Abu Bakr Zoud – Making the most of Shabaan before it’s too late

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the upcoming month of Chjit, which is the month of the harshest month of the year. They emphasize the importance of worshiping Allah during times of disreereal and the struggles of people who are heedless of the time. The speakers also emphasize the importance of fasting during the month and the upcoming social event, which is a grant event for individuals to attain their deeds. They stress the importance of fasting during the month and avoiding workplace democracy. The speakers also encourage people to read the Quran and use it to achieve something new.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He also be mine. All praise and thanks belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon his servant and final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as to follows my dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam as salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. And today bf Nila, what I wanted to share with you and speak to you about is the importance of this month that we are in now the month of Cheb n. What is it significance and its importance in the life of a believer you know, right now, many Muslims are just waiting for a move

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on doing nothing just waiting for a move on. Many Muslims are busy shopping for Ramadan. Many Muslims are busy shopping for allayed and close of their aid and the sweets of their aid. And many Muslims are busy right now organizing they fall and so on. And little bit they know that Shah Ben is one of the most important months of the because huge at massive events are going to happen during this month. Huge, crucial events are going to happen in this month of Chabad. My brothers and sisters in Islam, or Melbourne is the most rewarding month of the butcher burn is an important month to the point to the point that the companions of the Allah one whom even them, they would notice the

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change in blossom Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is worship during the month of Shabbat as opposed to any other month Allahu Akbar. And so what I wanted to do is share with you one Hadith and this hadith Bismillah hidayatullah it's going to teach us the importance of the month of Chabad and why are we supposed to prepare in the month of Shaban so that we can come to normal bombi illa hidayatullah and we are ready to embrace and to take on autumn avant so let's begin with this hadith and this is the hadith of Osama bin Jose the robbery Allahu anhu or Semak Noseda all the Allahu anhu he says and he narrates that he came up to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said to

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me out or Sula la llamada de su Shahada, Mina Shu remettre zoom in Sha then osemele the Allahu anhu he approached them to be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when it was the month of Chabad and Osama or the Allahu anhu a companion, he was surprised. He was amazed at something Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam will do in Sha Ben, and he will not do in any other month other than of course are mobile. So he said to him, O Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting any month as much as you fast in shop and this is incredible. The ending the month in which lawsuit of Mozilla while he was in love with first completely is all mobile, and the next month that he would fast almost all of it

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is the month of chabanne the month that we are in now, then in the visa lulla. While he was alone, he began to give reasons as to why he fasts chabanne and yon in all honesty, my brothers and sisters in Islam, this is what the lesson is going to be about. Why would also Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fast the entire month of Chabad except a few days. So wouldn't it be some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said and the first thing he said, he said there go Shah hold on young fellow nurse one, the knowledge of autumn avant shaba and in the recent Allah while he was alone, he said this month, the month of Chavez is the month in which people are heedless about they neglect this month. Jenny

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it is a month in which people do not pay attention to it. They don't realize the importance of this month.

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The one my brothers and sisters in Islam, the one who doesn't realize the importance of the month we're in now the month of Chabad is labeled as a horror film is labeled as a heedless, neglectful person. And Allah subhanho wa Taala warned us about being heedless. Allah socialist is one attack on men and warfare him. As a believer, Allah is saying you should not be among a lot of elite among the heedless. The believers should keep away from the treat of heedlessness, that is a quality of hypocrisy that's a quality of disbelief whenever we learn. The believer should should always be alert and aware and awake. So what does it mean that the people neglect the month of Chabad? What

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does it mean that people are heedless concerning the month of Shabbat you know what it means?

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In practical understanding, it means that you will walk today in the streets and hardly anyone is fasting. You will walk in the streets and you won't see people speaking about Chavez and you will not see people reminding each other about Chavez and during the night of the month of Chabad, no one is saying to himself, I better go home early so I can sleep early, so that I may wake up early at night and pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala and make dua and liquid and read plan and make it still fall. No one is speaking to himself like this. No one is discussing Chavez and people are walking in the streets and they are eating as though the month is a month of feasting well as Allah Akbar, my

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brothers and sisters in Islam, these are signs of heedlessness if you are from among people like this. So this is why in Nabhi, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast, he would fast because people don't pay attention to this month.

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And we learn from this an incredible, great principle and I want to take time to share with you this principle after I mentioned to you what this principle is, the principle is this, that it is highly recommended, and it is most belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala that you worship Allah azza wa jal in times, when people are heedless of Allah, when people have neglected the worship of Allah, Lama, once again, this is a great principle, memorize it, and understand its meaning. I'll explain it to you. The principle is that it is highly recommended, and it is most beloved to Allah, that you engage in the worship of Allah. In times when Allah zosen when people are heedless of Allah, and

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they have neglected and abandoned and ignored the worship of Allah so version. And so because this month chabanne is a month in which people neglect and they abandon and they are heedless, it becomes highly recommended to worship Allah sosial during this month, especially engaging in the act of fasting, as well as all most of Allahu alayhi wa sallam would do. And in order to understand this principle, well, I want to explain it to you through Yanni a couple of ahaadeeth you see in the base of Allah while he was in them, he said in a hadith acquirable, may akuna labdoo may not be feasible for ladle for any starter and takuna many of cotulla huffy, tilka. Sir, for Kuhn, in the recent

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said that the closest a person is to Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning the closest time in which you will be close have the most time in which in which you will be close to Allah His mercy and to Allah His blessings and his favors upon you would be feel free leave in the middle of the night. So in the reason Allah Allah He was seldom said for any support, if you're able to be from among those who remember a lot of social at a time in the middle of the night, then beat from among these people, be from among these people. And what this means is that a person earned a huge reward, that he is close to the mercy of Allah sosial because he worship Allah in a time of

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heedlessness when Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam emphasized that, he said, be among those who worship Allah in the middle of the night. Because this is a time of heedlessness. And if you're awake, and you're alone, and you're worshiping Allah in times of heedlessness, this is a beloved slave to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you know,

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it is easy to worship Allah when everyone is worshiping Allah. You see Ramadan, people fast, people prayed that all impermeable, people tried to read more than they used to before Ramadan. during Ramadan, they would read plan Why? Because everyone is doing this people on his left on his right. It's easy to worship Allah when everyone is worshiping. But the struggle and the difficulty is to worship Allah sosial when people are heedless of the Cromarty subhanho wa Taala. When people have neglected the worship of Allah sosial and this is why in the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said about later generations that would come we after his time, like our time Now what did he say about

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these generations? He said, Li ly melamine home fever, Ximen, a euro hamsey Narayan, Allahu Akbar, and maybe some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said, the one who worships Allah in the later generations and he now time the one who worships Allah. His reward would be the reward of 50 companions. Allahu Akbar was having companions of the Allah. They were amazed. So they said the other soon Allah would they earn 50

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They earn the reward of 50 people like them at their time. Maybe some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said no, they will earn the reward of 50 of you people have a Sahaba Why? Because at the end of time people neglect Victrola people neglect the worship of Allah.

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This is why a person nowadays that worships Allah, especially now in the month of Chabad is earning the reward of 50 companions. And even if that is the case, the companions will always remain better than us luck about this is why it is highly encouraged and recommended to worship Allah in times where people

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neglected the worship of Allah. So again, just like now in shaba, and this is why it's highly recommended to worship of Allah in this month, because this month now people neglect this month young fellow nurse. People are heedless people don't pay attention to this month long talk about Wouldn't it be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in another Hadith to reiterate the the point of this principle that I mentioned to you earlier, and maybe some alarm while he was sending me he said,

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but is there more horiba What's a Kunal was saying, to her even come, but for Uber and and whoever, and maybe some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said that Islam began strange. What does that mean? Meaning when Islam began, there was only in the east on the Maharani who was alum abubaker hadisha Ali Robbie Amman who was just a few a few people so this is what it means that Islam began strange. It was only a few people worshipping Allah and everyone would look at them like you're the odd people out then in Ibiza llama Why don't you send them said what say I will do come a better a horiba and Islam at the end of time would come back. And it would be really would be strange at the

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end of time. So then in the be some Allahu alayhi wa sallam you know what he meant by this was that only a few people would engage in Victrola only a few people will take the worship seriously. Only a few people would recognize the importance of Chabad and realize its importance. Only a few people have already been it'll be strange. Then in the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam said for bluebell in horror that, all of that and Allah they say a bull bear is the name of the paradise meaning Alicia Natalie gulaba me the paradise be for those strangers that worship of Allah that worship Allah azza wa jal in times where people are heedless, and have neglected the worship of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. Buddha could also be a wire from those who have a loss of love Allah He will send a Buddha would mean a pioneer Allahu la home Hello dunya and May Allah bless them May Allah so shall make their worldly affairs and hereafter affairs full of goodness, look at the high reward. That also Mazel Allahu Allah He was Allah made for the people that worship Allah subhanho wa Taala in times where a loss worship has been neglected. And you know, on the same point, the point the point that I'm telling you, that it is highly recommended and most beloved to Allah, that people worship of Allah azza wa jal in times where people neglect the worship of Allah, listen to this Hadith, you

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know, do I soup? The Hadith in when the visa Mullah while he was seldom taught us what to say when we enter the marketplace? Listen to this. interview some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said whoever enters the marketplace, whoever enters the stores, the malls and he says La ilaha illallah wa had the whole luxury color. The whole koala whole hum Do you he were you meet be at the hill higher wahoo Allah couldn't be Shay in a deal, the one who says this as he enters the marketplace. What's his reward good developer who obeah alpha alpha has

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a lot of social rights for him a million has an earth and wipes away from him a million sins. Were booney Allahu beighton. Phil Jana, and Allah azza wa jal builds for him a house in the paradise la workabout. What is this reward? You know why the reward was so huge because

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when you enter a marketplace, the marketplace is not a place of Victrola. It's not a place in where people gather and remember Allah rather, the marketplace is the most heated please to Allah subhanho wa Taala as in the authentic Have you found in Sahih Muslim? What it means is that not the land is hated tomorrow, but what happens in the marketplace is a to a large social, you know, people cheating in marketplaces, people are swearing people. Align the

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There's deception, backbiting gossip, men and women looking at each other. This is what happens in marketplaces. These are filth these are hate the police's to Allah subhanho wa Taala rather than Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he described the marketplace, he said in Makkah to shape on what behave Ansible is that the marketplace, it's a warzone of the shale pond. And he sets up his flag. He sets up his flag in the marketplace. And this implies that he has a permanent presence in the marketplace and he gathers his army and the plan, how are they going to deceive people? How are they going to make people argue with each other and fight each other and deceit each other and look

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at each other? This is the marketplace. So now Now, listen to this. And maybe some Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whoever enters the marketplace, and says this Vicar of La ilaha illallah wa de julio Sheree Kela loco moco and hamdulillah. You need to heal hula hula coalition Kadir Allah who would give him a million has an earth white boy a million a year and built for him the house in the paradise. Why? Because he made Vicar of Allah. In a place where the gorilla is abandoned, it's neglected. He made Vicar of Allah azza wa jal in a time and place where the crew man is unheard of. Rather astray upon is their Allahu Akbar. So now you understand why he had such a high reward. And

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this my brothers and sisters in Islam is the point that I mentioning that when you worship Allah in times, where people neglect the worship of Allah, like in this month of Sha ban, then your reward is huge. It's great with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why it was all alone. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast the month of Chabad Imagine that. At his time, when they were all companions around him. He would say this is a month in which people are heedless of imagine now in our times, imagine now when people don't even care about the worship of Allah. How much more rewarding is it going to be for a person to embrace the month of Shaban in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala in

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the many forms of worship, we're going to come to this law cover. So this is the first reason for why we're supposed to increase our worship in the month of chabanne, especially fasting as many these as we can ensure that Why? Because this is a month in which people neglect and we just learned that worshiping Allah in times which people neglect the worship of Allah is highly, highly encouraged and highly rewarding. And these people are most beloved to Allah subhanahu Wata Island.

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The second reason now for why we are supposed to fast the month of Chabad Why did also Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fast the month of Shabbat in the very same Hadith that I shared with you at the beginning, continuing that have even Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He then said, well, who are Sharon to Rafael fee hill

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or Bilal I mean, it is the month in which the deeds are taken up to the Lord of the worlds law.

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And this is a massive event. This is one of the huge events of the entire year. It's happening now in the month of shaba. That the deeds are going to be raised to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now these being raised to Allah subhanho wa Taala happened in three ways. There is every single day at Fisher time your deeds are raised, and

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also time your deeds are raised. right this is a daily taking up of your deeds to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So every 12 hours or less, your deeds are going up to a large portion. Then there's a type in where every 72 hours your deeds are going up to a large portion, and that is Monday and Thursday. Monday's your deeds go up to Allah Thursday your deeds go up to Allah This is why in the vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam would fast Monday and Thursday and then there is this grand event in where it is a yearly event. And that is your deeds, all of them go to up to Allah subhanho wa Taala once a ye and this happens in the month of Chabad Allahu Allah which they but it is going to happen in this

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month. This is a grant event. How can people neglect this month and not care about the worship of Allah when the most important event in your entire life is going to happen very soon Allah on which day in which night it will happen, our deeds are going to go up to Allah subhanho wa Taala during this month, Allahu Akbar one year of your life. 365 days of your life are going to be raised to Allah social during this month.

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Have 365 days, how many days of them did you fast 365 nights will be raised on our social came down in each night of These Nights. How many of them? Did you get up for night prayer and Dwyer is still for and reading

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365 days? How many of them did you pray with Angela solid and fissured and the other prayers? How many pages of the Quran Did you read in 365 days that are going to be raised to a large social worker 365 days of deeds are going to be raised to a mark during this month. wakulla sahid in workability mustapa Allah social, he says every small and every Greek thing has been recorded all of it is going to go up to a large social 365 days and nights of what the angels have been recording for you and against you. Whether you're aware of your deeds or not going to all be taken to Allah social in any day of these days of Chabad every word you spoke and every look and every glance and

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every step, every backbiting every fitna you fell into every how long and every good action all of it will be raised to Allah so shall during this month Allah who Ireland which day, Allahu Allah which night of Chabad it's going to go last Purim avant will be raised these coming days, the Laos Lila and others will be raised during these days. Therefore my brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to understand that we are not dealing with easy these now. These are the most crucial and important these of the, as I said to you, Ramadan are the most rewarding days. These days here are crucial are important. They're important. And the question is will allow social accept your deeds or

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not only be rejected. Will this record now that is going to be raised Allah your record of 365 days. Is it going to earn you the paradise? Is it going to bring you a step closer to the paradise or not? will allow so shall be pleased with it or not? Or will it displease Allah subhanho wa Taala are not law club.

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This is why I tell you this is the most intense event of the year and how can people be heedless? This is why envy sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast

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law occur and this is why I'm telling you Chabad is an important crucial month. Even though Ramadan is more rewarding. Then

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Then Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam finally he said, For or a boy and Europhile family were and I saw him and I like that my deeds be taken up to Allah while I am in the state of fasting law court. Even this is why in the visa Mullah while he was in the mood fast. He would fast number one because the people neglect this month and number two because the deeds are being raised. Will the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as I said to you he used the fast the entire month. I shall obey Allah and she said Gan al su Shabana, Colombo, and another narration, she said, Gurney asumu Shabana illa kalila. If we put these two narrations together, we come up with the fact that Nabi sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam would fast the majority of this month, he would only break his fast, perhaps two or three days of this month, otherwise, the majority of the month is fasting. Why would he do this? Why would he do this? Why would he fast? Why didn't he mention something else like he would increase in your salary or increase in soda or increase in his recitation of the Quran? Why not something else? Why fasting? Why? Because fasting is a dauber. Fasting is a Toba from the desires and temptations of this worldly life. This is what fasting is, it's a Toba. You avoid sexual relations, you avoid food you avoid drink all for the sake of laws. So again, fasting is a Toba, my my brothers and sisters in

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Islam. Any contemplate on this? You know what brought us out of the paradise? What brought Adam alayhis salam out of the paradise? What is it food, food brought him out.

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Food brought him out. If it wasn't for the sin of eating from the forbidden tree, we would have been in the paradise and the first condition of doba is to leave the sin. So if our first sin was food eating from the forbidden tree, that means that the first condition of our tober in order to return back to the paradise is to Faust and this is yummy. This is why I'm saying fasting is a means of Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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And this is why the majority

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Yani, this is why the majority of highly recommended and emphasized fasting was at the end of the hegi de rose all at the end of the HD look, Chabad is coming at the end of the day God, Allah born, the six days of shall well 10 days of the Asia, they all coming at the end of the history. You know what that reminds us of? Because the last event of the history is what is allowed. That's the last event of the hijiri will hash itself reminds us of our return to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in order to prepare ourselves to return to a large version, we must fast before it. This is why all the highly recommended fastings were made towards the end of the egd. And so this is why Chabad is

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important the vowels. It prepares us for the meeting with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast Chabad so that when his deeds are presented to Allah, they are presented to Allah while he is in the state of fasting, while he is in a state of Toba. And that gives the deeds a much better chance for them to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Even you understand why, in the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam would fast the majority of this month, so that when your deeds are raised to Allah, and it could be any one of these days or nights, he is fasting. And if you're fasting, you're in a state of Toba. So if your deeds are presented to Allah sosial

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while you are in a state of fasting in a state of tober, then be inilah Bismillah by the permission of Allah, Allah azza wa jal will accept your good deeds, and will forgive your bad deeds and he'll forgive your shortcomings Allah God.

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And that's Yanni. The major event that is happening this month, the records are being raised to Allah social. So the best way to prepare for this is to fast as many these as you can, because you don't know when the deeds are going to be raised and fasting, fasting intercedes for your deeds. Fasting intercedes for your deeds, it defends your deeds, Allah so shall be evenly leveled, except them. So if you cannot fast the majority of the month of Chabad, then at least fast one day on one day off. If that's difficult, then at least Monday and Thursday, it shouldn't be difficult push yourself, it might be difficult, but push yourself, push yourself now in this month, the reward is

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heavy, the reward is great. If you cannot do Mondays and Thursday, then at least at least do three days of every month which is basically the 13th 14th and the 15th a year will be up at least do something fast something in this month, it is no good. It is not a sign of a proper amen and belief to just let this month go by and you don't fast anything from it. That is a sign of heedlessness as also Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and don't be among these people.

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So pound Allah and fasting works for your benefit if you fast the during this month, it gives your deeds a much better chance for them to be accepted when they are in the presence and when they are being presented to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and the third reason for why we should fast the month of chabanne is in preparation for mobile solar lemma or hammer home Allah the scholars the said that the month of Chabad is like the sooner prayer before the obligatory pray. It's like the sooner prayer before the obligatory prayer. So this is like the Suna month chabanne is the Suna month and then the obligatory month comes which is Alibaba and then after Ramadan, there is the Suna after which is six days of showare. And you know listen to this. So you can understand the point. You see a lot of sosial prescribed for us that we pray a sooner before the obligatory pray. So what we're supposed to do is make at home, come early to the

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masjid make it still for previous Sunday, sit read Quran, all of this in preparation, then we make a comma and we get up and we pray the obligatory prayer.

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You see it is difficult to achieve for sure if you skip all that.

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If you just come in on time of salad, and you sell a high quality theme and you want to pray the the obligatory prayer, your head is still spinning from the affairs of this world, the life business world children money, a million things that are going in your head, you know, so you won't be able to achieve optimal sure

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If you were to just rush into a solid Allahu Akbar so you need to prepare your heart for the future by praying sooner before and similarly Ramadan

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if a person didn't fast anything of Chabad which is this month now before Ramadan, and he never fasted anything before that, when drama bomb comes, what will happen to him? What will happen? How can you achieve for sure in your mobile This is what will happen, you'll be tired, exhausted, you cannot wait for the day to finish you know people will fast and they just hating the fast thing can't wait for the day to day over because they're so hungry.

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And look at the state of people today. Look at the state of people today when they neglect Chavez and don't fast anything in Chavez what happens? Most of the Ramadan is spent sleeping, why? Allah Allah we're tired, we're hungry, we're thirsty. We're sleepy, and as a result what happens all the reward of Ramadan is gone. Where's the goodness in all this? Where is the real worship? Where's the vicar? One prayer and prayer on time in Ramadan? Where is all this? It's lost because people did not prepare during the month of Chabad. The month of Ramadan. My brothers and sisters in Islam is not a month of sleep. Even the nights of Ramadan, we should be up praying. Yanni then the night should be

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spent in worship. Imagine them today. We must be active in worship Allah. And I tell you people today that neglect cha ban altogether. Look, they are sleeping during the day. And then at night it's spent in games and entertainments will they ever will learn whilst the law social to safeguard us from that. This is why we must prepare from now now we're still at the beginning of Chavez. So this is good news.

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Fasting the month of chabanne.

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The biggest thing it's going to do is it's going to remove heedlessness from your heart. It's going to remove laziness from your body and from your heart. It's going to remove this heedlessness out of your heart just like the sooner prayer does before the obligatory prayer

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so that when Ramadan begins, you're not tired from the first day. You're not tired. You're used to it. You've been fasting the last What if you fasted Mondays and Thursdays in you've been fasting about eight days. If you fasted more than that Alhamdulillah you're ready now to embrace the first day of Ramadan. You didn't have to deal with the tightness in the fatigue in the first and and then you've already got that sorted. When you fasted in Chabad.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to be aware we need to be careful. And there's something else that is very beautiful to put by and ponder over and reflect. And then is that

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shadow ban is the end of a phase. What do I mean by this? You see the dean, the Dean of Allah and Islam. It began in Ramadan when the Quran was revealed when the Quran was revealed. That's when Islam began. And so every little mobile icon is the start of a new fees. It reminds us of the beginning of Islam, every Ramadan, it reminds us of the revelation of the Quran. And just before Ramadan, you know, just before the Quran was revealed 1500 deenis years ago, just before the Quran was revealed, that was a time and a period of darkness and ignorance and shit

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and heedlessness. So before we enter Ramadan, which is reminding us of the beginning of Islam, we want to end this phase with fasting with a dauber is why in shaba now, it kind of reminds us how it was before the Quran was revealed the see the Quran was revealed the unknown of on before that, it was darkness, it was ignorance. So now as we in Sha Ben, fast, make it over increase in your worship. See it humbly left for the blessing of Islam. Seal humbly Allah that Allah allowed you to learn about the importance of Chabad so that it wakes and revives your heart so that your worship of loss aversion, and you make the most of it. Also my brothers and sisters in Islam.

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This month of Chabad is the month in which a set of

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the pious predecessors

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they would commit to the whole and in this month selama obliqua hailed him of Allah He said Shah Ben Shapiro.

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He said Chabad is the month of reciting the Quran. Habib in February will be Allah one who also he said. He said Heather Chahal, Allah. He said this is the month of reading Quran Rama

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case of a hematoma. You know what he used to do and then began hannu he used to close the store close normal business. He used to shut down in stores, where the foreigner who left

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and he'll free himself to rebook where he left his business in then not in Ramadan. Imagine what these people will do norm of our law. What about he left his business? Siobhan is the month of reading the Quran, the month of fasting the month of praying, this is the month in where you're supposed to increase your good deeds in your worship. And Anno Allahu Allah He my brothers and sisters in Islam. I am I am really, really, really surprised and amazed at people that still until today, make the excuse that I don't have time to read the prayer. I don't have time to get up at night empty one lie. I am amazed at this excuse. You know why?

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Because I ask the two hours you spent on Facebook? Where did you get them from? The hours spent on WhatsApp? Where did you get these hours from? The hours on Instagram and on Tick Tock and Snapchat and whatever it is? Where did you get these hours from? Where did you get this time from? You complete. And you see I didn't have time to read.

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And five, six hours of the day spent on rubbish on social media. And

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not even not even taking benefit following people following cofell learning ridiculous moves and plays.

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And then what I didn't have time to read and where did you get the hours and hours you spent on social media on rubbish? Isn't this is a serious problem. People are lying to themselves. People are not being true and authentic to themselves. How can a person succeed if he's lying to himself? How can a person find strength and energy in the worship of Allah if he's lying to himself by brothers and sisters in Islam? Don't be stingy with Allah. Be generous with your time for Allah. Allah gave you time it is a laws verge Allah is blessing upon you that he gave you time. Don't be stingy with Allah concerning your time.

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Allah social he says in the Quran for them at their home min fugly.

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This is a quality of hypocrisy. It's a quality of hypocrisy that Allah gives you from his blessings and you become stingy.

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Allah give your time and this is the greatest of blessings. Allah gave you health. He gave you a ton. He gave your eyes You can read the air. You can follow us for those that are able to do and for those that are unable due to sickness or illness. They have the excuse Allah accept from them. But you I'm speaking to the one who's healthy and he sound well humbler and he's able to worship you. Why are you being stingy with your time for a loss of vision loss Zoysia Lee said

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never confused him on workplace democracy in the hearts of those who were given from the blessings of a law and they became stingy with it.

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Be careful, be careful. Be generous with a law. You plan to read half an hour Quran read 40 minutes. Be generous with Allah. you plan on rushing your prayer. Take your time. Be generous with Allah. You know,

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you plan on breaking your fast. Be generous, fast for the sake of Allah. Refrain from eating and drinking. Refrain for the sake of Allah be generous with Allah be generous. Well he gave you this time. The more you're generous, the more you appreciate the time Allah gave you the more you spend it in worship, the more time he gives you on Earth, the more time he gives you on Earth, never being stingy with Allah, why would you deserve the blessing of time? luck but be careful my brothers and sisters in Islam, how you spend your time how you deal with this precious blessing that allows sosial has given us

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law high quality my brothers and sisters in Islam getting

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during this month of Chavez and increase your recitation of the Quran to earn extra rewards not only for that reason, but I want you to do something special with the Quran during this month. read the Quran in order to learn something new. Something that will bring you closer to Allah so my brothers and sisters in Islam, make sure you do not close your ofan until you have learned something new even if

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It's small, doesn't matter.

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learn something new every time you sit with the plan. This is the plan. This is something new. We want to do now in the month of Chabad. Make sure you're learning something new that will bring you closer to Allah solution. And if you do that for the entire month of Chabad, Allah, I promise you be in the lead. You will be safe from heedlessness, you will be safe from heedless heart from a hard dead heart.

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And when Ramadan enters, you will feel that you have been freed from the shackles of laziness and heedlessness.

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And you realize that you achieve so much in Ramadan like you have never had an experience before when it comes to the month of Ramadan. Who are my brothers and sisters in Islam? Open the Quran, learn something new that brings you close to a lot. It's very simple. It's not It's not difficult. It is not difficult, open any translation of the Quran. Keep it side by side with you open a Tafseer of the Quran. There is an English Alhamdulillah many I always and I continued to recommend the Sierra Saudi. It has been translated in 10 volumes. It's a Tafseer of the Quran, an explanation of the plan 10 volumes emember Saudi Aramco Hello Joseph Hello, hold on for this enormous work that

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served the oma keep it handy side by side and it's free PDF on the net.

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learn something new every time you read the Quran during this month of Chavez and implemented implemented in keeping in your heart during the entire day. So for example, if today now Chabad, you decide Bismillah that you're going to open the Quran and you're not going to be of those who are heedless, open the Quran and read for example, for example, if you open the Quran today, and you read what are we going to share with you and Allah He there's so many examples, but it gives you something simple. Let's say you read

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Alhamdulillah helping me on humbling day help me house you want to read that enough. But keep this a in your heart. So that any time of the day or the night. If I was to catch you off guard and see what AI is living in your heart right now, you're quick to say a humbling no help bill me and try to implement it during the day. Anything that happens in your day. That is like kind of difficult, or you experiencing hardship during that day. Remind yourself that before you left the house, the area that in your heart is at humbling level below me. So if you're faced by a calamity or a difficulty during that day, remember to say a humbling level up in Ireland. When you eat the sea and humbling

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they're helping me write it, whatever it wants. And if you got good news, see, and humbler help that I mean, I want to implement what I learned new today in the morning from my re citation of the whole and keep the heart alive. Keep your heart alive with the plan is not just a book to read and close and have no relationship with and I tell you why people are suffering. This is why they're suffering lead no alkaline which is the medicine and the cure is there it's in front of them that they know how to engage with it. They know how to take the medicine from a lot of morphine Rahim Allah, he said, you know, a person that begs for water and the cup is in front of him. A person sorry, he said

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the person that that begs for guidance when the Quran is in front of him is as bad as a person that begs for water when the cup of water is in front of him.

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If a cup of water is in front of you drink while you're begging for it. Similarly, the guidance of the colon is there in front of you. What are you complaining of? That can we didn't know how to tune in with Quran it's very easy, it's very easy anyone can do it. So do that in this blessed month of Chabad. These are two things increase in your fasting your relationship with the whole earth give saalbach as much as you can make do I make plenty of do I make plenty of is still far ask Allah sosial that he accepts from you, my brothers and sisters in Islam.

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So I shared with you today one major event that happens in the month of Chabad and that is that our deeds are raised to a loss of vision. My next lesson if we let it either, I'm going to share with you some more about sharpen and this is also another major major event that happens in this Blizzard month of Shabbat and it's going to happen on the 15th of Shabbat. So I will leave that be in the ley dialer until the next lesson, serious Hadith we must discuss and we must mention and we must learn as well how to prepare for that next event that we'll be speaking about be in the lead dialer. And basically I need to know because I like to keep things

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In the dark, the event is basically that the hearts will be presented before Allah subhanho wa Taala on the 15th of Chabad and there is something very important that we're supposed to do in preparation for that. I will share this with you even earlier. In our next lesson. We'll lot who are alum, user como la jolla, la Halo, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive our sins, to accept from us our good deeds. And we ask Allah sosial to give us the strength and the ability and the power that we worship Him in this month of Shabbat. We ask Allah sosial that he allow us to reach Ramadan, and we ask him subhanho wa Taala that he may come upon a source of blessing and mercy for us a llama in victory go

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shoo curry go has the idea that it is a common law hold on my brothers and sisters in Islam, or sallallahu wasallam are about a girl and maybe you know Mohammed, while he was so happy as you Marian was Salam Alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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