Abdullah Hakim Quick – Pivotal Moments In Islamic History (Pt 3) The Rise Of Salaheddin Sh.

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The history of Islam in the Middle East during the first half of the century was split between Eastern and Western Christian majority. The movement started with a three-pronged crusade, led by Peter the Hermit, a monk, and led by Sir Sir Hospital, a Turkish leader. The movement was controlled by the Fatimids, who wanted to stop advancements by the Muslims, and eventually led by Sir Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr Bakr
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam ala say Ali will ask it in the Vienna Mohammedan. While Ali he was happy he will monitor that. He had G austender B Sana T. EULA Yama, Dean salam to Sleeman kathira. My bad.

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I'll praise the due to Allah, Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be always and constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the master of the first and last, and his family, his companions and all those who call to his way, and establish a sunnah to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters, to our friends, our viewers. Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Alhamdulillah Allah has blessed us with another opportunity to reflect upon pivotal moments in Islamic history. And that is a practice that people have done that Muslims have done throughout Islamic history to reflect upon what the Quran is saying, because the Quran is 1/3 cost us 1/3 stories. We are learning the narratives and the stories of those who came before us stories of creation, the stories of the prophets, and the experiences of Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim and his companions. This makes up a prophetic biography a Sierra, which is so

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explicit in giving us details that can serve us in our lives, his companions also index and their followers. And right through history, there are certain points where you could say, the history sort of pivoted, it changed from one condition into another condition. And it needed that fork in the road

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to really bring about that, that major change within the flow of Islamic history. And so we have been looking at the times after the Prophet SAW Salem. And we were studying the Mediterranean during the time of the Crusades. And this takes us back to the 11th century AD. And you can see on the map there, the brown area represents the world of Islam. And that's the different factions and groups. The majority was the Sunda. But there was a large Shia, extreme Shia community there in Egypt, North Africa and Egypt called fattiness. And but for all intensive purposes, for the Christians, it was the lens of Islam. To the north, you see in the pink color, what is left of the Roman Empire,

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but just to the right of it in the more reddish pink, that is the Byzantine or the Eastern Orthodox Roman Empire.

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The original Romans had lost their authority because of attacks that had gone on them. And so it was shifting over the power started to shift over to the Byzantine Empire. And

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that was the Mediterranean during this time and what you have to realize, contrary to how we look at the world today, because we tend to look at the northern countries, Europe and the countries of the North as the developed countries, the first world

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Davos, these are the rich organize people and the people to the south. This is like the third world

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So this is the confusion under development. But it was the opposite in those days because the Roman Empire had fallen.

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And there was nothing left of the major civilizations in Europe, except really a small amount of the progress that the Romans had made. And so the average person in Europe was living a very difficult life. disease was rampant corruption, you know, was endemic, widespread. And so it was in the lens of Islam, especially those in the what is now known as the Middle East, North Africa. That was flourishing at this time. And so, the Europeans then looked toward the Muslim world,

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for progress, and also for a way to come out of the misery that they were living in. This took us to the what is known as the First Crusade. And this was in 1095, as we learned, when Pope Urban the Second at Claremont in France,

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he made this declaration this was different than pilgrimages that Christians made before. He said in this case, whoever for devotion alone, but not to gain honor or money, goes to Jerusalem to liberate the Church of God can substitute the journey for all pennants. In other words, this is similar to what Muslims would call hajima Breuer and Hajj Mobdro. When you when you do your pilgrimage properly, and Allah accepts it, then you come back like a newborn baby. And so in their minds to go on this crusade to liberate their lands, and to get the True Cross of Christ that they believe was there. This was a source of complete pennants.

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Reality was Christians had been living for the time of East LA salaam, in that area, and they had mingled with the Jewish people and the Muslim majority of the people in those lands. And there was no problem religiously between them. The real reason for their attack was economic. It was political. It was to gain the riches of the East, the strategic positions, and to take themselves from darkness into light. And so as we learn, the First Crusade began. But this was not a military operation. It was mainly untrained peasant people. And you could call it The People's Crusade. And it was led by Peter the Hermit, who was a monk. And because it was not an organized military

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expedition, and going into the Muslim lands, as though they're going to take over,

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they were utterly destroyed by the Seljuk Turks under kilij Arslan

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and that led to the second phase of the First Crusade. Now this is the organized phase, five European princes came together. And they brought close to 100,000 people, including non combatants, they wore that Red Cross, that was the assemble. And they came into the area and they plundered and They pillaged until they reached Jerusalem itself. Now, you would say with the Muslim world, having reached all the way to China, remember far north to Chechnya, deep south Swahili coast, North Africa, even down into West Africa, where are the Muslims? Big cities like Egypt, Baghdad, where are the Muslims? They were divided. And because of the division and the love of the dunya,

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fear of death, hatred of meeting Allah, they became what the prophet define as Gusa sale was like the foam in the scum, you know, on the water.

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And so the Crusaders were able to come right into the Levant, which is the greatest Syria area, and they went and they laid siege to Jerusalem and puts itself.

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This siege went on for one month and eight days are from June

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1099 to July 15 1099. And unfortunately, the siege broke into the city. 1000s of Muslims were massacred. Men, women, children, regardless now think about this in relationship to what's happening today. In the same region

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1000s were killed even Jewish people were massacred as well. The holy sites were desecrated, and this was a shame and disgrace for

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the Muslim world, it was like a shock. People could not even believe that this was actually happening. But it did happen. And it was a stain on our history. And so the Crusaders took over coastal areas. And you could see five main principalities that they had the county of Odessa, and there was Antioch and there was Tripoli. And there was Jerusalem. And below that, of course, was the 40 minutes.

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This is the Shia caliphate. Then you have the Seljuks to the east.

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And so

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they dug themselves in, they actually took over these areas and built forts. And they use the Mediterranean in order to start shipping goods, because remember, that's what they wanted. They wanted a way in, get those silks, get that gold, get those perfumes, the spices, and even connect with China. So this is what they were looking for. And so they use that coastline, primarily in order to get themselves or raise themselves to a higher level. But the pivotal moment that we looked at last week came in, and that is the rise of Mr. Dean sangee. Rahimullah, who was a great Turkish leader. And Allah raised him up with the spirit of jihad. And that, of course, we know is

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resistance. There is no holy war. There is no killing innocent people, but resistance. And he was able to focus. He started off as at the back of Mosul in Iraq. And by 1144, he talked back Edessa. And remember, if you look back at your different states, that was a very important state that went right into present day Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. So Mr. Dean sangee, started a movement. And this is critical, really, for us to recognize because he is really underestimated and downplayed. The Thank you family, and the things that they actually did.

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Now, in his career, humanity in sangee,

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at one point was struggling against a corrupted Khalifa.

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And he was about to be killed at the backs of the Tigris, and Najmuddin or EWB, who was a Kurdish leader who was in charge of the garrison, on the Tigris, he saw this event happening that Mr. Dean was being attacked, you know, by this army, and it appeared really unjust. So our YouTube gave him boats, and they ferried humanity in across this made a great unity between design guests, who are Turkish and are you bits who are Kurdish. It was an amazing bond that was developed between the two families. And Mr. Dean continued his struggle and unfortunately, but by the will of Allah, suddenly he died. He was assassinated in 1146. And his son Nora, Dean sangee, took control.

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Nora Dean, had an amazing personality. He was a pious person, he did not love the life of this world. And he dedicated his life to liberating the land and to uniting Syria, and Egypt, whatever he possibly could, and to take back the lens of the Crusaders. So now, here, here, we are now looking at the what happened in the Middle East. And in this area, this is what is called the time of the Second Crusade.

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And that's based upon the fact that the fall of Edessa. This really was confusion. For the Europeans. It was confusion, because that was really a protective

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principality that they had. And so there were calls for a new crusade to come about.

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And these calls came about

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us with you know, France is generally the basis for the Crusaders. And this time, they were calling for a three pronged crusade. And this is a point it's an important point that a lot of people don't understand you need to connect the dots. There were actually three crusades that were not at this time, one crusade that they call Reconquista, but this was the crusade down into Spain and Portugal and the US because this was a Slavic territory. Now, we tend to look at Muslims has been from the east

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So but no, this is to the west of France and Germany. And it wasn't Islamic empire.

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And so they launched a crusade against this area. And you can read that when you read about Al Andalus. And Lucia, and what happened in that area. So that was a cruise actually a crusade, another crusade went to the north, to the Germanic people who were reverting to their pagan beliefs, they refuse to accept Christianity. So a crusade was also sent to the north. Okay, but the major crusade and 1147 This is what was initiated by Eugene, the third, who was elected as the Pope. So he issued a decree December 11 45. He called for the crusade.

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And he said, but this time, it needs to be more organized, and centrally controlled. You see, he wants it to be more organized. And he said he wants the armies to be led by the strongest kings of Europe, not just princes, and you know, people who are looking for adventure know, the Kings themself. So he wants a political crusade to develop and that crusade actually began. And they attacked Muslim lands coming in from different areas. If you look back at your map, you will see how the the the red lines, this is the the different Crusader groups. If you see the yellow line, which is sold from Germany, that's called red, the third of Germany he went from Germany, straight down

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into Turkey. Yeah. And then you will see Louis the seventh, who went from France. And then he went and saw there were different routes that they took, they centralized themselves, they were organized, and they moved into not only the turkey aside, but straight into the areas that they had conquered previously. So they want to reestablish themselves, and they want to stop any advancements made by the Muslims. Okay, so this is the Second Crusade.

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Nor a Dean, who was still leading, that resistance movement started by Mr. Dean sangee.

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Noureddine was blessed with a series of lightning fast victories. And this really culminated in the Battle of YNAB. On the 29th of June 1149,

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Noridian, had established himself as one of the greatest leaders in the Muslim world at the time. And so he was able to hold back the Crusaders take more of their places, hold them to the coastline. And so this was an amazing job that that nurudeen was doing, and he was uniting people under the banner of resistance. But there was a turn of events. And that was that February 10 1163. A new king was crowned in Jerusalem, Amalric, and Amalric had a different kind of spirit. He was highly organized, highly trained, highly motivated. And he began to struggle against the Yankees, and he actually defeated them at the Battle of Boca. And then he made a series of major invasions of Egypt.

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Now think about Egypt, Egypt at that time was probably after Baghdad. It was the largest, most developed Muslim town in terms of the wealth that was coming out of it, the scholarship, the strategic position, so he launched a series of invasions. This is a Merc. So this is a very serious individual there who is plotting himself now remember now again, the Fatimid Khelifa they call the the Khalifa. Although the Fatimids were extremists and they were Israelis. They were outside of even the mainstream Shia. They call themselves the twelvers or the international Ria. There's my Elise, they were totally on it.

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And their leadership their base started in Medea, which was in Tunis, Tunisia. But then it moved over to Egypt. They quickly lost that side where Tunisia was because they were Muslim forces that were there. You know, that defeated them but Egypt became their stronghold and Alka Hara Cairo became the capital of the fattiness. Okay, this is back at 969.

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So look at the extent of their rule. You see they go deep south

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down into the Sudan. They also go over to the Levant. So they actually took over sections of Syria and Lebanon and Palestine. They even were controlling Mecca and Medina. They did not stop Islam, they were allowing regular Islamic rule. And Muslims were so divided, that they could not actually take them out of their leadership. And that is the reality. So, Amalric now is attacking Egypt. And this is so serious, that even though Normandin is leading the islands, Sunda, the mainstream body resistance to the Crusaders, he recognized that even though the Fatimids at different points were in a negative leave and fight to suit the Sunda people.

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He had to do something, because to lose Egypt,

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was to lose a strategic place. Now, these pictures that I've got here for you, and much of Cairo's older buildings were actually built by the fire teammates themselves.

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And that's amazing when you think about Egypt because you think Egypt is the the home of the Allah sunnah.

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But no, originally, it was, of course, the title of our Bible as for the long run Sahabas time, but the 40 minutes took home.

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And although they're not the majority of the people, still, the majority is just following mainstream Islam. They see the power. And the buildings look at the size of the buildings that they constructed. You know, they're in Cairo, they changed, you know, from an important city to one of the greatest

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cities in terms of building structures in the Muslim world at the time. So Nora Dean felt that he needed to do something. So he intervened. And despite the fact that there was a difference with the Sunni and the Shia, this was an issue, which was concerning the whole of the Muslim world. And so Nora dean then sent a StrikeForce into that area, which would be LED by

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His general Cassadine Sherco. Now, remember, the IU bits and the Zen gets so so the Dean was the brother

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of a YouTube and

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he was a great leader. He's described, although he was short in stature, he was very tough and strong. And he was such a commanding leader. His followers loved him. He was lightning fast victories he was well known for. And so nurudeen Then censured a coup,

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to lead the forces into Egypt. And although they were not huge, a number, they were so lightning fast and so organized and so courageous, that they were able to open up territories and to defeat other Christians at different points. So she had a coup brought along with him, his nephew celerity.

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So this is where Salahuddin now enters the scene. He is the son of a you remember the other Kurdish people who saved the Zen good family,

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strong relationship. Salahuddin then grows up in Damascus. And he's being trained, you know, by the best fighters, and Chuchu took him in. And so a lot of the strategies that you see Salahuddin develops later on, come directly from Chicago. This is another name that you need to remember when you understand Islamic history, because this is part of the pivot. This is part of the major pivot

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that is coming about because remember, the Christians have launched the Second Crusade, they are in big waves. Amalric now is organizing more people to come from Europe, and from wave after wave to hit Cairo, and to take over the whole Muslim world.

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The 40 minutes were a disorder.

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And one of there was IRS, and it was there as like the main Chief Minister. His name was Shaohua he turned against the Fatimid caliph and added he turned against and so he was deposed. And he was so treacherous, the Shaohua character, so treacherous, that he actually joined forces with Amalric

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and they plan together inside and outside, how they would destroy

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Egypt can take over much of the Muslim world. And so

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she had a coup, then found himself struggling against renegade fatty mints on one hand, and crusaders on the other hand, and sometimes, both at the same time.

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She had a coup was tireless,

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the famous siege of Bill Bill peace. In August of 1164 Shotoku was not being defeated on the ground, he was going from place to place he was establishing himself he was defeating the Crusaders defeating the 40 minutes. And

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after this, a decisive battle came about

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and this was this was the Battle of bein 1167.

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Decisive Battle and after this and a string of smaller confrontations in 1169 Shaohua was poisoned

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but shatter cu

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P passed away he died in the law he were in the era t

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shirt a coup

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was dead.

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The Fatimids at that point in disarray, still hoping to have the leadership of the Atlas Sana, the main body of Muslims, but then not to be dominated you see they wanted this thing where you have them there you have the sun is there to do the fighting, but you remain in control. So they thought that Salahuddin will be the perfect person to take over as the main was Zia, under the fatty McCallum. Okay, now, Salahuddin accepts this position, but this is a contradiction because nurudeen

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did not accept the 40 Min rule. He was saving Egypt in order to save the Muslim world.

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But it was strategic that Salahuddin took this position as the wazirx and nobody recognize this gave him reinforcements and a major attack mobile Amalric remember the Crusaders they put laid sees the damietta This is a port this is in in Egypt itself. And this was a major siege and Salahuddin or he will hold on

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was key in this he held the fort. He saved heat up saved that entrance into the Muslim world. And he became famous because of this. But this brought not only fame, but it brought threats because the assassins remember the machine the assassins of the extreme Ismaili group living in alamode in Syria and high in the mountains. They tried to assassinate him twice, because they will always try to destabilize the leadership of the other Sunni but Salahuddin lived by the power of Allah subhanaw taala. And at that point,

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has there was there rises, because the fatty Bill Khalifa died.

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And so, Salahuddin then took over the country because the only rule of the 40 minutes left was a young man, Saladin took over effective rule of Egypt. The Khalifa of the Abbasids

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gave him the title of Sultan, and this is a title not used much to Seljuks holy major people will get the title of some time. And so he became the Sultan of Egypt. And this that you see in the picture is an actual coin that was minted in Egypt for Salah Dena UB, Rahim Allah. So this is an actual coin. You see the Arabic writing and whatnot. So this very important thing in terms of power. Now, when he was declared,

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as the Sultan, he said about to reestablish Egypt, to clean it up to purge it, and to get it set for his major intention, which was to open up Tuesday. What did he do?

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First, he established the symbol. So as a university, which was a 40 minute

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university, it was now taken over by the Muslims, and he established the Shafi right. This is the main type of Imam Shafi, Rahim and the sooner you establish

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the events that will be in called by the Fatimids. In their masjid, remember, they built the big mustards of Cairo at that time. And the Shia avant, you know, has some beta in it where they say I said you are legally allowed to and,

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you know, so that's not the same as innovation. So sulla Diem, changed the back to the symbol. So I had also made sure that in the court system, all judges were no longer this makes all the judges were Sunday, and the law will be administered by according to the Quran, and the Sunnah.

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He also took control of the Fatimid royal family,

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and he did not slaughter them, but he arrested them and he banished them to make sure that they will not try to do a coup but to take back

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public lectures given in massage given in the dresses given here on the streets. public lectures were done in the summer. No more Ismaili botany cream under the bottom here, none of that creek. Okay. And so all the public lectures and then the Joomla itself,

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that Joomla instead of being read in the name of the fattiness, it was read in the name of our baskets. Okay, so this is a major move

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that Salahuddin Rahim Allah is able to accomplish there in Egypt. So he didn't just go and really attack Jerusalem. No, there was some things that had to be done on the ground.

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So he established his base. And then from there,

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he started to move up. So now who is Salahuddin himself? This is an artist's conception of who we might be. There's a few pictures on coins and whatnot, Allah knows best, but Salahuddin was born use of given a yield. Right, Salahuddin is like the nickname, okay. And he was born in the Iraqi city of Tikrit. So this is in the northern Kurdish section of Iraq today. Okay. And according to behind Dean, even shut dad, who was the main biographer of slavery, he was a pious Muslim, and he loved to listen to the Quran.

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And so, even at night, he would have his guards were generally the books. They were the trained warrior soldiers. He would have them read a section at nighttime so you can listen to

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he prayed on time. But he was also very strict with his faith. He hated philosophies and did not like philosophy, especially those who are denying attributes of a loss opponent.

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All the names and attributes should be

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concrete and should be established. So he was straight with his faith. That's an important thing. You know about it's part of the pivot. Because the Muslim world is in turmoil.

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There's confusion, there's the losing land is Amir fighting Amir. There is different botany ideas, remember the fattiness that are there. So this now is a major pivot coming in.

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With Salahuddin and, again, people who were materialists people who were fighting for the dunya and those who didn't like this, you wanted a balanced Islam that has given you dunya and akhira. So this is a think about today what we need in the Muslim world, unapologetically Muslim, at the same time, dealing with the life of this world. And he was open minded. He supported the fund Congress is what they call today, the Sufi hostels, they allow the people of the Salaf to be there long as they stayed within Sharia does not allow the wild, non Sharia based

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Sufism to be there. But those who are into the Teskey or to knifes, and their spirituality, he allowed them to do that. He especially encouraged my dresses for FIP addresses for Islamic Studies. And so this is the balance this love that you need today, actually to unite the Muslim world. And one of the key aspects of Salahuddin was his, his clinging

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to the jihad to the resistance. That was his life. Resistance to the Crusaders, bring back the lands of Islam liberate

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Jerusalem and

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So our Dean started to was winning victories and starting to organize himself. Now back to the Christians. The Christians were going through changes as well. And in Jerusalem itself, Baldwin the fourth became the King of Jerusalem, and 1174. But this he was 13 years old, he was a leper. And leprosy, as you know, is a debilitating, incurable disease. But because he was in the royal family, he was put into this position as the King of Jerusalem.

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They didn't expect him to live very long. So he had a co ruler as well Baldwin.

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That when holding the fourth died, holding the fifth became the sole ruler of the area upon this death

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in 1185, okay, and there was also Raymond the third of Tripoli. There were the Knights Templar, were a powerful force in that area. At the same time, all of these different elements were bringing life back to the Christians and making them more dangerous than before, but Ramin was smart. Raymond negotiated a truth with selectors with Salahuddin.

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But this was being broken because the Knights Templar were attacking the judge the Pilgrims going to Mecca. They were defiling Muslim lands, and the women of Islam. And they even went to the point where they made the threat to take Medina and to defile and steal the body of Prophet Muhammad. Peace and blessings.

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That's a red line. That's a series.

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And but this king,

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the king passed away in 11 86,000, his mother,

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and her husband, Guy of losing young. He was a dim witted, good looking, you know, Frenchman, who was totally into him, was himself a narcissist. If you recall today, they were crowned as the king and queen of Jews. That's 1186. Okay. And the Solera Dean was winning victims. He was persistent to continue on. And

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D the Eleusinian had another intention.

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Okay, so our dean is all over the place, the Battle of alpha Lake.

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You know, he a slight defeat, he continues.

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And he increased his attacks on the Christians on the Franks, Battle of Kressel, which is an 1187. So key, the lusail he decides he's going to throw everything at celebrity arrogant person. So he gathered the largest Christian army ever assembled out of Jerusalem, to go forward to salon.

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So I had Dean was coming, crafty leader, member coming out of the School of Design gets. And this is an important point because your leaders don't come out of a vacuum. We have to think about this today with our youth that are used have to be trained for what is coming, train your youth for major confrontations happening in the world. No more pies in the skies. Now is the time for all Muslims to be trained as many skills as possible.

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And so, Salahuddin, then through subtle tactics,

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and arrogance of T. He learned this huge Crusader army into a very inhospitable, desert terrain. That is a place called her team. And so it is in that area that they were lured in. And Salahuddin intelligently now cut off their water supplies, rain them with arrows. The Christians are going out of their minds, the scorpions and snakes biting them at night. You didn't have water. And so they they were losing their senses. And so they rushed toward the forces of Salahuddin. This is a decisive battle of her team, which is in the Fourth of July 11 at

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some crucial date.

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So the next time you hear Fourth of July, it's not because of the independence on America.

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The key thing for Muslims it's the Battle of her team.

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and this was a pivot.

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This is your pivot is now moving strong enough.

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Because in this battle, the Muslims were able to totally defeat

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the Crusaders. Totally defeat is a decisive battle that should never be forgotten. And because of this, Palestine,

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started to fall, Syria, all of the areas. Salahuddin was taking back one section after another section. And finally, the siege of Jerusalem began.

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And that was on the 28th of September 11 87.

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So our Dean surrounded the city, he was bargaining with Bellion of gibberellin. This is on the second of October,

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he they started to negotiate belly and tried to put up some resistance, but

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they will finally the siege was finally broken Salahuddin you know, let him understand you want everybody to die.

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Okay, this is how important this place is, we will allow you to leave with dignity. We're not going to slowly

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add because Salahuddin was so well known because of his character, and because of his piety, and his sincerity and his honesty. Valiant and the Christians accepted this. And they surrendered the study.

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And this came about

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then live in 87, second of October,

00:41:43 --> 00:41:54

according to some sources, on the 19th of October, urban, the third was the Pope, he died. It was such a trauma that he died when he heard that us in the Moscow

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Salahuddin where he will hold on. It's a major victory for Islam pivot. This is your pivot coming in.

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What would happen with this pivot?

00:42:08 --> 00:42:12

When the first negative pivot happened during the First Crusade, remember,

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when the Crusaders came down into this area, they destroyed they killed and they maimed and they, it is said that the some sections of the city, the horses were knee deep and blood.

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That's how horrible it was. Salahuddin took over

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and did not institute a slaughter.

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He spared the Christians. He treated them in an honorable way. And those who wanted to leave the city could do in peace. And he allowed them to take their personal possessions, you know, on their animals. He those who could afford to pay a modest ransom. They paid the ransom, but many people could not. So I had to fit the

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slides in showed respect for all religions. Some of the people within his leadership wanted to destroy the churches, because of what the Christians had done. Remember, Ada E is no other than was being called

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a masjid martial art Oxon. They use it for the stable, pigs are running around, they defiled the area. So it was not like this. And Salahuddin sets an example. It was such an example that he was beloved in Europe, that even the Europeans love this man, because he had better character than their own Crusaders. So he was an example of a tolerant, progressive way of practicing Islam. That's the inclusive faith that we need today. And restraint, but strength. So our D was resilient.

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Florida did not rest at night. He did not rest.

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And he gave his life to liberate. That's the spirit that we need today, right now to be reinfused in the Muslim world, to come out in our leaders instead of being rabbits to come forward and to deal with what they need to deal with. And what is the end result? It's not the slaughter of Jews, not slaughter of Christians. It's a tolerant Islam. It's just as established no doubt, but to liberate the territory and to give freedom of religion to all people. And so Jerusalem was spared.

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And Salahuddin Rahimullah country continued on with lightning fast victories, he was able to open up

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many more of the lands taking back to Christian

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principalities, until only the bare coastal regions were actually left and this rose,

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another crusade. A major crusade was then called. And this one was actually led by Richard the Lionhearted. As you may have heard of him because of England, Richard the lion,

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and he came down with a huge crusade to come down to deal with Salahuddin. So our Dean held them off, he held the ground, a truce was made. They were not able to retake Jerusalem. And Richard had to go back to England without taking the sacred land of Jerusalem. Salahuddin Rahim Allah,

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only around 56 years old or so passed away in Damascus. His life is in the cell, a great leader, a pivot change, where unity came to the Muslims, where the Sunnah was no longer under attack by a major Shiite dynasty the Fatimids No, that is gone now. The Sunda is the major rule of the whole of the Muslim world, except for the parts of the fraction groups the assassins was still around, and some of the other smaller groups, but this is a pivot

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back to the Sunda even though Muslims have gone through tremendous struggle, tremendous suffering. Allah subhanaw taala allowed us to go from darkness into light. That is the pivot that we need today in the Muslim world. This is a great example. And that's the reason why you hear many Arabic speaking people say was Salahuddin wa sallahu. De meaning Posada de Where's sala de whereas he wanted to come back. And we pray that Allah subhanaw taala would allow him to come back in the hundreds to open up at mandates. So I want to open up the floor for any questions that anybody may have concerning this pivot of celerity and a UB Rahima.

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So let us look back at what we have here

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in the chat. Are there any questions that anybody has? There in the chat?

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floor is open.

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I don't see any other manager.

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One is saying can you tell me the name of the book you referenced in your lecture a few weeks ago?

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Are you selling it?

00:47:51 --> 00:48:17

There was a book that I said and that is on the Seattle cavea. The complete advice insincerity. And yes, you can get that book, go to my website, Hakeem quick.com. Okay, and there, you know, you can get complete advice and sincerity. You can also download some of the courses that we have that may be of interest to you.

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This information is also available at the steelworkers to Toronto, website islam.ca. You can go there as well to get some of the courses and some of the information and keep in touch with us. On our Facebook page. Check Abdullah Hakim quick, public figure that's on Facebook. Keep in touch with us as we are moving to Black History Month and continuing on with our studies. And so we will leave this class here tonight we'll announce whether will continue next week or not. Because we are now coming very close to the month of Ramadan and all of our teachings are now shifting into the Ramadan teachings. But we pray that Allah subhanaw taala would have mercy on this ummah. And we pray that

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Allah azza wa jal with the coming of the month of Ramadan will make it a source of blessing and a source of victory for the Muslims, and to raise up hundreds of Salah deeds to make the believers and to help the innocent people of this ummah. Be Allah give dignity and honor to the children of Omar Muhammad Sal solemn, especially in Philistine and Reza, may Allah give dignity and honor to the women of this combo, especially in Philistine and Gaza, heads of the men may Allah strengthen them and unite the Muslims throughout the Muslim world. May Allah take our confused political leaders from darkness into light, that spirit of his enemies, that spirit of solidarity

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If we needed to come back and pray that Allah would raise it up in the OMA and take us off from darkness into light and leave you with these thoughts. Now ask Allah have mercy on me and you are going to doubt 100 I hope it was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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