Abu Bakr Zoud – Loving Allah the Almighty #01

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The holy spirit is emphasized, including the importance of preparing for the Day of Judgment, being present during events, and being present in the presence of Allah's wife and father. The importance of strong love for Allah is emphasized, and the need for everyone to love him through actions and deeds. The holy spirit is emphasized, and the importance of showing faith in Islam is emphasized. It is essential for personal growth, and showing faith in Islam is essential for personal growth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while earlier in your Sahibi as your mind, all praise and thanks belongs to Allah subhanho wa taala. And may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon His servant and final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as follows My dear respected Brothers and Sisters in Islam as salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our gathering. We ask Allah azza wa jal to forgive our sins and our shortcomings and to give us the strength and the ability that we're able to continue to worship him and speak about him and be inconsistent vicar of him subhanho

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wa Taala my brothers and sisters in Islam and melancholy Allah one who narrated that one day him and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, were walking outside the masjid they were leaving the masjid after a prayer and they found a man at the door of the masjid. And this man came and asked them to be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a question at the door of the masjid he asked him a question. He said the middle school Allah Mehta Sara, when is the our low Akbar people were living with Allah subhanho wa Taala people were living in their hearts are conscious of the hereafter and of the hour, and they want to know so that they can prepare and be ready. So he said the Metacell when is the our

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going to establish? So when the vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, What are the Tallahatchie? What have you prepared for this hour? In other words, and maybe some Allahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us that the hour it requires work, it requires preparation, the Day of Judgment, the meeting with Allah requires preparation. So this man is the can forget and radula stack and he kept quiet for a moment. He's thinking, what is he going to see? So then after a while, he said the rasool Allah may Allah Tala Kaffee la sala Tynwald FCM in what else sada I did not prepare a lot of solid and and fasting and solid part. In other words, I've only done the obligations and I haven't

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done extra voluntary deeds. Then he said well I kidney or HIPAA law how rasuna Whoa, however, I love Allah and His messenger. I love Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for the moment, but you will definitely on the Day of Judgment, be with those who you love, as though and W sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us that this is the best preparation for the hereafter. And this man wasn't lying. He was speaking the truth. Had he lived in the sallallahu alayhi wasallam would have exposed them and Allah would have exposed him. But this man was speaking the truth. He said I haven't prepared much other than I love

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Allah and His messenger, the love of Allah is going to prepare you to meet with Allah subhanho wa taala. So unassailably Allahu Anhu. When he heard this, he said family affair, NaVi in battle Islam for 100, the only Rasulillah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in a commandment Ma Ma Iman but unassailably Allah one who said we were never more excited, after Al Islam than the words of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that a person will be with those who he loves. And then Anna said and this is these are the words we all are supposed to say. He said for Anna or him Allah What else all Allah, I love Allah and the Messenger of Allah. I love Abubaker I love Omar Ali Allahu

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Anhu. Man, what are you an akuna home and I hope from Allah that I can be with them on the Day of Judgment. Be ye home because I love them. We're in control of our Malou family him even though I do not do the deeds that they do. So this is the best way to prepare it to meet with Allah subhanho wa Taala the love of Allah azza wa jal, my brothers and sisters in Islam, the love of Allah is the essence of our religion. It is a condition of Eman it is an obligation whereas you have Betula who are Shiva, loving Allah is worship Allah azza wa jal, he said in the Quran, Wamena nurse me attorney lumen Dooney Lehi and then you're a boon Biller, when Levina Manu should have been Lila Allah azza

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wa jal he said in the Quran, that from among mankind there are people that have taken others, others with Allah azza wa jal as equals, meaning your head bone and cow BelAir. They love others equal as they love

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Allah subhanho wa Taala there are some from among mankind, the worship of them Allah and they love their idols in the same manner they love Allah. Then Allah azza wa jal, he said, When Levina Manu assured to build Illa Allah azza wa jal, he said, and those who believe the Muslims, the believers are stronger in their love for Allah azza wa jal meaning, the love that the believers have for Allah must be strong, it must be stronger than the love the disbelievers have for their gods and idols and their sins and their desires. Allah Who Allahu Akbar, it is the love of Allah has version that nourishes our faith and our heart. And he keeps the believers firm upon Eman and steadfast upon

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Amen. The love of Allah azza wa jal is a cure for the sick and diseased hearts. The love of Allah azza wa jal is the foundation of happiness and success in this life and in the next. It is a road to the paradise and it is the main reason for why we worship Allah absorbtion. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, loving Allah is the only way to live on Earth, a real true meaningful life. Whoever loves Allah has origin is living a meaningful life on Earth, and whoever is deprived from the love of Allah subhanho wa taala. And whoever neglects this worship of loving Allah in reality, he is a dead man walking on this earth, because his heart is that his soul is dead. And my brothers and sisters

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in Islam, let's ask this question How strong should our love for Allah be? How strong should the believers love for Allah azza wa jal B, let me give you an example.

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Imagine imagine you are in the desert and you are lost. And you ascertain that you will die. You are just awaiting death. Now, hours and hours go by these and these go by you get hungry, you're extremely thirsty, you begin to feel the pain of thirst and dehydration. You are preparing for death, life has become unbearable, your tongue is dry, and all of a sudden, a rescue team arrives to where you are and they hand you a bottle of water, heck, a cold bottle of water and you begin to drink. I want to ask you how satisfying and how satisfying and fulfilling and nourishing is that sip of water from the bottle when it has entered your body? How excited and happy and relieved Are you

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by Allah? If the love of Allah in your heart isn't more than the love of this water? Then you must stop. You must stop now. And immediately look deep into your Eman and review your relationship with Allah subhanahu wata Hannah. And this this I gave you this example, but it's not made up. This is found in a hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This was a dua the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do and a dua of the Buddha Allah is Allah in the door Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah Masha Allah, Becca, I have em enough si le Wamena il buried in the resol Allahu alayhi wa sallam would say and also this is the dua of their word Allah is

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Allah, O Allah. Make your love, more beloved to me, then myself and my family and even Coldwater,

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the love of Allah azza wa jal in your heart must be more than you love cold water, when you are first the any need of it. And this is a Hadith mentioned in Sunon. Movie and it is authentic. And if this was the Doha of Prophets, therefore, we must also be making this dry and asking Allah azza wa jal that he grants us His love and make us love him more than ourselves, our families, and more than the desires and temptations that are around us. And so, the question my brothers and sisters in Islam, how can anyone ever imagine that they cannot have engulfing love for Allah subhanho wa Taala How can anyone ever live without having this flaming love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and how can it

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be possible that someone exists and walks on earth and they don't even have love for Allah has origin when all the blessings that we have in our life and everything around us of blessings came from Allah

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What may be coming near matin? Feminine Allah Allah Allah azza wa jal says any blessing that you are given in life came from Allah. And you know people with pure hearts are known to love those who do good to them. You know, if you did me a favor if you did something good to me, I love you for that. And I won't suffice with Jazak Allahu Allah. I want to go out of my way to give you a gift to appreciate your help and your favor to me. So now imagine when every blessing in your life came from Allah azza wa jal. How intense should your love for Allah azza wa jal be, how intense should be you should be spending every moment and every second increasing your love for Allah subhanho wa Taala

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through the worships that we do through a thicker we're going to speak at the end about the 10 ways of Nottingham Rahim Allah mentioned on how to increase your love for Allah azza wa jal, my brothers and sisters in Islam. You see the problem today in this world the life when our love has become diversified, and we have prioritized many things over Allah azza wa jal like today, you know the love of family, children wealth, our work our homes, our cars, the love of woman and woman for men and men, for women, the love of this world the life when the love of all these matters cramped in our heart, the love of Allah azza wa jal has no more room. The love of Allah has occupied a tiny

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space in our heart. And for some people, it has completely been removed away from their heart, the love of other things pushed out the love of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so if Allah's love has been removed from the heart, then the heart becomes black, and life becomes black. It becomes tough, and difficult and rough and depressing and sad and painful, and worrying and terrifying. This is how life becomes if the love of Allah has been removed from the heart. People today they own the best houses and the best cars. And from the outside, they seem to have the best life.

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But he lives life with his body and his soul, as though it is it's in prison. His soul. It's as though it's been present, Allahu Akbar. And this is what Allah has. sosial does. For people that love everything other than Allah more than Allah azza wa jal Allah punishes them. Yet this is a reality. This is an AI insalata Toba Allah azza wa jal he said in the Quran, pulling can add aku Abner

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as well as you can pass your latoken nectar off to more what is your ToonTrack shown there on a second Oh total owner I have been illegal min Allah He was really he was he had infeasibility Satara Basu had the Allahu Emery, Allah Who lair dill Omen first supreme, Allah azza wa jal instructed the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to tell the people to tell us we need to know these words. If your parents and your children and your siblings and your spouses and your extended family members and your wealth that you have acquired and your trade that you fear, it's declined you and your investments and your stocks and your shares and then your homes that you cherish if all of these

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things were more beloved to you, then Allah and His messenger and Jihad in fee severely struggling in the seek and in the way of Allah azza wa jal if these things were more beloved to you, then Allah fatahna Basu, then wait, wait at de de Allahu bhambri Until Allah brings about his will wait for Allah's punishment. And then he ended the area by saying, and Allah does not guide the rebellious people. He referred to these people as first up those who love this worldly life, and their families and children and wealth and homes and cars more than their love for Allah. These people are fair city, they are rebellious, they are transgressors. We ask Allah azza wa jal to save us. Some people

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have everything except the love of Allah in their hearts, and whoever has everything except the love of Allah. In reality, he has nothing. The love of Allah azza wa jal in the hearts must be pure. Whoever loves Allah and loves others alongside in his heart, Ghana, he loves

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Allah and others alongside of Allah azza wa jal, Allah will punish him with what he loves. Allah will punish him. And sometimes, Allah azza wa jal will test you to make sure that you only love him and no one else. Allah sometimes will test you to make sure that the love of Allah has taken first placed in your heart before anything else. And this is exactly what happened with Ibrahim alayhis salam. When Allah azza wa jal tested Ibrahim and commanded him to slaughter his son is married.

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Why was that? Because Allah azza wa jal wants to test Ibrahim, who does he love more? Does he love Allah or his son is married?

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And then Ibrahim alayhis salam did not hesitate. And he took the knife and began to cut his son's throat, but it wasn't cutting. And then Allah azza wa jal spared Ibrahim Ali has set up why? Because he passed the test. He proved that he loves Allah first before his son before his family, Allah azza wa jal said could sub Dr. Rowe in psychedelic energies in Mycenean, Allahu Akbar. So sometimes if you love something equal to your love with Allah, or you prefer to love something more than Allah, perhaps Allah azza wa jal will test you with that which you loved more than him, so that your love for Allah could be tested, so that Allah azza wa jal, his love could be prioritized in your heart

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and take first place Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam.

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The love the believers have for Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is what makes them endure the pains of difficulties and hardships a lot more accord. Danny what may below all the Allahu Anhu endure and be patient with the pains that he received in Makkah, when he was dragged around on the hot sand with a boulder on his chest. What made him in you always pain. It's the love he had for Allah. When he would see how I had

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when he would declare His Oneness of Allah subhanho Medina and the love he had for Allah azza wa jal in his heart. Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam every single day. We are asking Allah to bring us close to him 17 times a day during our prayers in the inner, inner circle Mr. Team every single day 17 times. We are seeing Allah guide us guide us step by step closer and closer to you every single day so that we reach you. Every second people are performing PLF around the globe, their purpose to reach Allah azza wa jal. This is their love for Allah Azza wa Shin, my brothers and sisters in Islam. The aim the aim of our lesson today is for Allah to be the most valuable and

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precious matter in our lives. We want to love Allah azza wa jal more than we love our souls and ourselves and our families. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, the love of Allah should be flowing in every inch of our body. In the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam in his olukoya he used to say, Allah Who Maharsha or like a semi Oba sorry, Omokri wow me Wow Sabi he would say Allah, my hearing and my sight and my brain and my, my bones and my nerves have submitted to you, out of love for you. subhanho wa Taala this journey loving Allah should be even in your bones. It should be in your nerves, it should be in every inch of every limb of your body. You must love Allah subhanho wa Taala

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loving Allah azza wa jal, my brothers and sisters in Islam is not the same as fearing him. Subhanahu wa Dianna.

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The love of Allah is the essence that's the beginning. And then of course we must have both we must love Allah And fear Allah azza wa jal, but the fear of Allah can only happen after you have truly loved him. Subhanahu wa Tiana.

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Whoever loves Allah will fear Allah and hope in the reward of Allah subhanho wa Taala you cannot fear Allah and hope in His mercy if you don't love him.

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You see, you see why the love of Allah azza wa jal is the beginning. It's the essence.

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And so the discussion about the love of Allah is greater than the discussion about death and about the grief. The love of Allah is a greater discussion than the discussion of the afterlife and the day of judgment and the hellfire and the punishment

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have the greatest topic is the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in STEM some people have forgotten that they were created to worship Allah has origin, they have forgotten, they have forgotten that they are supposed to love Allah azza wa jal before anything else in their life. And in this lesson we want to remind each other that Allah's love comes first before anything else. And you know, my brothers and sisters in Islam, this is something here very important that you and I are supposed to know and always review.

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Loving Allah azza wa jal is the first pillar of the three pillars of worship. And when we worship Allah, we worship Him because we love him. You see, there are conditions for worship. And there are pillars for worship. Every single worship we do, there are two conditions for and there are three pillars for the two conditions, of course, and a colossal metabo. Every worship you conduct, you must be sincere. You only want the reward from Allah and no one else. And there must be metabo you must do that worship in accordance to the Sunnah of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So these are the conditions of worship. Then there's something else called the pillars of worship, and there are three. The first of them is the love of Allah. That's a pillar of worship, every single worship you conduct, whether you pray, or fast or read or read, or vicar or still for any worship, you do these pillars. Without these pillars, the worship is gone. It is invalid. The first pillar is Mahabharata law, that you love Allah azza wa jal, you love to worship Him, you are pleased with this. And you worship him willingly, not forcefully, willingly, and there is no limit to how much you love Allah azza wa jal. Your love for Allah should only increase and increase and increase

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everyday work on your love for Allah subhanho wa taala. That's the first pillar. The second pillar of every worship is the fear of Allah. You should feel that perhaps your worship and the good deed you did, might be rejected. And there is a limit to the fear of Allah, there is a limit to it.

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If you fear Allah more than required, that would lead to hopelessness. You would lose hope in Allah, you will begin to lose hope in Allah's mercy and forgiveness.

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And then the third pillar is hope in Allah azza wa jal will be led. You must have hope in Allah whenever you're conducting any form of worship, hope, hope that this deed is accepted, and that Allah azza wa jal would reward you for hope you must assume good of Allah azza wa jal when you conduct any type of worship, and also a Rajya ovilla hope in Allah there is a limit to it. If a person goes extreme in their hope, in Allah has sosial and hooked in Allah azza wa jal so much that he ignored and neglected the fear of Allah, that would lead to carelessness. And a person will not care about whether Allah rejected his deed or not. And he would not care about Allah's punishment,

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and the hellfire and a person will begin to commit sins and not care. So you see, Subhan Allah, these are the three pillars of worship, loving Allah, fearing Allah, hoping in Allah. And from among the three, it is the love of Allah that has no limit. love Allah as much as you can increase, keep going every single day. But the fear of Allah there's a limit to it. If you go extreme in your fear of Allah azza wa jal, you become a yearning, what happens? You lose hope, you will lose hope in Allah's mercy. And if you go extreme in your hope in Allah, and you just hope that Allah never feed him. That is dangerous as well. There is a limit because what happens you become careless, and

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you'll fall into sin and you will not care at all. When it no matter what hammer home Allah they said, the one who worships Allah only out of love

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and they neglect the fee and the hope in Allah. Such a person is as indeed, a monastic is a hypocrite, and the one who worships Allah, only fearing him, doesn't worship Him out of love, and out of hope in his reward, and Paradise just worships Him because He feeds him. Such a person is a hurry, hurry from among and Howard is a deviated sect and a misguided sect and whoever worship Allah, hoping only out of hope, hoping in his reward and his paradise, any the one who worships Allah out of hope, so he doesn't feel he doesn't love him. Then such a person is a more legit such a person is a more legit

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So in other words, this is another misguided deviated sec. So whoever worships Allah with these three pillars, loving Allah fearing Allah, fear of Allah hope in Allah azza wa jal has completed and perfected his worship for Allah subhanho wa taala. And as an early member of Muhammad Allah they mentioned that this is like a bird with two wings, the head of the bird is loving the law. So love of Allah, that's the first thing in your heart. And then the two wings, one of them is the fee of Allah and the other one is hope in Allah azza wa jal, and this bird cannot fly, unless it has all these three things the two wings and the head and so you to your perfect your worship cannot be

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complete cannot be perfect, and it cannot be complete and it will not ascend to Allah azza wa jal unless it has these three pillars, the head, which is your love for Allah azza wa jal whenever you conduct a worship, and then the two wings and that is your feed of Allah azza wa jal and your annual hope in Allah subhanahu wata Island. And these three manners the pillars of worship, are found in the very beginning of the Quran in the first three ayat of surah, Al Fatiha Allah azza wa jal, he said, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Alhamdulillah this implies the love of Allah because Allah Hamed is to praise Allah out of love. You see, praising Allah without love. That's called Finet.

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That's called fenit. You know, I might love a watch. So I praise a watch, I might praise a watch. If I'm praise a watch doesn't necessarily mean I love the watch. If I praise a watch that's called fernet. So the one who just praises Allah without loving him, that's the net and hum is to praise Allah, out of love for Allah subhanho wa Taala So alhamdulillah he'll have been Alameen implies the love of Allah subhanahu Medina, which is the first pillar of worship and then manual by him. It implies hope in Allah azza wa jal because he's the most merciful, so we have hoped in His mercy, and that he'll grant us His mercy in this life and in the hereafter. O'Malley Kiyomi. Dean, this implies

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the fee of Allah azza wa jal as you read nearly Kiyomi D, the Owner of the Day of Recompense you remember the day of judgment, and the horrors that happened on that day, and the people will be resurrected or fat and rotten, or learn Boomer, people will be resurrected, barefooted, naked, uncircumcised, poor, born that poor, they don't own anything, and it shall be Allah Juana was so concerned about the men and women looking at each other. And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the matter is greater than people looking at each other. So when you remember these meanings, as you read narrowly Kiyomi Deen that leads to the fear of Allah azza wa jal. And so these

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are the three pillars of every worship. We worship Allah, out of love for Allah, and we worship Him. And we have fee of Allah azza wa jal that our deed might be rejected. And we worship Him having hope in Him Subhanahu wa Taala that he accept our deeds, and He grant us the Paradise because of our deeds and our efforts.

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My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, the love of Allah azza wa jal will make every worship have a sweetness to it. How many people today complain? I don't find pleasure. I don't find enjoyment in my worship. I cannot taste the sweetness of my worship. How many people complain of this? And did you know that the love of Allah if it was in the heart, it will earn you this enjoyment and pleasure and sweetness that you will experience in your worship? Now, in the be some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Salah for men couldn't fee he was sure that Hello water, amen. There are three traits. Whoever has these three traits will find the sweetness of faith. He will find enjoyment in his worship, he

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will find pleasure in his worship. And the first one of them was an Enya Khun Allahu wa rasuluh have mercy where Homer? The first one was the one who loves Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, more than anything else. That was the first one. If your love, if love for Allah azza wa jal was in the heart and love of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the heart, you will enjoy your worship. And so when we don't enjoy worship, that means there's a problem. It could be that that the love of Allah Azza wa Zhen hasn't peaked in our hearts.

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Subhan Allah, now by my brothers and sisters in Islam, the sweetness of faith, the love of worship, the love for doing righteous good deeds, the love to pray. And the love to fast and to engage with the sport and and of God can only be achieved when you love Allah and His Messenger more than anything else. The love of love will make you enjoy your job and your new job as you walk out of the house.

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The love of Allah and His messenger in the heart will meet you enjoy the night pray, and every pray you pray, and attending the masjid and praying Salat and humor and time and attending the lessons and continue sitting here on this live and watching this lesson. It is your love for Allah and His messenger that makes you enjoy this lesson as we share laws as in the messengers are Heidi not me. Be careful understand, it is not the love you have for me that you sit behind your screen and watch and listen love Allah it is not. And it's not my love for you that I sit here. And I give you this lesson even though we love our brothers and sisters in Islam, but above all this it's the love we

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have for Allah and His messenger that we want to sit here together, even if it's behind our screens, and talk about Allah subhana dialogue. It's the love we have for Allah and His messenger. This is why you feel you enjoy listening to the lesson I enjoy giving this lesson because there is love for Allah and His Messenger We ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us His love and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his love deep in our heart, so that we do not put anyone's love before they love, love. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam now, the love of Allah will revolutionize your relationship with Allah subhanahu wa Tada. The love of Allah will motivate you to do deeds you'd never thought

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you had the energy and the strength to do them. oximetry Allah, Allah He true love for Allah heart surgeon will enable you to memorize the Quran, something you probably thought you'll never ever have the strength to do. It's the love for Allah has version that will allow you to go to Mecca, and do Hajj every year after year after year whenever you have the means. It is the love for Allah azza wa jal that will make you continue pay as a cat and charity and donate here and there. Don't care. It's the love of Allah that will give you the strength to do things you thought you'll never ever be able to achieve in your life. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, everything in the universe praises Allah

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with love. Allah azza wa jal he says what you mean she INLA you your sub beheld the Hamdi there is nothing in existence, except that it declares the perfection of Allah and it praises Allah and I already told you and hum the praise him is to praise Allah with love. Meaning everything in this universe loves Allah and it praises Allah with love.

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Like Well, let's speak something about the angels love for Allah, the angels, the angels love Allah azza wa jal, every day, they are have freedom in holy cow, she use a baboon at the Hamdi they are surrounding the Throne of Allah, meaning they are around every side of the throat. What are they doing your sub Bureau wa Hamdi, oh use a bone a hammer a beam, they are declaring the perfection of Allah and they are praising him. Once again we said and Hum hum of Allah is to praise him with love. These are the angels every moment in their life. They are loving, increasing in their love for Allah and they are displaying and showing their love for Allah by seeing Subhan Allah who are behind the

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Subhana Allah he will be handy. This is how you show your love for Allah by engaging in his liqueur subhanho wa Taala love

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and some of mankind are sitting down, doing nothing about their love for Allah azza wa jal now we will be laying him in a Loeffler. We ask Allah azza wa jal to protect us from heedlessness, my brothers and sisters in Islam. When Musa alayhis salam was on the mountain, he asked Allah be led on for a lake. Let me see you Allah and Allah azza wa jal did not allow him he said you cannot see me however Allah azza wa jal exposed some of his light, which was this much as an abbess, all the Allahu Anhu mentions this much this much this much of Allah has light illuminated and shined on them.

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Mountain and the mountain exploded

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out of love for Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and some people, their hearts still haven't exploded with the love of Allah azza wa jal. Why, why? Allah azza wa jal said Can level Allah Allah put OB him Can we actually boot because the hearts have a lot on upon them, the hearts are rusted, they are covered. They are covered with blackness there is a covering on the heart Bhima can we actually boot because of the sins they have committed? Killer in normal Obioma even the Marylebone and then Allah azza wa jal said on that day, these people will be blocked from seeing Allah how social Allahu Akbar Why were these two right after each other? The idea is that if your sins block you from Allah subhanho wa Taala in this life, then you

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will be blocked from seeing law social on the Day of Judgment, Allahu Akbar. Listen, my brothers and sisters in Islam listen and learn about the love the believers have for Allah on the day of judgment you know, there is a long Hadith I'm not going to share all of it but some of it just what's relevant for us now. On the Day of Judgment all the nations will be called out you know the moon Adam fair, cool, legal hacker Kulu Omen Bina can we are doing a call or call out every single person go, go and gather with those who use the worship. So hello, Sally, the Christians will go with their cross and annual ofan the people that worship the idols will be gathered with idols. And every

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single people that worship other than Allah will go and gather with that thing they worship other than Allah.

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And then what remains on the plains of the Day of Judgment, others who worship Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So then,

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the angel would see or this koala would call out to the Jews on the Day of Judgment. Now quantum taboo, but did you people used to worship they would say could Nana Buddha Hosea, Ronnie new law, who used to worship Rosaire of the son of Allah, then he would say to them cover Tom Mata, Hava Lahore, Sahiba. Done Walla Walla de, you lied, Allah had never had never taken a partner or a child for your whole metody dune. He says to them, what do people want? They see naughty do unto spirit. Give us something to drink. They're thirsty, give us something to drink. So he says to them Go and drink and they are thrown in jahannam. And then the Christians are told Makaton taboo. What did you

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people used to worship? They would say couldn't Abdullah Mercia, Ebola, we used to worship he said the Son of God Allahu Akbar. He would say to them give up don't let me I can Lahore Sahiba to Allah Allah. Allah azza wa jal had never taken a spouse and a partner. He never had a partner nor a child. So he says to them to the Christians, what do you want? They see moody do unto spirit. We want you to give us some water we want to drink. We're thirsty for your whole shabu. He says Go and drink for us fair to say upon a few Jahannam and they're thrown in Jahannam until only the believers remain on the plains of the Day of Judgment. And then they are asked what do people want? What did they say?

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They don't see. We want to drink with us. They see in this is the point in num Tavira burner. We are waiting for our Lord Allah Akbar. Every single nation is asking for water. Every single nation is thirsty and they want to drink except the believers when they are asked, What are you waiting for? What do you people want? They see none who are better we are waiting for our Lord. This is the love the believers have for Allah azza wa jal on the Day of Judgment, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Let's look at some examples of the love the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had for Allah has its origin and a solidly Allahu Anhu he says that

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I saw about a man vs Allah Allah he will send a mobile one time with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it began to rain. So a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a hustler, and the whee hee hee removed some of his clothing had also been mobile until water began to make contact on his skin for liver fat, and then the Companions they said to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam Why did you do this? Why did you uncover some of your code so that the water touches yourself?

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When, listen to what he said. He said no Hadith didn't build up. He said, because this is fresh, it's new it's just come down from its Lord. It's just come down from Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the love the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had for Allah. He wants to make contact with something that just came from Allah azza wa jal Allahu Akbar. And this is a sunnah to do this when it rains a lot like what? And maybe some Allahu alayhi wa sallam was with Aisha one time, he shall be Allah one had in his apartment in his house. And so you can imagine, this is a private moment between a husband and wife. Listen to what happens next.

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Up in Romania,

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will be Allah one who he asked. Aisha Allah be Allah one. He said to her kabiri Nambiar she shabby chic in our ad Hema Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said to her Hey Aisha, can you tell us and inform us about the most amazing thing you saw from the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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for secondary? Then she went silent thinking then she said, Allah God listen to this lamb Mecca and La let them in a lady. She said one night

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I in the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we were together.

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And then he said to me, yeah, Aisha, very me at our Badulla Robbie. He said, Oh, I Isha.

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Let me let me worship my Lord tonight.

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Let me worship my Lord tonight. Allah who at

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least is what I Isha is saying was the most amazing thing she ever saw from the messenger. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He met his wife at night in one room.

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And he is saying to her, let me worship my Lord tonight. Allahu Akbar. So then she said to him, Well, Allah He Neela buku Rebecca way boom. So she said, By Allah, I love your I love your company, meaning they were close to each other that night. They were close to each other that night.

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And she said to him, I love your company. And I love that which you love, meaning I love that you worship Allah azza wa jal. So then he got up salAllahu alayhi wasallam he sang, he got up, and he made a boo. And he prayed, and he cried until his bead was soaked with teas. And then he prayed and he prayed and he cried, until the earth underneath him was soaked with teas. I don't know. I don't know of anyone that has ever cried in this manner. These are tears of happiness. teas have love for Allah subhanahu wata Allah.

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Allahu Akbar.

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And so from the seven from the seven people that are shaded underneath the sheet of Allah azza wa jal. What are you learn that Quran, la Holly and for Falbo Dinah? And then who remembers Allah, not the fire, not the punishment. And then who remembers Allah or a person the man and woman a person who remembers Allah and then began to cry heavily foul but Aina like fail bomb like a flub. Such a person is underneath the shade of Allah azza wa jal on the Day of Judgment, Allah God, someone that reads the Quran, and cries out of love for Allah azza wa jal will be underneath the sheet of Allah. Why? Because such a person proved that he loves Allah subhanahu wa taala, Allah Akbar. And so this

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was the case of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that night, that I shall be Allah one who said that this was the most amazing moment in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he wasn't interested in connecting with anyone. He wasn't even interested in connecting with I shall obey Allah Juana that night. He was interested in Allah concern in his relationship with law, out of love for Allah subhanahu wata, Hannah. And my brothers and sisters in Islam. No, this is the meaning of Allah. The word the word, the name of Allah, Allah. That's his proper name. It comes from the word well, he had, well he held for so you let me you know, the baby horse when the baby horse runs

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to its mother, because it's in need of its mother and the protection of its mother and the milk of its mother. And that this baby horse cannot survive without its mother. They see well he had and for Sue Isla Omi and so this word well he had this the the name Allah

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Ah, it comes from the word while he had while he here meaning Allah is the One who we run to, because we are in need of Him. We cannot survive without him. We cannot find happiness in our lives without him. Subhanahu wa Tiana, we are in urgent and desperate need of Him Subhana homodyne Allahu Akbar how many times? How many times did you cry? Out of love for Allah has always been longing to meet with Allah subhanho wa Taala and seeing him SubhanaHu Medina, Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam. We want to live our lives with true love for Allah subhanho Medina, Allah there's not much there's not many of these left on earth for us. A few more years is it I don't know Allahu

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Allah. And then that's it. Whatever love we had in our hearts, that's the love we're going to meet him SubhanaHu wa Tada with. We need to keep working busy in increasing this love for Allah subhanho wa Taala is no time. It's no time to waste the time to waste. I cannot believe how people still sit on their computers playing games, or on their phones playing games. How to Yanni Have you reached peak in your love for Allah ha Sojin to stop being distracted with other things. What are how La Quwata illa villa, my brothers and sisters in Islam live, live the moment in the life of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he says that he shall be Allah one one night in nine

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aeternum wallerian mo Colby. He says to her, Oh, I shut my eyes, they sleep. They close the rest they sleep. But my heart doesn't sleep. It's always awake because of the love he has for Allah azza wa jal. He's always conscious in his heart. Concerning Allah subhanho wa taala. Some people's hearts are awake at night. Some people some people are like this. Their eyes are sleeping, resting, but his heart is awake because of a goal that he wants. Or her heart is awake at night because of a boy or a man she wants. Allahu Akbar. Allah Akbar.

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The most pure emotion and feeling in the world. The most beautiful experience in this entire life is to love Allah subhanho wa Taala deep from within your heart.

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What is the wish of so many people today? What is the wish of so many people today? So many people they wishing for a car for a beautiful house for a beautiful spouse for the latest technology for whatever it is. These are people's wishes today. Listen to the wish of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He says well levy This is the hadith of Allah Han who Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when Levine fcbd Or did to an okatie Luffy sebelah for octyl. From from Dr. Latham. From olive oil and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Swish, he said by Allah, He took an oath. He said, I wish that I am killed in the path of Allah.

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Allahu Akbar, I wish that I find in the Sikh of Allah has origin and then I'm killed. Then I'm given life again. Then I'm killed, then I'm given life again. Then I'm killed. And he said it three times.

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This is the wish of Rasul Allah. Why? Why? Because of the love he has for Allah azza wa jal. He loves Allah more than himself, has endowed us all Allah, He loves Allah more than himself. So his wish was to die if he severely learn, because that's the most expensive thing you can give to Allah, your soul, and then he wished to revive again, and to be cubed and give you a soul again for Allah, and then to be resurrected again and so on. But this was not going to happen and it's never going to happen. Lacking This is the love of Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And when I read this hadith, all I can see from it is the love the messenger had for Allah. That's all I can see from it.

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Subhan Allah Subhana Allah, Allahu Akbar, Eben Masaru, the only Allahu Anhu he would carry the Quran and he would say Caleb will not be hack hack, he would carry the Quran and he would see Qlm Rapi This is the word of my Lord. This is the word of my Lord. He seen this before he's even thinking about the beauty and the eloquence of this Quran and the guidance Dysport and offers the letter before all these gullible upbeat it's the words of my Lord. And there are some people that love Allah some so much

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that their hearts

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are attached to his words Japan who died.

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They are nine. Can't wait to read the Word of Allah and to see what is Allah's message for them today? Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam

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Subhan Allah Subhana Allah and the be some Allahu Allah you are send them. He says to us that from among the seven categories that are in the shade of Allah azza wa jal on the Day of Judgment when there is no shade, except he is what would you call boo ma Lacombe? masajid. Amen. His heart is attached to the masjid. And there are some people like this, their hearts are attached to the machine.

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And they are attached to the solid, whether they're sleeping, or they're shopping, or they're exercising, they're with their families, they're with their friends, they're eating no matter what it is, his heart is attached to the prayer and the Masjid. Why? Why, why why is he attached to the masjid and to the prayer because this is where he meets Allah. And a solid is where he's going to converse with Allah. It's his love for Allah assertion that made him qualify to be in the shade of Allah has solution. And this hadith is not only for men, also for one woman, woman that have their hearts attached to the prayer, even though she prayed at home because the best prayer of a woman is

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the prayer in the home. So even that woman that has no heart attached with a solid would be under this hadith, in where her heart is attached to a masjid meaning attached to a salad in her case,

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Allahu Akbar, and so she will qualify to be in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment, my brothers and sisters in Islam, amen. was asked, Why are you in the masjid before the event?

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He was always in the masjid before the other. He said I am embarrassed to come to the masjid after the event has been caught.

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As though Danny am I waiting for a lot to call me. Am I waiting to hear Hi, Ayala solid come to a solid for me to come. Lola I'm embarrassed to come to the masjid after the other. It says though I needed an invite to come. So he said, coming to the masjid after the exam is for the lazy people. As for me, I want to be there before Allah calls me. This is the love for Allah azza wa jal, he's longing for the meeting with Allah subhanho wa taala. Again, all those Euro boo ma lecan Bill masajid Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam. When you're at work, and you miss your pay, that means you love your work more than your pre when your own money by how long means that means

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you loved the Hello money more than ALLAH has option. The one who thinks even even to this point, the one who thinks lustfully about a person in solid,

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then you love that person more than ALLAH has soultion and this is why Eben has him or him of Allah. He mentioned and he said, Whoever thinks purposely about the private parts of others in his prayer is praise invalid. Now, then into such a person, what are you doing in your salad? Thinking about the private parts of another person in your salad? If you think of that purposely your salad is invalid it's canceled. That's what I've been hasn't Rahim Allah mentioned. Why all these matters were mentioned so that we can preserve the love we have for Allah azza wa jal in our soul that you also know should be exploding with the love you have for Allah subhanho wa taala. That's where your

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mind should be. That's where your concentration should be love.

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Your love for Allah Azza wa Zhen must be more than the love you have for your family and for your friends. You know, when a person receives good news, he rushes to inform his family and his friends. Yeah. Any when you receive good news, let's say you you purchase the house, you purchase the car, you pass your exam, you aren't whatever it is a position in your job. cannae good news, you receive good news in your life.

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The first people you rush to inform them is your family and your friends. You quickly call your wife you call your husband you call your children, your mother, your father, you want to inform them of the good news. But look, the sooner is when you receive good news that you perform such that the shocker.

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You go down in Suzhou

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The idea is that you express your happiness and excitement to Allah before your family and your friends. Only someone who truly loves Allah I saw one will lose such that the sugar when he receives good news, the one who performs such that the sugar upon receiving good news

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Before he informs his family and his relatives, that's a good sign that his heart is exploding with the love of Allah subhanho wa taala. And you know when you are worried

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and you're stressed, you complete to family and friends, that you're the one who loves Allah. And the love of Allah is is exploding and it's pumping through his body. He rushes to Allah in His Salat, and complaints through Allah subhanho wa Taala that's why anybody sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was described if there has ever been a moment Fozia ilosone it whenever he was distressed by any matter, he would rush to the prayer.

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And so whoever rushes to a Salat when he is stressed before he goes to his family and relatives and other people, is a person that knows the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and what it means in his life. You know, whenever you need advice, let's see whenever you need advice, you seek it from, from your relatives, from your friends, from the only those that are experts in the field. Read normally that's when you need advice, but the sooner is not to rush to perform solitude esta hora before seeking advice of people

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Yanni, you need advice in your life, so pre selection is the hub and seek Allah's advice on whatever matter you're about to conduct. Only the one who loves Allah. And the love of Allah is exploding in his heart will know to pre select and is the harder before asking the people Allahu Akbar. This is the love of Allah in the life of a believer. Such that the shocker when you receive good news before you inform your family says that the sugar whenever you're worried or distressed you go and pray to like to Allah subhanho wa Taala before you inform your family and your friends, when you're seeking advice salata is the hoarder before anyone else. Why all this? Let him know this is the kind of love

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the believer is supposed to have for Allah. So you can do these things out of love for Allah azza wa jal otherwise, when you receive good news, and you share it with your family, why because you love your family, and you know that they love you and care for you. When you're in distress, you're going complain to your family and your friends. What because you know, they love you, you love them.

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And when you want to seek advice, you seek it from your family and your from your friends. Why? Because you know, they will advise you what's best for you. They won't cheat you, they won't deceive you. They'll give you advice that's good for you. They are the one who rushes to such that the sugar was solid when he finds a difficulty in his life. And when he prays solid is the Hara is someone that is loving Allah and knows that Allah loves him and know that Allah is concerned for him and cares about him. Now for that was the sunlight and this is where it emits from the Sun that comes from the love that we're supposed to have for Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters in

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Islam, our religion is called Islam. It comes from the word is Islam, which means to submit, because we separate our lives, our time, our effort, we submit our wealth, everything we own, we submitted for Allah out of love for Allah subhanho wa Taala Lord, is there any stronger love?

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Is there any strong love or stronger love, this love that we have for Allah azza wa jal by Allah there is no religion on the face of the earth that offers its followers, this kind of love for the Lord Allahu Akbar, it is only Islam that teaches us how much love we're supposed to have for ALLAH SubhanA Medina, when we when we pray, we start our prayer Oh Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater than everything and everyone. Why? Because the love we have for Allah is unlike any love for anyone else. So we say Allah who I cannot, Allah is greater than everyone and everything. Why? Because we love him more than everyone on anything. So there is nothing greater than him. subhanho wa Taala and at

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the end of our prayer, it's also an expression of love we have for Allah azza wa jal

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we say at the Hyatt all greetings are for you. Oh Allah, was salawat and all our prayers, all our dryer, all our worship is for Allah that's what a solo ad means. And then we say opee that all the pure actions and all the good words all of them belong to Allah. And then we declare the Oneness of Allah a shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah, what a shadow under Mohamed Anna do what a solo

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and then when

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We finish at the Hyatt, just before we conclude that the Hyatt in the bee sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would see Allah more fiddly mount them to warmer, how to warm a saltwater Island to sort of on that island will be mini until mocha demo until more accurate Oh La ilaha illa and in the visa Allah Allah he will sell them. He would at the end of his diet, he would say Allah, forgive me for what I have done, before and after, and what I have hidden and what I have done openly and what I have transgressed the limit in and forgive me for what you know about me that I don't know. You're the one who sends forth and you're the one who delays there is no Lord worthy of worship except you

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Allah. But notice notice, he doesn't just say in general words, Allah forgive me A salaam alaikum wa Rahmatullah all o'clock what he says, save about seven things. He details his request for forgiveness, as though he doesn't want the conversation with Allah to end because he loves Allah subhanahu Medina, and so make this dua at the end of your Salat, it proves how much you love Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahu Akbar,

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam, the love that we're supposed to have for Allah subhanho wa taala. Now

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a second. What is it? It is you preferring what Allah loves over what you love? So you give your officer vilella out of love for Allah. First thing what is it? First thing is you preferring what Allah over what you love, preferring what Allah loves over what you love. So you love to eat and Allah loves from you fast for his sake. So you prefer what Allah loves over your love. Right? What is Hush, hush is once again you preferring what Allah loves over what you love. Yeah, and it has his difficulty and struggle, and I'm sure everyone just loves to sit Oh,

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but you love what Allah loves. And that is you going to be to live in Haram. And then going to Mina and then to move out of her and then was Delaford and then going back to be to LA and all the struggle and hardship and money and pay and get up on the taxi and bus and plane. Whatever it is all for Allah because you loved allah and You preferred what he loves. Over what you love. Subhan Allah my brothers and sisters in Islam, this is how we see lead bait. I'm answering your call Allah and love bake is only said to the one who you love. You do not say a bit to someone you don't love.

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Yeah, Neela bake is only said to the one who you love. It means love bake Allah home that means Allah, I am answering your call out of love for you are Subhana Allah to Allah. And so Allah azza wa jal call this to Al Hush. And you know, not everyone that calls you. You attend or you regard his invitation, not who who would you do this for? If someone called you now living somewhere in in Canada, and sit there said American brother, sister come and visit me? Would you would you pay 1000s of dollars to go and see them and go through so much hardship and difficulty and take a bus and then walk and hundreds of kilometers to go? You don't do that for anyone. You only do that for Allah,

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Allah invited you to his house to perform Housh so you said Labate no worries Allah colors I am coming Bismillah and you pay your money in struggle and hardship and whatever it is, you don't care, out of love for Allah azza wa jal Allahu Akbar, not anyone that calls you even in your locality, and says to come over, you will come over as Luke Luke, Luke, when Allah calls us all the way to the end of the world. We're ready to go. This is our love for Allah subhanahu wa dialler. Like, well, why, let's let's explain why do we love Allah? Why do we love him? Number one, we love him for the blessings He is bestowed upon us. Everything that we have came from Allah azza wa jal. Look, look,

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look, look at our our eyes, our ears, our tongue, our intellect, the knowledge we have all came from Allah, how can you look over Allah, we love Him because of the blessings He has granted us and given us in our lives.

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We love Allah, for his wisdom and for his knowledge and for his beautiful names and attributes. We love him for his wisdom. You know, when when a calamity happens in your life, you just increase your love for Allah. Because you know that Allah soultion has bestowed this calamity upon you.

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Out of his knowledge, and perfect wisdom. It didn't come randomly.

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and something that Allah azza wa jal had done that he didn't know what he's doing Maiev Allah, we love a lot because of his wisdom and knowledge. So that whenever I go through a calamity I love him more, because I know this is part of his wisdom and part of his knowledge. We love Allah because of the love He has for us. Now, but you know the hadith of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When the companion women the companions were gathered around the messenger, and he pointed to them to a mother that was carrying her baby. And he said to the Companions, do you think this mother will throw her child in the fire? They said, no obvious this is a mother and she loves her baby and she

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will not throw her baby in the fire. And mother loves the baby. So Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to them, Allah

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has more mercy upon this baby. Then the mother Mother has mercy upon her own baby.

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In other words, Allah's mercy and love for His servants is more than the love and mercy we have upon each other, even from the mother because this is the highest picture of love and mercy, a mother towards her babies, a mother towards her babies. There is no more love and mercy on earth that is stronger, stronger than that. And so notice I said lamb took the strongest form of love and mercy and said that Allah

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is merciful upon his servants, more than the strongest mercy and love you can ever think about that exists on earth. So that's why we love Allah because he loves us. And in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal said, you will see qumola houfy Allah.

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Allah instructs the parents to look after their children, Allah like, you see, the love Allah has for His servants, that in the Quran, he instructs the parents to look after their children.

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And in sort of the Isar or sort of an EM Allah azza wa jal, he says, when I talk to Allah, the Kama Sutra is Allah Hachette him Lapin Nanos Akuma yo, Allah azza wa jal instructs the parents and says do not kill your children out of poverty, we provide for you and we provide for them. This is the love Allah has for His servants, that He's instructing the parents don't kill your kids out of poverty. That's the love Allah has for His servants. So we love Allah because he loves us.

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How can one not love Allah? When he knows that Allah loves him? Subhan Allah, Ibrahim Ali, he said, he said ino can be happy year. He said, My Lord has always been loving to be, he has always always been kind, gentle and compassionate with me. This is what Ibrahim said about Allah in the who can be happier. You see, Prophets recognized that Allah loves the servants. And so he said, No cannot be happier. I know that Allah loves me.

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Have you ever said this about law? No matter what your situation was? Have you ever said in the whole can there be a half year during the most difficult time in your life? You know, if you're not you're supposed to say that. You're supposed to acknowledge that Allah azza wa jal has always been gentle, compassionate, merciful and loving towards you, even in the most difficult situations you will face in your life global icon.

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Look at the case of Musa Ali who said he ran away from Egypt after accidentally killing someone. He has no home, no shelter, no food, no family, no support. He's on a mountain. It's cold, it's dark. There's no bed, there's no rest. And from there, Allah azza wa jal says team will pay to Alleycat Maha Burton Mini and I have spread my love upon you.

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Allahu Akbar, Mohabbat and mini I have spread my love upon you when it was na ni ne and I plan that you should be raised under my I can under my supervision and under my care, Allahu Akbar. The hardship the hardship that you go through is not a sign that Allah hates you or is angry with you. If you are with Allah, if you are with law,

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and you're performing your obligations, and you're keeping away from the prohibitions, and you're worshiping Allah and your love Allah soultion then the hardship you're going through. The message from Allah to you at that time is what LK to aleikum wa

01:10:00 --> 01:10:45

But that mini Allah has spread his love upon you look at musalla he said, such a difficult case he's in. I just told you about it. A fugitive of the law, no home no shelter, no food, no family, no support. No no food, no no money, no, a cold that any no rest, no but nothing. That's when Allah said team I've spread my love upon you Allah like about my brothers and sisters in Islam. We love Allah for his Helm, for his forbearance for his patience with us whenever we commit a sin. Allah is Halim, when you commit a sin, Allah azza wa jal doesn't punish you immediately. Lice patient he gives you time, so that you can seek his forgiveness and turn back to him subhanho wa Taala so we

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love him for this. So part of what Diana?

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Also we love Allah azza wa jal because he loves those who repent and turn back to him. No matter how messy your situation was ALLAH icon, how can you not love Allah azza wa jal when you know that he loves those who repent and turn back to him.

01:11:07 --> 01:11:27

Shai Alayhis Salam he said these people will still feel welcome for Matobo la in Nairobi or Haman were dude. He said these people seek Allah's forgiveness and turn back to Him. Verily, my Lord is Rahim he's always merciful. We're dude. He is widowed. Yanni he is all loving.

01:11:28 --> 01:11:50

What does this mean? Let me tell you something, you know, in life in life, if you did wrong with someone, if you did, like a huge wrong and mistake with someone, it is impossible for that person to love you how he loved the first time. Maybe people can forgive. Right? But then that's it. I don't want to see you again.

01:11:51 --> 01:11:55

Right the love will never be the same as it used to be at the beginning.

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But Allah azza wa jal in this case is saying, in not be are human or dude, no matter how much you have sinned against Allah, no matter how much Allah was displeased with the servant as he seemed against him. If you seek Allah's forgiveness and turn back to Him, He will love you once again.

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He will love you once again. This is the meanings of Inaba Haman widowed and this is one of the beautiful meanings that a chef of Saudi Rahim Allah brought in his Tafseer luck but my brothers and sisters in Islam,

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what are the signs that Allah loves you and your love Allah? What are the signs? You see? Alas anniversary of him Allah He mentioned that a group of people claim to love Allah so much. So many people claim to love Allah. Everyone claims to love Allah and Allah loves them, right? How much do we see on Instagram, and Facebook and Twitter and whatever it is, Allah loves you, you love Allah. And when everyone claims it, everyone claims it, the sinner, the rebellious, the one who transgresses against Allah, the one that is naked, bright, whether from men or women. So many people claim to love Allah azza wa jal, so many people are claiming they love Allah and Allah loves them.

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Well, even the Christians and the Jews,

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they claim that Allah azza wa jal loves them. We'll call Attilio who don't know sobre la No, Abner Allah Hi Belle, the Jews and the Christians. They said, We are the sons of God. And we are His most beloved Savior and cleanses. So it hasn't impossible have Allah said so many groups claim to love Allah then Allah revealed an AI that is going to measure our love for Him. Whether it's true or not, and this air and all about him Allah they refer to it as a tool.

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It is the testing air. Allah sojourn said in quantum to a boon Allah, for Debbie Rooney you have common law.

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This is how we measure without we love a law and a lot loves us back.

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True love for Allah is to obey Allah and His messenger. Allah azza wa jal said, say

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if indeed you people love Allah fatale Roni Follow, follow me or be me A be the messenger of Allah. Because a being Rasul Allah is a being Allah subhanho wa Taala you have become Allah, Allah who would surely love you.

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So, if you obey Allah and His Messenger in all that the commanded and you keep away from everything they prohibited and forbid upon us, and you do that lovingly and willingly

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Then, truly, you love Allah, and Allah loves you. That's the measure. And I'll give you a simple example. So you can understand, let's say a person went to his father. And he said to him, Father, I love you. I love you that. And then his father said to him, okay, son, thank you go and cut the grass. And then you as a sunset, sorry that I can't do it. I'm not bothered. Then you come again, and you say, Dad, I love you. And your dad says to you, well stay at home tonight. Because we want to sit together, and we want to talk and don't go with your friends tonight. So you say that I love you. But I need to go see my friends, and I need to speak to them tonight.

01:15:38 --> 01:16:12

And every time your dad says to you do this, don't do this. You keep saying Dad, I love you. But I can't do this. I can't do that. After all this, you come back to your dad and you say Dad, I love you. What do you think he's going to believe you that you'll love him? But your father is going to say you're a liar. My son, you don't love me. I tell you do this. I tell you do that. Stop doing this. Stop doing that you don't listen to me. So how can you say you love me? Allahu Akbar. Now you understand with this small example. How can you say you love Allah? If you do not obey Allah?

01:16:13 --> 01:16:27

How can you claim your love Allah? If you are committing sin after sin transgression after script transgression, not caring about your Tober and your relationship with Allah. And then how can you also How can you claim he loves you?

01:16:28 --> 01:17:32

If you are indulged in sin and transgression and rebellion? Lat This is wrong. This is why Scheffer, Rahim Allah said in a beautiful poem of his Dalsin Illa and that has a bow has more hurlan Phil TFC by the RO loca and Booker Sadiq Khan Lau Pato in Weber lumineux bumo yo, these are beautiful poetic words of a chef Rahim Allah, He said, You disobey Allah. While you claim that you love you. This is impossible. It's an unprecedented analogy. It's unheard of. If you love or if your love had been true, you would have obeyed Him. Because the lover is always OBEDIENT to the one who he loves a lot about it. And that's the first sign of knowing if you love Allah, and Allah loves you, and that is

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by following Allah's orders and instructions and commands and keeping away from everything that Allah subhanho wa Taala prohibited. Another form of signs were mentioned in surah almeyda for signs that you love Allah and Allah loves you back Allah azza wa jal, he said in the Quran, yeah. Johan Levina. Eminem in your domain command Dini for Sophia Tila, hope you're calming your head boom, your head buena, Allah azza wa jal, he says, ooh, believers, Whoever among you abandons his faith, anyone who leaves his faith.

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Allah will replace them with others,

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other people, people that he loves, and they love him.

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And he gave four qualities. So these four qualities are qualities of people who Allah loves and the love Allah has version number one, and we let in Allah meaning they are humble with the believers. Yanni they have manners towards the believers, Allah Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam. If you don't have manners among one another,

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then that is not true love for Allah azza wa jal if you love Allah truly, and if you want to know if Allah loves you back number one sign after being a lot of sosial is that you are humble towards believers. You are humble towards the believers.

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as we let in Alma mini Subhan Allah

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ama insulting each other, cursing each other, swearing at each other, fighting each other, eating people's money, unlawfully robbing people from their wealth and their families

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transgressing the limits of others. How can you claim that you love Allah and that Allah loves you? If you have filthy manners, with your Muslim brothers and sisters all around you no matter where they are. So that's number one. Number two are visiting a little caffeine firm towards the disbelievers.

01:19:42 --> 01:19:57

You know foam. You must be firm towards the disbelievers. You know it Look Look, I'll give you an example. If someone cursed and insulted your parents, would you love them? If someone cursed and insulted you, would you love them?

01:19:59 --> 01:20:00

Then how

01:20:00 --> 01:20:06

Should the case be with when you know someone has insulted Allah and cursed Allah.

01:20:07 --> 01:20:54

You must be firm against these people and you must declare innocence from them and everything they worship. I sit in Allah and carefully. This is a sign that you love Allah and Allah loves you back. Or the Latin Allah mini Isaac in Ireland caffeine, you know, and one of the ways to show firmness towards the disbelievers is to implement your deen correctly and uphold your religion and follow the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala and show the enemy of law that you implement Allah's law 100% If you don't care about anyone, and anyone's opinion and anyone's criticism, that's being firm towards the disbelievers. When you implement laws law correctly,

01:20:55 --> 01:21:15

usually he Don't disobey the law. That's the third sign that proves you love Allah and Allah loves you, that you struggle in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala when she had feasability let is many ways is many forms. One of its forms is to she had she had enough's, to struggle against your own self.

01:21:16 --> 01:21:35

Right to rise above the temptations, the evil temptations and desires that are within you to give up your sins. Heather This is the greatest of jihad, how to knifes because you cannot engage in jihad against the enemy of law. If you haven't done jihad of your own knifes

01:21:37 --> 01:22:21

if there are sins that you love, and you cannot give up, how are you going to think that you're going to give up your soul feasibly. And it doesn't make sense. This is why you need to understand uj he didn't if he said Ed lair right? So first work on yourself. Find your evil temptations and desires. Make sure that the love of Allah azza wa jal is above everything else. Love love more than you love your sins and more than your the attachment you have to your Sims and evil desires. Then and only it makes sense that such a person can give up his soul FISA vilella Right. There is your head man struggling with your wealth. Once again, how do you think that you're able to give up your

01:22:21 --> 01:23:03

soul feasterville Illa if you cannot even do jihad with your money, you're going to give up your soul. If your money in your pocket you cannot give it up and feed the poor and the needy with it. Even she had to learn right and in this she had to hold the pen and write against the enemies of Allah subhanho wa Taala and to spread the deen of Allah has origin. Now this is another form of jihad. Fair we need to understand you share he doing the feasibility there. The main thing is the struggle get out of this comfort zone and struggle and strive in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala do things that are pleasing to Allah azza wa jal spread the deen of Allah azza wa jal and teach the

01:23:03 --> 01:23:33

people how to pray, how to fast how to love Allah, how to connect with Allah, how to build their relationship with Allah. And then the fourth. Quality is where your heart Brunello Matala in the fourth sign that Allah loves you and you love him is that they do not see no blame from anyone. Meaning they do not see anyone's criticism. So pray in public pray in public. Don't see what people would say.

01:23:34 --> 01:24:01

A bead at work, keep it don't shave it because of work. That way you feed someone and what he's going to see. But those who love Allah and Allah loves them, if they don't see anyone's criticism, and yep, wear the hijab, wear the niqab and don't feel what society is going to say to don't feel what they're going to say.

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01:24:05 --> 01:24:14

when I have food alone, Matala Aslan, the fee of other than Allah subhanho wa Taala is of three times there is a fear of shirk.

01:24:15 --> 01:24:29

If you see someone believing that fearing him will benefit you on the Day of Judgment that should a person becomes a Gafford he left Islam. There is a fee that is haram. And this is what we're talking about.

01:24:30 --> 01:24:59

If you leave an obligation out, or you commit a sin out of fee of someone, then that fear is haram and it decreases a postinstall heed of Allah subhanho wa taala. And then there is the natural fee, such as you feed a dog if you're a lion. You see these natural a normal things right? That's normal, then there is no harm in that now. So that's how Fi is these are three types. When a halfmoon Aloma tele him

01:25:00 --> 01:25:12

Don't feel the criticism of people, if you're upon the truth and calling to the truth and doing that which Allah azza wa jal is pleased with. Allahu Akbar. Allah Hoff una Rahmatullah.

01:25:13 --> 01:25:42

So these four qualities is a sign that you love Allah and Allah azza wa jal loves you in return. And those who love Allah subhanahu wa Dyana always ask themselves before conducting any matter. Will Elise please Allah or not? Those who love Allah will always ask themselves before doing anything, is Allah pleased with this or not? Before they visit a set someone, before they visit a place

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before the dress, before they go to work before they eat, before they drink? They ask themselves, does this please Allah or not? Someone who loves Allah would always ask himself this question. I'm going to such and such place. Does that please Allah or not? I'm going to dress this and walk out of the house. Does this please Allah or not? Think with me, my brothers and sisters in Islam? The one who loves Allah who always asked this question, the brother before he leaves the house, he puts his shorts on his older is exposed, the half is fine is exposed. Ask yourself Is Allah pleased with this honor?

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You will only be able to ask this question if you love Allah. So imagine this system, who wears her tight pants and tight clothing and whatever it is from that which this pleases Allah. Ask yourself before you leave the house. Is Allah pleased with me in the way I dress? Yes, the dress is a big issue. Don't sit and say Here we go again. And we're speaking about the dress of women and men, Leila, the dress is a big issue.

01:26:57 --> 01:27:11

We dress to please Allah. Right. It is a big issue. If it wasn't a big issue. Why do you spend hours seeing what you're going to wear? And thinking what are people going to see if I wear this? And if I wear that?

01:27:12 --> 01:27:35

Why would you spend hours on it? If it wasn't a big issue? It is a big issue. Allah azza wa jal Southcott Angelina alikoum Lieberson you already saw an article. Allah azza wa jal mentions his fever upon us. One of them was that he sent clothing upon us so that he covers our privates. This is a metaphor Allah, He told us how to dress. You don't walk out of the house, dressing the way you want.

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So a believing men and women would ask themselves, Am I dressed in a manner that is pleasing to Allah? If yes, Alhamdulillah that means your heart is filled with the love of Allah. If no, then quickly stop. Immediately review your relationship with Allah and the love you have for Allah azza wa jal and work on it, work on it, work on it, my brothers and sisters in Islam. In this lesson, as I told you, my aim in this lesson was so that we understand at the end of it, the most precious and valuable matter in our life is the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and

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I wasn't here to judge anyone. I wasn't here to criticize anyone, and I wasn't here to put anyone down. Everyone has a journey to Allah azza wa jal. Everyone is somewhere in terms of his love for Allah subhanho wa taala. Wherever you are continued to build an increase in your love for Allah subhanho wa taala. That's what's required from each and every single one of us, right? You do that with a dauber and then asking Allah azza wa jal to give you the ability that you draw nearer and nearer to him and that you love him. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I don't want to take much more of your time. This is already an hour and a half has gone past. Yes, I still have a second part

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for this lesson. It looks like I will continue this be in the Lair hit the island by the permission of Allah tomorrow. Tomorrow in sha Allah, Allah will be the continuation of this lesson. And tomorrow, we are going to go through 10 ways that increase your love for Allah azza wa jal that were mentioned by Abner Pena, Mohammed Allah. So that will take us perhaps about 40 minutes to 60 minutes Allahu Allah, like in the aim is we want to listen, we want to benefit and we want to ask ALLAH has version to make us benefit from that which we heard, and to make that which we heard

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a reason for why Allah loves us and is pleased with us. That's the main thing. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam. We ask Allah assertion that he allow us to love Him more and more every day. We ask Allah azza wa jal that he loves us. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our gathering, to forgive our sins, to forgive our shortcomings, and to gather us with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Abubaker anormal of men and Ali and the righteous and the righteous believers and the companions and the prophets on the Day of Judgment in

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Paradise. We ask Allah to gather us with these people, even though we are not doing their deeds and their works, but we ask Allah azza wa jal together us with them for the love we have for them. Lord Michael.

01:30:15 --> 01:30:47

Hello my brothers and sisters in Islam, work on your love with Allah azza wa jal and join me tomorrow if they lay at the same time at 11:11am UAE time or 6pm Sydney time you just need at the same time that you're tuned in for this lesson. And we'll continue our second part and that is 10 ways to increase your love for Allah subhanaw taala awesome Allahu wa salam ala ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine Giselle como la Hara Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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