Abdullah Hakim Quick – The Emergence-Ten Tenets of Islamic Revival #5

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The importance of seeing the physical presence of Islam in Western countries is discussed, as it is crucial for Islam to be a vibrant way of life. The speakers emphasize the need for strong families and empowered families to flourish the community, as well as the importance of learning and movement in the context of the colonial period. The speakers also touch on the "immaterialistic" aspect of Islam, where schools and family traditions are not present, and emphasize the importance of empowering families with distinct anti-ma'am behavior. The speakers also mention upcoming events and events like the Islamic withdrawals and the return to life.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right, because we load off model him at hamdulillah blandina Selena homosalate Mubarak ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain. Welcome everyone I hope you're doing well My name is Mahmoud Hassan and I am here to introduce you all to this brand new live with tshabalala Hakeem quick shout, Allahu Allah, we have all Mashallah we already have at the 15th, we have about 50 people who are joining us. So this is a good time, I guess, for everyone. So let me go ahead and bring the chef in sha Allah to Allah right away.

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So we can have them join us be the last I don't want to elaborate. That's tshabalala How are you?

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Fine today, may Allah subhanaw taala bless you and give you an agenda. It's been a pleasure talking to you. This past couple of weeks, these lives have been quite beneficial, handled on a number of people or is increasing on a regular basis. And I'd like to, I guess, really introduce the topic that we're talking about here. And this is again, the slides that were that we're doing are basically a review or an in detail discussion of what we were talking about in the previous video that you've just that you've just released, which is basically the the emergence the 10 tenants of Islamic revival. Sheikh Abdullah once again really quickly this time, because I really want to get

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into today's topic. It really important. Let's talk really quickly about why the emergence Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim Hamdulillah, sort of Solo Solo about the emergence or the awakening, I believe is one of the most crucial issues facing the Muslim communities today. And this idea came about after 50 years in the field, learning, teaching, experiencing interacting, traveling to 20 African countries, all over the Americas 63 countries over the world, and not traveling for sightseeing. I went to these countries to be with the Muslims. And I investigated the history, I live with them, I entered their homes, I entered their masters talk to the leadership to try to understand what was

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happening in the Muslim world. And ultimately, what could be done to help us because we have great potential. We have over 26% of the earth's population. We have so many youth we have so many resources, but we're not getting the results. People are actually running out of the Muslim world. And this discussion really began focusing on Western societies, meaning the Americas, Europe, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and focusing on these countries

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in the sense that the communities have become stagnated. There were many masters were immigrants had come in, and they had opened up Islamic centers and had programs. But after September 11, and after the rise of Islamophobia, a type of stagnation came into our communities. They were also especially in the United States in the Caribbean, indigenous communities. And these are the people of the land itself, who formed the Islamic centers and movements and, and went through a lot of different changes. And after facing repression and Islamophobia, the leadership being driven away or driven underground, a type of stagnation has come over the communities and people are looking for a way

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out. Everybody is crying for change. So this emergence, then, our practical steps as to how we can come out of this slumber, so to speak, and reemerge in the same way that a plant re emerges in the spring after being hidden underground during the cold season. So these are 10 practical points that I think

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found on the ground from actually dealing with the communities? How can we revive Islam? How can we revive our communities so that Islam becomes a vibrant way of life, so that our children can can look and see a Muslim community they can identify with in many parts of the Western world, and now the world. The children don't have an example in front of them.

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They can only read books, but they don't have a living community. And that's crucial because the Muslims, oma is a jamaa. You know, it is it is a group. And it is important for us to see how we can practically come out of this slump. Wonderful show. So, let me, I want to move really quickly today. So, I'm going to challenge you on a couple of things here, if you don't mind. So we talked about today's is the tenant number four. So in one sentence, I'm going to name the tenant, the one that we talked about before, and I just want you to explain to me quickly what it is. So the first tenant is the over the top.

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Right, so this is this is the increase in the consciousness of Allah in all different aspects of our life.

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Okay, wonderful. The second tenet was authentic resources. And that that, that means going back to the foundations of Islam, separating Islam from culture, basing our Islamic lifestyle, our Islamic movement, not on cultural things, not what our village did, or people did, but based upon the the prophetic model of a community or a family. Perfect. And the third lecture, which is the one that we did last week, which is perfection of was it was that is that was that the last one? Or am I making a mistake? Yeah, we're actually on number five now. We're on number five. Okay, so the third one was perfection of of character character. Yes. So this is focusing on Islamic character. And it really

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is in our teachings, not just focusing on rituals, we teach in our schools about that. So it's not just that, but it is going beyond the ritual. As to why do we pray, why do we fast? You know, the spirit, you know, of the rituals itself? And what's the one that I missed? Yeah, sorry, forgive me forth that we took last class is wisdom and balance. Hello, Aquarius. And that is the hikma putting things in the proper place. And that's what's missing in in so many cases, I found this on the ground, that there were people who had memorized the whole court and they had hundreds of Hadith. They were scholars, but they didn't have the wisdom to put it into practice. They wouldn't give

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people fetch was that were outdated. They didn't understand the conditions of the people who they were dealing with on the ground. And so that's what wisdom is.

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Yeah, and let's just use an example real quick from this last one here. Because I think that's a really essential one to to understand, which is basically not understanding the actual issues on the ground and given fatwas from, I guess, what you're saying is that

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making religious rulings without contextualizing the knowledge itself, right. So So for instance, you know, people would deal with the masjid, they would deal with the community, as though they were living within an Islamic majority area. But they were actually living it, they were minorities. And many of the people living around them, were actually non Muslims. So therefore, do you call the adon? Out Loud blasting in the streets? You know, do you stop traffic on Juma? You can't necessarily do that. Or when you're building your mustard? Do you build this structure, that that's a beautiful building with a big green dome, in the middle of an urban city with red bricks sticking out, like

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like, like a sore thumb, so to speak? Or to do you build it based on the materials of the land that you're living in, but you make it in an Islamic way? So people can look at that building? And know there's something different about it, yet it's part of the society we're living. You see, that's the context. Whereas other people will build a mastered like India, or like Africa, or like like the Middle East or turkey. That's out of context. But this is but you sometimes feel a sense of I guess, really?

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Do you feel for the people sometimes I think because what you're talking about here and something that I guess I

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you and I would differ from a lot of other Muslims for instance, which is the fact that they they miss back home. So what they do is they don't actually what they're doing is it's not it's not really a religion that they're trying to attach themselves to is actually they just, they just wanted they just want a piece of back home. Exactly. And there's nothing wrong with that. Because to a certain extent, in western countries, the mustard becomes like a cultural center. Yes. Now, the time of the Prophet Sal send them. The original Masjid was what you

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Call an all purpose Islamic center. So therefore, all types of activities were going on in the masjid, not just prayer, there was education, there was feeding the poor, there was dealing with new Muslims. There were even townhall meetings were political questions, were actually disgust inside of the mustard. Now the issue is, if you have a mustard if you're in a city, and you have a Masjid, that contains people from Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, what culture you can't have a specific culture.

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You see you we have to blend ourselves and the basis of the masjid would be based upon the principles of Islam.

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So that's the wisdom in separating Islam from culture, you know, and being able to relate to the people because one of the aspects, important aspects of any Masjid is Dawa. And that is to relate to the people. We're not supposed to look like an alien, flying saucer or any entity that has landed in their community. We're supposed to look at part of the community who has embraced Islam. But we are connected to the community. We feel the pain of the people who are around us. The budget is set up in such a way that it helps to it deals with the needs of the people. That's the way of the Prophet peace and blessings be party that is crucial for the emergence to go from irrelevancy to relevancy,

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to go from survival, to Revival a lot. And this brings us to the last point here that we want to talk about today. So today, we're actually at point number five. And before I, I really mentioned this here, I do want to engage a little bit some of the viewers were at 50 viewers 109 right now, so we can get you all shallow data to go ahead and type stuff, type up some of your questions about

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where you're joining us from being the lay down. This is a live stream with shahidullah Hakeem quick we are live. And we are talking about the most recent video, I'm going to actually post that up on on on the on the page here, we'll quickly shall it's on our YouTube channel. And it's about the emergence, which is basically 10 tenants of Islamic revival. These are 10 points that Shahada, Allah Hakeem quick has, has been formulating, I guess, for

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really a long time since he's been around and he's been teaching, Shahada. Allah has been on all every single continent humbler teaching, not just not just visiting as he, as he would say, but also teaching and going around and talking to the people and being a part of the actual leadership inshallah. So go ahead. Tell us where you're joining us from. If you have any questions for the Shelby delay dollar, we'll go ahead and we'll ask them. At this time here in sha Allah, Sheikh Abdullah, I want you to introduce to us today's actual fifth tenant, I believe you called it the empowerment of healthy families. Right. So this, this tenant now is a very important one. And this

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is a structural tenant in the emergence because for any society or group to emerge, it has to have a strong foundation. And that I believe, is that is part of the difference between what the prophet SAW Selim called without a sale. And he described a time when people Muslims would be like the phone, or the other tweaks on a river pushed to one side or another. It's got no roots. So healthy, empowered families is an important part of an awakening of an emergence. How did I come about this? Again, taking us back to this amazing experience that I had, being given the responsibility to be the mom of the director of the Islamic center of Toronto known as the Jami mosque. That is a night

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between 84 1985 and 1990. So during that time, it was growing by leaps and bounds. And we had over 1000 people for Joomla by 1987. People from all parts of the world, all schools of thoughts, all ethnicities, all Islamic movements. And I came to the community fired up from a student of knowledge prepared to deal with RP the questions to bid Ah, you know, and the wrong understanding of fit, you know, and to deal with these academic issues. But after a few years dealing with the community, I realized that most of the problems most of the issues that Muslims were facing was social issues. It was dealing with the families, I was overwhelmed with questions of talaq divorce. How do parents

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deal with adolescents did they use to a running away? How do you deal with a Muslim who's on drugs?

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How do you deal with abuse in the family?

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is there is there a place where a Muslim sister can go and there is privacy there is

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You know, a type of responsibility that the counselors have. And so after five years in the Jami mosque,

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this is like a microcosm of the Muslim world. There were political issues that happened. One faction, one of the control the mosque, this is this is a typical thing that happens, you know, in most with Muslims in the Western world, because there's no Islamic government. So the masjid in itself becomes like a government. And so people bring in their tribes and ethnicity. And so I eventually left the Islamic Center, and I opened up Islamic social services. And so this was a counseling Dawa center that was dealing with the spreading of Islam, the issues of new Muslims, and also dealing with the problems of the community. And over the years in Israel, and this was a good

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eight years, in one office altogether is about 10 years, in dealing with this counseling. At some points, we had hundreds of cases, we had a hotline with different languages, hundreds of cases of Muslims calling in with family problems with social issues with their children running away. They they were, they were away from their, their culture, and they were lost in the Western world. And so I realized that one of the key issues now facing our community, which has sort of gone into a type of amnesia, you know, a type of weird a coma. One of the key issues after our tauheed Arpita, after understanding the Sunda

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is our families, the families are the building block of the community. And as a historian, I looked at Islam and the different changes that it went through. And people tend to look at that history from a political point of view. So they want to know who are the kings, who are the rulers. So they look at Islam, and they say, Hola, fowl, Rashi Deen. And then they say well made period of acid period. And then they say, the seljuks here, and then they go on to the Mum, Luke's and the Ottomans, you know, and then broken up in the colonial period. So they're looking at the power structure on the top. But another way to look at history, which I believe is more of the Islamic

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way, is to not look at it top down, but to look at it bottom up to look at the Society of Muslims. And what I realized is one of the key elements after the belief in one God, and the preserved Sunda that we had, one of the key elements that enabled Muslims to continue on through history, and to revive itself is that we had strong families, we had family units. And I remember the Somalis, tribes coming into Toronto and how Jami mosque was was was the base, I had all the different factions from Somalia, and I became very close to smacks. And the Somalis told me that their rula car battery, who many consider to be a dictator, that he controlled political life, economic life

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village, you couldn't say anything. But car battery with all the power that he had, he would never come inside of a Muslim house and tell the family how to deal with their children.

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Because that was the basis that was something that continued on and so dictators come and dictators go, good leaders, bad leaders. But as long as the foundation is there, then we can come back to life, because our foundation is there. But when the foundation is broken up, when the foundation becomes weak and scattered, then even though a strong leader comes there's nothing for him to deal with this confusion on the ground. And so therefore, work healthy, empowered families. Focus This is a focus we should have. People say what should we focus on? Should we focus on our feeder? Should we focus on Tbilisi, should we focus on education and movements have based themselves on it? to come

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out of this stagnation? One of the areas that Muslims need to see as their duty is to establish strong empowered families? Mm hmm.

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Yeah, just just without interrupting you, but what is the reason for I guess Really? Like the neglect neglecting this, this aspect of it, it's not like it's it's not like the process often didn't for instance, talk about this, you know what I mean, the prophecy like even Allah subhanho wa Taala says cuan for sicoma alikum. Now this is very strong emphasis on the fact that your family is really crucial for you. But yet, it seems like we've moved away from that, that foundational aspect of it into like a more ritualistic understanding of things. So So, you know, I talk about the classes for instance, you know, we have classes

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And phrases that so many of them, right? Do you know what I mean? That actually like teach you how to pray, how to go through the whole?

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Like the rituals, right? How do you make what do how do you and we spent so much time on that. But when I compare the classes that are happening in Islamic institutions and in schools and so on so forth,

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family classes are not there for us is how to be a good husband, for instance, and that they're not that many, I mean, notice humbly, that things are getting better, how to even father, children, how to mother children, how to be a house leader, how to be

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you know, how to be a mother of a household, you know, all these things, they're not, there's not much written about it is that reason for the show.

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You know, sometimes we take things for granted. And, you know, coming out of the Muslim world, and the Muslim world had evolved to the point where it was probably the strongest nation or Empire on earth. And we controlled large areas of land, our teachings are, our influence was there, we had solid, you know, family traditions, these families turned into tribes. And sometimes the tribe actually became a nation. Like in the case of the Ottomans, who started off as the KE, you know, who were part of the of the Turkish nations who had migrated West. And so the Ks eventually became the Ottomans. You know, so they literally became an empire and then turned into the Philippines. And so

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it moved from that family base, you know, right up to the top now, colonial period comes in, when our countries were controlled, the leadership is taken apart, languages of authority and education are changed. And then upward mobility is to look like the colonial Master, like British, you act French, you ask Italian. And then if you want to get a good education, you travel. And so what eventually happened as a result of the colonial period, and the devastation of the Muslim world, is that Muslims migrated in unprecedented numbers to the Western world. This is something that had never happened before.

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And I remember a scholarship jawfish ik Idris, you know, from the Sudan, and I was with him on a platform. And he said to the people, I haven't I can't, I've never seen in Islamic history, where were Muslims migrated to a country just to eat food, or just to be you know, have running water or electricity. So So Muslims were outside of their realm. Now, there was a reason for it. Because there was devastation in our countries, there was drought, there was there was political tyranny from our own people. But the reality was with with scattered with thrown into these countries, that have a different basis in society, we're coming out of Christmas now. Christmas season is there with

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Christmas trees, giving gifts, then it goes into New Year's and Valentine's Day, and then it goes into Easter. These are Christian countries, then it goes into Halloween, and all these things for the children to do dress up like a little devil. Right? So these are cultural family traditions, from another religion, and we're lost. We're out of our country. Now. How do we come back? We have to empower our families. We have to empower our women, number one,

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not just with cooking abilities, but they have to understand their Arpita they fit, they have to be powered, even in terms of the mustards, having, you know, sisters in leadership roles within our communities, helping to shape the future of our communities. And the family is empowered. The husband is not a dictator, who just comes home, and all the children run away. Because this lion is coming in the house, though the father is the Amir. And he takes Sure, so the children love to be with him. The children can even criticize him. The wife loves to be around her husband because she can say her opinion. And that's how the family grows. That's what empowerment is. So and now this

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has taken a new dimension, because I was focusing on healthy in a general sense but now with COVID-19. It is crucial for our families to be healthy. And what does that mean in these times? That means go back to the Sunda be positive. Don't bank your life or the vaccine. The vaccine can help in many ways, but the real type of defense against any disease comes from healthy living. It comes from taharah purity, taking up the black seed because the prophet SAW Selim said it will cure anything except death. Knowing how to live that Sunda healthy life empowerment physically

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empowerment mentally, not being caught up by the cell phones and the cyberspace, exercising, you know, going out into nature, these are all forms of empowerment of our societies and of our families. And this is crucial for the emergence. And this is something that many times, you know, brothers, especially,

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including myself, brothers tended to forget. So we said, I have the leader. And I want two wives, I want three wives, I want to, you know, be the shack I want to do this. But if you have the best Arpita, or if you have the best Victrola, or you have the best tub leak, but your family is broken up, you're going nowhere.

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You're just blowing hot air. Because there's nobody to listen to you. There's no basis to this. And this is why this point is really crucial. I put it right in the middle of the points. It's like the transition point. Number five, going into the second part, is very crucial point to remember, and to focus on with our life as Muslims, one of us so I just want to summarize what you talked about, because I want to know if I understood you correctly here, so you're talking about empowerment of the families here. But the first thing that you've actually mentioned, which is basically actual educational, I guess, the education aspects are so empowering our, our wives, our daughters, our

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sisters, our sons, and our family members, really, in essence, our sons, our brothers, and our fathers really, in a sense as well, to empower them with education. Okay. And the second thing that you've actually mentioned, which I think was quite important, as well, which is also empowering them in terms of like leadership skills, teaching them how to take, how to make decisions, how to

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how to be a part of the discussion to open discussion, right. And this, I mean, this happens a lot right now. Especially for the sisters, right, where you're focusing on. And then the third part, which I really liked what you said here, which is, it is quite lacking in the community itself, right, which is actual physical empowerment, strength, your sound like a physical health, education, of how to eat education of how to how to exercise, all these kinds of things that we belittle really, in essence, but they're quite crucial. They're quite important for us. Now we know. You know, they, like you've mentioned this many times, and I'm just really reiterating. But with the

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emergence of COVID-19. Right now, we now are noticing the fact how our physical health is just not meeting up with our needs, how our how our mental or mental abilities themselves, we thought we were good. But before we were just being masked, now, a little bit of pressure, and we're just about to blow up, right, in a sense. So these are three things that I think are really crucial. And it just remind me if I if I miss something, so we're talking about educational, we're talking about actual

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educational, we're talking about knowledge and education, knowledge and then physical itself. And, and leadership skills. What else are we talking about?

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I would even take it to the point of economic empowerment. And that is that in many cases, we depended upon one person, it was the man who was the breadwinner. button, it's important for women even to be able to provide for themselves, that they have trades, that they have skills. What happens when the father, if the father dies, may Allah forbid, what happens if there's a divorce? You know, I've been counseling hundreds of women. And I found that sometimes the woman at first she's lost, because she's not empowered. So the sister has to be empowered. That was the whole concept of the marriage in the beginning the dowry, the Maha is not supposed to be this symbolic

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thing. It's supposed to be wealth, which is given to the woman so that she, if anything happens, she has something to fall back on. Uh huh. So the empowered family is one that can continue on, even if the father is away, or if he's ill. Or if he dies, the family continues. And then these families consolidate each other, the building blocks relate to each other. So our families are not islands unto themselves. They are connected to other families. And though and those family units connecting, and it's so beautiful, when we can connect to other families outside of our race, or our tribe, because that's what Islam is. That's what the Sunnah is. And so when these building blocks are

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connected together, then we have a solid Muslim community. And then, when the right time comes, we start to emerge with the other elements. We start to emerge. We withstand the pressure of the COVID-19 of the economic recession, Islamophobia.

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Because we're being the winds are blowing on us, but this helps us to become not without a sail pushed to one side or the other. But we have strong roots. Our families are rooted and we're all connected directly to Allah subhanho wa Taala Mm hmm. Wonderful Chef tshabalala a couple of people are actually asking if they can ask questions. I don't know I didn't want to say yes or no.

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Yeah, all right. So yes, for those of you who are asking if you can ask questions, go ahead and drop your questions in the comments inshallah Allah we will see if the shotgun shall go through them. And as we're doing this, I do want to recognize some of the people who are with us today we're up to 50 viewers at a time 100 I help a lot I mean that we're watching here we were up to 60 an hour back to 50 here so go ahead and share

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this live show with other people I you know, I see some people who are sharing it with a lot of people whom Allah subhanaw taala Bless you. I was me I see that you're you're sharing it with everybody you're taking people home they're loving Allah bless you, man. I give you all the reward. Hello, Talia Sokolov knucklehead.

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Let's go ahead and see where we're connecting from here in sha Allah Allah and

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um yes, so the first place always chef sister always joins us Mashallah from Cape Town. Mashallah. We have another shahida Ismail from Cape Town as well. hamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala Bless you. Minneapolis is always always consistently with us. 100 and all of our

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we have from kilifi County I hope I'm pronouncing it right is from Kenya. Mashallah. And Amsterdam, New York.

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And we have from Charlotte North Carolina. Mashallah. So we're all over the place. We have East Windsor from New Jersey,

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California, Los Angeles.

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We have new york Muslims living in New Jersey. So I guess I guess.

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Yes, yes, we give a shout out to Kyle Harris. Harris has our you know, part of our family as well.

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As Kyle does Harris is our is actually my wife's side of the family.

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actually connected to Kamala Harris to Vice President.

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Paris's are part of our clan is wonderful, beautiful. hamdulillah. All right. We do have.

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So here's a question. Actually, this is not the question. This is sorry, I guess I missed a good Yep. So I'm assuming it's from Guyana, South America Caribbean region, he was privileged to be an audience of a lecture where the chef also prayed behind you a couple of years ago, he says though,

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there's a lot of connections, even around the world many times so this is this is a blessing May Allah subhanho wa Taala give you gentlemen sha Allah

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as long as you've been serving washington dc as well Octopod he visited you in 91. He says

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Mashallah, we have some people joining us from Maryland as well.

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And I want to mention everybody, I really don't want to skip out on anybody else. inshallah. So if you have any questions at this time here, go ahead and comment on this. Yes, we have a new jersey again, from a Sultana, she also always joins us in sha Allah. Right? And

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who else do we have? So now we have a question here. And this is here from with a local man. So it says how to empower families with distinct anti marriage anti male anti government sentiments.

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He says that what you're saying about the Akita, and the broken family is something that we agree on. What is the role of money in all of this? empowerment? I guess this question here probably came a couple of moments before you're talking about the

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defy the, the economical, so expound on the money part of it and talk about economics. Yes, I mean, money itself, you know, is just, you know, a piece of paper, what we're talking about is our economic life, you know, and that is how do we provide for ourselves. So from from youth, our children need to get a development skills training, women need to have skills training, our families need to be units that provide for themselves. What is important from our Sunda is how to earn it a Holloway, how to be involved in gaining our risk without taking interest, staying out of mortgages and loans, and, you know, getting back to more healthy, you know, type of trade, you know, itself,

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that that this is really important, and especially for women, and you see me emphasizing women, because I was you know, we had a social service agency, I was in the field for 10 years, and I recognize how important Muslim women are. If Muslim women go down. Everybody's gonna go down. Mm hmm.

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So the empowerment is important. And yes, you know, you know, the children need to learn the youth need to learn how to handle money, how to save, you know how to live a Sunder life, which means that we don't waste a lot of money. We don't waste water. You know, we're not extravagant scrubs, on our clothes. We don't follow fashions, you know, our fashion is based on some nut, but we are living in a country where we live in, we learn to be, you know, people who are moderate, again, you see the balance. That's the other point. hikma and balance, yes, part of the balance of life. Right. and academia economic part, is a really important part of empowerment, you know, which will eventually

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come in the end, when we're talking about the last point for the whole community, but for the family, it is the concept of wealth. It is the concept of being balanced. And the concept of risk that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who provides and if Allah does not will for you to get something, you will not get it. If Allah wills for you to get something that nobody can stop you. But at the same time, we depend on a law, and we tie accountable. And this is really important shift that to talk about this because you know, I guess really for for men, and I don't I don't know if I'm going to be politically correct. If I say this here, but in the West, for men, to not be

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might be a little bit easier on us really, in a sense, then then our sisters who are not financially independent enough, and then they would, you know, them having to work extra jobs, then having

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having to work for low paying jobs, for instance, been in low positions of, of actual of work in any sort of company, and so on so forth, you're clearly going to be like women are women as a whole already are being persecuted as a whole, right in any kind of so now imagine our sisters, for instance, not getting not being educated, having to take low paying jobs having to be in positions where there is no power there is men telling them what to do, where there's other women who are telling them what to do. And therefore, you'll see that they will be forced to either compromise their religion at some sort of sense or, you know, go for other work, which is just reduces it

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reduces basically their actual like income and their political their their economical power as well. Right.

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This is crucial. I have brother Phil here joining us from Nigeria, I just want to recognize him. I have to simulate joining us from Paris here from Baltimore, New York. And then we have a question here. Chef, what is the role of local Islamic governance in all of this? Yeah. Okay. We're starting from the ground up. And, you know, the Islamic Revolution, so to speak, you know, our development is not up down. The Marxist Leninist concept is to have a state to have leadership. And then you deal with the bottom Our way is the mecca before Medina. Mm hmm. So in other words, we build from the bottom with the families and the communities, you know, and then it starts to go to higher level,

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higher level, higher level, that is where the communities joining together, you know, form a society, you know, and then it starts to move up. But it's important for us to start from the beginning. That's why when we talk about emergence, we're talking about something coming up. You see it not coming down? Well, we're down under the ground, and we need to come back to life. We need Islamic revival. So how are we going to do this? And we need to see this many times. And I say this with all respects to certain Islamic movements that I travel with. The brothers were out on the path. You know, they were spending this much time in this country and traveling around and somebody

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said, Okay, brother, what about your family?

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You left your family for three months, in a housing project in Chicago? How are they going to live? Mm hmm. And he said, Oh, I will back out. I said, DEEK read the last one. You know, he gave everything to the prophet and he only left his family with, you know, Allah and His messenger. Right? That was a buck, I said, Deke read the last one, who was an established business person who had a community around him, whose family was at a high level of Deen. It's not somebody who just embraced Islam in a housing project in Chicago. Right. So we have to realize that our emergence now is not running away from family responsibility, but to see the empowered family as one of the key

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parts of our Islamic development.

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It's like a badge of honor.

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We need to actually honor in a sense, you know, and celebrate those families who have stayed together.

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for 30 4050 years, if you have somebody who was married for 40 years, you know that that's a badge of honor. Right? And that's how it needs to be looked at in our communities today. Because the children if they don't have healthy families, that they will be lost. They will be confused. And that's what's happening now. Many of our children are running in the streets, you know, they are rebelling, they were doing art because they don't have that strong family unit to relate to see, even if you go off the path, you have a family that you could come back to.

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And that is crucial.

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Particle officious Melo subhanaw taala bless you we have so people are joining us also from Italy. We have a couple of brothers joining us from Indonesia as well hamdulillah for those of you who are joining us, I mean, I know we've gone a little bit past our time here so I don't want to take any more questions but I do want to let you all know beaten Allah hate Allah. We are holding these lives every Wednesday and Saturday. Once they we hold it a little bit later in the evening. But Saturday it's 330 Toronto time eastern standard time so basically kind of like today's time inshallah. So if you go ahead and send us a message on our Facebook on our Instagram or on our on our show, also I

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believe he's on Instagram and Facebook. Go ahead send him a message on those you can send me a message as well on there if you'd like to shout loudhailer. My tag is this underscore moon lives. We can go ahead and get these questions answered for you with the light Allah in the next week in sha Allah, Allah we talk about the the six tenant in the light, Alisha, do you have anything to end? This? Yes, you know, I want to, you know, engage, you know, our brothers and sisters who are here to be part of this emergence that we are actually involved in. And what is happening is that the 10 tenants are actually leading into a Black History Month special. And this is what we call African

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sunrise. And

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we will send the information the information is on my Facebook page

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about the African sunrise, it will be an actual Islamic revival. We will live an Islamic revival how it came about in West Africa. Remember, this is Black History Month, and you will see a great African scholar check was man Dan fodio Rahim o hula, one of the great revivalist of Islam. I had the blessing of specializing in his teachings. I spent time in northern Nigeria. I brought 37 original documents of the show, you know back to Toronto I analyzed them and I've got very close to to the people who were in his family new members of his family and became very close. So now we want to lay this out we want to roll this out to you. So this will be the in February on Saturday, every

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Saturday inshallah and it's it'll start to roll out go to our Facebook page you know go to our Instagram you'll start to see you know the advertisements coming out for us. Let's show them a little bit of sorry show I'm just going to show them the actual

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one moment here I can show you the actual poster inshallah tada so you guys can recognize and see what what we're doing here. So here's the actual poster that's going to be out

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Teller, African sunrise,

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the heart of Islamic revival in West Africa shared with manna folio, especially Black History Month, life course in sha Allah who Shahab Allah Hakeem quick. So this is going to be really, really cool for you all to Cb nilah. Hey, tala go ahead and check out so it's happening and February the sixth i think is the first class 130 till 3:30pm for the four weeks is a really amazing course that I think everybody should be having shallow data. So this is online. Brother Theo's asking what time is this going to happen? 311 30 to 330 Eastern Standard Time. So that's New York time, Toronto time. If If you are not aware of those times in sha Allah, Allah so this will be something that you can you guys

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can really, really enjoy

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in the lifestyle as well. Insha Allah, wonderful chef.

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Allah bless you. So let's pray. We pray that Allah subhanaw taala would, you know soften our hearts and strengthen our families and give us that ability to emerge from the stagnation that we are in to emerge from the covid 19 pandemic inshallah healthy and strong and we pray that Allah would bless any of the Muslims who have fallen to the COVID-19 and those who are sick, May Allah give them shifa, you know cure from this pandemic, and May Allah accept the work you know that we are all doing in his path akula Kali how there are stock for lolly welcome. So particle level we have the kind of shadowing that he likes to enter the stock photo camera tomorrow.

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acaba de Juana hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah you were better get Monica la if you consider I want to customize your pleasure.

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