Abdullah Hakim Quick – The Emergence-Ten tenet of Islamic Revival #4

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the challenges faced by Muslims in the face of the pandemic, including the lack of diversity in Islam and the use of digital technology. They stress the importance of balancing culture and peace, learning and practicing, and respecting people of age. The speakers also emphasize the need for acceptance and guidance in teaching others about the crisis and the need for acceptance and guidance in teaching others about the crisis.
AI: Transcript ©
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arrived just fill out a huddle here salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa COVID 100 Lal Ballymena salam wa Sallim wa barik ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jain Welcome everyone. My name is Mahmoud Hassan and I want to welcome you all to this live stream with tshabalala Hakeem quick. In those series of live streams we've been talking about the latest video produced by Sheikh Abdullah Hakim quick which is the video on the emergence the main theme is the emergence we're talking about the awakening of the oma and in this video the chef talks about 10 tenants of Islamic revival now in the first live we talked about the introduction to the whole

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the idea in itself the idea of emergency stuff and we talked about the first tenant of it which was the tough love a loss of Hannah without a second we talked about

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the second one was on authentic sources and then the third one which is the betterment of the character, and today being the light Allah we want to talk about the tenant number four inshallah Tada. So as we are waiting for Shahab Bella to join us be delighted I just want to wait a couple of minutes to get people going and bring us in inshallah. So I'm waiting for the lesson sir. Leah, how are you doing? I would like for you all to comment

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here with where you're joining us from Charlotte. I'd like to see where you guys are coming from the lightoller so we can welcome you all.

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Microsoft alaba rocket sister Leah, how are you doing? I hope you're doing well

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go ahead and comment to us where you're joining us from inshallah

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go ahead and join us tell us where you're joining us from really light Allah All right.

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And as we're waiting for the show, just to join us as well inshallah, if you go ahead and share this video and show us so we can actually get the benefit being the light Allah spread out to everybody. Go ahead and share the video as we are waiting for the chef waiting in line to join us.

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But Ali hasn't joining us from the UK so Monica prodata How are you? You're you're staying up late. I hope you're okay.

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I hope

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the UK is not as cold as it is. Hey Idris Welcome back. Welcome. Welcome back. You're always with us much Allahu Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you and increase you and give you agenda shala How is the London doing? And we have a frog from California. I hope I'm saying your name right. I hope is not a fraud. And I'm just saying a fraud just the way I want it to be. I pretty much think it's a fraud from the Bay Area.

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La Casa Leah from Staten Island. And yes, we're at the good number now of 30 people so let me go ahead and bring on the share. I see him joining us in the LA

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so don't want to come off the love of the show. How are you?

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I'm good. I'm fine tonight. Alhamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala bless you and give you a generational shift.

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Welcome back to The

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emerges the 10 tenants of Islam and Islamic revival. I'd like for you to introduce us chef and very lightly because I do know some people who are not who haven't joined us in the first couple of of lives and I do want you to go back to them.

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This is for everybody who has just joined us. Go ahead to the previous

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lives. Check them out after today, obviously, so you can actually get a good understanding. But she'll if you guys go ahead and do something to this whole topic that we've been talking about as well.

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Bad Muslims are living today in unprecedented times. There's so much tension around the COVID-19 is striking. different parts of the world is taking different forms. There's an economic recession, so we're suffering in our jobs. And now there's this political tension not only in Africa and in Asia, but right here in North America. There's a lot of desperation and frustration that people are feeling. And it's important that Muslims remain calm. And that is the way that our beloved ancestors and predecessors have dealt with difficult circumstances, they have remained calm, and they have reconnected with a loss of petrodollar and reestablish the Sunnah of the Prophet peace and blessings

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be upon him. And that's so important today, in the very hectic changing world that we are living in.

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The issue of emergence came to me back in the 80s, I started to see this thing happening, traveling to different Muslim lands and looking at the condition of Muslims in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe.

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I was put into the position of being emailed in the Jami mosque, which at that time, and this is in 1985, approximately, was probably the largest mustard in Canada. And because the Canadians have an open door policy, in terms of immigration, there were Muslims coming into our community from all over the world. And so we were faced with an unprecedented situation of having Muslims of all colors, all nationalities, all schools of thought, and that really is a good thing. But for the most part in different parts of the world, Muslims are not faced with what challenged with having to pray with and live with Muslims of different colors, different schools of thought. So this in a sense, is

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is taking the place of that congregation at Hajj that we have when people are coming together in Mecca, also taking us back to the times of the Sunda and when Muslims were united. So when facing the challenge, we recognize that in following particular ways based on ethnicity, or based upon language or movement, that was not solving the problem

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that we needed to really come to a solution that is grounded in our traditions.

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And so this is where the idea of revival came about. Because not only in my community, but everywhere that I went to traveling throughout Africa and Europe and Asia, and even out to China and up to the places by the North Pole.

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What Muslims needed was to revive their Islam, a type of emergence, to come out of stagnation, become alive with their way of life, in the reality of the world that they were facing. And so the concept of the emergence came about, and I tailor made 10 tenets, especially focusing on the western world where Muslims are living. And that included South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, along with Europe and the Americas. But now because the world is a global village, these tenets are actually relevant to Muslims all over the planet. And as time is going by, they are becoming more and more relevant. And looking at these 10 points, these 10 tenets, I look at it as a type of going from

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survival to revival that not only are we surviving as Muslims, just making us a lot just fasting, just covering ourselves up, but we can take it to the stage of a revival itself, bringing Islam alive in the world that we are living in. So among them, number one was the other one priests in taqwa the consciousness of Allah. The second point was a return to the authentic sources, separating Islam from culture. Because this is a great problem and we found this in the Jami mosque. Most people are taking their religion from their culture. But that's not the basis of Islam. We all have a culture, but that culture is affected by the core and of the Sunnah.

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That's what unites us, not our culture. And number three was a focus on Islamic character. So in other words, we don't just focus on rituals. We don't just teach our children a by that, how to pray and fast, but we teach them Why do fast? Why do you pray? What is the outcome of the prayer and the fasting? And so these are the first three in a nutshell. And the force that we are looking at, amongst these 10 tenets of emergence, how do we bring about a revival? How do we jumpstart our engine? In a sense, because we've got a beautiful Lamborghini sitting there, but it's not going anywhere. It's like, there's no gas inside of it. And so how do you get it going? Again, these are

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areas that we can focus on, that I believe will be of assistance, and allow those best point number four, is

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and this is actually an important one, Jeff, so just so we can get to point number four here, inshallah.

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You've brought the two of them you, you brought in, I guess, balance and wisdom at the same at the same time. If you can break them down to us and kind of separate them, bring them together. shala.

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Basically, what we're looking at is all button wasa. And when a law speaks of the middle nation, it's actually a moderate balance nation. And this really what is what Sunda does, is that it balances us this world with the hereafter.

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It balances peace with justice. It balances our culture with divine revelation. And in order to come about having this balance, we need to have hekla and hikma is wisdom. It's something that we need to pray to allow for it's it's such an important element that I found in our Deen the Arabs would say in defining hikma, whether it's a female, Holly, putting things in the proper place. That sounds like a very simple definition. But it's very deep. For instance, a doctor who just looks at you, and in two minutes prescribes medicine is not a wise doctor. The one who is wise is the one who takes your temperature, your pulse, who understand your medical history, then they prescribe the medicine.

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We used to have this test for children, when the child is very young, and you want to know is the child's brain developing properly. And so they have a circle, and a square and a triangle. And they give the child a circular peg triangular and a square peg. So you say the child put the square peg in the right place. If the child tries to put the square in the circle, his brain has not developed.

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But if he puts the circular peg into the circular hole, then the brain is developing. He's putting things in the proper perspective.

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And that is so important because I found that

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there were Muslim there were scholars they were movement, people who had a lot of code and a lot of Hadees. They had proper aqeedah. They had their their their Sunnah. They had their electoral law, they went out in the movements, a lot of things, they made their prayers. But there was something lacking.

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It was that wisdom

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to do the right thing at the right time. I want to give you an example of this.

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We were faced in the 2000s after September 11. And then the rise of Islamophobia.

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We were faced with an onslaught in the in the Western countries. And many Muslims who felt comfortable in western countries were actually under attack. They were under attack because of the hijab, because of trying to eat halau food, just to be Muslim, this system of phobia, this this illogical fear and hatred of Islam was starting to spread and become stronger and stronger. So Muslims reacted to the onslaught in different ways. You see, this is what the problem is. Because I find that Muslims tend to go in extremes, right? Instead of being balanced. For some of the Muslims, they reacted to the onslaught with isolation.

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So people are calling them names, they're under attack, they're going to jail. So they isolated themselves in their masjids in their school of thought, and they looked at the world everybody's in Haram, everybody's wrong except us. But they became like an ostrich with it.

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Head buried in the sand, situation reality, I guess, thirds thinks that he's safe. But his whole behind the rest of him is showing to the world. So isolation doesn't help, especially with digital technology, because people are able to penetrate much it's penetrate us because of the cell phones and digital technological isolation didn't work. Other people tried in the face of the onslaught, assimilation. So they would try to be more European or more secular than the secularist. They would put on their clothes, they would take on the accent, they would, in some cases, leave their religious practice, when they are around non Muslims. They try to assimilate into the culture. But

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that didn't work. Because Islamophobia still rose up. And even though the person tried to hide, he would say, Oh, my name is not Mohammed, just call me Mo.

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My name is not Ali, call me al.

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Not bill, please call me Billy.

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So they tried to hide but you cannot hide. Because the Western countries the people know, we're in a global village, so you cannot hide from the reality of assimilation doesn't work. And that doesn't mean that that we can't live in a western country. But you are allowed within a secular democracy, you are allowed to have your religion,

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you're allowed to have your culture, especially here in Canada, where we are living it in some other parts, like maybe France, it's a little more difficult. But supposedly these countries have religious freedom. And so we have the right to criticize and to express ourselves, as long as we keep the peace. And and we are basically following the law of the land. So isolation didn't work.

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A simulation didn't work.

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And some of them tried confrontation.

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Desperate confrontation. So you see, and this was a minority of the Muslims. You see extreme movements coming out, that are demonizing everything of the West, and even then sometimes turning into desperate violence. But that doesn't work. Because that makes things worse for us and going to extremes. It's not the way of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salah.

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We don't need isolation, nor assimilation, nor desperate confrontation. We need Islamic Republic.

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What is the stomach revival that is a balanced, dynamic, forward looking approach. It's a some note based approach to difficulty.

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One of the great scholars of North Africa CDM is Iraq, where he will allow First they came to him and they said they wanted the victory. They wanted. Medina, they wanted to establish, you know the Islamic law. And his response was in words. yellowblue Boonen FET doing a shadow Tiki, they want the victory without fulfilling conditions of the victory.

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They want the Drina, but they don't go through Mecca. What's the second period was 13 years of suffering. The prophet SAW Selim and his companions went through, after they were purified, after their toe heed was strong. That character was strong, then in the Medina period, that is when the verses are calm, when the laws of Islam were revealed.

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You see, so that's the balanced approach of Islam. It is a it is a process. It's a process that we go through. And this is the wisdom that is the wisdom that we need, for instance, an example of wisdom. We had mentioned that before about no Muslims. When a person accepts Islam, they don't have to practice everything immediately. But Muslims will tend to go to extremes. So the person accepts Islam.

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And either they leave him alone, they embrace them, and you know, they say Islam they come, I'll see you next week. And the person is by themselves, or they overwhelmed the person. They take the sister and they put a border collie on her head, and they said you must wear this immediately right away. But the reality is that there is what is called doddridge. That is that you go in stages. In the same way there was the meccan period, there was the digital migration, and then the Medina period. Allah azzawajal took us stage by stage. So we were solidified. So similarly, a new Muslim when they come into Islam, they learn their tauheed they learn about reseller by the prophet

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But then they begin to learn to purify themselves.

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They learn to make their prayers, but they don't have to immediately do everything like the Muslims do who are solidified in their faith. Once they are able to do their basic practices, whether their understanding is there, then they say Hassan Islam all they say is Islam is sound. Now.

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Then they come into the wrecks. That's hikma.

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And hikma is such an important element for Muslims, something that that is missed by many of the movements, many of the individuals not having that balanced approach of going to extremes.

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And this is an important shift for you to actually mention this, because one of the

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I guess what's really crucial to talk about here is we know in the West, for instance, not every single thing is going to be according to how Muslims should live, right? So a lot of things are going to be quite contradictory to your Islam and to your faith. And I guess not even, you know, I don't want to even say just for Muslims, even for Christians, right? Because a lot of things are contrary like real Christians, right? Or those who are practicing or anybody who's actually religious, a lot of things work that are contrary to their religion. So how do we, how do we find the wisdom shift to be able to live as you know, I want to say as righteous people are these people

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who are trying to be righteous, and at the same time as beneficial contributing, I guess, citizens of the societies that we are living in, because it's also a part of our religion, right to actually be able to, to benefit the society that you are actually living in to be somebody whom other people can depend on. Yes, doesn't matter, again, of wisdom putting thing in the proper perspective, when we're in a society that's very much different culturally from us, it's important that we have fit to walk in. And that is, we have the understanding of realities around us. And we also understand that Dean, so if we understand, for instance, the difference between fun and compulsory practices and

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Sunnah, then for instance, if a person is on the job, and they don't really have much time to make their prayers, then they could establish the font of the prayer. And then they could do the Sunnah later on. If the person thinks that they have to do all of the Nazi law, and all the way around the area, they might not have enough time, it's just the wisdom of understanding what to do. I was called into a school one day, here in Toronto, the Board of Education used to call me in for different issues with the Muslims. And they were saying that in gymnastics class, the girls, Muslim girls were having problems. And I tried to show them what covering the outer covering the body is

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properly for Muslims. And then they call me in one day, and they showed me this family. And they said, that the family refuses to have the girls take off the long Avaya. They were wearing a long black Avaya. And they were and they were trying to do gymnastics. So that's actually dangerous, right? And but they wanted to do it because that's what they thought is the right way, they have the wisdom. And I sat down with the family and with the school. And so the school was so flexible, that they said, okay, we will have only girls in the gym at the time. Secondly, they can wear loose pants, and a type of loose top. They can even cover part of the here. But it's something that would

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not get caught in the in the gymnastic bar that they're trying to move on. But they're still covering the outer.

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That is wisdom. So you can practice your Islam, you can have modesty without doing the cultural things that you do in your country. That's the wisdom of implementing Islam. And when that happens, you find that there's less argument over trivia. One of the problems now that's dividing Muslims, they're arguing over minor issues. And many times these minor issues are connected with our cultural practices,

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or maybe our Islamic movement. Maybe we were we were taught in an in an area where there was a particular movement that emphasize for instance, Arpita or emphasized education, or tably going out in the path or the court of law. And so we feel that my way or the highway, no, have the wisdom to understand what are the circumstances around us physical warfare, understand the circumstances understand your religion, and then we can make the right moves at the right time.

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Imam Shafi Rahim Allah Allah used to say, when when you look at the Pillars of Islam, for instance, and you have the great pillars of tawheed and, and salaat and fasting and and Hodgins a cat,

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when there is a drought, when there is a famine, then the institution of Zakat becomes more important than going to Hajj. In other words, if your neighbors are fasting are suffering, they are starving to death, and you have enough to make your hatch. So you got enough money for the journey but your neighbor is starving. Now you're the captain, your sadaqa becomes more important. It's called Olivia. It is what is more proper. And what is important at that time, that is wisdom. And for our emergence today, it is crucial for us to focus on wisdom, we have to pray to Allah azza wa jal for hekla. And we have to respect people who have age, those who have been in the path, they may

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not be as strong physically, but they have been around for a period of time. And the energy of the youth has to be combined with the wisdom of the elders. That's the balance that we're looking for.

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And that is the way the Prophet peace of blessings be upon him used to function in his community. This is crucial for us to make an emergence to come out of the stagnation that we are in into a living Islam, not in Islam that takes you back 1400 years and leaves you there. But one which is practical today, the world is in crisis, people are calling out for solutions. And we have to understand the conditions around us. We have to understand our Deen that we can apply the medicine in the proper way. The same way as the wise doctor applies the medicine with wisdom.

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Article official, Allah subhanaw taala Bless you. I do want to give you a guess really a story or an anecdote, just to add to what you were saying here. Maybe it will drive your point even home. I do remember a couple of years ago, when we had

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a lady coming, a Canadian lady came into the mosque to actually

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to become Muslim. And she was an elder lady. And it was really interesting to us because this elder lady had in her in her 60s. When she came in she said I want to be a Muslim. And we told her all these things. And then she did her she had and she was sitting in the back with one of the sisters and all of a sudden, one of the sisters ran to the Imam, the message she said them Hurry, hurry, she wants to leave Islam.

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What happened she just became Muslim a couple of minutes ago, you know what would happen and then we go back. And the sisters who are sitting with her. They knew from your discussion with her that she had a dog in her house that she owns a dog.

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Oh, you can't have a dog in the house, you have to get rid of him. Now it was really funny to us because this lady she she said I will leave my kids, I will leave my husband but there's no way I can leave my dog this dog here is like something that's closer to me. As opposed to something that's strictly cultural, obviously, because this is the type of billing sub relationship with a pet only happens in the West really when it comes especially to dogs and so on, right on. But these sisters were so adamant on the fact that she has even if she would leave religion, she still has to get rid of the dog. So to them they equated having a dog with her not being Muslim, I've completely been out

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of the fold. And this is funny to us because these sisters were living here for so long. And I remember the Imam actually actually gave her the he was an American who came from abroad, he was an Imam who actually came from from Egypt. And he said what's going on, like he was more understanding of the culture than the sisters who are living here. And he said that, um, this is this is craziness. No, she can leave the dogs, you can have the dog, and all of these kinds of things, as long as you know, like teach her a little bit more and more about this. Like not even keeping in mind really the whole I guess really a difference of opinions on having a dog or not, and so on so

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forth. So I guess this would be exemplary of what you're talking about. Exactly that I guess that's the wisdom. You know, and we teach when you understand your religion, not from your culture. Because in some parts of the city there may be urban centers where Muslims live in where they don't have dogs but in the country areas. Dogs are used to protect the flocks, dogs are used in hunting and they're even rules within the Sunda how to deal with dogs in terms of you know hunting and and what we're really looking for is that the dog is not licking, not licking you and looking into your bowl and

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No, because you know, because of some adjuster that will be on the top. And so when you learn how to teach the sooner of dealing with a dog, that's the balance the

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they say either a dog or no Islam.

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That's ignorance You see, and this is what is happening to us, not only with new Muslims, but even with each other.

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And sometimes these minor differences, have it breaking up the community. And that is where our wisdom needs to be emphasized. And sometimes and this may be difficult for some people, we need to agree to disagree. So there may be something slightly different about another Muslim, but you don't push that person out of the middle that they are no longer a Muslim.

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You can't do that. There's a difference of opinion. But that's still your brother or your sister.

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Allah subhanaw taala bless you and give you Jenna Sharla chef this has been a really interesting like series of talks with you I'm honestly really interested in hearing more and more what those inshallah tada anything you want to end our talk with a Charlotte Alisha? Yes, we print out lots of photos

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that allow us to make our heart strong and make our bodies strong in this world which is in so much crisis. And we pray that Allah azza wa jal would lift this by law, this law, this terrible epidemic, you know, off of our community and off of the world and give those Muslims who are passing away the highest part of gender. I leave you with these thoughts

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at the end

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wahaca 100 I mean, Salaam Alaikum, warahmatullahi

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