Abu Bakr Zoud – This Is The Motivation We Need To Continue Worshipping Allah

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The importance of hesitation in Islam is discussed, including the negative consequences of harming others and the negative consequences of not being allowed to do things. The speaker emphasizes the importance of Jesus's actions in fixing people's memories and fixing people's memories of the afterlife, and offers a deal to help those who don't want to deal with actions of others. Any hesitant person is considered a hesitant person, and anyone who doesn't believe in Allah's actions will be considered a hesitant person. The importance of denying one's mistake and not feeling alone in praise of Allah's actions is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah why Allah Allah He was so happy he is mine. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam as Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome back to the authentic reminders in where I share with you reminders from the Quran. After a long break we've taken We ask Allah azza wa jal to accept our Ramadan, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive our sins and our shortcomings.

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Today's reflection is a beautiful area from sort of Baja, in which Allah subhanahu wata, Isla promises the believers something incredibly beautiful and this is very important for us to remain motivated and encouraged upon the obedience of Allah subhanahu wata Allah. So Allah azza wa jal he says in this area, or many melamine or soiling her do a hormone meno Fela off of all know Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala in this area, he makes a promise to the believers. And I said to you that this A and sha Allah Allah it is going to give you motivation and inspiration that you continue upon the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the path of righteousness and worship. Allah azza wa jal he began this by saying woman, Yemen, anyone who does from the righteous deeds, woman, the first woman, it is referring to male and female, young and old, whoever it is, anyone who does Yama, meno Salah hat from the righteous deeds. Now of course, the righteous actions are many Islam teaches us many righteous acts that we can do this approximately 70 righteous acts that we can do. Allah azza

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wa jal is saying anyone who does from the righteous deeds you see this word minute Salah had this mean in Arabic it's called min at the very it implies any a part of something the positive mean, so the righteous deeds are many. And of course, we perhaps won't be able to do all of them. So at least do some of them. And the main righteous deeds that a person is to be consistent upon are the obligatory deeds, the obligatory actions. The prayers or Ramadan was the cat will help you once a lifetime will mean Yama Minos Salah hat, and the righteous deeds are called Salah hat it's come from it's coming from the word Salah has Salah have meaning to fix something because the righteous

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actions when we do them, they actually fix us. They fix our relationship with Allah. They fix our broken soul, our broken heart, they fix us emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, they fix us. So they are called a solid head. So Allah azza wa jal is saying anyone who does from the righteous acts, and after a person has fulfilled his obligatory acts, that's when he is any encouraged and recommended to engage in the voluntary deeds or who are minion. Anyone who does righteous acts while he is a believer. This is very important, because if a person does righteous deeds, and he does not believe in Allah, then the righteous deeds will be of no benefit to him in

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the afterlife. So righteous deeds that we do must be accompanied by the belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala we must embrace a Tauheed and c'est la ilaha illa Allah and then when we do the righteous deeds, we are doing them for Allah subhanho wa Taala only then are righteous deeds will be of benefit to us in the grave and in the afterlife. Then Allah azza wa jal makes the promise and he says Follow your heart for Volman WalletHub Allahu Akbar, Allah azza wa jal is seeing anyone who does from the righteous deeds while he is a believer, then he shall not feel volume he should not he shall not feel injustice, nor shall he fee Hauptmann deprivation. I'll explain to you what Hockman

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is, but let's look at Fela Hof he shall not be and in the Quran even cathedra he reads Fellay a half of Holman wala Habima fillet off this is like he's been warned do not feel any injustice, nor any deprivation. So, Allah azza wa jal is saying don't treat. In other words, such a person is in safety. Such a person has been promised safety and peace and tranquility from Allah subhanho wa taala. And the one who does righteous deeds shall not feel alone. He shall not feel any injustice done to him by Allah azza wa jal. What that means is do not fee that your sins will be in abundance, and they will be multiplied on the Day of Judgment. Don't feel this. Why? Because when you do

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righteous deeds, they wipe away your sins. They wipe away the sins

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So the sins will be Yanni reducing every time you engage in righteous deeds. Allah azza wa jal he said in Al Hassan Abdul hipness say yet the good deeds they wipe away the bad deeds.

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The next obligatory prayer that you're going to pray whatever that prays for you listening to me could perhaps your next record Bill Fraser or bottle Arsalan Maghrib Alicia, these five daily prayers, when you pray them, they wipe away the sin from one obligatory prayer to the other.

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So anyone who does righteous deeds shall not be injustice, meaning Allahu will not increase his sins. Rather, your righteous deeds are going to wipe away from your bad deeds from your sins, they're going to be removed, and you will be purified with these good deeds that you do. Allah azza wa jal, then he said, Well, I hope man, and you shall not feed deprivation. Now album deprivation here means that you shall not fee good deeds taken away from you. You see, look, the idea of high album it comes from the word, how Obama and how Obama means to digest. You know, when you digest food, it goes from being a large morsel of food, it enters your mouth, and it goes into your stomach

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and then it becomes into small pieces, it reduces in size. So what are hotma meaning the believer who does righteous deeds, while he is a believer, shall not fee that Allah subhanho wa Taala will diminish from his good deeds and reduce his good deeds. Rather, the opposite is true. Allah azza wa jal teaches us more than once in the Quran, mangia a bill Hassan at the Fela Hua Shan Thalia anyone who comes on the Day of Judgment with a righteous deed with a good deed alone is going to multiply it 10 times Allahu Akbar, any one righteous deed is going to multiply your good deeds and it is going to wipe away the bad deeds Subhanallah How beautiful is this? How encouraging is this for a

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person to remain upon the worship of Allah subhanahu wata Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, We're integral has entered a new bar if the middle of June was your on our Lima and if a person comes on the Day of Judgment with a good deed, you will borrow a fat he will multiply it while you demean lead conversion on our Lima and Allah azza wa jal will give a special gift from him. And that is a huge, huge reward that he will give immeasurable we cannot even speak about it. So how beautiful is this deal? No one will deal with you in the same manner Alonzo Israel deals with the servants. So my brothers and sisters in Islam, we learn from this area to commit to doing righteous

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deeds because the word Yamen is a present tense verb is a present tense. And this implies continuity, so long as we continuously do some righteous deed something something that you can bear something that you can do something minimal, doesn't matter. Remember the most beloved deeds to Allah subhanho wa Taala are the consistent ones, even if they were done in small portions. We ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us the ability to continue to worship Him and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive our sins and our shortcomings Allahu Allah. wa salam, wa salam O Allah Allah Allah, you know, Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine

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