Abu Bakr Zoud – Explanation Of The Dua Of Travel

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of the journey in transporting people from houses to cars, which is created by metal parts that travel through the air and create subtle effects on the car's trajectory. They also stress the need for control and praised deeds, particularly for Subhan conversions to Islam. The speaker also reminds travelers to engage in praised deeds and grant permission for their journey, while also reminding them to ask Allah azza wa Jala for protection from the worst moments of the trip and to make difficulties easy for them to cover.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you don't suffer the supplication of travel that interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would see whenever he would travel from El Medina and Yanni he'll go to his destination. This liquor is very important. And I want to comment on each freezes so that we can understand what we're seeing, as we say this liquor and this is very important that you memorize it, and also teach it to your children and your friends. Alia will be Allah Allahu Anhu narrates that whenever Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would travel and he would get onto his camel. Firstly, he

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would put his foot on the side step. So you know how the camel has a subtle and then it has these footsteps that

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you put your foot in and then you get onto the camel.

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He would put his foot and see Bismillah and then when he would sit on the back of the camel, he would say Alhamdulillah Allah Allah Maha Maha Mala. They said, this is contemporary Allah Matt teaching us how do we do this when we get into our car, on an aeroplane or on a bus or train or any mode of transport. So if you're getting into your car, you put your foot on the side step of the car you'll see Bismillah and when you sit on the seat, you will see Alhamdulillah and that's similarly like on an aeroplane. Once you get to the door of the aeroplane and you put your foot on the door of the airplane, then you will see Bismillah and when you sit in your seat you will see and hamdulillah

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then you will see Subhanallah the Sahaba Lana how that one couldn't Elohim Ukrainian were in Isla Urbina and among Kalibo, you will see how perfect is Allah, you will declare the perfection of Allah azza wa jal, you will praise him Subhan Allah the sakura Luna has been the one who made this for us. And he gave us complete control over this ride over this mode of transport that we are transporting in Subhan, Allah the Sahaba Luna hair there and you look at it, and you look at your car, or an aeroplane.

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It's a piece of metal. It's a piece of metal. And how does this piece of metal travel through the air?

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At very, very, very high speeds. covering miles and miles. Subhan Allah and the current result the same thing, a piece of metal that just flies on the road, taking you from one place to another. Indeed, Subhan Allah, the Sahara, Luna, Heather, that's what you're reflecting over when you see this. You're praising Allah on social, the one who made this for us and gave us control over it. And then we will see will humble ourselves and we see wonder Candela homoclinic And we could have never done this by ourselves. Deep if it wasn't for Allah azza wa jal is permission, we could have never got this car to move, or this aeroplane to move, or even a horse or a camel or a train or whatever

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it is, it would have never moved by Allah's permission. One day, I couldn't no homoclinic. So do not develop an attitude of arrogance. Whenever you get into your car. Some people, they might have a very luxurious sports car, for example. And he sits in it. And he thinks by the steering wheel, thinking that he has control over this and that he's an expert. He's a master. No one can beat him.

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He's really driver formula number one, you know, whatever it is, what may I couldn't clean we humble ourselves. And we acknowledge that we could have never ever ever had the ability to move this transport from one place to another. Had it not been for Allah azza wa jal and then we say Allahumma Inanna Luca FISA Farina Hellberg our Taqwa Wamena and Amelie metallbau. O Allah. We ask you in this travel of Al's piety, and Taqwa and that you grant us the ability to do deeds that you are pleased with. When you say this part of a DUA, you are reminding yourself that this travel of yours, fill it up with good deeds. You're asking Allah to grant you the ability to do righteous deeds. So that

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means whenever you ask, What should I do and I travel,

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engage in righteous deeds because this is what they're asking Allah for. Your journey should be filled with the Corolla who Subhanahu wa Taala with the worship of Allah especially when the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam mentions the diet of the traveler is an except the diet.

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What this be the lead with tech be especially during these days of the Asia, read some Quran and don't forget your prayers as well. And then we say, hola, hola. Hola, when Elena Safar

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On a Heather, what we're unable and

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you say Oh Allah, make this journey of us of ours easy for us and make us cover its distance quickly and swiftly. Subhan Allah, we're asking Allah azza wa jal that he makes the journey easy. And he allows us to cover the distance quickly.

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Subhanallah and you know, sometimes you get to your destination and you see, that was quick say in hamdulillah because it is Allah azza wa jal who will give you this feeling of the trip being quick, and then you will see Allahumma synthesizable for suffered while khalifa to fill and

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then you will make a day out for two, you will see two things out Allahumma anthracite office suffer, Oh Allah, you are the companion on the journey.

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And the Sahiba if you suffer, you're the companion on the journey. You know how beautiful we see is because when you leave your home, you leave your family, you leave your friends, you leave you leave your relatives.

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And as you leave them, they are here in the home, and you're distancing away from them. So now you see along the anthracite Hey Wolf is suffer, Oh Allah, you're the companion during my travel. Last version is your companion. And this reminds you that even though you go far away from your family, you're never far away from Allah azza wa jal, Allah azza wa jal is always there, wherever you are, he is with you, wherever you are, well who am I? Am I come to him with his knowledge, and with his care, and with his compassion and with His mercy? Allah azza wa jal is always with the believer, and the Sahaba of his suffer, well, Khalifa to fill ahead, and you're the one who takes care of our

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Because now you'd be worried for your family that you're leaving and back home. So you remind yourself that Allah azza wa jal is the one who takes care of them. And when you see these words, you are certain you are absolutely certain of what you are saying.

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Subhan Allah we are certain that Allah azza wa jal takes care of our family when we leave, and we travel.

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And then the final part of a diet, we ask Allah azza wa jal to protect us from three things we say Allahumma inni, Allah will be coming after he suffered whatever the number was. So in Mukalla, be familiar Will you say Oh Allah, I seek Your protection from the difficulties of this journey, and from distressing scenes, and from an ill fated outcome with my wife and family. You ask Allah azza wa jal to protect you from what suffer what suffers the difficulties of the journey because every journey has difficulties. So you ask Allah azza wa jal to get rid of these difficulties for you.

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Whether they are physical difficulties or emotional difficulties, some people they experience separation anxiety, whenever they are separated from their family and from their friends. They become very anxious. So you're asking Allah azza wa jal to make these difficulties easy upon

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whatever the number and from distressing scenes, meaning you're asking Allah azza wa jal to protect you from seeing anything that is distressing.

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Right, because when you travel, you could come across a lot of things that are distressing. First time you see that you might get worried and scared and afraid and terrified. See, ask Allah azza wa jal to protect you from this and that you only see that which is good, that which is healthy, that which is contributing to building and enhancing this relationship between you and Allah azza wa jal and then you see what sort of in more color between manual and oh Allah protect me from an ill fated outcome with my wife and family, meaning ask Allah azza wa jal to protect yourself and family so that when you come back to them, you see them all in one sheet. You see you're off it's still there

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preserved and protected by Allah's permission. You see your family still there, in their good health, and in a good emotional state and a physical state. And you see an hamdulillah for that. So you ask Allah azza wa jal to protect you. From these matters. Allahu Allah, Allah SallAllahu Sallam alberic Anna Anna vino Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Irishman.

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