Musleh Khan – Should I wear the niqab or not

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The niqab is a popular fashion choice among Muslims and is not legal in some countries. It is recommended for women to wear under extreme situations and is considered legally required. It is rewarded for women who wear it, and women should not wear it until they reach the point of comfort. It is advised to fulfill all conditions, including not wearing it, and the potential danger it could bring. It is important to not wear until they reach the point of comfort and take their etiquette cautiously.
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh brothers and sisters your brothers will slack on Today let's talk about the new club. The club has been a subject in mainstream media throughout the world and it's important for you and I as Muslims to really understand what the niqab is and where it fits in with respect to our religion. niqab comes from the word nakaba and not by literally means that garment that has tiny holes in it. This is why you see some of the sisters who do wear the niqab, they cover the entire face and just their eyes are exposed. Then depending on where the niqab is, so if you have a garment that covers the nose, it has a separate meaning. And if it covers the nose,
nose, it has a separate name. So niqab has different variations to it. So we want to talk to you about is the most common style of the face cover which is really inclusive of the nose and most of the eyes and maybe for some sisters, even the eyebrows is exposed. So what exactly does the niqab mean with respect to Islam? And what have scholars said about this? The first point brothers and sisters is that scholars have always differed on the ruling of niqab not the permissibility of it. Anybody who thinks that niqab is not part of Islam really doesn't know what they're talking about. Because if you look at all of our Islamic history from since day one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam was always talking about this face cover. And then he made certain exceptions to it. So when you're praying, you don't wear the niqab or cover the face when you're in the state of Iran, you don't do it as well. So there were exceptions to this rule. And even we have some narration of the narrations of the prophets. They send them describing certain women and he would describe the colors of their cheeks. How would he know that? This is to show you an eye that there were even some women during his time that didn't actually cover their face. And what's more important, the prophets, Allah lohar, it was some didn't order those women make sure you have your face covered.
That's important to note. And because of these narrations, and these incidents, scholars have differed on the ruling. Some have still said at the end of the day that niqab was, while others have said it was highly recommended. Yet others have also said that it was permissible and in some extreme cases, niqab was actually disliked. So you were discouraged to wear it under extreme cases. So let's just try to understand each of these categories. Why just think about it, you go into a country or society where 95% of the women have their faces covered. You walk in now everybody starts staring at you, you become actually a fitness or a problem for the jet for the people within that
society. Here's where scholar said you should really use your wisdom, and wear the niqab. And you should treat it as though it's compulsory for you, because that's the culture of the people there. So you should try to fit in as best as you can. It's a bigger problem if you stand out. So you want to eliminate that. Other scholars said no, it's always recommended meaning if you do it to get a reward, but if you don't, if you choose not to wear it, then inshallah there's no punishment on you, you have a choice in the matter. The third opinion is just completely permissible. It's more back, do it if you want, don't do it. If you don't want, you're not punished, you're not rewarded. It's
all good at the end of the day. The mcru. One is interesting, because that really depends on the circumstance that you're in. Sometimes, depending where you are in the world, then it pub is a real hot issue and sisters who wear the niqab are targeted for whatever reason, and it could actually be very dangerous for them wherever they go, whether it's in a grocery store in the subway, it could be a very dangerous situation and they're singled out from anyone else. In cases like that scholars states disliked for you to wear because you're actually creating a bigger problem for yourself. So you try to abstain from them. Now, where's all of this coming from and why? what all of this means
brothers and sisters is that it's painting for you a picture to think about where niqab is in this religion. We don't have an exact ruling of what niqab really is. So at the end of the day, the majority opinion is that niqab is must have it is actually a good thing. And the sisters who choose to wear the niqab. These are sisters that are honored, they are rewarded, and they have attained insha Allah hotel at a higher level of Amen. Now just think about it give the help where help is due. So when a woman walks out in public and she covers her face, this is a higher state of Amen. It's a higher state of consciousness that she has with allies. So she is rewarded for that Bismillah
at the end of the day, if the woman chooses not to wear it or she wants to take it off the next day, that's her choice as well and she's not punished for that. And that seems to be the majority opinion among
Or the men, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Here's the final thought that I want to leave you with. If you want to wear niqab lucky brothers and sisters, especially the sisters out there, use your wisdom. Don't just wear the niqab because it's your own personal choice and you just feel like doing it. Really think about the greater good for yourself and those around you. If you're going to wear the niqab and get on a bus and travel two hours late at night, you better think twice, because that situation can be a pretty dangerous situation for you depending on where you live. So you want to think really for the greater good of what you're trying to achieve. And those of you who don't
wear the niqab don't despise it at the same time because as we mentioned, it's part of our history. It's part of this Deen and it's here and it's here to stay. So at the end of the day, make sure that you fulfill the basics of your hijab, make sure that you fulfill all the conditions of the hijab, and think about the niqab and wearing the gloves, etc. These are just extra elements as part of the complete perfection of that hijab. But at the end of the day, if you if you have complete hijab without covering the face or the hands and other parts, then at the end of the day in sha Allah hota you will be rewarded for a good complete view jab, just make sure you fulfill the seven to nine
conditions of that insha Allah hotelera Allah. Again, brothers and sisters, this is just food for thought for you to think about. And as I mentioned to you use your wisdom. See if niqab is right for you. Not every culture or every society than a club is the right choice. All you have to do is make the choice that I'm not going to wear this right now things are pretty heated on the news. There's a lot of attention with this particular garment. I want to stay away and make sure that I'm safe for myself and for my family. That's using wisdom that's putting things in their rightful places. With that understanding, then it pop is going to make sense and it's going to be preserved it shout
Allahu taala. Actually, the last and final point that I want to leave you with is a small piece of advice for the niqab is out there, so those newbies that are listening to this. Remember that with your niqab, you've taken your hijab to the next level, which in turn, you should take the internal hijab you have in new to the next level, we're talking about your etiquettes. So make sure that you carry the responsibility of Nepal. All too often you'll see the niqab is sitting together, but they're loud. That could be a noxious in certain depending on what they're talking about. There could be a disturbance to the people around them. You don't want to represent the niqab in that
manner. This niqab requires a level of higher a level of etiquette that is actually above what the average higher or modesty and etiquette of the rest of the sisters that are around you. Remember, you've taken a step up a step forward. So make sure that you internalize that within your etiquette that you do the same. Take the responsibility of the niqab and not only will you fulfill it, but you will feel proud as an ecobee May Allah subhanho wa Taala preserve all of you and protect you with that Mr alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato