Abdullah Oduro – Nightly Reminder 2023-08-22

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of knowing and communicating about one's own knowledge, particularly in shaping the message of the Prophet. They touch on the use of the Hadith, narrators, and the importance of the Prophet's words and actions to indicate one's stance. The speakers also discuss the use of the hadith in shaping people's faith and the belief that the Prophet sallua Alayhi wa Sallam is the only one who can benefit from the Prophet's teachings.
AI: Transcript ©
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snare on the Rahim hamdulillah head on behind me

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someone low Sana Mubarak I'm gonna beat him Hamid while early he was a drain on my back

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all of a sudden for him Allah to Allah if you can Tammy realice on 100 bed before the me to Illuminati Manila. Yeah he should have a no he says in his book entitled the gardens of the righteous and the chapter of the virtue of knowledge seeking it and teaching it for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada

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and maybe the most original the Allahu Anhu called Samia to Rasulullah sallallahu and he was sending me a whole number Allah whom Ron sent me I'm in Nashi and for bunnlevel, who came as me kms EMEA, for Uber mobile living in Samiha, and maybe the most original the Allahu Anhu narrated that I heard the province of Allahu Allah. So I'm saying, May Allah fresh in the affairs of a person who hears something from us and communicates it to others exactly as he has heard it, both meaning and the words which is which was an introduction injected here. Many a recipient of knowledge understands it's better than the one who has heard it. Many recipients of knowledge, understands it better from

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the one who has heard it, for Oba mobile living minutes. I mean, so here the promise of Elijah was telling them is mentioning firstly, the virtue of seeking knowledge. But in particular, you'll find the scholars of Hadith mentioned this hadith all the time, because it's showing the importance of when relating the knowledge that you related kms Amantha just as you heard, and the scholars of Hadith were very meticulous in this I mean, you find you know, here remember hottie Minogue a Muslim, when they would relate a hadith they would relate it word for word, have one memorized, number one. Number two, they would relate the chain of narrations. So if there was more than one

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chain of narration, and let's say that there were usually four or five people in the chain of narration, they will mention each person all the way to the province of Allah, Allah wa salam, that's number two. Number three, they would mention the way that they received the news. So it can be had definite, say, had definite emir, and her death and so on. So her death and so on. So, so and so told me that so and so told him that so and so told him, or actually, so and so told me, and he said, So and so told me, and he said, So and so told me, and he said, this is one method of transmission, you also have SO and SO told me and he said, I received this from someone who said, I

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heard this from someone. So being descriptive on the method of transmission, and that method of transmission can determine the strength of the Hadith.

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This is only one aspect that can determine the strength of the Hadith, the narrator himself could be someone that's not reliable because they don't relate it word for word. So the level of the Hadith will decrease the level of strength that the Hadith will decrease. That's why you hear hadith is so he or hadith is Hassan, or hadith is life. Right? These are the three main categories you have. So he has an invite, and hasn't can be that which is authentic, but it may have one of these small elements in it. So this is how meticulous the scholars of Hadith were. And even Hadees even Bihari, for example, it was his his his strength his how stringent he was on accepting news from other

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Mohammed dethrone people of knowledge that will take Hadith from scholars. He saw him feeding his animal, he was acting like he had something in his hand and he was tricking him. So remember, Claudia decided not to take Hadith from this person. But he didn't say that he was a weak person in Hadith, but he himself due to his diligence and due to his reservation, preservation in wanting to preserve the Hadith the Prophet SAW Selim, he decided if he's going to lie to his animal, what about the Hadith of the Prophet saw some This was his understanding and analogy. So when the Prophet SAW Selim said here, may Allah fresh in the affairs of a person who hears something from us, not that

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Allah Holman I'm on semi I'm in Nashi and Mina, whoever heard from us primarily the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, when they would hear something from him, they would say it exactly as he heard it, or they would say, oh Kim, call us Allah knows how many times you heard

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Hadith as a companion to say, or something like this, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, and this is really the Adam, the good manners with the son of the process and if you don't know the exact wording of it you say, oh QMF Allah, or similar to what he said, because when we say the Prophet SAW Selim said, or we say, you know,

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Allah has blessed the planners This is a Hadith Firstly, there's not a hadith there's no Hadith the process I'm saying Allah is the best of planners. So when we say it's a hadith that means a process I'm saying, but rather, we should say or something like the Prophet saw someone said you'd be mana right? So this is important with the Prophet SAW Selim is saying this and this hadith particularly, it shows the virtue of the ones that seek the knowledge of Hadith and you'll find some books of scholars of Hadith or in masala, Hadith, the science of Hadith, they will always mention this hadith, just as a reminder to show that it's important to mention just as a Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said, and this shows the importance of the Arabic language, because the Prophet saw some if he uses one word, and uses another word, it could have a different meaning behind it

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could have a different meaning behind it. And then he said for Obama Bolivian oh am in Salman, may the recipient of knowledge, understand it better than the one who has heard it. So the one that receives the knowledge from this shift, he may be more have more understanding than the chef himself on that particular Hadith that he received from him. And this is important because the one that receives the news just as he or she has received it, they may have more fit of the deen that Allah has blessed him with an understanding of the deen that Allah has blessed him with and we see this with the scholars of Hadith in and of itself. We know Imam Shafi are the Allahu Anhu or him Allah to

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Allah was a scholar of Hadith, and a scholar of filk. Another Imam Malik was a scholar, Hadith and a scholar a filk. Do we have the likes of your main ally Medina, if you haven't heard of these, some of these people, these people were the contemporaries of the time of Atman, but humbly Imam Shafi but they were scholars of Hadith.

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And they have Muhammad ibn Yusuf and Zafar. These were companions of Abu Hanifa. Two of his main students were scholars of fic primarily, right they started from Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah tab. So you will find that there were scholars that Allah has blessed them with certain gifts, and some of them stick out more than others due to their module due to what they're naturally inclined towards, but you'll find some that mashallah have been blessed with both of them. And we see this within the blessing of the 40. Imams that all of them have our scholars of Hadith, and scholars of filk. So this hadith is important in in regards to seeking the knowledge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, and also being stringent on the wording of the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, primarily, you will find this hadith in academic circles for those that wants to study Hadith and be more meticulous, on preserving the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when the last $1 make us of those that make the intention to learn the life of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, and to learn what he says, and allow that to be a motivation for us in our Islamic scholarship in the law.

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Yes, yes, he asked, the degree of correctness is on based on the degree of representation are the recipients the method of transmission. So similar to I heard is the strongest, but then you'll find and right.

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abou Herrera said that the promises are awesome said right. See, there's two things here. If it's Abu Huraira, it's fine. But if it's not me, or any Sahabi is fine. The generations after is where the grading of Hadith narrators start. Any Sahabi we take from him initials or virtue, but the ones that come after Imam Malik

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obviously min Malik is someone that's but you have, for instance, I bought a Ubisoft Danny who's from Yemen, right? He was a well known scholar. But then you have those same, for example, these certain names that are not that not that well known. There's books and indexes of this scholar, and they'll mention his shoe. And they'll mention his students. And then the person who wrote the book usually haven't had to say theocrats on webtoon or philippson, Sudoku, etc. So the person himself will have agreed, then his method of transmission will determine a grade as well. So these are two separate factors that can determine the strength of a hadith along with other factors. What if these

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there's names in the chain and this person never met this person?

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And he says, This person he says Person A says Person B said

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what is the way that he said if he says so and so said well, the scholars of Hadith well Oh, did you hear it? No, I didn't hear it. That's where some scholars are called modela soon

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If, like they will, I don't use the word hide, they will be a little.

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They won't be clear in their method of transmission. Some scholars wouldn't take it like Bumble honey would not take it, but you'll have a necessity and assuming their method of accepting hadith is, is in these types of matters, so, yes and books that will solo filk you'll find there's like seven different methods of taking

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it from scholars and show them. Allah knows best vertical synoptic operatory

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