Abdul Wahab Saleem – The Ship of Salvation

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of patient learning and finding the best way to achieve success in a busy schedule, preserving intellectual capacity, and networking to avoid wasting time and avoiding the five minute federal thing. They also discuss the challenges of finding true connections and the importance of learning different stages of learning and picking books based on starting points. The speakers emphasize the need for people to learn about " fatality," the importance of learning different stages of learning, and the importance of studying in a funnel and being patient while hunting. They also mention a class formed due to a question about hunting for listening.
AI: Transcript ©
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of our discussion today and onwards as I said, will be filmed, but I thought that today we can make it so that our discussion will be around prefixes that are extremely important for a student of knowledge in general number one. And also they're very, very significant prefixes for a person that is studying the science of filk. First and foremost, I want to talk about him in general. And we are living in a time that we're used to an extremely fast paced sort of like, you know, fast food lifestyle, everything needs to be given to us in little capsules, we take them and then after that, we think that we've earned it all similar to food, we think it's nutritious we go to a restaurant,

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get, you know, a capsule and that's it or get our little fast food meal. And that's it our our dinner for that day is done. And in reality, we haven't really acquired any other nutrition that we require for us to live on healthy lifestyles. And income is no different than that is little bit at a time capsules at a time.

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Valium cannot be acquired in one weekend, two weekends, three weekends, Valium cannot be acquired in one Crash Course it just cannot be acquired in this manner. Always in forever this scholars and even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before them hit their teacher, the Prophet sallallaahu it was sent him as the Sahaba as a candidate who wouldn't have been known about the prophets of Allah, He said them, he used to give us more of a one thing at a time. So every time the Prophet does anyone find an opportunity to give them some after that even more bass and other people, they set up lessons on a weekly basis or bass used to have a lesson on on the day of Thursday, on a weekly

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basis. So this concept of weekly basis lessons is a practice that the seller used to do. And they continue to do even till this this day, scholars continue to do it all across the world. This is a tried and tested methodology. And where a person comes in with regularity learns one thing at a time, and you will notice that you don't have this problem of indigestion of knowledge. And that is a problem that occurs with us nowadays that we learned a lot. And we're not able to digest it all. And when that occurs, you end up throwing up some of it and you think you know things but in reality, you know nothing, because a lot of things, a lot of concepts have gotten mixed up eight

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hours of information, not everybody is capable of bearing that let's put it this way. If you were to go to a university and learn a course, for 10 1520 hours, a straight over a course of two or three days, how would you be able to bear all that information? The answer is likely you will not be able to bear that information. But the problem here is that even though we understand that we won't be able to bear this information in that heavy dosage, it's very rare that a person actually has the capacity to be patient with knowledge. As one of the poet used to say he couldn't either illustrate what he shared with me how I got to show it earlier how I got to work in it isn't really a battle

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that there's every single person has certain movements that they try to make to get to the top. But there's always only a few people that are actually able to be patient throughout the way throughout the course they're able to you know remain patient most

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At the time, and even this cost over here in Georgia, all of you will remain. But I have a feeling that, you know, two weeks will go by three weeks will go by, and right now we have a tendency, even online, you know, a couple of weeks will go by, and people will start to, you know, discontinue their studies, and people will start to not attend again, and so on and so forth. And I've taught many, many classes for prolonged periods of time, and I've noticed that the first day is 15 2030. Now we have maybe 4050 people, maybe more, you know, there are a lot of people will come, but then people will start to drop out as well. What you need to do is you need to get past that, if you

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really want to be able to gain this knowledge. And what happens is we have this problem of disbelief. What does this mean? It means to procrastinate, procrastination. So we say, Okay, well, you know what, at this moment in my life,

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I'm going to let this opportunity go. And then when the next moment in life comes up and take the opportunity. And when the next moment comes, you say, you know what, let's procrastinate some more, I can let this opportunity go when the next moment in life comes, I'll take the opportunity then. And every single train just like this keeps passing by us. And we don't realize that we're actually letting a lot of golden opportunities go. And a person that is an intellectual individual, he'll recognize that what you're dealing with over here is not a joke. How is it not a joke, it's not a joke, because you're dealing with the inheritance of the prophets of Allah who it was similar.

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And we know that from the Hadith, that the NBA did not leave behind anything for their heirs, except what

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Femina hi Debbie, Helen Moffitt, whoever takes up this knowledge that he's taking up a great portion. So if you recognize the fact that this is the inheritance of a lawsuit of loss on a lower audio system, then you're the one that makes a choice of either being one that will take it in large portions, or being an individual that will take it in, in very, very little portions. Having said this, what I want to say is that, at the same time, along with the fact that we are learning this knowledge, we have to realize that the best way always, and forever will be learning the knowledge based on the methodology of our pious predecessors. And what that really means is sometimes people

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think that they are on a methodology that is similar to the methodology of the pious predecessor, what that means is, you learn what they have to say, what they have to say, okay, that's a pretty big term right there. A lot of people don't recognize that when we say we're gonna learn the methodology of the setup. That means you go back to the Senate, and you learn what they have to say, not when interpreters later on, we'll say about what the senate used to mean, or what the senate used to say, if you truly want to be an individual that learns the methodology of the setup, then you're gonna go back to the set of jump centuries, 234 or 578 10 centuries ago, the books and works

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of that time are still around, this is a reality.

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We have to recognize this fact that the books and works we have huge libraries nowadays, where the majority of the books are written by 347 people of modern date and then we say, you know, what we are following the methodology of the setup by reading these books. The Senate's have a right upon us as ship hamedan without ocean pity, a famous scholar. And so the reason they have it right upon us, and what's there, right, that we give precedence to there works over all other words. So if you really want to understand what the Senate have done, or said, then go back numerous generations, and you'll find just as other people have access to those works, we have access to it as well, even in

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modern day, some panelo even have access to English translations of a lot of those historical pieces masterpieces, those very pieces that a lot of our machines themselves used to look at as well. So this is something that's really important. Why do I say this? Because the type of discourse and discussions that used to occur, historically are not like the type of discussions that occurred today, in modern day, the type of discussions that used to occur historically, are extremely powerful discussions. And I'm going to give you some samples of, you know, the type of discussions or the level of knowledge that the center if we're dealing with and the level of knowledge that

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we're dealing with today, and this 12 weeks or 13 weeks that our lessons are going to consist of, we have a book that is maybe you don't the size of one large piece of paper, and small writing on top of it right till the end, and not even this is the size of the book that we're going to study. And it's going to realize that there'll be a lot of gems that you didn't know within this work feel unreal as we go on, forward. But having said that, you have people in the past, such as the auditor, hamadani jabatan, hamadani, famous scholar, you have him writing a defeat he calls it

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and I gave brought some examples or he calls it

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he wrote it in 100 volumes 100 volumes. One deceived that is 100 volumes, even now if we're to collect a couple

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Have a seat will still not be able to come together with 100 volumes in active seat. You have the famous scholar who has an SRT, he writes as they've seen again, these some of these books are not even anywhere to be found 70 volumes 70 volumes worth of seat. You have another famous scholar, Abu Yusuf, I'm just set them up because winning does mean what does that mean? That means a person from an area called cuisine, which is somewhere in Russia. Okay, so when we have been magical because we know for example, that means he's from

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an area in Russia. Now I will use the salon. Because when he writes his stuff seed called hodapp that you badger and the least number that people have given to the amount of volumes that this obscene odd, was guess how much?

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We said already? 70 we said 100. Now how much do you think it could be?

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Somebody give me a guess.

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250 the least number that's mentioned in this particular seat is 300 volumes 300 volumes, and what did he do? abusive of the ceramic because when he took this seat and then he made it a box, I trust in doubt that the seat and put it in msgid in Baghdad. Okay, john, remember when he put it in that messier than that, and after it was placed in Baghdad in this particular area, in this particular Masjid, in the library later on, when the Mongols came, the wars occurred, a lot of these books went to waste, because they started using these books to for for very, very lowly purposes. The point of the matter is that these books were then lost one of those books that have been lost is this

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particular book, some say that we still have some reminiscence of the book, along with them. But the point is, this was written in in 300, volume, volumes and shelves down, they knew how to handle a lot. He has a book called offering Milan, an emetic Alam a book that basically in which he tries to take the blame off of the historical scholars you always hear. Sometimes people are like, well, maybe this person, he has made a mistake. He didn't follow the Sunnah in this and you're talking about your bamboo and Eva shanshui Malik, Savannah 30, Savannah Marina is hopping on Oh, whoa, a major, major scholar historically, by the way, they weren't just formas I have nowadays there's form

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of them. And these are the popular ones now. But some of the scholars such as Allah, he mentioned in his Medina, that there was other means I have as well many other modalities. Amongst them was these happier, literally a method called the is happier. Amongst them was another method that would, that would be, you know, attributing itself to soufiane authority. So we had that modality that were there, and they were followed as well.

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Even if he calls him as I had met my dad, they're actually followed by other people historically, as well. So the point of the matter is that some people may raise a finger of blame, and even taymiyah, he writes an entire book called that often when I'm raising the blame off the historical scholars saying that there is a possibility that they may have had an opinion, they may have a point on a certain issue based on a dilemma that was there for them, and it is no longer there for us. It is no longer there. For us. This is a fact that he mentioned and it's a reality, because there's a lot of books that have been lost. That doesn't mean the deen as a whole can ever be lost, because the loss

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of data has protected that first But definitely, as he puts it in his book for him is 70 and a half the virtue of the knowledge of the historical scholars over the later scholars. So we always want to go back as far as possible, and try to benefit from the earlier scholars as much as possible. Even Jahan, he writes at their seat again, this seed is equivalent to around guess how many volumes this one

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we already got got to 300. So only going to give you a higher number now right?

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1000 volumes. Okay.

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And you know, the examples go on and on and on. But the point of the matter is that how did they have time for all of this? And where did they get all of this information to begin with? Even if you look at the numbers, that for example, some of the senators had memorized from a hadith if we were to gather together that I have the all the collections of a Hadith, we would not have enough as many as it says I have memorized on my own.

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If we were to gather all of that Hadith together that we have right now, we wouldn't have enough a hadith that would equate to the memory of Mohammed For example, we wouldn't have that because that they had a salad or they had a certain level of virtual knowledge. And for that reason, again and again, I reiterate that we should try as best as we can go back to the earliest sources as possible, because at times, Allah subhana wa tada promised us that he's going to preserve our religion. But that doesn't necessarily mean that every unit of Hadith will be preserved.

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But the religion as a whole, Allah Subhana, Allah has given a promise, a promise that it will definitely be preserved. So sometimes our religion can be preserved, in a sense that it's an opinion of an individual a time, and that's the vast majority, the overwhelming majority would be the ayat II altogether, and then overwhelming majority would be the head. Okay, overwhelming majority of them will be protected. But then something may be lost. And at times, we figured that things do get lost. Why? Because centuries go by, and then suddenly someone is looking through an old library. And they say, within the midst of this library, I found a little page. That was, for example, the thought of

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this guy, Barry.

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And it was written in such and such ear, and we have records of this even occurring in our time in Turkish libraries. Okay, even some of these volumes that I've told you about these devices, then they haven't all been collected together. But every now and then someone says, Well, we found 100 out with a treasure waiting for us to discover, when we finally found it, we've discovered it, it was in the search library. It was in this German library, it was in this American Library, even in America, there's a lot of transcripts of the Muslim works. The other thing that is important to note is to be able to gain knowledge, you have to persevere, very, very important. persevering is

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extremely, extremely important. So when this day goes by, next week comes you're going to come back, when the next the week after that, you're going to come back again, when the week after that, you're going to come back again, the day you stop, that is this day that JSON is playing games with you. And I'm just talking about once a week here, some people will find this very difficult for them. Right, but you have like the likes of your mama show ganja and the likes of the woman? No, if you look at their daily schedule, the schedules were just not variable for any of us, even for our livelihood. For example, imagine someone working 12 hours a day, right? It becomes really difficult

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for a person who's working 12 hours a day, people, some people have those sort of difficult shifts to work. But I'm delighted they're able to bear it. But you know, without much difficulty, right? Imagine someone being intellectually stimulated for 12 hours a day, a mama show Gani between his doodles that He will teach to students for Tao that he would give because he was a Mufti and also, at the same time, deduce that he would learn from his teacher between those three concepts. He would spend 12 lessons or 12 periods, periods, 12 units of his day, you would have divided up all of that between teaching, learning and getting better. All of this is mental exercise, it requires a person

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that is really capable. So if somebody wants to really learn, then you have to dedicate and hold your yourself accountable for every moment that you waste. If you're going to a restaurant and it's your now's your time to pick up a book and read it if you're going to remember, I'll give you this personal story of mine, with my dear Shake Shack on one of the lightning, I've documented it. And he's the shifts that I took most of my knowledge from. And I sat with him for over five years, and he has a lot of virtue upon me. I remember one day we I was invited to a conference and he was invited to a conference, that conference as well. But when I found out that he's also coming, I told

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him that I'm not going to be giving a lecture, because this is a person that I spent. This is like my father. So I said, there's no way I'm going to sit next to you. And I'm going to give a lecture, or I told the conference organizers, but I will come there just because I don't want to deny an invitation. So

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I went there. And I was reading a book, just a book that was recently printed and photoshopped the shadow opinions. Now, that's a whole discussion on its own what a shadow opinion is, but I was reading a book as a new print a very sort of intricate issue. And as I was reading, the Shaykh walks in, and he sits sat down and when he sat down, I gave him a book a given the book I said she had just purchased this last last week, or just purchases yesterday, and so on and so forth. And I remember the shift took it out of my hand. And we sat there for two and a half hours, he did not move his eyes from the book. And by the time we left, he was done over half of the book. And then he

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said, Oh How can I board until Monday when we until Saturday when we have our does. And then I'll give it back to you in sha Allah. So when I came in on Saturday, I was done reading the book. And there it was, he gave it back to me. But the point of the matter is, this is how a truce true scholars and to true students of knowledge really are keen on knowledge. This is how they're going to be protected, protecting every single moment of their life and someone that is just, you know, wasting every single moment of their lives away and talking and indulging in a lot of different things. By the way, one of those problems also is for example YouTubing. Okay, this is a big issue,

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even though we have people listening to us on YouTube right now, but the point is that this is a major issue, major issue YouTubing and YouTubing fidella for example, someone has an issue. I remember I made some sort of Facebook posts recently. Someone had some issue with that post. So what did they do YouTube, etc. and copied and pasted. I mean, this is not how you learn heavy

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This is not how understanding comes you don't develop an understanding by typing something in on Google and going to some website and getting an answer. That's not how it works. You continuously work on yourself by reading more and more and more and slowly but you recognize your station in life as well. Because everybody know Baba, Baba says Allah says you will go in through life station after another so you recognize your personal station at the moment, the lighter The more you give yourself recognition of your own status status. Allah subhana wa tada was slowly but surely start to other ritual and this is why there is found in a hadith Rahim Allah home run out enough see Allah subhanho

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wa Taala has mercy upon a person who knows his own personal status doesn't consider himself higher, nor does he consider himself lower than that status. So I'm gonna show Danny here, what's he doing? He's has 12 doodles a day between learning between teaching and between giving patella. And then later on, he decreased that to 10 when he started teaching, but that was probably also because he was now busy with writing. He has a lot of books written on different subjects, he had youth and other things, he has some books that he's written in one day. And this is just one example. I'm just bringing examples here. Otherwise, the examples just keep going on, on and on, I want to share a

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statement with you

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that you should write it down. This is a principle that you're going to live by from now on. Okay, from now on, you're going to live by this principle, but in a later lesson, inshallah,

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you're going to live by this principle, and that is that you cannot suffice. Now, you know, mean infill MBR ABCD. This is a statement that the scholars they share with one another, and their students again and again, now, you know, meaningful MBR ABCD, you cannot suffice from the inheritance of the messengers by just a little portion. Anyone that has even the slightest of intellect and recognizes that what we're doing right now, this hour and a half, or whatever we're going to be spending this is the inheritance of the messengers, you will never suffice from for very little, you just want, you will continue and you will learn and you will learn more. And you will

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continue to do that. And that's why many of the setups you see their lives, it's reading, writing, and sleeping, reading, writing, sleeping reading, even to a degree that some of them said that you just cannot have knowledge until 11 o'clock lucano except the person who, whose business just doesn't work anymore. Why? Because he doesn't have time for his business. And then I'm gonna show you say you can never be able to get this knowledge until you become poor. Why is that because you will not have time for your livelihood anymore. Now, I'm not trying to tell everybody to stop everything that they're doing. But for those people to think that they are the ones that can take

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this up, they're the ones that can take this challenge, you have to stop everything within your lives and focus on this and so upon Allah, Allah subhana wa tada will give you the risk, where superhuman heyfield I said, Allah is the one that will take care of your risk, Allah is the one that will take care of your sustenance, if you have some sort of, you know, you have rent to pay this to happen, Allah Subhana Allah will take care of these things in a manner that you just cannot even perceive. I'm not telling everybody to stop again. But you know what, there's only a few people within this room. And I can say it even now, that will actually take up this challenge, because in

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reality, it is a challenge. It is a challenge. And not everybody will be able to,

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you know, take the challenge up. And this is why the profits I'll send them used to say a national cable in media, people are like the 100 camels, knots a calculated field, often, you will not be able to find amongst these 100 camels, barely one or two individuals barely even one individual that barely even one camel, which you can use to write on. Why because not every camel is ready to ride for a prolonged period of time. Some of them are strong, some of them are not. So the profitsystem said, people in the world are like that 100 camels barely ever will you find amongst the 101 or two that will ride for a very, very prolonged period of time. So you want to be that one camel, that's

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going to ride and that's going to last for a very, very long time. And this is why

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the famous henneberry scholar, he used to say that I am finding a keenness to seek knowledge whilst I'm in my 80s the same type of keenness that I used to find whilst I was 20. So if one is not even finding that within their 20s, what do you think is going to happen when you get to your 80s you have to have a charge from right now. And you know what, let me tell you something, when you're in the middle of the night, the darkness of the night, everybody else is asleep. You have yourself a book. And that's all you have. You have. You know, Liam, you're talking to him to Josie you're talking to him you're appealing. You're talking to me you're talking to you have these great

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scholars these great luminaries of history. You're talking to believe you me you will never feel alone. Never ever will you feel alone.

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The type of join us the type of health our the type of sweetness that you will feel in your heart is not measurable at all. And it's not comparable to anything.

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And for that reason, people and that's why some of the stuff used to say is the people that have all the dunia the Moodle, the kings, the governors, if they were to know the type of sweetness that we've, that we feel when we're doing these things, reading the books of the syrup, they would say that they would come and fight us with swords, to be able to get this from us. Because that is the type of sweetness that you will feel so long as you indulge and engulf yourself in this. And, of course, if you know that you're getting to something great. For example, a person recognizes that if I start a business in this particular field, I start this type of a business so on and so forth.

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Then, just as

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you don't suffice yourself for with a little bit of or a very small portion of the some navasota law and the inheritance of the Messenger of Allah sauce. And then if you look into your livelihood, and your life as well, your day to day life, you also find that a person that has a brain, he will never ever suffice for anything good that he can achieve. With the very little bit of a portion right, you just wouldn't do that. Either. Almost official Rafi moromi ferrata, Viva Doonan, junie, Papa Mo, notifii laden cup army multi family, if you end up trying to achieve something really great in your life, then do not

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settle for anything less than the starts. You know, you can get somewhere and you stop this is a problem. And this is why one of the poet's the way he puts it is that I have never been when I'm out Have you been nasty even an apostle Audrina, Allah, Allah to me that I have never been able to find a defect within an individual, like that defect and individuals capable of perfecting himself, but he chooses not to. There's people you look at them, you're like, Man, this guy has a bright future, another person you look at them, man, this scheme is not gonna get anywhere in his life. But the person that has a bright future, you look at them, and you're like, Subhanallah, he's not making

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anything of it, though. Even though it looks like he can have a bright future. He's smart. You know, he's, he has all of the nice talents. And some of you may have heard this as well, right? our individual has all the right talents, but he's not doing anything with his life. That is a problem. And that is one of the greatest defects that an individual can have, because you're capable of perfecting yourself. But you're not able to why, because of the fact that

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the shape on makes a person go into war with one of his Jude was one of his army men. And that is an argument as an acid malic or the Allahu Allah and puts it and this is the second point you want to jot down is that is this

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procrastination, I already alluded to this procrastination. This is as Ms. Malik says, gentlemen, God bless. This is one of the army men are the beliefs of shaitaan. He uses this particular, you know, soldier of his against people in life altogether. And the way I'll give you a little hint, from my own personal life, somebody taught me this and helped me and I wish I'd lost a parent without it helps me with this even more. But maybe you can benefit from it even more than I did. That is that you stop looking at your life. From a forward perspective. So right now, some of you may be in your 20s, some of you, most of you, I think would be in your 20s. Some of you may be a

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little bit older than that. Some of you may be in your teens as well, late teens, okay. So

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you look at

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your life, not as whatever has passed.

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And not by looking forward, right now you're at the age of 20. You look forward, you're like when I get to 25, I'll do this, when I get to 30, I'll do this, when I get to 35, I'll do this, don't look at life like that anymore.

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Don't do that. Look at life backwards from the end of your life. We already know from the Law School of Law, where it was setting them that the amount of materials the profits of send them said, the ages of my nation will be between 60 and 70. So you know that your age is going to be around that ballpark 6070 around there. And also you can also look it up on Google, the general lifespans of people in different countries, right. So you'll get around the same ballpark, some countries are a little bit a little bit higher. But the amount of materials the profits of selling put it are between 60 and 70. This is a general in a general sense. People are people live longer. And some

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people live shorter. Some people some scholars even go as far as to say that some modern fantasy live 250 years.

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You know, this has been said about that. And someone actually said that there's a consensus about this. I was just reading this today, but there's others. There's numerous Ohio that lived 120 at least the point of the matter is some people will live very long, right? But the point is that what you want to do is you want to look at the general life.

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span of this 60 to 70 years and start working backwards. Okay.

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So at the age of 65, you want to have accomplished this,

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you want to have a very big goal that you've set for yourself at the age of 65. And at the age of 60, you want to accomplish this. And at the age of 55, you want to accomplish this. So now if you vision your life out that my ultimate vision in life is that when I get to this specific age, I want to do such and such with my life 65. Okay.

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Now for me to be able to achieve that vision, I have to have pre faces

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start working backwards. For me to be able to accomplish that number one, I need to do this. Let's say you want to be a person that wants to author an encyclopedia on the Koran Motherland, okay, for you. To do that. Now, you have to learn the Quran, you have to memorize the Quran, you have to learn the feet of the Koran, you have to learn Arabic in detail, you have to have much practice with the science for many, many years, you have to have all of these things by the age of 65 or 63, around that, and wherever you set for yourself, you want to have accomplished this particular goal in your life, then you'll work backwards 65, I have to have done this 60, I have to have done this 55, I

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have to have done this 50, I have to have done this 45, I have to finish this 40, I have to finish this. And you know what, when you do it that way, then you realize you don't really have much time left. And for those of you that are in your 30s, you realize how fast that list of fives that I was talking about will finish for those of you that are in your 40s, you'll find how fast that lists the fives that are going to finish and for those of you are that are in your 50s

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you know, what I'm saying will not help you. Because there's not that much time left. And even for those of you that are 20s You're laughing now, but there's not that much time left. Right now you have nice strength, you have energy, you don't have any wrinkles. You know, you don't have any kids yet nagging you turning your hair great that none of that is happening. But just a couple years from now, the wrinkles will come just a couple of years from now the back is gonna start hurting the very back that you when you used to look at people and your your elderly, and you'll find you used to look at them in shock that Why can't you get up off the sofa. Now you for the sisters, someone gets

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pregnant, you can't even get off a sofa anymore, and your mom seems stronger than yourself. The point is that life will change just that fast, and it's changing very, very fast.

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What you have to do is you have to make the most of that change, because you are the one after a loss of panel data, of course allows you to do that, that can dictate your life in a certain direction, you have choices that you can make in your life. And if you don't make them right, then you're falling prey to the soldier from amongst the army of beliefs. And that is the sweet, letting one thing go. I remember, you know, last year earlier on this year, we had a program, very successful one Islamic awakening people attended, some people attended right throughout the whole program, other people they chose not to. And they were you know, they were sad at the end of it or

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even in the middle of it. Now when I was starting this program, some people were really happy about it excited about it. And I don't see those faces here. And I knew they're not going to be here anyways, I knew that from the get go. Always the people that are excited and they're jumping in there. Like you don't want to have the darts. They're the ones a number of them will not show up. But there's a good number as well. So in Hamdulillah, you're here. So the point of the matter is there always be these people that keep letting opportunities go. You don't want to be that person that's going to let opportunities go any opportunity that comes your way. You take it because you

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never know when it's going to turn back. And when it's going to come again. Number three or four or somewhere along that I don't remember the numbers anymore.

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Write this down as well. Yeah, even the Imam, the famous scholar, yeah. Because he's, he says and write it down. He says now you stop. Bill had ingested and before I mentioned this particular statement and translated for you. I'm going to mention a little bit of detail about the statement itself, the method itself, the asset is found in this will have an amount Muslim. It's found where Sasha Muslim.

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And in the middle of this, Mr. Muslim, he relates this particular statement of jacobina because you now have an OB cathedra is not a messenger, not a hobby even. But this Imam a Muslim is narrating the statement. Have you been in the middle of his site? And if you look at the book, so he's Muslim, you'll find that there is nothing but I had even there even if Masada puts it this way, this way that this is a had had Ethan stumped. What that means is this book is just, you know, nearly ahaadeeth there's nothing in there. So normally Mr. Muslim besides his Medina in the beginning, he doesn't have his own statements in there. He doesn't have anything but the Hadees except data

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He said to me, he said to me, and then aeration itself, okay. He said that she said that she said that she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and so on and so forth. And that's all that's within the book. But there is no statements of the seller and there's no statements of himself as well in the middle of the book,

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or barely any one rare occasion is get double Sadat in Babel, Mojave mockito, salata comes the chapter which has the timings of the five daily prayers. Now, the timings of the five daily prayer is a basic issue. Most people know already most people, you know, they can hear the event, at least, you know, but in the middle of this chapter, or at the end of this chapter, Mr. Muslim, he brings this statement. Why does he do it and what's the statement?

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In this particular chapter, you'll find that Mr. Muslim, he has narrations from a couple three or four. It's a hobby, then it's a habit. Then, Mr. Muslim has his teachers some of them are from Kufa, others are from bustle, others are from Egypt. Others are from different places. So you have four or five different localities where a non Muslim has gathered these heads together, okay. He's gathered from Kufa different cities we're talking about some of them are from Morocco, in Syria today. So there's they're from Sean they're from, you know, at all different different places, different parts of the world. He gathers all of his teachers heads together, and then what does he do? He organizes

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it in a beautiful manner. In a very, very beautiful amount. Always email Muslim has a great organizational, you know, sense in his book. In fact, a poet says Tushar Coleman Filippo hardy will Muslim

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you then into a demo, supposed to record topple Buhari, and Karmapa favors no sooner it was named. Two people came to me they started arguing. They said that which one of the two books do you give precedence to Buhari or Muslim?

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And I said lipids topple Buhari, and Buhari is better in terms of its authenticity. Camera, Sofie Hasina Selena at the Muslim who just as Muslim is better in this organization. So Muslim Imam Muslim has an organizational sense, despite the fact that Muslim was the student of the hottie himself, but in terms of organization is a bit better. So he's organized them in a beautiful manner as well. So after he looks at this chapter that he has made written down of all of these different narrations from different countries, from different Sahaba, then organize them beautifully. He looked at his own work and the amount of effort he had to exert within it. So you wrote this statement at the end

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of it, with a narration all the way down to be copied the famous scholar that the alien will never be taught law, you stop, and you can never achieve him with about how to address it by letting your body rest, the rest of the body has to be out of the door. So if a person is not able to come to the class, then that's a problem. We're talking about basics here. Prime basics. And by the way, what we're studying even now is not some high class knowledge, even though some of this info a lot of this information for you may be new. But in reality, a lot of the information that we're going to be studying during the course these are why'd you bat obligations upon every single Muslims to know,

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these are basics. Imagine a person that's been praying for, for 16 years, 17 years, 17 years, most of you over 20. So 20 years, right? Or 18 years.

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And a basic issue comes up? And we don't know the answer to that. Imagine someone that's been in chemistry, the field of chemistry for a long time, do you think they will not know the ins and outs of chemistry by 18 or 20 years of their lives? Of course, so this you have no excuse to not know these things perfectly and not have knowledge of these things very, very well.

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Now, how will you

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be able to gain this particular quality of exerting your energy towards knowledge and only knowledge? For those of you that choose to do that? For those of you that don't, that at least as a bare minimum? You're going to be coming to class on a weekly basis, and you're going to be learning and reviewing what you learn as well, that is a bare minimum. Okay, how are you going to be able to do that? A man came to the mountains hanifa. And he asked him the same exact question. So he asked him that.

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How do I memorize this? Because fitness By the way, even though it sounds easy, it's just massage, but it's very, very difficult in that massage can sometimes get issues. 50 issues can sometimes get a bit confusing. They can become interlaced One Two into another. So you have to continue to review it. Even I have to review it, even if sometimes they would ask them questions. They would have to review it even there. At times, they would be asked questions they would have to review. So review has to be there.

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How do you do that? How are you able to memorize this information? How are you able to learn these things properly? And as I said, Abu hanifa is being asked by a person. So he says, The way to do that, oh, young man is to do gentlemen. That means gathering your thoughts and directing them into one direction. Okay? And my dear Shay, one of our Michelle, he used to tell me that the way to learn something is to

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extend far on who and what that means is taking all of your intellectual capacities and exerting them and exhausting them. Okay, sometimes people want to get it easy, don't you're not gonna get anything easy, you're not gonna get anything real easy. Anything real has to have energy exerted to IT people that are in you know, a chemistry people that are in mathematics, they have to exert energy, intellectual capacity, they have to constantly be stimulated with these times tables and so on and so forth. and higher than that when you get to calculus and so on and so forth. For them to be able to retain this information. Similarly, the knowledge of the deen of Allah azza wa jal is no

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easier, but it's rather it's much, much more difficult. There's mathematics in here, there's linguistics in here, everything is in here. Okay. So for that reason, there is mathematics By the way, follow as for example, in here in slots all mathematics, you have to have a mind being stimulated from every single angle. And for that, you have to have Jim Earlham, you have to be able to take your thought and organize it and direct it in one direction, okay. And he said, How do I do this? How do I take my thought, and be able to preserve it for one purpose. So imaginable hanifa replied back to him, he said,

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The way to do that is to cancel all of your relationships. Now, I know nobody's gonna do that. Nobody's gonna cancel all of their relationships. But the point is, you decrease to the best of your capacity, the relationships you have externally, that will take you away from your purposes. If you have this as a purpose, I keep reiterating. If you don't have it, then come to the class. And don't feel intimidated by all this talk of mine, and learn to the best of your capacity. But if you want to really delve deeper into this, then hopefully, I like taking away your relationships and amending them and choosing the right friends, that will also be your help and aid for you to be able to do

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that. Now what I used to do long time ago, this is over a decade ago, with a couple of my friends, what we would do is we would

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we would come together and we would learn the Quran. And we would, because we realize a lot of the relationships that we have are a lot of times that we spend are going in vain. We're wasting our time. Sometimes it's a Tim Hortons, sometimes here there. So we realized a group of us, we said, you know what we have to preserve this time and make the most of us started doing this. When we gathered together, we pick up the hold on the most huff and we would learn the translation of the must have together, every time we'd meet up, we'd make sure that hour hour and a half a little bit more, a little bit less is spent in this purpose. And so panela all of us are a number of us, we started to

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feel that within weeks, we started to understand from the port on which we didn't understand this was about a decade ago. So you can take that as well take your relationships and mold them to be beneficial to you, in your endeavor to learn. It doesn't have to be that you chop off and sever those relationships. But you can take those relationships and mold them in ways where now that you know there are beneficial relationships and you're not wasting your time in those specific relationships.

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And he said, How am I going to be able to take my relationships and cut them off. He said that take those relationships, and only use them and only attend to them wherever it's needed anything more than the need, you have to do away with it.

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the subject of our discussion throughout this particular course being the like data will be what it will be sucking Sharla. And we'll be studying what I would deem as the basics. But I do understand that all of us, every single one of us will be benefiting a lot from it. And I call it basics because I want to put it out as it is. I don't want to you know, market this particular class in a manner that it isn't. It's a basic class. But I can assure you that for every single one of you, this won't be basic, because what happens is, we have looked past the basics. And we've looked into issues that are not so basic. And I really, really want to emphasize on this particular issue.

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Right? Nowadays we have this phenomenon because of the computer because of the internet, that anyone that has a question, you type up the question and you get a five minute answer to it. And that's the end of that. That's why when the team came to me, he said we have a bunch of questions. She if I told them no, I'm not going to answer them. You remember the holidays? I told them I'm not going to answer

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He said why I said, because I don't believe in this five minute answering of questions. All of these things are basic information, informations that every single one of us should already know, we're 2025 years of age, so on and so forth. You know, we should all already have these basic information. If you if you have questions still about salon, you're 20, then you know, this is a problem. But inshallah you're now solving that problem. That's what we're doing. We're solving that problem, we're solving the issue of not having information that is extremely basic and very, very important and significant for all of us. And this whole issue of the five minute federal thing, or this issue

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of a person,

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always finding himself more connected to the issues that are of dispute. This is another problem as well, where people are always just connected. This is a doubt the LMR of the heart, historically, such as Josie AM, and lasallian others, they all mentioned this issue of a person that connects himself always to the massage the issues where there's a difference of opinion. Okay, so somebody comes and says, You know what, Chicago and he says this on this one, another one comes, he says, check, if a man says this, another person comes up when buy says this, and they think what they're doing is they're actually seeking knowledge that chiffon is fooling them. Because these are massaged

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Enough, enough. And that's the only thing that that nefs feels comfortable, and the nurse feels attracted to. But real knowledge is not just within those attractive, beautiful massage, those germicide but shaytaan is playing games with the individual, that there he's busying them with these particular issues. And I remember what I used to do, and I still do this till today, sometimes people would come and ask me a question. I know exactly what he's talking about. And I know the fact that he's just reading up on it recently. So all of the information is fresh in his in his head, I will tell the individual asked me after one week, or for example, there's a class happening in a

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certain city. On a certain issue. There's like a weekend course on, let's just say

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let's just say Sula, and fella, okay. And then or any other sort of gaff. So somebody comes in and says, Shane, what do you think how many people were there in the calf to begin with? Now, I know for a fact that the calf clause is happening. And that discussion may have occurred in that lesson as well. So I will just enter back say that asked me after two weeks. And I'll tell you why. Because I know that that the issue with the heart that I have this information, let me test this individual and see if they have it as well. I have this information. Let me make sure if the other and you know what, I have never ever in my life had any person come back to me after two weeks and asked me that

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very question. Why be and a lot of times, you know, if that discussion ever continues and that person is around, I noticed that information has already been forgotten, because it was that one, you know, lesson that the person heard, and so on and so forth. So they thought they knew everything, and then the question was prompted, and that was done for bad purposes. And of course, such knowledge does not remain in a person's heart. So and also sometimes people ask you questions like the popular questions. Do we have to keep our pants above the ankles or below the ankles? Okay, the person just read something up on it. I will tell him the same thing that asked me after two

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weeks, and I'll tell you, or to counter the question, I'll say, you know what, telling me the kind of Salah, tell me that pillars of prayer. And I have also never found any person of such nature, be able to tell me just the pillars of prayer. Imagine you're 25 years of age 23 years of age, somebody accepts Islam, and they need to learn salah and you're stranded on an island? How will you teach them something? And you don't even know the kind of prayer? How will you teach them these are real issues. This is real knowledge. There is a reason why those bigger issues have been debated by bigger scholars. Because we have to take it to Wh wh one level at a time. You take this knowledge

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one level at a time, learn one issue and learn a second issue. And for those issues that are of difference of opinion or of debate and so on and so forth. You take yourself as she who you think is trustworthy, and you learn from them, and whatever they say even to the degree and some people will find this very difficult to bear with me or him a lot. He said that the student of knowledge in his early face, he does duck lead of a shift to a degree that even if the shift is making a mistake, he follows him. These are the words of Jeff, if not assuming himself that even if he makes a mistake, he follows him in his mistake, because he doesn't know better because he's not able to you know

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decipher the right from wrong me may think it is a mistake for now. But then a couple of years later, he realizes that that wasn't a mistake. It was just something I couldn't comprehend. At that time, I wasn't ready to understand because knowledge is greater than just reading a translation is greater than even just reading a book. You have to have have, you know, for those of you that take learn any older filter, you know that you have to have a lot of a lot of different things for you to be able to give a fatwa that is a whole another discussion. So people historically had also delved within this concept of credit for different purposes. Maybe nowadays, differences of opinion.

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are attractive to people because they show their intellectual capacities their capabilities to discuss right?

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affairs and yeah, I'm up to date with with the things historically also this problem was there and Josie mentioned this problem in great detail in his book ninhydrin cassadine mahadji Osteen is a recently printed work. What is it? It's a recently printed work historically, a few years ago, there used to be a book called Mutasa, Manhattan Casa de Kodama popular available everywhere. And then there was the original of that book, which has been housing costs have been in the original of that book.

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So even though Josie he takes a chapter, an entire chapter, and of course is following a bazillion this, it takes an entire chapter, and he dedicates it to the concept, this whole idea of the reason why people end up

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being driven towards the direction of differences of opinion.

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And he considers it literally an illness within the hearts of people. He says essentially, earlier on in the very early generations, the time of the Sahaba you had Abu Bakar, Rama earthman Ali, all of them were scholars every one of them

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and had they not been scholars have lost profits or Salamis apostle wouldn't have told us to follow him in sooner and sooner or later Rashida Medina Maddy No, I just follow myself and follow the prophets and send them and also follow who the rightly guided caliphs. So they're all scholars. So he says that at that time, there was no issues. Because anytime an issue would arise, they would have their own opinions, they would opine, and that will be the end of that. Okay. People will generally Listen, they would appreciate somebody had something to say, then, of course, the Sahaba would appreciate one another's opinions as well. So that would be acceptable as well. And oftentimes

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many times are a little thought, for example, in certain incidents, he has an opinion, and somebody else gives them gives them ideas that he didn't know, he didn't remember IDs, for example, or he didn't know that ID and or mental Hata would accept it. So generally, you have this group of Sahaba, they didn't have this issue of differences of opinion that much was there. And you also didn't have people following the disputed issues all the time. Then he said later on, what happened is that the next generations of caliphs, they didn't have as much knowledge as the Sahaba as the four or five, let's say writing rightly guided caliphs. And I don't mean by that model disease, I mean by that it

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has anything to it, because disease was a leader, Scout, leader, scholar, and later generation of caliphs. And he's added within them because he also had a very good men had very good methodology in the way he would deal with people the way he would deal. It was very prophetic in his methodology, right. But in reality, the NFL last year that finished that has an employee, so the 30 years they finished it, and has an ability, but nonetheless, what the point of the matter is that after that, certain caliphs, they didn't have knowledge. So now they needed people, scholars, particularly in the issues of silk, because those are the most prominent issues. And that's why I'm gonna Josie and

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say the help that he mentioned that the most

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beneficial of sciences to people is what

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the vast majority of issue and questions that I get are related to an odd issue, or question comes to me from the angle of al Qaeda and art issue or question comes to me from the angle of Sudoku or something else, but the vast majority of the questions that I get are related to, and everybody else would say the same thing. So that's why it really Josie calls us and for whom the most beneficial of sciences, so the caliphs, they needed people to help them as well in major issues that they're facing. So then the scholars, they all started to go down that direction. This is what Josie say. He says, Then suddenly, there was a change within the direction of the caliphates. And this is a

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reality. This is something that people like your mama de mama shutter and others lift through. Then suddenly, the scar, the the caliphs, they wanted to have discussions and debates of philosophical in nature within their gatherings. So they would have scholars debating philosophical issues. And then the whole idea of animal Karen came about people started going in that direction. People started debating philosophical issues, and so on and so forth. This is what primarily introduced philosophy within Islam. And then after that, you had certain caliphs that brought it back again, the 50 debate started again now. Now the debate started primarily between who and who, between the followers of

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the shaft at least school of thought, and the followers of the Hanafi school of thought, and for that reason, the two most prominent schools of thought, over the course of history have been the Schengen area and the Hanafi. To a degree that the hanabi era and amalickiah Maliki always had some sort of prevalence but the hanabi that, you know, they pretty much died in certain parts of history almost never entirely died, but they'd almost died. Recently, with the advent of Odin, the Saudi Arabian

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dynasty, you have also had a great deal of scholarship put into the Hanbury method. But prior to that, the humbling method that a very, very small prevalence within society. And of course, it's half of normal how his methods appear. So if you're an authority, his mother, those types of an authority died, his men have died around 400 years after his death. And his half of his men have died around 200 years after his death. But what the point that I'm trying to get to here is now debate started between what schools of thought so it says, people all started to turn to that direction. Why am I saying all of this even till today? I remember when I was in school, in Saudi

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Arabia, even till today, people were suggesting to me, why did you not go to Korea to show your brother? Many, many people would be why did you not go to college? I said, Why? He said, You should have went to college. I particularly I went to another college offered fifth. And so why did you not go to a collision er, which will give you the same information, but the end your degree will say such and such? So I said, Subhanallah? Why are they telling me this, I'm talking about religious people. Because when you come out of shitty I, literally, I've been told this, you have a better future, you have a better future. And they're referring to a future in the Western world over here,

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it's a whole different story. They're talking about a future in the eastern world, where you can either become a party, or you can do so and so you can get nice big salaries, nice, big fat paychecks. So this is a concept that has always been around, that people go into these directions because of political reasons, people go into these directions, because of social reasons. And one of those social

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factors in our societies is that while you know when you're sitting in a gathering, you cannot be lost, you have to be up to date. So let's look into all of the issues of life. Let's open that chapter and forget the real issues that we have to deal with. Forget the real problems that we have to deal with. And this is a problem, if you stop hold back. And remember, till this day, my dear shape, shifted, resubmit. He was um, had this from Pakistan, it was my first one of my first teachers that I studied with. And, you know, I would read to him while I while I was in Toronto, I read to him a lot of books have been measured and other books to him. And he taught me Arabic and

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everything while I was still in Toronto, and I would go to him in his house privately. And at that time, I remember people would be talking about also that I don't necessarily speak about these issues very publicly all the time. This is one of the first times I remember that.

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You know, a lot of the people around me, they were talking about shift this, this and shift that said this all they're all up to date with everything. And then I would go to my shift, and I'll tell him that shift. All of these people are talking about all of these issues. I don't know, fill me in basically, this is what I was asking for. Okay, so the shift told me not to deal with any of these issues. And he told me I was we had, at that time, I was memorizing a book called minocycline. He was making me memorize it. And

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he told me continue here, take the book and continue memorizing I said why he said these issues are going to be a waste of your time. And I recognize that all those brothers in the masjid, they were gathering together, and they're talking about all these fancy issues, which I had no idea about. I have never ever seen them. Actually, I have seen a couple of them. But the point is, I've never never seen them do anything more than what they had done, simply debate those few issues. And that's the end of that. Why because this is a da. I didn't recognize that. But my teachers recognized it. And they that's why they guided me away from it. I remember even when I was in Saudi Arabia, my my

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dear shapeshift, CH a hacker, who is um, had this from, from Egypt, he had Bahati and Muslim memorized these similar issues would come up. And I would ask him, Well, should I understand this, he said, Stop, start learning your income, and you will understand it yourself, stop starting ending your income, and you will understand it yourself. And this is how the methodology of all those that have passed this lower level lower tier and try to get as high as possible as a lesser penalty gives them to feel, of course, I haven't gotten anywhere. But the point of the matter is that to get from nowhere to somewhere, you have to leave those sort of problems and get to smaller issues, learn them

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one thing at a time, and then knowledge will become bigger and bigger and bigger. And then

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the other issue is taking knowledge from people that have been sought knowledge in a classical manner, in a preserved manner, in a you know, in a very, very accurate manner. This is a major problem. And you know what i can understand this problem in our societies, because there's a lot of people that are sought knowledge, and they've done a good job at it. There's not that many, in general in our societies, so I can understand that problem. But this still does not warrant us to go to an individual that is lacking in knowledge, obviously, and take a fatwa from him or go to a person that is lacking in knowledge, obviously, has no Islamic training whatsoever, simply picked up

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his own books and stuff like that, just because and I'll say this very, very outright in Western societies, a lot of the damage has come a lot of damage has come from people who simply don't Arabic, and they say okay, well, there's

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There's a, there's a philosophy, there's a vacuum. So let me pick up books read, they're trying to do, hey, let me pick up some books, read and give the first hour and so on and so forth. They're trying to do height. But at the same time, a lot of evil comes out of it as well. Why? Because people that are actually well trained people that actually understand issues, their voices do not get heard. And people that know nothing, and they're, you know, they can speak louder. And you'll notice that people do that do have Islamic training, they don't make themselves go and get heard. They don't, you know, start to, you know, try to propagate them about themselves. Why? Because this

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is one of the adults that they have learned from their own teachers as well, to remain as to themselves as possible, and at the same time benefit society as possible, as much as possible as well. But the point that I'm trying to get to over here is that this is a major issue and Maliki

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he had asked, he asked,

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he'd been asked that.

01:01:01 --> 01:01:41

Who is it that allowed to give a fatwa? So he said, I do not love for any person to give a fatwa. Except that he has asked someone that is more knowledgeable than him, whether he's ready to get federal or not. And I remember, I'll go to chahatein and hatch, who's a senior of mine. And I asked him this question, I was in the States, he invited me to his mosque. And when I was there, I said she, look, I see a lot of people in the world right now, gathering knowledge together. And we have a lot of people roaming around the Western world as well, giving knowledge now I'm not trying to put down anybody. I'm not trying to take down anybody's status. But I'm asking a simple question to the

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sheriff. I said, Shay, what do you think? Is there anyone that you see that is capable of giving a fatwa? He is a Mufti from the indigenous.in the world in the Western world. He stopped for a moment, he said, nobody's ever asked me this question before, I do not know, I have to think about it asked me later. But the point of the matter is that now, there's people that forget the ones that have studied and learned Islam, we have people that have studied nothing. And they have no one that they can return back to, in a sense that they have no shift. They have no one to turn to. And they call themselves in, you know, young cebuana. And for some of them, they put placed themselves as the

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Mufti of the town, they placed themselves at the mercy of a certain message, and so on and so forth. This is absolutely unacceptable. Malik, even as he said that this is absolutely unacceptable. And he says that I had asked people that were more knowledgeable than me, such as Yahoo, and others. And they both commanded me to give fatwa. That's when I stopped and I started to give it to him. This is when I stopped, and I started to get fatwa. And this is when I stopped and I started to propagate. So you have to go back to someone that is older, more wiser, you have to go back to someone that is more knowledgeable and make sure that such a person is even qualified for you to learn from them.

01:02:54 --> 01:03:33

This is your dean, you cannot just take it from every job that gets up and says, Hey, boss, I know something you cannot do that not permissible, you will be held accountable on the day of judgment from do for doing that, you yourself will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment for doing that for because think about it if I was to be an individual that is sick, and I take my body to someone that says that I work as a practitioner, but I'm not licensed. And that practitioner that's not licensed. He's shooting down all of the other physicians that have been granted a license from Canada Canadian government, who would you entrust your body to? Number one, number two, if you go to

01:03:33 --> 01:03:47

the person that doesn't have any backing, no licensing, nobody's ever even no justifiable doctor has ever said that this is an acceptable doctor, you go to him, if something wrong happens, what's who's the one that's supposed to be held accountable, you're him.

01:03:49 --> 01:04:28

Of course, first and foremost, if you had a true problem, you would never go to a search such a person to begin with. Right? Because you have a brain. Now this is your religion, it's beyond that. This is your body, if that was the healing of your, this is your soul. If that was the healing of your body, then this is the healing of your soul. You need to go back to people that are trained, you need to go back to people that are acceptable and based on scholarly opinion. And then and only then, can a person be sure that likely what they're getting into like the other is right and even if it's wrong, then at least you have an excuse in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala that I went and

01:04:28 --> 01:04:32

asked someone that was learned or at least I perceived them to be learned, right.

01:04:33 --> 01:04:59

Last but not least, we have in another issue, a major major issue. And that is an issue of how the knowledge of silk is now being learned. Okay? Knowledge of silk is now being learned primarily through photo photo are never meant to be read, by the way, by General masses. This is not the case. Never were they meant to be read. I remember in my earlier follow up with him I had I had a book called there was a fatality on Earth.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:38

I'd read halfway through it. Okay. nice, thick, 1000 page book. And I was reading through it. And suddenly a more senior student of knowledge, this was maybe eight or nine years ago. He said to me that what are you doing? Why are you reading this? I said, What do you mean? This is knowledge? I'm reading knowledge. Right? So he said, Why are you reading this? I said that, again, this is knowledge. And I'm learning knowledge. That's what I'm doing. So he told told me, and he got really mad at me and scolded me. And I think that was something that I benefited from at that time, a lot. And that was that this is not how you seek knowledge. But our are not meant for people to read for

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knowledge. They are meant for scholars to read and understand. They are meant for people that are beyond the regular lay people so they can understand the methodologies of one the historical or lemma, and even bothering them and giving their verdicts. If a person has an issue, you go to a chef and ask them the question, you deal with it that way. That's number one. Number two, if you have an issue, then you should if it's a basic issue that you should have already learned by now by learning, you know, a basic book on Fifth or something of that sort, and then going to a next level, and so on and so forth. But if you choose not to do that, then go to someone ask them a question and

01:06:15 --> 01:06:25

learn from that angle. As for the fatawa, what are they for? If you're a student of knowledge, I really discourage you to read fatawa. What are they for? After you've learned?

01:06:26 --> 01:06:59

You've already understood it, you've learned, you've understood how fatalis are formulated, how they are made, how they're constructed. There's an entire science, historically, people have used the term scenario, or even modern day, some scholars have started to use this as well. So now artificial manufacturing of it well, so literally, it's a science of developing a, an article a piece, you know, how you have a university research paper, okay, when you have a university research paper, what's that done for? That is done.

01:07:00 --> 01:07:33

There's a certain methodology in writing this paper, they'll give you all that information. So there's a way of writing these fidella. The scholars when they read into these fatawa, they understand these different methodologies through their read of the fatawa. Those fatawa are primarily meant for the individual that's asking the question, he reads it understands what he needs, and moves on. But if you're seeking your knowledge to fatawa, it's an issue for seeking knowledge. You want to just be without off, you want to be a person while reading, just generally read person. That's a whole different story. But now you're seeking knowledge. That's a whole

01:07:33 --> 01:08:10

different ballgame. You come to books, come to books of how do you say, Can I come you learn those, and then you develop your own positions. And then after that, you can look at the different fatawa of modern day of old, you can look at the photo of the Haemophilia, you can look at the fatawa of the shutter, you can look at the photo of the molokhia, you can look at all those fatawa. And you can look at some modern fatawa as well. But I always in forever encourage people to go as far back as possible in their rates, depending on how good they are. And their readers well, because historical books are a little bit tougher than the newer books. Number two. Another problem is that

01:08:10 --> 01:08:56

people have started to, you know, swerve away, if you please, from books of the different type. And this is a problem in that the historical, you know, sense of learning always was that you learn through a certain method. And you'll find that even in the recent years, in most parts of the world, okay, let's say 100 years before today, okay, you'll find most parts of the world they were learning this these different modalities, whether it be the shadow ear, the hanabi, lead amalickiah, for more, a lot of you, you're from Somalia, it may be the shadow, a method for a lot of you that you may be from other places in America, and so on and so forth. The point is the people normally learn

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from these ways why because it was tried and tested and it worked. It always worked, you would learn and after that, yes, you learn how to use as well. And if a lot is you tofield, you've learned enough knowledge, then you want to develop some of your own views on the issues as well. Not a problem. But the problem is if you go right into the

01:09:13 --> 01:09:52

Hades alone, without any aid, then you get lost. And that's why historically they used to say, and howdy to mobile Latin in alpha. And this is a popular statement in the earlier generations, they would say Hadeeth is something that gets a person lost except to a person that is a fucky. And some of the animals they say that ship is like a bow or like a ha rather a desert. So you always have to have a house where you can come back to because you always if you're learning fish on a on a very comparative basis, then you will be confused and I remember one day what I did is I discussed the issue of simply the issue of

01:09:53 --> 01:10:00

the Nakamoto and we'll talk about that a little bit. The issue of your will do breaking when you

01:10:00 --> 01:10:10

You text the opposite gender. And for those of you that are from Somalia, you know what I'm talking about, right? Touching the opposite gender picture will do even if it's your wife, so on and so forth. Right? So I discussed this particular issue,

01:10:12 --> 01:10:33

a brother told me that we have to learn comparative filmmaking with the Delete and everything. I said, Okay, I have an idea for you. Give me 315 minutes of your time. And I started, the chapter of knucklehead will do by itself. And I gave him all the data on the issue. And I gave him all of the different variant views on the issue. And I gave him all of the different,

01:10:34 --> 01:10:43

you know, market and we were responses and answers and refutations on the issue. And I said, Okay, hos now I'm going to sit for 15 minutes, please tell me.

01:10:45 --> 01:10:47

And voila, he couldn't even tell me the ruling.

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Because this is how confusing things can get. He couldn't even tell me the ruling. Why, because this is how confusing things can get. So you have to start somewhere. And then you go higher and higher and higher, you have to build somewhere, a foundation, and then you slowly develop yourself, then you can slowly develop a thought, which has, you know, different building blocks. And that's where you can include comparative fifth, and that's where you can include everything. But if you start nowhere, you start in the sky, you're always gonna fall, you start in the sky, you're always gonna fall, every time you you're climbing up a ladder, you go to the fifth step, what's gonna happen,

01:11:20 --> 01:11:52

you're gonna fall, the ladder is gonna fall with you, and so on and so forth. So you have to start somewhere. And then you move on, and a lot of big names in Malaysia, but henneberry you know, me, Tamia himself. And I remember I've attended shuffles and doodles where he was asked about even taymiyah whether he's on a certain method or not. And he said that he's humble he. And he asked him, somebody asked him again, he said, somebody, somebody asked him again, he says, humbly, three times, in three different lessons. And then he got really mad, he said, You asked me every day, and I tell you, his hamsterley.

01:11:54 --> 01:12:34

Right, deal with it. He was a humbling, Mohammed didn't have to have, he was a humble, he says it himself, I was a humbling, I wish we follow them. And he said, we do not necessarily have anything against whoever follows one of the four popular myths I had, because those are the ones that later on, people would follow. Historically, as I said, there were other different modalities as well. So you take one, you learn and then as you blossom as you grow, then you can also learn other things as well. Okay, then, after that, you have the issue of doing it in the rich, this is another problem. Another problem doing it in different levels. Now, some people what happens is that sophina just

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seems like a very small book, but believe me, if you stick to this, or any other small book, I'm not necessarily an advocate of a certain book over another, I picked this one because I thought this was the amount of time that we have and this is what we can finish during this time. Because I have to I may have to travel after three or four months. So I said this is the amount of time that I have and this is what we can finish during this time and inshallah its height. And it's a starting point in this chapter, at least school of thought. So, you pick a book that is basic, then you go to something that is intermediate then you go to something that is advanced, and since we are going to

01:13:07 --> 01:13:46

be studying the Shastri school of thoughts, if you need to Naja is a book from that school of thought then it is good first to understand that normally, in every single level, the basic the intermediate and the advanced, there are certain books to study Okay, in the basic level, normally you would study Safina Naja in certain parts of the world. So, for example, I know in Somalia as well you study Sophia to science of unit of measure, right. And is that a top Yes, in Somalia to study Sophia, Sophia to solve a riddle to solve first and then Safina major and other places such as Yemen they study Safina to Naja as well but in other places such as India, South India, they're also

01:13:46 --> 01:14:22

very rich shashtri school of thought over there, they have their own books and have a couple of books from their books as well. But they have their own books and if you go to another place they have their own books for these small books are not necessarily unified all across the world. Anyways, it's a means to an end it's not your end, you simply are studying this. So you learn and move on then you study this and you learn and move on to something better and so on and so forth is a means to an end means to an end what is that and to understand the deen of Allah subhanaw taala okay. So serafina Naja, along with that you take in the, in the basic level, primary level, you take

01:14:22 --> 01:15:00

maternity Shujaat, for example. Okay. This is the first two books. And people may differ about which book to put first and which books. But second, whether this one should be preferred over that one, but I'm just giving you a general sense, okay. And the second level, you're going to look at the Manhattan omya which may be known to some of you as Messiah. And these are the two popular names of that book and Mahadevan held on Mia or masala delina This book is very very well put very well done. I read this also to some of our Mashallah and it's a very beautiful nice book which has a lot of mosyle in it. Every book has probably

01:15:00 --> 01:15:39

By the way, it's not like there's no book and there's no book except the book of Allah subhanaw taala, that, that doesn't doesn't have mistakes, every book has mistakes. So for the melodrama, and along with that room, the two salic on the two salic is a very, very powerful book within the Sharpie method. It's written by a monopoly in a cable nursery. And it's also translated into English in a translation called reliance of the traveler, which basically means they earned it to salic. Okay, so this is a popular book within the chatroom, a school of thought, that is extremely popular, it's probably studied, I think, in Somalia as well, it must be it's so it's one of those books that

01:15:39 --> 01:16:17

every single country that has Egypt, Yemen, Syria, may Allah subhanaw taala make it easy for the people there. And even in Saudi Arabia, depending on where in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world so it's a very classical, manual manual. And when when that translation came out, this was one of the first translations that of any of the classical manuals. So that's why it became really popular at that time, later on, more and more translations started to come out in English to be that too much that came out. After that also, the undertook, its translation came out, and so on and so forth, more and more translations come starting to come out. But that was something that was new at

01:16:17 --> 01:16:53

that time, there was no other translation, then you have the next level down, which is the advanced level, you study, a book called men how to to love, and men how to Polly been to one, and the other one is the most one of the other. But I think that for now, we're going to be within the basic or the intermediate levels. Even the lighter I asked Allah subhanaw taala to give us a topic, so you have to go in different stages. And when you do do that, when you do go in different stages, you start to feel that you're actually understanding things, some issues, they may seem very difficult for you to comprehend now, but when you go into different stages, then you've developed those

01:16:53 --> 01:17:32

different stairs, you've developed those different levels for you to be able to comprehend things that you may have not been able to comprehend previously. So this is very important to go in different stages when you're studying knowledge. And even Hulu Rahim Allah, in this famous Medina, this is a book of sociology. He put within it, a chapter in which he discusses the whole concept of studying and so on and so forth. And in that he spoke about this, this concept of going in different levels and stages to learn knowledge. And he said, normally, it is three stages. And that's why we said basic, intermediate and advanced. And he said anyone and he was talking about people within his

01:17:32 --> 01:18:09

time. He said, many, many scholars, within our own time, have left this methodology of going different stages. So they confuse the students. They confuse the students, and how often is it particularly when it comes to the massage, or someone comes to me and says, I'm absolutely confused? Well, the reason why you're confused buddy, is because you didn't go in stages, you went to the highest meta in, you know, any of the historical books, and you tried to figure that out, whilst you still haven't developed the very, very basics. So those are some of the guidelines that I wanted to share with you today. And it's already 1030. And we want to stay on time for today be in the late

01:18:09 --> 01:18:24

next week, we'll be starting earlier, as a lot of time over here is changing from 845 to 830. And also, we will try our best to start right on time. This time, we had some technical issues, actually, I had some technical issues. I didn't know how to turn on the live,

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you know broadcast, but inshallah Allah will figure that out more better next time is Akuma law hunting, for attending for listening. If anybody has any questions, I can address that now. Whether that be from the audience online, or whether it be from the audience in front of us.

01:18:55 --> 01:18:57

Okay, so brother is asking about

01:18:59 --> 01:19:05

when do you study your social circle along with all of this? It's a very, very good question. And I appreciate that you've asked that.

01:19:06 --> 01:19:21

Generally, every school of thought has a couple of things that you have to learn of it. You have to learn the fifth word in it, you have to learn the suit within it and you have to learn the art within it. Okay, these are three different things. It's good not to mix.

01:19:22 --> 01:19:58

Though Sooners is the foundational principles upon which filk itself is founded. This is for the majority of the scholars, the Han Fei have their own way, but the majority of the scholars for them will soon felt the foundational principles of IP are placed first. They are understood through different ways. Okay, that's a whole another course on its own. And after you've understood those principles, then you use them to take the Quran and so now and then deduce the benefit and feel comes about now. Okay. So as soon as it says foundations of IP is literally the foundation upon which the filter is founded. Okay.

01:19:59 --> 01:20:00

Then you have some

01:20:00 --> 01:20:02

thing else called alerts, which is the next one down.

01:20:03 --> 01:20:35

Here is the Maxim's of Maxim's or fifth, what are they do, they take the, the fruit that came out of the foundations, the fifth itself, and then they take this fifth and reorganize it for you. So you'll see fill in the chapters, you'll see Phil kitahara, you'll see kuttabul Salas, the calcium hedge, marmelade, Gene and so on and so forth. Right. But then you have all of these issues, sometimes you can sum them up in one principle, one line, many issues 1015 issues, you can sum them up in one line,

01:20:36 --> 01:21:19

maybe issue insight, and at the same time and issue in something else, all of that can be summed up in one line, these are called Maxim's of art. So they come after the focus formed as well. Okay. Now, in terms of studying, some scholars, they say you studied with students first, and then you go ahead and study 50. Other say you can study and also at the same time, and other say, you study sip first, after you understand it, then you go to a lawsuit. But in all cases, all scenarios, this whole discussion of studying sooner fifth, or fifth, or soon, which one first, which one after it comes after you get the element logic, the basics and the obligatory knowledge. So what we're going

01:21:19 --> 01:21:28

to be studying in our lessons are primarily obligatory pieces of information for people to know, of course, by the nature of our lessons. And, of course, you are all people that

01:21:29 --> 01:22:03

are in school, going, and university going students, and so on, and so forth. And people that have already passed that phase of their lives, we may get into some more intricacies as well, just to entertain that intellectual stimulation that is required within a person for him to feel good about themselves that will also be entertained, but not too much. Primarily, these will be obligate obligatory, and four pieces of information. After you get past this lower level, then comes this whole discussion about whether you study this one first or the first, in my humble opinion, you can mix the two it's not a problem you study along side with the fifth, it's not a problem. You don't

01:22:03 --> 01:22:14

have to study assume first and then study because likely you're not going to be making HDR in the beginning of your funnel. But anyways, when you get to the later stages, then that's a whole nother discussion.

01:22:15 --> 01:22:16

Does that help?

01:22:17 --> 01:22:17


01:22:30 --> 01:22:32

In terms of the books, if enough to match up,

01:22:33 --> 01:22:43

it will be provided for the students that have registered for those that haven't registered. Um, I'm supposing that we can work something out as well. Basically like that. We'll try to

01:22:46 --> 01:22:48

we'll try to try to see what we can do a shout out.

01:22:50 --> 01:22:54

You can speak to I think Zeki you'll be the best person right there. Zack here at Medallia right behind you.

01:23:04 --> 01:23:05

Any more questions?

01:23:08 --> 01:23:08


01:23:10 --> 01:23:11

Yes, go ahead.

01:23:19 --> 01:23:25

Okay, hungry, hungry. Well, this class pretty much was formed because of that question.

01:23:32 --> 01:23:38

Okay, does that come along hunting for coming listening and being patient? Awesome. All our LS EDM hamedan

01:23:39 --> 01:23:41

Vh Marino Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The Ship of Salvation Session #1 by Sh. Abdul Wahab Saleem

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