Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Maryam – Day 01

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and characteristics of the Red wedding, including the discovery of the Red wedding and the importance of being patient. The speakers also touch on the importance of staying true to one's political beliefs and not rushing things. The transcript discusses the importance of investing heavily in education for children and ensuring their religious upbringing. The title of the Red wedding is also discussed, including the importance of passing the deen on to others at the same time and the need for investment in education for children. The importance of investing in education for children is emphasized, and the title of the book GAF is discussed in relation to a culture and a culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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Nina shape on your waje awaji

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II oh god

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amini smooth yeah

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on be Jeremy

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a lung

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smuggler with hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah

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well Allah Allah, he was a big marine. So inshallah, before we get started with a fear, typically for every session Shall I recite the ayat that we'll be covering that night or even a little bit more than that inshallah there's no harm in that. So I figured Mashallah, we have all of our students here, have a thought to lead the prayer, have his Hammad just recited Mashallah, so I figured with them here, you might as well get to hear them read and not have to endure through me reading. All right, so shala that's definitely an upgrade.

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Or inshallah I wanted to go ahead and get started with sort of medium surah number 19.

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We're going to be covering the sphere we're going to be at least starting with the two cheers sort of muddy I'm here for the special sessions that are related to the intensive the month long, Summer Intensive we're having here.

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And inshallah we'll see how far we're able to get with the program and with the actual tafsir in sha Allah.

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Before we actually get started with the subject matter of or the iaat rather the content of the sutra itself, then there's a necessary introduction to anything

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of the Quran. Before we begin it, there's some introduction that we need to be familiar with, in terms of when was the pseudo revealed? What were the circumstances of the suit at all? What is the overview of the suit all what is the Hadith of the suit? Or what is the primary point or the objective of the sutra and also in terms of sort of medium. Something else that's very interesting that we will take a look at is how even not just in terms of its new Zoo and its revelation, what is specific or what is there noteworthy about its revelation and its period, time place of Revelation. But there's also something very interesting about its eventual placement within the Mazel Tov. So

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this is sutra number 19. In the theme of the most half the 13th of the actual physical, or on that we have how it was eventually organized, it's sort of number 19. So there's even some great observations that we can make about where it is placed in the sutras before it versus the sutras after and how it kind of all pieces together. The most important thing I feel in terms of sort of medium is talking about the period and the time and the circumstances of the revelation of the sutra.

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This sutra was revealed very, very,

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very near the time it was revealed immediately before the first migration to Abba Xenia, Eastern Africa. Basically to give you a real brief synopsis of how that transpired. When the Dow when the message of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam began in Makkah, the first few years of the message were very private, it was private spreading of the message, personal networks, friends and family communicating the message through these personal networks that were available in about the fourth year, the third or fourth year of prophethood. Notice we're not doing usually when we designate a year of regard, in regards to the life of the prophets, a lot of them, we often are

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talking about

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hegira migration. Here, we're talking about Prophethood. So when the message arrived, and the message came about the fourth year, after the message had arrived, the Dow the message went public, the instruction came from a last panel, Tada. And the permission came to take the message public to the people, as soon as the message went public. You can imagine the response that was found there and MCI was immediately met with opposition, with cynicism, with refusal rejected rejection and denial. That was the immediate response to the message of the prophets, a lot of them on the public platform. When it was met with that response, of course, the prophets, a lot of them did not back

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down, the Muslims of that time did not give up their faith and their Iman and their beliefs. So naturally, the people of Macau have resorted to oppression and violence, to try to suppress these people or force them out of their belief system.

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At that time, they're a good part of the Muslim community at that time. They were downtrodden people of society. And what I'm referring to is they were either slaves or freed slaves. They were laborers, workers, poor people, people within that, quote, unquote, lower class, while we do not designate a lower class in society, I'm talking about in the eyes of that people in the eyes of society at that time, these people were buying far considered the lower class of society. When that started to happen, these people did not have the protection of a tribe. These people did not have powerful relatives. These people did not have money to be able to bargain their way out of trouble.

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So these people had their backs were up against the wall. They they were they were fighting for their lives at that point in time. So lost power, Jana, at that time, what basically transpired was, they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they expressed their need and their situation. There's even a narration about hubub nlrs radi Allahu anhu coming to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and complaining that when will the help of a law arrive? When will we be saved from the situation and the profits, a lot of them actually reprimanded about to a certain extent. He said that in the month Ghana,

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Ghana fillerina qabalah claimed that there were amongst the people before you people that for the sake of their emaan and their beliefs, you shout to be unsharpened Hadid that literally they were skinned alive with iron combs. While you don't mean shadow Allah Rossi and an axe are literally like a sword would be placed on the top of their head and they would literally be chopped into too and they would be burned alive and all types of things that they endured through all of those things. So you need to continue to be patient. You need a lot of strategy Lou, the prophet Sessoms said Do not be hasty. Do not rush things. There's there's there's there's some road there's some journey that

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still needs to be undertaken here. There's still some paths and some road that you have to traverse on your way to eventually the help of Allah

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With other arriving, nevertheless, in that situation, the process of did understand the dire the dire nature of their situation. So the profits, a lot of them at that time said that I had heard about a people that are very welcoming a king or ruler that is very accommodating, and he is very kind and generous and noble. And this is an Eastern Africa abbacy, Mia Habesha.

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And so you told them that go there, and I hope that they will treat you properly and that they will allow you to live there quietly and peacefully. So now these Muslims depart in the narration cell is that there were about eight men and three women, there are about 11 people who are amongst the first group of people to make that migration. Another narration says there were 11 men and three women in either case. So these people, they make this migration to Abyssinia, a handful of people, a dozen people make this migration there, and they arrive there. Now, when the leaders of grace heard that these people are leaving, they chased after them. And but they weren't able to get to them. By the

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time the recent seaport these people had already departed. So they come back to Makkah dejected. Nevertheless, a council is formed a tribe, a convoy is designated to us, who eventually would accept a psalm, it'll be a loved one who at this time, he's not Muslim. But he's one of the leaders of the opposition's against the message of the prophets a lot. He said, He's appointed as a leader of this convoy, and they're sent after the Muslims to go there, talk to the ruler, talk to the king, and try to bring these people back.

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Muslims arrived there and abbacy me up. They're not bothered, they're not troubled, they're don't they're told that you go your mind, your business will mind our business. And these are living quietly. They're living there peacefully, and they're practicing, and more Muslims are on their way to come and join them. And in some narrations, a Muslim Zig come and join them more. Now, at this point, when the corporation the McKinsey arrived, they arrived there to the king, burying lots and lots of gifts for the king and the ministers, they first go to the ministers, they give them kings, you know, you gotta be smart about this stuff. So they went over all the ministers. And then they

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basically said that we first want FaceTime with the king. Secondly, when we get that FaceTime with the king, we need you to kind of argue our side for us, they eventually come to the king. And they say that we have people that have ran away from us, these are criminals, these are convicted felons. These are bad, bad people, people that need to be, you know, taken care of. And we were we were putting them in their place, we had, you know, dealt with them, according to you know, how they should be dealt with. But they were able to run away and get away, and they've come here and they're acting all innocent living amongst you. And they're trying to, you know, escape justice from us. So

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the king says, I can't just having people over to you like this, I got to investigate the situation. So he calls these people up, and he says, What's going on? They say that you are a convicted criminals and you've ran away, and you owe them money, and all these types of things. So these people saying, that's not the case, we are free, respected citizens of our homeland, we ended up following believing in a message brought to us by a messenger by a prophet of Allah. And simply because of our faith and our beliefs, these people, they started oppressing us and aggressing against us with violence. And so we simply come here to seek refuge. We didn't mean any harm. No, we

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don't mean you any harm. We've come here to seek refuge.

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The King hears the case. And he goes, I can't help these people over to you. These are good people, from what I can tell. And they have, they haven't done anything to harm us. If they were such bad people, they would have caused trouble. They haven't caused any trouble here, I'm not handing them over to you. I will not hand over free innocent people like this. So King refuses their request, they regroup, they come back the next day to the king. And they say that these people have left the religion of their forefathers.

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They've left a religion of their forefathers, and these people in their beliefs, they don't respect anybody, they don't respect anybody's really believes in anyone's faith, and they degrade and they derive other people's beliefs. And that's what these people are. And you know, you and you are, you know, the king was Christian, this was a Christian land. This was a Christian country. And so he says, They say that, you know, you're a Christian and what you believe in these problems. These people probably talk bad about what you believe in as well. So the king now he's offended this, he was a very devout, very practicing, committed Christian. And so the king is offended by the notion

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that these people say something bad about his faith and his belief, his beliefs. So he calls these people up and he says, What do you say about a seven Millennium?

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What do you have to say about a seven no money and he said the sound of money and at that time, Jonathan Vitali, the older brother of alira, the Allahu anhu, who was the leader of the people there, the Muslims that were living there, he's designated to speak on behalf of the people and they kind of confirmed beforehand and they said, you know, it's a question about what EISA what we believe about our HR What should we say what should we do? Because we don't accept them to be the Son of God.

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So what are we going to do? They confer they decided, let's just speak the truth. That's all we can do. We can just only speak the truth. And so he goes before him. And he says, Let me tell you what we were talking about an ISA alayhis salam in the Quran, the word of Allah that was revealed upon the Prophet Mohammed Salah Nizam, and he delivered it and taught it to us. Let me just resize and he begins reciting these out of sort of medium that you just listened to right now and a little bit past that as well. And he recites these I asked him by the time he's done reading the ISA alayhis salam, the king literally tells him, you can stop now. And the king is crying profusely tears

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flowing from his eyes. And he says, it says, These are the most beautiful words that I've ever heard in my entire life. And everything that it has said about esala salaam is absolutely true. And the narration says something very powerful. The King reaches down,

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picks up like a piece of straw.

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Like a piece of straw, like a branch, like just a little something from the ground, he picks up like grass or a piece of straw from the ground. And he holds it up. And he says, Well law, he I swear by a god I swear by a law, that Isa is not even this much more than what you have stated him to be.

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That you have stated that a Saudi Salam is the messenger and the Prophet of Allah, he has rule of law, that he was, you know, given existence through the miraculous conception and birth through the vessel that we know what to be his medium, his mother medium.

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And then he was one of the signs of the greatness in the magnificence of Allah as a creator on the face of deserve. That is exactly what we know where he said to be. And he's not even this much more than what you have stated to be. very powerfully, he states this. And then he tells these people, he says, Take your gifts back. And I want you to leave from here, and you're not welcome here. Because you people are troublemakers, you're just here to make trouble. And he sends these people back and the Muslims are told to live here freely. If anybody messes with you, if anybody bothers you, you come and personally let me know, you live now, not just in my land, not just in my kingdom, but

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under my personal protection.

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And so this is the profound story that occurred at that time. Now this occurred.

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Sometime in the fifth or sixth year of prophethood. The Muslims migrated to muddy to habitat, excuse me, the Muslims migrated to Abyssinia in the beginning of the fifth year of prophethood. And the fact that they left MCI in the beginning of the fifth year of prophethood, the commentators of the kuranda scholars of this year, they are very confident in the fact that they say that it obviously then had to have been revealed before that time. And so they designate that the pseudo mme was revealed around the end of the fourth year of prophethood. That is probably the time when sort of money was revealed. And majority, the vast majority of the scholars have succeeded. In fact, there's

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I believe there's, there's, you know, there's a consensus, there's a consensus amongst the scholars of the Koran, that that is when sewmiriam was revealed. So that's a little bit of the backstory as to pseudo medium and when it was revealed

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now, and so the scholars say that one of the objectives of the revelation of sort of medium and this is very interesting, very profound. The scholars of the future see that one of the objectives of the revelation of pseudo medium is that this was being given as a parting gift. This was revealed as a parting gift and as provision

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for the Muslims that were to migrate to Abyssinia because they were migrating to the lines of the Christians. And that tells us something very interesting that the Quran is the ultimate provision for people in all situations and circumstances. And SubhanAllah. Not just is the Quran miraculous, but it's revelation is miraculous, and it's time and situation of Revelation is equally as miraculous. So this suit all with this exact content, and subject matter was revealed at the time when the Muslims would be migrating to Christian lands, to seek refuge and to be safe. And Allah subhanaw taala provided them at the most opportune time at the perfect time it was revealed. Now

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a little bit about the objective of the sutra. And there are a few things that can be stated about the objective of the sutra that are noteworthy.

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The first thing is that there is a great consistency that is found in sort of medium.

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And I'm going to talk a little bit more about this in just a little bit later on in the dose here just in a little bit. But when you take a look at the sutra on a grander scheme, in the grander scheme of things, you can basically split the sutra into three sections. You can split this into three sections. The first part of the sutra talks obviously about Zachary alehissalaam and the miraculous conception and birth of his son yahia. And what was miraculous about that and will be excuse me studying the ayat inshallah, as these lessons progress, but what was miraculous

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That is that Zachary, he and his wife, both at that time were a very, very advanced age. There's numerous narrations.

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You know, none of them are absolute in terms of authenticity. Nevertheless, there are numerous narrations, I designate different ages for them, they were in their 70s, or 80s, or 90s. There's even a narration that is given in order to be that many of the Sahaba were of the opinion of that they were passed the hundreds,

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that they were passed the hundreds even. So they were at such an advanced stage. Nevertheless, the Koran through the testimony of Zakaria himself, as we just heard, and listened to in the recitation of the IR, he says, what are the Bulava near Hebrew? He says that very, very old age has reached me. And interestingly enough, I'll talk about it when we get to the AI there's emphasis. And there's a very interesting choice of words in terms of bananas. So through the emphasis and the choice of words, we find out that he's not saying that I'm old, saying I'm extremely old. I'm very, very old. I'm at the peak of old age. Right? So I saying like, I'm the oldest dude that I know. And so I'm

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very, very old is what he's saying. And he says, We're kind of similar to Iran. Not only that, not only is my wife old at the same time, but my wife, even when we were a younger couple, my wife could not conceive.

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And he uses the word guy and that.

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And implicitly, what we understand there is that we wanted children.

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We prayed for children, we tried to have children, but she consistently could not bear children.

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So there's two things working against us. Not only are we super old, but at the same time we couldn't conceive children. Even when we were young, we just couldn't. We tried. Many, many times we prayed we may do our we asked, but it didn't happen. So all the basically, the odds are all against this. But nevertheless, a las panatela blesses them with child. And so that is the first miraculous birth that we get to learn about is the birth of Yahuwah. And he said, he goes on to then talk about the birth of a seven no money, and he said the son of money, and I gave him a salon.

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Now, so the first part of the pseudo focus is on zirconias, beginning with equity, and I'll talk about that maybe probably in tomorrow's depths in tomorrow's lesson about the the connection between the story of equity and the story, or the birth of Yang and the birth of Isa, and even my salon. Nevertheless, the first part talks about that, the middle of this hurrah, talks about at length talks about Ibrahim alayhis salam, and then mentioned some other profits that come from the project, Eva Rahim. But the bulk of it is taken up by destroying Ibrahim Elisa, the end of the surah is a very stark and stern message to the idolaters of Makkah, to the Qureshi, the mushy Kuhn of Makkah.

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So you have the beginning, which is an obvious address to Christians, you have the middle, which talks about Ibrahim Ali salam, and then the end talks about talks to the machine and addresses the people who are committing shit that people have muck up. Now, if you look there, there's a beautiful layout here, that it begins by addressing the Christians. It ends by addressing the mushy corn.

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But the consistency is found in the middle of the Segway. What's the connection?

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There's a connection here, people have you know, the, the the Christian people, obviously, the message of the ISA is pertinent to them, the the mushy cone that addresses specifically to them, but that which is consistent, and that which is universal, is Ibrahim alayhi salam, because very interestingly, the most frequent are people that do not believe in like this form of divine religion and scripture and prophets. They don't believe in this entire divine system of guidance. They have no concept of prophets and messengers and divine scripture. But what's interesting about the mushy Guna mocha is nevertheless they still hold Ibrahim Ali Salaam in very high regard, and they still

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see him they still perceive him to be a man of great virtue,

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some way somehow, and they feel a sense of affiliation and affinity towards it, but a Hema alayhi salam.

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So Allah subhanaw taala is not only segwaying and connecting the message, but by means of this the message becomes universal. And obviously, where does that link to then this message and the man that this message is being revealed to needs to not just be accepted by the Christians and the machico, but needs to be universally accepted, like the message of about him. So you find this very profound delivering of the message. Nevertheless, I was talking about consistency.

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Subramanian begins by talking about zecharia Gosha. Speaking about yahia goes on to speak about mme and an ISA, the son of Madame alayhis salam. It then goes on to talk about Ibrahim and it talks about his smile, and it talks about Idris and he talks about his heart and Yaqoob.

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And all throughout the sutra, every single time I mentioned talks about these messengers

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In each prophets of Allah, it is emphasizing the fact that they advocated that they preached that they taught to heed oneness of a god oneness of Allah.

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That they taught, and they preach, and they advocated Salah, and Zakah. You heard those Ayah being recited and talked about salons, aka being good belittle Valley, Dana talks about being good to one's parents. So it talks about these basic core virtues, these universal values.

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So this is consistency that is being exemplified through the sutra. And in terms of that, what is it, it's sending a very subtle message that this message that is being revealed, and the man that is being revealed upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his message is not something that is out of the norm, it's something his message is not something that is that is radical. That is that is something that, you know, goes against the grain, so to speak. But rather, his message is consistent with the message that has come through our time, upon every prophet, in the form of every scripture. So that consistency is being explained and exemplified

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through this sutra,

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another very important primary objective of the sutra. And this is where you have to dig a little bit deeper. But something that's very, very profound that we can also extract and draw from the sutra as a wisdom and as a, as a powerful message that is embedded within the sutra. And that is, it's talking about the importance of passing the deen on teaching the deen to one's own children.

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And there's two lessons here. Number one, as Muslims as practitioners and believers of the proper way of life given to us by Allah and personified and exemplified through the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, we obviously have a concern across the board to pass the deen on to others.

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That is the concern of each and every single Muslim to pass the deen on to others at the same time. Okay, so first of all, let's deal with that. We have a concern to pass the deen on to make sure that Dean lives on to make sure that the deen carries on

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the best way, the ultimate way in order to achieve that is through one's own children.

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one's own children, that raise a generation a future generation, multiply forward with generations of people, men and women who will live this Dean who will exemplify this Dean and carry it on forward in its best manner in its best form. So doing the therapy of one's own children re investing into one's own children in terms of their Dean

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is the best way to ensure the carrying on of the message and the passing on of the dean. Secondly, taking care and raising one's own children in the best way possible is again a universal concern of all parents. There has to be something emotionally or psychologically wrong with a parent not wanting the best for his his or her own child.

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So any healthy human being will want the best for his or her own child. And this suit is letting us know that like we insure for the protection, and the financial well being and the good manners and the good conduct and the social respect and social status and education of our children, we should also invest work hard to ensure the religious upbringing of our children and invest in terms of the Dean of our children as very, very necessary and very, very important. And that's what it's emphasizing. And that's what it's doing that just like we feed them and we clothed them and we shelter them, make sure that we are teaching them to obey Allah and that we are connecting them to

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Allah subhanaw taala and teaching them to build a connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala And not only is this like I said the protection for the deen but this is the ultimate protection for our children. This is the ultimate protection for our children and that's why we see that when the last panel with Allah and so we've seen record er a salon as we read in the IRS. He doesn't just say give me a child he says you have to go through anyway Eddie through Medallia October would be probably young,

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that give me a child so that he will inherit from me and inherit from the affiliates the associates of Yaqoob and make him make him someone who is pleasing to you.

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Make him one that is pleasing to you. While other than meridian make him a child that is pleasing to you. So he's emphasizing the religious the spiritual aspect of his child that makes sure that he is spiritually connected and that he is taken care of properly and he wants a child to be able to pass this Deen on. We see again esala his Salam from

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need to be at the hands of his medium at the hands of his mother medium.

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Who is an unbelievable amazing woman, that when we read the article make the connection back to the items that are there, I'm wrong, that Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't just make her to the vessel of this, but Allah subhanaw taala says she is chosen on the basis of her purity on her virtue in the law stuff argue with the hierarchy what's the faqih Alana sign Allah mean? That when we read about Ibrahim Ali Salaam we see even going into reverse that a pious righteous child is doing what for his own father. All right, in the vast majority of the opinion of the of the mufa Citroen that the fall as it is the father of Ibrahim,

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and he's a disbeliever.

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He's committing chittick. And so when Ibrahim Alayhi, salam, a pious righteous child, the virtue of which is what that even when he finds a parent off track. He's advising the parent. And not in a disrespectful tone. I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm writing you don't know what you're talking about. And you listen up old man, that's not what he's saying.

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Yeah, yeah. Yeah, four times he's pleading My dear father,

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my dear father, and not even sounds very, very formal. to contextualize what that means. Yeah, but he it's like when a child says Daddy, please.

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abou please, Daddy, please.

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He's pleading with his father in a very respectful tone, trying to plead with him. And talk sense to his father. So you again see the virtual pious righteous child talks about this, Marian, who is the son of Ibrahim.

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It talks about his half who is the son of Ibrahim, why are the sons Oh, absolutely amazing. Because your father was unbelievably amazing.

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It talks about yaku, who is the son of his heart?

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Again, amazing father, amazing grandfather, what do you expect, but an amazing son and grandson?

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We read about Idris

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emphasizing Dino Dean to his family, we even as far as married, we're gonna get Miranda who is Salatu was aka.

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He's emphasizing to his family that praise Allah gives a god practice charity. So this message is found throughout. And it's a very, very profound message very relevant to our times in our situation, because I often talk about it. And I'm not going to go into direction of a tangent right now. But I often talk about the tragedy of our time is not just family, the issue of family, but within the issue of family. By far, the biggest issue we have is the issue of parenting.

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We we talk a lot about the issues of our youth and our children, and the lack of Deen and therapy within our children in our youth. But where are they supposed to get it from? What is the primary source of that is their parents

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that if we feel that our children and our youth are suffering in terms of their Deen today, that actually should lead let's make us understand that we are failing as parents today. And that's at the core of the issue. And that's this. So this one is extremely relevant, according to our issues today. So that's a little bit about the overall objectives and does what the Buddha talks about the subject matter of the sutra. The next thing I wanted to kind of lay out and I talked about this already, I won't spend a whole lot more time on this. But it talks about I just wanted to point out about the

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the layout of the sutra and the layout of the sutra.

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There's there's different passages if I told you about the three main sections, but the first 15 iaat. Talk about zecharia and the miraculous birth of Yeah, his son. And then of course, he talks about the ultimately miraculous birth of Isa alayhis, salam to Madame de la Mancha. It then goes on in the next about 1011. It talks about the

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it basically absolves medium of any blame and he slandered that was pointed towards her. And we obviously realized that there was a segment of the population that slandered medium at that time very, very unfortunately, and did not accept Not only did not accept the ISA alayhis salam as a messenger of Allah, but not only that, but they slandered medium at that time. So he talks about her purity, and her righteousness and her virtue. And it also at the end of that, so not only does it reprimand one group of people that slandered medium and did not believe in aisa, but it on the other hand, reprimands the people who took the miraculous birth of a Sally Salaam too far

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where they declared as Allah Salaam to be divine in the sense of being the son of God, the son of Allah. And so it reprimands those people and to rebuke those people and to refute those people.

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This is wrong.

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The next I add, then talk about few in the next few hours very powerfully, kind of conclude that first whole argument by talking about the Day of Judgment. Because whether it's talking to the people who rejected or these are the people who took a PSA too far

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in either deified, eSATA hustler, in either case, it says, here's the message. But at the end of the day, here's a little incentive to believe and listen to this message. And that is the day of judgments coming. And you will be held accountable, you will have to answer for what you've done. The next nine or 10 ad talk about Ibrahim Ali salam, and his interaction with his forefathers with his father, and his pleading with his father and presenting the message of the truth to his father, and also is again a very powerful message that is, again, very relevant to a particular segment a demographic of the Muslim community, the Muslim population today, and that is sometimes children who

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might find themselves more in tune with their Deen more informed about their Deen than maybe their parents are. Because this is a very extreme situation that's presented, you have a prophet of Allah whose father is an idolatry that is a machine that is a polytheist

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as a very, very extreme situation. But how does he manage? And how does he navigate that situation? There's a lot of lessons in that for us.

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The next couple of iaat.

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Then before transitioning into the DIRECT address, and rebuke to the people of makenna makenna maka, it tells the prophets a lot, even just a couple of I had to be patient, and to stay steady,

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to stay steady to be patient to stay the course. And things are going to work themselves out. And to not rush to not to not be too drastically impacted by the circumstances. And no matter how difficult the situation might become. There's reprieve right around the corner.

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The next few AI ads are very, very direct, and very harsh address to the people of Mecca, and the people that are refuting and rejecting and denying belief in the Day of Judgment belief in the hereafter belief in this entire message.

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And then finally, the sutra concludes with letting these people know

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that because once again, and I talked about this in some of the previous videos that I've done from the sutras from just about the 29th Jews, that the movie could have got a very peculiar read an understanding of the situation. And that was they said, Look, we're in power, we're in control

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on the man.

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So if I'm the man here, when control we're empowered Now,

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what's to say that it won't be the same way on the flip side? First of all, there is no flip side. All right, and when she Guna makara, saying First of all, there is no flip side. There is no hereafter there is no life after death. All bogus. But let's just say if there was

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if, if we're the ones that are in charge here were the ones that are the winners here. We're winning over here. Why won't we be winning over there? what's what's what's the what's the stop that what's to prevent that?

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And so this was their mentality this these were the delusions they were living in. So las panatela obviously refutes this. And then the surah ends with

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again consoling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And then at that time

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it says something very, very interesting. It not only consoles, the prophet SAW some, but it also consoles the believers. Letting them know that yes, the situation is very difficult right now.

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But the situation on the flip side WILL BE THE COMPLETE REVERSE OF what's what's going on right now. You're suffering, you're oppressed right now.

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You will be the ones enjoying bliss and happiness and blessing on the other side. While these people will suffer for what they've done here, so it's not only a consolation to the profits of them, but it's a consolation to the believers in general. And it finally ends with emphasizing the message of the Quran.

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That the Quran is the ultimate message. The Quran is the ultimate means

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to deliver the message to people, whether that be by encouraging and motivating the people, or it'd be warning to people whether you are at the initial stage of encouraging, motivating, inspiring

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People, then even in that case of Iran is the ultimate means to accomplish that task. Or whether you've reached a point where now you're at the point where you got to warn these people, and you just got to say it like it is. Even then make sure the Quran is the primary vehicle for you to deliver your dollar. Because it's the ultimate means. And it's a gift from Allah, to deliver this message to people, and some will believe. And of course, they'll get what Allah has promised. And some people will deny. And some people will disbelieve.

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And those people will get what they got coming to them.

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And it finally tells the Profit System, you don't need to concern yourself with them.

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You don't need to bother with them. You don't need to be troubled by them. You don't need to be stressed out by them. You keep doing what you're doing, the believers keep doing what they're doing. And let our last kind of atella take care of the rest. This is a real brief synopsis, overall of the sutra. And

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this is basically the

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message of the sutra. Now to end here, because we obviously don't have time to actually delve into the ayat, and we'll begin with that tomorrow.

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But the last thing I wanted to point out here is after we talked about the historical significance of the sutra, the time and period of Revelation, we talked about the message to the core of this world and the overall layout of the sutra. The final thing I'd like to point out here is what can we appreciate about the placement of the sutra within the massage.

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So based on that scholarly opinion, that even the sutras that are laid out the way they are laid out, laid out in the Quran, as we see it today, that that is also a divine order. And that is a difference of opinion.

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there that is an issue of difference of opinion, nevertheless, to appreciate the opinion, and there's a good number of scholars very reputable classical scholars to move on, and even Sahaba to carrum. Who are of that opinion, not the one whom so to appreciate their opinion, what can we observe about that? So we look first of all back to

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the sutra, that is before sort of medium, and that is Surah suka I have another very prominent powerful suit of the Quran, very well known by people recited on a weekly basis or recommended to be recited on a weekly basis.

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One thing about pseudo Caf real quickly is that sort of guy talks about many, primarily, it talks about four key incidents and stories. And to generalize sort of the sorts of guy who talks about a number of very miraculous occurrences and events, things that defy logic and reason.

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From the sleeping in the cave of the people of God, the people of the cave, the young men, and how they suffer 309 years as a pseudo tells us and woke up as if they just took a long nap.

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That's one thing he talks about musala his Salaam and a very knowledgeable person that he met. And it talks about vilka name, the man who ruled the world and what he ended up and it talks about hobbiton attain, so I believe can attain the man with the two gardens. But it talks about a number of especially in terms of the story of a calf.

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It talks about some very, very miraculous events occurring.

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And it goes right into pseudo medium to talk about the most miraculous event that has occurred on the face of the earth. And that was the birth of a Sally salon without a father.

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And so it's that very smooth transition from one miracle right into another miracle, demonstrating the power and the magnificence of Allah. Aside from that, there are some very, very key things to appreciate here.

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And that is in the end of sigatoka have

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Allah subhanaw taala in is number 109 the second to last I have sort of GAF Allah subhanaw taala says pulo cannon bajo Medallia kalamansi Robbie, Lana Fidel bajo Kabbalah and further Kalamata, Robbie will now be Mithra he muda

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Polo Canon barrameda then the Kalamata Robbie that say that if the ocean was ink

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for the Kelly, march

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of My Lord and my master

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Kelly match basically refers to either praises or words of glorification, or even blessings. All of that that's why it's such a word. That's why I didn't say any I'm not.

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That's why I didn't say neon, I try it in say, hummed. That's why I didn't say all these skinny matters, basically, any word, anything that captures that talks about that illustrates the greatness of Allah. So whether that be by mentioning his praise and his glorification or

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That'd be by simply mentioning his blessings.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:34

All right, so, all of the blessings all the praise and the glorification that if all the ocean became in for that Lana Del Banco, popular entered for the Cali matter of Kalamata, kalama turabi that all of that ink would finish would run out before the calamata of my Lord, the words of praise and glorification and blessings of My Lord and my master Woodrow no Willow did not begin with you, even if we were to have replenished that ink a second time. So if you got a refill on the ink, you would still run out and we're not talking about a bottle of ink we're talking about the ocean here.

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All right, and some of us who don't even point out that I have the URL here is Lily Sarah.

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Linda says that it doesn't mean the ocean like one ocean means anything that fits the description of an ocean so all the water on the face of this earth all the oceans are included in this that they would run out and they were refilled and then they were run out again.

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by him. When sort of muddy and begins it talks about the key it's named sort of medium after medium. Alright, the mother Raisa. The key discussion in sort of medium is about Miriam and the birth of a Sally so now and we know intuitively I'm wrong with which is a passage passage we're going to refer back to it we're going to talk about that in that passage when it talks about a Salah Salaam, it refers to him as what is called Himalaya to Yama Yama in Allahu basuki. Be Kelly Martin.

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It calls a Salah Salaam calima, a Kadima from a blessing of Allah, a sign of the greatness of Allah. He himself is a demonstration in the sign of the greatness of Allah. And he refers to Isa AS A Kadima of Allah. Along with that there's a couple of very other beautiful things we're running out of time. The last thing I'll maybe point out here in 60 seconds is GAF, higher anxiety, the karateka the karate, Rebecca Aveda who, Zakaria It doesn't just say the karate Rob because a Korea but it says abacha who's a Korea It doesn't just say Korea but it says his slaves are Korea. It gives a title to Zachary and the title is what everyone

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have the title of odd. All right. We look back at sudo Touka. Have

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What does it say? Alhamdulillah De Anza Allah Allah, Abbe de Al Kitab Ah,

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we look back at surah even the sort of before that certainly sort of sort of beneath veins so Hannah levy as Robbie Abbott, he, so it's a consistent theme throughout and each three times it's about to talk about a great miracle. The first one talks about the light night ovilus Robin Mirage, and the abdus Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam

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and there's a reason to believe in him. The second time it talks about the revelation of the Quran, where the amazing story of God has revealed to people a miracle and again the other two which is Mohammed Salah doesn't believe in him. And here it talks about the object which is a courier and an amazing miracle that he was given a child at such an advanced old age. So believe in him. And so that does these are a few notes about the consistency of the sutra and where it is placed. inshallah that's a full introduction on the sutra. inshallah tomorrow we will begin with the very first iron will go into the actual eye out the actual text of this wood itself. May Allah subhanaw taala give

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us the ability to practice everything we've said and heard some how to lucky will be hung to use and how Nicola who will be huntik Mashallah Illa Illa antenna so critical one or two wieneke


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