Abdullah Oduro – Friday Jummah 15-03-2024

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam in achieving the ultimate goal of Islam is discussed, including the discovery of its potential for greater happiness and the use of "we gain" to describe experiences with Islam. The importance of fasting during events, being mindful of one's behavior, and consistent askings and actions is emphasized. The need for motivation to stay close to god and desire to be a better person is emphasized, along with the importance of enrolling in spiritual and spiritual conditioning. The segment also touches on the perception of "helpful" and the significance of "helpful" in achieving spiritual motivation. Consistent askings and actions are also emphasized, along with the need for motivation to feel close to god and desire to be a better person.
AI: Transcript ©
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said I want a commitment Allah Who a better cattle

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along like valore who Akbar

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Mohammed or rasuluh

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I should handle Mohammed

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How are ya

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hi Yan

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Allah what bottles on ah

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alone with

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and then hamdulillah who want to stay in a home and still fiddle when are over bIllahi min SharonI and fusina women so yeah Dr Molina Miyata hinda home finance mobile Allahu wa may you live for now howdy Allah. What a shadow Allah Allah in Allah or the whole luxury color or a shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah Zulu. Yeah, are you Hala? Xena? Tapachula have a two party well Atomo tuna Illa one two Muslim moon. Yeah, you had national taco Rob back Kamala the Halacha command nursing Wahida wahala come in has Oh Jaha Well, betheme in Houma region and Catherine, when he saw what duckula Her Lolita sir Aluna be he will or ham in Allaha Khanna Alikum rock Eva Yeah, you have lezing Taco Lucha Kulu

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Poland said either you slept the combined Malecon will feel like on the Lubeck hola hola. Sula, forgot the faster frozen Alima and my bad for in Osaka Hadith he Taboola Oh, Hydra. Hoda who there Mohammed bin Abdullah? sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam or Sharon Maury Matata to her Nicola Sturgeon Vida Colombina at Angola.

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The Golden gala Latin for now.

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And Hamdulillah we praise Allah we seek his aid and we seek his forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves and of our shortcomings. Whomsoever Allah guides and then can misguide. And whomsoever Allah allows to be led astray, none can guide a right now bear witness that there was no one worthy of worship except Allah Who subhanho wa Taala and that Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him as his last messenger and servant. Oh you will believe be mindful of Allah and dinette except in a state of submission to Him alone or humanity. Be mindful of Allah Who created you from a single soul and from that created his meat from that scatters many men and women are humanity be

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mindful of Allah. And do not cut off relations with your kin with your relatives and DT Allah is Araki, easy monitor over you all humanity be mindful of Allah and speak the truth. In order for him to accept you of your deeds and forgive you of our shortcomings and whoever obeys Allah has indeed achieved the greatest achievement as to what follows indeed the best speech is the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the best guidance is out of Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him. And of the worst affairs in our doctrinal system of Islam are the newly invented ones. For every newly invented affair and this situation is an innovation and for every innovation is a form of going

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astray and for every form of going astray is in the fire of *. Brothers, if you can come up and make space for the brothers that are coming in, in sha Allah may Allah reward you for making space for your brothers inshallah challenges come along.

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Enrique is a brother that came to Islam, and further changed his name to Musa

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Janet is a sister that came into a slum and further changed her name to Khadija.

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These two people are real life individuals, these people became Muslim. And Shaban.

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And every single one of us knows what that means. Someone has to break the news.

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in Enrique you know the next month

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is going to be about 30 days.

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You know, in these 30 days,

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you can't eat or drink or be intimate with your partner with your married Partner. If there is if there isn't Hamdulillah you can't eat or drink.

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Many of us hear that now we say whoa. And some of us that are youth we say wow.

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Because the individual this person Enrique or Janet that became Musa Khadija it would be best for them, let's say it would be best for them in their best interests is if they were to make the effort to leave off eating and drinking from the time of glory and Fajr. The time of Frederick comes in till the time when Margaret comes in. Now, let's look at this someone that has been eating and drinking from sunup to sundown or when the time of Fajr comes in to the time of Maghrib. Now they have to stop it.

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They have to stop it during the day, even at work sitting at the lunch table with their co workers with their families, they have to stop, they have to leave off something for something much greater and better.

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Brothers and sisters, there's a simple word called value. We pay money for things that we value. Even if we know it's not worth it, we will pay money for it because there's a certain value. There is an emotion that was elicited for us to go in our pockets or purses or wallets to give up something for something better. As a matter of fact, when you buy a product you're assuming if I pay $5 It's worth more than $5 That's why I paid $5

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giving up something for something greater is what is the goal ultimately of Islam or a fasting particularly when we give up something that is halal and in sometimes in situations obligatory

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giving that up for something greater for Allah subhanho wa Taala for the deen of Islam to come closer to Allah to obtain mindfulness of Allah taqwa, mindfulness of Allah. That is what is much more valuable in the sight of the Muslim

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when they understand what fasting is about. So just mentioning your leaving off eating and drinking for Allah, the one that created you, the one that sustains you, the one that maintains you, when we look at the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we use all of these other names and attributes and see the reflection reflection of those names and attributes on our life that can increase our wherewithal and our motives.

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nation. And that's the first thing I want to ask all of you today, including myself.

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What is our ultimate motivation behind fasting?

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On top of that, what is our ultimate motivation behind fasting in the month of Ramadan? Because when I say fasting you confess outside of the month of Ramadan as well. It's the same generic goal to obtain mindfulness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that mindfulness will motivate you to do the actions requested by the deen of Islam

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so we're looking at Firstly your perception of Ramadan

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What is your perception of it? Because brothers and sisters if when we think Ramadan is man I just can't eat and drink

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if we think of Ramadan is I have to leave off those things that I usually like to do

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then that isn't perception that is deficient.

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But there's always room being that Allah has sustained our lives till now

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to enhance strengthen that perception to where it gives us a spiritual motivation behind leaving off eating and drinking behind leaving off our desires

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as Subhanallah even okay am Rahim Allah Tada he mentioned

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image imagine is my jammy soul, a brothel calm he talks about the four primary things that

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are the essence or the elements of a sick heart. One of them he mentioned mentioned is horse, it is eagerness, diligence, if you will.

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But how is that the case? When he mentioned hitters? He said Harris who are the apologia abana Adam men agenda? What are the holler who fear?

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He said horse eagerness is that which took Adam out of heaven. But it's the same thing that brought him back to heaven.

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It took him out of heaven because of the eagerness to what listen to che thought and he ate took from the tree. And then their private parts revealed and then Allah subhanaw taala told him bitumen had me on your cast out of heaven because of that sin that was committed that hit us but they are being diligent and obeying Allah subhanaw taala being a prophet, and calling people to that hit us fit Tawheed in the Oneness of Allah is what will bring us back into Jana.

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So when we look at this month of Ramadan, it is important for us do the monotony of the day of being busy day in and day out. To ask ourselves to be honest, have I conditioned myself to where I feel this eagerness to fasten this month,

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this eagerness to come to the masjid the majority of the month I probably have not the majority of the months I have, but I want to take it and step it up a notch. I want to try to get here during the event before the iqama I want to step it up a notch. I want to challenge myself. I want to sit with my family and read the Quran, something that you have not done in the 11 months prior or 10 months prior.

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Something that you have not done. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam he says in the beautiful Hadith as we all know and this hadith should should stay in our minds in our hearts in sha Allah. He says Madame Jada cola Zuhdi Well, I'm gonna be here. Well Johanna Falaise Allah He had a tune and the other Brahma who was shot of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever doesn't abandon

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ill speech and actions and ignorance, then Allah is not in need of his abandoning, or abstaining from eating or drinking. This hadith is so sham and it is so comprehensive how? When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Whoever doesn't yet die, and yet that is yet took means to voluntarily leave something off.

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He talks about leaving off Ill speech. Let's stop for a second ill speech cursing, backbiting.

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We fast from food, but we eat our brother and sisters backs. When Allah subhanho wa Taala says no Quran when he speaks about Heba when a young Bow, bow bow and do not back by one another, are you him or her to come and yet call Allah ke

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Matan tummo Allah subhanho wa Taala compares backbiting, to backbiting.

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He says, And do not back by one another, would you he asked rhetorical question, Would you like one of you to eat the flesh of your dead brother, you would hate that. Looking at the comparison of it, the person doesn't know that you're speaking badly about them because they're not present. And you are taking some of their honor. So he compares it to back taking the flesh out of their back.

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So are we fasting from the tangible food but spiritually, we're eating someone's back. We all have to look at ourselves and hold ourselves accountable, especially when we are amongst our family members and our close friends. And they ask you How was work today, and you start to speak about your fellow brother or sister or even non Muslim, and you speak badly about them something that you know, they wouldn't, you would not say in their face?

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Bola Zoar.

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Well, the MLB and acting upon it, acting upon it, acting in a bad fashion, in a bad way bad conduct, the way that we may act with our families, and outside of our households, but particularly around those that are close to us that know our secrets. Even with those that know our secrets, only that person and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows, this is where you work on yourself starting this month, not only this month, some of us as fathers may raise our voice at our wives in front of our children, some of us may raise our voice at our children. Some of us have probably haven't talked to our children for years.

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It is important for us to look in the mirror, and to work as hard as we can, starting this month of Ramadan, not only the month of Ramadan, but to start in this month of Ramadan.

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So when the Prophet SAW Selim also says well, Jala and ignorance, ignorance, not meaning lack of knowledge, meaning you act, you're acting ignorant ly, you're not acting like a civilized, dignified Muslim. You are not acting like someone that's aware of Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is important as well, staying away from those things that can elicit or influence us to do one of the three.

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Those things that can elicit us or influence us to talk badly, to say bad words, to see words that are not befitting for the Muslim,

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or to act in that way, being around certain friends, whether it's on the basketball court, or it's in the lounge, or it's in the office, if we have to be around them, we make certain certain statements such as you know, I don't think that's the best course of action. I don't think I would want to say something like that. If it was said about me, I would have a second thoughts about that. Or let's change the conversation, if you don't mind. Or let's conclude this meeting. Are we done with the items on this meeting, just like I have something to do you really the only thing you have to do is to get up and get out.

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These things, it's not easy, but stop and think about it. It's not supposed to be

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it's not supposed to be easy.

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Because what we really value takes work, if we really value it

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and we will work hard in order to attain that honorable position. Because if not, it can just be subjected to abstaining from eating and drinking.

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And Allah is not in need of that. Allah is Allah honey. And the beautiful thing about the new middle honey is that he has endless money meaning that he is self sufficient he is free from any need and he is also an Mullaney meaning that he gives the self sufficiency and contentment to His servants all of us. So when you come closer to El Rani, he makes you and money as well he makes you someone that is sufficient. You do not need to be around those people that have a bad influence on you. You do not need to be on your phone scrolling for two hours and you thought it was only two minutes.

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You don't need to be on those electronics that we should try to even fast from in the month of Ramadan. So may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us of those that practice good speech and acting on it accordingly and to be a tentative of the way that we act in secret and in open alone and in a congregation vertical offical.

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A cola cola was stuck for a while they were like only settling Muslim infrastructural. No one can afford it right

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Alhamdulillah they said he was Trakula volatile faith he won't in any brothers at hamdulillah it's crowded So Al Hamdulillah please come up and make space for the brothers that are coming in back of you Michelle at the vertical logic Xochimilco here. So this is the first thing it's important for us in the beginning of this month of Ramadan is to consistently ask ourselves How do I feel? Do I feel motivated in this month, and brothers and sisters make no mistake, it is totally fine to have that feeling of saying, You know what, I'm not that motivated, but be aware because it could be an influence that is taking you away from the remembrance of Allah and acting upon it ie it can be

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something that is satanic, it can be something that is calling you to do the lesser action of good because Satan wants to take you away from good in totality or he wants to take you away from being the best version of yourself and being sufficient in something something that could is not as good as your potential. You have the potentiality to do much better, but because of laziness or because of fear, or because of indifference you don't

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that is what this month of Ramadan is for us to challenge ourselves consistently.

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So with the motivation looking at our perception of Ramadan how do we view Ramadan? What do we want from Ramadan? What does Allah want from Ramadan? What are we learning about Ramadan? How we are struggling in Ramadan, accepting the pain in our stomachs, accepting the pain in our mind of fighting ourselves in our desires and in our hearts? Because there is a destination three a hadith I mentioned every year. And it's important for us to memorize this because it sums up this motivation and destination motivation. Yeah Nia intention

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and destination

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with our intention of Ramadan, what do we want out of it?

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The province that Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, and the first Hadith Minh sama Ramadan,

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Eman YT saben goofier Allah who met zakat demons and be the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says

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man karma Ramadan, Eman YT seven Luffy Rolla who might be the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Man Carl Malayala telecabine Eman were 87 Luffy to Allah Who met him in Danby.

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All these Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan

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with pure faith,

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with a man with belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala and hope for his reward, his or her previous sins will be forgiven. Second Hadith, whoever stands in the month of Ramadan in prayer with faith and hoping Allah subhanaw taala hoping for the reward, his previous sins will be forgiven and the last Hadith whoever stands in the night of later Takada, the Night of Power, for lack of a better translation

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with faith in Allah, hoping for his reward his or her previous sins will be forgiven as you can see the same thing was mentioned Eman? What is seven? Eman is the belief. What pushed you What motivated you?

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If it was something of this worldly life, meaning I am faxing fasting because I want to lose 20 calories this month.

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I'm fasting because you don't my diabetes is at a high level and I was told fasting would help and sharp and hamdulillah Ramadan is close.

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There is nothing ultimately wrong with this intention. But it is a deficient intention and it is depriving you from these ahaadeeth It is depriving you from the reward from Allah subhanho wa taala.

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The voluntary deprivation should be for spiritual conditioning, spiritual, spiritual conditioning.

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So when you deprive yourself of eating and drinking and fulfilling your desire,

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who feels like Metallica at the moment, then lick your previous sins will be forgiven. So Whoever fasts this month of Ramadan

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with faith in Allah, faith that Allah means what? I believe that Allah subhanaw taala legislated this month because it's best for me. I believe that Allah smart Allah will forgive me for my sins, if I if I'm sincere. I believe that the religion of Islam is here to make me a better person individually and

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To make us better collectively, I believe that he's legislated the prayer after Isha for a communal benefit, and many more benefits that I don't even know about, and I may discover them. This is what we mean. Amen. And you get up and pray in the middle of the night because you want God to be happy, very simple. You want to go to heaven. Simple. You want God to be happy with you, because he has legislated and whatever he has legislated for you. is better for you. If you but new

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Eman 87 is the destination. What do I want from this? I want gender. We're not going to trivialize this. We do this because we want to go to heaven. We want the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Tada. We want Allah to be pleased with us. And that desire of wanting to be pleased when Allah to be pleased with you, again, is established and strengthened. When we come close to Allah and brothers and sisters. One easy way to come close to Allah is to sit alone with yourself with no electronics.

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Some of the youth may call that board Yeah.

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Sit alone and just think about your life or life. Think about what have I done? That is commendable, and say it hamdulillah just to yourself. What do I need work on because I have problems or Allah helped me or Allah helped me or Allah helped make me patient. All I'm trying my best making alone.

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This is how one has intimate moments with Allah at saben wanting the reward from Allah consistently because you acknowledge your faults, and your motivation was ALLAH Your destination is ultimately Allah, your previous sins will be forgiven. So let's remember these two Hadith brothers and sisters. And let's remember this beautiful month of motivation to stay motivated in sha Allah to Allah which will translate the transition over to wanting the destination. By the second week we are disciplined we don't need motivation.

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And we are disciplined to reach this point with Allah subhanho wa Taala to feel that feeling of coming close to him and only each and every single one of you know individually how that feels asking a lot to bring us to that on every single moment of our lives rather than an act and if you're doing your house and your food as you're working either not rubbing up feeling I don't even know what to say I didn't want to offend the Marlboro era but I mean your alignment here yellow for hemophilia men and women in Europe anatomy and Allama sort of stem on Muslim in Allah Musa masala fina field hacia Ramadan I mean a lot more sort of slam on Muslim and feel hacia Ramadan I mean all

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I hope our weekend destitute brothers and sisters and across the Arab anatomy and in Kashmir or beyond I mean whoa even Muslims Arab let me know if you Rohingya era Bill Alaminos the Sudan Euro bill and I mean yeah you know me yeah you know in in Allah yet anyway it's a little CORBA we don't have unfortunately will monkey well he got a document under contract for the Columbia commercial and net me he has income and the remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing and Allah is well aware of what you do Aki masala

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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

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