Abu Abdissalam – Love of This World

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning of wealth in the context of love, with emphasis on the benefits of wealth, including the ability to buy garments and earn a living salary. They also touch on the negative consequences of wealth, including negative impacts on health and addiction. The speakers stress the importance of positive attitudes towards one's wealth and being grateful to Allah Sub enhanced Lucknow.
AI: Transcript ©
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Go away stay away from them. They just ignore the whispers of the Sheraton

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stay away from the major sins ignore.

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Ignore the whispers

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Merci. Merci.

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Well, suddenly, what was certainly more alarming both are maternal al Ameen, while early he was the he h marine Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Welcome to another episode of soul reflection. I'm your host of this salon, we're going to start a new disease of the heart of the soul. And we're going to talk about love of this world. Now, well, in and of itself, is it something bad? Or is it something good? In fact, wealth intrinsically, is neither good nor bad. It could be either. It depends on how the person uses this wealth. Wealth is merely a facilitator for good or evil, could be both. It's a

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tool. And it really depends on the person's conduct pertaining to well, whether he should be praised or whether he deserves blame. So for example, if he is too extremely eager for wealth, if he spends it in an unlawful manner, if he gets it acquires it in an unlawful manner, if he withholds it when it should be spent, or if he shows off proudly, then these are the things that are prohibited with regards to wealth. One might ask a question, for example, okay, is it you know, showing off or if somebody's got a really expensive car, or he's got an expensive garment or something of that nature? Is he blameworthy for that? In actuality, Islam does not prohibit that. Islam does not prohibit

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someone from getting a really nice expensive car or an expensive garment. In fact, Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Koran that it has been beautified for men that love all and he mentions a number of things. And from among those things, Allah mentions the love of wealth, the love of gold and silver hoards of it. So, this is something that Allah subhana wa eila has beautified and made this as part of one's fitrah, that he loves gold and silver, he loves wealth in general. Now, the problem comes, if somebody spends beyond his means, maybe he has a monthly salary of 1000 1000 pounds or euros or dollars or whatever that is, but then he buys a garment of say 5000 pounds, euros

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dollars, whatever. So here this may be considered to be a trough or extravagance. extravagance differs from person to person and place the place for one person, this might be extravagance, for another person, that same thing is not considered extravagance, why? Because it is within his means to do so. For a person who has, you know, 5 million in his account, then in such a case, it's perfectly fine for him to buy, for example, a garment costing $1,000. But for somebody whose monthly salary is $500, then he shouldn't spend so much maybe on a garment, but it differs from person to person. It depends on his saving. It depends where he lives. So one cannot immediately look at

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somebody else who is rich, and say, Oh, that is extravagance. Look, he's got such an expensive car, or an expensive garment or something of that nature. Omar radi Allahu anhu would see the conquests in his time. And this would lead him to cry because the Muslims had conquered a lot of land and a lot of wealth had come to the Muslims at that time. So he used to cry and say, Allah did not withhold this, these conquests from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a worker of the Allahu anhu for any harm that he intended for them both and then give them to Omar for some good that he intended for him. He recognized

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This world that is coming to the Muslim land is a great test. In fact, you're here even more if Rahim Allah says, wealth is like a scorpion. If you are not good at averting its harm, then do not take it because if it stings you, then it's poison will kill you. It was said to him, how can we avert its harm? He replied by obtaining it lawfully, and spending it legitimately. So this is the crux of the matter. Sophia Rahim, Allah another great scholar from the early Muslims. He says, that wealth in our time is a weapon for the believer, not a weapon against a weapon for the believer. So you get a balanced understanding from the early Muslim scholars. On the one hand, it's a test, be

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careful, you know, realize it's a test. On the other hand, you can use it for good and you should use it as a weapon for the believer. Wealth is merely a means when one might assist is worldly and or religious affairs. To this effect, we have a statement from say a Messiah, a tablet, a Rahim Allah who said, there is no goodness in a person who does not wish to accumulate wealth lawfully, so that he may protect himself from begging from people so that you can keep good relations with his kith and kin, and give out its dues. In other words, by paying charity for Zika. So he's saying, say the Messiah is actually saying that you should want to have wealth, but you should obviously take it

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in a lawful manner, and spend it on good, worldly as well as religious things for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself said to hungry wolves, sent to some cattle are not as destructive to the cattle as that person's extreme eagerness for wealth, and status is to his religion. So wealth and status. If a person is eager for them both extremely then this could damage his religion, and it's very, very dangerous. So is wealth a curse? Or is it a blessing, it's like a matchstick. You can use it to burn yourself, or you can use it to light a fire and feed yourself from this. In other words, cook something. If wealth is used lawfully, it is

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considered to be praiseworthy. In fact, this is especially the case if you use that wealth to do good deeds. For example, you give in charity you spend on your family, you spend on yourself with the intention of facilitating worship. So for example, if a person buys a nice expensive car, and he does that with the intention that Allah will make it easy for him to go to the masjid or go to religious lectures or something of that nature, then he will actually be rewarded for buying that expensive car. In fact, who is the most richest person to have ever lived on this planet? It is none other than Suleiman alayhis salam, Allah subhanahu wa taala gave him a kingdom. Solomon Ali Salaam,

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Allah gave him a kingdom, which no one has ever had before him, and no one will ever have after him. So here you can see Solomon Allah, his salon, he was the richest person, but he was a prophet and so nobody in this dunya alive today, no scholar, no religious person, no Mujahid nobody reaches the level of Solomon alehissalaam because he's a prophet, you can't get higher in status, then a prophet of Allah subhanahu wa taala. So, Sulaiman alayhis salam, he wanted the kingdom of wealth, and Allah subhanaw taala gave it to him, but he acquired it lawfully, he spent it in a lawful manner, he gave its dude gave it to charity and so on and so forth. He spent it on his family, etc, he did not

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withhold it, he did not show off proudly, with as well. So in this way, we understand that whilst could be good, or it could be bad, and indeed the majority of the people have gender, other poor people. Why? Because wealth is such a difficult tool to manage. Its harms are very easy to fall into, and we'll talk about that shortly. inshallah. Now, let's talk about some of the benefits of wealth. Now, obviously, the world the benefits, there are obvious, you know, to eat, drink, and, you know, close yourselves and buy, you know, niceties and trinkets and what have you. We know about the worldly benefits of wealth. But let's talk about some of the religious benefits of wealth. Why

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should one try and get wealth lawfully?

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Well, let's take some examples. The religious ones are restricted to three forms, number one wealth that facilitates worship.

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This is when a person spends on himself in order to complete certain acts of worship that are required of him, such as jihad, such as ombre, such as how much he has to spend on this, even things like Salah he has to spend on getting water so that he may make will do.

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So these things are wealth that facilitates his own worship, even if a person eats and drinks, so that he has strength to worship Allah, so that he has strength to wake up at night, for example, to make the night prayer, or, for example, he gives money in charity and so on and so on. So wealth that facilitates worship that helps you to do worship wealth that you spend on yourself in order to aid you to do worship. Number two, once that is spent on others, okay, so we're talking about the benefits of wealth, the religious benefits, not the worldly benefits, the religious benefits, number two, wealth which is spent on others. So here this is wealth that a person spends on others. And

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this includes things like giving charity, it includes hospitality, if you have a guest, for example, you look after your guests, and you get rewarded for this, because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam encourage this

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Montana Yamuna Bella who will Yeoman for your current boyfriend, whoever believes in Allah and last day, then let him be generous to his guests. So Allah has connected this is linked generosity to one's guests, to a man who has believed in Allah in the last day. Number three, for example, to safeguard one's honor, and number four, for example, wages for hiring someone and so on and so forth.

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The third type of benefit is wealth utilized for public benefit. So this is wealth that you spend, in order that the general public may benefit from that. So this could be for example, safeguarding a public interest such as constructing a Masjid, building a Masjid Imagine if you spend money and build a Masjid, you get the reward of every single slot that is paid in there. Every gathering of knowledge for example, or somebody reading Koran, you get the reward of all of that, that happens in that Masjid, constructing masajid constructing bridges, for example, so people can go over as well as eternal endowments. So these are some of the benefits of wealth or religious benefits. After the

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break, inshallah, we're going to be talking about some of the harms of wealth. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen was suddenly will suddenly my boys are nocturnal. I'll amin, Allah, Allah He waspy, salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. And welcome back. Before the break, we were talking about wealth, and some of its religious benefits. Let's now have a look at the harms of wealth. And the harms could be of a number of different types, harms to one's religion. Number one, wealth that leads to disobedience of Allah subhana wa Island, this is wealth that leads a person to commit acts of aggression or disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala against Allah. And this is because wealth comes with increased access to things that a person

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might not normally be able to do. So for example, if a person has wealth, then he has the ability to fall into more sense. So for example, he's able to do gambling, he's able to experiment in illegal substances, maybe he has money to go out and commit Zina, so on and so forth. So what else comes with a lot of access to a whole lot of things that a poor person might not be able to do. So this is, again, one of the harms of wealth, number two, wealth that is spent on lawful things that become addictive. In number one, we looked at things which are Haram, and wealth gives you access to that. Number two, looking at things which are normally held as their lawful, they're allowed in Islam

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permissible, but a person he gets addicted to these things. So for example, when these things become outside of his control is addicted to these things. For example, a person might love shopping, or he might love wasting time and money on permissible entertainment. So for example, he has money, he can buy lots of games, he can buy, you know, lots of things in the shopping malls, and so on and so forth. This type of wealth is diverting him is what, what is this type of wealth doing? It's making him addicted to those pleasures which are normally halaal. But because of his addiction, they are on the border of heroin, if not heroin itself.

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Finally, wealth that distracts a person from the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. This is very, very dangerous. It's a very, very dangerous type of wealth. And it is truly evil. Because the vicar have allowed the remembrance of Allah is the very essence of worship. And we have been created to worship Allah subhanaw taala. So this could be wealth that is spent on things that occupy both the person and his time, regardless of whether that activity engaged in is reprehensible, whether it's prohibited, or whether it is permissible. So a person engages in this thing, and then it stops him from doing Vicar of Allah because of this wealth. So obviously, this is a great harm of wealth. Now,

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let's talk about the difference between a rich person and a poor person who is better. Is it a rich person who is grateful to Allah? Or is it a poor person, who is patient? Who is better? In fact, the scholars, they have a difference of opinion, some scholars, they say, the rich person who's grateful is better. Why? Because, you know, he has access to more sins, and therefore, you know, then he has to be patient as well. And so if he's grateful, then Allah will reward him more. Other people say, No, the poor person is better. Why? Because even though he's in this state of poverty, he could go and steal and things like that, but he doesn't steal. So this person, he's still patient, and he is

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better. But in reality, the stronger view, among the views of the scholars is that they are both the same. There is no difference between the rich person and the poor person with regards to the wealth, how can what Allah has decreed for you, ie wealth, Allah is the one who's decreed whether you're rich or poor, how can that then be a reason for you something that's out of your control, whether you're rich or poor, how can that be a reason for you to be more honorable or less honorable in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. So the richness and the polis is not, in and of itself a reason to be better or worse. But it is the amount of gratitude or patience that a person displays. That is the

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deciding factor. So a person could be rich, and he is extremely grateful. And so he's better than the poor person or a person could be poor, but he's extremely patient. And he's even still grateful for what he has. And he could be better than the rich person. So it doesn't matter how much wealth you have. It depends on how much you are thankful to Allah, how much gratitude you have towards Allah, and how much patience you have. And it goes to show that even a rich person must show patience, because he has to be patient against sins, for example, patiently persevere upon obedience to Allah. Likewise, if he loses his wealth, he has to be patient. And the poor person must also be

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grateful to Allah grateful that he's alive, grateful that he's upon a man and Islam, grateful that maybe has given him eyes, nose, lips, you know, hands, feet, and so on and so forth.

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So how can we fight against the extreme love of this world, that extreme greed, which is haram, or the excessive love for wealth? This is what is haram to have wealth is not Haram. In fact, in some cases, it's praiseworthy, to acquire wealth. But the point here is the extreme love of this world. How can we fight this? We should have wealth in our hands, not in our hearts? Let me repeat that. We should have wealth in our hands, but not in our hearts. You can have an expensive car expensive government, a nice beautiful house, that's fine. Salima Ali Salam was very rich. However, this wealth should be in your hands, but don't love it with your heart. In fact, a poor person could have

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a greater level of wealth than a rich person. Why because the wealth is in his heart, even though it may not be in his hand, he is extremely desiring of this wealth. So how can we fight this number one, we must aspire for economy,

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even whether we are rich or poor, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there are three things that save a person, fear of Allah in public and in private, being economical, when rich or poor, and justice when pleased or angry. And this hadith is reported by the bizarre so three things fair of a lot in public and in private, being economical when rich or poor and having justice when pleased or angry. And this shows us the importance of having wealth in your hand. But suppiler law what we do is we have the opposite. We have the dean in our hands, playing with it.

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We have the wealth in our hearts, this should not be the case, we should not have the religion of Islam in our hands playing with it. We should have the wealth in our hands. But we should have the deen in our hearts. And so if one day the wealth disappears from us that we should still be grateful to Allah Subhana Allah Allah gave me well, and I was able to use it for so much time. But now Allah has taken it and we make God that Allah gives us wealth back. Number two, we should have a firm belief in Allah predestination, we should recognize that whatever Allah has decreed for us, we will not die until we get that whether you get that from a halal or haram way, if he's decreed it for you

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it will come to you will not be able to die. Your life will not be taken until every single thing that Allah has already decreed for you, comes to you. And then and only then would you be able to pass from this world. So if you try and get that from a haram way, it was still decreed for you. If you get it from a halal way, it was still decreed for you. If you didn't get it, then it was not decreed for you no matter what you try to do. So therefore, understand how full immersion and the attain certainty in Allah's decree, that whatever he's decreed will come for you. So therefore, you may as well spend the time trying to acquire wealth in a halal way, not in a haram way, and you

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shouldn't have extreme love of it. If it's decreed for you, it will come. If it's not decreed for you, it will not come. Number three, we should be content, we should realize the honor of independence, and look at the humiliation of materialism and greed. If we just have great materialism. Like we're continuously chasing after wealth, you know, Subhanallah, you should realize that it becomes humiliating, people will see you but as for a person who may not have much well, but he is independent. He's honorable in the sight of Allah. He does not put his hand like this, but he gives from whatever he has, even if it's small.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, giving charity never decreases wealth. So the more you give charity, the more wealth will come back to you. In fact, one of the early Muslim scholars or many people they used to say that whenever we needed money, we would give charity Subhana Allah they would give charity why cuz Allah subhanho wa Taala will then give you more back. The next matter to cure us all from this extreme love of this world is to reflect over the life of the righteous people, and to reflect over the lives of the disbelievers. So if somebody looks at the lives of the companions, and the prophets, he will see what noble righteous lives they live, and how

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they had great endings. And if you look also, at the lives of the evil people like qarun, for example, he was rich, but arrogant. And he was 40. And so Allah subhanaw taala caused the earth to swallow him up because of his arrogance. So one should only look at people who are lower than them in this dunya who have less than you in the dunya. And this will make it easy for you to be thankful and grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So in summary, wealth, in and of itself is not something good is not something bad, it is a tool to do good or to do bad. If we use it to do good, it will be good for us. And if we use it to do bad, it will be bad for us. And the same way about how we

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acquire it, whether we show off how we spend it and so on. What after that one and then hamdulillah horrible al amin Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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stay away from the major sins. ico is

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Have mercy

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stay away stay away from the major sins ignore the Sheraton.

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Have mercy

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ob Lord submit

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