is only for Allah. Nobody should make dua to other than Allah. They making dua to things that can help them can hurt him. No. So that's the first one

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shipped Akbar sent around four major things people make sure can do. They make dua to other than Allah to Prophet Muhammad mija Allah, ya Rasul Allah. Yeah, I the Yeah, Chef Alucard David J. Lani, and on and on and on. Second thing is and muhabba people go overboard in the love for people. They go overboard. We love Rasul Allah He SallAllahu wasallam. So he's has no nausea. He didn't die. He knows that in Monterrey, the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is Allah reincarnated. i Li is Allah

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reincarnated. Jesus is the son of Allah and Mohabbat people go overboard. Women in nasty manga tacky, lumen Dooney lahaie and died then your Buddha honker Billa from the people are those people who take partners along with Allah, they love those partners more than they love Allah. So a DUA and Merhaba. Another thing that's important about blind when shattered Islam, and one of his really important books called Alcoa aid and iRobot. The four principles, he said concerning a dua that the

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machinery coined during the time of courage. I will live in Abu Jiang. They made less a shift than the people doing his time and our time.

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Like right now our relatives and the people we know they make more shift. Can you imagine this than Ebola hub and Abuja he wrote about this and alkali the autobahn. How How was that? How was that Abu Bakr Abdullah they was on some wild stuff how now.

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He gave the ayat of the Quran where Allah who died I mentioned

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for either rocky will fill full Tao Allah, the senior level Dean for Len manager, human and Burr ever whom you should record when the non Muslims of Mecca when they were riding in the ocean in the boat was about to crash in the storm in the waves. In this rough time that they were having. They made dua to Allah with a class Oh Allah save us. They didn't say Oh, lat Oh,

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they said oh Allah save us Yeah, Allah when they had the tough times. You need money. Yeah, Allah you lost the war. Yeah, Allah you lost the baby your wife Yeah, Allah in the time of shudder when you need something the drought Yeah, Allah difficult times. But Allah said an iron but when he arrived them to the mainland

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And they got safe. Lo and behold they started making Sheikh

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Quraysh. So when times were tough with Quraysh, they made dua to Allah. When times were good with Gorenje, they may shift. Now, our relatives, when times are tough, we make dua to other than Allah. When times are good, we make daughter other than Allah.

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The time is tough at the pass the exam. Yeah Rasul Allah, I beg of you ask Allah to help me to pass the exam or Rasul Allah, you helped me to pass the exam. His wife is having a baby. Yeah, yeah, Rasul. Allah helped my wife to have the baby during the tough times. So you mentioned that a DUA and muhabba number three, a TA Ushaped. Akbar comes a whiny and obedience when people obey other people and disobedience to Allah as the yahood. And then Asara was guilty of doing Allah who thought I

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mentioned it better than him or bad and in doing that, they took their priests and they are monks as lords along with Allah, Allah may something halal. They are monks and priests made it haram and they listened and they obey the priests me amongst Allah me a ship haram in the book, first

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law long the Old Testament don't take anyone along with me in worship. They rejected that. And they followed their monks in their priests. That's the Old Testament. That's the old Lord. Don't don't drink no, that's in the Old Testament, homosexuality haram No, no no different interpretation is LBGT time now.

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So they are books may many things haram and they are monks and priests came and said no is halal riba haram, they say knows halal, everything, everything they may allow. Women were not allowed in the Bible to be the member in the pulpit to be the Imam, the vicar, the priests. Not No, no, no, we're going to change that.

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And we'll law he from a benign from a two line as he said, Southern lady who settled them. You people are going to follow Benissa eel in everything that they did. Even if they go into the lizard soul, you're gonna go into the lizards hole. So the prophets of Allah, he was settlements, many, many things haram people come from our community, and they make them halau and these are the experts in LS LAN, and they have individuals who are always the experts who are talking about on LBC I call

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that station LBST of a day LBC. These experts will Quilliam these types of people? No, you don't have to wear hijab. No women can marry women. No, the Muslim woman can marry a non Muslim man, and on and on and on. So a shift above you go outside of the religion and your DUA

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and your DUA in your muhabba loving also in obedience. The shift tells you do this and you know what's wrong? And you do it, glorifying the chef and making him have rights over you that only Allah has number four, and the last one a whiny is the obedience I did say four right? A dua a TA and hubba. The fourth one is and Nia

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when you do something, and you do it for other than Allah, you're doing that particular thing. And you're doing it for other than Allah azza wa jal in your casting your Nia you fall into their second type of shape is the minus Ship. Ship Scara NAWBO is called minus ship is still big.

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ship crew. Ascari means those things have shifted don't take you outside of Islam everything lesser than a ship, Akbar. The chef mentioned.

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He mentioned

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like this issue of he didn't mention like swearing but other than Allah that shook Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and kind of highlighting for Leah lip biller. The end know who men had been raised with Africa Catherine Oh Ashok, anyone who says well ALLAH he only use Allah's name. Don't say what Kaaba will never be. Don't say that. He said, Anyone who swears let him swear by Allah don't swear by your fathers. I swear by my father's swear my father's grave. He said anybody

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who swears by other than Allah, He has made Schick but what's the ship here? Shake Ascar another example of chicken ask is Rhea showing off. It's not the chick that puts you outside of the religion. When you pray you want someone to see you praying you give sadaqa

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because you want people to say you gave sadaqa you read the Quran because you want people to say he read the Quran nine-z with the Quran, Allah

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as relates to a shift asker anyone who means Allah doing it, he's under the machine of Allah. If Allah chooses who forgive him for like Jews will punish him, but inshallah Allah Allahu Energen. Inshallah is going to ultimately go to Jana though, as Sheikh asker. And then authentically if you said to his companions of Allahu alayhi wa sallam

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Kathu and Aiko, I should ask her. The thing that I had the most fear for you guys your companions are most afraid for is the small shift. They said, What's this small minus shift? He said area showing off. So he called it a shift and a scar showing off. You don't go outside of the religion but it destroys your DS and it's a major sin. The third type of ship and the last type of ship and we've done is to ship

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the hidden ship,

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the one that's not easily visible.

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And if the prophets of Allah who had him send them was afraid for Abu Bakar mountain man and Annie and the rest of those old yet for showing off if he was afraid for them. What is the case with us?

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So don't go overboard. As it relates to people who teach you don't go overboard when chefs come here. Don't go overboard in the amount of Ellis lamb.

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Don't let your religion be shared so and so said this and said that we are going overboard in our an AMA all of them are their hip, all of the gem odd even people claim a selfie or go overboard with their shares. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was afraid for a boubakeur Irma roof man it remember from the Companions either the new Jebin, Abu Huraira, AB Norma and Cebu, Manny Isha, those are

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no style after them, was like them, may Allah be pleased with them.

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And we exist. And he is the chef, and I go overboard with the chef, the chef can be doing things, he doesn't get rewarded for it because he's showing off. The chef is like a done. He's like a done like the mafia. If you don't take my position, I'm going to bring you down and take you down that way can't be for Allah, that can't be for Allah. Your chef is upset with you. If you don't take his position about something he gets mad at you. Come on chef. The issue has more sides to it. Then your

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position. The Sheikh was upset with his student because the student said that Ibrahim, the kalila of Allah, Ibrahim worship the sun, the moon and the star. The chef said to the student, no, Ebrahim. He didn't worship them. He was saying that he worshipped them to argue with the Mushrikeen as if he was saying, if the sun is the big one, and if the moon and if but they all set, so therefore it doesn't deserve to be worship. So he was saying that as an intellectual argument against his people. And

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that position is a position that some of the Anima Tafseer said Ibrahim never mentioned.

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But the kid the student of the chef, he took a position of other scholars, some of the scholars said it was Abraham's father who was saying, Yes, I worship the moon, I worship the sun. Some of the scholars said it was Ebro him when he was young, before he became a Nebby. And a proof it was him. And he did worship the sun and the moon and the stars the proof that he did do that when he was young and he wasn't a Nubian he was on the religion of his people is in those ayat he said, If my

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Lord doesn't guide me, I'll be from those who are straight.

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And then Allah guided them to towhee. So as if the life they shift, got upset with a student,

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and asked him, How do you take another position?

00:44:17 --> 00:44:33

They share your position, or Emma took it, and your students position or no matter why you would have done that over your student like that? Are you going to be the dawn like that over your student? Your Tao can be like that. So 20 Don't go overboard and show you.

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That's not to doubt them and to have Sue abandoned to put them down, then be of Islam was concerned about his companions, and the Companions existed, knowing they were in Jannah, but saying we don't know where we gonna go. I just want to come up on and be equal. I told you the Hadith of the melodica the melodica with all of what they do, they told a lot, we haven't worship you probably

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

Please Subhanak ma Abbott Naka has to be bad.

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So don't be like that don't be like that. I shaped to ask her and I share a coffee. The hidden ship is an authentic hadith. And Benny made it authentic in a jam in

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a severe Al Imam Ibn he banned brought it and he saw it as being authentic as well. Prophets of Allah it was sent him until this ummah is shipped Kofi Marathi

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Ming de Bie but nonetheless, at the sheer can my ummah is more heading than the footprints of

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an end.

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So you can imagine an ant nobody can see his footprints except Allah who can see and hear his footprints. He knows everything about the end the number of other ants in the world all over the world. And he gave the risk to every end and every ant colony. So in this authentic hadith, he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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a ship Kofi Murthy

00:46:06 --> 00:46:11

meant to be a nullity, it is more hidden.

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This is the religion of a Tawheed it is more hidden ship heavy hitting ship when the Companions heard that they say God also Allah How then are any of us going to be saved? Because if it's that hidden anyone everybody can fall into it. They were concerned that we're in like the people today like he has a pass to go to Jana to exist on the earth with all of his shortcomings and he's existed as if he's agenda how are we going to be saved from this hidden shidduch he said you should make

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this dua call Allahumma inni wubi QCCA men and Ozric with an oceanic beaker when alum was stuck for aka mana Adam, oh Allah seek refuge in you for making shift and I know that I'm making shift and if I do make shift, I seek your forgiveness Forgive me make that dua

00:47:07 --> 00:47:13

so this proves a number of things. The third category of of ship hitting ship

00:47:14 --> 00:47:45

where does that come from the Hadith shitcan this OMA is like the footprints of the end. Allah is that hidden any and everybody can fall into it. How do we get saved? Learn this dua Allahumma inni Rubicam and Oceanica Vika Mala al well Anna Adam, was stuck Fluka malah Allah, Allah Allah I seek refuge in you for committing schicke and what I know I know this is ship

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and I seek your forgiveness if I can ship and I don't know.

00:47:51 --> 00:48:11

So those are the three XM of a ship. We're gonna stop here with that knocketh we'll do the next one next week inshallah and we'll finish the 10 minute walk that the evening that in 10 weeks so if you brothers have any questions inshallah concerning the market, you can put your question for the hand comes from familia

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a program

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question is about the Hadith of the Prophet that was used last week and we talked about

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some issues that should be understood concerning that Tawheed he Salani was sending him same and calmly uh, he he kefir Bihar Duma, anyone who says to his brother, Hey, you can't hear or any words similar to that. Hey, you infidel. Hey, you jus

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Prophet said several letters and that word will fall on one of them. When another narration say that that word goes up to the outer shell of Allah and he shakes the outer shell and it comes down in the falls on one of them. So if he is a cafe, if he is a cafe, then he's not your brother. He's not your brother. And he has a caffeine one side of Islam because he makes check with Allah. He slaughtered other than Allah. He's doing those major things that put him outside of the religion of Allah Islam.

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He's making sage that tool other than Allah, so you say you can't hear so it's true. But if he's a Muslim, and you said that and even deserved that ruling, then it comes back to you. Meaning that you are Katherine and what's the meaning you outside of the religion? Yes, if you believe is permissible to go around, and you make people kuffaar based upon your desires you think is halal? Because you're making Halawa? Allah me haram so you go outside of religion, you're going to come to that.

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But normally, it doesn't mean that it means that you are Catherine means Cofer a NEMA, you have rejected the NEMA you've used the NEMA that Allah Tala has given

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This man is being a caffeine you as being a Muslim you as a Muslim, you're rejecting that and you're throwing it away. So it is Cofer. That's not the level of comfort. You don't go outside of the religion, but you are making a big sin. Like that hadith where the Prophet SAW Selim said that the majority of the women will be in the hellfire. A lady said, why will the majority of the women being the hellfire, he said, because your husbands if they were to do good for you, as soon as they don't

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do for you what you want, you say, I never saw any good of you. And also because you make tech fear cover of the NEMA. Cofer of the NEMA means when your husband gives you things you don't appreciate it call for the NEMA. So if Allah gives you a NEMA, you make sugar aquifer. So in this case, the guy said you can say to his brother, so he's not a calf, he's a Muslim, it comes back and he made the cover of the naira that Allah gave him and Allah gave him and that he's using this coffered or this

00:50:58 --> 00:51:05

tech fear as a weapon but he doesn't go outside of the religion doesn't go outside of the religion, any more questions and honey fumbling?

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Individual where to slaughter and he said Bismillah. But this is for my grandmother, my grandfather Bismillah this is for someone that the religion allowed you to slaughter on his behalf, then no problem in the mala Mala vignette, then that D that action is going to be judged by the knee and your knee it for it was for the reward to go to that relative so you get a reward because you did it and your knee and is for it to go to them and they're going to get the reward. No, no, no problem

00:51:46 --> 00:51:47

with that.

00:51:48 --> 00:52:19

As long as the religion allows you to slaughter for that person, as for the one who wants to slaughter and say this is for Rasul Allah He SallAllahu wasallam and riddle up Ha, and then in slaughter for my family, watch it and slaughter an animal for the profit. No, that's it innovation companions in do that. So don't do it. No. So, this is not talking about that Shut Up Bar saying in the name of alat in the name of a bliss like some of these people slaughter for magic and things

00:52:19 --> 00:52:25

like that, juju and all of that voodoo, any more questions for the.

00:52:39 --> 00:52:44

He all of that falls under react react can be in a bad

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shape. Akbar

00:52:47 --> 00:53:25

is in the names and the attributes of Allah. Akbar is in the Ruby of Allah and in the Oulu he of Allah, Sheikh UScar ship to Alaska. And Alaska is a toughy this shirt can be in your A Baghdad, and it can be also in your life. It can be in the color clothes that you wear, the way you wear your clothes. A person has trained us two different pairs, he wears one right shoe and the other opposite pair for the left shoe to stand out. And to be different and to be remembered.

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He wears a particular color so that the people can so that he can stand out. His car has clothes, he's doing it in order to disobey in order to have you know, people to look at him. This is showing off. And it's also a form of Kibber. So form of kibble, where the person is saying, Look at me Look at me, where the only objective is, look at Allah, the top beam of Allah, every time you Cleany and up opportunity presented itself, where the people praise Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu send them

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sometimes he deserved it. And sometimes he didn't. Sometimes they went overboard in praising him. And sometimes they praise him as he deserved. Every time it happened. He never was quite. He made sure that the one who was praising him, gave homage and paid homage and acknowledged and recognized Allah and he brought himself down sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he was always constantly teaching our ummah. Don't be a person who thinks that you are an avid Zahid and you and Jana, and you're

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tricked and you have a whole drawer because of your application. Well gara Humphrey Dini, my can we accept bone? They were tricked in the religion by their religion because of what they used to do. I'm practicing and I come to the doctors and I do some stuff. I pray five times a day, but there's a lot of stuff going on with everybody things you should be doing that you're not things that you shouldn't be doing that you are doing. So nobody is in a position

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seem to exist like that. So showing off showing off is from that. And it's a form of keep grown. Any more questions or 20, for the happy

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a person does a good deed to please anyone from the creation, and he's not doing it for Allah. This is an issue that is a problem. Everything should be done for a lot, but a person can do something for Allah. And in doing that thing, and doing that thing for Allah is going to please other people. His parents want him to do something and he doesn't want to do that thing.

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As parents.

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They want him to not get married to that lady, and he wants to marry her. But the prophet says of a lady with Salomon Terrica che and Leila he or

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anyone who leaves something for Allah sake, Allah will replace what he left with that which is better. So he left that idea of marrying the girl

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that pleases parents, but he did it because Allah told him, please your parents, listen to them. And whatever they tell you to do, if you have the ability to listen to them, listen to them. So he left it for Allah, but to make them happy.

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So there is no problem because it was for Allah. But if a person he prays like some of our kids

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go to the masjid in the morning. You come back from the masjid in the morning, while they prepare him for school, a boy that you pray say he prayed? No, you didn't pray,

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go in and pray. So he goes in there and you think he's praying? When you walk in the room, his baby's doing like this. He's praying for his parents. That doesn't count. He's a kid though. He's a kid though. So you got to allow that you got to work on that. The big muscular happens in the masiva when the kid is 1819 to teenagers 1615 big problem.

00:57:09 --> 00:57:11

None last question.

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Now the carnival ACH panel

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now if a person is doing good deeds in the public, there's nothing wrong with doing good deeds in the public. As long as you have a good net again, the people who gave the sadaqa that time when the poor Muslims came. And they looked impoverished and they looked in need so the prophet called the people out until the people who spend one of the companions got up very quickly and he came in he put some money on some food he get went home, brought some food, he did it quick. And he put it in

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front of the Prophet sallallahu sunnah When the people saw him do that. It inspired and encouraged them. So everybody went to get food until when everybody came out. There was a mountain of food and clothes and money in front of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So he told the people man Sana, Islami, Sunette and Hassan Acana level and you have a gentleman I'm gonna be humming violent tongue, or Jerome che, anyone who starts a sunnah in Ellis lamb a good thing, and other people work by that

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good thing, he'll get the reward without the reward being taken away.

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So that person did a good thing in public, and he did that thing and encouraged other people. So he wants to do something that's going to encourage so he's the first one to start it off.

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He just has to make jihad that he's not doing it. So that people will say, look at him, look at him, he has to make jihad. So like in the Mejlis, he comes inside of the measures for the Dulles. There's the person who's going to come all the way to the front, because he knows the Hadith, he came to Allah so Allah came to him. So he wants Allah to take care of his affairs. So he came all the way up, because he knows Allah is gonna come there as the other person says, Man, I'm not gonna go way

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up there because people are going to think people are going to think I'm trying to be special. So he was shy of Allah, Allah was shy of him. So he boxed himself out of the rewards, like the one who says, I'm not going to do anything in public, because Riyadh No, you have to make jihad. You have to struggle within yourself. And just do it because shaytaan doesn't want you to do it. He wants you to make Ria. And if you don't do that, he wants you not to help out at all. So struggle with your Eman

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and do the thing and you'll get the reward of anybody else doing it after. And that's what we found what the

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companions, where they would teach people how to do things like in the famous incident of Hassan and Hussein, who saw the man who didn't know how to make will do. And instead of going to the old demand and saying that's not how you make will do.

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One of them said to the other one, you want to see the model that our grandfather taught us, and a man can he say yes. And then he started making will do and the man was watching. He made that will do to teach the man

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but it was for Allah. Prophet Muhammad SAW Saddam ganando member and he prayed to rock guys. And then he turned to the people says, Pray the way you just saw me praying. He prayed to Allah but he prays so that people can see him as well. So you can have that knee it is for Allah. But it's for the people to get more reward not to show up. And Allah is Allah and Allah have a was Allah Allahu wa salam robotic, and in the beginning, it was having his main was Santa Monica, Morocco to light

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we're about to get

Chapter 1: Shirk – Associating others in worship with Allah.

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