Abdul Nasir Jangda – Surah Rahman

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of sharing information and sharing with the world through the prophets of love, the responsibility of Islam to share and share with others, and the importance of sharing and sharing with others. The responsibility is to share information and share with the world, as they are the ones responsible for sharing with the world. The prophets of love are what the prophets are focused on, and they are responsible for sharing with others. The importance of sharing information and sharing with the world is emphasized, as it is their responsibility to share and share with the world. The benefits of working with Columbia national learning are discussed, including enhancing their learning and practice, and the use of Columbia national learning to enhance their lives and improve their quality of life. The speakers emphasize the benefits of working with Columbia national learning to enhance their learning and practice, and how they will use 100 Columbia national learning to enhance their lives and improve their quality of life.
AI: Transcript ©
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He was flown out to

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LA and he was

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in the majority of the

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lessons that we've had after every day after thoroughly, the majority of them have been typically in regards to maybe some concepts from the Quran or extracting lessons from the different ayat that we've discussed here.

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For today's session, I wanted to take a slightly different approach. And, inshallah, even within this, there are obviously lessons and things that we can think about and benefit from. But I wanted to talk about maybe also some of the beauty of the structure of some of take a portion of the forearm, take a portion of something, we decided to do one sudo, and maybe also discuss some of the beauty of its structure, and the placement of the words, and sort of maybe linguistically and try to appreciate from a literary perspective. And so handy, let's enable your scientists are human. And this is the 55th surah of the Quran. And so obviously, we all know about the beauty of sort of Raman

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and how powerful of a surah it is. And we all always enjoy reading it and reciting it and listening to it, and studying it. So I thought I can shala talk about some of the

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some of the things that we can learn from the sutra, and how we can appreciate the sewer lines from a literary perspective, as well as from a spiritual perspective.

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First of all, in the pseudo last parallel, Jana begins the sutra, bye,

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set by saying one of his attributes, and that is urashima. And this is one of the attributes and one of the qualities of a lost power dialer, one of his support. And urashima literally comes from the root of the word rackmount. Which, interestingly, as well, in the Arabic language, the womb, of the mother is also called

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the womb of the mother in Arabic is called the rational. And some of the basic meanings of this word is that this word implies substance, tenderness, kindness, security, generosity, mercy. This word basically implies all of these different meanings. And another thing that it implies it also that that safety. And another very interesting perspective of this word rackmount is that it also implies somebody being granted all of these things, without having earned them.

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Somebody being given all of these things, somebody being provided for somebody being cared for. So kindness, forgiveness, substance, mercy, protection, safety, security, is being provided or being done without any particular act that makes that person demanding of these things. And that's why when you look at the womb of the mother, it is it is a protective vessel that Allah has created for the child during a human beings most vulnerable point in his entire life. The most vulnerable position that a human being is ever in, is when he is going through those stages of development within the womb of the man, that the human being is extremely vulnerable and sensitive. At that

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point, and very, very weak, incapable of doing anything on its own, we often just look at a baby, look at a child that's already been born, we consider our baby to be helpless. Because they can't talk. They can't feed themselves, they can't clean themselves again, for so long, they can't even walk and move themselves around. But look at this much, the baby can still breathe on its own.

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The fetus in the womb of the mother is incapable of even breathing on its own.

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It is attached to the mother gaining all nourishment from the mother.

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But what has that child done to deserve a rose from the Mother, the fact that the mother is carrying that child around, feeding him sustaining and protecting him all by means of her own body.

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The mother basically protects and nourishes that child at the expense of herself.

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What has that child done for that mother and

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She is providing them all of us nothing.

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And so the woman's or the mothers called the random,

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for without having earned it.

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This child is being provided all of these things, this great mercy this mother has upon this unborn child but she hasn't even looked at it.

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She's giving him all of this. So it's similarly Russia, the mercy of Allah.

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Allah provides all of these things for us. So he comes from Saudi Arabia. And the purpose of that wire was begins by mentioning this particular attribute of is, is very obvious, throughout the pseudo las panatela mentioned one after another, the blessings that he has bestowed upon mankind, all the different blessings that He has given mankind and the blessings that he will give mankind afterwards as well.

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And after all of them that he poses the rhetorical question for me, yeah, yeah, like the RP command you can do

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that which of the Blessings of your Lord will you deny?

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So, Allah subhanaw taala, because throughout the surah, he enumerates his countless blessings. And there's amazing generosity about upon his creation, Allah mentions by saying, stating on Rama,

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now, in this sutra, just in general, the rush Mercy is of two types, is either gratuitous, which means that it's being granted without having been being earned. Just like the mother is giving all of this baby, that unborn child even though that child hasn't done anything to earn it, or deserve it, but she's giving it to him. Similarly, the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala is either given to people just sheerly through the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala by the sheer Mercy of Allah, they haven't done anything to earn it or deserve it. And the second type of mercy is that which has been earned, or that which that person has proven proven himself to be worthy of, in the sutra of Rama

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Rama, Allah subhanaw taala mentions both of these types of verses, he mentioned that he was going to be

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alone mentions, what

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was Mr. La, Misa will have asked me what I had, you mentioned all of these different blessings of his the creation of the sun in the moon, the stars in the sky, spreading of the earth, providing all the fruits and the vegetation and everything in the earth. Human Being hasn't done anything to earn or deserve these things. Mankind hasn't done anything to earn or deserve the alleged granting, because he is.

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But then the second part of the sutra women, half of

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those who will have feared Allah feared the position of their Lord, the step the station of their Lord,

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they will have to paradises and then I was fine with Allah goes on mentioning everything that will be given to them in Paradise, where are they not deserving of that? Have they done something to prove themselves worthy of that? Yes. And that's where a lot of mentions, start begins by mentioning that they were fearful of their work. So Allah mentions both type of mercies within both types of mercy within the suit as well. The first type that was people hadn't really done anything, you know, in particular, to earn or deserve them, or haven't even proven themselves worthy of their alleged granting, because he is. And then the second part of the suit, Allah mentions blessings that you

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will give to people after they have proven themselves worthy of them.

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So both of these types of Merci, merci are mentioned within this book in Surah. Then the second ayah, he says, I want you to think about this. This surah mentions dozens of blessings,

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dozens of the blessings and the mercy in the different things allies branches, by through His mercy.

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The very first thing that he's going to state must be the greatest of those things must be the most manifest form of His mercy has to be the most obvious and apparent display of Allah's mercy. And that is a level

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he taught.

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He taught the Quran, the Quran is the greatest Mercy of Allah. Another place in the Quran, Allah says when mercy luminol Quran, we have revealed from the mouthwash Shiva, that which is a tour

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and a mercy for the believers. So Allah states that this is the ultimate version. It's the greatest form of a Lazarus. It's the most manifest in the most obvious form of the last palletizers

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then almost says Holla

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He created the human being.

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I want you to think about a couple of things.

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Who did Allah teach the Quran to when he said the animal for

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the human being?

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Then why did he say that? He talked about it, and then he says he created it.

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The syndicator seemed like reverse order.

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You're almost to a certain extent your mind tells you that first issue said he created the human being an entrepreneur,

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but it's reversed.

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For this, we have to think a little bit deeper.

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Just that surface level of thought will not answer this question. won't solve this quandary as to dig a little bit deeper.

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Whenever when you plan when you want to build a structure of building, when you want to build a machine.

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Do you first build the machine? Or do you first lay out the plans of the machine?

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Which one do you do first? construction, you first build the structure or you make a blueprint first. First, you designed the blueprint, you make all the designs, you make a full layout, full detail sculptures and plans and models and everything is planned out to the flat detail

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to the center of where the shoes will go.

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Where the water fountain will be everything precisely manually everything is laid out in detail, then you do the groundbreaking and you begin the structure of the building.

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There must be a plan in place, there has to be a blueprint, a framework for you to be able to properly execute the structure of the building.

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Similarly, alas created this human being. But what's the plan? What's the layout? What's the structure? What's the blueprint for the human being to follow? The Quran

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the Quran tells us person it is a blueprint of a human's life,

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how he should live his life, what he needs to do in his life. Just like in that blueprint, in those plans, the find the smallest detail is there.

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Same thing the Quran is telling us exactly precisely how we need to live our lives.

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So I mentioned the blueprint first.

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Because truly logically, even though we initially thought logically, it should be reverse. Actually logically, it's in perfect order, because this is the word of a lender word MLS perfect.

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So Allah says,

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first he laid out the blueprint for you, then

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then He created you, so that you would know how to live

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otherwise endless. The human being can you imagine the human being without the guidance from Allah, the Quran endless. Not only that, but when does a human being because Allah does Allah says Allah, Allah insaan he created the human being. What makes a human being a human being is a solid and intelligent question. But what what makes a human being a human being? What makes him human? It is the teachings.

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Because what does Allah say about those individuals

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who do not live their lives by the guidance that Allah has given

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by this guidance analyzed for my

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They have hearts, but they don't understand they don't comprehend. Well, I would argue like the tsunami or the eyes, they have seen, well,

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they have ears, but they don't hear

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hula. And

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these people are like cattle,

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like cattle, but rather they are even more lost even more.

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So a human being without this isn't really even a human being at all in the eyes of Allah. He's worst, often capitalists. This is why I mentioned support offers. Because if you want to be a real true human being want to live up to that standard of being an inside a human being. But

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you have to live by that.

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So let's

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move on.

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The next thing is that, and this is a little bit of Arabic grammar. But nevertheless, it's still a benefit for us to try to understand this.

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In the Arabic language, you sometimes have a sentence or a statement.

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In specific you have verbs,

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certain types of verbs. They demand an object.

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They demand an object. Like if I say Nasir hit

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You're all waiting for me to finish the sentence.

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Who did he hit?

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That needs to be answered, that's a part of that team. It's expected natural. I can't say,

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that doesn't work. It requires something after that. So I have to say now, sir, I'm doing okay that makes sense.

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That makes sense. So, certain, similarly, in the Arabic language, sometimes certain words, certain sentences aren't present, and very specifically, certain verbs if they require an object.

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Allah means to teach.

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And that requires two objects. Number one,

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we know who taught a rough man or landscape or a man he taught.

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who and what that needs to be answered, two questions have to be answered with teaching urashima he taught who and what

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the what has been answered, which is the Quran.

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But the who is not answered.

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It's not stated there.

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Allah doesn't stay who he says.

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He taught the Quran to blink.

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this occurs in other places in the UK as well. And wherever this occurs throughout the Quran, this is almost a type of a literary function. This is also a part of eloquence, that when an object is demanded, and is left open, it is left open to create a general meaning. There are lots of different Koran to the Prophet ceylonese.

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He taught the Koran to humanity to people. So it's left open ended to include everyone, meaning the Quran is always there for anyone who wants to know.

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And what does the sooner right before Sunil Rama, Allah, what does that say over and over again?

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Well, according to

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the sutra, right? Before sutra, man is demanding, it's challenging, again and again over and over again. Allah has made the process easy for remembrance for how long would that gives you? Is anyone going to accept it? Is anyone going to make an effort to try and understand and remember it? It's posing a challenge it's demanding. Is anyone there? I was made it easy for you. Is there anyone there to

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benefit from

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so that's why Allah subhanaw taala is I'm saying

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to whoever is willing to learn from

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the Quran is always available. And that's why more often than not, a lot of times when you meet non Muslims

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I'm excuse me when you meet somebody who took Shahada wasn't born into a Muslim family wasn't raised as a Muslim. And later on in their life, they took Shiloh convert reverts whatever you call it.

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Oftentimes, what's the tip? What's the answer that you get from them? How did they kind of come to Islam?

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A lot of times, surprisingly,

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a surprising number of times you get the answer, I read that.

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I got a translation of the Quran and I read it, that's it.

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Ron is always there. So even a non Muslim, the Quran, Allah has made it available for that person to read, learn, benefit and come to Lima.

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And the same thing goes for us as well as people who are trying to live according to Islam. Quran is always open, it's open, like an open invitation to just come and benefit and learn.

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You will learn you will benefit but you have to come.

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The next thing is that I was promoter of courses colorful insanity created the human being. And then I was part of autolysis I love I will ban

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Allah subhanho wa Taala taught the human being the art of expression.

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The clarification beyond literally it means the word the word beyond it needs like to express oneself, but the root of it It comes from the same meaning as the word to that is used for clarification like baking that

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So it means to be able to express oneself very clearly, to clearly Express one's intention. And that is general. It's not just referring to the ability to speak. No, it means being able to express oneself clearly. Whether that is through speech or that's through

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gestures, signals, even writing is included. Even the ability to write

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all of this is included in this. So now one question often that occurs is why, as I was telling mentioned, this ability to be able to express words,

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well, it has a general benefit, and then it has another race specific benefit. The general benefit is the main thing that differentiates a human being from all the other types of the creation of a lot, all the other creatures on this earth is basically the human beings ability to be able to very clearly express oneself. That is the defining feature of a human being, to be able to very clearly express oneself.

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I mean, today when scientists do some type of research, and they can get like a dog or a monkey to like, pick between two different colors, it's like celebrate, it's like a huge, like Advancement of Science and Technology. And it's all over the news and everything just because this dog, or this monkey could figure out the difference between the square the circle, it's like everyone that's marveled by it, amazed by it.

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But a human being, look what a human being is capable of in, in matters of expressing oneself.

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So this is the general benefit of this. This is the defining feature of a human being from other creation other creatures, the more specific benefit is, what's the best. What's the blessing that Allah has already mentioned before this, he taught me

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the Quran This is teaching us that once you come to the Quran, and you learn a lot, and you benefit from the Quran, what are you supposed to then do with this?

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Go on and express it and teach it and share it with others. This is a part of the responsibility of the Quran

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that Allah has given you this amazing blessing, the greatest blessing ever given to mankind, and any oma and that is.

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But along with that amazing, oftentimes, the greater the blessing, the greater the responsibility. So Allah might have given us this amazing blessing. But he's also given us a very serious responsibility. And that is, when you come and you benefit, and you learn and you gain something from this. You must be your job to go and share it with other people.

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express it to others share with the world.

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That's why the prophets of love is What do you say, I need whenever I have

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that delivered on behalf of me, even if it'd be when I have,

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if all we learned was one is still our responsibility. And it's almost a it's like, it's like a last wish of the prophets a lot easier now, that even if you know when I have conveyed to humanity, and share with people, so this is a very, very specific benefit of it. And a lost power on our promises to the prophets, a lot of them as well.

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This understanding of the Quran and being able to express it and deliver it to people when the answer to piano, Allah subhanaw taala mentions like when the Quran was first coming to the Prophet sallallaahu it was being revealed. He was very anxious about trying to preserve it. And so you start reading along with it as it was being revealed to Roger Barry Allison was delivering the IoT, you'd start repeating what he was reading them, and he seemed very nervous about not you know, missing out on something. So let's find out I tell I told him that when the Quran is being delivered to you letter, how did it begin this Annika? Lisa, we don't worry about trying to preserve it quickly. In

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We take it upon ourselves, we have a lesson that I am guaranteeing to you that this will be saved with you and you will be able to recite it afterwards to others in the Alina, Gemma VEDA Parana,

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Suma in nanny, Nevada. And we also take the responsibility of expressing this blog explaining this book, that not only will you have it preserved after delivered to you, not only will you be able to recite it to others after it's been delivered to you, but you will also have the ability to be able to explain it and express it to others.

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So this is a very key function of the Quran, and the primary responsibility that we have upon ourselves due to the blessing of the Quran.

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So these are just some of the lessons that we're able to gain from the beginning I have. Now the last thing and I'll end with this. And this is from the beauty of this entire sort of the phrase for the API that

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we hear obviously repeated over and over again, and it adds to the beauty and the power of this world.

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And this is the eloquence of it, of the repetition of the statement. This race in this was repeated 31 times 30

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Something very very amazing from the structure of this and this is divine. This is divine beauty that Allah subhanaw taala has placed within the Quran and in our discussion here in the instance of the surah.

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Allah tala in the middle of this surah from Ayah number 31, to 45.

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From Ayah number 31 to 45, Allah subhanaw taala speaks about

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holding the human and the jinn accountable for what they have done, if they have disobeyed Allah, then he will hold them accountable and he speaks about some of the punishment

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that he will give to the human and the jinn, those who have disobeyed and have been ungrateful. So, basically they are not stealing the punishment.

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There I add stating the punishment of about from 31 to 45.

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In this passage, I have number 31 to 45. The phrase from Ravi Kumar demand is repeated eight times, or rather seven times.

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The phrase from Arabic magical demand this ayah is repeated seven times.

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And in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala tells us we're in the mobile age or when we're in the jungle Mr. Ito h moraine. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Egypt, we're in the Johanna malema, where I do much more in the day will there any final resting place will be the fire of *, all of them Lucha sobre to Abu

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I number 44. Allah says the house of Allah to everyone it has seven days.

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And it in this passage where last one Rotella mentions a punishment in the firewall that will be given to the disobedient people, the is probably a lie Robic magic and the one is matching Exactly.

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And there are seven gates to jump the fire of * that Allah mentions within the Quran. And then after this after this is completed, then from is number 46 through 61. A last one what Allah mentions a higher level of gender. When he was half of

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those people who were fearful of the station of their Lord, Allah will grant them to gardens in paradise. And you mentioned this higher level agenda from Item Number 46 through 61. And in this passage, the last panel Matala mentioned siia, he says the the ifmga era Robic mochica demand this occurs eight times and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has told us that Janna paradise has a gauge. Then the last one what Allah says woman duty emarginata but then there will be a lesser stage of gender. There'll be another stage of Gen another level of paradise of gentlemen won't be as high as the first one, but it will still be in Paradise, but it will be a bit of a lesser position in

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paradise from my number 62 to 78. Once again, a lot of speaking about paradise, and the I foba guideline will become much Candyman once again occurs eight times to concur with what the prophets Allah has told us that paradise genda has eight games. This is this is defined beauty and how this is structured. And it's never it's not that you see anywhere in the sutra that hope we have to fit in a Nairobi chromatica demands. So let's put two right after another.

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so beautifully, flawlessly, smoothly flowing.

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But how this divine structure is

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this is the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala This is from the beauty of the sutra and the beauty of the Quran. And we could go on reading this and we could go on studying this I after is after sutra and this is why that challenge is to be sold out immediately. Let anyone try to replicate even a pseudo something similar to a pseudo

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they'll never be left of Allah will never be

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so inshallah during this month, we should try to benefit from the Quran as much as possible. And inshallah after the month is done, we're towards the end of the month. Let's make a commitment in sha Allah to studying the poor are benefiting from the Quran and try to inshallah enhance the quality of our lives and inshallah, our position in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala by means of his work and his

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ability to practice everything that's been said and heard. So how are you going to use 100, Columbia national learning

Surah Rahman

Try to appreciate the Quran from a literary perspective. Surah Rahman is a powerful and beautiful Surah.

Allah begins the surah by saying one of his attributes – Ar Rahman – comes from the root of the word Rahmah (Rahm – the womb of the mother) implies sustenance, tenderness, kindness, generosity, safety… without earning this mercy or blessing. Much like a baby in the womb of the mother.

Allah mentions this because throughout the Surah Allah mentions all the blessings bestowed on mankind and also of those that are to come.

In this Surah, Rahmah is of two types:
Gratuitous – without being earned

Deserved – which has been earned

Second part of the Surah – Those who have feared Allah will have two paradises – Are they not worthy of it? Yes, they did something to deserve it.

The Quran is the greatest mercy of Allah! Allah taught the Quran

“Quran is a cure and a mercy for the believers”
Khalaqal Insan – Allah created the human being

Mentions teaching Quran first because the plan is made first before the structure is built. Quran is the framework and creating man from that plan. Quran is the blueprint of a human’s life. Because Logically this is how it’s supposed to be, the word of Allah is perfect!

The teachings of the Quran make us human beings. For those who don’t follow Quran don’t comprehend despite the blessings of their faculties.

In Arabic sometimes certain verbs require an object.
Allama – to teach – needs two objects… who and what?
What – Quran
Who – not stated in the verse
Left open for general meaning – Rasul? Humanity…. It’s for everyone.
Surah before Surah Rahman challenges the people to memorize and understand! It is easy for anyone!

Bayaan – clear speech – art of expression. Speaking, gesturing, writing
Why does Allah mention this ability of ‘Bayaan’?
General benefit – differentiates the human being from every other creation
Specific benefit – Teach the Quran to others.
The Quran is guaranteed to be preserved.

Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny – repeated 31 times.
From ayah 31 to 45 Allah speaks about being held accountable. Punishment. The phrase (which of the favours…) repeated 7 times… 7 gates to the fire of hell
From ayah 46 – 61 Allah mentions a higher level of Jannah for those who are fearful of Allah. The phrase (which of the favours…) repeated 8 times… 8 gates to Jannah.

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