Abdul Nasir Jangda – The Struggles Of This Dunya

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of' dissatisfaction and the importance of avoiding dissatisfaction in order to achieve prosperity. They share personal experiences with the Prophet's teachings and emphasize the need for individuals to be open-minded and change. They stress the importance of avoiding dissatisfaction and maintaining a relationship with Allah to achieve prosperity and ease.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla salatu salam ala rasulillah

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Lost hunter which Allah says in the Quran coluna. I've seen that a fortune mote. When I blucon bill Heidi, when abbulu can be surely well, Heidi fitna, where Elena torgiano in Surah, number 21 is number 35. Allah subhanho wa Taala. So total MBR He states that each and every single soul, every single living thing is actively tasting death, meaning they are inching closer and closer to their expiration from the world, from the life of this world, and to the transition to the life of the hereafter. And then our last pentawards, Allah says that we will test

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we will test and we do test and we will test all of you a lot of dresses, all of humanity, be sure, with difficulty will hide and with ease, fits in a 10 as a trial, to see how you perform through that. Now I've translated the words a shot and played very specifically due to the context of the ayah. But what I wanted to do was take a little bit of a moment here to define a couple of the terms that are very central to our discussion here today.

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The very first thing is that this entire session is based around the concept of trial. Now the word for trial in Arabic, and more specifically, the poor onic word and the prophetic word for trial and tribulation for test is fitna. Now this is a very fascinating word, if you understand it, in terms of its etymology, and its origins, the roots of the word actually means to put something to fire, to apply heat to something. And in classical or, dare I say ancient Arabic, the word fits now was specifically during the derivatives of this route, were used for the process of purifying metals, purifying golden silver. Now, if you've ever seen or even read about the process, the way that

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that's done is that it's put to the fire, it's heat is applied to it. And then that word by the Arabs, even pre Islamic Lee, and then the Quran officially coined this term, as the word as the term for putting human beings through different types of tests and trials. Now, right off the bat, we understand that there are two dynamics that are at play here. Number one is that it's the application of heat. So any testing trial will test, right will quite literally test the limits and the boundaries and the capacity of every human being. And the second dynamic that is in play here, just like when you apply that heat to that precious metal, what you end up with as a consequence,

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and a result of that process is something that is pure, something that is clean, and something that is a lot more valuable than before the process, right, the product afterwards is a lot more valuable. So similarly, the second dynamic in play here with a test in a trial is that the human being it has the potential to make the human being better than he or she was going into that particular testing trial. So keep those two things in mind. Number one, you will be challenged. But number two, it'll you'll be better for it. Now, the next thing that I wanted to talk about is Allah subhanaw. taala presents two things here that you'll be tested in two fundamental ways. Number one

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is through a shell, which again, can be translated in a number of different ways, but I translated a year through difficulty or adversity, and inshallah that's the topic that our brother wanted some inshallah we'll be talking about. The second word, the second concept that it uses years. Now hate normally translated as good. But even in the chronic usage. What's very fascinating is that the word hate in the Quranic usage is used for wealth is used for material belongings. It's used for even assets, comfort and ease prosperity. The word hate is used for prosperity. And that's how we're going to be discussing it here today. And that'll be my that'll be my that'll be the focus of my

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discussion or my talk my presentation with you here today. Now, this idea of prosperity and ease, there are a few different words that are used to

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that are used to communicate this particular meaning in the Arabic language, you have the word that is very prominently used in the Quran as well and in the prophetic tradition as a raha or raha, which basically refers to a type of ease

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Or a type of opening that somebody finds himself in a very comfortable situation. Another word that also expresses the same idea of prosperity is what I found here, which almost starts to now talk about a level of luxury. And then you also have the concept of thought all thought all refers to a type of abundance. Now somebody has way more than they would ever need in their lifetime. So these are the different concepts at play now. Now what we're going to talk about is, how is this a trial? How can ease comfort, luxury, abundance, become a test and trial for the human being? One of the things that the scholars mentioned in terms of the eloquence of the Quran, the verse, the ayah, that

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I presented to you sort of 21 is number 35, Allah subhanaw taala first mentioned difficulty, then he mentions ease, and the scholars say that this is a, this is gradualism, or this is a progression of the test and the trial, and there are a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well, were the prophets a lot, he said them gives us the same understanding of the idea that there is the difficulty or there is the test of difficulty. And then there is the test and trial of prosperity. And the test and trial of prosperity is greater, more severe and more difficult to overcome and succeed in then the then the test and trial of difficulty. The trial of prosperity is more harsh, is

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more severe is more testing and trying. Then even the trials and difficulties and trials and tribulations of adversity and difficulty are all present to you a couple of ahaadeeth from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The first had deeds occurs both in the books of Bukhari and Muslim. It's an authentic narration in which it mentions a situation that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had achieved had, had realized he was able to was able to formalize a treaty and a truce with the people of Bahrain. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he sent our beta imager, ah, radi Allahu taala on whom the prophets a lot some described as amino had the

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llama, the most trustworthy individual of this ummah, he sent him to go and just, you know, make sure everything was in place and put all the systems and the processes into place properly. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had also appointed Allah ignore me as the Amina over behind, reporting back to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Now our VEDA imager or the Allahu taala and who, when he returned back from Bahrain, after making sure everything was in place there, the people of Bahrain had sent many many gifts and they were very wealthy people so they got sent a lot of money and a lot of, you know, different material things as gifts and as relief for the people of Medina.

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So whenever we diagnose radi Allahu taala, who came back with this huge caravan of all this money and all these goods, he came in, they basically started in the masjid. And he had arrived in the evening. The next morning, the narration says that the semiotic Ansari will be to do me a bureau beta, that when the unsoldered heard that I will obey that had come back when everybody came for Salatin fudger The next morning, everybody was, you know, very eager to try to get some of the money get some of the material things because they were truly in need. These were not people that were greedy. These were people that had been struggling and suffering for a very long time. So they were

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looking forward to some type of relief and some type of financial reprieve. So while as they were waiting, and they were all kind of inching closer to the profits, a lot of them as soon as the prayer ended to start lining up so they could start receiving something, the profits allottee some turned around in sada. He turned around after his prayer and he saw the Sahaba lining up and getting in position to receive something for the best sama. Rasulullah he's a lot he said, mahina rhogam the prophets Allah Nizam smiled, when he saw them lining up and how eager they were to receive something. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I don't know come Sameera, Toma

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Nabarro VEDA Kadima BA in mineral Bahrain, I'm assuming that you've received the news that our beta has returned back from Bahrain with quite a bit of money. So they said yes, or messenger of God, that's exactly why we're here. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Okay, well congratulations, it'll be good for you. Take whatever it is that you need. However, the prophets a lot of these have been offered the following disclaimer, and he offered this cautionary tale. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for a lucky motherfucker motherfucker aka Aleykum the prophets a lot asylums said it is not poverty. It is not poverty that I fear upon you. And what that

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means is not that you won't go through poverty, but the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is saying that I do not fear that poverty will be created.

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Long enough of a force to undo your faith and your belief. Poverty will never dissuade you from what you believe. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Well, I can actually come unto Santa dunia Aleykum the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, however what I fear for you is that you will come into an abundance of wealth, you will find ease and comfort you will find prosperity come out Boosie that Solomon cannot come just as prosperity and ease was provided to the people that came before you. For 10 alpha suha komatsuna for suhar suha The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that then you will also obsess over material things and the acquisition of more and more and more

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material things just as those people before you did and what did it what will happen, that that though that prosperity will destroy you what to leakycon it will destroy you come home, as it destroyed the people before you. This the profits a lot of these I'm laying out very clearly that the trial of prosperity is much more severe than the trial of adversity. In another narration that's found in the Sudan of Imam Abu Dhabi, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that you shall move on to the Aleykum, that the time is coming, where all the other nations and all the other people will basically converge upon the oma and will start to pick the oma apart, just as hungry

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people converge upon a tray of food.

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And the Sahaba were very taken aback by this. And they said, O Messenger of God, woman, clean Latina will it be because we will be so few and so weak, that they'll be able to pick us apart? And the profits a lot? a sensible answer? Isn't Catherine, that's not the case at all, but you'll be abundant. And you'll have prosperity at that time. But the price and the profits a lot isn't even gives a very beautiful and eloquent example. Well, I can I can

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say, but you will be abundance as the foam or the debris that gathers on top of the water when it floods in it rushes. That's how abundant you you'll be. But then Allah subhanaw taala, the prophet salatu salam says, well, a NZ and Allahu Minsu duty I do we come and Mahabharata mean come, but rather nobody will respect you any longer. Other people will not respect you,

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when they have the funding of local people who become a one. And not only that, but God will afflict you with a disease within your hearts.

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And they said omega and it's called that one and they asked a messenger of God, what is that one and the prophets a lot of them said who but Daniela Cara here to Mote

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It will be the love and the obsession over wealth and material things and a complete disdain for the afterlife, the afterlife will become something you won't you don't even want to hear someone talk about it. If somebody brings up the life that the hereafter it puts a bad taste in your mouth.

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But you obsess over the acquisition of material things, day and night, morning and evening all the time. So these are two statements from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, which really lay out for us and demonstrate for us the severity of the test of prosperity.

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Now, one of the things that I wanted to talk about here specifically before I proceed, is the fact that a trial of faith and a trial of belief is anything that diverts your attention away from Allah subhanaw taala. And that diverts your attention away from what Allah wants you to do in any given situation. So sometimes when things are going badly, you can get a little distracted.

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But when things are going really, really well, and you feel like you don't have a worry in the world.

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A lot of times it's very difficult for us to recall for us to remember at that time, that how connected are we to Allah subhanaw taala are we completely indulgent within that moment, we have so many expressions in our culture, that communicate the same idea we talk about living in the moment,

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we talk about making the most of our opportunities, having fun, whatever else is this, the the expressions may be the ideas that might exist within our societies and our culture and our communities. But what we have to fundamentally understand is that all of these comforts and all of this ease and luxury, is it distracting us from Allah subhanho wa Taala This is a very difficult topic, you know, and an issue to address particularly in our communities today. I if I may be, I'd like to be just I'd like to, you know, drop with the formalities.

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You know, leave with the formalities and the pretenses and just talk very honestly and openly for a minute. This is a very difficult and extremely unpopular subject to talk about in our communities. We don't want to hear this. We want people telling us that prosperity is good. It's the glory of the oma. We're bringing the oma back to prominence. We're making the oma respectful again, big homes, nice cars, good jobs, fancy things, the woman's doing good, the omas looking good.

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That's the idea that's popular.

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But we have to do, these are those gut check moments. This is why we were given the Quran. This is why we were given the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his beautiful blessed life. So that there are gut check moments where we just sit down for a moment.

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Look at what the sacred text is telling us. And then take a long, hard look in the mirror and understand and realize whether or not we have strayed from our objective. Whether we are confused or not. And I'm not here to say that money and wealth and prosperity and doing well is evil in and of itself. Absolutely not.

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But at the same time, we also need to dispel with the notion that it is good in in what in and of itself. We feel that if the oma is financially doing well, then that means the oma is well.

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We have to understand it has it has. It has no direct translation of our level of spirituality. Whether we are comfortable or we are in adversity. Our spirituality is a completely different gauge altogether, and we have to gauge it. And not only that, but I'll take it a step further and say we also cannot deny the fact in como la fitna, God says that it's a test in a trial that only he can do. kumala Allah ducommun decree law Do not let your material things distract you from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran. In surah Tula Rafi says, what

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are the oma man we've distributed we've separated scattered human beings throughout the land throughout the earth. Men who saw the hoonah woman whom do not Dalek Some are very good and righteous, some are not so good and righteous. well below Naga bill has an IT WAS A de la la comida God and we test people with good and with bad, we test people with prosperity and we test people with adversity also that they may return back to Allah subhanaw taala and another places where Allah subhanaw taala he says, We're moms and if you forget him in the beginning Allah, Allah, he was the raw Allah Allahu Allah Allah, that Allah subhanho wa Taala says that whenever we sent a prophet

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amongst a people, that the people were initially afflicted with difficulty and adversity, so that they may humble themselves before Allah subhana wa jhana

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della McCann, a senior senator.

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Then Allah says that we replace their difficulty with prosperity to the point where they forgot where they came from. We'll call Luca masaba. Anna Bharat who was Sarah

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Sharon and they said yeah, maybe in the past there was some difficulty and adversity then Allah subhanaw taala says our punishment came upon them all of a sudden and they didn't even see it coming towards them well Oh Rama know what soco la putana la cumbre katomina sama you will. But if people Allah says that if the people were to believe and live a life of God consciousness, Allah says we would have opened the gates of blessings from the heavens upon them. And notice Allah Spano tala said the gates of blessings. What is Baraka? Baraka is the ability to do more with less. But guys every has everything to do with quality and nothing to do with quantity. So unless we would give

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them quality and what they had not quantity, well I can get the Boo, but they rejected this truth and reality for what now can be McConnachie boon and Allah says that we we afflicted them with a terrible punishment. Then on the flip side Allah Spanner which Allah says filamin asuma Zuki Ruby, when people forgot the lesson that came to them from Allah, Fatah, Allah him a Baba policia now hear a lot of talks about quantity, Allah says then we give them an abundance. Then we give them quantity hectare is our free habima ujU then what happens? They get completely lost in the abundance of material things that they have. They become completely lost. They drown in their luxury

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home button, and then we come in we grab them all of a sudden for either one Mobley soon and then they are left standing there empty handed.

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With nothing to show for.

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This is a very, very harsh reality that we have to wake up to that we have to understand and realize. Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran.

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One of the most was a very important passage that we were advised to read every single week. And we need to get back to reading it not only that, we need to read the translation of it, and we need to understand it and we need to reflect on it and think about it isn't suited to gaff surah number 18 in which Allah subhanaw taala talks about the man with two gardens, while the regular masala Raja Laney jolly.

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And Naveen Kumar Brooklyn. Bina humara, an

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artichoke hula how many men who say, well for Jonah Hill Allahu manohara, what can Allahu

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, giving the example of two individuals to acquaintances, one of them had two gardens, and they were big, luscious, beautiful gardens, Allah lays out some really remarkable descriptions of these two gardens. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, For palaniswami you are who you have with the man with the to garden says to his acquaintance who doesn't have much wealth, he says an absolute min Kemal and asuna foreign, I have a lot more wealth than you and I am a lot more respected amongst our people than you are. And he go walks into his garden and he is completely unaware and disconnected from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah describes him as

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volleyball enough siggy he is harming himself, no one else Muslim no and who has he ABA, he says this will never go away. Look at look at look at my wealth, look at the empire that I have built. This is not going anywhere. This will never go anywhere. Well, my

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imagine the life of the Hereafter is not a concern for me. Well,

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even when I do go to the life of the hereafter and return back to Allah,

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Allah, I'll be rich and prominent over there. Does that sound familiar? That's exactly what we're talking about, where we've convinced ourselves of the idea that luxury in this world will naturally translate to success in the life of the hereafter.

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And so his acquaintance, his friend, his acquaintance, he advises him. He says, A comfortability holla talk him into Robin. So Mommy, nothing samosa, waka Rajan, you are completely you're being completely disrespectful and ungrateful to the one who created you from nothing and made you the man that you are today. Latina who Allahu Allahu Sheikhupura be a Haida and he says that however, I affirm my faith and my connection to Allah and I would never let anything get between me and Allah subhanaw taala when Allah is the Hult agenda, Taka Alta Masha Allah La quwata illa Billah. Now here's a little bit of a secret what if somebody just is it is written for them, it is destined for

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them. Allah has provided some level of prosperity to someone, then he advises him, all you have to say is Ma sha Allah, this is what God has provided the credit goes to Allah. But this is not a statement of virtue on my own part, La quwata illa Billah only Allah can provide in telephony and apollomon Kamala and voila. And in fact, he even says, admonishes his friend. And he says that you see, I have a lot less wealth than you do. I have a lot less people than you do, for us are a B and T and you hate them in genetica. Well, you see La Liga has Ballymena summary for fotospeed Hassan zelicah he says that what would happen if Allah subhanaw taala gives me something beyond these two

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gardens that you have and your gardens would be completely destroyed. Oh, yes, Bahama who have overrun fell into something Allahu taala and the water that the beautiful sweet spring water the well that exists in your garden that irrigates and provides water for the garden. What if allow us to make that water recede down into the earth? Well, Hades will be somebody and in fact the Quran says that his gardens were burned to the ground for us by how you find the book of a llama and photography. And he stood there flipping his hands back and forth back and forth, trying to figure out what happened here. Well here how we are to not allow any witnesses gardens lying there and ruin

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we have Bulu galleta nila machinic para be a Haida. And at that moment he regretted and he expressed from his heart that I never should have let this get in between me and Allah. Well, I'm takala houfy attorney and una momento de la Makana monta sera and there was no one to help him and nor could he help anyone else who not only can well I get really lucky, who Hayden so Robin will Hayden aka ultimate success. And the key to succeeding not only in this life but in the life of the Hereafter is in establishing building, maintaining and continuing our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala whether we find ourselves in difficulty or in prosperity

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Maintaining a relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala of finally ending conclude here

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with a very sobering

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comments and a very sobering you know moment from a life from the life of a great companion of the prophets a lot he set them up Rahman bin, radi Allahu taala. And who, now those who are even somewhat loosely familiar with, you know, Islamic history know who he is. And specifically, when it comes to this topic of prosperity and wealth and ease and comfort, we oftentimes are very aware of him. Why because he was a wealthy Companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Right? So we're familiar with him because he's the evidence that we use, how could it be that being rich is bad? Well, it's not as I said before, and we use

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nothing Allahu talanoa is an example of that. But listen to the human being. The Allahu Allah who says, This man fought by the side of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he suffered 20 injuries in the Battle of hood, one was so severe that he limped for the rest of his life.

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His leg was injured so badly he lived for the rest of his life towards the end of his life. When not many of the companions of the Prophet Sanomat passed on, he was sitting there, and he's a very senior elderly Companion of the prophet shall sell them. So he had students and people that would try to benefit from him. And so one of the students, you know, because he was an old man came and brought him some food and set up some water and basically was like setting up his lunch. And he was putting it down in front of him and it was nice, clean water, and it was some nice good dates and good food. And he put it down in front of

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the Allahu taala. And he looked at the food, and he said, That must have been made.

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Sushi there must have been a homemade mozzarella, Musa bin Ahmed wilhelmine masabi nomade was killed in the Battle of boyhood and he was better than me.

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Was sushi that Hamza took no Abdulmutallab will hate on me. And he said Hamza, the uncle of the prophets of Salaam was martyred in the Battle of our hood. And he was better than me.

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And he said, Look at you, oh, man, you sit here today and eat this nice food and drink this nice water, wear nice clothes, and enjoy all this luxury. And he started to cry, and sob like a child does uncontrollably and he said that I fear I'm afraid that alleged rewarding me for all my deeds and all my sacrifices in this world.

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I'll end and conclude here.

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I wanted to

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share something somewhat personal.

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I spent the last week visiting with some of my senior teachers that I'd studied with overseas.

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I was sitting in the masjid after the day I got there. I was sitting in the masjid.

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And a brother came up to me he approached me said Salaam Alaikum. Salaam I didn't recognize him.

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And he said that, you know, in fact, his his name is Abdul Nasir. And he said,

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I'm Baba Abdul Wahid son,

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Shaban where he was one of our teachers, senior teachers. He taught us a Muslim. And he taught a Muslim for 50 years.

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He taught the Hadith of the prophets a lot even for 50 years. And he's from northern Pakistan. And it's part of their culture that in endearing term for an elderly gentleman, his like grandfather, you refer to even the shoe you refer to them as grandfather, Baba, Baba.

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And he passed away about four years ago.

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And we started talking and you know, kind of reminiscing and catching up and

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and he told me that

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he said, there was this white photo that you had given Baba.

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And I said, Yeah, I remember.

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And he said that he used to wear it every single Friday.

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Till the end of his life.

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This mentor had 10s of 1000s of students of knowledge and scholars.

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And he had three pairs of clothes.

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for 15 years, he wore the same exact thought that he wash on Saturday, and he'd wear it again on Friday.

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And I sat there just thinking for a moment.

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And it's almost to the point where this that it's been haunting me since

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there are people who choose such simplicity

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and with all that time and energy that they save

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utilize it not only to benefit themselves but benefit all of humanity.

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And I'm not admonishing anyone or shaming anyone here, I'm just talking out loud to myself.

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That I thought for a moment that how much time and energy and resources and effort do I put into my own luxury and my own comfort,

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and what more could I be doing with all of that?

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May Allah subhanaw taala guidance to simplicity. And may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from the adversity of prosperity? And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to live a life that is pleasing to Him. And may Allah subhanaw taala join us with the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam in the life of the hereafter. Just like me, Lucky

A non stop inspiring fiery talk by Sheikh Nasir Jangda. Not a long talk but suffice it to say a talk filled with information after information, fact after fact. Every sentence pregnant with crucial knowledge.

Did you know that every man will be challenged? More importantly, did you know that we get better with each challenge?

Why the need to be tested? What if we aren’t tested? What about what are we tested with? Big tests? Teeny tiny tests? How do we know we are being tested? Do we need to know we are being tested?

And the most pertinent question- what will you do about it today since our tomorrows aren’t guaranteed.

Give Sheikh Nasir just a bit more than thirty minutes of your day today and inshaAllah you will walk away with a different mindset.


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