Mufti Menk – This One Goes to the Worst Sinners Amongst us

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Speaker 1 discusses the importance of losing hope in the mercy of Allah and committing a major sin against him. He warns against saying no to mercy and mentions that shay hesitation is a means of revenge. Speaker 1 questions how Allah will respond if he loses hope.
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All my worshippers who have transgressed against themselves, the first thing he says larina asafo Allah unforeseen. nataka Natoma Rahmatullah. Don't ever in our language we would say, Don't you dare lose hope in the mercy of Allah. Don't ever lose hope in the mercy of Allah.
So that means if you lose hope in the mercy of Allah, you are going against the command of Allah.
If you lose hope in the mercy of Allah, you are committing a major sin against Allah. Allah is telling you don't lose hope you say no, I'm losing hope. Stop ferula a stone for Allah. Allah is telling you don't lose hope and you saying no, I have done too much. I am far away. I am not, you know within the mercy of Allah. That is shaytaan trapping you shaytan traps. How does he trap by making you think that Allah won't have mercy on you? Look at