Wasim Kempson – Four Pillars of Ramadan 4

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of sadaqa, a charity that gives people the opportunity to join a society. They stress the need to be mindful of one's finances and not to give charity to anyone who is unable to afford it. The speakers also emphasize the importance of giving charity before one passes away and avoid causing harm to others. They stress the importance of trusting one's loss of power and rebuilding Kava as a sign of one's faith. Finally, they remind listeners to remember that giving charity is a sign of one's faith and love for others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and Welcome brothers and sisters to Episode Four Four of this Ramadan course this reminder on demand Academy online.

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In our previous episode, we spoke about the book of Allah panel to Allah the Quran, the relationship we should have with the book of Allah subhanaw taala specifically and more importantly in this blessed month of Ramadan, and how that can impact and change our lives. And that how we can be from the best of people, if we ponder over the meanings of the Quran, implement what we understood from the Quran, and then take this forward in our lives,

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so inshallah to Allah in this particular episode, but it's just as we will speak about sadaqa. And as you will see the themes that we have spoken about IE, the understanding or the essence of fasting, and then we spoke about the night prayer. And then we spoke about the Quran. And now finally, sadhaka, which are the most important and the most frequent acts of a bird all of us would engage in, in this blessed month of Ramadan, remembering fundamentally, that we will not move our feet will not move on Yeoman PM, until we have been asked about a number of issues. And from those issues is the wealth that was given to us by Allah subhanho wa Taala. How did we spend it? Did we

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hold? Were we greedy? Were we stingy? Or did we give back? Did we help others as Allah subhanaw taala commands us and reminds us in the Quran, and likewise, we find the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the authentic sooner. This is something that we will find that sadaqa allows us to detach ourselves to disconnect from this dunya we know that Allah subhanaw taala warns us about attaching ourselves and being consumed by this worldly life. And that will come about by hoarding and gathering. And that the shared line will promise you and warn you and put you in a state of fear that I need and that I don't have, but we know Allah subhanaw taala promises us

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molfetta to men or father, that Allah subhanaw taala promises us forgiveness, and a bounty from Allah subhanaw taala and Ramadan is an opportunity for us to detach ourselves because we can become really again into the dunya forget our existence, our purpose of our life, outside of Ramadan, Ramadan allows us to wake up allows us to see where we are. So button sisters, we remind ourselves that sadaqa or giving charity is that worship that mechanism that allows us to detach ourselves away from this worldly life, something that we may have been consumed in for the previous 11 months.

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Allah Subhana Allah mentions in many places in the Quran to spend in the path of Allah subhanaw taala that whatever you give a loss or penalty, Allah will replace it for you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam further emphasized on this point that any charity that is given does not decrease from your wealth. But this requires us to have a trust and a reliance on a loss of power to Allah. We shouldn't think that we are the ones who make the money. We are the ones who if I do A, B and C that I will be able to have so much in my balance, the Baraka, the blessings and whatever you are given, is entirely first to last. from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. In the month of Ramadan, we

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should remind ourselves that there is a type of sadaqa which is obligated upon every single person, albeit when Ramadan finishes on the first day of eat. There's something called Zakat on fitball Okay, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the hadith of Abdullah have an aroma or the Allahu Anima that the prophet SAW Selim obligated for this charity to be paid before one goes to salata aid and this can be given in the form of foodstuff and the food stuff of that particular country that they are living in, whether it is dates or wheat, or raisins, or whatever the case may be the food stuff which is specific to that country, then you should give approximately two and a

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half or three kilos of food to the poor people to ensure that on the day we eat, that nobody goes hungry. This is the obligatory fifth or this the obligatory sadaqa that is placed upon all Muslims, whether old or young, that should be paid on the day of aid when the Ramadan finishes. And it is serves us to purify our souls and to purify works. This falls in line with the charity that Allah subhanaw taala mentions for us to give throughout our lives. And this falls in line with what Allah subhanaw taala wants from us and what we find in the Quran. Because there are many verses talking about charity to give charity before one passes away, to give charity before a time comes that you

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will not be able to return and to give charity and in fact if you look in Surah tomonaga Koon in the front

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Final verses of this particular chapter are loss of panatela talks about the person who has passed away, and that they asked Allah subhanaw taala, to return to this worldly life to do one action, so that they can give charity. This shows the importance and the emphasis of given charity while we have the opportunity while we are alive,

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we should remind ourselves by the sisters that the charity that we give must be halal and by Eva, that it must be halal, and it must be something which is good and fruitful. I am not allowed to give charity from haram income, which goes back to and as a reminder to us that any wealth that comes my way has to be held, I must distance myself I must stay away from any form of haram income, so that when I give something away, I want it to be accepted by Allah subhanaw taala. But Allah subhanaw taala is pure, and only accepts that what is pure. Let me give you a profound example. At the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Kaaba was destroyed by a flood, the Quraysh at that

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time, who were polytheists they used to worship other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. But they realized and understood the sacredness of the purity of the Kava. So they requested from everybody to put forth some money, some charity to rebuild the cab, but they put some conditions down, that the conditions from the conditions were that nobody should place any man any wealth, that was from usury or gambling or the selling of these haram things that they understood that needed to be bad. Only pure money could be put forth to rebuild the Kava, and these were people who are non believers. They did not believe in Allah subhanaw taala correctly, mushy corn, but they ensured that the sadaqa

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that the charity that was to be given was to be pure. How is then the responsibility upon us as Muslims to ensure that the charity that we give has to be pure?

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Abdullah ibn Ahmad radi Allahu anhu, the famous Companion of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said, the most beloved acts to allow the panel to edit our happiness Assad, which is to be placed in the heart of your fellow believer, relieving his distress by paying off his debts or driving away any hunger.

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Immediately when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam arrived in El Medina when Selman allphotossee radi Allahu anhu, who was waiting for the prophet SAW Selim, he narrated and saw this incident, as did Abdullah even sell them or the Allahu anhu from the first things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the people of Medina, when he first arrived there was to actually sell and the new companies to spread salams amongst yourselves, will alter a motor arm and to feed people.

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Remember to panel from the first words of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in Medina to advise his people was to feed people, which means to give charity to people, which means to help other people

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that Alhamdulillah from the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to our time now, Muslims have always been known to be a generous people, not to be understood as a stingy people are hoarding people or stockpiling people. This is against the teachings of the Quran, against the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa and it was sent him

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that they remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that giving charity extinguishes your sins, just as the water that it puts out the fire. They remember that giving charity is about a hand. That is a sign of one's faith. It is a sign that you are a believer in allows a panel to enter that you are certain about the promises that Allah jell O Allah gives to you in the Quran. And likewise that what you find in the Sunnah, that whatever you give a Lhasa panel to Allah will replace that. Not necessarily that you're looking for it to be replaced immediately. But a loss of pinata Allah will replace it for you when you need it most. that a person you may find has

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amassed lots and lots of wealth, but finds no blessings in it. There is no Baraka in it. That individual feels that they don't have enough, another person who has far much less than that rich person, but is satisfied by what Allah jello and has given to them. That whatever they spend is only what they need. And whatever they need, they have something to cover that. This is from the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala remembering that sadaqa will bring about these blessings. But a person who places the dunya in front of their eyes, they will be chasing it, just as one Chase is their shadow, they will never be able to catch up with it. But a person who places the hereafter in

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front of themselves, they will find that a lot of panels are places in front of them, forgiveness and blessings and ease and a detachment from this worldly life. These are from the many blessings that we can have and received

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from Allah subhanaw taala and no better time to do that, than in this blessed month of Ramadan. So this is a reminder for us brothers and sisters that in Ramadan, we remember there are many Muslims millions of Muslims around the world and the difficult situations that they are in as they have not much food and clothing and provisions we go through and we just taste a small percentage of that, which then inshallah Taylor should encourage us to give more, not just in the blessed month of Ramadan, but likewise after the blessed month of Ramadan remembering button sisters that Ramadan is a mandala. So for us it is a school, it is there to teach us, for us to reconnect with our Lord. And

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for us to realize that we are in complete need of Allah subhanaw taala as illogical Allah tells us in the Quran, yeah a human nurse and terminal for all mankind you are in complete need of Allah subhanaw taala one law that Allah subhanaw taala who will honey and Hamid, that Allah subhanaw taala is not in need of anything, the one who is frequently and always praised. This is the school that we want to graduate from in the blessed month of Ramadan, which that there are rewards in this you do not find in any other month, that whoever stands who are fasts in the month of Ramadan with a man with certainty seeking Allah Subhana Allah is reward. warfare Allahu metacoda means that all of

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their previous sins will be forgiven, that you don't want to be that Muslim, but rather you want to be the Muslim that you aspire to be in the month of Ramadan And beyond that, I asked Allah Jalla wa ala to allow us to be the very best servants in the month of Ramadan and beyond and for the rest of our lives. Allahumma amin roboticle vehicle was set Imani como rahmatullah wa

Episode 04 – Economic Empowerment with Charity

In this episode Sheikh Wasim Kempson delves into the economic impact of spending in charity (sadaqa) as well as what it constitutes.

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