Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Khutbah The Core of Worship Hir 05202022

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The importance of worshipping the words Allah's words in modern Arabic is highlighted, along with the need for guidance and understanding of the rules of worship. The importance of fasting in faith and hoping for reward is emphasized, as well as sharing humility and humility with others. The host of Islam is given gifts, while the Muslim gives himself a pat on the back and shakes them. The difference between the Islam and the Muslim is highlighted, where the Muslim takes responsibility for actions and doesn't participate in things in the world while the Muslim gives gifts and shakes them.
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We've reached this Mubarak hour again in the
Mubarak house of Allah
and we would not have been guided to
it had not Allah guided us.
Allah says in his book,
Because the reminder benefits the believers.
So there is
something worth remembering.
It's a great treasure, and it's hidden in
plain view,
which is the importance
of du'a.
This is an abstraction of a point that
I made in last week's khutba for those
of you who are here,
which is what is the point of dua
in the first place?
Is the point of dua a performance
that we do for other people?
Is the point of the dua that we
make to Allah
a political statement? Is the point of dua
a social statement? What is the point of
making dua?
this is something that all of us will
benefit from
remembering. Why? Because these ritual
obligations and ritual performances of the deen,
oftentimes, many of us have been doing them
from such a young age that they just
become habits. We kinda go through the motions.
We take them for granted. We don't understand
how they work or why they work, but
because of our familiarity with them, we allow
the familiarity
the act
to be a hijab, to be like a
barrier between us and that act, and between
us and understanding that act.
Whereas dua is actually a great tool for
the believer. It's a great help for the
Internally, externally,
it's a great gift that Allah
gave to the believer.
Allah commands the people to make dua.
commands the people to make dua so many
times in his book.
When and when your lord said call upon
me so that I may answer you,
it's a commandment.
Allah said in his book
when my slaves ask you about me,
tell them indeed I'm close, I'm near at
and I answer the call of the person
who calls upon me when he calls upon
me. So let them call upon me,
and let them believe in me so that
they can
be guided.
in the
common language of the Arabs nowadays,
the word means head,
But in classical Arabic, if you look it
up in the dictionaries,
the meaning of is
a little bit different.
Mukh is the hollow space inside of a
bone. You know where the the bones are
hollow, they're not solid. It's not solid bone
through. If you saw a bone or cut
it open, you'll see that there's a hollow
space in the middle,
marrow and things like that are inside the
middle. So the hollow space in the middle
of a bone is called its muq.
That dua is to ibadah,
supplication is to worship
like the is to the bone, Meaning what?
It's central to it, it's a core
a bada, that worship is made up of.
That you recognize
you need something, and Allah is the only
one who can give it to you. So
you ask him, and this is one of
the unique things about Allah
that make him qualitatively
unlike the creation,
which is anyone from the creation, the more
you ask, the more you seek, the more
you ask, the more you ask, the more
you ask, the more the creation will hate
Doesn't matter who it is. Your parents, your
mother loves you. If you ask her too
many times, you're gonna get the?
You ask your father too many times, he's
gonna have a talk with you. You should
probably move out and get a job.
You ask the government too many times, your
budget is going to get cut. You ask
your boss too many times, you're going to
get fired. You ask your spouse too many
times, all sorts of crazy things can happen.
All sorts of crazy things can happen.
Anyone from the creation, and those are the
people who love you. Imagine the people who
At least one would hope they love you.
Imagine those who don't. Whereas with Allah
He commands you to ask Him.
And the more you ask Allah the more
He loves you.
And this is a sign of imam that
a person asks for more from Allah
The one who asks for a billion is
more righteous than the one who asks for
a million.
The one who asks for a trillion is
more righteous than the one who asks for
a 1,000,000,000 is more righteous than the one
who asks for a 1,000,000,000.
If you knew who Allah was, you would
understand that more and less are all the
same. The more you ask, the more you'll
And the Rasul
tells us that all prayers, all duas are
answered. They're all answered, all of them are
Someone said, well, I ask for a $1,000,000,000,000
all the time. I never saw it. They're
answered in one of 3 ways.
1 is you either get what you want,
what you asked for, I should say,
or the second is that
a calamity of equal magnitude will be warded
off from your head,
which is also great.
Okay. You didn't get a $1,000,000,000 but you
also didn't lose
Ask an accountant. That's just as good as
getting $1,000,000,000
on the day of judgment, all of it
will be sitting there waiting for you.
If you don't get it in this world,
all of it will sit sit there waiting
for you. I'll be honest with you. Someone
gave me a $1,000,000,000 today,
I'll probably be a different person.
I probably won't be as nice as I
am right now, and I'm not very nice
Right? I'll probably be treat people differently, deal
with people differently, and that change is probably
not a good change.
So in some sense, maybe it's a blessing
for me that allata doesn't give it to
me here, where I can screw up all
my relationship with my family, and with the
masjid, and with the community, and with this,
and with that, and for the rest of
my life.
Maybe it's better I get it over there
because I get it, and it lasts forever.
It's better in the hereafter, and it lasts
And it lasts forever.
So don't say why didn't Allah not give
me? He already promised he's going to give
The only loser is not the one who
didn't get in this world. The only loser
is the one who didn't? Ask.
And if you then go back
to all of the acts of worship,
to all of the acts of worship,
You're saying
described in the book of Allah as an
Allah says in Surah Al Imran,
those people who sell their with Allah
and their
their oaths that they take,
wishing for a little bit of material
benefit in this life by selling it.
Those people are the ones laqalakaalam.
They have no falak in the akira. Falak
means what? Nasiv. They have no portion of
the akhira.
No portion of the akhira whatsoever. Allah Ta
will not give them anything on the day
of judgment. If you look, what's the tafsir?
Who is the source of
the science of tafsir itself.
He says that the with Allah What is
an It's like an agreement. Right? Like a
business transaction.
The is what? Is when you say
You say it why? Because you expect something
out of the bargain. Right?
Doesn't have to give it to you,
but he offered it to you out of
his generosity. So you say, yeah, I'll take
that bargain. You expect something. You said, okay,
man. You offered you offered it to me.
No one forced you to offer. That's we
praise you for that.
Now that you made the offer, though, we
would hope that if we do what he
asks us that he'll also
give us something in exchange.
The salat itself, you're seeking something out of
the salat.
One of the principle, the pillars on which
the salat rests is what? It's the fatihat.
Guide us to the right path.
Guidance is important.
Anything you want, you're not gonna get without
guidance. The person says, yeah, I wouldn't be
a Muslim without guidance. Forget about not being
a Muslim. You wouldn't be able to make
it to the bathroom if you had to
use the bathroom if Allahu Ta'ala didn't guide
You wouldn't open your eyes and see if
Allahu Ta'ala didn't guide
that light
to the right part of the brain.
Without guidance, you would have been completely lost,
and I would have been completely lost.
And then from there, the duas unfold of
the salat.
The duas of the salat unfold, and there
are many more.
But this is the pillar of the salat.
That you fast in Ramadan, one of the
signs of the fast that's going to result
in you being forgiven is that you
fast in faith and in hope for reward,
that you're getting something back out of it.
The Hajj itself,
the Hajj itself,
what are you, what's the sunnah while you're
making tawaf?
What's the sunnah while you're making sai between
safa and marwa? Is there anything anything, any
like Quran that you're supposed to read? What
is it? Dhikr? No. The sunnah is what
that a person should make dua that entire
You stop between
the jamarat, and you make dua, the rasul
stopped between the
first and the second, and the second and
third, and he made dua for so long
that it's like the amount of time it
would take to read Suratul Baqarah, Suratul Adir
Imran. It's a lot of
This is really important. Right? Duas,
to us, what are they? They're what we
learned as kids oftentimes.
Okay. When you go to the bathroom, this
is what you say. When you eat, this
is what you say. When you do this,
this is what you say. When you do
that, this is what you say, which is
true. It's not objectively incorrect.
But the idea is that it's something you're
communicating between you and Allah
The Rasul
it's a great favor that he showed us,
that he taught us duas. Why? Because it
gives you
an idea of what was he thinking when
something was happening,
And so that's why we say the best
duas are the ones from the Quran and
from the sunnah of the Prophet
But this doesn't mean that you also shouldn't
make your own du'a,
because every heart, it's like a water faucet.
You turn it on and it will just
keep pouring, it will keep pouring.
You should open that water faucet from time
to time.
If all that water sits inside of your
you can't tell anybody.
They say, oh, you know, we shouldn't keep
our feelings pent up inside, and we should
share with other people.
Okay. Yeah. I agree.
But at the end of the day, you
know nobody cares.
No. At the end of the day, you
and I know nobody cares.
When people when, you know, even the the
therapist who's helping you through your problems, if
you tell them, hey. Can you help me
pay my rent? I'm sorry.
Your your 45 minute hour is over.
You can leave now. And if you don't
pay for the next session, you're not coming
You and me know nobody cares.
This is truth. It's not nice to say
we shouldn't repeat it often because we become
misanthropic. We start to hate other people, which
is not a good thing at all.
They have problems also like we have problems.
The reason they don't care is not because
they hate you. Some of them do, but
most of them. It's not because they hate
It's because they have problems. How are they
going to be able to help you? They
themselves need help.
The only one who can help you is
You have to let it go. If you
leave that water inside, if you tell other
people they're gonna hate you for it, then
they don't care, they're just gonna blow you
off eventually, no matter how much they listen
to. They won't they won't be able to
help you even if they wanted to, and
that will lead to frustration.
The only one who could help you, the
only one who could help me, Allah
The only one who could help you, the
only one who could help me is Allah
So let the water out of your heart.
This is also
type of zikr that a person should do.
Which is what? Sit, nobody else is there.
If things distract you, put your phone in
the next room. Turn the lights out if
things visually distract you.
Sit alone.
Set your timer
for 5 minutes
on on your phone. Everyone has their timer
on their phone. Right? Set it for 5
At first, you won't know what to do.
But what happens, what is it, all that
rust inside the pipes? Inside the heart.
Right? It's blocking it up, and so it'll
be a drip at once.
Once you let it flow, it will push
all of the it will push all the
rest out.
You will quickly get to the point where
you can make for 40 minutes for an
hour for 2 hours, and you won't even
know where the time went.
People ask me so many times,
Sheikh, how is it that I can cry
in front of Allah Ta'ala? A tear doesn't
come from my eye. I remember I myself
went and asked the imam of our Masjid
when I was in college the same question.
Trust me, everyone has so much to cry
about, some of us more than others. But
even the least of us, all of us
have something to cry about.
If you can't cry from the remembrance of
Allah, cry from the remembrance of the pitifulness
of your own state and my state.
Share that humiliation and humility that you have
in front of Allah with the only one
who could have done anything for you, and
a couple of things will happen. A, you'll
feel better just because you could share with
somebody who's not going to slap your face
with it or turn their back on you.
The second is what? Is the one he
writes the decree, nobody else writes the decree.
If you say, well, this is religion, and
like Karl Marx, you know, we've become a
big for a lot of the Muslim world
now, even though some people don't like to
admit it. So religion is the opiate of
the masses. Right?
Big Mullahs with big beards and turbans have
put the ummal to sleep by telling them
that they should just make gua, and not
do anything. I'm not saying don't do anything.
The difference between the kafir and the Muslim
is not that the Muslim doesn't participate in
things in the world.
We live in a world of asbaab, of
causes and effects that Allah made for us.
The Muslim vies with that
system, and the kaafir, vies with the system.
The difference is what? Allah feeds everybody.
What does that mean? My mercy
expands over all things, and contains all things.
It means that the mercy of Allah touches
every single person in this world.
Allah says that in the hereafter, it's only
for the people of belief. It's only for
the people of belief.
That in this world, the believer in the
kafir, they put their hand forward and vie
with the world
in order to feed themselves, feed their families,
to put clothes on their back, to put
a roof over their head,
in order to do things that make them
happy, in order to better themselves.
The difference is not that one puts their
hand in and the other doesn't. Both of
them put their hand into the into the
into the system.
The difference is that when we receive something,
we realize
it's still a gift from Allah. You didn't
create the matter from nothing by saying, kunfa
yakun, the air that you breathe and the
water that you drink.
The the crops that you grew, it's not
like you sat down putting nuclear types together
and, like, genetically engineered the
plants that you're growing and the animals that
you milk and that you eat the meat
using matter that you made from scratch. It's
all a gift from
Even the effort we put in is very
Whereas the kafir gives himself a pat on
the back and says, oh, look how smart
I am. Look how smart I am.
And it's not it's not grateful to Allah
for the gifts he's given.
You ask Allah he'll make it happen against
all odds.
Fir'awn had a huge army. Banu Israel were
all slaves. They fought with each other. They
were a disorderly group of people.
Sometimes we think about ourselves, and we see
ourselves in that same state. Right? That we're
slaves to another home, and we're a disorderly
group of people.
the host of their own that outnumbered them,
had them pinned against the the the ocean,
to the point where the the the iman
was shaken even after the people next to
Sayidam Musa alayhis salam who saw all these
miracles already happened.
What did Sayidam Musa alayhis salam
never. My Lord is with me, He'll show
me a way out of this path.
Now tell me, do people
name their children after the fara'ina, or do
they name their children after Sayyidina Musa and
Sayyidina Harun alaymusalam?
Allah will show a path through it.
This is the result of what? This is
the result of your du'as, this is the
result of my du'as.
And Allah will give it to you in
a way that doesn't make you.
The person who has such wealth that makes
you into a rebellious person.
He'll give you what you need, when you
need it, as you need it.
And the choice of Allah is better for
us and more beloved to us than our
choice for ourselves.
So this is important that when you sit
and you make dua, this is one of
the reasons that 'alam Ali mentioned that
it's haram, in some cases it's kufr,
To make dua for something that's haram.
To to to say the words of kufr
to illustrate
something is not itself kufr. We shouldn't say
these things lightly. But if someone were to,
for example, say, give me pork to eat,
or let me commit zina with such and
such person, or let me steal the wealth
of such and such person, or let me
get away with this and not crying.
Why is it considered kufr? It's disrespect. Allah
already gave you, like, a huge universe of
things that you can have, all of which
are beautiful.
And he forbade you from very few things.
He forbade you from very few things.
And he said, as much as you ask
of me,
this is how much you show me that
you're my slave. This is how much I'm
going to give you, and I'll give you
more even on top of that than what
you ask.
If the point of the du'a is to
show your slave to Allah,
then is asking for those things he told
you not to want that you know is
not good for you and it's not good
for another person.
Is this a is this a good thing?
Imagine everybody likes something or another, like everybody
desires something that may be haram, ilham insha'allah.
If you're one of the people who doesn't,
you should make du'a for me too, Masha
Allah, high high.
For the rest of us,
it's normal. These things happen sometimes from time
to time. These thoughts pass through the heart.
Sometimes they're more deeply rooted than we would
Even if you resist it, if you dislike
the fact that this condition is there in
the heart, this is also a good deed.
You'll also be rewarded for it, in fact.
But it's you don't spread your hands in
front of the Lord and ask him for
the things he told you that you're not
supposed to ask for.
Why? It's not an act of worship.
And on the flip side, what is it
everything else? There's so many so few things
that are haram,
and so many things that are jayas. Allah
literally made an agenda for us that we
ask for what we want, and it's created
just for us, by him.
And Allah gave us this dunya that we
can make all sorts of wonderful things. Look
at our civilization. What are the beautiful things
it's made?
Look at the architecture. Look at the fountains.
Look at the books people wrote. Look at
the poetry people wrote. Look at the knowledge.
Look at the arts. Look at all of
these things,
Even in this world, Allah gave us to
make what we wanted.
We just don't ask and we don't seek
those things that are what?
That are prescribed. Why? Because this du'a is
an act of worship. Allah is pleased with
you when you perform it in a way
that you're the slave and He is the
give all of us tawfiq. May Allah accept
from all of us. May Allah
give us the best of this world and
the hereafter. May Allah give us according to
what he knows is best for us. May
Allah give us all the good
things that Nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallam asked
for and protect us from all those evil
things that he asked for protection from. And
whatever we ask that we shouldn't have asked
for, may Allah salallahu alaihi forgive us and
guide us to ask for something