Abdulbary Yahya – Hasten To The Worship Of Allah Part 3

Abdulbary Yahya
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The speakers discuss the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and not giving up on them in order to achieve success. They stress the need to be thankful and strong in order to achieve goals, as well as the importance of prioritizing one's life and avoiding harm. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding loss and creating a positive mindset, avoiding jealousy, and not being the judge.

AI: Summary ©

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			This is not the
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			And by the way,
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			a lot of people they think, this world
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			living in this world, they think that being a Muslim,
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			you are always going to be, you know, lowly investor to that so, and they have
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			their report available availability
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			with them.
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			This wherever life is a present
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			for the believers
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			and a paradise for the disbeliever. And when they read the heavy
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			Woods have to be
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			really poor. Yes, but that's how we are.
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			Right? Now, that's not how it works. Muslims are at the top of the game, also
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			the best Muslims, they return to the next level.
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			I want you to look at
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			the brought on as well.
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			You might say, Wait, is that permissible?
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			It's not permissible.
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			do you know why?
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			Because as I
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			I woke up because the best of the merchants of
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			the past that he was able to free many slaves, we didn't talk about being a slave.
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			That's a lot of money.
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			You're not a slave. During those days, it was like only the BMW only the rich people.
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			So imagine,
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			for every day that he was supposed to be free to say, can you buy a BMW?
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			Do you know why?
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			Because they use
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			when you're thankful for something like this.
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			And if you're thankful for something, then you spend it in the weekend.
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			There's thankful for the doctor to have spent energy now for too
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			The last four
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			minutes of the last
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			visit, spend a lot a lot increases.
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			That's why every morning
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			just as effectively
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			as possible.
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			High Performance and the loss of recently, wherever you may have, a lot of times we don't realize
the break, but a great blessing is that we are able just to help help in some
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			way with understanding. Yeah, well, that's such a great question.
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			That's why the
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			Help is like a crown on the heads of all those who help us. Nobody sees this problem except for
those who have
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			such a great lesson.
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			And that's why we don't realize how quick
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			and so
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			is it better to do it
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			it's better to report
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			they said well, some rules for that.
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			The prophets
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			they say that the purpose of living very simple life
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			it was by choice.
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			they also have proof that it could be
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			for people wanting to paradise 500 years
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			Okay, that person might be better.
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			So, which one is that? Actually the right answer is that the rich person who explained
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			why? Because one who is rich, is when a person is
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			his thankfulness benefits himself, and the benefit that benefits other people.
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			And so in this life,
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			you're either in a state of thankfulness, state of being
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			And the deeper the purpose of
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			the affair, the leakers explains,
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			indeed, his affair as always, either soft or soft rock.
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			something good happens, there is that point it's good for, if something bad happens, then he is
patient, it is good for when
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			nobody is in this state except for lead. So believer
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			who's concerned concern is that
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			when we when we speak about your concern, being bigger,
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			it does not mean that you don't do it. Or you don't do this.
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			When we say your concern is the
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			default, and that was like a measly pay, like, you know, this is a paid job.
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			First of all, you as a believer, as a Muslim, whatever you're doing whatever field you're choosing,
whatever age you choose, if you choose it based on where
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			wherever you go, you put these off,
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			and then you do the best.
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			That's what we need, when we're when you think about your concern is that
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			you prioritize this correctly, before and destitute all the time. But if you want that to return,
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			then be firmer, be strong. And that's why I'm
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			Catholic, this
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			this role, is that a principle in the believers and believers, that means
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			if you have
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			some of the greatest scholars, it's not known as the one that put together that collect the pile, to
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			The, the commentary.
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			And so it was a very small, he came by, he was talking with a whole lot of his students were the
advisors of students.
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			A Jew, this was in Egypt was there and this is a very,
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			he walked by him.
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			He said, because you found that you claim that you said
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			this morning for the disbelievers and for the believers in paradise.
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			This is
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			the messenger bots. Otherwise, let's try it.
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			You don't understand.
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			What it means is you as a Jew right now, if you were to die, this thing, you entered our
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			and if you compare
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			that to what you have now this is your paradise. And that's what a believer
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			No matter how much you might think that he has,
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			compared to what he started to get, this
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			is a person that has
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			invested too much time. That's one of the
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			one of the best ways
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			to worship Allah loves by worship Allah azza wa jal. So ask them now to increase your wealth,
because the process of
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			high grades is pure wealth in the hands of a priceless
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			hero in the hands of a pious person, first of all, are these pious Spence's away from us? That's
something that's very, very beneficial. And that's why, you know,
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			he was very rich
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			and he said
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			he said a lot
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			He said, Oh, we have poverty,
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			poverty and that we don't get paid poverty.
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			Some people, they have a
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			So enrich me with it however you will, with whatever you enrich, they will
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			enrich me
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			is expected
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			to continue to increase.
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			So if you're thankful for something, then especially when you're
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			spending in
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			the face of a loss,
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			and you have to understand
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			there are a lot of tests, the tests will come,
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			how you pass these tests,
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			will determine how you deal with these things and choices that you make, will determine whether you
will have seen this line anywhere.
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			And so the time that you have spent
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			in this world, it's very important to spend it in something that will last your life
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			standard and something that will
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			work to make sure that your deed will last the way
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			that your deed will continue.
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			So look for
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			that do not make an excuse to say, you know, what I'm doing now would not make a difference.
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			Every little thing, a lot knows that a loss of hypothetical magnified existence.
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			You start with, and you do it, and every single D that you do
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			a loss of high or low. And a loss determines gives you the reward.
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			Based on the greatest of the
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			greatest, you might see a great deal. Building larger sizes and my dad's but if it's not sincere,
it's worthless.
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			The mind will not be right.
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			But if you do it solely for the sake of small enough,
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			maybe we'll get to them.
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			And they'll say that I can make
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			this happen. So
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			the problem is that either
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			if the day of the hour which occur, but not the Day of Judgment, say you're here during the day,
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			and one of you has a
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			trade or see secret secret was coming up. Right? And this is the part that
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			if he was able to plant that seed
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			before the our judgment before the end of the world, then let him do so
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			I want you to think about this.
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			He plants, the seeds laying on the ground.
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			you it's gone.
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			Everything already stored.
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			What's the point of this?
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			You can't see.
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			and then be determined
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			and good.
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			a lot of
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			goes on.
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			purpose, to do all that we can, as much as we can, as often as we can, as correct as we can. And so
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			make a difference instead of just being difference.
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			What are the differences? We have to make a difference, especially in the society that we're living
in. Especially living as a minority.
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			We have to stand up
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			We have to stand up in a good way,
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			then it won't matter what Fox, it won't matter what cnn says, You know what? Because if you're the
best neighbor that you can, you're the best of the best.
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			Then, no matter what people say about
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			your actions and your impression on your colleagues, and your friends who speak, you know, as they
say, your actions speak so loud, that I can
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			they will not matter you last fall that cnn versus Fox.
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			So we are supposed to be active,
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			we should be first,
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			we should be
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			either, needless
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			to say,
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			you know what, I know that
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			I was
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			a Muslim,
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			a Muslim. And I know what fox is saying is not true. Because I know.
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			So when.
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			And when you stand out like that, it gives you the opportunity to
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			call me back. Why? Because when they come to me for help, he says, you know why I didn't watch it
like this, because this was stuff ordered. Let me tell you a little bit more about
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			that, that is good. Because you are the best thing, you are the best, as you are the best coworker,
you are the best.
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			So whatever you do, be the best at what you do. And most people in this in this society, they won't
read the books, the only format that they're going to see is not what you invite them
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			in, so you have to live your life as a part of this data
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			is full of worship. And so when we
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			start to progress,
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			you should stand up and in the community. And
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			this is what what happened.
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			Because of our deeds, because it's the mercy of us, every single major
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			it's not that
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			easy. It's the mercy of us.
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			I know.
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			There's a lot of
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			I have a bad reputation.
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			Your woman
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			stand up.
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			And so I don't want to, you know, I don't want to
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			be asked the last
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			sentence and that is
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			maybe we could open up
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			the floor for those who have any questions or concerns.
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00:18:32 --> 00:18:33
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			you have more questions,
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			definitely when it comes to the Hereafter, you should always
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			but that's
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			because people
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			forget an episode
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			in that, for those who want to compete. So that competition type,
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			you should not be jealous of the other person in that sense. You want them to have you want them to
be let's say you want them to fail. Like for example, let's say you have a competition, and somebody
is reading and they're competing against, you should never ever want to make a mistake.
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			So how can you want your brother to make mistakes if
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			you compete, you can
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			do much better than that. But you don't have to be that you don't have to make a mistake. So this is
what we did learn something from it but you don't have to be destroyed. And that's
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			There are two people that we are allowed to have this, this halaal jealousy
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			in that those two people are those who have knowledge or know the format, and they decide to date
night. And those are the days when you see somebody like that you want to be like that. But that's
who you should be. That's what you should be competing with. Some of us know that people don't
people You say, Well,
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			don't look at those guys. Literally guys.
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			When it comes to the hereafter when it comes to Jr, that's different. When it comes to the Lumia,
wherever a lot of students that of course, you don't say you should not we should, you should never
look at some of
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			those types of things. And this is this is very spacious. I like to mention it. In this society. One
of the reasons why we don't have time, we don't have blessings in the time that we have in the wall
that we have is because we buy things we don't need.
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			With money, we don't have
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			a price we can't afford to impress people we don't even like
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			this society makes us do that.
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			And so we're wasting our time.
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			Okay, remember the old days? The old days?
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			You know,
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			Joe has a TV is the only one that has a TV in the neighborhood. Everyone knows it right? Everyone
knows the watch. Did you watch the TV and then now when you have the Super Bowl a bright color TV?
It's called Richard toss. Color t
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			nobody complained about the everyone on TV.
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			Right? That's all it's called.
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			It's called avatar, go to the house with the biggest the biggest screen right?
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			Plenty people have very
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			blurry because you know, it's like
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			one of those days
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			47 inch or whatever it is, right? And then after that
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			you gotta have
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			HDTV, you can actually see the
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			benefit. Yeah. But you can actually see the grass as you can see.
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			Wow. Like, come on. Okay, now now
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			this world, Apostle Paul, is that we eat that grass and that dirt is fine.
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			Right is not enough. But ask yourself do you need it?
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			Let me tell you I
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			will always give
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			everything you want. But you always have
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			but sometimes there are new things or there are ones are actually