Abu Bakr Zoud – Day 6 of Dhul Hijjah – Rush To The Remembrance Of Allah

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam in one's life is discussed, including its use as a symbol of happiness and peace in one's life. The Corolla is emphasized as a symbol of pride and a vder for one's freedom from the fire, as well as the importance of reciting the book to earn reward and avoid getting caught. The segment also highlights the need to remember the message of Islam in one's life and the success and importance of the Corolla in shaping one's identity.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim hamdulillah Hello bin Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he was early he was sabe mine. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam as Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Today is Tuesday, and today is the sixth day of Malaysia. Of these 10 blessed days that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves and he loves the righteous actions that are done during these days. Where have you reached my brothers and sisters in your relationship with Allah subhanahu wata isla? Where have you reached especially in a thicket remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala these days of the Asia my brothers and sisters in Islam are about establishing the remembrance of Allah in your life.

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It is about establishing the Quran Allah in your life. You see, the best action that is done during these days of Malaysia is no doubt and hash, which is the fifth pillar in Islam and Harish the hash is all about establishing the Quran Allah, it's about establishing the remembrance of Allah, Allah azza wa jal in the Quran in surah Al Baqarah and in Salthill Housh when he mentioned an homage to us the pillar and hush. He continuously over and over reminds the Hajaj about establishing the remembrance of Allah and remembering Allah much in Surah Al Baqarah Allah azza wa jal you said for either a folk to make out of it for the Quran, Allah and Allah Masha Allah al haram with guru who

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can come Allah azza wa jal is telling the people when you finish from Allah and you move on to Moose deliver, then establish Allah subhanho wa Taala is remembrance make vicar of Allah azza wa jal, Allah azza wa jal then he says, for either avoid too many seeker comfort guru, Allah, how can we click on

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the vichara Allah azza wa jal he tells the journey once again, when you finished all the rituals, rituals of an Hirsch, he says, For God Allah, make mention of Allah remember Allah can be critical about

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the vehicle in the same manner. You would make mention of your parents when you are young and even more you know a child when a child is at home. Growing up, the only thing he knows is to say Mum and Dad, that's all he knows. And he says it so many times you know, people that have children know this about their children. They continuously repeat Mum Mum, mum dad that and this is exactly what Allah azza wa jal is saying. He's telling the judge when you finish the hush and look how beautiful this is because when you finish and hush, you're clean from your sins. You're as though now you're a newborn. So as you're a newborn now Allah azza wa jal, he gives instruction and command to the

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judge. And he said to them, when you finish the rituals of an homage for God Allah, remember Allah azza wa jal Kavik recomb accom in the same manner, you used to always make remembrance and mention of your parents Oh Aisha the Nicola and remember Allah even more luck Well, Allah azza wa jal in salt and buckler again for the third time, he says with guru Allah huffy a yam in my do that make dhikr of Allah subhanho wa Taala during these days during these these of Tunisia in Salton hush Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Lea shadow Manna Fiala whom way of Guru SML Allah He fi a yam in Maluma, Allahu Akbar once again and then our best probably Allah who I know he says, Allah Yemen man

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who met the known specific days of the 10 days of the Asia, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who tells us way of Guru way of gurus Mala This is a present tense and present tense in the Arabic language implies continuity. Allah my brothers and sisters in Islam rush to remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa Dyana. rush to the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala rush. Now there are people that have finished seeing Subhan Allah 100,000 times, there are people that have made that clear and they have surpassed the 100,000 mark, there are people up to 200,000 times they've reached Subhan Allah Al Hamdulillah, ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, the simple the simple worship that doesn't require

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woowoo doesn't require facing the Qibla doesn't require all of these just from where you are, make dhikr of Allah subhanho wa Taala these are the these are the thicker and shows that are in Mecca now that are about to start their house. They have been commanded to establish the Corolla during their house, because that's the purpose of an homage to remember Allah azza wa jal now if you cannot be with them, and we're not able to be with a luxury and doing hdc do the purpose of an Housh do what the purpose of an homage is, which is that

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blushing the Corolla. So establish the Corolla he Diana from where you are from your homes. You can join the judge with this great ritual and that is the Corolla he Subhanahu wa Taala my brothers and sisters in Islam, the Quran Allah subhanahu wata, Hannah. It brings about happiness. It brings about success in one's life, power and strength. It brings about the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala in one's life, it brings about the ease of Allah subhanho wa Taala in our life, it brings peace and tranquility and contentment to the heart. And it brings protection through a thicket. Allah subhanho wa Taala protects us from the evils and the fifth and the sins of this life, and from the punishment

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of the grief and the punishment and the anger of Allah azza wa jal on the Day of Judgment. This is the powerful effect and the reward of Victrola he subhanho wa taala. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, when Allah subhanho wa Taala created the angels, he said about the Musa Runa Laila on the Hill lay of toowoon that the angels day and night they are in the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa taala they are making the Spear of Allah azza wa jal, Allah says lay of toowoon they do not give up they do not get tired from the Quran Allah subhanho wa Taala How can you get tired of the Corolla when the Quran Allah azza wa jal is, is a source of power. The Cromar charges you Victrola gives you

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power How can it make a person pay it for this is why the angels use a bit Runa Laila, when the * lay of Tarun, they make the Spear of Allah azza wa jal they are inconsistent vicar of Allah day and night, not only the 10 days of Tunisia, but every single day of the from when he created them until the day of judgment. They are making vicar of Allah azza wa jal, even the high ranking angels Allah azza wa jal, he said about them. Allah azza wa jal he said what are all Mala? Equateur have Fein I mean holding out u sub beehoon and the hamdulillah beam? When Allah azza wa jal described the angels he said that they are around the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala they are around the house of Allah

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azza wa jal and what are they doing around the house? Allah azza wa jal he said what oral Mala have Fein I mean? How louche What are they doing? You said be Hoonah be hamdulillah beam, they are declaring the priests of Allah subhanho wa Taala continuously saying Subhan Allah Who are the Hamdi Subhan Allah who are behind the law like about my brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah Listen, the Quran, Allah azza wa jal, the Corolla and the Rizal Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said about it was you learn that God Allah Holly and Feffer, but Aina laquelle and maybe sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told us, one of the people or category of people that are going to be underneath the shade of Allah

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azza wa jal on the day of judgment under the Ouch. Whenever one is under the sun, one of these categories is a person, a male or female, that God Allah, made vicar of Allah all year, alone in secret, without anyone seeing him fell but Aina and as a result, his I began to tea he was moved to tears. Such a person, the one who cries from the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa taala is someone who will be under the house of Allah assertion on the Day of Judgment, he will be in the shade on the Day of Judgment, when the people are out in the scorching heat, and the sun is only a mile away from their hits Allahu Akbar, some people are drowning in their, in their sweat. Some people the sweat is to

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their ankle, some until their waist and some are drowning in their sweat according to their to their sins. But there is a category of people and those who remembered Allah in secret, whether reading Quran because of Quran is liquid Allah Allah subhanahu wa taala or they were engaged in Salah, or they were seeing Subhan Allah and hamdulillah Ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar Allah, Allah Quwata illa Allah, engaging in Victrola and then they will move to teas. Why, because this is the result of the Corolla, if they could allow us to touch your heart.

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If you allow Victrola in your life, and you continuously repeat it on your tongue, to the point where it begins to penetrate the heart, it'll move the identities a person will begin to cry out of the fear of Allah or social and out of love for Allah subhanho wa taala, hoping in his reward, and fearing his punishment and his anger, such a person Allah guaranteed that he will be under the harsh Allahu Akbar, on the Day of Judgment. In the Rizal Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said methodology of Quran Allah whenever you lay of God Allah cometh in how you and me it

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To the example of the difference, the difference here between the one who remembers Allah azza wa jal and the one who does not remember Allah is like the difference between the living and the dead. The living the person who is alive is the one who makes the vicar of Allah assertion and the one who is dead his life is emptied from the Corolla. Wallah and neglecting Victrola social abandoning Victrola is a sign of Nirach it is a sign of hypocrisy Allah azza wa jal, he said in Surah Tanisha about Al Munna, wala Al Quran Allah Illa kalila they hardly make vicar of Allah. Little do they remember ALLAH, that's a sign of a monastic. So the believer obviously, would mean that he is a

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person who makes plenty of dhikr of Allah subhanahu wa taala Hurry up my brothers and sisters in Islam, were only a few these and these blessed these would finish. The Corolla needs to be established more than ever in your life in these 10 days of Malaysia. And you know, these 10 days of the Asia these blessed these of Malaysia, they were known to the Sahaba before Ramadan, they were known to the Sahaba before Ramadan, Ramadan became mandatory and obligatory in the second year of Elisha, Amber, the attendees of the Asia. This was known way before Ramadan, for Sahaba Robley Allah who I know him well nurtured upon these 10 days of Tunisia, they were nurtured upon the Corolla,

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their heart and so was fed Victrola he SubhanaHu Adana. Then after this they went they went to El Medina, and Ramadan was legislated. They were ready they were ready to to worship Allah azza wa jal in Ramadan, my brothers and sisters in Islam, these 10 days only four days left Allahu Akbar are enough to charge your heart and your soul and your mind. They are not to charge you until the next form of art. For don't waste your time rushed to the Corolla, he SubhanaHu Adana, my brothers and sisters in his lab,

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam, when Allah azza wa jal created this entire universe from the day he created, it was engaged in Victrola. Don't you read only later, when he says Subhan Allah He Murphy's Samoa the OMA fill up, and Allah azza wa jal said you separately let him have his Samoa the OMA fill up. How many times in the Quran is this repeated, that everything in the heavens and everything in the earth continuously declares Allah azza wa jal prayer but perfection, everything in the heavens and everything in the earth from the day Allah azza wa jal created until this day, it is making vicar of Allah, not only in the 10 days of the Asia. Hi, my

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brothers and sisters in Islam, Yanni. This is a reality check. Where are you and where is the Corolla? Where are you supposed to be? The Corolla is going to nourish your heart, it's going to bring you to life. It is going to bring you peace and ease and tranquility and contentment into your life. That's the Corolla, the Corolla and we're all on our way. We're on our way to meet Allah azza wa jal, very soon we'll all die very soon will meet Allah subhanho wa taala. Don't you want to meet Allah azza wa jal and having remembered him much during your life. We didn't oppose him be embarrassed to stand before Allah azza wa jal on the day of judgment, and he hadn't remembered him

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much wala heat is an embarrassment. It is not a quality of a believer. It is not the quality of believers. Believers are people who remember Allah. This is the quality of believers rubbish Sherrill Mateen Lavina either look your Allah Washington at collarbone not only the believers remember ALLAH, but they are moved by the Corolla, their hearts tremble, their heart shaped, the increase in their love for Allah in the fear of Allah. With every spear you will love for Allah increases. Every time you see Subhan Allah your love for Allah is increasing and Allah has love for you is increasing. Every time you say Alhamdulillah Allah has love for you is increasing and your

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love for Allah is increasing. Every time you say Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, your love for Allah is increasing and his love for you is increasing. When the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam said how pulchella mi il Allah, the Most Beloved words to Allah, Allah Subhan Allah when hamdulillah La Ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar, they're the most beloved words to Allah. So what does this mean? That means the more you see them, the more he loves you. That's it. This is what it means the more you see them the more he loves you, Subhanahu wata, Allah Allahu Akbar. So Do not deprive yourself, Do not deprive yourself of the Quran Allah, we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to make us of those who

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remember him much my brothers and sisters in Islam and the V sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once he gave a Sahaba and he said to them on a beautiful comeback. Are you the army alikom he said to

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So have a Shall I not inform you of the best of the deeds you will ever do? What a scare her and the LeakyCon and the most pure deeds you will do with Allah subhanahu wa Dawn and these deeds that are scare her, they are the deeds that would grow and multiply with Allah subhanho wa Taala will follow her feed the Russia tickle and Shall I not inform you of a deep that would raise you and raise your ranks and status with Allah subhanho wa Taala while you will not commit in therapy, the hubby will work and shall inform you of a deed that is much better

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than donating gold and silver. Why you will recommend Anton Corrado welcome file booboo Anna Kaku moto boo boo Anna calm and it is a deed much better than meeting an enemy and fighting them and they fight you. They said yes hello Sue Allah What is this deed he said to them Victor Allah, the remembrance of Allah Allahu Akbar. And then you can just imagine how much more special IVIG is the Quran Allah subhanho wa Taala during these 10 blessed days of the Asia Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam during these 10 days of the Asia the Quran, Allah is better than Al jihad. reading the Quran is better than Al jihad, or Sahaba agenda to fulfill dos through one Jihad they did to

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imagine the opportunities that are before us now don't waste your time. This only four days left and then the 10 days are over. The Corolla right now right now in these days is more beloved than jihad to Allah subhanho wa Taala and they the most of it Victrola. When you're reading the Quran, this is the Corolla, as you're fasting, do the Corolla, as you're in your Salat, increase in your thicker in your suit in your RUCO increase in your thicker because this is liquor right. And then during the morning and in the evening, as the sun is coming up as the sun is going down the cola, don't stop. You know, you Subhan Allah,

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spirit Allah azza wa jal, Baba bukata. Anwar here, right in the morning and in the afternoon, we could Allah increase.

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Increase in Victrola he subhanahu wa taala. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam in the V sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us Sapan Allah who will be handy once Subhan Allah who will be handy, it forgives 100 Sims 100 sins are removed the ever since Subhan Allah he will be handy 100 times.

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If your sins were to announce the form of the ocean, all of this would be wiped away.

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And subhanAllah Hua Hamdi he said 100 times is much better than giving gold feasability law a mountain of gold feasability Allah

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Subhan Allah who will be handy he would equal more than giving a mountain of gold visa vie Allah Allahu Akbar, and every Subhan Allah who will be handy is a tree planted in the Paradise as in the the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us to be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that Subhan Allah Allah Allah we will be Hamdi plants, a tree in the Paradise Allahu Akbar.

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And the word Subhan Allah said 100 times owns that person 1000 has an ad and it wipes away 1000 So yet, and the word Subhan Allah who will be handy he Subhan Allah Yahweh is beloved to Allah. Amen. And it is heavy in the skill and it is light on the tongue so Pamela who are behind me Subhan Allah when are we repeat them often? And interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also teaches us to see Subhanallah he will be handy he added 100 What do you want to see was in $1 she want me there Kelly Marathi to see this phrase three times is better than ours of the Corolla. This is a authentic hadith of one of the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam who idea that the Hadith Nabi

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam walked out of the house, and she was in her house sitting making vicar of Allah. And he left for many hours and then he came back and he found his wife sitting in the same position, making the crolla Allahu Akbar. These were the Sahaba used to sit and meet vicar Allah for hours. So he said to her, Aishwarya, I said a few words after you and I repeated them three times. And they are much more rewarding than the entire hours of victory that you did. And that was Subhanallah what are the hungry What about NFC was in a township when we did the kinematic Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam, this is concerning a dispute. So these are the best forms

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of dispute to Say Subhan Allah will be handy to see Subhanallah Hina Aviemore be handy and to see Subhanallah and to say

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Subhan Allah he will be handy he added a healthy worry about if he was in adultery when he did that kill humanity. These are four types of disappear. Now we come to a damnit. One of the best forms of a dummied when the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about this form that I'm about to share with you. He said this is how you will like him in victory comm hola Hello Leila man. This vicar is better than me to vicar of Allah day and night. And that is to see Alhamdulillah here other than a HELOC, Alhamdulillah he mill I'm a HELOC and hamdulillah here are the DMF is similar to imfl ARB and Hamdulillah. He added them socketable while Hamdulillah He Allah ma socketable when Hamdulillah He

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added the coalition when Hamdulillah he mill acually che Allahu Akbar this vicar if you were to say it once, it is better than making vicar of Allah day or night. Allahu Akbar and this is an authentic hadith my brothers and sisters in Islam.

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These are the types of Alhambra these are the types of a lamp that you can engage in and seeing Alhamdulillah now when we come to the lead, saying let Allah Ilaha illa Allah then the best form is to see La ilaha illallah wa the WHO luxury Keller, la Hui Al Hamdulillah who are equally che in perdere Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whoever says this 10 times as though he has has freed for sleeves, and whoever says that 100 times as though he has free 10 sleeves and and freeing one sleeve. The reward of this is your freedom from the fire Allahu Akbar. And not only this, to see it 100 times. It also earns a person 100 Hassan it wipes away 100 So yet and it gives him protection

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from the shape on the unknown one would be better than you on the Day of Judgment. Then someone who said it more than you Allahu Akbar. This is a delille La ilaha illallah wa sallahu luxury Kela hula hula hula koala Han hamdulillah Hua Allah couldn't be che in Medina, then my brothers and sisters in Islam we have is still seeking forgiveness of Allah. This is also a vicar to see a stump for Allah Allah William and levy La ilaha illa who will tell you what to delay. This kind of is still for Jonnie Allah azza wa jal and the reason Allahu alayhi wa sallam said Whoever said it three times, Allah has social would wipe away all his sins, even if he had fled from the battlefield. In other

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words, even the major sins are removed. With this is still far which is a vicar because you are remembering Allah azza wa jal when you say a stone for Allah, Allah de la ilaha illa who will how you will pay you are to LA and you're mentioning the best names of Allah azza wa jal in this is still followed by saying and how you will you will never be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to seek Allah's forgiveness more than 100 times in one day. And the best way to seek Allah's forgiveness is to you will still vote to see Allahumma Antara de la ilaha illa and palak then you will

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become a radical stopper Stobart. Although we can surely mouse on that abou like I've been ametek Allah yo boo boo them be fiddly for in the wholesale full of Aruba Illa and this is the best vicar to seek Allah azza wa jal is forgiveness, forgiveness, because it is packed with heat. It is packed with the meanings of Tawheed you're acknowledging that Allah is your Lord, and that you're the slave and you're acknowledging your sins before him and you're acknowledging his blessings and his fevers upon you, Allahu Akbar. And then my brothers and sisters in Islam are Salah to Anna Marie sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is from the kuruma as well. And the best of it is to say Allahumma Salli, ala

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Muhammad, this is the Dhikr of Allah because you're starting with Allah has mentioned when you say Allah who met and the one who says Allah who met as though he has called Allah with all of his names, because Allahumma is made from the word Hola. And it is a meme at the end there is a meme at the end.

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And this meme is meme of German it. It is collects all the names of Allah so whoever says Allah Houma has called Allah with all these names. So this is a vicar of Allah. When you send solo at ALA Rasulillah by saying Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed cannot Zuleta Allah Ibrahima Allah le Ibrahima innaka Homido machine or barik ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad can Abdullah Abdullah Ibrahim Allah Ali Ibrahima innaka Homido machine and the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam says who ever since this didn't have Senate read and follow him didn't have such a tendency yet are wiped away and he is raised 10 levels in the Paradise

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And Allah would send his prayers upon him Allahu Akbar,

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Allah azza wa jal sending his prayers upon the sleeves, that means Allah who would make mention of you and praise you among the high ranking angels, Allah who are called, also my brothers and sisters in Islam.

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The Quran is the Corolla, as well the best of the Corolla. And so you need to unlock these treasures of the Quran. Al Quran is a blessed word. It's the blessed word of Allah subhanaw taala and the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whoever recites and saw that the last three times earns the reward of reading overcorrect. And whoever read assaulted a class 10 times Allah azza wa jal will build for him a house in the Paradise. Do not waste your time my brothers and sisters in Islam, we said there's only four days left of the best days of this world. Hurry up, hurry up. And first of all, in a decree Allah, Allah azza wa jal says, rush, there are things in life, that when the

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opportunity is gone, that's it, you can no longer go back to it ever again in your life. And this is this is one of them. These 10 days, this is an opportunity that if you don't grasp and you make the most of it, it is going to be an opportunity that is gone, never ever to come back. Because next is in a new 10 days, right? Next is something different, Allahu Allah, we might live till then we might not not live Allahu Allah. But there are hack there are chances there are opportunities in life that if you don't rush to get to them, house, they're gone. And don't blame anyone but yourself. So my brothers and sisters in Islam immediately after this episode, immediately straight after it, stop

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everything you're doing. Move over distractions. Turn off your social media, all of it. Put your if even if you need to put your phone away, put it away and engage in Victrola for an hour for two hours. And continue these continue this as a habit until these 10 Ds are finished and then continue the Corolla after that, because that's the whole point that these these are training us that we are in desperate need of the Corolla who Subhanahu wa Taala in our life, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive us. And don't forget, don't forget that Kabir tech be here. This is very important. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam Do not forget that can be

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Yanni. Now we are in these of the career. And the tech career is of two types. Various tech Bureau no clock or tech Bureau and Michael year, restricted tech career and unrestricted tech. We're the unrestricted Takbeer starts from the first days of these 10 days of the Asia and it continues all the way until the 13th day of the Asia unrestricted technique means to say so to say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Ali Lakehill hunt, to see this anytime, wherever you want. Then there is something called a tech view rule A yet the restricted Tech really, what this means is to say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha, Illa Allah Allahu Akbar, Allahu

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Akbar will illegal hump to see it after the prayers, from the fissure of the day of Arafa. Until the 13th, day of the Asia after Salat, and also, let's see, that's where it finishes. So from this Friday, the day of alpha, we start this Day of the Day of alpha, of course, in sha Allah, Allah by fasting this day, and you don't have to fast the day before or a day after. Because you're fasting the day of alpha. And it happens to be on a Friday. You can fast this day alone on Friday. You don't have to do Thursday or Saturday. If you did that, of course, this is goodness if you did the day before, obviously, but it is not a condition. And then you begin with attack from after solid and

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Fisher on the Day of Arafah. So that day, and the next day, which is the eighth and then the 11th 12 and on the 13th solid colossal that's where you stop at the COVID This is referred to as a technical mocha yet the restricted tech we're

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so in the markets, in the car, at home, before you sleep, after you eat before you eat, whatever it is the Corolla, especially at the COVID Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah Allah Humph. And make sure that you're saying it, not listening to it, because we have been commanded to say it. This is different to the Quran. The Quran, there is reward when you read there is reward when you listen. But at Tech beer, in these days, it must be recited in order to earn the reward. So yes, there are some people that would perhaps

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Just like to put a thick bead that runs for hours on a YouTube or something and listening. The reward is not earned in this manner. That direction the command is for us to recite a technique we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us goodness, ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to allow us to make vicar of him subhanho wa Taala and we asked him Subhanahu wa Taala to make us from among the believers it normally with ethical called the rally or SallAllahu wasallam Opelika ala Nabina Muhammad Ali, he was sabe Germaine was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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