Yasir Qadhi – Importance of Orthodox Beliefs

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The rise of strange and unorth born interpretations of Islam, social media and Facebook causing confusion among Muslims, and the importance of accepting the three principles of Islam to counter these interpretations is emphasized. The Prophet sallha is a complete parable and the title of the Prophet's statement is a complete parable. The importance of following the Prophet's teachings and following the process of learning is emphasized, as well as the need for guidance and hedge and hedge in shaping one's behavior and behavior in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah, nahi Meadow who wanna start you know who wanna still fiddle when not rubella human surely unforeseen woman say, Dr. Medina, Maria de la bufala Malala woman Yulin who Fela ha de Allah, wa shadow Allah, Allah in La la la sharika la was shadow under Mohammed Abu humara sudo yeah you Hello Gina Amano taco la haka to karate. Wala tomato Illa. One to Muslim moon. Yeah Johan de su taco hora de como la de holla Coco minasi wahida wahala caminhadas o jaha Weber salmon humare Jalan Cassie Romani what taco la la de tous aluna v one or ham in the law her carnaroli como la Teva Emma bird, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

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One of the more troubling matters that I find more and more increasing in our times, is the predominance of strange and unorthodox and heretical interpretations of Islam. And it is so common to find our people in the congregation, and especially our youngsters. Here's something online from some random person without any training in Islam, and he plants in their minds a bizarre understanding of the origin of our tradition, and this person begins to believe it. And it goes against the mainstream beliefs of our faith in our tradition. And what we have seen historically, and I've encouraged encountered this myself, when a person begins to deviate from mainstream Islam.

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This is the stepping stone to deviate from Islam itself. When a person abandons traditional beliefs, and they start tinkering and believing in the fringe types of understandings. Typically, you find this person going away and away until finally when he had to be law, they leave the faith in its entirety. And there are a number of reasons why these bizarre interpretations are on the rise of them, of course, and let's be honest here, social media, and Facebook and YouTube. What social media has done is unprecedented in the history of mankind, where a person in the privacy of his or her room in the basement of his father's house can put a message that is globally accessible. This is

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unprecedented. And so what happens is that eloquence wins over knowledge. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that some types of speech is like magic. In the middle of the Angelus era, some types of speeches almost magical, you lose track of the content, and the person mesmerizes you, the person is able to convince you of something, not because of the content, but because of the style, the rhetoric because of the package, and the content is swallowed down. And we see here the rise of these pseudo preachers across the globe, in Pakistan, in Egypt, in Belgium, across England, everywhere here in America, people without knowledge become authorities in the faith. And by the

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way, this only happens in Islam. Nobody who has no training in engineering becomes an engineer online, nobody was no training in medicine becomes a famous doctor, but for some reason our religion has the least is amongst the masses. And so a person who has never trained, never studied the Quran can't even recite Fatiha properly becomes an authority on the religion because that person can mesmerize the audience. And of the reason as well why these types of beliefs are on the rise is because of the lack of real odema and scholars, fewer and fewer people are becoming scholars of this religion, and even those that are many of them are not qualified to refute these unorthodox

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interpretations. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam predicted that of the signs of Judgment Day is that odema will die and ignorant people will be boosted up so that finally those ignorant people will be considered to be an Ummah and our prophets, Allah Larson predicted that of the signs of the judgement day he said in Arabic that the Roy Bilbo are going to be giving this the the the speeches and the rule and whatnot. And they asked him who are those away build up Who are these people, and they're way better are those who said they don't have the knowledge they are the johanne they don't have the knowledge and yet people consider them to have knowledge. So in today's hold the

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button today's football obviously is an academic one, sometimes called buzzer spiritual, sometimes their social, sometimes their political. Today's whole debate is an academic one. I need to explain to you to

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to some of the foundations of this faith, so that you understand and today's hold, I will summarize three fundamental points that I want every one of you to ponder over. And then on shallow The goal is to accept but it is your job to accept it is my job to teach, it is your job to think about these and see if you are convinced by them or not three principles that will allow you to go a long way to help you counter any preacher, any eloquent person who might be mesmerizing, but then the message doesn't match up to these principles. The first of these, the simple realization that the Quran is the protected and preserved speech of a law that is meant as an eternal guidance for mankind for all

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of mankind. Now, this is a very simple point, how can anybody deny this? And yet, even though the point is so basic, you will find that many Muslims forget about this reality. The Koran is the speech of Allah that is meant for all of mankind. Therefore, if somebody comes forward with a belief that contradicts the explicit message of the Quran, that contradicts the basic message that the Quran is coming with, this belief cannot be from the religion of Islam, no matter how pseudo intelligent or scientific or whatever it sounds. And a simple example of this is the notion which again, it's not quite modern, but it is being propagated in modern times, that Jesus was not born of

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a virgin Mary, that medium Allah has sent them. They she had a male partner, because they say, How can there be a virgin birth, this is unscientific. And so they go against the Quranic message, they go against the explicit verses in the Koran that to firm chastity to Imodium. And they vigorously reinterpret, and they say, Oh, this goes against modern science, or any other type of undertone understanding that explicitly rejects the miracles of the Quran, the Quran mentioned so many miracles. And some people they believe in what is called scientism that science is a religion, basically. And it must explain everything, if science has not explained it, that it has to be

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incorrect. So they reject the miracles, Abraham did not cut up the birds. And then Allah resurrected them that this didn't happen, that didn't happen because their minds do not grasp the reality of what the Koran says. And so they end up radically reinterpreting the basic message of the origin. And of course of the greatest of these issues. And I've spoken about this issue in a lot of detail online you can listen to it is attempting to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Quran. The Quran obviously talks about Adam, and it talks about the fact that all of us come from Adam and Howard our mother, and this is very explicit in the Quran. And of course, the theory of evolution

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does not accept this basic premise. So there are some people who want to believe in the Quran, they want to remain Muslim, we're happy at that attitude. But then they try to force the theory of evolution into the Quran. And they do this by some radical manners. And by the way, this topic is much longer you can listen to it online. But but the what I'm criticizing here right now, is the claim that some Muslims have that, Oh, we don't have to believe in the story of Adam. Just like the Jews and Christians, they pick and choose from their Bible. They're told off the Old Testament, so too, we can pick and choose, or they say, the story of Adam is allegorical, it's not real. Allah

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gave a fable, a fantasy, a myth, you know, the we teach our children these stories that are not real. So there's a lesson in them. So the story of Adam is not meant to be literal. The story of Adam is a metaphorical story they say, and they by this they attempt to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Quran, how we reconcile it is another topic I have given multiple lectures you will find them online today's hook, but I'm talking about this one point, the claim that the Quran is allegorical fable, it's myth. This claim is blasphemy. And the claim that we Muslims need to pick and choose sections of the Quran to believe in is the essence of rejecting the Quran. Allah says in

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the Quran, of meaning menorah be bothered kitabi water could only be about are you going to pick and choose some of the book and reject others? Are you going to be the judge of what you should accept and what you should reject? Allah says in the Koran or you who believe enter into Islam completely. It's a package deal. You don't get to pick and choose which verse you want, which was you don't this is not submission to Allah subhana wa tada the claim that the Quran is metaphorical. It is allegorical the claim that the Quran is a bunch of stories. This is the exact claim that Abu lahab said when he heard the origin in the South Tyrol, Oberlin. These are stories, these are fables. No

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Muslim ever believed that the Quran is fables. Now, these pseudo intellectuals are coming along and because they are

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Somehow want to preserve their EMR and they somehow want to preserve their understanding of science. They say, Oh, we can pick and choose what we want from the origin. No, you see other faith traditions, including Judaism and Christianity, they do have far, far bigger issues with their texts, the preservation of their texts, the fact that their texts are inconsistent, the fact that they actually contradict one another. So they have to come forth with this interpretation that we'll have to pick and choose. We don't have to believe in the whole Old Testament, the whole New Testament, the bulk of Judaism, and Christianity is comfortable with picking and choosing from its

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book, then they tell us why don't you do the same get with the program? We do it with our books, why don't you do it with your books? Why don't you as well, something you don't like something that's backward, cut it off, get rid of it, or at least just recite it for Baraka, but don't believe in it. But you see, here's the point. Our Quran is not the Old Testament. It is not the New Testament, our Koran is the only holy book that is preserved from the beginning. It is preserved from the time of the Prophet system in the original language, it is the speech of Allah subhana wa Tada. We cannot compare the Quran with the Old Testament that was written maybe 500 years after Moses. We cannot

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compare the Quran with the New Testament that was written by multiple anonymous people. A century and a half after Jesus walked on the face of this earth, all of them are recollecting from their own, you know, from what their grandfathers told them. That's not the Quran. The Quran has been preserved from the beginning in the original language and Allah subhana wa tada spoken to Julian who spoke it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the speech of Allah is not allegory, the speech of Allah is not metaphor. It's not symbolism. Allah says in the Quran, woman us document Allahu keila woman us document Allahu dcef who speaks more truth than a law no one who speaks more

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truthfully than Allah, no one speaks more truthfully than Allah. Allah does not lie or with the villa, Allah does not deceive what Allah says is real. So if Allah azza wa jal wanted to say that the story of Adam was metaphorical, he would have said it, as he has set up metaphors in the Quran. dorabella who method up Allah has given you a parable and he gives the parable. If Allah had wanted to make the Adam story, a parable, he would have made it a parable, but he didn't. The story of Adam amongst many others, the miracles of the Quran, or explicit, so anybody who comes along and says, Let's pick and choose, this is a rejection of the book. Anybody who comes along and radically

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reinterprets the basic Arabic and thinks that they have come forth with a completely new interpretation. Then this defeats the purpose of revealing the book, Allah revealed the Book beliefs and in our being more being in simple, clear, clean Arabic, it is crystal clear, Allah revealed the Book and said, it is easy for you to think about it, why don't you think about it? What are the essential core analytical, we have made the Quran easy to understand, there are no hidden meanings. The Quran is not some type of cryptology book that you're going to unlock the secrets that go against the basic texts. True, we can always derive more benefits from the Quran, and later scholars

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have to see it will give us nuances and shed some light about interpretations that will increase our emaan. But no interpretation will contradict the basic text of the Quran. No radical reinterpretation will be able to reject what the clear Arabic says that would go against how the Quran describes itself. And therefore brothers and sisters, the first of these three points in today's called above the Koran is the speech of Allah. It is the most eloquent speech, it is the clearest speech, it is preserved from Fatiha to us, and no changes will come about to it. We don't have the luxury to pick and choose to cut and paste what we want to believe it is a package deal. We

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accept the origin from beginning to end. And this is the only religion that says that does this no other faith does this by and large. And that is because our book is different than their book, the second of the fundamentals that I need all of us to understand, and inshallah if you understand this, this will go a long way in rejecting radical reinterpretations, heresies, and other strange and bizarre beliefs is that Allah didn't just reveal a book to the side of the mountain. And the book was discovered by random people know, how did the book come to us? He sent a human and that human yes was flesh and blood, but he was also the best human being. He was a role model. He was the

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saint you do whether the Adam the leader of the children of Adam, he was the hydro Hulk Allah. He was the Mustafa mujtaba, the Mohammed under Mahmoud, he was the most praiseworthy human being. And that person our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been made a role model for

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us. So we must believe that the best role model for us is our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we cannot be Muslim and worship Allah without believing in Muhammad Rasulullah In fact, the the technical point here, even the phrase La Ilaha Illa, Allah was taught to us by Mohammed sallallahu I sent him so we must believe Mohammed Rasulullah before we believe that Allah Allah Allah, How else will you believe that Allah Hi, Lola unless we believe Mohammed rasulillah so believing in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a necessary part of Eman. Now I hear you asking me, why are you quoting something so basic? Is there any Muslim that denies this? And I say sadly, and

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unfortunately, there are those who not in wording but in effect and negating the role of the Prophet. And sometimes they call themselves Parana, Yun, or coronis. Or they have other names in various countries. In Pakistan. They're called but bases and others that they basically say, we're only going to follow the Quran. We don't want to follow the Hadith. And this is not nothing new. It goes back to the earliest of times, you find this type of notion even in the first century, but it was never as common as it is now, historically, and my expertise is theology. Yes, there were people from the first century who said, we're not going to accept Hadith, we're not going to accept the

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Prophet system as a role model. They said Allah gave him the Quran, he's like a tape recorder. He gave the message and that's it. He doesn't have an active role to play around with the biller. So they reduce the role of the processor to a mere rubella baggage carrier. He took the bags and he gave them to you and that's it. But that is not the role of our profit system in the book that he himself came with. The irony is the book itself tells you in over 100 verses that you must obey the prophet to be a Muslim, and will lie I could give five or 10 100 bucks just on this one aspect. When my youth Rasulullah faqad Otto Allah whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah. Allah says in the

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Quran, familia de la vida you Holly funa and Emma D lead those who disobey his command the process of command, let them await an evil torment. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, I swear by your Lord or Mohammed Allah speaking in the first person which is rare and he's speaking in the first person to emphasize the point I swear by your Lord and the customer is the Lord of Mohammed to elevate the status of the Prophet system I swear by your Lord Oh Mohammed says that um, that they will not have a man fell out because Allah you mean had you hachimura FEMA shall be known until they take you as the final arbiter, the final judge in every affair that they have amongst themselves and

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they listen to what you have to say. And they submit wholeheartedly what you sell them Otis Lima, Allah says in the Quran for internetseiten fishy in photo do who in a la hora So, if you differ about anything, take it back to Allah and His Messenger had been a bus said take it back to Allah and His Messenger means you take it back to the Quran and the Sunnah, the Quran and the Sunnah go hand in hand, you cannot have Islam without the Sunnah of the messenger of Islam. It's as simple as that. You cannot have Islam without the Sunnah of the messenger of Islam. Anybody who comes and says I only want to follow the Koran is contradicting himself because the Quran tells you to follow the

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sooner you cannot have the Quran accepted comes with the sooner and our Prophet says and predicted this ironically Hadeeth isn't sooner. So this hadith predicted at about libinsight He said, The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said you should it's only a matter of time very soon, there will come a person he is lying back on his couch, his his feet up, meaning he's very lazy, very, very casual. And he says, leave this for on leave this Hadeeth excuse me only telling me what the Koran says. Then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said in how Rama Rasulullah he come out of llama la well, Allah means indeed verily anything or pseudo la mix How long? It is as if Allah has made it How long?

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Whatever I have made how long it is coming from Allah it is as if Allah has made it how long so the Hadith predicted a time will come when a person will say and the way he has been described as casual lackadaisical arrogant I don't care lying back meticulous Riccati his lying with his back on the on the cushion, not caring about anything and saying don't give me a hadith only caught me caught on the process and said it's only a matter of time and we're lucky we see it with our own eyes. How many people I'm sure every one of you has met these people don't quote me It only caught me caught on. There is no Islam without the Sunnah of the prophet of Islam. And this idea, this notion it goes

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back as I said,

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To the earliest of times, and it was refuted, unfortunately now it's become somewhat somewhat common. The famous companion and one entrepreneur same was sitting in his halaqa in the masjid narrating Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when a man came and he shouted out and he said, oh I'm Ron, stop these narrations. I want to hear only the Quran. This is a Sahabi This is a Sahabi Ronaldo and Hussein is giving a deed in the masjid of Kufa and somebody comes and says, stop these Hadith Don't tell me what you heard. This is directly I heard the process of them say the man said I don't want to hear it quote me only the Quran. And Milan became visibly angry, his face

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became red. And he said yeah, MK o fool, a fool. Did you find in the Quran, that Salah is five times a day did you find in the Quran The vote is for Raka and you have to recite silently that Aisha is four and you recite to out loud Did you find in the Quran that Zakah is 2.5% of your wealth. And he went on listing the basic religion of Islam that is found in the Sunnah not in the Quran until the man realized his mistake. What type of Islam is there when you're not going to pray five times a day? By the way five times is not directly in the Quran is in the Sunnah. What type of Islam is there when you're not going to stand on record and sujood and fire it up and do the kind of the

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Salah is not mentioned in the Quran? Why? Because the Quran tells you to follow the Prophet system and the Prophet system said it doesn't behati pray as you have seen me pray. So Luca Mara. A tamale on Saturday, Hajj, the prophet system said hold on the monastics take your rites of Hajj for me. The Quran never tells you how to do the Hajj. It just says go for Hajj. Allah has legislated Hajj, it doesn't tell you how to do Hajj, and so on and so forth. For all of the traditions of Islam. There is no Islam without the Sunnah of the prophet of Islam. So anytime you hear somebody rejecting the Sunnah, making fun of the Sunnah, doubting the preservation of the Sunnah, because there is another

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tactic because either two tactics, there's a direct tactic, the direct tactic is to say, I don't believe in Hadith. And this, unfortunately, it's common, but it is not that common. The more common heresy is to say, I don't believe in the preservation of Hadeeth. Who is this man body that came 200 years after the process of Who is this man Muslim, and who wouldn't admit that they came 200 years, I don't trust their collections. Now, the topic of the preservation of Hadeeth is a very, very detailed one. And obviously, it's also an academic one. There are again, ways to talk about this in more detail hood, but does not allow me to do that suffice to state you will always find the critics

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of the preservation of Hadith are the most ignorant of the sciences of Hadeeth. They've never actually studied them. And you should all know this is my area of one of my areas that I've studied. my bachelor's degree from the College of Medina, from the University of Medina was in the College of Hadith my BA was in the College of Hadith I spent four years specializing in the sciences of heavy that was my area of expertise. Then I diverted to theology, but my undergraduate in the University of Medina was in the sciences of heavy and I can guarantee you and assure you that no one who has studied the intricacy of those sciences can end up doubting Heidi, you only find the one who is self

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taught, reads a book or two and then begins criticizing sizable audience a Muslim, you will never find a train specialist who understands the intricacies. Then he criticizes all of how the true one Hadith might be something but to say howdy it has not been preserved. Anyone who says this? No, this is not mainstream Islam. And the net result of saying Hadith has not been preserved is the same as saying the process of should not be followed. So here's a simple logical point, rather than going down to whole sciences of Hadith, a simple logical point, when Allah has said in 100 verses obey the Prophet,

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then he must have preserved for us how to obey Him. Simple as that. When Allah has said, You must obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then how can we obey the prophet in our times, we haven't seen him. So then Allah must, must have made sure and preserved the mechanism for obeying the Prophet is still amongst us. And that mechanism is the books of Hadith. So therefore, Hadith has been preserved by and large, yes, we have a science we can sift the good from the bad, we know what the process of said we have a good estimate of the authentic hadith. And I just want to tell you one story that really underscores the point in our religion is not based on stories, but sometimes

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stories inspire, and I guess I'll have to be the last point and then we'll do the third point later on inshallah, one of my teachers at University of Medina the one that one of them that influenced me the most and hamdulillah have adjusted from him as well, Jasmine's that have a direct chain of narration back to all of the books of Hadith back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. His story is the one that always it really affected me. One of the most this

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teacher of mine His name is Dr. of ami, Dr. album a Doctorate of ami. He was actually a Hindu, a Brahmin Hindu. He was born into a Hindu family. And when he went to university, he met muslims for the first time. And he hated them back in the 50s. He hated them. He wanted to refute them, and they would always quote him, Hadith of the Prophet system. So he said, You know, I want to study what is the sayings of their founder? What is this, I want to refute it. So as a Hindu, he began studying Hadith. And he fell in love with the process of Sodom. He embraced Islam. He went to the University of Medina, and he studied a bachelor's degree there. They were shocked because at the time there was

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no master speech. He said, Go and do your PhD in Al Azhar. So he went in the 60s, he did his PhD in the sciences of Hadith. And Azhar, his topic was Abu hurayrah, the defender of the sun, that is his PhD dissertation. Then he got came back to Medina, he was given Saudi citizenship, he became a professor in the College of Hadith. When I studied with him, he was the Dean of the College of Hadith. And then he retired after I left Medina and he currently has written a 15 volume book, that is called the authentic Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he is now around 80 years old mcdow for him is still alive, but obviously his health is not the best. Now, this man was born a Hindu.

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And he ended up the Dean of the College of Hadith at the University of Medina, because of his love of Hadith. And his speciality in the sciences have headed and he is my teacher, I can tell you his story from my own knowledge and I studied with him one on one and he gave me the the ages that that is there. So the point being you have the long way of proving Hadith, which is what Dr. alchemy did spent 50 years of his life specializing then you have the short, quick easy way, which is if Allah told you to follow the process, and this means he must have allowed you the mechanism to follow him. The third point I don't have time to get into I just mentioned it briefly. And that is I said Koran

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Sunnah. Number three stick with the mainstream masses of Islam. The mainstream Ummah is upon guidance and good. Don't go to the fringe cults don't go to the radical movements don't go to that which is against the bulk of the oma. Why? Because our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yeah de la he ll Gemma, Allah, his hand meaning Allah's mercy and the last blessings is upon the group of Muslims and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Hey, this isn't a big merger, my own shall not agree upon misguidance. So when you see differing, then go to the swaddle album, or some other album means the big masses go to the big masses and follow them, which means what the mainstream of the oma

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shall always be rightly guided. And what do the mainstream believe in, they believe in the Quran, they believe in the sun that they believe in respecting the Sahaba This is the mainstream belief, anyone who comes and he founds a new cult, a new understanding, radically reinterpreting the faith. Who is this person to come and radically change Islam after 14 centuries? Who are you exactly? Where was this understanding? for 1400 years, anyone who preaches a radically new understanding that is not found in the classical sources, that is not the mainstream interpretation, something is wrong. And brothers and sisters, this is a logical corollary of the belief that Mohammed sysm is the final

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prophet. How so? If prophets Allah listed as the final prophet, which we believe, and the reason why Allah said previous prophets was to correct the misguided peoples of those nations. Now, there's not going to be any more profit. This means that the owner of the profit system cannot go misguided, because there's not going to be a profit to come correct them afterwards. This means the owner of the Profit System, by and large, has to be correctly guided. Otherwise, who is going to correct all of them, there's not going to be another prophet. And this is historically what we have seen. The masses of the oma have always been upon the Quran and the Sunnah, and respecting mainstream Islam.

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This is what we believe in hamdulillah. So my point is that anytime you find a radically new person, forget the hype. Forget the mesmerizing speech, look at the content. Is this person affirming the Quran in its entirety, believing in the sun overall? Are they coming from the traditional understanding of Islam? Yes, you can always fine tune Yes, legal aspects can be fine tuned, but theology will not change. Belief does not change from time to time and place to place, the mainstream foundations of Islam will not change. So anybody who comes and tries to do something of this nature, then this person has effectively said everybody was misguided in the oma until I came

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along, and I have discovered this truth, which effectively makes him a prophet and there are no profits after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the three points brothers and sisters to conclude the first part, the Quran, it is this simple, clear book from

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Law believing it beginning and to end. The Sunnah of the Prophet system is a necessary part of our tradition and by and large the Sunnah has been preserved and follow the masses of the Muslims followed the majority of Muslims don't follow exotic strange heretical fringe movements. There will always be wrong. May Allah subhana wa tada bless us with the Oregon Baraka lottery. When I finally welcome Mr. Feeny he was declared Hakeem akoto Metis Maroon was stuffed with a lot of the muddy water cumulus and Muslim liquid mfsl foods in order for him please come as close as you can. The brothers

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Alhamdulillah hiwot had it I had the summit la de la mirada, mula amico loco and I had two

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brothers and sisters, obviously we're about to enter in the first 10 days of the hedger. They will be starting from Sunday or Saturday depending on when the announcement is made, and the first 10 days of the hedgerow we hear them every single year. And just a brief reminder, these 10 days are the most blessed days of the year. They are more blessed than Ramadan, they are more blessed than Ramadan. Our Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, there are no 10 days that are better in the eyes of Allah than the first 10 days of don't hedger. And in these 10 days, you have the day of alpha. and the day of out of is the data of Allah subhanho wa Taala comes down and boast to the

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angels look at all of the pilgrims that have come, you have the day of sacrifice, and that is the single most blessed day of the year, which is the day of read, the single most blessed day of the year is The Omen not the day of sacrifice. Our Prophet system said that the best day that the sun rises in is the day of night, which is the 10th of Dhul hijjah. These are the days where any good deed is multiplied and amplified. And so our Prophet sallallahu wasallam encouraged the Sahaba to do each and every good deed it is because these days are the most blessing that the most blessing of all deeds is prescribed in them. And that is the hedge the hedge and these 10 days go hand in hand,

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because the single greatest deed that you can do as a Muslim is hedge and hedges prescribed in these 10 days. So those that are going for hedge and hamdulillah those that are not going the blessedness still remains, it is still blessing these 10 days. And so each and every one of us should strive to do every good deed imaginable, give sadaqa every single day fast as much as you can in these days, except for the 10th obviously because that is the day very fast as much as you can and especially do decode and are on our Prophet sallallahu I sent him specifically with regards to these 10 days he said for acuto Fie minute SBA with the media with delille increased your subpanel law and an

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hamdulillah and La ilaha illa Allah and Allahu Akbar so in these 10 days, brothers and sisters, minimize your sins, cut back any evil that you are doing, increased your routine, just like in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, you, you you you make your best effort. So to in these 10 days make your best effort to do everything that you can try to choose some charities and every day gives whatever amount you can to some charity and do your best to come close to Allah because these are the days of Baraka. These are the days of mercy. These are the days of forgiveness. These are the days where the smallest of goodies is made into the largest and they culminate with the 10th of Dhul hijjah which

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is of course the day of read May Allah subhana wa tada accept from all of us Allahumma inni dinefwr Aminu alohomora. They don't know if you had to meet him but he loves a Fatah. Wa Hammond Illa for Raja when I then illa kobita what amor de la Ilaha feta when I see it on Elijah sarta Allah fildena what is one in the readiness of our own Ebony man? What a treasure I feel kuruvilla Linda Linda Dena Amano robina in Nakuru for Rahim Roberto law in the law to Allah Allah can be embedded ibfc Watson abimelech codici with elesa become a minimum engineer he will insert for color as semicolon alima in no law one Mother equitorial soluna nebby yeah you are letting me know salute Lee he was sending

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motors Lima, Aloma suddenly was sending him about equal optical silica Mohammed in wider early he was a big marine about the law in the law to either motivate idly with a sandwich or corba wine and in fact Shea will monocle your belly. You're able to come to the Kuru Kuru la de mer Kuru come watch Kuru come What are the cruel light Allah Akbar Allah

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi elucidates on the three main points when it comes to tackling preachers or eloquent radicals who though may be mesmerizing, do not fit into the realm of beliefs that should be entertained.

The troublesome point of concern amongst the Muslim ummah is the supremacy and rise of strange and unorthodox interpretations of Islam. People with little or no knowledge, understanding and training interpret the verses of the Qur’an that is vehemently against the belief of our Iman and hence, messes with the minds of innocent Muslims. The long term implication of this menace is the straying away of the Mu’min from the path of Islam.

The Hadiths also try to warn us of this very disturbing fact. The Prophet ﷺ  said, “Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which (religious) knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and general ignorance will spread.”

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