Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 179

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the struggles of individuals with Islam and their desire to become leaders among the Arabs. They also discuss the failure of Islamists to control political and economic bodies and the importance of proper etiquette and consideration for one's questions. The segment also touches on the importance of fulfilling obligations and not wanting to be heard by anyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Said Anwar aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. This alga Nasir Jenga. If you enjoy and benefit from listening to our podcast, please donate to column by visiting support along calm. We love being able to share this content for free with you and your donation ensures that we are always able to do so. Each podcast we produce has 10s of 1000s of listeners. So the opportunity for gaining immense reward by supporting this effort is endless inshallah you never know who will be able to benefit from your contributions and donations, does. akmola Hayden was set on Molokai rahmatullah wa barakato. smilla will handle our salatu salam ala rasulillah. Well, Allah He will be here, marine shala continuing

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with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a Syrah tuna, but we had the prophetic biography. So in the last few sessions, we've been talking about the visit to Medina, by the different delegations. And overall, we've been talking about the ninth gear of higit, on the ninth year of the prophets, a lot of times residents in the city of Medina, which is of course, documented and remembered as omalu food, which means the year of the delegations. So this was a particular year in many, many, in which many, many delegations they came. Some were smaller groups, sometimes an individual came, but still, that individual came as a representative of his people. And

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sometimes larger groups came. And they came to interacted with the profits a lot, etc. And as I mentioned previously, the vast overwhelming majority of these interactions were very, very positive, good interactions, there were a couple of negative incidents. We particularly talked about how there was a very troublesome or very problematic individual, and we'll say, Lama, the man who falsely claimed Prophethood, he had come to Medina and interacted with the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So we've been talking about these different delegations. And as I mentioned, my effort here is to not necessarily just go on and on and on listing out the delegations, but I've chosen and selected some of the more more notable delegations that came and are notable for a number of reasons. Number one, either these were major delegations that resulted in major tribes coming to Islam embracing Islam becoming Muslim, or number two, some what also makes many of these delegations quite notable is the rd experiences, the interactions that occurred, some were very positive, very beautiful interactions. And some of those interactions were a little bit more,

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you know, contentious, and were difficult interactions. But nevertheless, one thing we always tried to do is pick out the lessons that we can take that we can learn from each particular each subsequent interaction. So today, we're going to be talking about in shallow or at least we, the intention is to talk about two delegations, two interactions. I'll talk about the negative one first, and then we'll talk about the positive one. The negative interaction that I'd like to start off by talking about was a delegation of the people known as Benoit Ahmed. And Ben who I met, this was a tribe that had sent three people to come and to talk to him to meet with the prophets, a lot

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of the three people that they sent, where I met been up to fail, or bad, even face. And there was a third individual that some of the narrations mentioned, whose name is said to be Javed had been Salma.

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But the most notable the interaction or the event is going to mainly revolve around to individuals, I'm going to fail and our bad case and this is a very fascinating interaction. So when are we going to fail in case they were sent by their people, their people told them their people really, you know, exhorted them they really emphasize to them. They said that look, they said that

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in the NASA assalamu Aslam. Look, people are embracing Islam, people are coming to Islam. We do not have any real valid reason to oppose Islam. We don't have any objection, any contention, any issues, any problems. So when you go there, become Muslim, and then bring the message back to us so that we may also embrace the religion. However, these two individuals that we're talking about Amina to fail and urban case

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These were very problematic individuals that even as hock actually notes in his narration, that while they were the leaders of their people, Ghana Hola, insalata de Rosa, Rosa allomi wish a Athena home. While they were the leaders of their people, they were actually known as being problematic people as well. That's the problem. And I'm way too big to fail particularly, he had his own ambitions and aspirations. He had ambitions of his own to be a great leader of Arabia one day. So he actually said, We're lucky lucky to come to LA to Atlanta, he had tatata arabo, aka B. He said that I took an oath. I made this intention. A long time ago, I've had these ambitions for quite some

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time, that I will continue to work and to strive and to try to, you know, make, you know my connections and build my network until I can become a leader of the Arab people. I have ambitions of being a great leader amongst the Arabs,

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aka hazal Futterman boorish, and you want me to go and follow some random guy from kurush. He actually spoke quite disrespectfully about the profits a lot easier, though.

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So the narration goes on to say that when they came near, when they got near, Madina munawwara,

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this individual is going to fail, he told his buddy out of a face who was traveling with him,

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he told him that, if not ambassador, the Allahu taala Anima has an operation which he details this, he told him that look, what I'm going to try to do is I'm going to try to single out the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by himself.

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I'm going to try to get him by himself. And when I do that, then I want you like, I'm going to try to get him a little bit isolated from his people. And when I do that, I'm going to draw his attention completely to myself. And at that time, I need you to strike. I want you to kill him. So they went in with this particular plan. He first went to the profits a lot, he said, and he said harmony, which basically, in that kind of Arabic lingo, it basically meant that I want you to meet with me separately. I want you to meet with me separately. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said law, he said, No, I cannot meet with you separately.

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Unless and until you embrace Islam, you become Muslim, and then I can meet with you separately. And with the prophets. A lot of them basically were saying, because, again, some people have the question that I thought somebody should only embrace Islam have their own free volition. They should willingly embrace Islam, right? To la hora de La Hoya De La Cienega No, but what the prophets a lot of the time was actually saying, if you understand it, the prophets a lot of the time was saying that, look, you're an outsider, we've never met each other before. I don't know who you are, where you're coming from, what you're about what you want to do, what your intentions are, I have no idea.

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But if you live, if you stay here for a few days, you embrace Islam, you become part of the community, we get to know each other, then I have no problem with having a private meeting with you. But until then, you got to understand that be foolishness. It's like somebody just walks up to you in the street and says, Hey, can I talk to you in the alley? Right? A lot of times when people read these narrations, they're like, oh, why didn't the prophets a lot of them meet with him? Maybe you wanted to ask him a personal question. Well, we can talk a little bit here off to the side. And you can kind of tell me your question in my ear, you can whisper your question to me if it's private,

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but think about it, in practical terms in no matter who you are. You're walking down the street, some random person you've never met before walks up to you and says, Hey, I need to talk to you. Okay, what would you like? Well, what do you need? No, no, I need to talk to you in that alley in that dark alley over there. Okay, let's go. Islam. Right now. That's That's nonsense, right. That's not logical at all. Who would do that? So you would say no, actually, sir. I've never met you before. I don't know who you are. If you need to talk to me. You can talk to me right here. Okay. So the prophets, a lot of them said talk to me right here, brother. I'm here. I got my eyes, my ears

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you have my full attention. What would you like to talk about? And he kept insisting he gets to harmony, harmony, harmony. Meet me. Talk to me alone. I need to talk to you a lot. I need to meet you exclusively in private, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kept telling him, I'm sorry. That's not how this works.

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So then he said okay, and he

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started talking to the profits all of a sudden.

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And he completely drew the attention of this individual. The this individual completely drew the attention of the Prophet solavei sent to him. Now there's a couple of narrations one says that when she drew the attention of the processor, when he looked around, and nobody else was in public, it was like in the machine. So there are people around, but nobody was sitting really, really close, like right there. So you drew the attention of the processor to him by asking him a bunch of questions. And then he started looking at his buddy or but he glanced at him from the corner of his eye, which was the signal.

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I need you to move in and strike.

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And there are two narrations I would love to tell Adam as to which exact narration but there are two generations one narration says that he kind of put his hand on the handle of his sword.

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But he didn't draw his weapon. And one narration mentioned that he could not draw his weapon, he said that his hand felt like it just became like heavy, or it stiffened up where he couldn't actually pull the sword out. And that's again, America, Allah subhanaw taala, protecting the profits, a lot of them in another narration when he afterwards confronted his buddy. And he's like, What's your deal? Why didn't you strike I was I set it up perfectly. And I thought I told you what to do. And he says that, what do you mean, what do you want me to do?

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You know, what do you want from me? And he goes on to like, try to he starts belittling, his companion, who didn't strike and he says, you know, there was nobody I used to fear. Except for you. You were the only guy who I was afraid to fight. Right? Because I knew that you were very fierce warrior. But now today, I realized that you're just a coward. You're nothing. And then they start arguing and fighting. And he says, How dare you speak to me like that? And he goes, Well, you didn't do anything. And he says, What are you talking about? there? was nobody there? Did you want me to come and attack you? He says, No, I was sitting in front of Mohamed Salah. And he goes, I was

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looking there. That's how I was holding my sword. And I was looking at why are you Why do you keep glancing at me? What Who do you want me to attack? There's nobody sitting in front of you. So that's another narration and it's possible that both occurred. But this narration basically is saying that again, miraculously, a lot protected the profits a lot. So by shielding the profits or losses from from the eyes of this individual, and we know about incidents like this that happened previously suited to our scene, which are unknown and benei ad who said them I mean, healthy him said them, right when the profits a lot of them left his home on the night of his job, and his home was

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surrounded by the enemy trying to assassinate him and the profits, a lot of them picked up the dust. And he said, which I'm invading at him said the woman said that and that how none of them saw the profits a lot even walked out of his home and walk right through them and nobody even saw the profits a lot. So in either scenario, unless funnel which Allah miraculously provided that protection for the profits or loss,

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however, going back to the conversation, so he's glancing at him, and the man is not striking. So nevertheless, I'm going to fail. He continues his conversation with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and at that particular time, he says, Okay, how about this? He said, I have three options for you. He tells the prophets a lot, so I have three options for you. Okay, what are the three options? He says number one, yaku laka. Hello, Sally. We are going to Lee robbery.

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He says How about this, we divide this kingdom that you are building. Okay. I will rule over an wahba which basically means the veterans, the people who live in tents, I will rule the veterans in our loo sadly, Sal basically refers to like the cities, the towns, you ruled the towns are ruled to sit the villages the veterans, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no. He says no, that's not going to happen. So he says Okay, number two, what akula halifa Chaka mean boddicker

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Okay Then how about this you continue to rule everything. Once you die, you surrender everything to me like you leave me in charge and I will succeed you I shall be your successor. And I will rule this kingdom that you are building and the profits a lot he said um, he actually says to me goes that that's not mine to just give two whomsoever I will. That's the will of God. That's how this works. So no,

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they says the third thing Oh, have zuka be hazzan be elfi Ashkar while we're elfi Shakira. He goes okay, fine. If you're not going to do that, then I'm going to go to cut founder had fun with northern Arabia. The Christian Arab tribes have lots of fun. He said, I will go there, and I will amass an army of over a 1000s and 1000s of soldiers and animals. I will amass an army and then I will come back and fight.

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And attack you. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says you do what you have to do this conversations over. So then he says them, what do you offer? What do you offer? What do you have to offer? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to him laka Malian muslimeen what I offer you is what I offer everyone who submits before Allah and everyone who becomes a Muslim. And he says What is that? The Prophet salallahu Allah he was he said like Amalia Massimino la cama alikum, you will get the benefits that all Muslims receive and you will have the obligations that all Muslims have.

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And so then he finally the profits a lot he said um, says this conversation is over and he gets up and he starts walking away from him. From this man, I'm hoping to fade the process and starts walking away. While the profits a lot of humans walking away. He shouts to the profits A lot of it he says to him, I'm our lucky

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alayka halen worry Jana.

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He says, Listen, you turn your back on me. I will flood your city with cavalry and soldiers, horses and men. I will flood the city with horses and men I will come with an army that will run you over and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam without turning around. He just says you have now Allah, God shall prevent you from doing so. I'm not worried. I'm not worried. I have a lot on my side.

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At this point in time, the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam when the narrations mentions that the prophets a lot he said um does make dua and he says and he says in that there are he says Allah mfine Amina, Oh Allah, you take care of Ahmed, this man. When he comes to Medina, he threatens me he threatens the Muslims, he threatens Medina Allahumma finavia Ahmed, Allah you take care of him. Okay. Now again, some people basically would say, Oh, the process of spraying against him. Think about what the process of doing this man comes from Medina confronts the prophets a lot. He some threatens the profits, a lot of Islam and the Muslims and the prophets a lot. He said them instead

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of, you know, carrying out, you know, some aggression against him the process and turns away from him walks away, says God will prevent you from doing any harm to Medina, or the Muslims. And he says, well, we'll let you deal with

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Roger Roger on jameelah. Whether me well, mocha Divina.

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Allah says, Let me deal with them. So he says, I will let you deal with him. But look at the mercy of the heart of the prophets a lot. So he says Allahu makini we are within the

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Allah but his people that he claims to represent. He does not speak on behalf of those people, like you guide those people. You deal with him and guide the people and that tribe of no army would eventually become Muslim would accept Islam.

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So the prophet of Islam says, I will let you deal with him and you guide his people. Now what ends up happening, the story isn't completely over.

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It's actually quite astounding.

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These two individuals are made to fail and even the pace, okay? Now in bug remember, he was willing to try to assassinate the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So what happens is that as they are traveling back, as they're traveling back, what ends up happening is that are going to fail, he becomes very, very ill, he becomes very sick, and he's not able to travel forward. So there's a tribe of Banu cellule On the way back to their home, he becomes sick over there. And then our agent specifically mentions that he develops like some type of like, you know, it just described some type of affliction in his neck. Like it's almost sounds like it's describing like some type of a tumor,

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something bulging out of his neck. And he's like, scratching at it and peeling at it and he becomes sick there. So they put him up in the home of some woman in blue saloon, they put him there. And he basically, you know, passes out and he becomes very, very sick, debilitating Lee sick until he finally wakes up. And he finds himself lying there in that home, dying. And he says, a hood, the Tonka hotel battery, Beatty immorality, mini saloon. He says, I will die like a diseased camel. Because again, I guess that little bulge in his neck that he was experiencing was something that would show up in camels when they were sick, or they were diseased. So he says, I'm going to die

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like a sick animal, like a sick camel in the home of some random woman and Vanessa Lu. He says, No, no, no, I can't die like this. And he somehow drags himself out of the home, and he gets on top of his animal and he starts writing and while he's writing on the animal

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He dies and falls over and keels over and dies. And that's the end of I'm going to fade the map because this man confronted the processor and threatened the profits a lot. So this is how Allah dealt with him. The other man had been tased, who's willing to take part in the assassination, the attempted assassination of the profits, a lot of them, it said about him, that he continues on on his way. And he's traveling, and the narration mentions that he gets struck down, like, the narration mentioned that it's almost like lightning strikes him.

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Lightning strikes him as he's walking and he just perishes, like he's just destroyed on the spot. Again, it all it seems very obvious that this was some form of divine punishment, right, that basically came down on him. And this is how both of these individuals perished. And when the news reached back to their people, then, you know, the they realize that both of these individuals died and in, you know, and suffered such miserable deaths, because of how they confronted the profits all of a sudden.

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There's two things about this particular incident I wanted to mention. Number one is that it's very fascinating just a generation that is mentioned dimensions, the story

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is narrated by a Sahabi of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who, whose name is Mola and or marijuana and this Sahabi mo Allah it said that he was 20 years old when he became Muslim and the prophets a lot he said he embraced Islam with the prophets a lot, he said him and he lived for a long time, like almost 80 years after he lived to be 100 years old. He He lived for 80 years after the profits a lot he sent him and it said that he was called listening because of how eloquent he was. And he narrates this particular incident. The other thing is that even cathedra Hama, La Jolla actually, very fascinatingly, he describes that Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses, he revealed verses about

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this particular incident, similar to rod surah, number 13. I as eight through 13. were revealed about this particular incident, Allah subhanaw taala says, Allahu Allah ma ma ma ma, ma, ma ma, ma ma, ma ma, de Vaca, Lucia in the habima kadar AB with Shahada till Kabira machane. Allah subhanho wa Taala said that God knows what every female bears and how much their wounds shrink or swell. Everything has a specific measure given by Allah. In it number nine, Allah says he knows what is not seen, as well as what is seen and Allah subhanaw taala is the most great, the greatest, and Allah subhanaw taala is the most exalted the highest. So what will mean human are several older woman

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jarabe he woman who are Mustafa milele wasapi mubin hari Allah subhanaw taala says in IE number 10 It makes no difference whether any of you speak secretly or aloud whether you are hiding under the cover of night or walking about in the day. And I in number 11 Allah subhanaw taala says lagoon was a bathroom in benei, a daisy woman healthy for Luna hoomin umbrella

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that Allah subhanaw taala says and I and number 11 each person has a guardian has guardian angels before him and behind him watching over him by God's command. God does not change in the law law you late you might be Omen Hata you might be enforcing him that Allah subhanaw taala does not change the condition of a people until they change that which is within themselves. A lot does not change the condition of the people unless they change that which is within themselves. And then Allah subhanaw taala says were either or are the love will be coming soon. And fall Amara della who mama homie dooney him in one and Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say that

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but if Allah wills harm on people, no one can Ward it off. No one can remove that harm from them apart from Allah.

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Apart from a lot there is no protector on my law whom in any way Meanwhile, there is no protector other than Allah and I in number 12 Allah subhanaw taala says who Ella de kumal Baraka hoffen wautoma on when she was Sahaba all that are lost power Jana, he is the one who shows you the lightning inspiring both fear and hope within you fear of a storm that might drown you or flood you or hope of a rain that may bring you home

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Harvesting crop, he builds up the clouds heavy with rain. And then finally an iron number 13. Allah says, where you suddenly Harada will be handy he well melodica Timothy fatty where you see Lusaka for you see will be harming your shot. Oh, well who knew God Luna La Jolla didn't my hand and I in number 13 Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say the thunder sounds the praises of Allah, as do the angels in awe of the majesty and the greatness of God. He sends thunderbolts to strike whomsoever He wills, yet they still dispute about God. And indeed, Allah subhanaw taala has a great plan. All right. So this, these verses, talked about this, that just has a las panatela dealt with these

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people, by sending down the lightning and insinuating that man where he was, and the other person, Allah subhanaw taala afflicted him with that, you know, that that illness and he died from it, because they opposed a lot. They disrespected the deen and they confronted the prophets a lot. They threatened the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and that is how they ultimately met there. And so that's the first incident in interaction. I wanted to talk about that from vanilla Ahmed. Unfortunately, these evil people, I'm going to be not to fail and even Tesla Anna Humala, they both came they tried to assassinate the profits a lot, he said, um, but ultimately, Allah subhanaw taala

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dealt with them the process and left them to Allah, and Allah subhanaw taala dealt with them most severely.

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The next incident I wanted to talk about the next delegation, if you will, is a very, very beautiful one. It's a very positive one. It's a very beautiful one. And very honestly, without exaggeration, this is one of my favorite moments from the life of the prophets allottee setup. It's really a beautiful story in a beautiful interaction. There's a profound lesson in it, that I'd like to highlight here today.

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This particular incident is the story of the representative of the tribe, known as blue side been Becker.

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Broussard when Becker Vanessa van Becker was a Bedouin tribe, and they sent the leader of their tribe and the leader of their tribe, his name was demand, even thought labor.

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Demand even thought fallible.

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And his story is actually quite fascinating. I'll kind of tell you something here on the front end.

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I'll tell you two things here on the front end. Number one, ignore our bass radi Allahu taala. And Omar, he says from us, me and Abby wafi, The Omen can ask Dolman demand Maven Saliba, the best representative any tribe sent during that entire year of unglue food when all the delegations came to meet with the profits, a lot of the sentiment to accept Islam, the best delegate that any tribe sent was demanded.

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The mom was the best delegate that came to hear. Right. So it's quite fascinating what makes him so remarkable. And the second thing I'll tell you is an s in the narration of Imam Ahmed and has been Malika the Allahu taala, nurses could not do Hina unless Allah Rasulullah sallallahu monchi.

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He says something very interesting. He says those of us who are more Senior Companions, we had been Muslim for 10 years and even longer, we eventually were taught etiquette, we were taught some etiquette with the prophets a lot so that we were told to not incessantly question the profits allottee. So now, there's a balance here. The balance is, of course, first aloo islandic in control autonomy, if you have a very serious question been asked your question, of course, you can ask a question that is serious. But you know, at the same time,

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you know, sometimes you just have like a lot of curiosity that builds up and you just keep asking question after question after question. Right, just non stop. So he said many of us, particularly some of us younger companions, we just like if we were just given a, you know, Open Season, if it was open season was declared, if we were just given free rein, we would pretty much just ask question 24 hours a day, but we were taught that we need to be considerate of the profits a lot. We need to also have some etiquette. Right the profits a lot he said the Quran says lattice Hello, and welcome to Sukkot. Think about the questions you're asking because you might ask a question where

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you might actually make things more difficult for yourself.

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Right like the story of the cow and bunnies of Nusrah in, in salted Baqarah, where they just keep on incessantly asking questions, being somewhat facetious and disrespectful. They kept asking questions and kept making their own life more and more difficult. Right? So we were told to be a little, eventually, that'll be was given to us to be a little bit more considerate and a little bit more thoughtful and deliberate about our questions. That doesn't mean you can't ask a question, you have a serious question. But nevertheless, we were told to be a little bit more

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you know, thoughtful about our questions. So he says because we were taught this and we used to be very cautious. We would think our questions over we would discuss them with each other before we presented them to the prophets, a lot of them for kind of your Gemini energy or Roger Lumina. Hey, buddy, Attila Arkin,

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famous, Allahu Allah. So he says, that's why we used to be very excited when some of these Bedouin people from the villages would come. And they would ask the prophets a lot of the same questions. And a lot of times, they were like country people, villagers, Bedouins. So they sometimes were a little rough around the edges. They weren't very sophisticated people. And so sometimes they would ask questions, and they would sometimes even ask, really, really kind of like silly questions. So we used to enjoy it when they would visit because we would listen to how the prophet SAW lobbies and would answer all of their questions. So it says for john Rogen mean body so he says, One day, a man

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came from the villages. And he asked the prophets a lot, he said, a series of questions. And then he narrates the story of the mob infallible. So as I mentioned, they say one of the best delegates that ever came was the mom. And it was also fascinating when these veterans and villagers would come and ask questions, because how they would ask questions. So the mom is a very interesting guy.

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The narration mentions, he wrote into town, and the mom is described as being a humongous man. He was huge, very tall, big and broad. And he had like long hair, such long hair that he had braided his hair into two big braids falling over his shoulders.

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So he's like, like, you know, almost like if you need to kind of visualize something. Imagine what like a Viking wranglin. They kind of like say like a Viking giant dude, riding on a camel, long hair braided on his shoulders, and he's riding into town. And it says an alpha,

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an alpha Idaho Alabama machine. He rode his camel all the way till the door of the machine, the front of the machine. And he sat his camel down. He parked his car, like right in front of the door.

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So it seems kind of obnoxious, but it's just he didn't know any better. You're just village people better when people right so he just parks his camel right there, in the door of the masjid. And he walks in. And when he walks into profits, a lot of his home was sitting with the companions. And he just walks in and he says, Hey, you come even though I've been metallic.

00:33:07 --> 00:33:43

Which of you? Which of y'all is the grandson of Abdulmutallab shouts and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam shouts back. I never know Abdulmutallab. I am the grandson about the muttalib. Now the processor wasn't being confrontational. But this was just the idea that the processor knew how to talk to people. These are villager people. Bedouin people, that's how they spoke. So the process of spoke to him the light in the language they understand. That's me right here. And then he says, Yeah, Muhammad, are you Muhammad? And he says, Now I'm Yes, that's me. What do you want?

00:33:44 --> 00:33:47

So the man says, okay, you have not been

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in Isa iluka, Mohali de la COVID masala filata didn't finish enough Sega. He says I'm going to ask you a series of questions. And I will be very harsh in our Ask questions. Don't take it personally something personal. The profits, a lot of them say large enough enough. See I don't take things personally. You see how he's talking to him? Because he's a veteran man. That's how they that's how they operate for Salama botallack. He said ask your questions. asked what do you want to ask? He says unsure Luca La Ilaha Illa herman cain acaba, de la Herman who aka Innova but see the better ones were also like all about like, you know, very overt speech and things like that. They read

00:34:32 --> 00:34:55

dramatic people. That's the best way to summarize a very dramatic people. So he says, I asked you in the name of God, your Lord and the Lord of those who came before you, and the Lord of everything that exists before you. Allahu Botha, Elena Rasulullah, did God send you as a messenger to us and the prophets Allah says, Allah human by Allah. Yes, that's it.

00:34:57 --> 00:35:00

He says for anshu Luca La Ilaha Illa

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

Herman Cain, aka man who

00:35:03 --> 00:35:16

I asked you in the name of God, your Lord and the Lord of everyone before you in the lord of everyone that will come after you. I love America, and Jamuna. Now Buddha, who was the Who? Well, I knew she Cabeza

00:35:18 --> 00:35:45

de cada una Yabu. so dramatic. And again, he says all that again, right? I asked you a name of God, your Lord, Lord of the people came before you. And after you, did God command you, did God tell you to tell us to only worship Him and associate no partners with him? And that we abandon these idols, these deities that we have worshipped until now that our forefathers used to worship? And the process of says, I love them, and I'm Yes.

00:35:46 --> 00:36:26

Then again, he launches into that whole style. I asked you in the name of God, your Lord in the lord of those before you in the lord of those after you? Did God command you, to tell us to pray five times a day. The processor says yes. And then he mentioned each of the pillars of the religion. In the same dramatic way I asked you in the name of God, your Lord and the Lord of those before you and the Lord of all those after you, did God command you, to tell us to fast in the month of Ramadan, then to give Zakat to do Hajj, so on and so forth. He mentions all the rules of Islam, all the fried all the obligations.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:36

The prophets, Allah who keeps responding Yes, yes. In by a law Yes. In the name of God. Yes. In the name of God. Yes, in the name of God. Yes, he responds in the affirmative.

00:36:38 --> 00:36:45

When he was finally done, he says, For any eyeshadow, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah,

00:36:46 --> 00:36:58

then I bear witness that there's no one worthy of worship except for God. And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God was who I was a de have the hill for it. Well, I'd studyblue mana hates me.

00:37:00 --> 00:37:10

And I furthered make the commitment that I will fulfill all these obligations that I have spoken to you about. And I will refrain from the prohibited things that you are prohibited.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:20

And then he says, from Allah azendoo, Allah and Caicos and I will do nothing more, nothing less.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:39

Meaning I will do the obligations, I'll stay away from the things that are wrong handful of obligations handful of her own gambling, wine, killing fornication, stealing a handful of a handful of obligations for our salon cioms a cottage, right.

00:37:40 --> 00:37:43

And he says law as either will oppose, I will do no more.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:55

And I will do no less meaning I will not be deficient or respect these things. But I'm not going to do more. That's not me. I'm just going to do the basics. And that's it.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:03

And then he says that Thurman sarafa elaborate he Rajan.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:05

He turns around,

00:38:06 --> 00:38:19

and he starts walking away. And the narration mentions that as he's walking away, he's shaking his finger in the air like this. And he says law as Indiana enforce laws into law.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:35

Again, like I told you, these veteran people oftentimes are very dramatic, no more, no less, no more, no less. And just walking away saying that and he gets on his camera and he starts to ride away. And the profits a lot he soon says, In South Africa dolla,

00:38:36 --> 00:38:51

dolla dolla, this man with the two braids, if he has spoken the truth, that he will respect the obligations and he will stay away from the prohibited things. He will focus on his basics and lock them down. He will go to Paradise

00:38:52 --> 00:38:53

in South Africa.

00:38:56 --> 00:39:00

Now, then, the story generation, it goes on.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:04

When he reaches back to his tribe,

00:39:05 --> 00:39:38

he gathers all of them together. And he talks to them. And he says to all of them, that in me, eyeshadow, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allahu Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, Muhammad Abdul rasuluh. I have accepted that there is no one worthy of worship except for a line that Mohammed is a messenger of Allah. But but the commoner in the Hebrew mama can be your manakamana and I have brought from Mohammed the Messenger of Allah, some things you must do, and some things you must stay away from.

00:39:40 --> 00:39:41

And then he says,

00:39:42 --> 00:39:51

In the narration says for lucky and Ma, I'm Sam indelicate young fee. How did he hear Rajan when I return illa muslimah.

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By that evening, his entire tribe of Banu Saad bin Bukhara had become Muslim. He converted the entire tribe

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And that is why are delivering our bus radi Allahu Allahu Allah. He says that that was the best delegate that any tribe sent. He was so strange, almost bizarre, Giant Man Parks's Campbell inside the masjid walks up to the process of yelling, Hey, who's Muhammad?

00:40:25 --> 00:40:37

And then he like, you know, he comes on so strong is so dramatic. I'm gonna ask you tough questions. And then he so dramatic. And then he walks away saying no more, no less, no more, no less.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:40

But this man was so sincere.

00:40:41 --> 00:40:43

He was so sincere.

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And he was so committed. Simple.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:52

By all accounts, it's fair to call such a man simple,

00:40:53 --> 00:40:54

but sincere.

00:40:56 --> 00:41:19

Right, it's the quality of the person. It's the quality of your heart. It's the quality of your faith. We get tied up in being sophisticated and fancy and you know, we obsess over intellectualism and you know all the bells and whistles and we're so sometimes vain and superficial and obsessed with these things.

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But here's the example of a very simple man.

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But he's so sincere, that the prophets Allah is another Hadith narration, Bukhari and Muslim. The professor says, Let in South Africa, the hulan agenda.

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If this man has spoken the truth, if you'll follow through with these basics, he shall go to Paradise.

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And by all accounts, every single account that we have,

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is exactly that, that he did stay committed to this and he did live a faithful life, and he converted his entire tribe, to Islam.

00:41:58 --> 00:42:31

Another narration of Bahati, he says, are meant to be magic to be He, I believe I have accepted I have believed in what you came with a Mohammed salah and what you were sent with one another a Zulu man, Wah ma ob, and I am a representative of my people. were under demand, we have been found Abba, and I am the mom, the son of Salah, who Vanessa de Vaca. I am an interview a member of the tribe of an Assad bin Becker. And he went back and converted his entire tribe to Islam, and brought them all to Islam.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:57

So these are I wanted to present this contrast. You had somebody who came to the prophets a lot, who is very well thought who was very smart and intellectual and strategic and sharp and conniving and came and negotiated and confronted, and look where it led that person he died like a miserable sick animal in the middle of the desert by himself.

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And on the other hand, you had a simple, better one man who didn't even understand basic etiquette of leaving your animal outside the machine.

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But he was sincere, and he was devout and he was respectful.

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In his own way, he was respectful.

00:43:18 --> 00:44:00

And Allah subhanaw taala bless him with guidance with him on And not only that, but Allah subhanaw taala gave him Jana on the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam if this man's has spoken the truth, he has entered paradise. Imagine the process of saying that about you. And further Allah subhanaw taala made him the means of converting his entire tribe to Islam. And we're sitting here till today talking about him, but not the laquan May Allah be pleased with him. So with that inshallah conclude today's session, may Allah subhanaw taala granted sincerity, may Allah subhanaw taala make us people have quality. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to internalize our eemaan May

00:44:00 --> 00:44:21

Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be respectful of the prophets allottee seminar Deen May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to observe the obligations of the religion and May Allah subhanaw taala make us from the people of paradise. I mean Yaro bellami Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Colombia hamd ignition La La ilaha illa Anta isophorone tabula

Seerah – Life of the Prophet: An Unfortunate Incident & Dimam’s Visit


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