The Deen Show – Candace Owens Explains Why This Rabbi Is Unholy – Max Blumenthal EXPOSES The Same Rabbi

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses their stance on religion and their own views on it, criticizing the use of black seed and the ban on Shmueli's statement about the influence of the media on politics. They also talk about the use of propaganda to motivate anti-American behavior, including the ban on Shmueli's statement about the influence of the media on politics and the ban on Shmueli's statement about the influence of the media on politics.
AI: Transcript ©
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I am uncomfortable

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with the amount of innocent life that is

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lost right now in Gaza. Not the only

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I am not the unholy rabbi. Now let's

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just interrogate that insult. If this is holy,

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like, you know, selling butt plugs with your

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daughter, I think it's gross. I think it's

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disgusting, and I do not.

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It's not the definition of holy in the

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Christian faith is what I would say. It's

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weird to me. Oh, okay. It's very weird.

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And and this could be a difference in

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our religion, but by the way, your religion

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does not trump my religion. Is Rabbi Shmueli

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actually a rabbi? So I think that you

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should respect the fact when I say something

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is unholy, I am referring to my religion.

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Every his relationship between him and his daughter

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is very creepy to me. The * podcast

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is very creepy to me. We know there

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are many benefits to the use of black

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seed according to the statements of the prophet

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Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him. That's

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why I used the black seed by Tasneem,

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and 50% of the profits from your order

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will go towards establishing the Deen Center, the

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You're a hater of Muslims. You're a hater

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of the Palestinians. You wanna be Muslim.

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Most Jews on Islamophobia.

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Most Jews don't share your racism. What I

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found in my investigation of Rabbi Shmueli I

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don't know why I'm calling him a rabbi.

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Palestinians exist. Americans believe in Iran. Do Palestinians

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exist? You try. And I He won't say

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that Palestinians exist. And who is Shmueli?

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Shmueli Botiya. He's, like, obsessing over Candace Owen,

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and they're having this war on Twitter. The

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idea of sitting down and talking to your

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father about, you know, topics of * in

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any regard is creepy to me. Him promoting

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butt plugs that are sold by his daughter

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is creepy to me.

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Hi, everybody. My

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at least in the Christian community,

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would agree that all of this is giving

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us very weird vibes between the father and

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daughter relationship. I can say that all I

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want. For calling her out on her anti

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Jew hatred, and bigotry.

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People here are called anti Semitic.

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What is your response to that as an

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Israeli Jew? Well, it's a trick. We always

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use it.

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When from Europe, somebody is criticizing

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Israel, then we bring up the holocaust.

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When in this country, people are criticizing Israel,

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then they are anti semitic. Is rabbi Shmueli

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actually a rabbi?

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Because as I reported, when he was coming

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after me

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back in 2016,

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he took out, like, a full page ad

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in the New York Times with Adelson money

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to smear me.

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I'll spare the backstory because it takes Well,

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he even came after you. Obsessively. And I

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had a confrontation with him outside APAC that's

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if you look for it. How much do

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you pay yourself? How much do you pay

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yourself? How much do you pay yourself? I

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never called Jews, Nazi. You know that you

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lied about it. You know that you lied

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about it. You know that you lied about

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it. You know that you lied about it.

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You know that you lied about it. You

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know that you lied about it.

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Exist. Clear. New Palestinians are in the house

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to establish New Palestinians exist. What I found

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in my investigation of rabbi Shmueli, I don't

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know why I'm calling him a rabbi,

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is that he studied within the Chabad sect,

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and then he wrote he became kind of

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core a a a sort of a not

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only a race hustler, but like a grifter

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who was looking to make money any way

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possible. And after he got on Oprah and

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did Shalom in the Home, he started publishing

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all these books.

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And much of his audience wasn't Jewish.

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So he wrote a book on why

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meant was such a great figure and why

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Jews should revere Jesus. Not worship Jesus, but

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why they should revere him. And so his

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rabbinical teachers in Chabad

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essentially a fatwa, an edict

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declaring that no one is allowed to listen

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to anything Shmueli says

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in any religious setting,

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at least any synagogue controlled by Chabad. And

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he was basically banished

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by his Torah

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instructors, the people who made him a rabbi,

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the rabbi

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of the

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Great Synagogue of London,

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Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, he's the most famous rabbi

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in England,

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banned Shmueli

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from his synagogue as well because of Shmueli's

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financial corruption

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and his history of sort of,

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toxic statements.

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So is Shmueli even a rabbi? Does he

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have a congregation?

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Who even listens to him? And if we

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look at Schmooly's activity on Twitter, I think

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he's just he's defacing himself and making us

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a fool of himself and and trying to

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draw various influencers into conflict with himself just

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to maintain

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relevance when he actually has none within the

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Jewish religious world. Candace Owens, she came out

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and said something. And do you think because

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of her statements like this,

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that this is also fueling them going after

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her? Bank, really, for these wars is because

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Americans don't know anything. We know very after

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911. I think about it now. The propaganda

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to make me afraid of Muslims. I can't

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even imagine being a Muslim growing up after

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9:11 in America because I know how I

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felt about them. And I was I was

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young. I was 11 years old. But that

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beating every day in our heads that every

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Muslim was a terrorist was the idea that

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you got. I make jokes about it, but,

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like, you don't understand. Like, I had to

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shave my face to go to airports. My

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mom would make me shave my face. Like,

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at school, like, I was so young. This

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is actually fun. I had a a mustache

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in, like, the 4th grade, and my mom

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made me narrate it. Because she was like,

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you gotta, like because it was really really

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bad. Because whatever you're like, the household would

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say the kids have no filter, so they

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would just say whatever they wanted to me.

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But at a young age,

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I realized

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that I myself as a Middle Eastern was

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racist too. I was like, oh, it's not

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us. It's them. And so I would point

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my finger out of fear, but no. No.

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They did it. But then I went to,

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what country did I just go to? Sorry.

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I went to Saudi Arabia, and I don't

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think I've ever been to a country that

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was more hospitable to me. The the love

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that I got, the respect that I got,

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I literally sat back, and I hung myself

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out to drama podcast. I go, wow. I

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was brainwashed. I was so scared. I didn't

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bring her. Yeah. Yeah. Same. And and so

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first, I wanna say just, like, to all

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Muslims growing up during my time in America,

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I am sorry on behalf of America Yeah.

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I'm sorry. For the way that you were

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treated. It is so unacceptable. When I go

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back and I re examine that propaganda, that

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brainwashing that you placed in the classroom to

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make me scarce. I didn't even know the

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Muslim was. I remember going to the airport,

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and someone was a Hindu, and I was

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scared. I'm like, oh my god. They're gonna

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take this off of this table. I thought

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that was a Muslim. Right? There was no

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education or anything. And the reason for that,

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you know, he who controls the textbooks controls

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the entire country in my view. Right? It

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was because everything that we did responding to

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911 should be assessed as whether or not

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they were crimes against humanity. We bombed a

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1000000 Iraqi civilians. We killed a 1000000. I

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was like, what were you doing in Iraq?

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We killed a 1,000,000,000. I was like, what

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were we gonna do? I thought it was

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for that. They just said there's weapons of

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mass destruction, and then they never found them.

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But they in the process, they killed a

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1,000,000 Iraqi civilians. Right? And we it made

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us think it's okay to just keep bombing

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Muslims. That that was the purpose to me

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of that educational propaganda and brainwashing is that

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we we feel nothing. She's had Norman Finkelstein

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on her show. I mean, she's pushing the

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line of what was previously acceptable.

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Very difficult for me to say when the

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greatest holocaust that ever happened was against Christians

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and what the Bolsheviks did to us, drowning

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us in barges.

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And I think it's coming from a place

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of personal conviction. I can't understand where else

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it would come from. Children, innocent children

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dying. If the consequence of children is dying,

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of course, it is it is an evil

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thing for innocent children to be dying. Alright.

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This is, from your x page, the sheer

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existence of this cartoonish,

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race hustling, pseudo rabbi

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does more to ignite

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anti semitism.

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And just on that point, anti semitism, it's,

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you're not anti semitic. You're Jewish. Right? Well,

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I mean, I you you could be anti

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semitic and Jewish, and I get accused of

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that, but

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I I don't I'm not anti semitic. It's

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it's against it's against I wanna make this

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clear. I'm a Muslim. It's it's against

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Islam. It's anti Islam to be anti Jewish.

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And I and I just wanna bring this

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point home, Max, before we go on. I

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wanna bring a qualified

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rabbi in on this. Palestinian groups, leaders, military

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groups saying, we have nothing against Jews. We

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tolerate Jews. We lived with Jews 1000 of

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years together. The 300,000

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people left Spain. Where did they live to?

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China, Japan,

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Australia? No. They left to Turkey. They left

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to Algeria,

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Tunisia, Morocco. Albania in the 2nd World War

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was a small Muslim country,

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and they had few 1,000 Jews there. Nazis,

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Germany has occupied Albania,

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but none single Jew was killed in Albania.

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You know where the Muslims were hiding the

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They were hiding them in masks, in basements,

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in in in in all types of places,

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and they saved all these 5,000 Jews in

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Albania. We're gonna live together as the same

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as it was everywhere, as the same as

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Jews lived in Turkey, Algeria, Morocco,

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in Iran till now peacefully with harmony, without

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any problems in I just wanted to make

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that point clear.

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Because when we were

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kicked out of Catholic Spain in 1492, when

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we were kicked out of Catholic Portugal, I

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think, in 15 3, it was the Muslims

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who took the Jews in. That's why there

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are Jewish communities in the Islamic world till

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this very day. The Islamic community the Jewish

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community of Istanbul dates from then.

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It was it was specifically,

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not beyond the Ottoman Empire where Jews were

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and they were welcomed in. And they they

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play they paid a jizyah. There was a

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poll tax they paid, but they were never

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persecuted. There wasn't a holocaust in the Islam.

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Cannot leave without giving you a gift. If

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you're not yet Muslim and you tune in

00:09:13 --> 00:09:15

to see what these Muslims are talking about

00:09:15 --> 00:09:17

and you like a free copy of the

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00:09:18 --> 00:09:19

go ahead and visit the deen show dot

00:09:19 --> 00:09:21

com. We'll take care of the postage and

00:09:21 --> 00:09:23

everything and get it delivered to you. And

00:09:23 --> 00:09:24

if you still have some questions

00:09:25 --> 00:09:27

about Islam, call us at 18066

00:09:28 --> 00:09:29


00:09:29 --> 00:09:31

We'll see you next time. Until then, peace

00:09:31 --> 00:09:32

be with you.

00:09:32 --> 00:09:35

We needed the to be here. We are

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Brothers and sisters. You guys know the hadith,

00:09:38 --> 00:09:40

that the person who takes one step towards

00:09:40 --> 00:09:43

Allah, Allah take 10 towards them. So can

00:09:43 --> 00:09:43

you imagine

00:09:44 --> 00:09:46

you taking that step towards the law and

00:09:46 --> 00:09:48

contributing towards the cause of your creator? We

00:09:48 --> 00:09:50

are here hard at work. Let's go ahead

00:09:50 --> 00:09:52

and take a look what's going on. Where

00:09:52 --> 00:09:53

are we at now? We are almost done

00:09:53 --> 00:09:55

with the wudu area. We're trying to finish

00:09:55 --> 00:09:58

the woodu area for, the outside. Alhamdulillah, we

00:09:58 --> 00:10:00

did, great achievements

00:10:00 --> 00:10:03

so far. Still much going on. You know,

00:10:03 --> 00:10:04

we need a lot of work to get

00:10:04 --> 00:10:06

this, where we need to have it. But,

00:10:06 --> 00:10:08

inshallah, we'll get there with the support. I'm

00:10:08 --> 00:10:10

very excited. I really can't wait to have

00:10:10 --> 00:10:13

it finished. We're here hard at work, working

00:10:13 --> 00:10:15

to get the Masjid open, this blessed month

00:10:15 --> 00:10:15

of Ramadan,

00:10:16 --> 00:10:19

working hard to get the educational Dawah Center

00:10:19 --> 00:10:21

open so we can educate humanity on the

00:10:21 --> 00:10:24

most misunderstood way of life out there, yet

00:10:24 --> 00:10:27

the fastest growing Islam. So do your part

00:10:27 --> 00:10:27


00:10:27 --> 00:10:28

contribute, donate

00:10:28 --> 00:10:29

right now.

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