Abdullah Hakim Quick – Fiqh-Us-Seerah 03

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The Rashi Deen's life was a busy and rewarding period, including his involvement in various projects and activism. The Heridli movement's influence on the western world and their impact on the western world were also discussed. The Tabby and Book of Light were considered authentic works of art, while the Book of Work was considered to be the most authentic work of the Prophet Muhammad.
AI: Transcript ©
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And so Allah used his life to reveal the laws and to reveal the Islamic lifestyle. And that is the basis of our study. The second level comes in

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with writings that were done in the life of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. And it is reported by some of the historians, that by the time of the death of the prophets, Allah solemn, that they were in existence the following materials. They were sayings, or a hadith that were written by Abdullah bin Omar Abdullah on Houma by Ali, by nsmb Malik, where the law on him and some of the Sahaba, who were writing, but at that time, there are only a few people who were involved in writing.

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There are also written orders treaties, like the Treaty of who they BIA, they were messages that were sent by the province of Salaam, two different tribes. Number three, they were letters that were written by the prophets Allah Salaam, to the various kings.

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And number four, the names of 1500 of the Sahaba had been recorded, and were passed on at the time of the death of the province on the Sunday. The next level

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for sources of Sierra

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is the Hadith sources themselves. And we find that within the Hadith, which is that the sayings and the actions and descriptions of the salon, we find that in Sahih al Bukhari, Sahih, Muslim, and Academy, the

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Abu download images and so forth and so on, we find that there are sections within the salon, that deal with the life of the Prophet peace be upon him and the life of his companions. And so this is the next level.

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After this,

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when we look at the sources, and what was being transcribed, we find that after the death of the prophets Allah Salaam, that the whole of our Rashi Deen paid more attention to the sayings that dealt with the Sharia. And they were involved in the state building. They were involved in expansion. And they were involved in establishing the law. But the actual recording of the Sierra, at that point was basically oral.

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And it was during the time of Ben omega, or the Romanians, that orders were given on a state level for the Sierra to be recorded. And we find that Amir Maria was the last one who was actually called Caterpillar Why's the writer of the revelation. Marya himself was literate. And he was one of the people who recorded the revelation. He was the first person to encourage on a state level the writing down of the life of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him and he opened up this door

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to writing. After this Abdul Malik Eben mattawan, one of the main leaders ordered the scholars in the Muslim world to write on every topic, but it was during the rule of the halifa Omar Abdullah zS, Rahim o Hola, rhodiola. Juan, it was during this time that we find the greatest expansion within the traditions. And we find that the Khalifa Omar rhodiola Juan, that he literally made it his responsibility to track down the scholars to gather together the people who were making these recordings to finance them and to record this information. And it is reported that from amongst the different traditions that the traditions of our Isha rhodiola Juana had a unique place within

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Islamic thought and there was a woman a Tabby name. Her name was Amara bent up there are men who had been raised by Ayesha and she was the leading authority on on her sayings. And it is reported that Omar bin Abdulaziz wrote the long run that he commanded his kadhi Abubakar even Muhammad Rahim Allah, he was commanded to go to Amara and to collect these sayings and to send it to the halifa.

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The next area which is very important, and especially during the time of Omar bin Abdulaziz is what is called alma huazi.

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And alma huazi basically deals with the battles, the tribal struggles that went on, and the warlike deeds of the Arabs. And when you look at the history of the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula, you will find that, basically speaking, they didn't have arts and sciences, but they took great care

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to record their warlike deeds and their tribal conflicts, and so this subject of mahasi was opened up, was opened up by Omar bin Abdulaziz. And it was during this time that the student of cardi abacha,

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whose name was Mr. mazari Rahim Allah,

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that he being the most learned person of his time and phippen Hadith. He visited the homes of the unsought of the Tabby in, he collected traditions. And he became the most important person in gathering these traditions of Sierra and El Mariachi, and two of his pupils rose higher than anybody else. Moosa, Eben, aka, Musab Al Akbar was a Tabby, you have Sahaba and you have Tabby in and Tabby, Tabby, these are the different generations so that he was a tabea and he was known for his preciseness in recording knowledge.

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And actually, he was one of the teachers of Imam Malik rather low on

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the other student of Imam Azadi was Mohammed

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in his heart, he was a Tabby as well, and he is considered to be the highest authority in Mojave and a Sierra. He was well versed in Hadith. And he was the only person who had free access to the home of Azadi.

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And so it is from these two that you find a body of students develop, and you find this information starts to take shape. And the seal of urbanists hoc, which is not available today in its original form, was edited by Abdul Malik Ibn his sham.

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And so what we have today is an expanded edited version of Sierra Ebony's Hawk.

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This is considered to be the most authentic work done on the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

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Also, there are names like alacati is Ebony, sad.

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There are a number of individuals you'll find a long list of names of people who are involved in this field.

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You also find

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another area, this is called Shama kotoba, shamal. And these books of Shema l are the descriptions of the province Allah Salaam, are also

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works that record the life of the Prophet peace of blessings be upon him. And so it is with this, that we are able to understand the states and we're able to understand the descriptions the detailed descriptions of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. There is also dilla L. And the Buddha

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and allow for they'll be happy was one of the great scholars who worked in this area

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for our information.

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The next level after the books of love, Ozzy was Sierra is the historical works. And in this area emammal Bahati has a tardif a severe, he has the small history. And then he has a toddy al Kabir, that the major history.

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And these are two important books of history. There's also the toddy of economic poverty, which is one of the most important works in history. There's there's also lb Daya when they hire Ibn katheer. And so the most important sources for us are three, the Sierra of urbanest, Hawk, the Takata, Ebony, sad, and the toddy autobody these are the three most important works and Alhamdulillah. This work of ebony sock has been translated into English. And so this is available for us. It's available at the local bookstores

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by a Gilliam and this is probably the most important work that we can study from to follow along. According to the authentic sources. There are also a number of DCs and works that have been recently done.

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One mahadi is is Dr. Maha de risco la Ahmed, who has done a work on the prophetic biography in the light of the authentic sources. There is also a shift out of poverty yet

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there is the life of Mohammed Salah Salaam by Mohammed Hakan.

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And then there are books of fitpro sera. And you have Mohammed Saeed Ramadan al booty, and you have a Sheikh Mohammed Al ghazali, and a number of works in physical theater.

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And so

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it is our intention in Sharla

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to try to go through this

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Slowly and to work, from the time of Jahangir,

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to look at the world before the time of Mohammed Salah summer. And then after this to look at his birth, and then following this to look from him his birth until his marriage, from his marriage to the Prophet would. And then to look at the Prophet hood in stages, the early stages in Mecca,

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the latest stages in Mecca, the hegira, the Medina and period and we hope in sha Allah to be able to extract from what we are learning lessons for today. This is the most important aspect of physical theater. Without this, it is merely a story being read.

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We hope that this inshallah would influence our lives and the lives of our families. And we play a great role in changing our situation today here in the cape, and in South Africa, and other parts of the world are cool locally. Heather was Dr. Li walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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